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tv   Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  July 21, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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in "the situation room." thank you for watching. happening now, breaking news, spicer out, white house press secretary sean spicer resigns after just six months on the job. this move coming as president trump appoints a new communications director who once called him a hack politician. pardon me. the trump legal team is reportedly looking at ways to push back against the investigation by special council he will robedas counsel robert muell mueller? the white house is asked to preserve all documents on the white house meeting with russians, including his son. his son voluntarily testified to investigators. the travel ban. the state department bars u.s. citizens to travel to north korea after the mysterious death of an american student who suffered severe brain damage in
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north korean custody. why is the kim regime offering torture at the same time? i'm brianna keeler. you're in "the situation room." breaking news tonight. a new white house shake-up. sean spicer is stepping down as press secretary after just six months on the job. sources tell cnn his resignation was prompted by president trump's decision to hire wall street financier anthony scaramucci as communications director. special counsel robert mueller has asked the white house to save all documents related to a controversial meeting attended by donald trump jr., jared kushner and former campaign manager paul manafort who all sat down last june with a russian lawyer tied to the
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kremlin. today is the deadline for trump jr. and manafort to respond to a request from the senate judiciary committee to testify in its russian probe. chairman chuck grassley says he might subpoena them if they don't oblige. we are speaking to the chairman of the homeland security committee. he's also a member of the foreign affairs committee. i want to go straight to the white house now and cnn's sarah murphy. zds staff shake-up has long been rumored to be in the works, it was president trump's decision to make a hire rather than a decision to fire someone that led to sean spicer's departure. president trump's high-profile press secretary sean spicer resigning in protest today, objecting to the president's
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decision to hire new york's anthony scaramucci, new york financier. sarah huckabee sanders said he has a bright future ahead. >> i wish him continued success as he moves on to new opportunity. >> reporter: he is seen as a strong television personality and prepares to defend trump as a time when his presidency is under siege. >> i was in the oval office today. we were talking about letting him express himself, let him have a full identity. >> reporter: and he'll report directly to the president. >> he did a great job. he's a terrific guy. >> reporter: in his debut on the paramedics tomorrow today. >> if the president says it, let me do more research on it, but my guess is there is probably a
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level of truth in that. >> anthony scaramucci is liked by ivanka trump and son-in-law jared kushner. scaramucci downplayed his ree relationship with priebus. >> we have a little bit of friction inside the white house as a result of that, it's okay. >> reporter: spicer was supposedly so opposed to the move that he tendered his r resignation today. he said he wanted to give the president a clean slate. today scaramucci had only warm words for his predecessor. i love the guy and wish him well. i hope he goes on to make a tremendous amount of money. >> reporter: he adopted a tone with the facts.
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he turned to a -- struggled to defend the president's twitter. >> i'm going to let the tweets speak for themselves. >> reporter: downgraded potential ties between the president and russia. >> if the president uses russian dressing, somehow that's a connection. >> reporter: spicer prepares to depart after just six months on the job. sarah huckabee sanders accepts her new title as white house press secretary. >> thank you. obviously i would have been happy -- >> now, obviously this white house has had a pretty come. we saw scaramucci's new york
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swagger a little more at ease at the podium. will it change the tone of those briefings? tbd, to be determined. >> sean spicer as press secretary is one of the shortest on record. correspondent dana bash is here about this. you actually spoke to sean spicer on the phone. how is he feeling? >> a very brief conversation. he seemed to be okay. like i told him, he sounded temporarily like the old sean spicer that you and i used to know before he became the combative guy you saw at that podium. but i asked him the obvious question, which is why now and why this? why is this the straw that broke the camel's back? his answer was he wanted to give me or the president a clear
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message that it's the right time for you, it the right time for me, but if things had been going smoothing, let's not kid ourselves. he wouldn't have left. >> and you also had news of special counsel robert mueller and white house officials. what have you learned? >> reporter: the president's counsel sent a letter to white house counsel to save all documents relating to the june 2016 meeting with paul manafort, jared kush near, donald trump jr. and a russian lawyer. the request pertains to any subjects discussed in the course of the meeting and also any decisions made regarding recent disclosures about the june 2016 meeting. now, mueller's letter clearly connects this request to the larger russian investigation. here's what it said in part. as you are aware, the special counsel's office is
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investigating the russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, including any links or coordination between the russian government or individuals associated with the campaign of donald trump. there was word that this is relevant to the investigation. the request includes text messages, notes, e-mails, voicemails, pretty much anything related to that june 2016 meeting, as well as anything afterwards, any communication about it afterwards. i should note that these requests are not uncommon and are often sent at the early stages of an investigation to ensure the documents that are relevant are not destroyed. but this is also significant because it is one of the first clear actions that we know about from the special counsel on his investigation particularly as it relates to the white house.
