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tv   100 Days  BBC News  January 26, 2017 7:00pm-7:46pm GMT

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hello and welcome to 100 days. the mexican president cancels a trip to washington after an ultimatum from donald trump. the us president sent a blunt message saying, pay for the wall or don't bother coming. so, after a diplomatic spat that's played out on twitter, the meeting between neighbours is off. u nless unless mexico is going to treat the united states fairly, with respect, such a meeting would be fruitless, andi such a meeting would be fruitless, and i want to go a different route. later, president trump is due to meet his first foreign leader, britain's theresa may. can they strike a deal on trade? many millions of americans rely on obamacare for health coverage — what happens to them when it's scrapped 7 i have to have health care in order to survive. if i don't have that health care, if he gets rid of it, i'm dead in the water. the president has signed i2
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executive orders so far — with more to come today. so how do voters who put donald trump in the white house feel about his first few days in office? we'll be speaking to one of them. and the presidential candidate who is shaking up french politics — meet emmanuel macron. hello and welcome. it's a dispute with the neighbours that's spilling out of control — one side wants a dividing wall, the other doesn't. one side wants the other to pay for it, and the other is point—blank refusing. the result — mexico's president is now cancelling a visit to washington, after an ultimatum from donald trump. the fight between the us and mexico over that wall took an extraordinary twist on twitter today. lets see what donald trump wrote. if
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mexico is unwilling to pay for the badly needed wall, it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. and then this riposte from the mexican president. this morning we informed the white house that i will not be attending the working meeting planned for tuesday with potus. welljust a short time ago, speaking at a republicans‘ retreat in philadelphia, the so—called city of brotherly love, president trump wasn't sending much of it south. the president of mexico and myself have agreed to cancel our planned meeting scheduled for next week. u nless meeting scheduled for next week. unless mexico is going to treat the united states fairly, with respect, such a meeting would be fruitless, andi such a meeting would be fruitless, and i want to go a different route. we have no choice. for more, let's speak to one of mr trump's supporters, the former republican congressman, bob walker.
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thank you forjoining us. there are fights that some politicians need to have, and then there are unnecessary ones. is this one unnecessary?” think it is the donald trump. he enunciated during the campaign that he was going to build the wall, and he was going to build the wall, and he said mexico was going to pay for it. the question was, how are they going to pay for it, and that is a matter for negotiation. going to pay for it, and that is a matterfor negotiation. he going to pay for it, and that is a matter for negotiation. he said that the negotiation stance is that this is not going to go away, mexico will have to respond in some meaningful way to the fact that the wall will get built. and you are a veteran of the transmission period when a new administration is taking place. we have had a disagreement over torture, what to replace obamacare with, differences over what sort of border tax should be imposed. how would you characterise the way it is going? i think so far they have done
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remarkably well. let's look at what he is doing in these first few days. he is taking all of the things that he talked about on the campaign trail, and he is moving quickly to either put legislation in place that will play out over the next few months, or he is actually issuing executive orders that are taking effect immediately, so i think he is doing a pretty good job, and it fascinates me that in many cases some of the media that are portraying these first few days have been paying attention to things that are fairly minor compared with the major things that he is really doing. and i'm not sure whether or not his strategy isn't to divert attention away from some of the really big things that he is a cub wishing. congressman, ifi could ta ke wishing. congressman, ifi could
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take you back to that twitter message from donald trump today, some of the reaction on social media is that this is no diplomacy by twitter. is it important that the president does this in a more traditional way? i don't think it is, we are in the 21st—century and the fact is that we are in an electronic age in which messages are communicated in business through twitter. this is not anything that is unusual. i do think that it is going to have to change in that some of the complexities of international diplomacy are going to have to enter into some of the discussions, and you can't do that in 140 characters 01’ you can't do that in 140 characters or less, so as we proceed forward, i think that twitter will become a way of communicating to the american people what his interests are, but it will not be the substance of the
