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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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too, and so do we. it's why we work with bill cuz he'll make a big business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the know um elizabeth put on them in distance and use our life from coming off in the next 60 minutes. the is where the tax nevin on, and sylvia has bella come on to and 6 find to is there among the dead israel's, as strikes on gaza? continues. 17 people have been killed in the should. j. e, a neighborhood of scots setting. more last harvest and southern africa as rank one
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. breaking dry spells can crops and put food supplies in danger. and holes of a 130 school children kidnapped nigeria are united with their families. and is full wonderful pools most in demand. head coaches is going nowhere. chevy alone size says he's staying a pile of accusing ending speculation. he'll be taking over the little pool or find the israel says it's killed. a senior has bella come on the and across the board to strike and they've been on best tech came shortly after an earlier rate. and sylvia killed thousands of people 6 of those victims. and so has been the fights is zayna hall, the report, somebody wrote of the there becoming more frequent, apparent is really strikes on iranian and iranian link targets in syria.
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the, the latest what are believed to be weapons deposed. and the northern province of a level, a few dozen people were killed among them, syrian military personnel and members of the liberties arms group has been lock. israel is basically trying to establish itself as the party that has the upper hand in this complex. and i don't think it's very the politicians to understand that you're wrong. here's the law and the regime are not interested in military fires. israel has for years said it will allow iran and its allies, whose influence in syria has grown to entrench themselves in the country militarily . in recent months, it's targeted commanders and members of the rounds. revolutionary guards no longer just focusing on weapons storage sites and convoys carrying arms along israel
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stated goals is preventing syria being used as a transit points for weapons to reach has beloved and the occupied palestinian territories. there is what has been described as a shadow war between israel and iran in syria for years now. and in recent months, since hezbollah opens a front line against israeli forces to help palestinians and gaza, israel appears to be employed. the same strategy again has belong iran's allies in lab and on up here in level non targeted killings by a parent is really drawn, strikes are increasing more often than knock members of hezbollah. and at times, field commanders are killed. many here see a strategy of israel diminishing its enemies. operational capabilities has the law for its part, raised the costs of the conflict for israel by forcing it to empty much of its north of many of its people. it has yet to escalate to the level of full scale
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conflict, but the warrant it is ready if israel expands the war. the events of uh the last few days have been wider than what we've seen in quite some time. so i expect only further escalation. unfortunately, we're in a regional situation where the prospects of de escalation are, are, are, are quite limited. and while much of the world's focus is on the war on garza the violence between israel and has, the law is beginning to intensify center for their eligibility to be let's go live to home, the son who, she's joining us from occupied east jerusalem and the israeli defense minister you'll have kalonde, has been talking about expanding the operations against has bella, wherever they are from the of israel's defense minister jo, off go on speaking on friday. it is roles north saying that israel is quote, turning from the defensive to actively pursuing his bow where ever the group
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operates, and whether that be damascus, they do or in more distant places. this comes after a week of heavy rock and barrages fired from southern 11 on into northern israel. specifically the city of city of shimano, which we've seen at least one person dead there over the course of the week and a few others injured. this has been a situation that has been escalating since october 8th, just the day after the war began. these exchanges of fire, which has both started and since then they've been intensifying these really army on thursday, also conducting quite an extensive military drill on the northern border. they say in preparation for an escalation in loveland. all right, honda, we will be going back to home the a little bit later on in the news our but for now thank you very much for the nicest on that home that and we'll join now in the studio by modules where the, the director of the goals study center at casa university. good to see,
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and i think it weighs no, that is really military has said that f was pilots, have been stepping up the practice of long range missiles. in recent weeks after they had been suspended off the, the normal training activities has had been suspended after october the 7th. so do you think israel is really preparing for an escalation against, has bella actually disclosed back a few weeks ago where there was a debate criticism from the uh, is there any um, basically, uh, soldiers that they don't have enough support from this quite as they call it with, from the n, a defense basically. and then that time they, the response came from the 80 side that we are paying. we need to keep our equipment for the course of the war or attack on his bottle. so what do we see now? that's all of those to put a bit ation now is being a use now to basically expand the operation to dr. hezbollah with that in southern lebanon, oregon and syria. so it's obvious that it is suffering from lack of equipment,
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especially the, the, the, the, the vice missiles to target a so called the smart missiles and basically the medicine. i'm not providing them as they wish. also they want to shaw his bottle. are they all the all just trying to face his blocks back of his bottle and to stop his beloved of uh, uh, basically i talking is like the what is the thinking behind expanding operations? because everything we hear from the other side of the border, hezbollah doesn't want to go with israel, is carrying out attacks in response to as well as long gaza. this is looking for achievement, but is there any side, specially the army and political side? they have lots of achievement and reality on the doing anything that has that, but destruction and destroying and killing civilians. they are fainting on on. we can come us, how much is coming back to the north to the city is they said they, they leave it. how much instead of the song in the ground,
