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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  September 28, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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sharing a ten by ten room,ng threestruggling.nding, i rent this place and then i started home sharing. my roommates help out all the time. they are glad to meet the guests and that opportunity that airbnb has given me is such a priceless gift. i was able to take three months off to take car of my family during a family tragedy. the extra income that i get from airbnb has been a huge impact in my life. 41 days until election day and the candidates are ramping up their rhetoric. this is "cnn tonight" i'm don lemon. hillary clinton still on a post
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debate high tamgs -- takes the stage with bernie sanders. >> isn't this one of the strangest elections you've ever seen? i -- i really sometimes don't know what to make of it. standing on that debate stage the other night i was especially thinking about that. >> and donald trump ignoring advisors warning him his debate strategy was less than ideal, he says this. >> i don't think she did well in the debate at all. i don't think she did well at all. and i just walked in and saw some of the great people that represent your state and they said wow you did so great in the debate. >> first lady michelle obama campaigning for hillary clinton in pittsburgh does not mince words.
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>> when making life or death or war or peace decisions, a president just can't pop off or lash out irrationally. no. we need an adult in the white house. i guarantee you. >> let's get right to cnn. politics executive editor mark preston. and the author of rightful heritage. where do you start? is someone -- i guess they finally told him today that his debate performance was not good? >> i think that what has happen is that donald trump came out of that debate thinking he did better than he really did and he really did poorly and what has happened is some of the people some of the people in the circle where they are inside the circle or right outside the circle decided to go to the new york times and say that he needs to
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change or he's going to lose, and he got infuriated by that and he's now asking everyone to double down and say that he did a great job. and of course we just heard that sound bite where he thinks he did a good job and hillary clinton did a bad job and that is an alternative universe than the rest of us live in. >> why would he think he did well? >> because i don't think anybody -- and look i'm going to take a little bit of a leap here, but i think it's a good leap. i don't think anyone has ever told donald trump he's done stuff wrong. ning his business life he's probably surrounded with yes men and he's been successful in business while there are a lot of similarities between business and political life, there's two different animals and if you're going to be a politician -- if you're going to run for office and you're a novice, you better listen to those around you who are professionals and if you don't you're probably going to lose and that's why donald trump had a terrible debate night the other night. >> before i get to you, douglas, if you're at the clinton campaign, aren't you saying that is the best thing for us, let him think he did well and let
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him keep saying that because the reality is he actually didn't and you're helping us? >> right. what you don't want is you don't want donald trump to do what barack obama did in 2012 after having a terrible debate performance -- >> it's mitt romney in. >> against mitt romney, and he did a course correction and came back and won the election and well. you want donald trump to continue moving forward thinking his strategy is a winning strategy. >> so listen, i want to quickly get this in, douglas, because trump is refocusing his attacks on hillary clinton. let's take a look and then we'll talk about it. >> you have six weeks until the election. think of it. from june -- can you believe this? i've been out from june 16th, it's been full-time, all the time. you see all the days off that hillary takes? day off, day off, day off. all those day offs and she can't make it to her car, isn't it
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tough? >> mr. brinkley, are these attacks the way to go in the aftermath of this debate? >> i don't think so. right after the debate he went into the spin room and tried to be pretty genial, if you recall. he said the moderator was pretty fair. he said he was complaining about the microphone a little bit, so he was believing his own b.s. that he did, or his own inner-compass thought. and then all the people around him said you lost, polls show that he did a terrible job and he started hemorrhaging and doubling down and dug himself in a bigger hole than he was an hour after the debate. i think starting now probably tomorrow and maybe even this evening trying to see him find his mojo again because he lost an awful lot of momentum. i was there, don, where you were at hofstra university and there was a fear in democratic circles
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before the debate that trump was up in the polls in pennsylvania and colorado and other places. he seemed to have some momentum and it has now just disappeared. >> you heard him mark say he was believing the online polls which are not scientific surveys. you can sit there and just keep punching yes, yes, trump, trump. those are not real polls. >> they're not real polls and what he's done there is saying look i won the "time" magazine on line poll. and look at what druge said about me. he's feeding in more fuel into the fire of the supporters who are backing him who by the way are going to back him any way he needs to get to those people who are not supporting him at this point. and quite frankly, he is peddling false information and false data by pointing to those. >> this is his new strategy now. the new talking points and we have a copy. cnn got ahold of the talking points, what he plans to do next, to bring up monica lewin ski. is this playing into the clinton's hands? is this a winning strategy for
