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tv   CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin  CNN  August 6, 2019 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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welcome back. you're watching cnn special live coverage. i'm brooke baldwin here in dayton, ohio, alongside anderson cooper in el paso. this doesn't happen very often, but we just had to run inside because of the weather. lightning for safety reasons. so i just wanted to say a huge thank you to blind bob's here in the oregon district of dayton. and just to set the scene as we all raced in and hustled to make sure we could continue to shine a light on dayton and could continue going live, i'm standing on a stage in this bar where just two days ago, there was a bands on the stage. and there is still band equipment around me from when everyone dropped everything and ran. so i just wanted to thank the bar for letting us hustle in here. again, we're covering the shooting in 30 seconds dayton
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police took out the shooter just across the street from me here. nine people, though, were murdered before then. and we're learning a bit more about the shooter's past, his troubled past. this kill and rape list he apparently had from his high school days here in ohio. and more about this trail he left on twitter. more on the investigation, some of these hero stories. and an update on the sur vooifrs as well. >> we'll come back to you there. but here in el paso the search for answers continueses. more than two dozen families are preparing to bury their loved ones and struggling with one of the worst attacks on latinos in modern history. mexico will take part in the investigation in the shooting that left many mexicans dead. this was a frequent place for people to come across the border and shop. we're also getting more details from el paso officials. first the 21-year-old behind the
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attack purchased the guns legally and afterward turned himself in to an el paso motorcycle officer. he was in his car police say he drove 10 to 11 hours to get here. ended up at the walmart after getting lost, they say, in the neighborhood. sara sidner joins me now. i know you spoke with the family of people who were inside and who lost their lives. what are you hearing? >> what they told us was remarkable. they have not buried their family members yet. they lost their daughter and son-in-law. and yet the mother looked at me and said, i forgive the shooter and i want his family to know i forgive them too. >> reporter: the jamrowski family can't hold back their tears. misty and paul's son-in-law
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andre anchondo and their daughter jordan were two of 22 people killed by a suspected terrorist at an el paso walmart. >> we pray a lot. and we have a lot of family and friends. >> you go to call her. you forget that she's not there. >> they lost their brother-in-law. >> it's like i lost a part of me. >> reporter: liz and terry lost a niece and nephew. skyland lost her mother and stepfather. >> i love my mom and dad. >> reporter: her brother 2-year-old paul gilbert was in his mother's arms when she crashed to the ground after being shot.
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>> andre jumped in front of jordan. and the shooter shot andre and the bullets went through andre and hit jordan. >> reporter: both were killed leaving paul gilbert orphaned and injured. >> the sad thing is that even with all of us, it's not mom and dad. you can't replace mom and dad. that's just something you can't replace. >> reporter: this is the devastating ripple effect of murder. the pain slicing across generations. after all the hate spewed by the suspected gunman, the jamrowskis say they're sticking through the hurt. love, faith, and forgiveness. before they have even had a chance to bury the dead, they had a message for the killer. >> we forgive him. we honestly forgive him. we pray for him. we hope that he finds god. because god teaches you to be loving.
