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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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on our capacity and funds are very limited, the clear and stop cold, old as israel to the food aid into gulls of at least 71 palestinians have been killed by a strikes in the past 24 hours the around when you're watching, i'll just they were like, well, headquarters here in the also coming the is very little planes targeting load and sylvia and military personnel and civilians are among those killed an 8 year old girl. is there any survive of a bush crush in south africa, which kills $45.00 others on board? and rushing to we unites more than a $130.00 school children kidnapped in nigeria. and i'd like for the families
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the welcome to the bank. i miss riley strikes have killed another 71 palestinians in gauze that since thursday there's hundreds of thousands face starvation fields top cool says all that as well to ensure food a gets delivered to the strip. gabriel, as on the how's the night is from un headquarters in new york as the world is watching, is palestinians go hungry due to israel's war on guys a it's now clear the i c j is watching as well. on thursday, the court unexpectedly announced new orders on israel to try to prevent famine. there are 3 new provisional measures, but the most significant one calls on is real to without delay, ensure and hindered provision of humanitarian aid. everything from food and water
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to clothing and shelter throughout garza including increasing the capacity a number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary . this additional provisional measure also calls on israel with immediate effect to hold any military action that prevents the delivery of that aid. the secretary general has no say over the decisions made by the primary judicial oregon of the un, but is following the case closely. we do believe, as a matter of principle that all member states need to a by divide by an implement decisions that the court the court said famine is now sitting in, in gaza. that's justifying the additional provisional measures. many of the judges considered that israel was not really complying with the order um and also given the specificity of the order itself,
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when it comes to 8 increments are and 8. i think that it is clear that this is going to be a key aspect of the discussion for south africa going forward. this is potentially what might make or break the case in terms of like, how do you decide whether genocide is happening is going to be this whole debacle of the $98.00 to gossip of the i. c, j has also requested israel issued a report on all of the measures it is taken to abide by the new provisional measures. that report is due by the end of april. gabriel is onto out here at the united nations in new york city. and i called you for the bus you both spoke with tamara. i thought i was thankful them for the united nations relief and works agency. and robert she says as well is actively blocking the agency from addressing garza's urgent humanitarian needs. about a week ago the is really, authorities announced that they were no longer going to cooperate with under uh,
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with the largest humanitarian agency currently in gaza. this for us is an impediment. and they're really official impediment to our ability to continue providing life saving food and medical supplies. over the last week, 5 of our requests to access the north of garza, which is almost entirely sealed, though, with food assistance were denied by the israeli government. therefore, we're finding that our operational space is really shrinking. however, it was still present in that. and as a reminder, when do i have shelter is the where we distribute food and we want to continue being able to do that. these are all these uh a tomorrow, give you any explanation as to why they wouldn't grant you access to northern gas. a new explanation. and we continued to ask and we continued to push and we continued to get support by donors, by governments, by private donors,
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and including those who want to donate the cap to a new a. therefore, we do have the infrastructure, we do have the logistics, and mostly we have so many trucks park currently in the east waiting to go with. we have the staff, 3000 people, we have the shelters over 100. so we can do it. so we are advocating with the israel and governments and with friends of the israel government to help us continue. our work is very false, is that continue to target in residential areas across garza. despite the un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire, at least 12 people were killed in an ass. striking house in rafa is by the bombing of the southern city has intensified 1500000 forcibly displaced palestinians, a sheltering when he fled the to escape fighting for the knolls. after being told by his file, the rough uh was a site. so i need my mood, send this update from rough, the israel on the ground, just stepping off. it's
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a tax across the gulf suggesting a new, fresh attack on a sport club and intramural center in eastern part of garza city. that this is a neighborhood, the neighborhood that we repeatedly attack and we were told that were people inside the for the club, the murals center old from different parts of guys that were shouldering inside 7 people reported killed from the the type multiple other injury is not the aftermath of the tragedy of this attack is the fact that there is no health care facilities available right now in gauze, in the northern part, the only place that is running at the lowest capacity possible right now is a highly baptist hospital that they gather squared and centered parts of gauze and the video really over one doesn't have the capacity of in terms of rooms, video stop and medical supplies to treat the injuries which put the lives of many of those injuries at risk and hon. you and is these really monetary continue with the constant artillery selling of these been part of the city where it,
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coupled with the uh, the uh, the presence of attack controls and surveillance to drones and fighters did across the city and get ready. a group of people were injured in a, in a missiles that was fired from a drunk transferred to gather your fee and hospitality overnight. a tax across the restaurant city here at where we're looking at at least 12 people shouldering inside a residential home. we were told by paramedics and civil defense, the crew, the people who are injured, arriving during the john hospital as well as long as another attack, crosses nolan bolt until 11 on that is very dry and hit this call in the town of a bazillion. has put on his consent, one of its fighters was killed that is ready as rise, also hit northern syria, or if not, can at least 37 people, including 5 has full of fights. as the attacks targeted the city of a laptop, they were followed. all they followed some of the strikes on the capital, damascus,
