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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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she needs to excel. her dream is fast becoming a reality. she's one of the top students in that class. human appeal makes the most of your see the fees ready on the says it can now confirm it till the top come us come on that and and as strikes over 2 weeks ago, the hello there. i'm just all the attain. this is alta 0 life from don't on also coming a report by the you and special rough what to for the occupied palestinian territories finds they all reasonable grounds that israel is committing genocide, saying it's war on garza shows an intent to destroy the 1st thing and people piece
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really has used to come a flash of the money tie on low to characterize the entire policy and people in life sustaining a life. saving infrastructure of the gods on us started a key level destroy about the day off. so the un security council, hostile resolution, demanding an immediate cease fire and gauze that has been moved across a bridge in the us. if you focus more, collapses off the color shape rams into it. the government has the kind of state of emergency the these really minute 3 says it can now confirm that it has killed mar one isa. the deputy come on to it from us is minute 3 ring is around says he was killed by an s strike out of this month targeting the central gaza strip. and all that senior mouse commanded was also killed in that same attack. and i, it is how they should,
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on this evening after checking all the intelligence that are disposal, we have established with the certainty, based on solid intelligence that mar, one is, was killed in the strike we carried out approximately 2 weeks ago along with because the apple tomato marwan isa was the deputy of mohammed al died and one of the planners of the october 7th massacre. well, god, z abo tomorrow was the former commander of the how much central over gabriel, and was in charge of weapons manufacturing in home us. so they were killed in a targeted and precise strikes based on the information we received from military intelligence and sion bed. and then what's the army use substantial and unconventional operational capabilities? we will pursue our noble efforts to track down and target him. us leaders all the money to hold on a line, and we'll get them here from garza from to a couple other. and he's in raw for the 1st. let's get a little more detail about israel's claims from i'm just also choose an occupied
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east jerusalem. and the strike happened something like 2 weeks ago. what new information are these really saying they've received now in order to confirm it says that these really are me is essentially saying that based on intelligence, they have gathered after this striking central balance around 2 weeks ago, that they can now confirm they have killed my one or a so they're saying he was the, essentially the 3rd in command when it came to him as, as military when after yes, yes and what and of how much this the army is also saying that this came with provided intelligence by the sion but as well, now back on march 18th, the united states said that based on their own intelligence, they had confirmed themselves that model one result was killed in the strike. however, there has been no comment from him ass on the matter. and israel has previously said in the now 6 months of this war, that they are going to track down until every single member of him asked. it's one
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of their main goals of this war to eliminate both how masses, military, and political leadership and a war that has seemed more than 32000 palestinians killed. these really say however, they are going to prosecute this war in order to get rid of him ass on the ground. they are going to do that. i'm the son hudson. that was a license for us from occupied east jerusalem. thank you, honda. well, let's now go to tower cowboy zoom in rafa and southern goza talk. can you tell us a little more about who my one isa is to him? us? yes and fox and the one i use, i use one of the top commanders in the military wing of hamas for israel. destination of more one, a 2nd set it to be one of the biggest achievements that had been made since the beginning of this conflict in october. the 7th. he is one of the top of specials and you can set it to be from the east, very perspective, one of the most influential figures in the military wing of how most of some other
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sites that come out of the military wing of the most movement for the same time, he was also responsible for carrying out different military operations and games as well. and he is also having different films and also in a different operations that had been carried out during the latest rounds of confrontations. since that is what you need. lots of withdrawal from the gaza strip in 2005, yet it did, it has been multiple times that you had a success has succeeded from being eliminated by these many a fight to just as he was every student, every single time. that is, while the twice us as a night time within the school he has been killed, according to is very a report by the is what he meant a to spokesperson. by till now there was no any official comments from them and it to be a little from us regarding the confirmation of destination, of more one alongside with cuz the other to my one also of the top of it shows that the monitoring and both of them are members in the military accounts sort of from
