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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  February 8, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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the 2024 road show has begun. "the lead" starts right now. president biden leaving the beltway. taking the state of the union message to voters in some key battleground states. will he get cheers or jeers from the american people? then, more than 12,000 people now have been killed. the death toll from the earthquake in turkey and syria continuing to rise to staggering heights as hope fades of finding survivors left in the rubble. and a passenger's battery catching on fire mid flight, forcing a plane to make an emergency landing and sending four people to the hospital. what you need to know about flying with potentially dangerous electronic devices. ♪
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welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. the scene after the state of the union address looks like the campaign trail. president biden is in the crucial swing state of wisconsin, where he is talk ja jobs and the economy. echoing the themes of last night. kamala harris is in georgia, another key battleground state, that you might recall the biden/harris ticket won by 179,000 votes. the cabinet secretaries are also fanning out across the country. this is part of the blitz we've all come to expect after president's state of the union address. you cannot ignore the white house choices of where they are sending the president and vice president. meanwhile, donald trump is releasing his own response to biden's speech. mike pence is reiterating his calls for new republican leadership. and nikki haley is teasing her expected 2024 announcement. phil mattingly starts out our coverage with a way how biden is
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testing his message ahead of a expected announcement for the campaign. >> i hate to disappoint you. but the biden economic plan is working. >> reporter: president biden on the road in wisconsin. the first stop, to sell the message he delivered to the nation last night at the state of the union. >> we've been sent here to finish the job, in my view. >> reporter: a primetime message of progress and more work to do. >> i'm glad you see it. i'll tell you, i enjoy conversion. >> reporter: mixed with a lively and offscript back and forth with republican lawmakers. >> the soul of this nation is strong because the backbone of this nation is strong because the people of this nation are strong. the state of the union is strong. >> reporter: and culminating with a message of optimism about the path ahead, despite an array of challenges, foreign and domestic. for biden, a primetime moment to sharpen a steadfast message to working class voters. >> folks, my economic plan is about investing in places and people that have been forgotten.
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amid the economic upheaval of the past four decades. too many people have been left behind and treated like they're invisible. >> reporter: and highlights kitchen table issues that look small on their face. >> we're going to ban resort fees that hotels charge on your bill. some fees can charge $90 a night that aren't even resorts. >> reporter: but are critical to meeting americans where they are. at the same time, moving to draw a clear contrast with a new house republican majority. >> some republicans want medicare and social security sunset. >> reporter: drawing a visceral response from republicans in the chamber. >> look -- >> reporter: who steadfastly claimed entitlement reform is off the table. >> as we apparently agree, social security medicare is off the books now, right? [ applause ] all right. >> reporter: the republican outrage growing in the wake of
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biden's remarks. >> people are pissed off. and for the president of the united states to come into the people's house and lie like he did about the economy. >> reporter: kevin mccarthy seated behind biden for the first time, holding nothing back. >> it was probably one of the most partisan state of the union speeches i've ever heard. >> reporter: even as in the moment, he attempted to calm members of his own conference. >> this is what the choices are. chaos or stability. >> reporter: a split screen that won biden adviser called a dream moment for the white house. coming at a critical moment for an 80-year-old president on the verge of one final campaign. >> i think tonight, he showed the energy, the empathy, the hopefulness that a presidential candidate would have. jake, if you want a sense of how much white house officials fight over social security and medicare, he didn't want to name names about who suggested cuts
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to the programs. the president naming names and providing receipts of past quotes from senators rick scott and mike lee. clearly, a battle they want to have and plan to have in the weeks and months ahead, jake. >> phil mattingly, at the white house for us. thank you so much. wisconsin is once again going to be the site of a visual battle in the next election. biden narrowly carried the state by 20,000 votes. but do voters want to see biden at the top of the ticket next year? jeff zeleny is there to find out. >> with any presidency, it's never all good. and it's never all bad. >> reporter: natasha voted for president biden and has applauded many of his achievements. but with another campaign looming, she admits she's eager for a fresh start. >> it's always seeming like we're trying to do a lesser of two evils. and it would be, in by opinion, it would be lovely, to have somebody not in their 70s and 80s running for president. >> i love that. >> reporter: when we met her at her wisconsin toy shop two years