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>> forgiveness in the face of pain. the 5-year-old who lost her mom and step dad looked at her two grandparents when they told her both were killed. she said is the killer coming after me too. the family trying to deal with how to explain to children who lost parents. how to help them deal with it. i. >> i also want to bring in brian todd in here. you have new information about the el paso shooter and how he was actually apprehended. >> a police officer and the police is telling us today that the shooter essentially was able to make his way away from the scene at some point. he drove a couple hundred yards away from the facade of the building. drove up to a corner where motorcycle police officer from the el paso police was setting
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up an outer perimeter. this motorcycle officer was setting up a perimeter. police official tells us the shooter drove up in his 2012 honda civic, got out, put his hands up. went over to the officer and said i'm the shooter. the officer had no time to do anything. got his cuffs out and got him secure. a few moments later texas rangers arrived and secured the scene. apparently it looks like -- i don't know if you say he got away. but he was able to make it away from the scene. >> there's a lot of questions we do not know. we know the first officer showed up i believe in six minutes after the first call. we know from the fbi most of these act ifr shooter situations, everybody gets killed in the first six minutes. about half of them, it's in the first two minutes. response time is critical. we don't know yet about the police actually going in when
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that happened. we have no idea how at this point the shooter was able to leave and get in the vehicle. >> some pieces still missing here that we have to fill in. >> they didn't confront him. if they had, it would have looked different. did he make his way out of a back entrance? that's possible. again, you know, how was he able to do that? where did he park his car? >> did he park his car on the side of the building? >> we' don't know. a lot of questions remain. brian todd, thank you. sara sidner as well. when president trump visits el paso tomorrow as he says he's going to, he's going to come to a city in mourning, of course. a city where some residents say that his anti-immigrant rhetoric at rallies and elsewhere may have paved the way for the deadly walmart attack. the el paso democratic party,
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they have asked president trump to not come here, to cancel the trip saying his presence will actually make things worse. congresswoman veronica escobar says the president is not welcome. i want to bring in ruben gallego, democratic congressman. i appreciate you being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> part of the police described was in the racist writings of this texas gunman. t also a word that has been used by the campaign. according to the campaign, they've run more than 2,000 ads on facebook including some just several days after a rally held in el paso that used the word invasion. and i just want to get a reaction to those ads. do you -- i mean, do you link the rhetoric to the reprehensible -- to the murder
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here? >> by the way, it's not just donald trump. the whole republican party. they've been using this theme to prop up their voters. before donald trump it was jan brewer here in arizona with sb-1070. i've seen it in emails and solicitations from the republican party for many years describing invasion from the south. so the president is the problem, but the whole republican brand is also the problem. and they need to atone for that. rhetoric that has caused this type of environment. coming up for a vote in the senate. is the grim reaper of socialism preventing it. it includes two bills. what's your message to the senate majority leader? do you expect something now to change him to actually be willing to -- whether it's
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voting on the existing house bills. or at least seeking some sort of bipartisan solution? >> the one thing that's consistent about mitch mcconnell. he couldn't care less about anybody in this than him and his donors. the majority of americans even the majority of nra member support a lot of these common sense initiatives. but, you know, you have people like mitch mcconnell and president trump that talk a big game after every shooting. but then hope we go away and keep moving on. that's unfortunate. the only way we're going to stop this is by getting rid of mitch mcconnell and getting in control of the democrats again. >> there's no indication, though, at this point that background checks would have prevented the dayton shooter from, you know, acquiring a weapon. the el paso purchased this
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legally. even if there's an assault weapons ban. there's so many assault weapons already in circulation, so they could get their hands on them. is it fair to say -- >> i understand that. that's false logic to begin with. we don't know what an expanded universal background check would have to stop some of these terrorist attacks. for example, if we had a universal background check that actually was following through with the dayton shooter, a person who had a kill and rape list, we would have stopped them from ever having a weapon. as far as a assault weapons ban, the less you have them, the less they're used. just because we didn't get them down to zero doesn't mean us passing laws. that's like not having dui laws. that's a bunch of nra nonsense. >> you're familiar with combat situations. i wonder when you heard about what was used in el paso and dayton that the killing that was
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able to be done in under 30 seconds in dayton. i think for somebody who hasn't been in a battlefield and maybe hasn't seen these weapons up close, i mean, the shooter in el paso was very specific in his racist writings about the weapons he chose and thinking about the bullets and what kind of damage the bullets would do. >> look. you know, the ak-47 variant that was used was the same weapon that terrorists tried to kill me with in iraq when i was doing house-to-house fighting in iraq. that's what they chose. the fact that a american, especially a young american with little experience can just go and buy a weapon of that sort legally is something we should all be worried about. these weapons are designed to kill. that weapon when it was designed by the russian architect of the ak-47 was designed for a young man to quickly put up a weapon, not even have to clean it, and just be able to shoot and kill as many people as possible.