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now, brianna, a white house spokeswoman said they're not going to comment on special communication and the white house house declined to comment. >> dana bash, thank you. let's get more from texas republican mike joining us from aspen. i wonder if this can be solved by something like this, gijust change in the communications team. is this a communications issue the white house is having or something more substantive? >> i think the white house relationship with sean spicer is a strained one, and maybe the opportunity to have a disciplined communications office that can stay on message. they've had a difficult time staying on message, it's been very distracting, and when you have an agenda and an agenda in
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the congress that we've been trying to pursue whether it be health reform, tax reform or national security issues, my expertise. i think it's important that sarah huckabee mentioned right out of the box the dhs reauthorization bill that passed on the floor just yesterday, and then out of my committee, which will authorize the department for the first time since its creation, that's actually a big deal, but it gets overshadowed by the russia stuff. >> i do want to talk to you more about that authorization later, but isn't part of the problem of staying on message -- or not part of it, perhaps most of it, if not all of it -- the fault of the president? how would this -- i mean, when you're talking about people aren't focusing on the homeland security department's, it because president trump is tweeting, not because his press
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shop is messing up, right snt. >> sfp. . and perhaps with the help of the vice president who is a very measured messenger, if you will, this can be. this investigation with bob mueller is going to continue, as it should. i worked with him and i seem to have respect for him as an attorney. we need to move on. it seems to consume the news and that's all we seem to talk about, yeah, i'm at a national security forum in aspen and we're talking about how we're moving in on isis and raqqa, how we're stopping the threat from terrorists. . iran sanctions coming out of the might house in addition to cyber
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skur skurlt, includes china a& a sanctions package through the house in response to crimea but also their meddling in the united states elections. >> so the president doesn't bear any responsibility for the white house getting off message of the agenda that you want to talk about. >> well, i would prefer, you know, communications coming out of the white house not always by tweets. of course, my team usually does that for me, but that seems to be his preferred way to message. i think they've got to get the me say -- message. we in the house want an agenda that we believe it right for america. >> anthony scaramucci was asked, first time in the briefing room,
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and he was asked for the baseless claim that 305,000 voted illegally. >> do you stand by the claims or contested, made by this country at 3900. >> it a little bit of an unfair question because i'm not up to speed on all of that said so? >> if the president said it, there is probably some level of truth to that. >> does that concern you, that he's saying there is some level of truth to that? >> i think this has been the debate, is there any credible evidence of any fraud in the last election. there always seems to be -- >> but we're not talking about 5 to 500 votes that would have
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swung the political vote for hillary clinton. >> i don't know the answer to that, to be honest with you, and i don't think a lot of people do. what i am concerned about are the russians and other former adversari adversaries. >> you don't have a sense of what really is the problem of voter fraud or the size of it? >> voter fraud has existed in every election. the question is the magnitude of the scale in the last presidential, and i think that's why the president has called for this commission. i know the vice president has been involved in this. but until we get to the real facts here, it's hard to state with any clarity what the real facts are. >> it seems like many people in your party seem to believe it's very much on the small, negligible side as compared to something like 3.5 million which certainly would have an impact on the outcome of an election.
