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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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and blessings as nice as your 13 nights is a human appeal platform, which enables you to automate you with a nation's on every night to from it and helping to make the most of this you to for months. trust us with your messy this ramadan. the . ready these randy army says it killed high ranking a mazda official ma, one piece in an s strike on march. 11th the color there. i'm just gonna see, okay, and this is under 0 life. and also coming a report by the you in special rough or tough lines, they all reasonable grounds that israel is convincing genocide saying it's war on
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gaza. shows an attempt to destroy the past. and he's really has used to come a flash of your money. tare on low to characterize the entire policy and people in life sustaining a life, saving infrastructure of accounts on us target dable, key level destroy about a day of the un security council. post a resolution quoting for an immediate cease fire and gaza. there's been more cottage across the street a bridge in the us, as he shows more, collapses of the congress ship rams into it. the governor has declared the stage of emergency the whole we begin with breaking news these really minute 3 says it has killed my one isa the deputy minute 3. come on to a from us. let's go straight to our correspondence. come to settle. hood and occupy
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the stories and what are you hearing from these rallies and took us through the significance of his death if, if it is indeed profound. the, these are only military announcing this evening in a press conference by the army spokesperson, daniel, how guy the that motor one are you? so who is considered among these really is to be the number 3 in her mouth after. yes, yes. and want and i'm how much the last but he was killed in an air strike 2 weeks ago in central gaza. now, on march 18th to the united states, had said that they have confirmed, based on their intelligence that lisa was killed in this era strike. but at the time these rallies had said they were still evaluating. and this evening, daniel, how god, he says that based on intelligence acquired by the israeli army. but he was indeed killed in central guns. how mass at this hour has not issued any sort of response or statements to these really claims. and here was also a fairly high ranking official. so this would be
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a real boon for the military offensive. you know, the is rarely so i've been saying since the beginning of this war that they are going to find and kill all how mass leadership and every single how mass fighter on the ground. and it wasn't just going to be in guns. it was going to be all over the world in countries like loving on turkey and caught thought of as well. the is really is have also been saying, but one of the main goals of this war was to eliminate him as the political. and these were ever they fall and they say that every single leader, every head of have mass will be found. now the is really, is 2 weeks ago, had conducted this strike saying that they had targeted him while he was in a tunnel or leaving some sort of tunnel. and that was based on intelligence. they had of his whereabouts as to the offensive on the ground. it's not really known
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exactly what's going to happen because you have how much, who's still has quite a military presence in gaza. just yesterday we saw at least 14 rockets that were fired from gaza in northern and central parts of the palestinian territory where these really army said months ago, they had obtained full operational control. so this is a war entering, it's 6 months that is showing no signs of letting up. i'm just on hold. that was all very nice as far as from occupied is true. some. thank you so much. i'm to well, the united nation special rough which has presented the findings of a report that says they are reasonable grounds. that is really is committing genocide and gaza. francesca albany z says it, israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the u and genocide. convention, including killing members of a specific group causing serious bodily or mental home and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction and whole or
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in pause. she also found that genocide, acts were approved and given effects of the statements of genocide will intend by staying it is really military and government officials is that of an easy all use are all part of a set. let colonial process of a regime which has now been on the way for world and 70, is she recommends, among other things and immediate embargo on israel and from member states to, to support from africa. and it's attempt to prosecute as well at the international court of justice. well, let's listen to positive what albany they presented to you in human rights council in geneva. today. he's rarely sold yourself published footage, boasting about the killing of families. mothers cheated for in the bottom to go home, smokes and schools. so that's incriminating videos, show them so distinctly mocking and discriminating their policy and victims not only by violating their physical integrity and right to life, but also their dignity, the most intimate to post sessions and spaces that the soldiers have entered in