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they don't have the put mental, a boat to turn off without the american support. i'm because i'm not giving them a why it's checked to do whatever they want. they're looking for a treatment. yeah. and that is itself is good given was given what you've said about how they are lacking the resources. can they afford to expand this very, very dangerous from, again, from the they can do it for a long time. this out. i think a very actually, you know, a small operations. maybe they, they rely on intelligence though they have, you know, intelligent they have some, i would say a targets they, they feel that the important targets. okay. and we don't know exactly who are they that to the point. i mean, they said we target, but for as well as doesn't say who are they, how much of the importance, how much the out influencing the operation again, this is right. all right, that is modules the lady of the university. thank you. has or actually the todd
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list as a way to it is rarely false as a continue to targets residential areas across gaza. that's the spice of un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. 22 people died in the southern city of con units when missiles full story building that was home to 5 families. victoria gates and b has the details. the reading relatives more on the death of a palestinian child who was killed when and is ready. asked roy case an apartment broke and the southern city of han, eunice, resident sage, ready for these. gave them no warning about on the side of the building houses more than 50 people, including mostly women and children. civilians who were confined to their apartments. suddenly a rocket was dropped on the 4 story building without any prior notice among the dead or infants, some as young as 6 or 7 months about the lot of these ruins used to be a series of apartment blocks. many palestinians fled fighting in northern gauze,
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hoping they would be safe here. hon eunice was designated as one of his rail, so called safe stones in the south. but his ready forces are intensifying that bombardment of the city. that a human w, a daughter. we urge all countries around the world to come and witness the ethnic cleansing that we're being subjected to. this is a wall extermination trees, animals, houses, schools, children, and women are all being exterminated. this entire square was exterminated without any reason. as more families, more than the death of loved ones manuals, a question, how many more innocent children will die before israel caused a hold to the violence? victoria gates and b l g 0. 15 people have been killed in an overnight as ready as strike on a residential square and jabante a one of the few musk still standing and gauze of was also targeted people. they are trying to retrieve bodies trapped under the rubble. i'll just eat us on
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a cell chevy for ports from north casa, a lot that a slightly of them to, to all of these really a little bit bug mental, nothing cause i haven't gone on non stop last night. they targeted this side been, i'd be walk us most in your body. a refugee come to the most has been completely destroyed. more than 1000 most in gauze have been destroyed by is really forces. and 200 of those have been partially damaged. decided being walk us most was one of the very few still standing. the strike on the most has led to a number of people killed and wounded people here still trying to find dead bodies trumped under the rubble of nearby buildings. old to damage into strike. yeah. it's a little spin uh, sold out explosions, walk us up, and the date of the 95 minutes light to another missile struck and completely destroyed the residential square. we didn't want to probably in the mosque because
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we didn't want these riley forces to destroy it. such aggression shouldn't be done in the holy mountain of ramadan, but this riley forces don't care. they don't distinguish defenseless civilians from all those beside the targeted or the most from reflectively tunnel. these are you, these have destroyed all the most, even the whole look around was tom unbutton. this is a war against islam. it's a war against the religion. it's a war against a whole wheat and most of the countries to take care of us and take care of the whole port on the zillow has the, is really war and gaza rages. both people and places of worship like these most being targeted. and it's a chevy deal. some of the for 17 palestinians, including children have been killed in 2 separate attacks on gauze. a city is there any forces bombed to local sports club and they should a neighborhood because of media office says police officers involved with securing humanitarian aid with a main target. that's bringing a correspondent thought
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a couple of them. he's joining us live from alpha and southern gaza, multiple strikes, industry j, a neighborhood of gauze, and said he thought it, what can you tell us? the yes, in fact involvement did not talk to, to the, to diamonds, much of areas, of course, the territory. and that's absolutely a part of these very ongoing military campaigns that had been set in october. and we have been seeing that i should. yeah, yeah, neighborhood, this area where the is where the ministry had operates it in before and announced the destruction of the majority of its infrastructure and residential houses. again, we can see that it had been hit widely within the past. the 24 hours of 2016 palestinians have to report the cube. and one of the text i talked to a space clump anesthesia, your neighborhood, which has turned into an evacuation center for thousands of palestinians who have been escaping from the east. very bombardment every now and then. and that's absolutely something terrifying because the residents, the, are trying to feel
