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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 3:30am-4:01am AST

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the most of your mfc, our team successfully deliver your charity to those who need it most. across the mostly mild, we are feeding, building, caring, tooling, planting, fuel refined, teaching, and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal. a good hey, to be on the brink of collapse, guns control, most of the capital people are solving as humanitarian aid is blocked and the political vacuum as the last name of the classes. one schools this unprecedented counts and hired t. and what's the way out? this is inside, sorry, the
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kind of welcome to the program and how show, how about the people in haiti bracing for mo bile is weeks off to a powerful guns, lawyers and offensive to the top of a government food is running out. a sense that goes on in short supply and nothing is coming in or out of the capital. the united nations is wanting more than a 1000000 people on the brink of famine. there's essentially no government in place on plans to establish a transitional governing council of cause disputes and controversy. so how can, how you to overcome this crisis is for an involvement helping or is it feeling instability? we'll explore these issues with our panel of gas in a bowman's task. this report by katya lopez. how do you on haiti is in crisis. gangs have taken over most of the capital with reports of killings, kidnappings and sexual violence. schools, banks and most government institutions are closed and people are growing desperate
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. last night gunman, the storm door house with heavy firearms, the new to it and vandalized everything. getting anything in or out of haiti is a problem. the us and european union have promised 8, but delivering it is a challenge. the capital's main port is close as, as is the airport and heavily armed fighters have blocked the presidential palace with shipping containers. food fuel and essential supplies are running out. and for many making a living, is it possible? or the oldest and security? i don't have any more clients. even the people on the pavement con stopped to see my outlook on the street. the apple is closed and with suffering. i'm out here for the sake of it's katie is the poorest country in latin america and the caribbean. and for years it's phase political and financial and security, and 2010
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a major earthquake, displace more than 1500000 people. many are still homeless. more challenges followed when presidential in illinois was assassinated 3 years ago is nominated for a prime minister at in, into the was sworn in and promised to hold presidential elections as soon as possible. but nearly 3 years later, criminal gangs are filling the power vacuum. and so we have to understand that for, for most people, whether there is a, a prime minister today and not tomorrow, it's not going to make a difference in their life. if that government wasn't doing anything to support them from the beginning. gang leaders are opposed to a transitional governing council that the us and some caribbean countries are pushing for. it could be made up of representatives from hades, political blocks that after years of unsuccessful 4 and interventions, many stations are against it. the americans are imposing certain
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conditions on us to run the country, and this is not normal because our country's constitution already shows us how to organize ourselves. the governing council would in series pay for the way towards the elections. patients are hoping that will restore stability. but there's also fear it will give, can another reason to escalate violence cuts here a little piece of the again, i'll do 0 for story the let's get to the heart of what's going on in haiti with all aspect guests. joining us from new york is joel at a sub for the founding direct to the city university of new york haitian studies institute, and a professor of sociology at brooklyn college in boston. i'm on well on the on is the executive director of the haitian think tank for the city and social justice activists. and in the canadian capital, professor joan palka is director of the human rights research and education center
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at autoland. investigate is advised the united nations in numerous peace processes around the world, including tied to welcome to the program. john, add the honest fault with you. how did hey, to this send in to this guy us. so me, what's happening is bd. uh this was 0 is, this is not net never is not complicated to expand. i use it to your e. my t o is that on a t. since its inception, in 18 or 4, has arteries have to face sunk into an action or for sees made by do quality with and do quality with they have on we do it with the power to believe it do cost additional or not based on stevie hey this is one aspect, 2nd aspect bar. so do, do the behavior of the international community has also shit.