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which wounded at least 2 people. these, where the military has previously acknowledged strikes in syria, talking groups, backed by iran, say the called as more from the lebanese capital favorite as well for years now as well. strategy has been and they've declared this numerous times, they want to prevent iran from military entrancing itself in syria, iran or its allies because syria borders as well. they consider this a security threat. but as of late, they have a much more aggressive pastor. more attacks there even being less restrained when it comes to casualties. they're going after members of a bronze revolutionary guards. in fact, a member of the revolutionary guard was killed in the strikes a few days ago in india or zoo. uh so this is israel stay today. it is. 2 degrades, and we can, you run in syria and they're doing the same in lebanon. they are going after
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a rounds. a lie has the law which open the front against has really forces to help palestinians in garza last october. and since then, we have seen targeted killings against as well, of fighters and commanders. in fact, just a short while ago, we're getting reports of a, a car being targeted in, in southern lebanon. and they have been testing what they're calling military compounds. homes is more often than not their homes because as well as a gorilla force, and they've been hitting weapons to pose in eastern 11 on very close to the syria border. so israel structures and she is to prevent syria, the becoming an iranian base or a rear base for husband loss or friends. the tooth for weapons to reach leaven on uh, from iraq. so this escalation, not just another non, but the neighboring syria as well to protest as demand data into these really genocide and goals that have interrupted a stall studded campaign fundraiser for the us president demonstrates a shouted that joe biden has blood on his hands,
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told him to has moved from new york, it was a trio of presidential campaign power. the past 2 democratic president, bill clinton and brock obama backing up the current one trailing republican donald trump in polos been dominating him in fundraising. president joe biden played to his strength, raising more than $25000000.00 in the biggest fundraising night in political history. with the swing states that will decide the 2024 election divided by as little as 10000 votes. money for advertising and get out the vote efforts could make the difference. polls show biden's approval ratings are the lowest of the 3 presidents under performing is 2020 numbers with black, young and with the war and gaza. aero been muslim american voters, the forum was interrupted several times by anti war protest inside radio city music hall. 2
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outside the event anti war protesters held back by an army and secret service agents and police called him genocide. jeff, if you do decide the steps applying to get inside donors, paid as little as $225.00 and as much as half a 1000000. a picture with all 3 presidents costs a $100000.00. but you express your view outside. it costs nothing. as long as you don't mind, a little cold and rain adding to new york traffic and the crash of secret service agents, which trump, who attended a week in nearby long island for a new york city police officer killed in the line of duty. trump, who has been raising money for his campaign, and his court cases, sent out a political fundraising request of his own, saying he needed to compete with a quote deranged hollywood liberals funding by that. john henry and l g 0, new york to the bus has plunged all se page in south africa,
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killing 45 people. nature will go is the only suffice uh how they got it. and what's that? the impulse emission, the address give us say was one of the most difficult they ever had to undertake. when they got to the seed, the fund remnants of bodies bent beyond the commission. the wreckage of the bus was engulfed by fire of to it plunged into ravine carrying 46 passengers. the pilgrims on board. we're heading to east to celebrations at the headquarters of design christian touch. the driver likely lost control of the bus, which had registration plates from neighbor inputs on millions, usually make the pilgrimage at this time of year. did he accidents from the increased traffic all come on last year we last about $225.00 people are joining. this is the weekend. so right now we're sitting at this $45.00, just one and the crush. so you can use it. you can just imagine how appropriate my
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take this issue is of old safety in the country. the ministry has promised to help perpetuate the bodies of the victims, as well as conduct a thorough investigation. while i have been once a day or 20 of them all the 130 schoolchildren kidnapped in nigeria had been reunited with the families. the students were abducted in the states of could do the on march the 7th before being fried by the army. no communities, according to more accountability taylor because i know it has the story of excited and relieved an entire community. welcome back. the fried students, army convoys make wait for the celebration with students for uniting with their families for the 1st time since they were kicking out. many are still trying to make sense of the ordeal. let me just give them the problem and that we were only given 2 meals a day in the criminal basis before the food was given to us as a teacher died because of the beating and the stopping by the bonded the army on
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sunday rescue students and staff who were adopted by gunmen from a school and i to reuse north. they say the ransom of nearly $700000.00 with non cheat goes job because i haven't slept for weeks. i've just been waiting for the release of our children. morning and night. it was the same, life was full of grief and sadness until now. but a minute. the relief, there's also criticism discrepancies over the number of kidnapped headspace concerns. one point teachers said they were $280.00 captives. the government says the number is much lower, stating 137 people had been kidnapped and all of them fried. the governor has been accused of using the release as a publicity stunt by hosting the students that a state government house. just a day after their release was announced, an attempt to put in to undermine the end for the discrete agencies and the good. and then what it takes is they'll put dives into lice,