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diplomacy. but you will know, congressman, that messages can be misconstrued on twitter, and won't there be some people in congress thinking it could be president pena nieto of mexico today, it could be angela merkel tomorrow. there will be people that will have those kinds of concerns, but again, i think that everybody has do understand that what he's doing is setting the para meters what he's doing is setting the parameters in which he thinks the negotiations will take place, and twitter messages sometimes do that. we saw it on the campaign trail, his opponents were frustrated by the fa ct opponents were frustrated by the fact that his tweets dominated the news media for an entire day, and their messages couldn't get out. my guess is that he intends to continue that pattern as long as it works for him. 0k, congressman bob walker, grateful to you, thank you very much indeed for being with us. the british prime minister will be the first foreign leader to meet
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donald trump since he became president. she will be at the white house tomorrow. tonight she is in philadelphia, where she will be telling republicans that the us and an outward—looking uk can "lead the world". in philadelphia at the republicans' retreat, donald trump today suggested that he would lead on negotiations over trade when he meets theresa may. i'm meeting with the prime minister tomorrow, as you know, of great britain. so i'm meeting with her tomorrow, i don't have my, as secretary and they want to talk trade. so i'll have to handle it myself. laughter which is ok. well, the bbc's laura trevelya n which is ok. well, the bbc's laura trevelyan is in washington for us. going back over prime minister is and presidents we have known throughout the ages, can you think of two more different in terms of character, personality and all the rest of it than theresa may and president trump? it is a little bit difficult to imagine, but then i
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think perhaps margaret thatcher and one of reagan were not an obvious fit, and theresa may address this on the plane on the way over in a jokey way, saying that sometimes opposites attract. but yes, she is businesslike, low—key, not given to bombast. donald trump is the com plete bombast. donald trump is the complete opposite. it would be hard to imagine theresa may starring in reality and that is how donald trump came to national prominence, and he usedit came to national prominence, and he used it to run for the presidency. so they are direct opposites, and it will be fascinated to find out what happens. wouldn't it be nice to be a fly on the wall when they how berdix jej'u fly on the wall when they how berdix jeju gifts, and by the way, the prime minister is going to give the president of scottish cup, a symbol of friendships. lets go from style to substance. what will be the main issues that they want to get to grips with? the big issue is that britain is about to start the
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process of leaving the european union, and the prime minister would like a trade deal with the us. this also suits donald trump, because he wa nts to also suits donald trump, because he wants to show that the big multilateral trade deals that he doesn't like like nafta and the pacific rim one can be replaced by strong bilateral agreements with allies. the problem of course with thatis allies. the problem of course with that is that britain has to leave the european union before it can start officially negotiating a trade deal with the us, so theresa may has to walk a bit of a fine line, not really annoying those in the eu by seeing too eager to rush into negotiation with the us straightaway. and also it is an opportunity for her to underline britain's's support for nato. trump tower said nato is obsolete, he has questioned the value of it, so it is an opportunity for her to show that she can have a relationship with the us wants britain leaves the eu, but also to stick up for britain's principles. thank you very much,
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laura. britain and the united states love to talk about their so—called ‘special relationship'. we've had a dip into the archives to look at some of the most memorable partnerships. and historic picture of two great leaders determined to extinguish the menace of hitler. he reminded them that his mother was american. menace of hitler. he reminded them that his mother was americanm menace of hitler. he reminded them that his mother was american. if my father had been american, and my mother british, instead of the other way around, i might have got here on my own! in britain, you will find a ready response, an ally, valiant, staunch and true. that's exactly right. thank you. the