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him? >> no. no. it's not a winning strategy. what douglas has to say, it's not a winning strategy. monica lewinsky has decided to take her name out of the spotlight. she only came back recently because she's kind of embraced it in some way and has talked about bullying. the idea you're going to drag monica lewinsky, it's going to make hillary clinton look like she's the victim. that's what happens time and time again. the woman is the victim. it's because the woman is the victim. >> and doug, for those who were not here or don't remember history, people were pretty sympathetic towards hillary clinton during that time and to mark's point that may make them even more so this time? >> exactly. not only were they sympathetic, but it's just really irrelevant to the hillary clinton scandal. where trump did okay in the debates was his populous economic message the first 20 minutes of the debate.
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you would think now he would be focused on that instead of playing these, you know, new york post, new york daily news tabloid games but he's gotten so addicted to the new york tabloid culture that he thinks moving the news cycles as he did with gennifer flowers will put hillary clinton on the defense the problem with that is, it may have worked a decade ago but she's heard a lot of that and gotten hardened over the years and we saw a very cool and effective hillary clinton and she's not going to be unnerved by the resurrection of lewinsky. >> the clinton campaign plays donald trump's own words back to him when they are using the ads against him. let's continue this with monica lewinsky. and bringing up bill clinton's inskrepgss. he said it was embarrassing he had had to be impeached by it. saying he should have refused
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answer questions, he should have take ten fifth. he called paula jones, one of the women included in the whole bill clinton thing, said she was a loser. and in an interview in 2008, where he said the whole thing -- this was with wolf blitzer, he said the whole thing with bill clinton wasn't that important. look at this. >> i mean, look at the trouble bill clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense and bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all things that turned out not to be true. >> do you see an ad there from the clinton campaign? >> i see the clinton campaign pushing that out to journalists. >> they don't want to bring -- >> there's no reason to continue bringing up something negative. what donald trump has become what he said he's not become. he's become a politician. the problem is he's a really bad politician because he's not listening to those who know the game and that of the
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professional practitioners that could help him get elected. >> this is the first lady that took donald trump to task on the campaign trail. listen to this. >> >> there were those who questioned and continued to question for the past eight years whether my husband was born in this country. yeah. and i will say this, hurtful, deceitful questions deliberately designed to undermine my husband's presidency, and questions i might add that cannot be blamed on others, cannot be swept under the rug by an insincere comment at a press conference. >> so the first lady hitting donald trump on the birther issue. she's one of the most liked people in the country. do you think he'll refrain from going after the first lady? >> let him try. i mean, she's a beloved figure and particularly millennial love her.
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she's got a great reputation all over. so i thought she was very effective today defending you know hillary clinton and any time the birther issue is -- comes up, trump looks bad. if you ever want to see -- it's an albatross around trump's neck he can't get rid of. i thought when he apologized about the birther issue that would be tend of it. but it keeps on lingering. and clearly team clinton and the president and michele and surrogates for hillary clinton are going to raise that birther issue as much as possible. i don't believe donald trump has made any inroads into the african-american communities since he's tried, nobly tried, in some ways, but the birther issue is just not going away and history will show if he loses he never had a clear -- an ability to get out of the starting gate because it was so ridiculous that he said the first african-american president wasn't born in america. >> mark? >> what's interesting about it
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is everything as i said was -- everything that douglas said was absolutely right. and the fact that he said he nobly tried to go in, but it was such a haphazard effort, he got nowhere with it and did not mention his name at all, however you knew exactly who she was referring to so i reached out to someone who knows her have well and said why did this happen and this person said she's never named names with him and you can draw their own conclusions about that, meaning she has so much animosity towards donald trump, that i suspect you will see her on the campaign trail a lot more and while she will be very good selling the hillary clinton positive message, she's also going to be very effective probably in trying to take donald trump down. >> thank you very much, gentlemen. when we come back, hillary clinton hitting the campaign trail with former rival, bernie sanders. can he help her win the millennial voters she needs. attention!
