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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  April 3, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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the baddest dancers at the dance five seed san diego state. they made it here with a game winning buzzer beater that instantly became an iconic march madness moment. coach brian dutcher has inspired his aztecs to their first ever national title game now for the yukon. they are conquerors led by the one and only coach dan hurley. his huskies are winning by an average of 20 points per game. this tournament. both coaches told me in the locker room yesterday what this journey has been like with their players and fans. listen. love their huskies. uh. an incredible community in stores and, uh the way that those kids have embraced the players and embraced me. it makes me emotional look more nervous than i do right now. and they're celebrating more than i did because i didn't know how much time was going to be put back on the clock in a moment. what a
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moment indeed, coz and both teams now look to earn that one shining moment cut down those nets being crowned national champs right here in that stadium later tonight, dana, don't let phil get with you. he's just mad that his buckeyes didn't make it here. that's harsh, but cory wire the baddest answer and every dance thanks so much way. all right. good afternoon and welcome to a special edition of cnn newsroom. i am katelyn polantz outside of trump tower here in new york. and i'm dana bash alongside my friend phil mattingly in washington. it is three o'clock on the east coast where we are in d. c and, of course we're caitlin is in new york. and if all goes as planned, we're looking at less than 24 hours. from now donald
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trump will be turning himself in at the manhattan district attorney's office, the first former president ever to face a criminal indictment. about two hours ago, trump took off from west palm beach, florida, so we expect him to land in new york. really just minutes from now, just minutes from now, tomorrow's arraignment is all connected to his alleged role in a hush money payments scheme and cover up involving adult film star stormy daniels. but the public and trump's own attorneys still don't know his specific charges. the grand jury indictment that is still under seal at this hour. cnn has formally requested the judge release it with trump's legal team says they plan to challenge quote every potential issue in that document. nevertheless caitlin tomorrow the former president will head to the manhattan courthouse where he is expected. in a history making move to surrender. yeah and then he is going to be booked. he is going to be fingerprinted. we don't yet know if they're actually going to take his mug shot. his own attorney said yesterday. they weren't sure
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whether or not that was going to happen. what we do know is that after the arrangement of more president will return to florida, that is where he is going to deliver a speech from mar-a-lago. we're told tomorrow night here with me in manhattan as we await. trump's arrival is cnn's chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny and cnn political director david chalian. both joining me here live thank you both for being here. one thing that i have been thinking about is trump is on his way here as he's already launched these attacks he's been going after the district attorney alvin bragg here. there's no surprise there. also going after the judge, though, and vance, who was the former manhattan district attorney was saying yesterday that trump needed to be careful, essentially a potentially committing another criminal offense by going after and lashing out at these officials, including the judge, that he is going to be arraigned before tomorrow without a doubt, and he is arriving in new york shortly momentarily as the leading republican presidential candidate. but once he arrives here in his hometown of new york city, of course, things will be different. beginning tomorrow. he is in a legal proceeding, one that he does not have full control over. so we've seen many, many times. he's been sort
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of a servic, he says, whatever on social media, and then he is a bit quieter, so i would be very surprised if there are any outbursts in the courtroom or anything here in new york. he's saving it, of course when he gives his speech when he returns to mar-a-lago on tuesday, but this is a very different moment for donald trump's much history in trump tower behind us here we announced his presidential campaign. in the summer of 2015. of course, he is now a florida resident, but tomorrow he is a someone who's in a legal proceeding. so that is sort of different than the donald trump. we've seen. the court of public opinion is where he's going to be most vocal. the court of law is going to be an entirely different scenario for him, and you think it's really important for us to note. if you as you guys know, studied trump a long time. has spent pretty much the entirety of his life. trying to avoid a moment like this, he would he would get really close to the line on stuff. he would always be dabbling in the but he spent his entire professional
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life trying to avoid exactly what is happening to him now. yeah, so the idea that he wants to be indicted isn't it doesn't actually match with reality when you talk to people. around him that we are told he was surprisingly calm over the weekend. you know, he is only going to be here on the ground around 24 hours. it's going to be very quick. but one thing he does want is for there to be a scene. i know his attorneys have said that they don't believe cameras in the courtroom. i don't want to create a circus like environment that trump himself has been urging republicans to come to new york. he wants there to be protests. we know marjorie taylor green is one of those lawmakers, but mayor eric adams had this warning for republican congressman marjorie taylor green and her planned protest. we have the safest large city in america because we respect the rule of law in new york city, and although we have no specific threats, people like marjorie taylor green, who is known to spread miss misinformation and hate speech of she stated she is
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coming to town while you're in town. be on your best behavior to. what do you make of that? well look, i think the police chief telling a member of congress to be on her best behavior. i wonder if he would do that. if it was a different member of congress, i think, look, the reality here is she has tweeted back that she has her first amendment right to come here. so if she does come to new york tomorrow, you know she comes to the member of congress and a trump supporter. i think that is the partisan thing that plays directly into the former president sort of claim that this is not a fair proceeding here, david because trump isn't building up to this moment for some time now. i mean, it was weeks ago that he said he was going to be arrested that tuesday. obviously it happened now, two weeks later than what we initially believed it was gonna be. yeah the argument that he's been making in that time is that this is a political prosecution. that's the script that every republicans reading from now, and our brand new poll today shows three quarters of the american public does believe that politics is at play here.