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a sense of security and safety. but again, civil cause have been attacked as one of the figures that had been killed. and one of the latest strikes that gave a civil call was disposable for securing the humanitarian aid deliveries. to the know that part of casa, in at least different tests against everyone who was taking part in securing the deliveries of a done. that's not only happens, industries or your neighborhoods by the attacks have been carried out on the vicinity of a she felt hospital where families have been trapped. the for me day is one of the families have to reported that they did not find food to move to long days as they have been forced to, to sleep from the entire area by loud speakers to out as wait a minute to drones in for them exempt to get out from the place and they were completely shocked. spike, exposed to these really far, even off to following the is very mandatory old as part yet. we have people. so most attacks of attacks on the middle areas. we're in the say, a rock refuge account, 5 palestinians have to report of killed off to their house being targeted. looks
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like you know, move off area and also how were 5 people have been hit when it is really true and messiah killing them immediately. and welton, others being who did that being transferred to our box, the hospital to receive medical treatments. so attacks across the strip, very much continuing thought of thank you very much for that. that is thought a couple of the live and alpha as well says that will send representatives to don't . in the coming days for new talks on a gauze, a cease fire comes a day off for the u. s. highest court ordered israel to ensure urgently needed aid reaches the besieged strip that spring back home. the son who was that occupied east jerusalem. and israel says it's sending a delegation just days off of the last round of talks here and don't have collapsed . um the what can you tell us about the team that will be going of these really prime minister's office, releasing a statement saying that nathaniel who has authorized both the head of israel's most
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son, that's the x terminal security service. and the head of israel sion that the internal security agency to go once again meet with mediators and negotiators in both cairo and doha. in the coming days, the statement also said that these really premier discussed with them the mandate for which they will have in order to make these negotiations. if they're going to be possible, it comes out for the last round of talk, seemingly were stagnant as anonymous is really officials speaking to media had said that there was no real progress, even though mediator seemed optimistic. now israel repeatedly blames him us for the collapse of the talks. well, how much points the finger these rarely so these negotiations while they're still ongoing, there are a lot of sticking points and gaps to bridge for these mediators and not israel does not want to see an end to the war, even if there is a pause in the finding of how mass wants, what they're calling a comprehensive ceasefire meaning and complete,
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and to the war on the thank you very much for that time, the son who with the latest live and occupied east jerusalem the bite and administration steadfast support for as well as wages one, gaza has prompted descent within the us state department. and this week of foreign affairs offices who promoted human rights on behalf of the us government became the latest offer to leave her job in protest. her name is annalynn. she line and she joins us from washington dc. thank you very much for your time. firstly, can you tell us why you decided to resign from your role? as i thought about resigning every time is real, violated international law hitting hospitals, schools and killing civilians with infinity and the us government did nothing to try to hold them accountable. the, the timing of my resignation reflects the fact that i did it. i owed an obligation
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to the us government. i received an arabic scholarship and so i owe the government a year. so on on, on the 300 and 65th day i ended in my resignation. yeah, i also thought about resigning sooner, but also my, my team is involved and the human rights reports and it's, it's a very labor intensive process. and so i wanted to also make sure that we had, we'd completed that work before i left. and how has, you know, america support for as well affected your work in the region? it was already difficult, but you know, american credibility, understanding of for human rights in the middle east was hardly spotless. to say the least. however, um, it has become incredibly more difficult in the aftermath of october 7th, whether it's that and using the region, we're not willing to engage with us any longer or it would just put them in at a much greater risk. now then, and then in the past,
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and it just the us has lost all credibility on, on trying to advocate for human rights. or even those individuals who would meet with us would bring up guys a 1st. even though these are individuals who are facing extreme levels of progression in their own society and you've said elsewhere that many of your colleagues feel betrayed just how widespread is that discontent and the state department over the government support as well. it's hard to say, i mean, the state department i believe is, is the 2nd part of the institution after the department of defense and in the us government that so as far as the people i was in touch with, you know, people that i would consider friends and colleagues and what i said that i was going to resign initially, i was going to do it privately and people said, you know, please speak out for a incense resigning. i've had gotten a lot of messages of support. yeah. and their organization, feds,
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united for peace is an organization, there are other other groups trying to, to mobilize and, and also there are many people who are still inside the state department for doing very important work on this. but until the, until president bided is willing to, to really make, make a and to take a new stance here. and there, work inside status is not really going to make a difference. you spoke about why you resigned on the 300 and 65th day of your time and the state department of the spokesperson mastery. miller said that you were a fellow at the state department who finished the 1st year of a program with the option of a 2nd. yes, seemingly down playing your role at the department. what's your response to that? i mean, you know, i've, i've been upfront about the fact that i'd only been there for a year, but my office had asked me to stay, you know, beyond the initial 2 year contract they, they would have been happy to have the state and i did resign you know, i, i completed my obligation of, of a full year and i, i wouldn't, i would if,