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us military. we don't know what time, how much on this well and see what we get from the baton last hour when you and i spoke that seemed to be a lot of panic and promotion around you. a strike not very far away and seems israel has taken very little notice of what is meant to be legally binding security council resolution yes, in fact uh, 3 houses and in the past few hours have been hits here in a rough and just a few minutes ago another house had been attacked in a rough i city. we have been hearing loud explosions, a gun as impedances rushed to the area that had been talking to it. but it sounds to be like these 3 houses that had been hit by is while the 5 digits, messiahs have been receiving warnings to flee, and to evacuate dust. there are no casualties till now. have been revolted, but they are absolutely please say do military strikes in different areas in the territory as in guns of 6050 palestinians have been killed from the same family on
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the vicinity of a she felt hospital in the past. oh exactly. we have been recruiting new attacks had been carried out on the middle areas where the onto the bottom and continues to bound the on the so rock refuge account alongside with the number of parts of gauze was specifically in tip out. yeah. or if you can, these areas where they is 20 minutes, we have top rated before. and they have announced that the managed to mandatory dismantle the military infrastructure of the palestinian armed groups. but yet we can see that confrontations and battles have resumed again in these areas. um at c, destruction is being inflicted to the entire areas where both how much flight is on the east very soon as i'm maneuvering. tie a couple of them with a very nice as far as from the ground from rafa and the southern part of the gaza strip. saying to tarik, oh that's not bringing again out of there is a new physical i'm the smell on the shower. he joins me here in the doha studio. mullin a week ago the us was saying that isa had been killed. now these really is the
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saying they, they have confirmation. what sort of impact might his death have? i understand he was, he was acting as some kind of career and these negotiations around captain. well, actually i'm not sure about that. what i know is that they do consider them to be important in the military wing and, and they would want to over emphasize assessing that they gave as the, in fact they have done so because for nothing now, who has seen his security credentials demolished and october 7 must have security. now, one story establish those credentials that there's nothing you know, and every such assassination effect in fact happened, would be highlighted in his red as a way to say that in as in the, i was infect succeeding in his strategy that by the or does he think from us has impact on the way to add to that. another dimension that is sort of almost
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complement that he is at this point in time, is that nothing you know, is basically putting these varieties in order to gain their confidence. again, is that i'm the only one capable of defeat the combustion. and at the same time, standing up to the american administration. and the amount of administration wants to do 2 things much to stop the war. course he's fine because of the humanitarian cost out of any such and vision overall. and because the united states wants to move forward with it be supplement and he's again private himself to be able to stand up for america and not accept any imposed supplement by the united states. this kind of a case by highlighting an, an, an s i presume destination about on a so basically tells the americans that's what it's doing it off as in fact succeeding. if both i'm out of caught in the united states of america and israel. i
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agree on the idea that's how much the the ship needs to be destroyed. then what that is just doing is the correct thing, that alpha. so that's very important for these read it to be highlighting still them on one. it took more than 5 months for israel to actually get to this point. if indeed my one use of was killed or not strike to even get someone as senior is the. so how is israel doing by the metrics of its own success in terms of how it's, it's labeled, it's subjective. well, there's actually, that's a very good question and there's a number of levels to, to answer that one. the cause of the destruction of the guys is so severe, the humanitarian catastrophe that is ready to create the general side that it is committing to stephanie, by far, the more important for the future of israel security. then the kidding of
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a number of how much leaders. so in fact, as the americans have been warning these varieties, they might win militarily, but they could end up losing strategically. because just a quick look at the polls in palestine today. and the most recent, i find the credible pool. so just that, how much the, those are the most popular today and the need or how much and water, for example, is 5 times 4 times 5 times more popular than the, for the city in president, with a bus was presuming to be the mazda, right? secular, and so also for yeah, so clearly the idea of uh, of the straight guys uh and, and uh, towards thing the 1st thing you need to give up or how much is not working. you were talking about a shift and the way that people think. so let me ask you, then, how would you now characterize the, i'm us military leadership, this generation of military leaders. because presumably is indeed that he's also