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thing i want to leave people with the impression of is that ours will bea the impression of is that ours will be a strong and good personal relationship. and an alliance that will stand the test of time. as laura says the main topic tomorrow will be the trade deal between the us and the uk. it can't be signed of course until the uk officially leaves the eu. but the groundwork can be laid. one man who will likely be consulted on the brexit process, professor ted malloch, is tipped as the next us ambassador to the eu. he is a professor at the henley business school here in the uk. thank you for coming to see us. when is the confirmation call? when will you get the job? after the secretary of state is confirmed, then the ambassadors will be named, so we have to wait. you have talked in the
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last few days that we are no longer at the back of the queue with the rhetoric of president 0bama, we are somewhere near the front.” rhetoric of president 0bama, we are somewhere near the front. i think you are at the very front, and that is proved by the visit that will ta ke is proved by the visit that will take place tomorrow. that you have said you think it radio could be done once we are free of the european union within 90 days?” talk to people on the trump team, andi talk to people on the trump team, and i have talked to be berlin but ten as well, and if you get the right people in the right place with the right instructions —— i have talked to people in number ten as well. it is very like an acquisition deal, not suggest anyone is acquiring anyone, but if you get those forces together, you can do this quickly, it doesn't have to ta ke this quickly, it doesn't have to take seven years. you will not be the ambassador to the uk but the eu, and yesterday you were saying it is possible that the single currency might only have 18 months to live. what are they going to think of you in europe? i think that europe will
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make its own decision. it's not something that america will do or undo. in fact, something that america will do or undo. infact, it something that america will do or undo. in fact, it doesn't have that much influence over the future of the euro. but i do think that there are problems as we have seen already on the periphery of the european continent around that currency. the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has been talking today about the special relationship. let's have a look at what he was saying. one of the things that will be explored here is a new relationship with the united kingdom. 0ne relationship with the united kingdom. one of our earliest and oldest allies, their changes in the approach to trade opens up the opportunity to discuss with the prime minister the possibility of a bilateral trade agreement with the british people. that was mitch mcconnell. i am interested british people. that was mitch mcconnell. iam interested in british people. that was mitch mcconnell. i am interested in this. is it in america's interests that
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there is a strong, cohesive european union, or would you rather that the eu was a series of nation states that you dealt with bilaterally?” think that donald trump prefers dealing with countries bilaterally. certainly america it's off would not joina certainly america it's off would not join a supranational organisation, and now the people of written have made that same determination, it wouldn't surprise me if other people in europe make a similar determination. jon and i... excuse me, let me be clear on what that means. would you be in favour of the break—up of the eu?” that means. would you be in favour of the break-up of the eu? i don't think we should favour or disfavour the break—up of any union, it is a european decision. but britain has left, and so, too, might others. so we should be prepared to deal with those countries bilaterally. i have enjoyed the differences in europe whether i have travelled there,
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whether i have travelled there, whether cuisine, language, culture, there is very little common language in europe. jon and i look at donald trump's tweets quite a lot call as i'm sure so many people do around the world. what i have noticed is he to eat very late at night, perhaps at midnight, i don't know if it is him, it could be one of staff, and then very early in the morning. is he that kind of guy, is he always up and full of ideas? donald trump is, to use his own language, a high—energy human being, what you might not know is he only sleeps four hours a night. so he is a bit like margaret thatcher! he is, he has a lot of go, and i'm told that his responsiveness in the tweet world is largely to music out that he reads or hears in the early morning and late at night, so you can probably if you are trying to do an algorithm on those tweets, look at them in those two different time
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zones. at them in those two different time zones. i think you may be busy, he will be calling you in the middle of the night! just before i let you go, will you base your office in brussels or here in london? the us ambassador is to the european union, and that is in brussels. best of luck with the job when it finally comes, thank you for coming in to be with us. back now to the row that has led to the mexican visit to america being cancelled. senator amanda petter is with us. did president pena nieto make the right decision today?” think he did. a lot of people here in mexico felt there were no conditions for a good meeting, for a meeting of talking and dialogue.