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if this were not happening i would have been very happy to stay. i really believed in the work that i was doing. yeah. um, you know, i think it's, it's very important that the united states actually uphold the values that it claims to, to, to believe in. and that it, that american model more leadership around the world depends on america actually standing up for, for these values that we, that our leadership likes to talk about, but doesn't necessarily like the food you have made this decision at a great personal cost resigning publicly from the us state department wallet supports or one of the most brutal was of all times. why was the southern portion for you? why was that risk worth taking fees? um, i think the, sorry i, the main reason is that i have a daughter. um and she's too great. yeah. but if it's in
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the future, if she were to ask you about what i did as this has happened 8 i just i want her to know that i didn't stay silent. um i, i, i, i just, i don't think i could i, i couldn't continue to watch but that happening and just keep going to work everyday machine and we really appreciate your, your candidness on the story. i just want to ask you one last question, which was the, again, the state department's folks, the said matthew, linda. he also said the secretary of state anthony blinking. he meets with employees who have a broad range of views, takes the feedback into account and his decision making. is that your experience? yes, i really welcome to the fact that the state department was willing to listen to defense . there's a defense channel where people can submit and can register their opposition to policy. and there were open forums and how and this is part of why i. i stayed as
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long as i did was i was trying to use my position on the inside to, to advocate for a change and to contribute to the many other people who were advocating for a change. but i think over time and, and once i did, you know, completed the necessary obligation that i had committed to. it just became clear that, that it was not going to be possible to, to change anything from the inside. and now she 9, we thank you very much for your time for sharing your experience with us. thank you for having me. or at least $27.00 children have died of mel nutrition and the hydration and dogs since as well as sponsored at school on this trip in early october i'm desperate parents. so having to go to extreme then to try and find food for the children with the fish told us about the challenge he faces every
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day to provide for his family the and i remember how i ran into such a man. it's by the hour, i'm always in 9. 0, by the love the shanisha invited luggage lift all the rest of them about selling them and giving you a hug out of the hey for the exact amount of stuff it was probably for flaws or
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something. you know, sort of, it's food i was listening to your buddy. yeah. the, i've seen that all the low levels in fox. i mean it's a pretty much push the, the number of photos that seem remember on the phone a few minutes ago. it's not letting me in trouble because of some of
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the to the, to sign a goal now with the constitutional council has ratified the election victory of basi do with your wi fi. the confirmation pays the way for transition of power from president monkeys fell in case of his success. the presidential palace in the capital of the com 5 was accompanied by opposition need a response on co. nicholas hunk has moved from the call to the african union. has congratulated president elect by through jim i by. we saw him yesterday at the presidential palace. we're hearing traditional attire meeting the outgoing president present. mackey saw a man that was in prison for over 11 months. over
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a facebook post that authorities had deemed dangerous to the sovereignty, and the security of the state is now at the helm of one of the fastest growing economies in west africa. but who is bus you, jim? i fight. well, we went to his home village in jamaica now on the outskirts of the car to meet his family and find out who he is. take a look at his report as appearing and settled after a victory that's done to everyone, including himself from political prisoner to president in less than 10 days. at the age of 44 plus you, jim, i fi is the youngest elected head of state in africa, and is promising change to the people of the west african nation, depending on the and electing me is their president. the senegalese people have chosen a break from the past to give way to the immense hope inspired by our project of
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a new society, not previously uh, no to the public gym. i stepped into the limelight after being released from prison following his arrest under range of charges including endangering state security opposition. reduced mental good chose him as his down did after he was disqualified from reading because of a conviction for defamation bose to night. the charges instead, they were politically motivated. you might campaign with the slogan, jeremiah sancho. and so go with joe by selling a project of a just society d n t establishment party bus death wants to. we negotiate for gas and mining contracts, introduce a new currency, and forge equal partnership with france, the former colonial power to proceed with the it's from the project. we will pull his ears and tell him, come back because the country does not belong to someone else that has been pulling . jeremiah years is his father. we met him in the village of in jag on. yeah. where
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the gym. i grew up in 2022, the former tax inspector round to becomes a village mare but lost his father believes, overcoming failure, led to his success on it. he is extremely honest, i'm courageous and he's been working hard all his life. jim, i had a modest rule upbringing working of a land in this a hell. this is where villagers come to grow. millet look at it now and it hasn't rained for the last 8 months. there are no wells nearby. and this is the challenge for the next president to ensure that not only his village, but the people of this country have enough to eat. despite a booming economy, almost 40 percent of senegalese live and poverty. president jim, i will now need to deliver on his promise to reduce economic disparity and bring