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going to be replaced. yeah, this is, this is another level to, to answer the question again. it is the idea that a new generation of about a city is according to the exports anyway, to the so she always just is more than keen at this point since i've been joined the ranks of how much they go so that in, you know, the deaf or the kidding of their loved ones that disruptions of their homes, of the schools of the hospitals. it's also for so probably to have as good find more of a coach i'm on the capacity is or was, is that how much ranks this probably now an angry or generation of leaders who would step in any time of the day and take over from whoever passes on and we've seen the over the past 3040 years, where every time is dr. cube, how mostly the dozens, what are the to step up. and in fact,
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those who did step up and take that position, likes and was took from his predecessor who was killed, they said not to be more hardcore, more radical, i find it and they more confident found the shortest. thank you so much for joining me again on the lesson will be speaking of at least the 2 years. well, meanwhile, the united nation special replica of the occupied policy. the entire truth has presented the findings of a report that says that reasonable grounds that israel is committing genocide and garza francesca alden easy says israel has violation of the 3 of the 5 acts listed on the view in genocide convention, including killing members of a specific group causing serious bodily or mental home and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its destruction, its physical destruction in whole or in part. she also found the genocidal acts were approved and then given effect of the statements of genocide we intend by seeing is really military and government officials. is that albany is they all use
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are all part of a set to the colonial process of a raise, which has now been underway for more than 70 years. she recommends, among other things and immediate arms and ball going as well. and also a member states to support south africa and it's attempt to prosecute as well at the international court of justice. he's really sold your stuff, published footage, boasting about the killing of families. mothers cheated for in the bombing of home, smaller 6 and schools. so that's incriminating videos, show them so distinctly mocking and mediating their policy and victims not only by violating their physical integrity and right to life, but also their dignity, the most intimate to post sessions and spaces that the soldiers have entered in love with it. and by disagreeing cemeteries and places of worship, when the ground defensive started, the number of the casualties seem to reduce body, in fact, that even over atrocities increased. must these up periods and arbitrary re,
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detentions widespread in systematic torture in any main treatment. add to the experience of endless. that's a loss desperate. people have to search to rumble with their behinds. many, i've been unable to be very hungry of loved ones. these acts of genocide have be motivated by the human antibodies teen in this course, which characterizes the entire color scheme and people in gaza as enemies to be eradicated. all 4 simply removed. get rid of those on. there has more details for us from un headquarters, and this is the report. it's 25 pages long to quite extensive document. but the title of it is anatomy of a genocide. for words that clearly set the stage for what this report is about. uh, she is an independent expert that was appointed by the human rights counselor. we've heard from her in previous weeks and months talking about her research and
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how she strongly believes this is a genocide being perpetrated by israel. but this was really the 1st time that we got to see her final report and also for her to give her oral summary of that report that i'm holding here in my hands. what's really impressed is impressive about this, if you will, is how exhaust, if it is how line by line she goes through each of her points, backed up with dozens, if not really hundreds of sites stations of evidence, whether it be death, toll numbers who's being killed the women, the children statements by is really, authorities are government officials, a backup her claims here in this report, and really weighs it out line by line about how she concludes that israel is in violation of 3 of the 5 genet 5 conventions there. so it's a very strong report. the still ahead here on out is there
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a lot of the latest on where he makes found? the julian his own just fight against is extradition. speaker. nice. it's a suicide attack and talk a strong lives. 5 chinese nationals and the local drive of all the the, the weather brought to you by visit castle. it's been active in eastern china, lots of storms. hey everyone. so this not too far away from shanghai pelted with hale here, busted out windows and some trench old downpours and we got another run of rain working across the tennessee river valley from move on to shanghai that will drop down to glen g. providence a. so during the blue and the yellow, the more intense that rain is falling the potential to see some more health storms here. so going up warmer air ne china beijing is up to 21 through the korean
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peninsula. and we finally dry off across depends main island to punch you tokyo, 16 degrees for you. temperatures once again up and put keta 30 eights, and also a few degrees above average in devout on minute. now island, in the southern philippines looks like a really wet forecast. coming your way for jakarta could see some funding there, but really across send you an easy as to monitor a java and borneo islands. plenty of rain in the forecast on wednesday with this breeze off the coral sea. we're seeing that rain up and down the coast of queensland states, especially around brisbin as well. it's been pouring rain there for days still dry though in melbourne. same goes with person that weather has moved away from alice. and then we've got a rain and wind. colin pope coming across is evil in south island. cool. and danny didn't see the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th, had to come in possible to ignore. there is no one nor,