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that that is something he's going to continue to hammer away at jeff and david. standby we're going to send it back over the nfl in washington. we are waiting any moment now for trump to arrive here in new york. he'll be arriving to trump tower right behind us. that's where he'll spend his last evening before. he has a rain tomorrow. yeah a lot to wash. clearly people are already excited around our team on the ground there doing great work as always want to bring back our panel, and elliot. i was struck in dana's interview yesterday with one of the former president's lori. they were talking about how they were going to use everything at their disposal when it comes to the case that they eventually actually get to see what's inside of the indictment. what tools will they have? and how long will that actually take? certainly now some of we were talking about a little bit earlier in the program was this idea of delay in the former president being able to use delay to his advantage and has in the past now? maybe that's the case. but right now, as a litigant, he has the right to challenge aspects of the case. so number one, he
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may they may file a motion to change the venue of the trial, saying, you know, this defendant at this time cannot get a fair trial from this bias prosecutor in new york city from this jury pool that's tainted. we have to move it somewhere else that's going to get dismissed. right? it's just he's not gonna win that. it's just highly unlikely they may challenge aspects of the indictment. so for instance , this quick if it involves federal campaign finance charges, saying, well, look, this is a state prosecution. this ought not be here or any other matters, the publicity or the politicization of challenging the prosecutor himself. so any of these things are motions that he can file um it's probably not gonna win most of them because the law presumes that jurors and courts and prosecutors will behave in a fair manner. but he has that right now, in terms of your question, phil about timing what new york is pretty notorious for taking a long time to go from indictment to trial, and it can take up to a year to get something in court and i would
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anticipate that you're going to see that amount of time both because of the fact that the normal trial but also you can expect this defendant find a lot of emotions as this is right is right. and so when we talk about the actual indictment, which we should say which we have said said many times, so it bears repeating. we have not seen. we don't know what's in it. but you mentioned i spoke to one of donald trump's lawyers yesterday . i also spoke with lanny davis. we've covered and known for many years, many years since the clinton years, he's representing michael cohen and he insisted to me that the manhattan d a has not just michael cohen's verbal testimony under oath. but evidence evidence in some way, shape or form that donald trump committed the crimes that the da is alleging that he committed with regard to falsifying his business records. we should see that when we when did in the indictment is finally unsealed. we've seen donald trump's signature. on her check, but i think what michael cohen and lanny davis have been saying all
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along is that michael cohen did this he went to jail, partly because of this, and it was at the direction of donald trump. and again, i think that if they're going to bring felony charge or charges against the former president, they have to have documents beyond michael cohen. whom as we all know, um, has some credibility issues here , right convicted felon, etcetera, etcetera, so they you know, i find it hard to believe that they don't have more. cohen saga is very fascinating because his testimony has been remarkably consistent where it has been, you know? look, i saw this happen. this happened for the purpose of silencing or or quieting down news of these extramarital affairs that were embarrassing at the present. he's been clear on that story. the problem is, gloria notes is that there are a number of credibility issues in terms of being convicted of federal offenses, one of which was for
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lying about he's and he's on the record even just a few days ago, looking at the camera on a television interview and saying, see you in court on tuesday, buddy, you know, it's just it's clear that this is a somewhat compromised witness. now. look i prosecuted narcotics cases before. and there's a lot of trials where you just have witnesses that have credibility issues and you can still win. if you have other evidence, so i don't think it's ah dooms the case, right. but like you, said, gloria, they really had to bring in one thing we've talked about. as as you comment on this, we talked about stormy daniels, which is we believed to be sort of the crux of this. hush money payments. stormy daniels, whom the president. the former president had an alleged affair with there's another. individual karen mcdougal, who landed, davis said that they have given over to the d a evidence about as well, some form of hush money payments to her as well. so it's not just one individual. it's
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allegedly a second. also remember, i know it's hard to kind of think about because there is sort of these unsavory elements to this right with an adult entertainment, etcetera. but fundamentally, campaigns are about information and the story you tell, leading up to election day. and if you manipulate that story in a way that's found to be illegal. that's a problem and i do think that it's very easy to because so many scandals sort of get brushed away in hurricane trump land. it's hard for us to look at any one particular one and see the kind of greater concern there. but for people at home, this is something to think about. there is a reason why there are campaign financial. is there a reason why there's campaign fraud laws and it's because we want you to have the best truthful information you you can get going into the ballot. and if you have manipulation of that process, then that's something that the law does take seriously. now that being said the bar is really high right for this prosecutor to make his case, because if you become just
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another person who didn't follow up on your kind of legal threat against trump, that's not good, and it's not good for the country. can i put you on the spot for a second? and i think you may have already answered this question. which is really frustrating to me because i've been thinking about it for 2.5 hours. this is how i prepare for these big moments with you, audie as somebody who listens to your podcast. every single week. i wondered what it like the fascinating elements of this case of this moment that are kind of rattling around in your head. like what are you picking out that you think is most interesting that you're going to take part in an episode of going forward that maybe in the broader coverage we aren't necessarily locking into and i fear you may have just said give me the answer. but what are we missing here? one of the things i'm paying attention to like. lawyers are people too, and i think that the relationship between trump and litigation trump and the law is fascinating. i'm also very interested, and, um, basically how we take in this information, media wise, you know, we in the