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the fact we can get this at walmart or any place else, it's ridiculous. we need to ban some of these assault weapons. >> congressman, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. when we come back, we're going to have more from el paso. we'll also take you back live to dayton. more information about the shooter there. you'll also hear from a son who witnessed his father take his last breath all the while holding him close in his arms. be right back. [farmers bell]
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welcome back. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. back here in dayton, back outside. blue skies, sun is shining. i know there's a metaphor in there somewhere. i want to share this with you. cnn has gotten its hands on some exclusive footage, getting more information on the background of the shooter. a surveillance camera capturing the moment here in the wee hours of sunday morning as the shooter rushed out of an alley and just opened fire. and it was saturday night. so it was packed here with thousands of people. and obviously the sound of gun shots, people were running for their lives.
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two days after this mass shooting, the shooter's motive remains a mystery. what we do know is there were multiple red flags during the search of his home, investigators found writing kpresing a desire to kill. the nine people who were so tragically killed in dayton. and the dozens of others who were injured. we're learning much more about the stories of how some of those victims lived and tragically died. and my colleague randy kay is with me now with just this heart breaking story from a son who tried to comfort his father in his remaining moments. randy, tell me the story. >> reporter: yeah. we've heard too many of these heart breaking stories over the last few days. this is the story of deon greene who thought he was heading out for a night of fun with his dad. when he saw the shooter and heard the gunfire, he could
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hardly believe it was real. the shooter was feet away from him. in seconds, his whole world changed. deon green had been working hard and was looking to have some fun with his dad. so he invited him out for a night on the down in the oregon district of dayton, ohio. his father derek fudge jumped at the chance. what was your dad like? >> man, all we do is fishing with love animals. he got a dog that's lucy lou. if he didn't have me, i would think he loved anything more in the world. i'm his only child. >> reporter: they were hanging out on the street when dion says he noticed a man wearing a mask walking. >> i heard two shots. pop pop. i'm still thinking this is not real. >> reporter: how far was he from you when you heard the two shots? >> probably about six feet. then he walked towards me to cross the street.
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then that's when you started hearing the barrage of just -- when he crossed the street, that's when people started to panic. when you heard a lot of the gunshots. people start panicking, running, falling. so i finally get down to the ground. so we all get down and hear more gunshots. so i say we about to leave. i'm holding my dad, talking to him like let's go. he's not moving. i seen him take a little gasp for air. >> reporter: by now dion realized this was a real shooting. so he bent down to check his father for gunshots. >> i didn't see no blood on the body area of him. as soon as i get closer to him, i grab him and get behind his head and i see the blood coming from both sides of his head. and i just lost it and i grabbed onto my dad until somebody can pull me off. but i didn't want to be touched by nobody. >> reporter: you were just hugging him? >> yeah. it was my last chance to really speak to him. like, he looked at me, was breathing. and he just lied there with his eyes open in i had arms.
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>> reporter: so he died in your arms? >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: what did you say to him? >> just kept saying i love you, get up. get up. just get up. i mean, i don't know what else to keep saying. get up. just taking little gasps of air, then he didn't move no more. i just laid across his body and just laid on him. >> reporter: just feet away, dion says was another woman who he's since come to believe was the shooter's sister. after police questioned him about her and she saw her picture on the news. she'd also been shot. was the woman there, was she already dead? >> no, she was still breathing a little bit. which i thought was a guy. you know, they -- tell me can you call the police, i've been shot. >> reporter: she was talking to you? >> yes. >> reporter: dion now says he feels terrible guilt for inviting his father along that night knowing he'd be alive if he hadn't. >> i think he protected me. i think he protected me. there's no way -- this is how
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close we was to each other. >> reporter: loving, caring, and loyal to the end. derek fudge was just 57. and dion has been dealing with a lot lately. a tornado hit his house just a couple of months ago. and he always says he feels like he's been the rock for his family. now he tells me he feels like god is testing him. he feels like he's crumbling, that he's turning to pebbles. he's trying to be strong for his daughter, but he's like so many here trying to make sense of what happened. >> how do you even begin to do that? and of course the thought, i'm sure, as he mentioned is running through his head. what i hadn't brought my dad. at least they were together, but obviously we're sending him love and light. randi kaye, thank you for sharing his story. former vice president joe biden is no stranger to tragedy. hear his message to those
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reeling from the mass shootings here in dayton and in el paso. and his words for the president of the united states. that's next. s the smell of gain so much, she wished it came in a fabric softener too. [throat clears] say hello to your fairy godmother, alice. oh and look they got gain scent beads and dryer sheets too! today's senior living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. and there's never been an easier way to get great advice. a place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. a place for mom. you know your family we know senior living. together we'll make the right choice.