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hillary clinton reaching out to millennial voters holding a rally at the university of new hampshire with her former rival, vermont senator bernie sanders. here to discuss is clinton campaign -- discuss the clinton campaign is lynn forester derothchild, the founder of the coalition for inclusive capitalism and a big hillary clinton supporter. thank you so much. you're one of her staunchest supporters. you thought this was one of her strongest moments, here it is. >> words matter. words matter when you run for
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president and they really matter when you are president and i want to reassure our allies in japan and south korea and elsewhere that we have mutual defense treaties and we will honor them. it is essential that america's word be good. >> why did that stand out to you, lynn? >> that idea that america's word needs to be good is so important, and it's in such stark contrast to donald trump. i think when hillary said that the world sort of breathed a sigh of relief, america is good for what it says it will be and what it says it will do. when america makes a promise, we keep our promises and that's so important. >> the next debate is going to be different. this was a more traditional debate, you know, set up -- format. the next one will be a town hall type forum. do you know what the strategy is
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for hillary clinton for this debate? >> i don't know what the strategy is, but i know who the person is and i know she's the most-qualified person -- the person with the character that really puts her country first. she's worked her whole life, often behind the scenes, to help people who are suffering, because she knows how her own mother suffered, so she's thinking about that all the time. she's just going to be hillary. >> let me and you about this, because i was talking to some millennial the other day and they don't know her history. they were maybe johnson or sanders supporters but don't know about the children's defense fund. how does she make that case for herself? she have to do it or her surrogates? how does she do that? >> i think michelle obama did that very well today. she said one of two people will become president and if you decide to stay at home, or you decide to vote for one of the
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other candidates, then you are voting for donald trump, and think about what that means, so, you're right, the millennial don't know about how she graduated from law school and instead of going to wall street, and making a fortune, she went to work at the children's defense fund to help children and i love that because i think one really good way to ally -- on -- to analyze someone is what did they do before they were in politics when no one was looking. >> or before they had money. >> or before they had money, before they were famous, and donald trump -- when he -- when someone was looking he went to work for his father and put a system of discrimination against c, colored people when he was renting. that's a very important way to understand these people. >> i want to move on and get to the last debate we had. this is your reaction to this, at the end of the debate, and then in the spin room, donald
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trump, listen. >> i was going to say something extremely rough to hillary, to her family and i said to myself, i can't do it. i just can't do it. it's inappropriate. >> anything that you wish you did differently? >> no, i'm very happy that i was able to hold back on the indiscretions with respect to bill clinton because i have a lot of respect for chelsea clinton. and i just didn't want to say what i was going to say. >> which is? >> which is i'll tell you maybe at the next debate, we'll see. >> there are reports that republicans in congress are trying to discourage donald trump from going this route. what would the impact be on the campaign? >> i think it is so pathetic that after a 90-minute debate where he couldn't put forward a positive vision for america he is regretting only that he
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didn't go further down a shake hole and accuse -- try to smear hillary clinton with what her husband does. anyone who has ever lived through a spouse who has been unfaithful and has held their family together is a hero, and anyone in this country who's had any experience like that, whose ever been knocked down and been able to get up and stand with the person they love is a hero, so if donald trump wants to fight that battle, he can fight that battle. he's been married three times. his -- his first wife sued him for rape. i mean, are you kidding me? >> but she said -- recanted. during the debate, howard dean tweeted this, notice trump sniffing all the time and he said coke user, question mark, and here's dean on msnbc, listen to this. >> i don't think this is a ridiculous idea. something funny was going on with trump last night. do i think it was cocaine, probably not. but you know, again, the
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sniffling, the grand yosity, the delusions, the pressured speech, this guy has already proven himself to be unstable. the question is why. >> he's raising a lot of eyebrows. he endorsed hillary clinton. he's acting as a surrogate. is this something the campaign should apologize for or denounce? he should apologize for or at least the campaign should denounce? >> i don't think he should have said that. that's the kind of thing donald trump says. it's made up. he shouldn't have said it. it's his decision whether he should apologize but it's what he said, not what the campaign said. it has nothing to do with hillary clinton. >> you don't think he should denounce it? >> i don't think it was the right thing. i was in the audience, so i didn't hear the sniffling. and i saw on twitter all these sniffle tweets, but i didn't know what it was about. there was a lot of sniffling.