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ago, she was grateful biden had turned the page. >> just the tone down of the rhetoric. not having to be glued to the tv or social media to find out what the latest is going on, has been refreshing. >> reporter: at the halfway mark of his first term, respect for the president runs deeper than a desire for him to run again. even among his admirers. would you like to see him run again? >> i'm on the fence. i'm not sure. i'm concerned about his age, not his brilliance or his competence. but his age. >> reporter: laverta commends biden for his commitment to diversity, restoring civility and forgiving student loan debt but waivers on the prospect of a second term. >> you can tell the job has worn him down. but he's still there. that spark, that fire, that honest, gentle man, he is still there. >> reporter: inside his walk brewery, tim said inflation and high interest rates have taken a toll. but he doesn't blame biden and hopes he runs again. >> if i were him, i'm going to
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do this again. i've been doing this for a long time. i've finally got my chance. things are moving forward. >> reporter: as the president came to wisconsin to sell his state of the union message, jonathan clark worked a few miles away at a custom printing shop. he remembers biden's words from the last campaign. >> look, i view myself as a bridge, not as anything else. there's an entire generation of leaders you saw stand behind me. >> reporter: when clark viewed him as the right man for the job. while he praised biden's infrastructure law aun other points of success, he says 2024 should be a new moment. do you think he should run for election? >> no. i think when he ran for office last time, it was talked about being a one-term thing. and i know he didn't commit to that. but i think a lot of people, that support the party, were hoping that would be the case. >> reporter: there's deep admiration for president biden among his admirers.
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that comes through in one conversation after another. but there's also many questions. some pointed, some private, about whether he should indeed run for re-election two years from now. he was the man for the moment, of course, three years ago. the question is, with that republican primary field very unsettled and uncertain, would he be the right man for that moment? that's unknowable now. but for now, the president clearly selling his message on the road, here in wisconsin today, in florida tomorrow, that only his agenda, but making the case for why he still has it and is likely to run again. jake? >> jeff zeleny in madison, wisconsin, for us, thanks so much. kaitlan collins is here to discuss. we should note, obviously, president biden, he barely won wisconsin in 2020. we just heard supporters in the state saying, maybe he shouldn't run in 2024. you know, anecdotes are one thing but that's reflective of polling. a lot of democrats don't want
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him to run. he is expected to run for re-election? >> he is expected to run. someone said the word if to me last night. and i said if is a -- i said when. he is going to announce, if that's march, april, we'll see. we don't feel in a hurry to announce as they did three months ago. he is still going to run. you hear from democrats on capitol hill who say, that's speech last night is why he is going to be runlning. how saw how energized he was, relishing the back and forth with them. that's wh it's going to look like on the campaign trail. they are aware that voters feel the way, as you heard from jonathan from jeff zeleny. why biden is going to wisconsin. why he is in florida tomorrow. he is making stops to taung about what he accomplished because voters are not feeling it like they hoped they would be. >> no question last night, he was able to project strength and vigor in a way that was, perhaps, unexpected. and that was, to a large degree, an in-kind contribution from the
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life, marjorie taylor greene, who heckled him like she was at a pro wrestling match. i guess one question i have is, his campaigning. he ran in 2020, it was still covid. he was able to do nonevents. the first stop we saw is exactly what we've come to expect. a speech in front of a union crowd, about creating jobs. is he ready for the vigors of a presidential election campaign where he is expected to do three or four of those a day? >> it's brutal. >> it's broughtal to cover for people in their 20s, much less a man who is 80. >> who aren't giving speeches and stops and shaking hands. biden knows it well. he's no stranger to politics. you're right. his campaign in 2020 is not what this one is going to look like. you have to be on the road, with this aggressive republican field we're going to see. that's why wisconsin was his first stop.