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love with it. and by disagreeing cemeteries and places of worship, when the ground offensive started, the number of the casualties seem to reduce body, in fact, that even over atrocities increased, must disappearance and arbitrary re detentions widespread in systematic torture in any main treatment. add to the experience of endless death and loss desperate people had to search to rumble with their behinds. many have been unable to bery hungry of loved ones. these acts of genocide have be motivated by the human on people as seen in this course, which characterizes the entire color scheme and people in gaza as enemies to be around dictated or forcibly removed. tablet as under has more details now for us from un headquarters in new york. this is the report. it's 25 pages long to quite extensive document. but the title of it is anatomy of
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a genocide. for words that clearly set the stage for what this report is about. uh, she is an independent expert that was appointed by the human rights counselor. we've heard from her in previous weeks and months talking about her research and how she strongly believes this is a genocide being perpetrated by israel. but this was really the 1st time that we got to see her final report and also for her to give her oral summary of that report that i'm holding here in my hands. what's really impressed is impressive about this, if you will, is how exhaust, if it is how line by line she goes through each of her points, backed up with dozens, if not really hundreds of citations of evidence, whether it be death, toll numbers who is being killed the women, the children statements by is really, authorities are government officials, a backup her claims here in this report,
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and really weighs it out line by line about how she concludes that israel is in violation of 3 of the 5 genet 5 conventions there. so it's a very strong report. what's happening now to our top story, these really minute 3. it says it has confirms that it has killed him. i won a so the deputy military commander of homos. that's when you're out. is there a senior political analyst smell on the shower? he joins me now in the studio moment just how senior was is, where did he sit within the whole, i'm asked you for system. what presumably, i mean, of course, how much is it? it does not exactly, you know, open, it's not a government. so in terms of resubmitted there waiting, but it said that the 2nd in command of the military rank of how much. now if you ask those writers of course they would like to make him as if he is as high as possible because then he is more valuable target than his. it is a, presumably a greater success for the israelis and,
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and the biggest radio for shows is there any agenda? those have been quite hasn't meant in the past 5 months on the line. the idea that they're going to go after how much lead to swing and to the mind of many observers, if israel can get to the top echelon of how mice and gaza, it could start believing that it is achieving some form of victory, or at least on for them, for revenge, right. however, what, what we know from the history of this conflict and $0.70, how much is establishment as a political and military group in the late 19 ninety's? sorry. and then i least, 1918 is what i began assessing. i think i'm actually there's been the 99 days. so think about it. is that every time? is there a declared victory by size anything? what, how much leader does it and stepped up to take his place. so the idea of declaring
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victory, because one or 2 or so for how much the, those were killed, has proven to be more of a facade more of a deception for public consumption. then it is an actual achievement. because as i said, not only dozens have step up to take the place whenever i live there is assassinated . but we've seen it from the 1990 is onward from the 2002 onwards. is that with every assassinated generation of leaders as a new lead, there's the 2 on or even more hard core shots than the previous generations. so the previous generations example out, in other words, doctors and an architects and engineers or whatever that happens to be a radical resistance. leaders, then you, then you leaders like for example, some water, right? the supplement is that in and gaza,
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you spent 23 years and it was really jail. the man is so hard core and so hard and right in his heart and mind and idiology and so on, so forth that he, stephanie far more. i found it to competent on far more radical than all his predecessors. so kidding visally, those might be claimed to be practical or so i said you evicted it, but in the end of the day have must, has proven more than capable of producing more or more leaders and my rice. i'm thinking in this conflict so far. my one is, is actually the senior most em us figure who has been killed between not only 11 on . yeah. right. so it was all good in gaza. yes. but of course, as we all know, that how about us, you know, is one more as a, as an organization that's quite tight article and, and it has quite the command within the hierarchy that trickles down. so whatever
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the hierarchy is, it doesn't matter what the geography is. and in fact, some of the most hardcore leaders are in fact in that section right along the 3 or 4 sections is the one that is based in the prisons. very interested in one of the 34 main commanders that actually in prison because they have present wing for how much more than just in terms of assessing what israel is thinking right now. as you say, they've said very publicly that they've had to destroy the hold of them off for many of them. that means destroying certainly the leadership of how mass, especially the ministry leadership. what is your assessment of how that's going so far? i understand that's certainly a majority, i believe a battalion come on does have been taken out. so in terms of, of the way that is what is approaching us in terms of in measure of success, how are they doing? look, i mean there's no doubt that after 5 months of bombings, much of it to discriminate that some of the collateral damage happened to be how