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media. i'm gonna just put myself on that as well. i think all of us have learned some very valuable lessons from the last couple of years in delineating what significant what's important, what is a value to the people that we serve and how that may be different than what politicians want out of that process? i think we have a better understanding now of how to deal with pronouncements. of a certain kind. everybody has learned something from the last couple of years. and it will be interesting to see how we all apply those lessons to the next couple of months. you know, that's a beautiful point, audie because i think and just sort of tying it to the law. i think there are things there is information that is relevant to the world because it's salacious or exciting or people want to hear about it. and then there's what's legally relevant. what matters in the court case in point, stormy daniels being an adult film star is irrelevant to the question of whether the former president approved or signed checks as a means of falsifying business records or cancer. feeling another felony.
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i think people have gotten caught up in sort of the exciting details of all this. and it happens all the time across when we talk about things in the wall or in politics to piggyback on your point. i'm so interested in what donald trump has done to the legal profession itself. he has pierced executive privilege. right? um attorney client privilege. i had one lawyer just say to me. no one has ever turned lawyers into witnesses faster than donald trump. and what does this mean for the future? in terms of what laws we pay attention to anymore . will attorney client privilege be affected by this in some way, shape or form and we just we don't take. yeah well, what if he does this a violation of norms? there's been many more years of actual crisis to deal with, right and i just doing an imitation of your satisfy legal
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voice. yeah, which is why i didn't make it all the way to law school but looking at mirrors. what about a client who may lie to his attorneys all the time? what do we how do how do attorneys deal with that and even bigger point that this can happen in america and the fact that a premiere of the country of former leader is being investigated and possibly prosecuted would have been unthinkable 20 years ago, but but you see it all around the world with a certain degree of judgment. happens here. i think that looks like the president's plane, which actually leads me to say as we take a quick break. you were saying that you know, we've learned a lot. one of the things that we have learned is to, um not put everything at an 11 not make everything the biggest deal. this is a big deal . this is a big deal that a former president of the united states for the first time is coming to be arraigned in court. and that is going to happen any
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moment we're going to see the former president touchdown at laguardia in new york, it will be a momentous 24 hours that we're going to see over the next i would say it's probably more than 24 hours, but certainly tomorrow when he's going to be appearing in court for the first time. the plane is on approaches. we just saw back with katelyn polantz in new york next. so cozy rooms are in there . should we go check it out to stay here all weekend, verbal doing the door code doesn't stay with you. it looks exactly like the picture because without privacy in your vacation home, full log cabin guys isn't really a vacation fire. is it good? t mobile. your business will save over 1000 bucks. what are you going to do with ? i could use a new sign with t mobile for
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out here. it's been a little bit loud at times, but largely manhattan is going on about its day. of course, the security preparations are very much underway here in new york because this is a historic indictment. but also there's going to be secret service here accompanying the president as they do everywhere he goes, but also inside that courthouse tomorrow. cnn's human program. pairs is live outside the courthouse in lower manhattan. she won't walk us through what it's going to look like once trump's plane actually landed at laguardia. then of course, he is going to get in a motorcade. typically when he would come here as president, he would land at the airport, he would take a helicopter to the wall street landing zone, and then, of course, traffic would be blocked off for him, but it's going to look a little bit different here. for today. what do you expect it? yes certainly as the former president the entire security package is completely different for him, so that's why , as you said, there's no helicopter to take him here into manhattan. and i think for the
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new york city police department, they start to really kick into high gear once he starts once he lands leaves the airport. goes through the highways and comes into manhattan. it's a totally different situation for them as they begin to really prepare for tomorrow and what we're going to see here outside the manhattan criminal court where i am and really, we're starting to see some of the security efforts and some of the things that the nypd along with the court officers are going to be doing and a lot of this, you're going to see up by trump tower as well. these metal barricades that you see here those are all around the courthouse here. you see the court officers here, but there are also nypd officers here all along here outside the courthouse and the reason why that is obviously there just getting ready for tomorrow. the concern, obviously, is that you have the media presence here. but then also there's going to be protesters anticipate
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protesters, supporters of the former president, so these barricades are sort of being put up here just to sort of prevent anyone who may try to cross the street. try to make their way into the courthouse. they're going to try to really have a controlled system here. the courtroom is going to close around one o'clock, which is usually what time they break for lunch, and then it will remain closed until trump's arraignment is finished, which should be around 33 15 trump is going to go inside the manhattan da's office tomorrow. he's going to go through this building is going to go up to the 15th floor where the arraignment is going to take place side by side with him are going to be secret service. agents and court officers and also investigators from the manhattan da's office who are actually going to be the ones arresting him because of this indictment so tomorrow? certainly this area is going to be shut down as the motorcade makes its way here. we're going to see a lot of street closures, but i also think a lot of people katelyn polantz sort of kind of