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a whole bunch of support while you know. so security isn't a good addictions that nigerian schools were 1st carried out over a decade ago by the armed group, local her rom. since then, other criminal gangs, health followed suit, demanding ransoms, and raising alarm as families. welcome back students communities across the northern nigeria are again calling on the government for stronger security measures and for accountability katia lope. this is lillian challenges here. still ahead. hey, all the alpha 0. the indonesian military apologizes upgrade culture. video quotes is outraged and severe drugs in malawi. false is the government to declare a state of disaster. so that's because climate crisis teachers stay with this hand, fill out the critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving,
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and we actually have to be experts all good because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the page, the often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the student's name and date, and course the arrival inside story on al jazeera in 2018. a john, this slide 40 days of civic action against the on the union government. i'm president sockets young's group on power. i'm going to labor to swear. and documentary photos is non violent campaign to bring down a car up prison. on this thing out, we've got a democratic revolution. i am not alone on media. is velvet revolution on the
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challenges era within the the book look you want to, i'll just save it with me. so he'll rahman in though ha, reminder of all told stories. is there any false is a still targeting residential areas? the cost goes up despite the un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. at least 12 people have been killed in the strike on a house. in rafa. israel has been order to ensure on him to food deliveries to gone, said by the highest course of the united nations,
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paid agencies avoiding all the evidence. simon with bowls and a 1000000 palestinians facing catastrophic food shortages is really strikes and northern syria. i have killed at least $37.00 people, including 5 has full of fights, has the tax talk to the areas in the city of a laptop, israel's will, and gauze. there is also affecting palestinians of the occupied territories. good friday is normally a busy time in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. but this is east of celebrations, a taking place under the shadow of is ray, the restrictions of december and called reports, taurus had stayed away. this is what a tiny fraction of the people that would normally be hit at easter because of his rose will and goes the international tours have stayed away. also, there are restrictions on palestinian christians coming in from the occupied westbank for the 1st time in recent memory. listed in person's haven't been given
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permits to actually take part in eastern now. uh, 200 religious figures from the occupied westbank. uh, allowed to come here, but then i'll have to come here with the congregation that palestinians of very use to restrictions when it comes to religious worship. likes the most cuz just the met, weight is the 3rd friday enrollment of ramadan. apollo, sidney muslims have also been restricted, only men over the age of $65.00 and women of the age of 50 are allowed to go and praise. so the parents and you, most of it's all very used to being restricted and they understand that that does happen. particularly in the case of, of the, the, the east, the normally posted in christians get free access. they simply haven't been given that they should run, come out of their occupied east jerusalem. because that doesn't indonesia, the apologize. apologize to the people of the pop. why region of the video? most of the did you this not been told?
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should 13 soldiers have pete arrested by human rights group, say, is the latest of many violations in papa. we didn't warn you that some of the images and jessica washington is report a disturbing this is what sparked outrage. any denisia taken by an asian soldiers, video shows and indigenous pop wasn't being tortured out to 0 has decided not to show the graphic video. the man was forced into a barrel beaten so hard that he is bled. it's kind of repeatedly with nice as the water around him. tons, ranch, the soldiers love and st. keep causing him all over a popular the human rights abuses, impunity, torture racism, they keep on going out and being committed by innovation. so which is an interesting police? they open oppose us, but they repeat the, the torture again, the abuses again again and again. there's been decades of conflict between security
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forces and separate and scripts, any diseases east and most provinces. human rights advocates have only cues to the military and police, his violation in popular including torture and extra judicial killings. they say they all, it's one thing just to the victim, to the evidence of violence by securing the vote. they're also calling for in the end or military operations or in the region. the students, a high ranking command, is need to be held to account as well as soldiers on the ground. the more troops are deployed, the more conflicts will occur on pop on land. they have deeply hurt our hearts with criminal act. the 13 soldiers were arrested following the incident. the audiologist, the man in the video was a member of an armed separatist group planning to set fire to a health center he has since been released before we headed all for him to the
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family. we also with the, with the medical treatments we give, we gave him a medical treatment for us. so we have to convince that they put him in a good condition. and we also tried to build a good relationship, also with the family. the incoming president, purpose of the end to his pledge to strengthen the presence of security personnel in papa. he has been accused of human rights violations during his time as a special forces commander in the late ninety's. but never charged rights groups accuse indonesia is government a standing international media and rights monitors from pop one and say that means there are many more violations that go on seen. and on heard jessica washington to 0 to cause a us president has approved a 60000000 dollar emergency funding to following the baltimore bridge disaster. the money will be used for clean up on reconstruction efforts. in maryland,