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he did struggle there. he did win. but it wasn't -- >> 20,000 votes. >> it wasn't a sweeping victory. and look at the polls who don't have college degrees. they're not as hot on biden as with the economic degrees. that's why the message was economic-focused. it wasn't on cultural issues that republicans have used to bring in working class voters. it's more focused on the pocketbook. we'll see how effective that is. that's a message he has to work to sell to the working class. a lot of them voters that don't have college degrees to win back the democratic party and the campaign itself. people around biden will acknowledge, it will be brutal. and i think you see a lot of surrogates out there for him, as well. >> kaitlan collins, good to see you. thanks so much. did they give lawmakers something to tweet about? the congressional hearing on twitter and political bias. and demar hamlin is at the super bowl, talking about his plans after miraculous recovery. and roger goodell has a reason why concussions have risen just this season.
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in our "tech lead" former twitter executives testified on capitol hill, acknowledging that
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mistakes were made in the company's handling of the 2020 "new york post" story in hunter biden's laptop. the former executives denied that the story was suppressed because they were taking orders from the fbi. this was the first high-profile hearing for the newly named house oversight and accountability committee, investigating possible censorship by twitter pushed by the government in the weeks before the 2020 presidential election. sar s sarah murray has the big moments. >> reporter: for republicans, a high-profile kickoff. >> the hunter biden story was published on wednesday. twitter did not acknowledge a mistake for 24 hours. >> reporter: making the unproven case that twitter suppressed a story about hunter biden's l laptop at the behest of the federal government.
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>> the intelligence communities to suppress and delegitimize the existence of hunter biden's laptop and contents. >> reporter: but a tyreo of twitter officials, including james baker, pushed back on the narrative. >> i'm unaware of collusion or direction from, any government agency or political campaign on how twitter should have handled the hunter biden laptop situation. >> reporter: the former executives expressed regret over suppressing the hunter biden story. >> i ter erred in this case because we wanted to avoid the mistakes of 2016. >> reporter: after facing criticism for failing to crack down on foreign governments in 2016, tech companies are back in the hot seat, as republicans accuse them of censorship, despite bombastic allegations by republicans. >> twitter was a subsidiary of the fbi. >> reporter: the twitter officials undercut the gop's claims. >> i don't recall speaking to
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the fbi at all about the hunter biden matter. >> reporter: while democrats slammed the premise of wednesday's hearing. >> it's an abuse of public resources and abuse of public time. >> reporter: james comber making clear this is just the beginning. >> i can assure you this committee will succeed in holding the bidens accountable. so much of the evidence of wrongdoing from this family is located in that hard drive that you all led the american people to believe was russian disinformation. >> reporter: now, despite what we've heard about james comer's private conversations with elon musk, we didn't hear new bombshells from twitter. we got an indication from the democratic witness, a former twitter employee, that the trump white house actually reached out to twitter at one point asking them to pull down a tweet from celebrity chrissy teigen when tegan unleashed a rant against
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the former president. jake? >> sarah murray, thanks so much. let's bring in congresswoman nancy mesa who is on the oversight committee. thanks for joining us. today, you said that twitter had acted as if it was a subsidiary of the fbi. now, i agree twitter should not have suppressed the "new york post" story about the laptop, but where is the evidence that they did it because the fbi told them to do so? at the time, the fbi was under the leadership of trump's apointed director, christopher wray, and trump was the president. >> that's why it's important. this censorship by the federal government. it wasn't just the fbi. there were other agencies. when elon musk released the twitter files that allowed folks to see what was going on and to see different agencies reaching out and urging twitter and other social media companies, i would gather based on the comments of ceo facebook last year, to
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censor certain pieces of information. and one of the things i talked about, i had less focus on the laptop and more about covid-19. there were doctors and epidemiologists that were educated at harvard and stanford that had a slightly different take about immunity and vaccination. and those voices were silenced and shadow banned. regardless if you're republican or democratic this is a slippery slope when it's the federal government coming after you, vis-a-vis. he announced concerns when the kcensorship was happening a couple years ago. i wanted to praise him for his courage to stand up and say those things. >> i guess -- i hear what you're saying. if the federal government feels as though somebody with a big platform is sharing health information that's wrong, and