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is asking questions wants to see what's happening here. but the nypd certainly their biggest concern is what's going to be happening out here for the court staff, and the secret service is everything that's going to be going on inside the courtroom, and once it's over, we expect him to leave and head back to florida at some point tomorrow afternoon, caitlin but for trump tower, i think that's going to be the big concern tonight, obviously, and then tomorrow we'll focus will be here on lower manhattan. yeah and certainly new york has had several weeks to prepare for this. it was over two weeks ago that trump said he was expecting to be arrested within days. now, of course, we know the arrangement is actually happening tomorrow. she won't. i will say that for over here on trump tower. there aren't a ton of protesters there. certainly several dozen across the street . but on this side of the street where we're broadcasting, it seems like there's more members of the media than there are protesters. at this moment, we'll see if that changes once trump arrives, but i think it's just remarkable. the fact that not only is this a historic
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indictment but also the idea that the new york police department is going to have to arrange the security logistics with secret service themselves and dealing with something of that we've never seen before. as i should note. trump's plane is now coming into laguardia about to land here any moment. i just want to point something out to you, kaylie don't know what happened, but you can see all of these court officers here. they just ran into this park. um, i don't know if there was some kind of a fight here or something. but it just i think the point that i want to make here is just to show you how on edge some of the folks here are keeping an eye on everything. you can see more police officers here moving in. this is sort of been a gathering spot here. they just it looks like they've just arrested someone here, caitlin. we don't really know why, but this is sort of in the area where many of the protesters and supporters of trump have been gathering, but this is the first
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time that we've seen anyone actually being arrested. we don't know why. but it was really interesting to watch because something was going on. and then all of a sudden, the court officers the court offices here jumped over these barricades and ran over here and just took that man into custody . but i think the reason why i'm showing you this just to show you kind of some of the security measures that are, um in place here, the sensitivity and certainly just how on alert the officers are here? as i said, there are nypd officers here. and all of these card officers and clearly they saw something, caitlin and they jumped over this way. okay, simone, keep an eye on that. let us know what you hear about that. clearly there is a sense that city officials are bracing here. i just want to note for viewers. we are seeing former president trump's plane land here at laguardia airport in new york. that is his flight that he is taking before he is going to make his way over here to trump
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tower, phil and dana before he is going to be arraigned tomorrow. that of course, is a flight that they had been planning. the logistics of this had been certainly a big aspect. we know we had heard that initially, when that indictment came down last thursday they wanted trump to appear in a court held in a courtroom the following friday, but they said they needed more time to work on the logistics of what exactly this was going to look like while there are still a lot of unknowns. there has been a lot of planning behind the scenes when it comes to trump's legal team and secret service in the new york police department into this visit and coordinating this , and so trump is going to get off that plane as the ex president but also is the first former or sitting president to ever have criminal charges facing him. and so he's not expected to speak while he's here in new york. they have said. of course, those are famous last words. dan and phil. we do know he will be speaking tomorrow night. wheels down as we say we see the trump plane taxiing now, and we do expect him to get out shortly. we know from back in the in the campaign
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days that it had been wired with cable news, so it would not be a surprising thing that he is watching his himself taxing in new york on tv. it adds to the sort of surreal notion of this moment, but donald trump born and raised in new york of new york, now a resident of the state of florida, back in new york, to do something that he spent his pretty much his entire adult life fighting, which is the legal system as a private citizen, and then as a politician and as president in in the way that a president does, but now back being a private citizen for the first time. getting to the point where he is a man who has been indicted and he will see what the charges specifically are when he goes to the courtroom. and he is booked. tomorrow morning or tomorrow. at some
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point, i think that's a critical point. neither the former president nor any of the advisors that traveled with him on that airplane that you're looking at right now, nor his legal team already on the ground in new york have any idea what the actual indictment says, and i think that sense of the unknown you and caitlin and shimon and everybody's done such incredible work on figuring out the choreography of this moment from the security perspective from the trump legal team, perspective, christian homes as well down in florida. the one thing they can't plan for is what they are going to discover tomorrow that is actually in black and white. that is in that indictment, and we saw the former president brought on a new, very high powered lawyer today, very clearly kind of moving towards preparing for that unknown, but i think when you add that element in to the very historic nature is very unprecedented nature of this moment. there is a lot of self assuredness that they like to project publicly within the trump orbit, the former president and his team and that may absolutely be the case for
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what's going to transpire over the course of the coming weeks and months, but the reality is, they don't know and for team in an operation that likes to be the ones kind of pulling the strings on everything controlling the narrative controlling how people see the pictures what they see how they see it. that has to be a somewhat unsettling moment, no matter how they feel, or how they attempt to project themselves over the course of the next 24 hours. no question before they got on the plane, one of the former president's advisers, jason miller, texted me that the president views this as a challenge he has to take on for the american people. that is. the spin. that is the messaging. i should say very much that has been amplified by so many of donald trump supporters and also even by some skeptics in the republican party of donald trump, because they feel like this is one of those rally around the team and at this point the front runner of the republican team, not just