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or international humanitarian law that has no being violated. then while you have some western powers supports of israel's actions, he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing, just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and tomorrow lead a look at how the international news are being applied and ignored. and the israel goes to conflict. israel a buffalo on al jazeera, the talk about you want to know to 0. let's remind you about top stories this out. these are in the military says it can now confirmed that it has indeed killed them . are one isa the deputy military commander from us as military when he was
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allegedly killed and then as really as try and carry them out of this month in the central gaza strip. you in special ref, which i have for the occupied palestinian territories, has released a report that finds they are reasonable grounds to believe that israel is committing genocide in gaza. francesca avenue easy says that israel has violated 3 and the 5 acts listed under the un genocide convention of the us defense secretary lloyd austin has told israel's defense minister the safety of civilians and rough as a top priority. you'll have kalonde has traveled to the pentagon for that in person meeting on tuesday as well. it says it is still planning a ground defensive in the southern most city of the gaza strip. where at 1500000 displaced, palestinians have been forced to seek shelter by the us. and the international community has been repeatedly raising concerns over the safety of people that open to con. correspondence has become hand doesn't. arlington, virginia, a pretty strong language from the us secretary of defense, lloyd austin,
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at the beginning of the meeting, know we know the is really defense minister you'll have kalonde has come here. was a long list of weapons that he says, israel needs to get from the united states including really vent fighter jets. this is seen as the most critical, critical key piece of leverage that the us has. if we want to try and force israel to change course. so what happens? well, we were able to speak to a senior defense official and a background call and reporters repeatedly pressed were the weapons granted? are they on their way? and he would only say that the western strongly believes israel has a right to defend itself, and to defeat him off that israel says, and the us believes they are following international laws of war. and any announcements would come in the future. but again, it was fairly tough language at the beginning, the main, let's of that protecting palestinian civilians from harm is baltimore on the subsidy and the strategic, impaired, and gods are today. the number civilian casualties is far too high and the amount of humanitarian aid is far too low. gaza is suffering,
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humanitarian catastrophe. situation is getting even worse for safety of the 1500000 palestine angel williams. and rafa is also a top priority for the united states. the senior defense official said that he believes more aid is getting into gaza, although he said it's still not nearly enough. when it comes to rafa, we were able to press and say, what does the us want us to happen? we said basically the us wants to see 1500000 palestinians. they're being able to move safely to somewhere else as long as israel can provide for their basic needs. and then start the assault on rasa. the problem is this vice president come on hers . she just said in the interview that she's looked at the map, there's literally nowhere for these 1500000 people to go. so obviously still a big debate behind the scenes, but depending on the choosing not to let it go public, political hang out 0 at the public on
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the major rescue operation continues in the us city of baltimore, white and bridge has collapsed after being hit by a container ship, a number of people were thrown into the river below. and the governor of maryland says response teams are still doing everything they can to rescue them. at least 6 people are still confirmed missing. like kind of went to the scene for us to contain the ship was less than 30 minutes into it's $27.00 day voyage to sri lanka, when things went horribly wrong. initial reports say that dolly was heading off to see just for one to 2. yeah. and when is the last propulsion, then the crew won't pull to authorities of a possible collision. to tip the problem to scott, to keep bridge nature transporting for maryland who is east coast. it's a shocking site to see because you live your whole life here. and you've seen this
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thing your entire life, and then one day you go outside and it's not there. the bridge and, and the number of vehicles plunged into the protests. go river, the government of maryland to clear the state of emergency as a search operation continued hours later. we have a large area that we have to search. this includes on the surface of the water, sub surface, as well as on the deck of the shipment. to people who are risk route from the war to one with severe injuries. this is a unthinkable trach. we have to 1st and foremost, great, all of those for impacted of those families pray for our 1st responders and thank them all of them working together. city state local to make sure that we are working through this trash the own off the ship, which is registered in single poll says old 22 crew met those all sites. those