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>> true. and we don't want to have voter fraud in the future. the fact is this president won the election. taking personalities aside, we want to strengthen the military, which is what we're talking about at this national security conference. we want to strengthen our counter territory. we want to. that's what we want to talk about as house republicans, and too often we get dragged out by this other status. >> president trump and his legal team have been discussing his pardoning power. if he could pardon aides, family, even himself? would pardons to you be an admission of some sort of guilt? >> i do think sarah huckabee
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sanders discounted that by saying they're not looking to pardoning anyone in the administration. because there is an investigation, i suppose this is a legitimate conversation to have with attorneys, but that certainly would not, in my judgment, have a very good optic to it. >> you think it's -- why is it reasonable to have that conversation with attorneys? six months into an administration? >> well, and it is unfortunate that this early into an administration we're getting overshadowed by this when there are so many important issues facing this nation that we are trying to address, both here at this conference and in the congress ask nd in the white ho that don't often get reported and get overshadow chld --
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overshadowed? >> would this include his associates? >> i know they're being investigated. this meeting in trump tower with this russian lawyer who apparently had russian intelligence ties is concerning. that that meeting even took place in trump tower with some of the major things that took place. there is a question of collusion or whether they were duped into this meeting as the russians set something up. >> i want to ask you a question about a former prosecutor. >> the fbi director, the counsel as well. are you concerned about where
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they work? >> i have a lot of respect for skbref sessions. i think he was appointed by the president. right now, if it was me, i would be shaeg the utmost respect for want and have respect for yut and the fbi. i think having worked in that capacity for over a decade, i do have utmost confidence that they will do their job. the question is, is there anything there? and we won't know until this investigation is completed and there may not be anything. >> you said the respect. but does the president? he doesn't seem to have the confidence or the respect for these men and for their institutions. >> well, i don't think, you know, personal attacks on good people is the right way to go here. i think to the contrary.
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i would be showing great respect for these men knowing that they're going to do a very professional job and they're trained to do this. and the sooner we can get through this and get to the bottom of it for the american people, the better. and there may be nothing there. and then we can move on. i think the frustration of all of this is we can't talk about how we're defeating isis, how we're stopping external operation threats coming into the country, how we're ramping up our military efforts, how we are tightening up our border security, and all these things that are positive, you know, we can't seem to be able to message that because of all the distractions coming out, in some cases, out of the bhit houwhite. sdplz congre congressman, stay with me. we're getting new information out of capitol hill. we'll be right back with
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congressman mccaul as well. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients...
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we're back now with the chairman of the homeland security committee, representative mike mccaul. first i want to get to the breaking news. attorneys for one of the witnesses that the senate judiciary committee that the investigators wanted information from just said no. i want to go to monu. who is this and what happened, monu? >> he's the firm of gps who hired that british spy for president trump and now putting together that russian dossier that looked at the russian attl
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allegations, many of which were unsubstantiated but that james comey interviewed donald trump on saying the russians appeared to have this information, a lot of it untrue. but glenn simpson had be asked to appear before the senate judiciary committee wednesday. they expected to hear from two other significant witnesses, paul manafort and donald trump jr., but simpson says no. the reason why he says this request is a partisan request, his attorney says they asked for him to appear as a pretext to try to cast doubt on efforts to look into possible collusion between the trump campaign and russian officials. he said they asked for documents that are way too broad, and he says he will not appear before this committee. he says if he is subpoenaed, as chuck grassley has threatened, that he would go and actually potentially plead the fifth amendment. so a very significant
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development here as the committee tries to move forward with its investigation. and still, brianna, no word back from donald trump jr. or paul manafort if they will attend as well in that wednesday hearing. they're undergoing, what we understand, some pretty active discussions behind the scenes ahead of that wednesday testimony, and they, too, have been threatened by subpoenas from senator chuck grassley. it looks like at least one witness won't appear. we'll see what the committee does next, brianna. we're back now with president congressman mike mccaul of texas. he is a member of the foreign affairs committee. what do you think about that, you have witnesses saying, no, i'm not going to testify. i think this is partisan, i think this is a pretext for something. >> i read this dossier, and you probably have as well. very inflammatory, and as your