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the 4 digit got quite a few of the hayes on aids. and when you go up to our, to get to do ask, you know, the international community, 80 with the age on eighty's. so we can explain why that was happening a deep so that care was that is call it be taking place in the east part of what i would call the quantity shown in. so the, the kind of all right, so they have well gotten the ation so see to be in that place that we see now. exactly. because when we see what they call the game, actually the, i'm not getting the out. believe the 2 are we still that simple nation? and if you do like to call me back, please press 32, because in order to get this signed and the important thing we have is so that is quite a 40 to come back and 46. what is happening, hate is not to that. and when that what is happening in the soaks on county and
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what is happening in the democratic therefore people call. all right, what can happen? i mean, he can be explained by doing great power. also you west and must be see what's the big odyssey menu? what do you, how does it mean to d? so the other way to do so, let's say to use the menu vice by just add a, which is the 5 of the something that has been instrumental lives by the following bowers. i would say that it's a shared responsibility. on one hand, we have the international community, some powerful conchee is that being involved and 84 years. and they have any idea of access that with that aspect to and they have been promoting on the list of interest in the mean by promoting this of interest. they associated themselves with coldwell for each for patients, political news and members of the economic candidates. and this will lead us to a situation where those very few people less through careful hazel
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interests and the interests of the majority of the default. and you have, on one hand, they're dashing on community, the actors on the international communities and the actors on the bicycle. then you're going to be getting heavy or need surely shooting deal on agenda, you know, the new country resources and using a and found in one he, the l is now using the games to secure the power and the ability to continue to control the country resources and it's a situation that is detrimental to people and it leads us to these, you know, so we are seeing now john is a failure of the political elite in haiti. oh, it's a failure of every one. and i would agree with the last speaker that there is a shared responsibility. in fact, there's an awful lot of blame to go around both in the putative international
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community and certainly amongst patients both in the social and there's and definitely the so called the elite. there's a collection of persons and families that have long had dominant or influential rules, and they have failed, utterly, not only to effect control within haiti, but to reach any kind of a governing arrangements. we'll find out that kate so, so this is not a short term or something that was unforeseeable, or somebody minutes suddenly crept up on us. this is the character, unfortunately, of the state, which is to say it's essentially a failed state. don't add the, the, the groups or the guns are now the center of the debate, which is ongoing in haiti. do we know how they all? what's that agenda? so this is the item that i would say is this,
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the allies do count street to port produce mall k or us? because when we have a care with the situation that i would succeed, which one we are, the ways require full, i think drove insurance. and he, we have one in the haitian people, and i'm fairly glad that as, as the, that invited us to write on that they're not to not have to use because they're mentoring media. they never for use on the asian. and people are both in the 80 and the bashful that writing to what we call the, the disorder of that. and so the present do gen, after reading as a reward will show not the actor where is this the utilize? so do get the how much faster so they have their boss and their bosses. we find their bosses as i see a menu fusion in the pony to go speak to us in the private sector or business. but
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also i would add on the web joint pocket, i see it going back us, you'd be shown ations, you'd use this page state. i would foxtrot a agree with that. but also i would challenge that on as i tell them that you know, in the article i would because defense did use this or all, or try the, made out to you full. i for the see that the international community has porch in who do so fine. so if we take the equal home, we don't have in the corner we did, we don't have a massive. that was, why is the we have the back door use this, those before the policy, the 80, as the police to the transaction. what are the most important thing to see for the house? the wall coordinates shown we've did 4270 in the washing done. so there's one that's it off i'm, you know, would be either you method or if i mean you have them in by cd todd the last, if we take no,
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no sheet. so here we thing that's happening in the us. it off. i mean, you know exactly what is going on. so fine, 10 days a center is in washington dc. that was the plot to explain exactly where do guns comes from. do not seem to find me. i do not. ready off i'm a god. yeah, the know everything that is happening the, the disney be outdoors. nothing is because it's really inconvenient for them. and manuel, why is it the best time that most of the demands for waste by the guns is resonate along why the sections of the society in haiti and people seem to pretty much agree with what jimmy said is it, for example, has been saying over the last few days, i do use a, the idled speak jody's an echo to what do you mean susie? i've seen the he's on society is quite the opposite. we have gang the one that's still that the face using prison,
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the community crimes. and they want to cater to have in your narrative, that'd be, i'm not to be able to gains that deal with felicia narry. and they have repeating the same discords that paysimple as to what addition i'll be waiting for years. so let me, susie, seeing now is what so many here? so for the addition of thing, and part of it was the what the people want. he's just using this language to portray himself as someone he is not so that he can make sure that he's not treating as the gang in the middle of the years. but some sort of it wasn't extraordinary, but it's so one is not true. is that factual? the to far dear, he's a game criminal, he's been involved, he's so many so many bad things in the country. so he's us using this language and to go back to the question you asked earlier, what's the agenda? the agenda is very clear deal frustrating. it for themselves and for the people