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a greater share of sending goals well to a people's thursday for change. nicholas hawk alger 0 and jackson. yeah. setting go as well. the 130 school children comes up to nigeria has been v united with their families. the students were adopted and could do in the state on march, the 7th before being fried by the army. but now communities, according for more accountability, katia lopez, holiday on the ports of excited and relieved an entire community. welcome back. the freed students, army convoys make wait for the celebration with students for uniting with their families. for the 1st time since they were kicking out. many are still trying to make sense of the ordeal. let me just ask you about the problem and that we were only given 2 meals a day in the criminal basis before the food was given to us as a teacher died because of the beating and the stopping by the bonded the army on sunday rescue students and staff who were abducted by gunmen from
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a school and i to re is north. they say the ran some of nearly $700000.00 with non tate god. because i haven't slept for weeks. i've just been waiting for the release of our children morning and night. it was the same. life was full of grief and sadness until now. but a minute. the relief, there's also criticism discrepancies over the number of kidnapped headspace concerns. one point teachers said they were $280.00 captives. the government says the number is much lower, stating 137 people had been kidnapped and all of them freed. the governor has been accused of using the release as a publicity stunt by hosting the students that a state government house. just a day after their release was announced, an attempt to put in to undermine the effort of discouraged agencies and the good. and then what it takes is they'll put dives into lice, a whole bunch of support while you know. so security isn't majority abductions,
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that nigerian schools were 1st carried out over a decade ago by the armed group, local her rom. since then, other criminal gangs have followed suit, demanding ransoms, and raising alarm as families. welcome back students communities across in northern nigeria are again calling on the government for stronger security measures and for accountability katia lope. this is lillian challenges. they are still ahead on the news. all of the united nation says more than 5000 specially trained police officers and needed to tackle gas violence in haiti. the oscar winning movie about the atomic bomb finally releases in japan. audiences in hiroshima have mixed emotions about climate. and cricket light stops, cut out 2 streets during ramadan. that story coming off brandy and the
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had a low, they will start in southern africa and in madagascar because tropical cycling domain brought some very heavy rain and cause devastating flooding. now it has weakened and pulled out to see it's going to take some of that heavy rain on woods, tumor rushes, but still a legacy of very heavy showers. continue across eastern areas of madagascar. we are expecting that flooding to west and in the days ahead. now it is looking west across the eastern areas of south africa and watched wire across the west with heaps. continuing to dominate the, the southern african countries that a suffering from drought. there were some heavy rain coming into northern parts of angola and lingering around to the gulf of guinea. but it is a large, a hot and dry picture, and the heat continues to build for northern parts of africa. in particular. for chad, we think temperature is picking up into the mid forties as well before the north of this. well, it's opposite story here we've got from what and when the weather sweeping into the
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north west morocco seeing some very heavy rain. thanks to an area of low pressure working across the beery and peninsula, but to the northeast for egypt, temperatures continuing to pick up cairo. think it's 33 degrees celsius. the, i'm not, he's continues the cause of much of that event with some heavy rain for saudi arabia, the reporting from the action. how do you mean a great when i'm hearing this thoughts, how is 10 or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding? the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, threatening the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click send to the fonts at the store. and on federal
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tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves us out with offers roles permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching always is 0 with me and as of a problem and don't have a mind to of all top stories. this house is really
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a strikes have hit northern silvia kidding. more than 40 people including 6 hezbollah appliances as well. also says it killed a hezbollah commander and southern 11 on to his rarity strikes have killed at least 17 palestinians, including children, and be sure to a neighborhood in gauze and city. das of media also says police officers involved with the children's humanitarian aid for the main target bystanders. who among those killed in the 2nd strike, the israel says it will send representatives to door hot in the coming days for new torps on the gauze to cease farms of continued bombarding the strip despise a un resolution that called for an end to hostile disease. as well as war and gaza is also affecting palestinians in the occupied territories. good friday is normally a busy time in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. but this is east to
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celebrations of taking place on the shadow of his riley of restrictions. as in rome, con reports towards sustain way. so this is what a tiny fraction of the people that would normally be hit the east a because of his role as well and goes the international tours have stayed away. also there are restrictions on palestinian christians coming in from the occupied westbank for the 1st time in recent memory. how this the new person's haven't been given permits to actually take part in eastern now. uh, 200 religious figures from the occupied west bank allowed to come here, but then i'll have to come here with the congregation palestinians of very use to restrictions when it comes to religious worship. likes the most cuz just the met, weight is the 3rd friday enrollment of ramadan. apollo, sidney muslims have also been restricted, only man of the age of $65.00. and women of the age of 50 are allowed to go and