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baltimore police and the white tiles say the collision was not connected to any act of terrorism. the poor 10, the surrounding area had been closed. several government agencies are working to get to the root of what happened. but for now, the focus is on the search for any survivors. mike hannah, i'll just sierra baltimore, while it's being taught costs on an island officially, he joins us live now from really near that collapsed bridge and baltimore. and as we learn more, more about how this will unfold, that it certainly sounds like that ships may de cool, potentially save many lives. that's right, and the national transport safety board is on site now with a team of $24.00. and they've begun the process of gathering evidence and gathering data to find out exactly what happened. but we know there was a meet a cold. and at that point, people nearby started closing the bridge. a bridge. the even during the night is
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fairly busy. and that could have saved on told number of lives there. or you can hear somebody in the distance of the helicopters that are still in the performing this search and rescue operation. what you can see beyond the bridge and in the water underneath. other teams that are, they are scanning for the 6 people that have been lost, neither spoken to the families. the families are spend time with the governor and they're hoping that they can still bring them good news. although it's gotta be said that more than 12 hours after this happened, and the water being as cold as it is, there's very little holes that there will be survivors 5 and the states. but certainly this is going to cause economic problems to which is why jewel bite and very quickly a nines that the federal government would do. all that could, to finance any rebuilding operations in baltimore. we're going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this mercy. i mean all the
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federal resources and we're going to rebuild that port together. everything so far indicates that this was a terrible action. at this time we have no other indication, no other reason to believe is any intentional. act personal on board. the ship were able to alert the maryland department of transportation that they had lost control of their vessel. as you all know, reported as result, local authorities are able to close the bridge of traffic before the bridge was struck, which on dollars saved lives, a few bits of judges that transport the secretary has been here and just in the last half hour or so has given an update briefing and he said the process to sort, this problem will not be easy, it will not be quick and it will not be an expensive. let me just put in context how important baltimore is. it is. the 2nd busy is port on americas eastern seaboard. it is the most important point for bringing vehicles into the country and also every d items that people use. and of course,
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we all remember the problems that were caused with the supply chain when we had cobra just 4 years ago and things were getting back to normal. but no, there will be a huge impact. they may look to try and get into other ports along the eastern seaboard, but it is going to be difficult to replicate the sheer number that come through here. so that's a consent for job i because of course we saw the impact that supply chain issues hot on inflation and that could happen again. so everyone is talking about getting the bridge fixed as quickly as possible. getting the ship out of the water, we making sure that the wreckage is removed. and then we can start talking about rebuilding a bridge which is going to take years. so this is going to be a really important investigation on sat made an effort to try and get everything back to normal. it will take years of an official reporting that from right next to the scene of that bridge collapse. thank you so much. how he makes found a julian,
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a sound is facing another way now to find out if he can appeal his expedition from the u. k to the united states. london's high court has a john a decision on his appeal now, until the 20th of may, the founder of where he leaves faces 18 charges in the us, related to the release of classified documents about the 4th. and i've kind of gone under rock during the hall has worn out from the as a temporary reprieve. so julian assigned in his fight against expedition to the united states with espionage charges. he's lawyers say good night to him, a 175 years in jail. but it's not, the full appeal hearing he took for the plate justices decided that a sanchez appeal can go ahead. but other than the, the u. s. and the u. k. failed to provide reassurance is it is case at a for the hearing here on may. the 20, the quote once a guarantee assigned will not receive the death penalty. and the judge is rejected
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. the argument that the us charges are politically motivated and therefore culture a to the rules of extradition. these 400000 documents in 2010 sounds, and here's organization, wiki leeks, published in thousands of documents linked by the whistleblower chelsea, manning. the revealed alleged us criminality, including torture, extra decent feeling and rendition by the us government in iraq, afghanistan, the us government says the documents were obtained illegally and their publication compromised. the safety of sources contained in the us own, just been fighting extradition for 5 years. while in london's belmont prison, he previously spent 7 years as a political refugee inside the ecuadorian embassy in london. speaking of the woods, his wife stella said she was astounded by the decision. what the courts have done had been to invites a political intervention from the united states just.


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