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commentator pointed out, baseless in many aspects. and so i do think it's important to get to the bottom of that, and i think it did start the president's relationship with james comey on a very rocky road, because he was immediately shown this document which had very solacious allegations. i would personally like to know where this british intelligence investigator came up with this information, where he got it. i think it's something that bob mueller will be looking into. remember, bob mueller is given wide investigative powers not just here but foreign intelligence overseas which can verify this evidence, and i have every confidence bob mueller will do just that. >> you said this started the relationship with comey in a rocky place. do you think comey should not have let him see the dossier and just -- is that really your
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suggestion? >> well, i think, and i've known jim comey for a long time. i think what he was trying to do was let the president know that this existed, that this dossier was out there and that it could be used against him. so i think in a bay he wway he trying to give the president a heads up. it should have been explained also, though, that it was groundless and they didn't see -- their sort of baseless allegation. so i'm just saying it wasn't received well by the president. i can imagine if i was presented with that kind of inflammatory stuff involving, you know, prostitutes at the ritz-carlton in moscow, that's not going to start things off on a good note. >> i imagine finding it out later and knowing the fbi director had it and didn't show it to you would also be troubling as well. we're wondering if paul manafort
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and donald trump jr. will testify next week before the senate. they've been asked to. what would happen in they declined to testify under oath? >> well, they have attorneys. oftentimes attorneys do not want their clients testifying before congress, being on record. they would prefer to go through an fbi investigation. but, you know, michael flynn was asked to testify and requested for immunity. what i'll be looking for as a former prosecutor is whether that same request is being made in this case. >> before i let you go, you are, as i mentioned, at the aspen security forum. tell us on the significant developments here. >> it's a significant bill. we have not reauthorized the department since the creation in 2002. some institutions like ice, for
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instance, does not exist in law. so it's very important. i've been working with the secretary very closely to have this reauthorization of the department which will help protect americans from the dangerous terrorist threat that we face. so we passed this bill 386 votes in the house. it's imperative and the president has come out very strong in support that the senate pass this important legislation to, for the first time, reauthorize one of the most important departments in the federal government. >> all right. congressman, we really appreciate your time, congressman mike mccaul. thank you so much for joining us. coming up, our specialists are working their sources. stand by for the shake-up at the white house. we'll also get reaction from a democratic member of congress, rudy gallegos of the house of representatives. whoooo.
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call, or go to xfinity mobile. it's a new kind of network designed to save you money. our breaking news is a major shake-up at the white house. press secretary sean spicer resigning today after president trump appointed anthony scaramucci as the new communications director. i want to get dana bash. you first. what does this mean in the bigger picture for the white house? >> well, it means that donald trump or somebody has gotten to him and made him understand that he is never going to be a traditional president. news flash. but what that means in real terms is don't try to make your white house structure even close
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to something that is traditional. it already was not even that close, but in terms of the communications department, i mean, they have a pro shop and they had a communications director. they had the traditional sort of people in those roles, and at the end of the day, the president of the united states is his own communications director. and he responds much better to people who know him well and who are frankly people that he has respect for, and those are a couple kinds of people. people made a lot of money, people who talk his talk, people who have a lot of love to him and a lot of loyalty to him, and there are lots of reasons why anthony scaramucci fits that bill. one example we haven't talked about a lot throughout the day is that my understanding when the "access hollywood" tape came out during the campaign. pretty much everyone who is the traditional republican type
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campaign said you have to drop out of the race, sir. scaramucci said, do not do that, sir. fight, fight, fight. that's one of the things the president remembers and likes. >> his scary words were not always so kind. let's listen to 2015 when he once criticized trump. >> he'll probably make elizabeth warren his vice presidential nominee with comments like that. it's anti-american, it's very, very divisive, and i'll tell you who he'll be president of. the queens county bullies association. you got to cut it out now and stop all this crazy rhetoric. >> yikes. so today he said directly to donald trump, right, and he apologized. is that enough? clearly it's enough. >> so trump does hold grudges, but then i think he also kind of likes it when he makes peace. remember he attacked ben carson
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during the campaign. he loved the idea that ben carson sort of came around. remember, he slapped five with jeb bush, low energy jeb. he likes the drama of it. this is someone who is a tv producer. he likes the sort of clash, clash. look at the end, there was a happy ending. i don't think it necessarily is all that bad for scaramucci. i think that was a little bit of theater which, frankly, trump likes. >> that's true. >> well, he understands the news acting. >> scaramucci does. >> well, and trump. what you saw with scaramucci there was showmanship. trump is a showman. now, i'm sure that he likes to rub it in to him all the time, but, you know, trump has hired a lot of people who said a lot of bad things about him. maybe because he had no choice, but in this particular case, i think it's because he believes the guy loves him. and by the way, there was a lot of love on that stage, on that podium today.