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praise sort of house and you most with all very used to being restricted advance. and that does happen 16. in the case of, of the but the eastern normally posted in questions get free access. they simply haven't been given that they should run, come out of their occupied east jerusalem. russia says it's made another arrest in connection with an attack on a moscow concert whose last week they have gone to san branch of the iso. the group has claimed responsibility, but russia has blamed ukraine for being behind the mascot. and which more than a 140 people were killed, subject hassan has made more arrests related to potential attacks, most of the suspects and custody in russia. our project origin, dofer's you, bobby, has moved from moscow, or the 9th person has now especially been charged with conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism in russia. the 24 year old native of tajikistan was brought into best money court here in moscow on friday afternoon. where he was now that he was placed
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on administrative detention for the next 15 days. now, according to his attorney, he has pleaded not guilty to parts of the charges that have been brought against him. and it's not clear which parts, he's at pleading not guilty to what we do know he's now the latest person in this attack to be charged. we've also been hearing from the investigative committee at would say that they have a evidence that there was a funding from ukraine, provided to the perpetrators of the attack in terms of cash as well as coastal currency. they haven't shared the details of the evidence that they've uncovered, and of course ukraine has denied any involvement in the attack. we also heard from a government officials in subject has done they have arrested now 15 people for allegedly parting and planning to carry out further. terrorist attacks around the no rou, celebrations,
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that is the 1st day of spring at earlier in march. and those arrests have now been made public. it's not clear whether there is any connection between those perfect and the people arrested in tajikistan and the allegedly perpetrators of the croc, a city hall attack, the doors of jabari l. 20. moscow. are you finding an attack on the russian border? city of belgrade has less, one person did. russian forces say they repels sustain shelves from that you find inside your client has frequently attacked belgrade. since most goal is full scale invasion in february 2022 and your clients is around a 100 russian drone and missile strikes of target of the electricity good across the country. emergency blackouts have been imposed in some areas, power plants and central and western regions were attacked, some severely damaged. the united nations is wanting, that hazy, is close to come. that's up to 5000 specially trained police officers and needed to
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tackle what it costs catastrophic gun volumes and gags control most of the capital porto ponds. 2000 police will 1st requested in july last year with a lot of good. what's happening to us has nothing to do with the country's interest, the country benefits and no way from this point. the side of the presidential council must be set up to call them the situation. if the people's demands are not met in 2 months time, there will be no way out. it's up to hastens to unite to resolve this crisis, we must take our destiny into our own hands if the country is to function. diego driven is from the international crisis course and he says international police officers haven't been sent to hate because of a lack of funding. there has been. busy received hotel arrangements that has been signed between the haiti and kalia, and that is supposed to have lifted these legal officer for the course to be drilling in haiti. but there, there is a,
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a remaining heard of which is very important, which is of course funding in kenya estimated the cost. busy of the nation at about 600 median, and then there is only around 10000000 in the trust fund right now for information to start being deployed. there are several countries that have committed funds. for example, the united states has committed to 300000000 to 200 media meantime, a logistical aid and 100 direct done would go directly to the multinational emission, also canada friends and other countries have committed funds. but these funds haven't been made available yet. in the trust funds, so there are many questions of why these funds have been being deposited in the trust fund. and one of the reasons is that, of course, there is not yet a new government in place. then a fever infections across the americas triples and the 1st 3 months of the caea compared to 2023. at least
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a 1000 people have done this here. but you and at american health agencies as it could be the regents worst outbreak of the virus just carried by mosquitoes. a several drought in malawi has caused the government to declare a state of dissolves to the president, disappearing for international health as a grain was of brought out out of the tacit reports like how to assist as a harvest pharmacy for a may see to survive the droughts from those that struggled. she's worried at what she finds, can i email the one, have somebody more, you can see how the maze looks. the grain is of low quality because there was no way to by the government has declared a state of disaster because of the drought in most districts. we had to slow on said to friends, and when that is kim, people blunted. and then we, i did try spill or roll dry. spill. richard is that did in the most of the crops
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we're doing in the fields? i do, i turn to some other places, completely dried up, and people have good visited. malawi is prone to natural disasters such as flats and droughts, and m p. say the country doesn't have any gamers, us, as a country. we do not to take care of our grain. we, let's most of upgrading the far side of the country. we sorta most of, of drain to private traders, to she can any more fee to produce this. this has drained on our stops. and as i'm talking to you now know we as a country, as does not have a great, even though it deserves and define us, he's actually to 0. the government saves around 2000000 households will need you mandatory and assistance if the drop lessons, that number will rise. president, lazarus, chuck, we are, is already asking the international community for help, such as money and food,