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i think the position of president trump hasn't been the right one. he has said that america will make america pay for the war, and we don't agree with that.” america pay for the war, and we don't agree with that. i wonder if this is a row which suits both presidents. president pena nieto will look strong at home for standing up to the northern neighbour, and donald trump can say, i'm not giving ground, and still saying mexico has to pay for the war. and you both win.” saying mexico has to pay for the war. and you both win. i don't think that will be the final situation. i think that's the condition we have right now, and of course we here in mexico need to be very united regarding the position that we need to have on this new paradigms, that donald trump means for us regarding trade, regarding security, regarding migration, but we share a border of
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300,000... 3000 kilometres, so our interaction will continue. so i think it is good to have a pace of time right now, and have things clear. i think trump has had such a bad speech against mexico that we need to give a call and... i think we have just lost the senator, which is a shame, because he was in full flow. we will try to get him back, but for the moment, we will come away from that. at the republican meeting in philadelphia where theresa may will speak later, one of the key policy areas they will discuss is how and when to repeal the affordable care act or 0bamacare — which has increased the number of americans covered by health insurance, though at some cost. while 0bamacare is set to be scrapped by congress — possibly as soon as march or april —
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no one is clear what will replace it, and this is causing concern for many of the people who rely on the act for health cover. nick bryant reports from new york. in new york city, the home of donald trump, it is estimated that 1.6 million people could lose their health coverage of the affordable ca re health coverage of the affordable care act is repealed. that is one in five of the city's population. don leslie suffers from asthma, sleep apnoea and an injured knee. she doesn't know what she would do if she lost her 0bamacare coverage. doesn't know what she would do if she lost her obamacare coveragem would be a disasterfor me. i have to have health care in order to survive. if i don't have that health care, if he gets rid of it, i'm dead in the water. no doubt, no doubt. it's not just in the water. no doubt, no doubt. it's notjust adults that could lose their coverage, but as many as 4 million children, and doctors are also worried about the pact of
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existing treatments being interrupted. we are talking about millions of people... this doctor says the human consequences of repeal would be dire. we are talking about people dying? we are talking about people dying? we are talking about people dying? we are talking about people dying, people suffering. a patient with high blood pressure who goes without their mitts on for a few months is at higher risk of stroke or heart attack. and a patient with cancer who had started treatment, interruption in care would mean that they are no longer to get the chemotherapy or the radiation therapy or the surgery that they might need. so from that perspective, i am very worried about the real consequences of what is playing out on the national level. hurling a wrecking ball at 0bamacare is in many ways the easy bit. the problem for the trump administration and republicans on capitol hill is what you replace it with. this is an
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executive order minimising the economic burden of the affordable ca re economic burden of the affordable care act... within hours of taking office with a flourish of his pen, donald trump started rolling back his predecessor's signature achievement. without a clear administration plan yet on the table of what to replace it with. but on capitol hill, republicans claim they can draft an alternative that gives more access to more affordable coverage.” that gives more access to more affordable coverage. i don't even like to use the word replace. i like to think of it as repealing the bar thatis to think of it as repealing the bar that is out there now and fixing what's left over and putting new ideas in place, put some market—driven ideas in place and put things in place that put patients first. for decades, health care has been a polarising fault line issue between progressives and conservatives. many in the republican base of been campaigning for yea rs republican base of been campaigning for years for the end of 0bamacare, but abolition carries political risks, especially with poorer working class americans who helped donald trump which washington. president trump has been talking
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about this in the last hour, but really there is nothing wrong with looking at a policy if people's bills are starting to rise. but there are trapdoors here for the president? and from millions of americans, there is here that they have gone on to 0bamacare, their premiums have gone up, their cover has gone down, and the first big you have to pay, the deductible, has gone through the roof. those people are unhappy and want to see reform, but if you are one of the 20 million people who suddenly got health insurance who didn't before, and you suddenly lose it, what happens to those people? what happens when story starter wouldn't appear in the newspaper that somebody hadn't been able to get their treatment that they were previously able to because they were previously able to because they no longer have insurance? that is the danger for the republicans, andi is the danger for the republicans, and i think they are acutely aware of it. the other issue is, we will
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make it better for the of it. the other issue is, we will make it betterfor the people, but some of the people on 0bamacare are the people who voted for him. yes, and that is one of the paradoxes. a lot of people in kentucky and other places who voted for donald trump stand to lose a huge amount if they lose their 0bamacare, and that is one of the risks that this administration is deeply conscious of. so, obamacare in the headlines. let's look at some of the other key stories. the british government here has paved the way to start the brexit process. the bill to allow the government to trigger article 50 — that's the formal process for leaving the eu — was introduced after the supreme court ruled that approval was needed by members of parliament. the former us secretary of state madeleine albright says she'll register as a muslim if donald trump creates a database of muslim americans. she's tweeted "i stand ready to register as muslim in solidarity". her comments come in response to rumours about an executive
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order on extreme vetting, a refugee ban, and a ban on arrivals from seven countries in the middle east and africa. well, even before the american and mexican presidents went toe to toe on twitter — a former leader really set the tone you could say that! and in no uncertain terms, the former mexican leader vincent fox posted this: "sean spicer, i've said this to @realdonaldtrump and now i'll tell you: mexico is not going to pay for that. . .wall. isi is i don't know what that word is, it has been bleeped out. fabulous wall? folding walk! you are watching 100 days from bbc news. coming up on bbc world news and the bbc news channel in the uk: the man who threatens to shake up french politics — meet emmanuel macron.