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i said stage, but i meant podium. >> was this a good performance by anthony scaramucci today? >> performance? yes. i would say it's not -- >> speaking in these terms, right. >> right, but a lot of people would critique and say it's not about the performance, but there is a part of it that is about the performance because you're performing for the president of the united states. i think the president of the united states watches that and he says, to gloria's point, this guy really loves me. he said i was making free throws at madison square garden with a trench coat on. those are the things we know that he cares about. from scaramucci's point, it helps him with trump. >> there is another thing we have to remember and i think we've all sort of seen versions of this over the past two years watching donald trump and the ins and outs of people that are around him and how he kind of goes through phases. he tends to be at his best and at his most disciplined when he is most happy with the people around him. and if he is happy with
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scaramucci, then perhaps he will kind of take a breath, take a step back in his tweeting and saying things that he is not supposed to say. and more importantly, maybe if he has this kind of respect for scaramucci, he will listen. >> dana, gloria and chris, i have to leave it there. we're joined by democratic congressman rudy gallegos of california. he's also a rock war veteran. sir, i want to talk about what we're seeing in this russian investigation, because according to the "washington post," president trump and his legal team have been discussing his pardoning power, where he has the ability to do this. if he were to issue pardons, according to this report, he's looked at where he could pardon aides or family members or even himself, would that to you be an admission of guilt? >> it certainly would be an admission of guilt, and i warned the white house that is crossing a line that i think will quickly take him the route of
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impeachment. i used the words very, very carefully. i've not been quick to call for impeachment, but if you're going to start issue pardons to basically obstruct justice and cover up what is being covered up, then i think clearly the only solution we have to keep the executive in check is to start impeachment proceedings. >> if president trump took the step to fire special counsel bob mueller, what response do you think you would see from your republican colleagues? >> well, i would hope that they would actually do their constitution of duty and actually put the executive in check by doing two things. one, drawing up the independent counsel that we set many years ago so we could have an independent investigation that the white house cannot shut down. and two, join colleagues such as myself that would also be pushing again for impeachment. you cannot fire someone like mueller who is clearly doing an independent investigation, one
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that is non-partisan, and to fire him just to cover up your misdeeds or to cover up whatever it may be would create a constitutional crisis that the only way we could answer is with an impeachment proceeding. >> the president has said that for him it would be out of bounds for the special counsel to look into the finances of his family businesses. however, we do know, according to bloomberg, that is happening to some degree. and also that the special counsel can access the president's tax return, something that americans haven't seen. is that something the american people should also have a right to see? >> absolutely. look, we know that this president financed his campaign largely through his proceedings from his company, and we know that there is a lot of russian oligarchs, mobsters and famous people buying property and other trump products to basically line the pocket of the president. if there was some collusion, some money laundering that occurred, we have the right to
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know that, we have the right to investigate it, and certainly mueller has the right to do that. clearly i think the american public has the right to actually assess if it is something that is important to them should it come election time also. >> how would you read a decision by donald trump jr. and paul manafort not to testify under oath before the senate judiciary committee next week? they've been asked to testify. there is no reply at this point in time. >> it wouldn't surprise me. their whole story about what they're even meeting with the russians in the trump tower is very sketchy at best. to say that they're meeting about adoption makes zero sense. the mag nnitsky act has somethi to do with russian sanctions, and they were talking about lifting russian sanctions in exchange for something. what that something is, i don't know. but what we do know is they should testify, they should answer questions clearly. they clearly have a problem with honesty. donald trump jr. has revised his
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story three to four times at this point, and i think the best thing he could do, so he stops lying, is just come out with the whole truth right now. if not, it's only going to get worse and he could either openly testify now or he could find himself testifying later through a subpoena or under question from director mueller. >> watching this shake-up today at the white house, sean spicer resigning. we've also seen the spokesman for the outside legal team stepping aside. there have been a number of positions of movement here in recent days. what does that tell you? what are your concerns? >> well, it says a couple things. some of these movements are insider baseball and i don't think anyone cares about sean spicer, maybe except "saturday night live." they're going to lose a very good character they can put in their shows. but it does show at least to the legal team that this is a heavier situation that some of
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these legal experts anticipated and that many of them are trying to basically leave before the ship starts going under. that is my interpretation. lastly, i also think that the president and his administration have not been very stable, and some of the best and brightest are basically trying to leave before they get tagged with being participatory or with being involved with one of the most frustrating administrations. >> thank you, ruben gallegos, i appreciate it. u.s. to for bid citizens from traveling to north korea. dennis rodman, next. o is made wh high quality ingredients at a price you can feel good about no wonder kraft is so good.