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>> thank you, it's good to be here. thank you for having me. donald's son posts a parity of a movie and cartoon character pepe the frog. there is more to this image that meets the eye. we'll tell you why the trump and clinton campaigns are battling over it when we come back.
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ever hear of pepe the prong? -- the frog? he's a cartoon star with many faces, but white supremacists have adopted the image, manipulating it for their own purposes and that has thrust him into the middle of a battle between the clinton and trump campaigns. tom foreman explains, tom? >> reporter: hey, don, this cartoon character is now like the frog in the pot and the water around him just keeps getting hotter. >> i'm crazy! you're going to kill me. >> you're welcome. the expendibles movies featured a mixed-race band of mercenaries traveling the globe battling evil, but when donald trump posted this sendup of the movie poster this month, the clinton campaign opened fire. not because it mocks her calling
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trump supporters deplorables because of this cartoon frog which they say is another example of trump's campaign promoting racism. >> so he has a long record of engaging in racist behavior. >> pepe the frog, a popular character and internet memes has been labeled a hate symbol by the anti-defamation league. why? because the image is increasingly being used by white supremacists and others in the so-called alt-right movement. pepe was created a fun, comic character and the artist, while clearly not thrilled over pepe's latest coopting told the atlantic this isn't the first time pepe has been used in a negative, weird context, it's out of my control. with donald trump busily courting minority voters, the
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whole campaign says the matter is ridiculous and disavows all groups and individuals associated with the message of hate. on good morning america, donald trump jr. says it's a sign of clinton's desperation. >> i thought it was a frog and a wig. i thought it was funny. i had no idea there's any connotation there. >> and even the adl explicitly says the majority of uses of pepe the frog have been and continue to be non-bigoted. posting a pepe, meme does not mean someone is racist or white supremacist, but the adl decided sometimes a simple cartoon character can be as bad as a confederate flag or swastika and making too little or too much of that could be dangerous for either candidate, don? >> tom, thank you very much. here to discuss, matt lewis, senior contributor to the daily caller. here we go again. despite the caveats, you say
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that pepe the frog is clearly tied to anti-semetism and racism. explain that. >> as the package said, it started out by matt fury. my alter ego, and for a long time it was called a reaction image, a meme, so somebody drops a ball at a big football game and you put a picture up of pepe, making a certain face and it's funny, but it has been appropriated clearly by the alt-right and it's used to express anti-semetic themes. and, look, the swastika was around about 10,000 years before christ, but the context has changed since the 1940s and pepe has been coopted. >> after hillary clinton said donald trump's supporters could be put in a basket of deplorables, donald trump posted
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this showing pepe standing with his dad and other conservative figures and even writing he's honored to be grouped with them. how does this fit in with trump and his surrogates and how they use social media? >> i take him at his word that he didn't understand or fully understand the context of using pepe. because that's entirely plausible. i agree. it's part of the reason -- >> before you go on, if your dad was running president wouldn't be do some research and be careful? >> i would also have done debate prep if i debated. in fairness. donald trump maybe didn't live up to my standards. i probably did more preparation for this than he did for the debate. the problem of course is there's pattern of this. this isn't the first time they've tweeted or re-tweeted things that are anti-semetic and remember the star of david with hillary clinton and cash money in it. at the very least they're guilty of being racially insensitive. >> so the clinton campaign calls