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$800.00 matessa onto the and then the climate change reduce to production and wage increases have forced at least 20 t factories in west bend. golf state to close. that's left hundreds of workers looking for other jobs. now fernandez reports and the vision is on face trying desperately to provide for his family of 5. he's one of hundreds of t workers who don't have what you do is state closures. he's applying for an $18.00 monthly allowance. the government pays 20 states close. i'm local kind of make up what i hear. it's very hot to be for the children's education and manage our daily expenses. many drop out of school before their high school exams. and the future an arch seem doc and leak. b. 90 good reading. recent months has lift, keep donations dry and dusty low. a use combined with pest attacks and salary
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increases for workers have made it difficult for states to stay afloat, about a dozen d factories and to us and dodging hills of close to fun. once a growth happens, then the 1st happens. so it becomes a vicious, i can vote best spring best. so by the time you get what that's, i can the ones go and if it into the ones, the ones with the fist activity still under bush's, then the crops on top of the queue options, maybe like county works, crushing stones at the river bank for just over a dollar a day, it's back breaking work in sweltering condition. that's a mini, it's the only way to make a living, or a scheme to the unemployed is being suspended due to a dispute between the states and central government. after that's done, it says you've been following for the past 4 years. he says the prices have not increased in proportion to wages,
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which accounts to 70 percent of production costs. but unions see another side of job of the states are shutting down because the owners mindset is more into creating than drawing the industry properly. last year, india is premium p drawing region d g link recorded its lowest production in 50 years. and with the conditions becoming increasingly difficult to you. many sierra the was 2nd largest, the producer will suffer more plantation closures and job losses. and that for the end is just the euro. we have the sports news to the news our off to a 2 week break. the english premier league is bad for the game that could this 5, this is tasha. and when is the business latest is brought to you while i guess is i live slowly on one of your this makes modern pleads
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the a business like this, this what do you believe? i guess is i like my on one of your just makes model inflates.
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the assumptive porch now his andy, thank you so much. elizabeth, for one, a full bulls most in demand. head coaches is going nowhere shelby alone. so he says he's staying it by level, accusing it in speculation that he could be taking over it on the little pool of bon munich next season. the spaniard is taking a lot of keys into the top of the gym and bundles like it with the think 10 points clear of title hold is fine. i feel that my job is not is not over here. i want to have them. i want to have the 3 and i want to have the jump way is to develop on the found part of her birth process. i'm happy with that . so putting all the things together and i've taken these this important issue and hopefully inconveniences that, right? when i copy on. i'm still john. so i would say about that right now i,
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i feel like that well, bon will at least have hard time banks. the game against the brushes open on saturday, 9 clean dri. rules came out of action to england in the front of these against brazil in belgium. he's the leading score in the gym in league with 31 goals in 26 games. and manchester city manager, pet cordial, says they've had to raise the level to keep up with premier league leaders austell this season. they probably on sunday was just one point separating the sides history. a lot song city, sorry, they've won the last 8. how much has against nicholas had his men, a stretch running right. knowing is now a win for austell. would list him full points clear of city while a true i could open the door for the of the saving that's authorized, living full, gaudy, all his team aiming for that full cycle in a row. the seasons have been really good reading to titles, less thing into the family. now start to, you know,
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the important think and the leaders of the families of decision at home with people . and i'm pretty sure they will give us what we need to perform our best. we'll just find that poor record of the at that also do know how to get a better a city they beat them in the community show can oldest they feed them, will know the amorous in october, all sorts of what undergone gilbert city 3 years and says he's the best manager in the world. they have raised the bar in this league as a football engine on to a level and that it hasn't been seen before. and as a beauty of this quote that's, that makes you better that challenge you more to and you have to keep up with that pace. and that's what we're trying to, my opinion is the best coaching along by mine and um, and is one of the nicest person that i have made in football. and so it's only one of the ones that i have 5 more fun. and the last working with and does are gonna
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stay there forever. but really i would rose of the moment of why they are going to and you have to adapt to a situation or special super bowl champions. the kansas city chiefs have signed a former welsh rugby international lewis re summit re summit decided to switch schools the start of the year now has to tron on a regular season roster spot the $23.00. i'll to pos in the nfl international play pathway. and as a 10 we close 9 to giving elisa leaves from around the world a chance of breaking into the sports now the rice to stay ahead of the chasing pack is going to bit more serious at the latest round of the world rally championship. that is taking place in kenya, they won't late, it's here and you feel, well, he dropped down to 6 of the hey and it's called i had a few problems. we'll talk later. cairo from paris is now in 1st events continues to somebody and bates, an 83 from direct color, most of good enough for real challenges. bank larue in the indian premier league, irritates and by the coal cut. so not right. is that right?