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and almost a week in to his presidency, we get the assessment of one trump fan. is it only that short? that's all still to come here on 100 days. good evening. it's been bitterly cold for many parts of the country, and especially under the cloud. this is west berkshire earlier today. in east anglia, the temperature struggled to rise above minus two. we had some lovely sunshine across the north—west of wales, look at that beautiful, sunny skies. as the sun has gone down, the temperatures are starting to melt away, the wind falling like inland, so a recipe for widespread frost and mist and fog to return, more so than last night. these are towns and city temperatures, but in the countryside lower again, really quite bitter out and about. so, frost on the cars and
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potentially because we will see a little drizzle around and some snowfla kes, little drizzle around and some snowflakes, just a few, there could well be nice on friday mine's rush. some fog, too, particularly on the upper slopes of wales, across the peak district and into parts of yorkshire. also parts of pembrokeshire. we have some patchy rain gathering towards the west, and thatis rain gathering towards the west, and that is the sign of a change taking place during the day, but another cold start. the setup on friday is that we have this weather front coming in, but the wind coming more from the south—east, so it will be less bitter for most of us, but increasing cloud. it will still feel cold and grey, for most of us it will still be dry, until later when the showers titus takes shape across parts of western scotland. with it, the air is mild, up to 10 celsius by the air is mild, up to 10 celsius by the end of the day. that band of
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showers the end of the day. that band of s howe rs crosses the end of the day. that band of showers crosses its wake eastwards. brighter weather replaces it, more showers coming in on a south—westerly breeze, not particularly warm, wintry mess over the hills, and this is the question mark about sunday, how far north this weather system will come. we will see some rain in the south, but it looks on balance as if england and wales will have some rain and relatively mild air tied in with it. the best of the brighter weather will be further north, and it will be less cold and more breezy, but do stay tuned if you have plans this weekend. welcome back to 100 days — i'm jon sopel in washington. and i'm christian fraser in london — a reminder of our top story... the mexican president won't be coming to washington after donald trump's ultimatum — "if you won't pay for the wall, don't bother to visit." and coming up, what do donald trump voters think of the president's first few days in office? well, on sunday evening,
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the ruling socialists of france will choose their candidate to run in place of the deeply unpopular francois hollande. the second and final round of the socialist primaries — the former prime minister manuel valls will be fighting it out with a candidate from the left wing of the party, benoit hamon. but the man who is rising fastest in the polls is a centrist. emmanuel macron. he has been painting himself as an alternative to the establishment. is he? lucy williamson has been finding out. for some, he is there a emmanuel, there are new political messiah. for others, he is a glossy young banker with ambition these size of france. either way, emmanuel macron is getting rock star attention and audiences to match. his movement is
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all about a fresh approach to politics, inviting the media into his new campaign headquarters, for example. a bit of silicon valley in paris, where the average age is well under 30. there are bunk for resting and hand drawn cartoons drawn on the wall. in a few short months, 150,000 members have signed up to his liberal pro—europe agenda, twice as many as the governing socialist party has. emmanuel macron was once a small—town boy who met his future wife at school here. the midwest is that she his teacher. translation: at school he was different, he was practically the equal of the teachers, he had an olympic level intelligence, faster, eve ryo ne olympic level intelligence, faster, everyone knew he would be exceptional.