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out trump over his use of pepe and here's what they write. he says -- they say more sinister than you may realize. as tom foreman reports, many don't use this cartoon frog with a sinister intent. >> that's right. you know, katy perry tweeted this out a couple years ago. nikki manaj has, david duvocney said he likes it. so clearly this not only had a reputation and an image that preexisted the alt-right coopting of it, but a lot of people don't understand, they just think it's funny or silly and i would say some of the alt-right people, they don't think of themselves as anti-semitic or racist, that they are essentially nilists that does it for the lulls. that means basically for the heck of it. they want to get under peoples' skin, they want to be politically incorrect, so their motives are not always sinister
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as it may seem to people on the receiving end of it. >> months ago you brought up the alt-right before anybody was talking about it, now it's center stage in this campaign. breitbart executive steve bannon is trump's campaign chair. his web site is a big proponent of the so-called alt-right movement. what do you know about his role and what it has been since he came on board? >> that's right, don. we actually did -- like maybe six months ago we had a pretty long discussion on the alt-right, and hillary clinton ended up giving a big speech this summer. we're on the cutting edge of identifying this. steve bannon, he's the ceo of the trump campaign. we've heard very little about him. as soon as he was named ceo, kellyanne conway, at the exact same time became campaign manager and there were scandals that started to come out about steve ban skpon his past relationships. he's kept a really low profile and it is unclear what he's doing or how much impact if any
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he is having on the campaign. if he's having it, it's really behind the scenes and under the radar. >> thank you, matt lewis. >> thank you. when we come back, the first lady takes aim at donald trump about his birther claims. can michelle obama win voters for hillary clinton?
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the cartoon character that started out as an internet meme is being called a symbol of hate by the anti-defamation league. and pepe the frog. joining us a panel. betsy mccoy, the answer -- the anti-defamation league says that pepe the frog is a hate symbol used by white supremacists in the alt-right movement. what's your reaction? >> i can't believe when labor participation rates are the
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lowest in 50 years and in the middle east christians are being beheaded and hung from meat hooks the clinton campaign wants to talk about a cartoon frog. ridiculous. it's shameful. they're doing anything to distract voters from the real issues because it's impossible to run on the economic record of barack obama, or the situation of the middle east, which is in chaos because of the obama-clinton foreign policy. >> is this just the clinton campaign doing this, bakari? >> not at all. we understand there's chaos around the world, and we can talk about the reasons why. we also know your economic outlook is not totally true or honest. we know the middle class has made gains, unemployment is down and the stock market is doing well. you know, with that all being said, none of that gives you rise or the ability to blatantly be anti-semitic, or allow you to be racist. it doesn't allow you to know xenophobic. we're starting to see the trump campaign -- not the entire campaign and i'm not sure you
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can blame this on donald trump, or his campaign per se, they've been some of the least-effective surrogates they have because they often find themselves fumbling and making mistakes such as this. >> considering the bigger picture here because if it was the tweets of the frog or the cartoon frog, maybe that would be one thing. but there is the much bigger context including the birther lie and michelle obama fired back, first lady, listen to this and then we'll discuss. >> and then of course there are those who question and continued to question for the past eight years whether my husband was even born in this country. and let me say hurtful, deceitful questions, deliberately designed to undermine his presidency, questions that cannot be blamed on others or swept under the rug by an insincere sentence uttered at a press conference.