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candidates. condemning the president. through trump's past comments and the rise of racist attacks like the one here in el paso. vice president biden also talked to me on a personal level about these tragedies here and in ohio. not about racism but about grief and loss as he, too, has suffered the loss of children. his adult son also died of cancer. decades before, his wife and baby daughter were killed in a car crash. here's my interview with the former vice president. you've experienced losses that no parent should ever experience. i'm going to el paso from here. will likely be talking to family members whose child or sister or brother or mother or father has been killed. as someone who has been through that and lived through that and lives with that every day, what do you say to the people who are
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grieving right now? >> you understand it. you lost your brother. you understand. it's a -- it's literally -- it really takes a part of your soul. it is -- when what i tell people is it's going to take a long time, but the person you lost is still with you. still part of you. and i -- what happened to me when i got a phone call, when i was in washington, after i was elected before i got sworn in, they put a first responder on the phone god love her and she said you've got to get home, there's been an accident. i said they're dead. your wife and daughter are dead. i remember thinking to myself, my god. i just remember being so angry. angry with everything. i shouldn't say it, but angry with god. just angry. and i remember people came up to
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me and said to me -- meaning well -- i understand. you feel like saying you have no idea. you have no idea. you know they mean well, but the people who, in fact, have been through it, you know they understand. and it gives you solace that they made it. they just -- you just want to know, can i make it through? and i had an older gentleman, 35 years my senior and former elected official in the state of new jersey call me, former governor. he said i understand. i almost said to him -- and he said, i was walking home from lunch and i was the attorney general and my waife came acros the mall saying she's dead, she's dead. your wife just died. and i realized he did know. you know what i did? two things. one, he said get a piece of
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graph paper and mark every single day how you felt from one to ten that day. because you know you lost your brother, when a thought would come to you, you'd be just as down as the moment it happened. he said don't look at it for six months. mark it on the graph paper one to ten. the downs will be just as far down. but you know it's going to make it when they get further and further and further apart. you still get down. it never goes away, but that's when you know you can make it. that's when you know you can embrace the faebs that are left. that's when you know that you can make a contribution. it's like when i lost my son. beau. i remember him saying to me, i wrote a book about it, unfortunately. i wanted people to know what he was like. and he looked at me when he --
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when we'd go home on fridays to have dinner with him, he lived about a mile from us. and he asked his wife to take the kids upstairs. and my wife had gone home to change before she came back. he said, dad, look at me. he said i'm going to be okay no matter what happens. he knew he only had months to go. and he said promise me, dad, promise me you'll be okay. and i said, beau, i'll be okay. and i know people make fun of it, but we had a thing in our family. dad, promise me as a biden you'll be okay. because that's a sacred thing we do. and i said i will, beau. but i knew what he meant. he meant, dad, don't do what you want to do. you want to turn inward. you want to just wall yourself off. you don't want to be part of it all. he just wanted me to make sure that the things that have animated my life my whole life i didn't walk away from.
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he knew i'd be there for the family. but it's the thing -- the other thing i would strongly urge people and they can't do it now. they just can't even think through the fog right now. but eventually what will take you through is purpose. find a purpose. something that matters. particularly something connected to the loss you just had. and so i get up in the morning and i think to myself in the morning, is he proud of me? am i doing what he wants? and i'm sure that it's the same way with you and other people. there will come a time when you think of the person you lost -- it takes a long while -- where you get a smile before you get a tear. that's when you know you're going to make it.