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we're not just talking about somebody who was president before, but is a candidate for president, too. ah to try to get there again and so what you just said phil about the unknowns. what i just stated in terms of the messaging and the strategy that's the known. that's all they can do is say he's going to fight and we're doing this for the american people. whatever that means. but they know well and good that everything that is going to be presented to them in the courtroom tomorrow is going to be not politics but a legal challenge that he has not had before. caitlyn to you. and one thing i think it's important to note is as trump is returning. he is no longer a resident of new york city. certainly obviously he was born and raised here. he now resides permanently and primarily in florida. he was here last fall for a deposition that was in another investigation that he was dealing with when it came to his business dealings. he's been back here a handful of times
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since then. but he has also returning for the first time since he has faced an indictment and facing criminal charges that adds to the significance of this visit. he is on that plane with a handful of the campaign aides who are going to try to help him as you were noting data there with the way to take at least a political advantage of this. of course, the ramifications of it are far from now. we won't know knows for weeks or months of what those will actually look like he's been talking to these aids. he's been on the phone with allies all weekend as he was playing rounds of golf and deciding how they could use this to his advantage, but it is still very real legal issues, the legal and political issues they sometimes conflate them, but they are certainly very different strategies here. i want to bring in our cnn senior legal analyst hoenig and cnn's david chalian who are both here with me, david obviously, the significance of this moment is obvious. everyone can see that trump's plane is here. it is the first time since he has faced criminal charges. we've talked about the merits of the case. but just the idea and of itself.
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his attorney was saying yesterday what they wanted to do it tomorrow was to make it as painless and classy as possible. those are the words joe tacopina used in his interview with dana, you know who likes the word classy donald j. trump, you know. you see this native new yorker, this boy from queens, now landing in new york city, and it's hard not to think you know the images of this plane in the opening credits of the apprentice, the fact that trump loved having his name emblazoned on the side for all to see who landed in laguardia when he was in new york resident but he doesn't just land now as the first ever former president or president to face an indictment. he also lands as the front runner for the republican presidential nomination in 2024 . that's why you say it is both political and legal and, of course, historic, but he's going to try every moment that he's not in that courtroom, caitlin, he's going to try to control the narrative that gets portrayed
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and really try to frame this entire case in his terms of a political battle that he's fighting once he's inside that courtroom tomorrow, of course, he doesn't get to control that. elliot you can see their staffers coming up playing one thing i'll be watching also is, um trump has a habit of speaking on the plane as he's been doing . you know, he's been going to some of these rallies. they do. take reporters on the plane. we are told there is a reporter there are there's a pool reporter on the plane with trump will see if he made any comments because that is where he's often been speaking the most in a back and forth with reporters beyond interviews with friendly media there, those are the campaign aides who are working. when trump. obviously it's a smaller team than he's had previously, but that's who. most of those are campaign staffers who came with him. michael cohen is at the center of all of this that is trump's former attorney is former fixer. cyrus vance was the former manhattan district attorney now, obviously, that is elvin brags job. he was saying
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yesterday that cohen's credibility is more than what you've heard. his critics argue in recent days, so this is all going to come down to corroboration. prosecutors are very taken with corroboration because you never want to be in a position where you're asking a jury. to just take the word of a convicted criminal at face value. it's not at all abnormal to basic case on the testimony of a person who's been convicted of crimes. we say the jury's that's the only way we can take you inside crimes. so with michael cohen, it's all going to come down to do the other witnesses back him up. do the other documents back him up the cross examination of michael cohen, i think almost writes itself. he's a person who has been convicted of perjury of financial fraud, tax fraud. he hates donald trump with the heat of 1000 suns. he makes no sense. great. about that, and he has made prior inconsistent statements in his past. he has said there was nothing criminal here. on the other hand, the argument from prosecutors will be this is a person who has changed his life and turned himself around since donald trump since he broke from donald
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trump and bigger picture here, caitlin it's really a surreal moment. it's the kind of thing that you talk about, and hypothesize of how in law school what would ever happen if we had a president or former president charged with crimes and now we're about to see it play out for real. i think it will be a test of our system. it will be a solemn and somber moment. but i do have faith in our system. i think our judicial system, our judges or prosecutors or defense layers, and our rules and procedures will stand up and what we'll see. tomorrow is really a routine court appearance through it all. it's a routine court appearance. you know the new trump attorney that they just added, it's we don't know exactly when they added this new attorney we it was reported today by politico. then by cnn. that he has added a new attorney in his defense here in manhattan. what does that say to you about how they're viewing? this case internally tells me donald trump is taking this case very seriously as he should. todd blanche is the new attorney . he was a longtime federal prosecutor. we were colleagues