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can hurt people, do they never reach out? let's take an extreme example. not what you were talking about. dr. smith says the cure for covid is to drink bleach. should they not voice a concern? i mean, the question is, where do you draw the line, right? >> one of the charts that -- one of the tweets that was censured by twitter and i showed it in a hearing, was a chart from the cdc, with real information from the government. and that user had 18,000 followers. and that was shadow banned. these are real researchers, epidemiologists. if doctors told you to inject bleach, i'm sure the state -- he would lose his medical license because that's outrageous and radical. this is not what we're talking about. we're talking about doctors and researchers who were violenced and using our own government data, according to twitter standards, is accurate. that's where i think that, we take a closer look and why it's important to have the conversation. and it shouldn't be a partisan
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conversation, as you know. covid-19 doesn't care if you're republican or democrat. yeah? >> i agree. it's interesting. i wondered what you thought when your colleague congresswoman casio cortez, argued that twitter's biases go both ways. and she used a 2019 trump tweet when he told four congresswomen of color to go back where they came from. why don't they go back and fix the crime-infested places. and aoc asked how they hand led that in 2019. >> at the time, twitter's policy included a specific example, and it came to banned abuse against immigrants as the specifically included the phrase, go back to your country or go back to where you came from. correct? >> yes. that was included in the content moderation guidance as the example. >> you brought this up to the vice president of trust and safety, dell harvey, correct?
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>> i did, yes. >> she overrode your assessment, didn't she? >> she did. >> and something interesting happened. a day or two, twitter seemed to changed their policies, didn't they? >> yes. that trope, go back to where you came from, was removed from the content moderation guidance as an example. >> twitter changed their own policy after the president violated it, in order to potentially accommodate his tweet? >> yes. >> so, what do you say to a constituent who watched the hearing and says, it's important that we're having this conversation. it's a good thing that we are. but it does seem like these are a bunch of folks at twitter and social media companies maybe in over their heads, making up rules as they go along. sometimes it benefits democrats and sometimes conservatives. what do you say? >> i think that's fair. it's important when there's a standard and we're talking about the first amendment, as a federal government, my point was today. we shouldn't be censoring people, if we don't like that speech. we should fight to protect that speech.
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that's part of the first amendment and how our country was founded on. if a private company decides this is the standard, they should treat both sides, treat them all to the same and equal standard. it shouldn't be heavily weighted on one side or the other. that's what i've been saying for a long time. i hope that comes out of the hearing today, too. >> i want to ask you about last night. sarah huckabee sanders delivered the republican response. she tried to draw a contrast to the message that president biden delivered. here's a clip. >> the biden line in america is no longer between right or left. the choice is between normal or crazy. >> help me out with this, if you would. marjorie taylor greene, george santos, are they on the normal side or the crazy side, according to your party? >> well, i've called for george santos to resign a number of times since we found out about all of the lies he told to get elected. and possible campaign finance issues. hopefully those are being
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investigated by both et ethics the ftc. the far right and the far left, i've been saying this for a long time, as someone who gets a lot of threats, i see it from both sides. i've had three threats on my life in the first four week of this year. i get them from both sides of the aisle. i don't see it in the same lens. i see it about the american people. and i believe there's a lot of people who left the republican party and left the democrat party because they feel like their voices aren't being represented. and both sides of the aisle are largely missing the fact that independents are outnumbers both sides. i see it in my district. independents outnumber republicans in the first congressional district in south carolina. those people feel like their voices are missing because of the fringe elements on both sides of the aisle. those that live in swing districts and purple districts like mine, we really understand what's going on on the ground. >> thank you so much. it's good to have you. out of time for miracles as