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much leaders, right. and clearly a lot of them were killed. there's no doubt about that. i'm not sure if it's to said one 3rd, 3 quarters more of that. there's just as like i know 2 things to be a fact that we've known this 5 the past 5 months. and that's what really it's troubling for these res. one is that know how much fight those have surrendered? well, and certainly today's radius is picked up. what kinds of people call that of them? how much, but they are know how much fighters that scientists to have must lead. there's none of them have carpets related to is read in gaza and these are the 2 things that are most troubling for these readings. and in fact, when you listen to that experts, they keep going over it again and again help with these people. meaning the leaders and the minute, that's the so hard core that no one has a recap. it's ag skipped picture that there's not one test settings. all right, interesting, dynamic suddenly going forward down to the shar, thank you so much for joining us again. a fault. meanwhile,
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israel has continued to disregard a un security council cease fire resolution saying it will have no operational significance for its military and gaza. the resolution passed on monday. it demanded an immediate cease fire, but blissful has changed on the ground so far. faced 17 palestinians including 4 children, were killed and his really s drive targeting a her near rough or the 9th. he's really, government has repeatedly said it comes to launch a ground defensive on rough uh, cause a southern my city. when more than one and a half 1000000 shots. so the last almost is of a domestic and happens around $1230.00, that's off to the un security council. israel doesn't look to the council. these were good people off displaced the civilians. this is how they met their end. israel told us to go to rough or if you want to strike rough or tell us to leave, why destroy the houses over our heads with the protection of civilian lives?
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what do we suppose to do? a lot springing correspondence on the ground tower couple was there and he's in rafa and southern garza for us target seems israel has taken very little notice of what is a legally binding security council resolution yes . in fact, despite to the un security council resolution being made them past the day, the situation on the ground is still a really dia, as these valley ongoing compartment did not stop us. there was no any laptop in financing. and right now, just a new boom button and just an s troy has been taking place here in a rough, a 100 years to very find the of the quality of the strikes, which area it has in a rough loc, completely targeted. but also in the past hour we've completely witnessed most strikes, skin roof or wherever residential building has been completely destroyed, with no casualties being reported. and that's absolutely terrifying. now this saved
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so and had been multiple targeted by these while the fight to jets with new any kind of try out warning as everyone knows that there is a full collapse of security and safety here in a rough off. but we're happy to see more escalation as strikes and separate costs of the gaza strip in the vicinity of how she felt hospitalized. also in default, no the costs of the territory where the value of refuge account had been widely attract, where a number of palestinians have to report to killed and injured. and one of the latest attacks that had destroyed residential building and one of the latest search, serious development is that these very trips for rates and in the hospital has surrounded the entire hospital with sand piles. how many people to the hospital as they are giving to display location. so now as compartment and concentration to continue between almost flight isn't the is it is to just talk i have to ask you about what to what is literally just happened. i can
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hear the, the panic around you, we just so that ambulance story paused. sirens, blazing, and obviously we, we do apologize for all of us for the language a little earlier on in our conversation. we see that there's a huge amount going on around you. right. now what are you seeing and hearing yes and fox i would we as we are just proposing about the old, the latest developments inside garza, we have been hearing loud explosion of from the it's very a fight to just stop talking to a such an area here in a rough eyes to a noun, what is it, what is the target that's being hit with an is rarely a truck. impedance is here from equate to hospital while we are reporting a problem right now has complete and have a completely now started to head to the location of the targeting. just to search for victims found for even survive isn't what i to bring them here to all the way to hospital to receive medical treatments. and that is the real scenario and the
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real it even a situation that we have been going through since we have been evacuated here to russell. we have been told that it's going to be a safe zone for the majority of cars and spot. it has been on the wide military attack in the past few weeks where israel has been targeting residential houses, agriculture loan funds, even 10 a were palestinians have been seeking refuge off to being multiple, displaced from the houses and palestinians here hate night. consider it to be a noise met, that is absolutely is full of is very military drones that keep buzzing in order to search and to gain most security information for me targets to be eliminated. but we have been discovering in the past few strikes that the majority of people being killed were children of women and warehouses. that completely contains a contain civilians. and also the back to reuse who had been multiply. it slipped from different areas and causes to it. but right now, living along with the family members with the relative on some of them have rented