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together at the southern district of new york and exceptional prosecutor. he was in charge of the violent crime and gangs unit here in manhattan . he then went up to white plains, where he was in charge of the whole office there, which does every kind of crime this is the kind of lawyer that you hire. if you are taking it very, very seriously. i also should note caitlin todd blanche and alvin bragg, the manhattan d a. r contemporaries at the southern district of new york. we all all three of us were there at the same time. i was a year or so ahead of those guys. but they started essentially within six months or a year of one another. so they know one another. very very well. that does not mean alvin bragg is going to do any favors. for todd blanche. we have a way of running into one another, and we all play it straight. but it's going to mean he's somebody who has some sort of inherent credibility. so i think it's a move that you make if you're getting ready to fight and take this thing to trial. there's so much of this and what we're seeing right now is highly choreographed by the trump team have been talking to people in
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his orbit ever since. he posted that saturday that he was going to be arrested a few days later, and they have been talking about making sure that when he is in front of the cameras, he doesn't look defeated. that he is smiling because they know we may not have a camera in the courtroom tomorrow, but they know that every inch of this what you will see from the moment he gets off. this plane here will be used whether it's by his critics or by his campaign. as footage to rally people around him and jason miller, one of his campaign aides tweeted on the way here that they actually raised $7 million they claim since thursday in the first three days , 72 hours since the indictment news, $7 million and your email to caitlin must if you're on the list, you get a fundraising appeal almost every hour from the trump campaign that points to this it's awesome. it's awesome graft by secret service, caitlin i think we lost your bike for a moment, david. we'll check back on that and pick up with that. of course. what we were noting is just how choreographed this this moment.
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this moment is david. i think they fixed your mike. it's good to go now. but yeah, but it does speak to the political aspect of this. we don't actually know that it will politically benefit trump. we know it's certainly helping right now with fundraising. there are still major questions, though of what it looks like. there's no doubt . i mean, imagine. first of all , this may be just one indictment, and there are other investigations going on if other indictments were to come, i just think it is impossible for us to know how this will play out either in the nomination fight or if he is the nominee. ah well , i think we could pretty much say this kind of this kind of event. is not going to bring voters to him that have already drifted away from him. but just waiting for him to come out here. you mentioned trying to get into donald trump's mindset and what's really going on in his head is something um, you know, it's not a is not a skill anyone has. but what must this nearly 77 year old man be
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thinking as he returns to his home? in a new context that is that no president has ever faced before. certainly a moment where he i mean he's going to be going into the manhattan criminal courts building tomorrow. for the first time to face an arraignment didn't feel obviously, historical significance of this is notable . there are still big questions. what actually the implications of this are and what this looks like going forward, but as we wait for trump to exit his plane come here to trump tower where we are in new york. um there are many questions facing even if it was on legal team. very good. so many questions so many unanswered questions, but let's take a moment and talk about the moment. that we are at and gloria borger. let's start with you your thoughts as we as we watch the what is the beginning of at least 24 hours of something that we haven't seen before i ever ever well. who
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you're going to see. walked down these steps is probably one of the most famous people in the world, and he is a former president. presidential candidate. and now he's a defendant. we haven't seen that it's hard to kind of process that i think as you were pointing out dana before the donald trump is somebody who's probably tried to avoid ah, his day in court for a very long time decades. and now you know you have this man who is saying to people who support him. you know i am your retribution. and he is going to make his grievance their grievance. and i think we're going to see that play out over and over again, and we'll see a play out in court with his attorney. it's a moment that he's as you said, try to avoid. it's also a moment that the country has tried to avoid for a very long time whenever it's gotten to the point where the president may
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encounter this kind of interaction with the with the legal system, the us has kind of backed away from the brink, so it really is a remarkable moment and that respect collectively, i think politically, this country had said we don't want to go. oh, there, and here we are, and it might have been unavoidable because of the sheer number of investigations against him. at this point i want to bring in sarah murray. primarily because you covered his campaign from the beginning days back in 2015 , and you're covering investigations now, um than an amazing amount of very good reporting on this individual has lead up to his presidency, his presidency. the investigations that have come since what do you think when you see what we're watching right now? beyond they have a lot of luggage. obviously have they did not pack light for this journey. no i mean, i think what you've seen is the shield of the presidency fall away from donald trump. i mean, when you talk about how long he has tried to avoid this. you know, when he was in office as the president, he was able to say. i'm the
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president of the united states. you know all of these silly investigations. you can't bring charges against me. you can't be dragging me into court. essentially, i have better things to do. and he no longer has that defense available to him. and i think you know one of the things i wonder watching this is how many more times we can see something like this. play out when it comes to donald trump. we don't know. and his legal team doesn't know if this could be the first of potentially multiple indictments . i mean, that's one of the things they worry about. when you talk to them. they ask you just as much as you say. what are you hearing? they say, you know what are what are you hearing? what are you hearing about? georgia what are you hearing about? the mar-a-lago documents probe? what are you hearing about the january 6th investigation because they know that those are real legal threats and as we talk about the legal threats later want you to talk about there he is. let's just take a moment and watch.