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loved be boxing them for years. they want to be presented to the same view of the haitian people so that they do not jail. there is a fight to avoid accountability in the country and it started back when the active it started asking for a code of an easy on the people die based on financial scandal. people do not want to go to be the people who are the us. people is and they are doing everything they can to define the country so that no one goes to the gym. that's why we are back in the reason that's one of the reasons i'm telling you reason. and then the 2nd thing, the, the games up was showing a sign to control, to have to get ahold of power. because once they get into a box or they can chlorophyll, i'm the see. and then they can mix it, they never pay for what they have done is the people who are backing them the follow supported season and businessmen do not face justice need to. so that's what
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we'll do a showing it double showing. and because bose is a good deal trying to convince or to show that they have the support of the people they're using the link and see how god we are for the it's joan, these guys control 80 percent of the capital and they are reinventing or trying to reinvent themselves to somehow build bridges with a disgruntled population in haiti. how do you see that moving forward? do you think they will definitely have a biggest say in life in the future? not the gains, particularly important press, has not had effective control for quite a long time. it's no up to about 80 percent of put in practice, but it would spend half of the city for a couple of years now and there. and there are many games and uh, the understanding of exactly who they are and how they function. uh, this is a bit complex. uh, as one of the previous speaker said they have their sponsors, uh they have their providers of resources. uh there are the different narratives
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about, uh, the some uh like, uh, it shows the hu fashions himself a kind of modern, resurrected robin hood of swords and stuff like this is all a lot, lot of a nonsense that the, the, the games are criminal. there is no doubt they are brutal and they are effective in what they are doing, which is to say, controlling the streets. they have the grievances for sure and they need to be engaged. but the fundamental issue here is uh, the country is without any effective control, there hasn't been a rule of law and a long time. there is no effective judiciary. there's no, the legality of any state authority is now largely absent. even the arrangements recently made internationally our extra constitutional. i'm just virtually no legitimacy. so the power of guns and control on the street, at least some sort of press belongs to the gangs, and that's going to have to be engaged with it. all right, but in any case,
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don't as the how should we blame for what is happening in haiti? should we blame the audience henri, because there was no to an elected official and who was a big fan of not having elections whatsoever to the point where we ended up having political vacuum? no parliament, no efficient government and chaos came in. so yeah, that's a good question because it's so see that these new homeowners in your role is to say i b is very easy. what junior's and 80, on one hand, we shouldn't blame the to that the show know, actor of devoted to god class, those people who on the see power as a way to feed the baby and die in the time. but also we should be in the international community do quality west ponder these, you're more than you all do. you messed it up on me on the invitation. so c,
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i p 40 because also meant by cd associates you, we, how hot man, bill, of ceaselessly i, the fall news will have been seen for a new organ and tissue. and for a she off us for the what is it, why the deep but even the same? oh yeah, he was never be by the haitian population. you was be by do call me by my the email me good. i leave with we. so the international not for me to be how on ways choose do was offshore, and for the do you find to call him for the people that we are talking. they are also are the was or not the to flight is sort of showing for he the international community they choose to go. we do was 42 car actor easy. so is it fairly complex the, the wish or because of location people? they have a fairly foreclosure that can work. but honestly, it is
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a kind of warranty, in which their own call it the battery's under to deal each of the units. they don't find the castle, the daughter was dupel goosey an actor, easy to ship the d dot. i'll see then the hutch is therefore bit and by the way, law is that transitional counsel, the best answer to the problems of haiti at least for the time being the time being there is no other option then as an additional console because we need some time to live action, and we cannot have a power of auction like this. we need people to be able to take the season on behalf of the country. although it's still we get it because they are not elected officials, but these are the situation we are now. and we need to fix that. we have no other choice than having us on these are the console for now. and the goal would be to have elections as soon as possible. i a john is the us, does it still have leverage?
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others still have a bigger role to play in the future to prevent further descent into this. i don't know, but the word liberal edge. uh it has possibilities. uh, and if you allow me just to, to take exception a bit with the narrative that we've been hearing that this, this very still idea of the external buggy man and the zip for an nefarious interest. and so, all of, that's partly true, but the hard fact is that you know that he has had endemic corruption for most of its existence. it's uh, transferred to international, identifies it a 100 and 71st out of a $180.00 states. extremely corrupt, extremely, by the way, extreme poverty, 50 percent a literacy. there hasn't been a serious selection and above 20 percent. turn out in a long, long time. and so we really have to tackle here is that this is a failed state. i come back to that and here that means that the internet community
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and lead to probably by the united nations because telecom for all of its goodwill and present and present ally of gayona's enthusiasm to take some leadership simply doesn't have that capability to do what needs to be done, i think what we need to be talking about is something like a trusteeship that can create the facilities to, to react, to reinvigorate the sovereignty of hey, he for the haitian people. that is so long for. but that's not going to come magically from some kind of organic process. this is going to have to be supported internationally. and i think the when's going to have to step up. but that requires political will and resources. and it's not clear that that's their joint, as the you said earlier, the on so should come from within, should be lead and owned by the people of haiti. that's when you look at the situation on the ground, you have the g 9 lead to 2 minutes. chose the a for example, to meet up with the zip lead to gabrielle g. and yeah, on one hand, you have gave philip,