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the death toll from the earthquake in turkey and syria soars above 12,000. rescuers are combing through rubble hoping to find survivors. we're at the epicenter next. ow♪ ♪ with a big, fresh carrot ♪ ♪ and a whole lot of cheese ♪ ♪ and the mirror from your van is halalfway down the street ♪ ♪ well, you can s say that --♪ wait, what? i said, "someone just clipped the side view mirror right off the delivery van." when owning a small business gets real, progressive gets you right back to living the dream. now, where were we? why, you were fixin' to peel me. [ laughter ] ♪ [ male announcer ] need money? when every buck matters, it matters who does your taxes. trust the experts atackson hewitt. you'll get your biggesrefund guaranteed or your money back, plus $100. file your taxes today at jackson hewitt. the first time your sales reached 100k was also the first time you hit this note... ( screams in joy) save 20% with the lowest transaction fees and keep more of what you make. with a partner that always puts you first.
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topping our world lead today. monday's 7.8 magnitude earthquake in turkey and syria is quickly becoming one of the world's worst natural disasters in a decade with more than 12,000 dead. amid the devastation, there's small glimmers of hope, including this miracle escape from the rubble, six people, including one child, pulled out alive, 60 hours after the quake.
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nick paton walsh is next to the epicenter, where some families have not been so lucky. we want to warn viewers you may find some of the images disturbing. >> reporter: it is hard to imagine how this trouble gave anyone hope. yesterday, for 50 or so hours after the quake, it almost did. when it stopped, when the chances of surviving ebbed, the bodies so near the epicenter here, kept coming. paralysis of grief, when these two parents see the 8-year-old daughter's red hair blood-stained. another 4-year-old girl with no parents here to bury her. and another father, simply walking behind. it's been constant intense activity, trying to save lives. we are sadly into the window, where so many of the ambulances that arrive will likely be taking away people who have
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perished. up high, hope is strongest. digging furiously by hand here. on the other side of the rubble, medics rushed forward, growing p fury how nothing here came sooner. [ yelling ] >> reporter: the stretchers here too late, return empty. another body pulled out of a syrian refugee in his 40s. as the excavations gain pace. an audience of agony watches, waits.
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>> a volunteer told us over 300 bodies here are on claims from the north. the numbers rising fast, along with tempers. it is chaos. and whether any government could have moved faster was the question dogging the turkish president erdogan, when he flew into town briefly. this stadium now home to possibly thousands for who knows how long. many refugees from syria now, perhaps losing their homes for the third time. that's nearly as many years as some have been alive. they have nothing but the state's generosity to rely on, which for now, means 12 people in this tent.
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>> reporter: for now, the question is what they could have done to not arrive, for so many here, too late. jake, the activity we saw during the day, a faster pace, designed to get bodice out. it's only slowing down. still some digging. questions continue to arise for people here, about the government response. its speed. yes, the weather was appalling on the first day. and that's been accepted by the president as being a contributing factor. but another part of how turkey functions. there's been reports that twitter, which has been a source of criticism of the government's response, has been blocked or slowed down in parts of turkey. anger here may grow. and the broader problem of what do the thousands, the tens of thousands of people here, whose homes now look like this? what are they going to do in the
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freezing nights right now and in the weeks and months ahead. tents simply won't be enough. jake? >> cnn's nick paton walsh, near the epicenter in turkey. if you're looking for ways to help the victims, you can go to to learn more. in today's world lead, a step towards justice, for families of victims of the lockerbie terror attacks. a libyan man accused of making the bomb that took down pan am flight 103, pleaded not guilty in a court here in washington, d.c. today. in december 1988, that plane crashed in lockerbie scotland, after taking off from london, on its way to new york, when a bomb detonated in the cargo area. 270 passengers and crew members were killed, including 190 americans, 35 of whom were syracuse university students who were returning from a semester abroad. he faces three charges, including destruction of an aircraft, resulting in death. he has another hearing in two weeks.