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the apartment c. but yet again, to have been attacked in area that is supposed to be a safe zone. tar couple is that they are forcing live from the ground in rafa and southern goal is a forest. thank you so much, tara can please do stay safe yourself as well. the us defense that for you, lloyd austin, has told israel's defense minister that the safety of civilians, right? that in rafa is a top priority. you have to go on to travel to the pentagon for that in person meeting on tuesday. israel says it is still planning a ground defensive in the southern most as you have the gaza strip. one and a half 1000000 displaced, palestinians have been forced to seek shelter. of the us, i'm going to the national community has raised more pieces, concerns over the safety of people. the pentagon correspondent, as you call him as an arlington virginia, a pretty strong language from the us secretary of defense, lloyd austin, at the beginning of the meeting, know we know the is really defense minister you'll have kalonde has come here with a long list of weapons that he says israel needs to get from the united states
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including really event fighter jets. this is seen as the most critical, critical key piece of leverage that the us has. if we want to try and force israel to change course. so what happens? well, we were able to speak to a senior defense official and a background call and reporters repeatedly pressed were the weapons granted, are they on their way? and you would only say that the west are strongly believes israel has a right to defend itself, and to defeat him off that israel says in the us believes they are following international laws of war. and any announcements would come in the future. but again, it was fairly tough language at the beginning, the main, let's us to that protecting palestinian civilians from harm is baltimore, almost subsidy. and the strategic imperative and gods are today. the number of civilian casualties is far too high. and the amount of humanitarian aid is far too low. god is suffering material. catastrophe. situation
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is getting even worse. the safety of the 1500000 palestine angel williams. and rafa is also a top priority for the united stage. the senior defense official said that he believes more aid is getting into gaza, although he said it's still not nearly enough. and when it comes to rafa we per, we're able to press and say, what does the us want to see happen? he said basically the us wants to see $1500000.00 palestinians. they're being able to move safely to somewhere else as long as israel can provide for their basic needs. and then start the assault on rasa. the problem is this vice president come on hers. she just said in the near view that she's looked at the maps, there's literally nowhere for these 1500000 people to go. so obviously still a big debate behind the scenes, but it's kind of got to choosing not to let it go. public, particularly algebra at the pentagon. it's all still a head here on elders here, suicide attack and pack a strong leaves 5 chinese nationals and
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a local drive at that. the the hello there are a lot of active other point in to the central mediterranean here. so why look at what's going on across europe, but let's go to where the action is. this is going to be a deluge through italy, including amelia romano. likely to see some flooding down through rome. so we look at the next few days, could scoop up to a month's worth of rain over 48 hours, but we're lifting up warmer air from africa. so your temperature as well showed up once the sun comes out. also a sting with the winds through portugal and spain supporting rain in the north. so porto you to be looking at a months worth of rain and wind gusts, 7080 kilometers per hour. you'll lock your temperature in to about 14 degree is
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what, whether swirling around the islands of ireland, britain, france, and the low countries here. so pretty to all day on wednesday for you into turkey. we go, i've got a lot going on, few showers across the country. light is free, so it's stumble. you're up to 17 degrees. and what weather will extend from robot rate through to tune is likely to see some sand storms really right across libya. now kind of give you an update on this, we've got a tropical storm that's formed here in the northeast of madagascar. this one is going to dump potentially up to half a meter of rain over the next. so bits and the rain feels in cross south africa, could see some thunder storms here of the boss, or a 10 year journey, in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the outer big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for
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the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories to solve. these randi minute treat, says it has killed mar, one. he saw a deputy minute trick. a mazda from mazda is military when it was reported to calvin, and as really as strong carried off any of this month in the central gulf, a strong new and special rascal chance, and the palestinian territories as release or force that finds that all reasonable
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grounds to believe that israel is committing genocide in casa francesca avenue easy . it says that is what has violation. 3 of the 5 acts listed under the u. n. genocide convention. and major rescue operation is continuing in the us as a full tool where a bridge has collapsed after being hit by a container ship, a number of people were thrown into the river below. and the governor of maryland says that response teams are doing everything they can to rescue them. you're watching live pictures from the scene. now these 6 people are still confirmed. missing montana has this report. a container ship was less than 30 minutes into it's 27 day voyage to sri lanka when things went horribly wrong. the initial report say that dolly was heading off to see just for one to 2. yeah. and when is the last propulsion, then the crew won't pull to authorities of a possible collision. fits it. the problem is it's got to keep bridge. nature