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who leads the national awakening for sovereignty of haiti. and who is very ambitious about taking over the only people now leading the movements in haiti. do you see the potential for a stable, prosperous, lived in katy with these actors? yeah, definitely, definitely. i see that. and for that to happen, we need is to cheer should be for sweet. see, we need to send it back to you. and it finds that we never stop by we do, we'll do the got 2 more off with the mainstream media. and of course, do you know that quietly in p t mentoring me? yeah. the hey, don't then you know, the to call me cry and they can have what we call duplicating. yeah. so it does also um, you know, a, he didn't agend of do minutes with me that on with his and he to as a group level,
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i totally all violence. this is one of the 2nd thing i, which i mean the idea of having to do, i have to trust the sheet of he because the haitian is the only so c i t in deal with the heavy speed that after i had is that kind of the photo shot, so patient people, they have this sort of showing ation and people that have disorders on board we are, we have to meet that hall. i'll do white save here. so white people say, oh this is, i've tried to, this is really a logical dish of ice copy. that is the way people are fig day. again, this is john swan who some people are well talking about the cool option. we have ecology and we didn't need an actual now these are actually not for me to be clear to continue on. and then finally on the board to let me see, would you mind if i got ok, but due to somebody in the don't go to the he's on board, but they close to this store is doing nothing out there. and you basically kinda
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busy sweets, busy in washing doors. so the international community has to stop thinking, hey, show people as you then, and they need to be quite a bit the whole new way to go. we want to, why did senior need patients before our deal? fortunately to say best buy, is it all right? well, briefly, if you don't mind, do you think that the assassination of juvenile, and whereas in 2021 was a turning point and that what we see happening and that was just one of the ramifications of that event alone does as a nation of the business was just one more fee in the head and determined it was as kind of 80 and it was of use for any one of the situation any. but it was going to only to get worse. and this was the now the representative of the ways wasn't doing anything, what he was in power to find the games to come back the game. he wasn't trying to restore democracy. he wasn't trying to become the middle of the country. he was
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mean you're trying to buy time in bower and when he was killed his letters to i mean the president like so the one that back to my, the level of the executive board. i was going see there, he's as a falls off. okay. so the use of the situation, john, if we are to unpack what's next full height t v you and for example, is always a big yeah. in favor of an architect. so based on a transition, followed by an interim government, then election and then a transition towards more stability later in phase 2 and phase 3. but how can you put together the elements of a transition when nothing works in the country, you have an efficient government corrupt political elite, a corrupt business community. and you don't have keep little party is able to get
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the act together of this crucial moment for the people of haiti. that's exactly the conundrum. it's not a unique one. this has been the case and some of the situations historically and, and transitions the, the international community such as it is, is getting better at managing transitions in some respects. it's highly challenge in many places. so this is no panacea to be sure. but the option is to face increasingly deteriorating, not, not just chaos, but really all fairly state collapse and uh, and with all of its, uh, in, in dodge. and that's an extraneous external effect. so really, this is the only path i mentioned trusteeship. you can call it what you like. there has to be some kind of an actor that provides physical security, instability, and so kind of a basic rule of law around which planning an order can be restored. because that does not exist, not only for the people of haiti, but for the region, the community of kind of being states, for example,
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neighboring states and support. this has an international problem and it needs to be engaged in with bigger and urgency. and that will require security, external security. and by the way, i don't think a 1000 kenyon policemen are going to be up to the task facing a barbecue and the games and so forth. that's going to require much more robust, extraordinary moments for the people of haiti looking forward to see what happens in the future. john, do something for him, and while i do young jone pack, i really appreciate you decide. thank you and thank you to for watching, you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just be a dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside. slowly. we can also join the conversation on x, a 100 is at a j inside. so for me, i should mind, but on the entire team here in the pipeline or the
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why have american evangelicals become? this real strongest background is us president joe, find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the challenges here with the
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now let me tell you almost equal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we enter the a coupon. occupied right now, able to practice much locked in the now be used only elliptic very close here like come in here, sits on to play with a large stairs face with
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a look in my private now. thanks, royal, i can also offer somebody valley equal, restored to me and gone the, the madison. this is the 0 life from don't have these of the top stories. another county board of trucks is arriving in northern jobs are loaded with desperately needed age. 19 shots are carrying essentially including rice, sugar, and flour. it follows an earlier delivery on saturday. it was the 1st one in months to arrive in the north without a incident. is there any forces have killed more than 92 people in garza, in the past 24 hours. at least 12 palestinians were killed in general bala, in a started kind of residential building. it takes the total number of fi.


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