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so there he is. donald trump. the first former president ever to have to come. anywhere. to face a day in court. i think what was notable right there, and we're going to probably see him several more times before he gives his speech tomorrow night, but we were actually talking before whether we would see the fist bump whether we would see the thumbs up. and we didn't see any of that. and it's your forgive me, sarah. i just want to go to you on that because you've spent many, many hours thousands of hours covering him since 2015. what does that tell you? that body language. i think it was much more resigned than what we expect the again he has a lot of opportunities to appear defiant later today, tomorrow when he makes remarks tomorrow evening at mar-a-lago, but you know, it is sort of a pretty resigned march down the stairs.
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into his car. no trump hat. you know, we're used to seeing sort of his campaign swag as well as the swagger and that's not worth seeing right now, and i started to say about the fact that as we were preparing for this moment, i've just as many other people have been doing. maybe most people aren't as nerdy as i am. but going back and looking at not just the constitution, but the way people have interpreted the constitution when it comes to legal jeopardy for a president and correct me if i'm wrong, but when i when a person is in the white house is president. the justice department. um interpret to this, and most people interpret this as somebody who is immune from typical criminal prosecution. but that the founders explicitly wanted a former president. to be treated like a regular citizen. and moreover, the founders in crafting the constitution put
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very few rules or restrictions on who can be president. maybe 35 years old and you have to be a natural born citizen of the united states has to be a he pardon me. that's very thank you for correcting me on that he or she needs to be 35 years old or a natural born citizen of the united states. there's nothing in the constitution about but someone who has been charged with a crime or someone who has been convicted of a crime being barred from serving or running for president, united states now if you remember former president trump and viewers should remember the former president trump was impeached twice and the united states senate could have in that process barred him from running for future office. now they voted against that and did not do so. that would have been the way to prevent someone from running for office or running for the presidency again , but but you're right. there's very few limitations or restrictions. on who gets to be president, and he's a candidate. now he'll be a candidate tomorrow after he's indicted and will be a candidate, presumably, presumably throughout the rest of the underscore your point. it was always a courtesy. the post
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term prosecutorial immunity. it's not baked anywhere that says you're free from any kind of scrutiny and you i think it's really saying something that this former president reached this point where that courtesy in a sense has been rescinded by the legal community. there's one other thing that struck me just watching him go down the steps is thinking back to the escalator. he went down with melania. and the family was not there. melania was not there. he looked like such a solitary, somber figure there, which were not used to write in a way. that's what the press conferences for, right. that's right. i think he understood that moment very well because it needed to be somber been in. i've been in court a bunch over the years and it's just so serious and solemn and we the
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public on account of some of these questions about cameras in the courtroom, and so on. most of the public don't really have a sense as to what happens in a courtroom or how courts player when someone has led into a coordinates to look the judge in the eye and say, sir or ma'am, i believe i am not guilty of this offense, and in a year you're gonna bring me to trial in front of 12 randomly picked citizens of this jurisdiction and in judgment of them. it is a serious, somber, solemn moment. you feel it in your bones. it's very serious and we saw and perhaps some of that there today, there's no question about that. we have a lot more to watch a lot more to weigh in on right now you're looking at former president trump and his motorcade on their way to trump tower. the former president obviously is in new york, landed at laguardia airport in order to face the new reality for a former president, a former president that has been indicted and we'll have to face criminal charges. we have a lot more as we continue to watch this play out, stay with us. wyndham is
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i should get paid more for this. you get paid when you win. from xfinity. home of the 10g network. available for just $79 cardio mobile dot com or amazon. i'm jessica dean on capitol hill. and this is cnn. and welcome back. i am katelyn polantz. we're broadcasting live outside of trump tower because the former president has just landed here in new york and as you can see now from your screen, his motorcade is making their way to trump tower where trump will spend the night tonight before he arrives at a manhattan courthouse tomorrow for his
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arraignment. that is where he will go before a judge the indictment against him. will be until very expecting it to be some 30 counts, but the specifics remain to be seen. so david chalian and elie honig are both here with me. l a one big thing we're also still waiting to see is whether or not cameras will be in that courtroom tomorrow. we know it's expected to be a very short proceeding. everyone has said 10 minutes, maybe we have just learned the judge is going to decide tonight whether or not a camera can be in the courtroom. what are the arguments on both sides for having them and not having them so first of all, normally, cameras are not allowed in new york state courtrooms, however, the law in new york does say it's up to the judge. the judge has discretion. the arguments. yes they consider on the one hand are are there overarching transparency concerns. is the public interested in this. i mean, this is the ultimate example of that. on the other hand, the judge does have 21 maintain decorum and make sure that things don't get out of control. i'm not sure how cameras might do that. but on the other hand, he has to think about am i interfering here with