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the 2 parties are being recovered, but the remains are full of the repair work is remain trapped in the sunken wreckage and about a la carte as well. the remnants of the francis scott key bridge, remain twisted above and below the tops go river. it's blocking the entrance to the port of baltimore along with the stricken container ship to dolly. a request for 60000000 dollars in federal emergency relief funds has been quickly given the green light by us president joe biden. efforts to rebuild the bridge will be executed in stages and work is expected to begin soon. we need to rebuild the francis scott t bridge. but i want to be clear. this work will not take hours. this, this work will not take days. this work will not just take weeks. we have a very long road ahead of us. we understand that. and we're preparing divers, have found the bodies of 2 workers who are repairing potholes on the bridge when
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that disaster happened. but the bodies are for their colleagues. all immigrants from mexico on central america haven't been found. salvage teams say they're trapped in vehicles that are encased by heavy concrete in debris. their family said their bodies and rebuilding of the bridge are both top priorities playing for walker. we were informed that the government who decided to stop the search to begin removing debris from the bridge. it means that the search for bodies is being put on the back burner. we understand that the us government is losing millions of dollars because the boats are not moving, but we believe that they should not forget the suffering of the families. and the 4 victims whose bodies have not yet been found with around 4000 tons of steel and debris sitting in and around the container ship. removing it is a massive job before reconstruction. where can we can on one of maryland's major transport links and ronald han elders here? the united nations is wanting that haiti is close to collapse up to 5000 specially
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trained police officers needed to tackle what it calls catastrophic gang violence. um, guidance control, most of the comfortable type friends, 2000 police were 1st requested in july, but the and human rights offices, the crisis has become much worse. you have an attack on the central bank offices. you had 2 attempts to take the national palace. you have human rights defenders and journalists being targeted. so this is extremely alarming. the gangs of turn their violence towards people that for whatever reasons they see as a threat to their continued control in malawi, severe drugs has a cause, the government to declare a state of disaster. the president is appealing to international health as grain was as run out having latasha ripples and like how to assess as a harvest pharmacy for it's may cease to survive the droughts from those that struggled. she's worried at what she finds, can i email the one that somebody more you can see how the maze looks. the grain is
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of low quality because there was no way to allow these government has declared a state of disaster because of the drought in most districts. we had to slow on said to friends, and when that is can people blunted and then we had a dry spell bloomed dry. spill, richard is that in most of the crops we're doing in the fields? i do, i try to some other places completely dried up and people have a good time listed below is prone to natural disasters such as flats and droughts. and m p. say the country doesn't have any graders as a country. we do not to take care of our grain. we let's, most of our claim as law side of the country. we sort of, most of a drain to private traders, to she can any more fee to produce as this has drained on our stops. and as
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i'm talking to you now know we as a country, as does not have a great even though it deserves and abundance executives, 0. the government saves around 2000000 households will need to mandatory and assistance if the drop lessons, that number will rise. president lazarus tell clara is already asking me its national community for health such as money and food 800 my task out is that and then finally, some eye catching pictures from iceland of to that shows most spectacular events at the same time. i don't think volcano and the northern lights full of options in as many months threatened to be made by fishing, village of green, vic, the flow of lava is now being seen against the background of the aurora borealis, ball crating disruption. full iceland as the view is quite something else as it peaceful. the city is safe on for me to hill robin here in the hall. the weather is next and inside story we'll look at the new lloyd, florida. the restricts child access to social media,
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the more challenges there. thanks for your time and your company, the the hello that. let's look to east asia and after the 2nd one was winter on record for japan. well, we've had some cold waves moving through and that has delayed the blossoming of the cherry blossoms. but the good news is we've got a lot of rooms coming back in temperatures while above the average in tokyo, lots of sunshine and settled weather to take us into the weekend. and through till monday. temperature is about 10 degrees above the maximum that on saturday. we'll have a pot solve east asia while it is also very warm across central and northern parts of china. just a weather front, bringing some thunder storms and showers from the south through to taiwan and
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further out to sea. but we've also seen heat across south asia and that is set to continue. we've got some alerts out for the heat to go central pots of india from maggio production down to con nasa, temperatures it picking up to about 3 degrees above the average. here launch the dry picture with just some cloud that we went to weather. however, in the north west, some heavy falls across moving parts of pockets done and the east of afghanistan on saturday, some snow to the very north of india as well. by the time we get into sunday, however, it does start to ease slightly and we'll see the way to whether picking up the north eastern india and baton. examining the headlines. is it or is properly today for the forms of life and got unflinching journalism? i'm just asking awesome every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create
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a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming. on alex's era, as a new law or in florida will restrict old band children from social media support to say it gives them much needed protection, but it is opposed by tech corporations and free speech and previously advocates. so what are the arguments full and the game and what's the rest of the well doing this is inside store the .


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