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>> kailey? >> i think the obama campaign, former obama campaign, clinton campaign has selective memory. the obama campaign looked at hillary clinton when she circulate the photo of president obama in native kenyan dress and said this is dirty tricks and the "new york times" who said the sleeziest moment in politics -- that was columnist -- when hillary clinton went on tv and said barack obama is a not a muslim as far as i know. certain this uttering of the president, now they're all on board and want to continue president obama's legacy, but they have very selective memory. >> bob? >> listen, for the first time in my life, i actually feel sorry for donald trump after that performance, but having said that, there's two things he has to be very careful of. one is the allegations that he's close to or associated with this alt-right racist group. and i don't believe he is, but if i were him, i'd walk away from that thing so fast, you --
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you'd never turn your -- over your shoulder and look behind you. the other thing is why does he continue this birther issue? he could have just said on monday night, i'm done with that, i said he was born in the united states. done. he somehow for some reason this guy cannot take any criticism at all and when he talks, you're talking about the mid-east, you know, this guy -- he talks about -- he has a hard time finding the middle east. he didn't come up with a single policy proposal and the reasons people are laughing at him around the country is -- i did a focus group, as you know i've been in ohio, and i'm telling you i'll play you the tape recording after the election is over, these people laughed at him. >> i want to stick to this issue of racism. >> i'd like to jump in on this for a moment. >> go ahead. >> because it's clear that ms. clinton is trying to label all trump supporters as racists, as sexists, as -- as people who are a bad influence on little girls.
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i watched the debate where she stuck up her nose and a very snooty pc way disdained beauty contests, but there are a lot of americans who like to watch beauty contests, who like to watch wrestling, and i remember ms. clinton, 20 years ago, when she was much more of the prim lady defending her husband's infidelity, she was against gay marriage and telling women they should always keep her hair looking nice and her views are different but she expects everybody to be on her etiological pc timetable. and most appearance don't want a president who's dictating what's pc. >> bakari, you can respond to that. >> i really don't know how to respond to that. we've meandered in a lot of different places.
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no one is saying all donald trump supporters are racist. no one is saying all donald trump supporters are bigoted. >> i would not say that about kiley. >> at the debate, she said we all have racial tendencies. >> racial biases. >> same thing. >> lieutenant governor, that's the problem. people don't understand the fundamental difference between implicit bias and racism, and constitutional racism, and systemic racism. we're trying to lift up the level of conversations and have these conversations between one another but you have to at least understand and comprehend what we're talking about. no one is saying you're racist, no one is saying kaley is racist. but you're saying you support a candidate with racial tendencies. so be it. you have to sleep with that not the rest of us. >> he discussed very cavalier here, he and his father got off the fact they would not allow african-americans to rent their properties by saying the justice department -- we never admitted it, we paid a fine but never admitted it. that's ridiculous.
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for donald trump right now. forget hillary clinton for a moment. you-all have got a campaign here that's on the verge of imploding. you need to get this guy ready for a debate. if you think for a minute that that debate monday night did this guy any good, then you're not doing him a favor, you're not doing yourself a favor. >> kailey? >> you've got to tell him. >> bob, here's where i agree with you, bob. i think he needs to learn to play offense more, talk about the e-mails, talk about the clinton foundation, i'm not sure why the clinton foundation didn't come up. so i agree with you there. but the notion this campaign is imploding just recently he had more than one path to 270. this is not on the verge of imploding. there are some things to learn, but the notion this campaign is imploding when just two days ago >> i think donald trump did very are in that debate. >> he did. >> and i'll tell you why.
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ms. clinton had about 100 well-rehearsed answers. everybody expected she speaks for a living. for a half a million dollars a pop. so no one expected she would to anything but be a smooth talker. >> okay. >> you say donald trump did well? >> stand by. that's a perfect tease. you think he did well, we're going to discuss that coming back when we come back. upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at
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so we're back now with my panel. betsy was saying bob that she thinks donald trump did a great job the other night and your reaction was what? hillary clinton was too rehearsed, answers canned and you said what? >> i can't -- i mean betsy you're a wonderful decent person, i can't believe you believe that, but if you do, you do. i had a race for president, we won the first debate and clobbered opponent and within five minutes of the second debate we were done. it's possible for donald to get back but not make him a policy wonk overnight, doesn't understand it, don't make him -- he's 72 years old. but make him a nice guy. and not be rude.