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transporting for mary land us, east coast. it's a shocking site to see because you live your whole life here. and you've seen this thing your entire life, and then one day you go outside and it's not there. the bridge and, and the number of vehicles plunged into the protests. go river, the government of maryland to clear the state of emergency as a search operation continued hours later, we have a large area that we have to search. this includes on the surface of the water, sub surface, as well as on the deck of the ship. it's 2 people were rescued from the water one with severe injuries. this is a one think about a trach. we have to 1st and foremost, great. all of those for impacted of those families, pray for our 1st responders and thank them. all of them working together. city state local to make sure that we are working through this treasure the own off the
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ship, which is registered in single poll says old 22 crew members of states. both baltimore police and the white tiles said the collision was not connected to any act of terrorism. the poor 10, the surrounding area had been closed. several government agencies are working to get to the root of what happened. but for now, the focus is on the search for any survivors. my kind of, i'll just sierra baltimore, a while that's being talked correspond and alan especially, he joins us from near that collapsed bridge and baltimore island. i understand this actually could have been much worse if they hadn't sent out that made it the president there has been promising federal help. that's right. if you take a look over my shoulder, you can see the remains of the bridge. it's something that everyone around here recognizes the route running up to at this time of day would normally be bumper to
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bumper traffic. clearly you can see that no one's going to cost up for some considerable time. 35000 vehicles a day passed the bridge. it took them 5 years to build it is going to take them some considerable time to repair that. but of course, the most immediate thing is the search and rescue operation. now below tide. and probably the next 1520 minutes. that may help the operation significantly, but as you see, the cold that was sent out with the media call, which crudely imported because of the load, those of the emergency services and people walking around the bridge to be able to stop traffic. so this tragedy could have been much greater, but at the moment there still 6 people missing. and joe biden, speaking at the white house in the last hour or so, has said that the federal government is committed to getting this bridge reopened. as soon as possible. i the we're going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this mercy. i mean, all the federal resources and we're going to rebuild that port together. everything so far indicates that this was
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a terrible action. at this time we have no other indication, no other reason to believe is any intentional. act here personal on board the ship are able to alert the maryland department of transportation that they have lost control of their vessel. as you all know, reported as result local. as far as you are able to close the bridge, the traffic before the bridge was struck, which on donnelly, save lives. now obviously the fact that there's wreckage lying in the water, it means that this channel, which is the only one in and out of baltimore port, is close. that will be close for some time. and that could cause a real shock in the economy. because baltimore is the 2nd largest port on americans, eastern seaboard, but it is the main point of the arrival for things like fund vehicles, for trucks, things to help go into the midwest of the country because the need is point there. so that means that supply chains are going to take a hit on also is the result of that. that means that the us economy is going to take a hit. so you can understand why the clean team to get this up and running as quickly
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as possible. also, for the more than a 1000000 people who live in this immediate area, this is a huge transport link. and so that is suddenly taken out of the equation as well. you can hear just in the distance, the sound of that search and rescue operation ongoing. the n t s b, the national transport safety board, they are now on the scene. they have a team of more than 20. they will start gathering evidence. they've not been onto the ship yet. they say they will do that to model. they'll be looking up. that's best so record those to give them some indication of what exactly happened, but much more importantly. what exactly went wrong on for so that was all very licensed forest from the scene near that bridge in baltimore. thank you. i'm or or what he needs found a journey into songs is now facing another way to find out whether he can appeal his expedition from the case of the united states. loven's high court has a john the decision on the appeal until the 20th of may. the founder of who he
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makes faces 18 charges in the us, related to the release of classified documents about the boys. and i found us down in a rock as long as has been fighting extradition since he was charged back in 2019 a 5.


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