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the defendant? and here? the defendant is donald j. trump with his presumption of innocence. will this create an image that may be harmful to him ? so the judge has to wait those factors. there's no science to it. one outcome that i think is possible here. the judge may sort of try to thread the needle and allow an audio feed of some sort so that we can all follow along. without cameras to avoid that potentially damaging visual of donald trump's standing at the defendant's table, and i want to let viewers know trump is about 20 minutes away from trump tower. of course, he is driving through traffic. there he is on the grand central parkway on his way here to where we are outside of trump tower. there's a few dozen protesters here, but certainly maybe not the same that the president was hoping for us. he was urging people to protest once he had gotten more details on his pending indictment struck by the fact that you know we're talking about trump. this is a historic moment. biden president biden we should note is in minnesota right now talking about infrastructure and semiconductor
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semiconductor chips. he has stayed very quiet on this intentionally, so no doubt about it asked multiple times and just refuses to comment on them. when you talk to people in the white house, caitlin they're they're pretty pleased with the contrast between the two right now president biden. they want to show him on the job. he'll get lots of local press attention, if not national attention, which is focused on donald trump right now versus you know the indicted former president coming now for his arraignment tomorrow and returning to new york. that's a contrast they like and any comments joe biden would make on this. never mind. it's an ongoing legal process, and the president tries not to do that, um, would just distract from this display of the difference. right obviously, we will hear from trump. we don't know whether or not we'll hear from him in new york, his aides and said in mar-a-lago tomorrow night. when he's been saying
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that social media has been attacking the judge who is going to appear before tomorrow. criticizing the district attorney, alvin bragg. here how does that factor into the judge when trump is before him tomorrow? the judge should pay no attention to that whatsoever . the judge, and by all reputation, this judge is straightforward and focused and will not hold it against donald trump. but at a certain point if the rhetoric gets to excessive or too dangerous, there does come a point where the judge can issue what we call a gag order, which is an official order of the court since he is running for office because i've asked some of the legal minds in trump's world about that, and they've seemed skeptical. it's a great point, and i think it's yet another reason to be skeptical. the first one is the first amendment as a whole. all this is why it's very, very rare for judges to issue gag orders. in any case, because people generally have the right to speak. they have the right to criticized courts and judges on and here that would be further
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exacerbated because donald trump is a candidate for president. and you know, it's totally in keeping with the way we saw donald trump as president, openly commenting on pending cases on prosecutions. i hope people understand just how out of the norm that is. historically presidents, republican and democrats alike have taken the exact view that joe biden is taking down, which is i don't talk about things like that. that's not for me, that's for our courts. that's for our prosecutors. and i just want to note trump is on the rfk bridge just crossed over it. he is approaching manhattan that is his motorcade there of the former president. and as ellie was noting there that's comes as he has been making those attacks on the judge saying that he believes that he hated him when i pressed trump's attorney on that, not in this case, but one of his other attorneys on friday night he actually seemed to argue that yes, they do believe judge martin. it's tough, but they believed it would be fair, which was i thought notable how his legal team has distanced themselves. i think it speaks to how it's a legal team has been handling this how the political team has been handling all of this. of course, this is a
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historic moment that you're watching live asked for president trump is making his way in that motorcade into manhattan, where he will arrive at trump tower and spend a few hours before he does go before a judge to be arraigned tomorrow. in that case, the first former or sitting president to ever face criminal charges. and trump is going to be in that courtroom before judge. we'll see what the judge decides. we have not seen the indictment. those details remain to be seen, but also remains to be seen if there will be a camera in the courtroom. that is something the media has advocated for it. we should note. trump's team has said they opposed that. i want to turn over to jake tapper on the lead for our continuing coverage of trump's arrival here in new york, jake. right now. president trump's motorcade on the move headed from laguardia to manhattan. welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper, and we start today with this momentous event in our politics, lead a historic and unprecedented indictment