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when asked that question last night, who would you attribute the word rude to, 58% of women on the side said trump. 72% of the men said trump. >> let me address the issue of women. it's come up a lot tonight. i'm a mother, three daughters and two granddaughters and been through the whole gamut of the issue hillary clinton is now featuring, weight issue, gaining weight or eating disorders. she brought it up at debate when mentioned miss machado and running ad that shows young girls painfully looking into a mirror. this is disturbing to me. i've sat at bedside of a child close to death and families like mine who suffered so much on this issue are appalled that mrs. clinton is exploiting into political issue.
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>> it was donald trump that was. >> but if you're appalled by that and still support donald trump? that's a fundamental issue that you have. she's not -- i let you finish. the fact is she's not just running an ad with women staring in mirror but running an ad with women staring in mirror with the words of donald trump playing over them. it's the words that come out of his mouth. it's misogyny that comes out. s if nothing more, nothing less. if you want it not to be issue. tell donald trump to stop talking like that. today newt gingrich said she was problem because gained the pounds. that's not just hillary clinton being despicable but using the donald trump's words. >> i am not going to attack her. i feel sorry for her and after
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this is over jooel she'll be the punch line of some joke like all the women scarred by clintons like monica lewinsky. i don't want to touch mrs. machado. i hope she's not harmed by all this. >> i'm listening to you and we got the talking points from clinton. >> betsy ask i -- >> we got the talking points from the trump people and betsy is going down in line with what they said, bring up lewinski and is that the strategy. >> didn't tell me to bring up family. so many families see that ad and think how can they take this personal issue experienced by people along the political spectrum and turning into political ad? >> it has donald trump's own words. >> betsy listen, one of the things that has to happen. >> shame on him. >> hoping to stay in the race,
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donald trump has to stop making the case against hillary clinton and start talking why he can be president. if anybody came out of that debate who thought he could be president, and if you think anywhere near a majority did, you're wrong. i've been there and done it. you're on the edge. this guy has to get manners, and he's going to have to convince people that he -- >> many viewers didn't like to be told what's politically correct. that's the attitude mrs. clinton had in the debate. howard dean tweeted notice trump sniffing all the time. coke user. is he sinking to level of conspiracy theorist and should the clinton campaign call him out for this? >> absolutely. to speculate that someone is using a drug and howard dean is a medical doctor. that is absurd. we're talking about donald trump who didn't even drink. and clinton campaign who
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conspiracy theories about her health not floated by trump campaign. they came on and wished her well. didn't tweet into that narrative now the clinton campaign has. >> i don't think she has the stamina to be and made a joke today saying -- >> but stamina isn't her health. he's making the point he's on the campaign trail twice as much as clinton. >> i've been a recovering cocaine addict. for 17 years i haven't used the drug. i can tell you without a question that donald trump isn't using cocaine. i would have picked up and the rest of us that fell victim to the drug would have. i think howard dean went overboard. he should apologize and move on, and the clinton campaign should do it as well. it's a serious allegation. for those of us who suffered from it, it's nothing to be taken lightly. >> we should end there. thank you very much. >> thanks, don. >> i appreciate it.
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that's it for us. thank you for joining us and i'll see you here tomorrow. if you miss any of your town hall, you can see the whole thing started in just a moment on cnn.
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>> good evening from ft. lee in
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virginia. we are coming to you from this u.s. army installation for a crucial conversation with the military and the commander in chief. president barack obama, about some of the most pressing issues facing the united states today. our national security. our leadership abroad. the service of more than 2 million troops in our active and reserve forces and the condition of our more than 20 million veterans. these exceptional men and women comprised of the finest military force in the world, bravely tackling a host of challenges from conventional attacks abroad to helping prevent terror on our shores. it is a critical time in the military, scope and mandate, women in the military and veterans coming home to feel they're still at war. we brought together people from all branches, military spouses, their parents and children and those other have made the ultimate sacrifice, gold star families. we want to hear from as many as


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