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clean power fil sol. send it, send them the rain took control of the game. they struck the 76 is between them. oh, that's what he was. not right as winning by 7. what kits with 3 orders are mine from what's mean asked me. this is really been semester now. the whole, the month of ramadan is full of religious and cultural traditions of pakistan. late night street cricket has become a popular pastime as john it goes or else can reports. it's close to midnight in karachi. but the floodlights drawer thousands of men for a game of ramadan crickets, late nights the street pre kit has become something of a tradition over the last few decades in the city in pakistan, during the muslim hardly months. and the pious say it helps, and stay awake until the pre don't meal nestle. the next day spa speaking,
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feel free to accept it or not. so i can know that we are free in the night, and we have to keep ourselves awake until the whole. if you sleep, we can miss the whole. if you missed the whole, it's difficult to fall. so it's better to get involved in the game of the cricket i'm playing with on mobile phones. you have any categories that you're looking at was during ramadan, usually shows the impact has done so players and fans have a few hours to rest before the big game. the tom mike is repainted to mock decrease tennis balls a typed in whites to give them greats about speed and visibility and the lights. and then it's time for the 1st to do to is that i feel about people often sleep during the day during fostering. that'd be much physical activity during the day. physical activity is essential for good health that is walking by any cetera, covers all of this hearing one across the cheese pool neighborhoods around $200.00 spec paces have turned out to run the place. i'm gonna be making it big now just them. well, no,
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i don't play. i watch the game with great interest. i like to watch cricket. some of these boys go to the jobs during the day. well, some of the sleep during the daytime, they don't have much time, but in run the time they get to play cricket into the night. the narrow streets to find the physical boundaries at this game. but the appeal of st. cricket during the whole month goes way beyond the willows, the pump too on a casual sca out to 0. okay. but as high sports is looking for now is 90. thank you very much for that. it now off the 9 mountain softer is a global release. the hollywood blockbuster about the man behind the atomic bomb is finally available in japan. for residents of hiroshima, oppenheim has opened to mixed reviews and the motions for the economy pulls at the pace memorial in hiroshima. again, back to don't is preserved as a reminder of what happens here. and then negate saki in 1945,
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the 2 atomic bonds draft by the us air force killed and estimated 200000 japanese. now the blockbuster film about the american nuclear scientists to help develop the weapons, has finally been released in japan almost 9 months after everywhere else. audiences in hiroshima, have mixed emotions. this film was telling the story from the american perspective, from the slide who invented the atomic bomb hiroshima and nagasaki. whether you tell me comes with drop to certainly the victims. but i think even though the inventor is one of the perpetrators doing so, victim co, tough in the will. oppenheimer swept the academy awards earlier this month, including best actor for irish actor, kelly and murphy, who portrayed the conflicted physicist the films initial release in japan was delayed after a public backlash against an advertising campaign. critics, a trivialize, the bombings you still find,
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hold on. i really like christopher norman's feelings, of course, this is an amazing film which deserves to win the academy awards in the united states. but the film also depicts the atomic bomb in a way that seems to price it. and as a person roots in her wash, and i found it difficult to watch, i'm not sure this as a movie, the japanese people should make a special edit to say oppenheimer reflects on the impact on the so called father of the atomic bomb. and here she met the memory of its victims, will still cast a long shadow, long after the movies run and for the car out to 0, a sign. it is news awesome eye catching pictures from iceland of to of night as most spectacular events at the same time at erupt in volcano and the northern lights full of options. it has many months, especially in the nearby fishing town of glen, to vic flows of lava,
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now being seen against the background of the aurora borealis. that's it for me, elizabeth put on them for this new job, but stay with us. tom mccray is here in just a few minutes, but more of today's news, the african narrative. from africans perspective. these are the want in terms of what came up proper from supported to show documentary spine, african filmmakers have been on the to on for over 20 is future with fish from the ship and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges, sierra families, and gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is
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a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella. your mercy showing his brightest, gave messy, now donate today. hod hit him in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered states pilots. he has thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to windows down democracy and this is something for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era, the latest news as a critics, people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives. vladimir putin has called the attack of bloody and barbaric app with detailed
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coverage. the more hours tonight to celebrate, perhaps a change for the sending of these people from around the world to abide says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin the because the, it's relative living on and syria has black. amanda and 6 sizes are among the dates, [000:00:00;00] the until mccrae. this is just every line from the also coming up as roles as strikes
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on guys continued 17 people have been killed them to shoot you, a neighborhood of kansas city. more loss tavis in southern africa as re, quote,


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