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emmanuel macron is presenting himself as an outsider, an alternative to the political establishment. but he also graduated from some of france's most prestigious schools and ended up as economy minister the president hollande. only to quit two years later to launch his own presidential bid. and while some of his former socialist colleagues are flocking to support him, others have labelled him an arch manipulator. more spin than substance. translation: here we are today, three months from the election and he did not know his position on several important issues. europe, education, secularism. on these issues it is really up in the air. still, he is not doing badly for a man fighting his first ever election campaign. he isa campaign. he is a young politician and he is not part of the political establishment, like others. he is
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the only one who speaks about europe. he is only 40. we expect him to understand our programme, what we wa nt to understand our programme, what we want france to become tomorrow. french elections, they say, are a lwa ys french elections, they say, are always one in the centre, notjust bya man always one in the centre, notjust by a man from the centre. but with the political landscape you're shifting in the face of growing disappointment, although that could change. lucy williamson, bbc news, paris. if there is one thing that myself and jon sopel can speak about, it is paris. to back former french correspondence. if benoit hamon wins the socialist primary at the weekend, really, the socialist can give up on the centre ground in france, realistically, that must be good news for emmanuel macron. the one thing i think is that for all the headlines that he is generating, traditional centres do not do well in france and the other thing, is he
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related a reformer and is a anti—establishment? i remember reporting on him when i was in paris, he was part of francois hall on's government. yes, i do not know what the collective noun is for so many former paris correspondent is, perhaps a flood of them! you are correct, the centre was candidate when i covered the 2002 election, it was marine le pen father who got to the second there was a centrist candidate then, he did not do very well. but i think all the old uncertainties, when you look at the politics are unfolding in this country and in the uk with brexit, who would bet against the centrist candidate who seems to be offering something different. i think all you can say is that there is a huge amount of uncertainty. yes, of course, all eyes on marine le pen. yes, absolutely, she is the person thatis yes, absolutely, she is the person that is making love the running and you cannot help thinking that after the victory of donald trump, after
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the victory of donald trump, after the brexit vote, the natural thing would be, well, maybe it does marine le pen. but things are so conjugated in french politics and so unpredictable that to try to make that prediction at the moment is very premature indeed. crucially important, of course, because it could affect the brexit negotiations. let us go back to the visit of theresa may, she is in philadelphia tonight and will speak about the future trade deal. yes, the bbc‘s michelle fleury is on the floor of the new york stock exchange. how do business leaders villa about a bilateral deal with the uk? i think they are very excited about the prospect. here is the thing. the forces that led to the thing. the forces that led to the brexit vote is similar to the forces that led to the surprise election victory of donald trump. although that means that both sides see an opportunity, certainly on the trade front to deepen the special relationship, the kind and make it more of the commercial relationship.
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i have a couple of figures are likely sure you, i will show you more in the coming weeks, but let's start with this one. this is the size of trade between the two countries. the us and the uk do on average about $235 billion in trade between each other, that within 2015. about 3% of us annual trade is with the uk, making the uk the seventh largest trading partner for the united states. as for the uk, well, america is its second largest trading partner after the european union. but it is the biggest single country in terms of trading partners if you start breaking down the eu. so the question is, what kind of deal, what might the contours of the deal, what might the contours of the deal looked like and, jon sopel, some people are saying it might mean more free movement between the two countries for people who might want to work in the us or in the uk. others talk about perhaps the
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lowering of tardis puther, but they are already pretty at all. so would this involves more deregulation. so for the pharmaceutical companies and america they might want more protection, that could be a negative for the nhs protection, that could be a negative forthe nhs in protection, that could be a negative for the nhs in britain, the mr avery has always been a disagreement regarding food safety rules between the two countries, could that be the sort of area? these are thorny questions which will probably not, in this meeting but i think both sides will claim a trade surplus, in other words, both think they sell all -- other words, both think they sell all —— more goods and services to the other country. that might expect why theresa may and donald trump believe this is a win win situation for both side. thank you for that, michelle fleury on the floor of the new york stock exchange. it's been nearly a week since his inauguration as president, and donald trump has set quite a pace. twelve executive orders signed, and a raft of new policies set in train, not to mention a few spats with the media and political opponents. is it only one week?! what do people who voted for president trump make of his first few days in office,
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are they finally getting what they want? let's speak to denise galvez from the group latinas for trump. great to have you with us. and to look back at a pretty hurried few days. how do you think he has got on? to be honest, i am actually very happy with the executive orders, a lot of the ones that he has put in place merely establish offices to look at things and further establish investigations into things before putting anything into motion. i have no problem with that, it is what i would have expected of him, knowing his background and his experience and that he listens to many different opinions before making a decision. going through with the wall, we knew that would happen but that does not mean it will be built tomorrow. i know that he has been in meetings with agencies and departments responsible for providing accurate information about how many miles we need, how long it'll take to build, where the issues are. he is this information