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he faces life in prisson if convicted. coming up, mike pence says it's time for new leadership in the republican party. why hasn't he announced a challenge to donald trump yet? one of his closest advisers is here live, next. man: i responded to the call. woman: i didn't know if he was guilty or not.
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i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit in our politics lead, the fbi's search for classified documents at former vice president mike pence's home could happen as soon as this week, according to sources familiar with the matter. this comes as president biden and former president trump and vice president pence face multiple investigations for their handling of classified documents. attorney general merrick garland has appointed special counsels to investigate biden and trump. he's conducting a review of pence's actions. on capitol hill, lawmakers are forging ahead with their own investigations. the houseover sight and judiciary committee are probing biden's happenedling of documents. james comer says the investigation will include pence
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but not trump. joining us is mark short. he's the former chief of staff for former vice president mike pence. thanks for being here. appreciate it. cnn is hearing that the search of pence's home could be this week. have you heard of a date for the search? could it include pence's thinktank office, as well? >> remind your viewers, it was a couple weeks ago, in light of the things happening at joe biden's house, that he self-disclosed the discovery of some documents that were caught up in the boxes to the national archives. >> better safe than story, see if anything is there. >> absolutely. i'm not acqware of investigatio announced to mike pence. i'm aware of trump and biden. the vice president asked for full compliance. and there's been conversations about a consensual search to be conducted. i presume that's not too far off into the future. i think we have concerns about what we perceive is a double standard and growing one there. >> what's the double standard?
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>> the process has explained, when you discover documents, you alert the national archives that came immediately. we collect homes and bring them back to washington , d.c. we review them if they are classified. if something is classified, we alert d.o.j. in pence's case, the fbi inserted themselves and said we're coming tonight, when vice president pence was here in washington, d.c., to collect the documents. that's not the way they handled biden. they came that day. and with joe biden, it was 79 days after the announcement of discovery before they went to his home. and you know, we continue to see repeated leaks in the department of justice, about law enforcement officials confirming a search that's pending. that's not the way it happened at joe biden's house, either. there was no announcement of the search of his home until much later. >> after the fact, right. >> they announced the beach house. but mike pence doesn't have multiple homes. his family wasn't earning money
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when he was vice president. >> when the fbi searched biden's home, the president's legal team said they gave the justice department full access. they can look at anything they want. will vice president pence do the same? >> he's made that clear. >> we know that vice president pence is looking at a presidential rain in 2024. will this factor into that? and when might he make a decision? >> i don't think he has concerns about that when he travels across the country. i think he hears encouragement as he travels. i don't anticipate in him making an announcement, jake. i think he's in the continuing conversation with his family and getting support for the american people about what decision he faces. i think the trajectory of most candidates who get in early in republican primaries don't fair too well. there's a benefit for him to wait until later in this process. >> what did you think of the state of the union address last night? >> probably for president biden it helped shore up his support
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with the democrat party. there's been a lot of elected officials to reluctant to support him. i think he solidified report. i am worried there wasn't a bigger conversation about the biggest issues facing our country. when you look at national security and the biden administration had their sputnik moment, there wasn't a lot of conversation about what we're going to do to confront china. there wasn't a lot of conversation about what we're going to do to fix the border crisis. when it comes to the spending crisis, i don't think either party is addressing what we face. >> how so? >> we're at 32 tr$32 trillion i debt. the last time our country reached 100% was in world war ii, when you knew you had come out of the war with the economy growing and draw down of defense spending. there's no event on the horizon for us. and when we talk about entitlement spending and not going to touch it, joe biden talked about how we needed to
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have everybody in the barrel. all programs to be considered. that was his position in the senate. and we're saying we've been demagogued about the cost of social security and medicare. we have a little over $6 trillion in federal spending. $4.5 trillion is mandatory spending. >> right. the entitlement spending. medicare. >> if you had four slices of pizza, you can say, we're going to discuss this one piece and do right now on the debt ceiling, a 2% cut. it's like, it's a tiny fraction, it's not material. >> you're saying democrats and republicans are not being straight. >> we all have to have an adult conversation of where we're going. the reality is that medicare is going to reach the point in only five years, in 2028, where there's mandatory cuts to medicare. social security is a couple years behind that. we're not being honest about the cuts they're going to face if we do nothing. we're saying the other party is going to touch them. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. good to see you. >> thanks for having me.