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surfers charging exuberantly in the water, sandy white beaches, enticing waves, bike tours in the country side. this isn't a travel ad for costa rica. the site says the tourist industry is developing a fresh upped the wise leadership of supreme leader kim jong-un. >> north korea is interested in normalizing its appearance internationally and encouraging people to come there as though it's your lovely east asian, southeast asian beach you'll want to go surfing at. however, that's so far from the truth. >> reporter: tonight the trump administration is countering the north korean announcing it will ban americans from traveling to north korea in late august. americans wanting to travel there will need special permission from the state government. they are doing this because of the amount of americans getting i am prisoned by his regime.
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it is because of otto warmbier being detained for 17 months. he was returned to the u.s. in a vegetative state. north korea blamed it on botulism. he died just days later. >> we have to protect our own u.s. citizens. and sometimes we have to protect our own citizens from themselves. this nonsense must stop. >> reporter: analysts say tourists account for a small part of north korea's economy. american tourists makeup a tiny fraction of that. but the money tourists do bring in is valuable foreign si that goes into the pockets of kim and his cronies that help pay for missiles and nuclear war heads. festivals, delightful food and rugged mountains, north korea's touring office is begging people to sign up for tours. one american saw a party on the beach and shared his video with
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us. government minders show off ski resorts, amusement parks, even a dolphin aerial. north korea just relaunched this website under a new domain even in the wake of the warmbier case. is this just tone deafness on their part or do they not care? >> they are interested in getting the attention of the united states and by suggesting they are a normal country that's correct anyone can go to visit, and that will be frustrating and irritating to people the world over who understand that it's anything but true. >> reporter: most of the tour operators we reached out to didn't tell us exactly what they think of the travel ban, but one of them, the general manager of curier tours says he understands the ban, but it's kiss appointing. these tours promote people to people interactions between americans and north koreans and taking that away is unamerican. >> brian, you got a response to the travel ban from one of the
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most famous visitors to north korea. >> reporter: yes, i got off the phone with dennis rodman at about the same time warmbier was released. it is his hope one day the doors will be opened so both nations can coexist and strive together in peace. and for that reason that's what makes these trips so vital in reaching this goal. he seems, brianna, to be disagreeing with this travel ban. they also told us rodman is still planning to go back to north korea at some point. >> all right, brian todd, thank you for the report. breaking news next, donald trump, jr. is facing a deadline to say whether he'll testify to congressional investigators in the russia probe, or possibly face a subpoena. plus, the latest on the major white house shake up and the debut of the new communications director. >> the president has really good car ma, and the world turns back to him. he's genuinely a wonderful human
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saving evidence, the special counsel has a any warning for the white house not to destroy any information about trump junior's meeting with the russian lawyer. stand by for cnn's exclusive reporting. and pondering pardons, the president's team is firing back. it purports is that mr. trump is exploring his power to grant pardons. new questions tonight about how far the trump camp will go to defend against the special counsel's investigation. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. wolf blitzer is on assignment. i'm brianna keeler. you're in "the situation room." >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> breaking news tonight, one of the most crossover sthal and combative white house press secretaries in modern history resigns. as president trump shakes up his communications office in a west wing reeling from shock and turmoil, sean spic


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