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before anything takes place. he will need to find the funding and that is something we want to happen immediately in the first few days.” was reading an article in which you we re was reading an article in which you were quoted and someone from the latino community said that he is very latino with the idea that he does things on the spot, like them, they do not think about it, just get on with it. well, we are people of action, i'd ignore the words and rhetoric and just look at he does and what effect it has on us as a country. i think as of now, he has done a really good job of putting things into action. i am concerned with his delivery sometimes. i do not think he is perfect by any means, i think he lacks polish and hopefully, he will learn that along the way before he does any damage! but i do agree with him taking action on a lot of things and putting things in place, to start changing the way that the world has been going and america has been kind of abandoned. i believe
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been going and america has been kind ofabandoned. i believe in been going and america has been kind of abandoned. i believe in america first, i would agree with that. and so looking at the criminal illegals, establishing an office to look into that, how many do they have? how does this affect us? there is so much misinformation from both sides out there. he had decided to establish an office to look into that and that gives me the conclusions and findings that should be unbiased, they should be based on fa ct. be unbiased, they should be based on fact. there is so much of that fact being thrown around and alternative facts and those lovely words are being thrown around in the media. the truth is that it is based on perception and context, and really, he does not have a lot of that, he does not have the experience and he is now putting in place the offices and mechanisms that are needed to make those decisions and to make important decisions. that, i am happy about. briefly, denise, if you might, do you think he is picking some unnecessary fights along the way? yes, i always think that he has to focus more on listening to what happens, let me put this in place,
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then you can go ahead and criticise me. he loves to pick fights with people who criticise him. he definitely needs to do that and i come from the background of being a publicist, i think he needs like a 24—hour hold publicist, i think he needs like a 24— hour hold before publicist, i think he needs like a 24—hour hold before reacting to any of the criticism he has. i agree with waiting perhaps 24 hours before reacting via twitter to some of the things because i think it really distracts from the positive things that he's putting in place. thank you very much indeed. a little bit of breaking news, the vice president mike pence has said that it will be a strict constructionist who will be appointed to the supreme court when donald trump makes his announcement next thursday. two translations of that, the first one is that it will be someone who strictly follows the constitution. the second translation of that is broadly speaking, you can interpret that to mean that it will bea interpret that to mean that it will be a conservative and someone who is very pro—life and anti—abortion,
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which, of course, set a whole argument about social policy for the future of the united states, ones that supreme court appointee is confirmed. that is it from 100 days. we are back next week on monday. we are back next week on monday. we are back at the same time, same place. thank you jon sopel for your company. great pleasure for being here, sorry for speaking overdue! —— overdue. —— over you. you are watching bbc news. the headlines... donald trump has been laying out his plans for new trade deals, telling fellow republicans he wa nts deals, telling fellow republicans he wants bilateral agreements with other countries that would include a bear a nation clause. present from's comments, as theresa may touches
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down in the us and she becomes the first leader to meet the new president in prison. suicide rates in prisons in england and wales have reached record levels with 109 ten next taking their own lives during 2016. an update on the markets. here is how london and frankfurt ended the day... london is down slightly. the dax is up. pa rt dax is up. part of the explanation follows market figures could be the news on the economy. at the end of 2016 the uk economy grew by 0.6% in the final three months of the dear, those figures reported by the office financial systems statistics this morning. it was a stronger performance than most were expecting. it means that the total economic output in the uk increased by 2% over the whole of 2016. that
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is more than many corners predicted after the uk's decision to leave the european union. it is still less than the 2.2% growth seen in 2015. with me is the economist at the institute of directors. michael, brought good news. as always with these things, the devil is in the detail. why are the productions about the consequences about the vote regardless of whether we had at that stage left that it would have an impact? why has that not come to pass? a lot of those predictions we re pass? a lot of those predictions were predicated by the european union being left by britain. but somewhere about the consequences of the vote. that was more long term, the vote. that was more long term, the detail on this one, it is consumption driven growth and that is what is helping bring the uk's economy forward and make it perform better than would have been expected. i suppose that potentially could cause trouble because this is
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one of the things that falls first when things get rocky. yes, a lot of what we have seen with consumption is being fuelled by debt soaked consumer credit increased over the same period by 6.6%. one of the banks was warning today there is a real danger that it was not profitable any more to lend money too risky. it is a real concern because the main issue that we are
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