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and so many people have gone through what i've been through without the help i had. think of all the heroes out there walking the streets today. they get up every single morning. they put one foot in front of the other and they move. they move. >> my mom used to say this from a scottish philosopher. be kind because everybody you immediate is fighting a great battle. >> that's right. and, you know, faith sees best in the dark. sometimes it's really dark, but there is hope. >> wow. that was anderson's interview with the former vice president joe biden. just reading dr. biden's book recently and she talks about exactly what he said. biden, tell me you're okay as a biden. anderson, thank you so much for sharing that. we are here in dayton, ohio. coming up, standing next to me
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is a young man who is being praised for what he did here. shielding his girlfriend in the midst of rapid gunfire here early sunday morning. we will talk to him as he has now come back to this part of dayton for the first time since that evening. we'll be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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cnn coverage here in dayton, ohio. we have been getting a better picture of exactly how this mass shooting unfolded right here on this very street. nine people were murdered. my next guest not only survived the attack, but his split second action was captured on a nearby surveillance video. we've got it for you. he and his girlfriend brittany both you'll see in a moment dressed in white run from the gunshots. there they are. brittany trips in the chaos. he goes to cover her using his body as a shield. he then pushes her to safety behind the concrete wall. and cameron crowder is with me now. cameron, thank you so much for being with me. i know you've seen that video over and over and over. how are you doing and how's brittany? >> i'm doing fine. but brittany is shaken up. she's pretty much terrified of going anywhere at this point. >> do you blame her? >> not at all. it was pretty close. we could literally see the bullets fly past us. i don't blame her at all.
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>> the el me how close -- i was asking him because you actually hadn't been down to this district. we're feet from where this all happened. we're feet from where you were. we're feet from where the shooter was. how close were you? >> i was within a couple feet. probably within 10, 20 feet of where, you know, the shooter was and where he initially started shooting at. >> did you notice instantly gunshots? >> no. i thought it was loud. i thought a car or something. >> you were saying maybe motorcycle. >> yeah. it just repeated. i go, that's nothing i should stick around. we should move away from here. >> so you just instinctively threw yourself on your girlfriend. >> i actually pushed her down. i saw a bullet fly past us. i pushed her down. and then she fell. when she fell, i got on top of her. >> you felt it. >> yeah. i seen it, like, go past and hit something near us. i was like, well, that's close to us. let's get down and just hope they don't hit. >> what did you do next and what was happening around you? >> everybody was just running
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pretty much. i pretty much just covered her. i didn't want her to get hit or anything. i was making sure she was safe. and just make sure that she didn't die from injuries or anything. >> and i can't even imagine what it would have been like. did you look up? did you look to see which direction he went in? >> i was looking to see where he was at, making sure he wasn't behind us. all right, where is he at now? where is he going toward to see where to get her to to be safe? i saw him trying to head over across the street that way. >> you're born and raised in dayton, ohio, boy. this is home for you. do you come down here often? try to help people understand who have never been to this section of the country how happening, how busy, you know, on any given saturday night. >> on the weekend, this is where everybody comes. everybody comes here to hang out. it's pretty much the only spot to go. you can bar hop, hang out on the street. everybody just comes from all
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over and kong regacongregates h. >> did you ever -- because sadly i've talked to a number of young people, a number of survivors of mass shootings, it's happening all too often in this country. everyone always says never thought it would happen here. >> yeah. i never thought it would happen here. only thing you see here is people might fight here and there because they're drunk. that's about it. people fight, argue, whatever. move about their way. never that serious. when you see that, you're just like, that's way out of ordinary. nobody really knew what was going on when it initially happened. they were just confused. what is that? >> well, give brittany our love. thank you so much for coming by. i appreciate you very much. >> any time. thank you. >> thank you. now to this. the world today lost an icon. tony morrison, the first african-american woman to win the nobel peace prize in literature has died. hear her in her own words next. own little world.
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especially these days. (dad) i think it's here. (mom vo) especially at this age. (big sister) where are we going? (mom vo) it's a big, beautiful world out there. (little sister) woah... (big sister) wow. see that? (mom vo) sometimes you just need a little help seeing it. (avo) the three-row subaru ascent. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent during the subaru a lot to love event.
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