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coming up, the air scare when a battery caught fire on a united airlines fight, sendidin four people to the hospital. stay witith us. ♪ yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours.
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1:51 pm
in our national lead now, renewed safety concerns about certain batteries in electronics, after a frightening situation on a united airlines flight yesterday. an external battery from a device caught fire shortly after takeoff. that led to an emergency landing and four people sent to the hospital. cnn's gabe cohen is on the case for us. what new information are you learning about this incident? >> jake, we have obtained air traffic audio the moment the
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pilot on that flight radioed in that emergency, which we know was just after takeoff from san diego before they turned that plane around and turned to the airport. take a listen -- >> reporter: united is now telling us it turned out not to be a laptop. it was some sort of external battery. it caught fire inside a seat back pocket in first class. and the flight crew of united followed their training and got that battery into a thermal containment bag or a fire bag, which they carry on flights just
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for emergencies like this. two passengers were evaluated by first responders at the scene, and four flight attendants were taken to the hospital just as a precaution to check for potential smoke inhalation and have been released. >> do we know if this was a lithium battery, which the faa has raised concerns about? >> reporter: the faa is still investigating, but aviation experts say the early information points to that. lithium batteries have been known to smoke in some cases and catch fire. last year, there were 57 incidents involving those batteries on flights. that's why the faa has put in some strict rules for them. passengers have to turn off devices that use those batteries, like laptops, if they're going to put them in checked luggage. spare batteries or external batteries have to be carried on the flight. they are not allowed in checked luggage so that crews can deal
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with an incident like the one we saw, a sudden fire rather than have it happen in cargo. i asked an aviation expert about that. take a listen. >> if the battery started to cook off in the cargo hold, the results could have been catastrophic. i think passengers don't take the threat that these batteries can pose seriously enough. >> reporter: but jake, it's obviously something the faa is concerned about. >> we're learning new details about the massive southwest christmas travel meltdown. what do we know about it? >> reporter: cnn has attained:from the southwest pilot's union that gives us a really alarming look at the extent of the airline's breakdown over christmas. they say this was an operation held together by "duct tape" and as evidence, they include a
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message sent to a cockpit computer from the airline's dispatchers, asking the pilots to identify themselves, because it appears the airline didn't know who was on board that flight. and the message ends, "it's a mess down here." now, the airline canceled more than 16,000 flights during that chaos as we know. southwest, an official with the airline, is going to testify tomorrow. we have learned he's going to apologize, and they have handed out refunds. we expect some pointed questions during that hearing. >> gabe, great reporting. coming up, details in a new aattained affidavit. one of the officers charged in the tyre nichols death claims he tried to help nichols. stay with us. let's go! ♪ what you gon' do? you ain't talkin' 'bout nothin'! ♪
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welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. this hour, maybe pierre dilecto needs to make a return to twitter. he says that mitt romney did not act very moremore during the state of the union address. days after that deadly earthquake in turkey and syria, the death toll stands at now more than 12,000, and that number is only expected to rise. amid the horror and devastation, turkey's government has restricted access to twitter after 18 people were detained for making so-called provocative posts about the quake. some journalists are denouncing