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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  February 29, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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problem is asymmetrical. i'm not both-sidesing, but i do we want to say on the left, democrats for a long time pretended that the economy, the border and crime were all fine. and it's only recently that they've started to realize no, these are problems and we need to start talking about them. that's a different thing. republicans are fetishizing inaction. they're absolutely fetishizing not governing because that's not what they're there to do, is also a question about like are republicans talking about reality or things that are not real? like, was the election real? and by joe biden won or was it not real? some of that belongs in the category of just whether it's grievance or whatever you want to call it, it's not actually talking about the things that affect people's lives. it's outrage and keeping if people angry and afraid has become the bread and butter. and as long as they're angry and afraid, which they'll stay if you don't solve problems, then they're going to line up to vote for these figures. so it's sort of a cycle that kind of never-ending vicious, vicious cycle. and s e
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cupp. thank you. thank you. all of that thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now >> more than meet the eye and donald trump's classified documents trial will tell you what's really going on tonight on laura coates live >> all right. wake up. >> don't sleep on the mar-a-lago trial. sure. the supreme court's been getting all the attention. >> what >> with arguments on trump's claims of presidential immunity said to come before them. the week of april 22. but there is some big news tonight out of florida. looks like jack smith wants to get the classified documents k is moving as soon as possible, and he's asking for a new trial date. this time the month of july. so while you're on summer vacation, don't trump could actually be in court. so saying in court filings tonight that he believes trump and his two co-defendants body man, walt
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nauta and mar-a-lago property manager, carlos de olivera, should go to trial on july 8, if not coincidentally, or maybe not coincidentally, one week before trump is all but certain to become the nominee at the republican convention. funny how this works right? meanwhile, his attorneys, who this he can, cannot have a fair trial before the election are now saying about august 12, so what happens if this case goes to trial before millions of americans go to the polls on election day. will we add to discuss and law enforcement analyst and former deputy director of the fbi, andrew mccabe. so glad that you're here with me tonight. i mean but this is like an energizer bunny of things. he is going to keep going forward for supreme court, be. he wants these cases done. what do you make of this idea of july 8th? why would he want to do that? >> really interesting pick on behalf of the special counsel team. so you know, this laura,
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from year-old days at work, where we used to where we used to work, everything about a trial now, his strategy, everything is gamesmanship. so we knew that this scheduling conference was coming up tomorrow. we've known about this for a couple of weeks. this is jack smith going into that conference asking for the world, asking for the best-case scenario, but prepared to settle with something that he can live with. the compromise in between so that's the date that he thinks he can push aggressively to the earliest, earliest point. interestingly enough, it's sending us another maybe subtle signal that jack smith is saying, hey, i think i'm not going to be on trial in dc. that that month and so let's get mar-a-lago in there. >> a good point because we don't know yet when that trial if it goes with judge chutkan here in washington dc, because april 22 is the oral argument for the immunity issue. everything is of put a pause on right now and they have till
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june. although, can you imagine supreme court takes until june to decide the issue of immunity >> i mean, for my money outrageous, it's this is not an expedited schedule for hearing and consideration of this issue. expedited would have been getting it done along the lines of what we saw with the colorado 14th amendment case, but that's clearly not how why is much quicker, right? >> it had expedited oral arguments scheduled. we'll have a ruling yet, but that was much faster. >> that's right. >> this case, the >> immunity issue that we heard about yesterday, it's likely we won't hear a decision on that case until the end of the term, which is the end of june. so if that holds true, jack smith would then just be starting. let's say we get that vision and it goes against president trump's claims. now, the case goes, starts moving forward again. you have about another three months of pretrial machinations before that thing could finally get in front of a jury. so that puts him with something else to do in july
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and he's now trying to squeeze mar-lago in there. >> well, he is saying jack, they're saying july 8th, the trump team says they want to ask the election, but they're also saying, well, also maybe august 12, is it what is the tactical advantage to that date >> so like jack smith, they're asking for the world they wanted after the election. they know they're not going to get that. they asked for that once before earlier in this case, and that was rejected. so now they're saying if you're going to put it on before, let's have it start on august 12th. coincidentally, august is the month that the dc case could possibly if everything goes right for jack smith, could possibly get on the calendar, but not if donald trump is already scheduled to be on trial in florida right? he can't be in both places at the same time. he has to be present for both trials. >> so >> the federal case that's right. so i think this is a deliberate kind of strategic move by trump's legal team. they would rather, if he has to go on trial for one of these federal cases before the
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election, they'd rather it'd be the mar-a-lago documents case then the case about the 2020 election is that because you look at these two cases, right? you've got the january 6 for conduct while in office. the mar-a-lago is for conduct after one has left. that's the whole tension here. are they looking at that case you think in the sense of, well, you could president biden, he wasn't charged, maybe something we'll find a double-standard. you have former vice president mike pence, wasn't charged. maybe there's that as well. are they looking at the post-presidential conduct as maybe less significant, even though it gives us classified documents. >> i think there's a lot of factors like that here. the ones that you just mentioned absolutely. also the fact that if when that case goes to trial in florida, it'll be in front of a jury that is likely much more favorable to the former president than a jury here in dc would be. so that's that's probably pushing them a little bit in that direction. the thing that i find fascinating is that trump has now filed a similar immunity motion in the
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case in florida so that to me is the wildcard will have to see how that plays out in the scheduling conference tomorrow. but it's possible that judge cannon will say to the parties will now that i know the supreme court is going to weigh in on presidential immunity, i may just stay the mar-a-lago case until we get a resolution on that supreme court court matter before she has to decide the immunity issue in her own case. >> let's talk about the jury selection because i mean, the wide year or maybe i saved why dire down in florida. i don't know. i save one year. but the voir dire process has happened. there's a questionnaire i'm going to ask you about it for this classified documents case and put the screen up there because the special counsel wants to ask potential central jurors if they believe the 2020 election was stolen. you mentioned a more favorable jury. i mean, if that's where we start in the jury selection that's a hill to climb for jack smith's team. >> it's is, right. he's looking for well, jurors who
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would be disqualified on the same standard, any case you'd be disqualified if you could not be impartial in your consideration of the evidence. right. so he is asking this question to try to identify people who four years after the election despite zero evidence of fraud in that election. and all the january 6 committee hearings and everything else. we've learned since 2020. if you are prospective juror and you are still holding on to this fiction, this belief that there was fraud in that section than you or someone who jack smith's team is going to want to try to get off that jury. >> by way, the defense team wants to know if they're registered to vote, they won or their party affiliation. if they voted in 2020, i mean, obviously they are thinking about this to a political lens, but let me ask you it just in terms of the investigation, we're talking about, it about the legal stays at these cases. but are the investigations just
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stopping right now or i mean, obviously you can do an ongoing superseding indictments in different times. you can have more evidence up until trial. >> once >> the investigation like at this point, is that on hold and just complete most of the investigative effort at this point? it is geared towards preparation for trial, right? it's getting your witnesses lined up. it's preparing those witnesses. it's identifying items that have to be turned over to the defense and discovery things like that. so they have if anything, a little bit more time to work with in the standard pretrial preparation phase probably unlikely that they're looking to supersede or add to those indictments. this late in the game because doing so would further delay these prosecutions but the investigators i'm sure, are watching these developments on the motion hearings and certainly the supreme court issues very closely every day, as you know, the investigators have deep people he personally invested in the outcome of these cases and they want to see these cases go to trial. >> they do. and there were
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witnesses protected because there's a lot of groundwork to actually get them to be either indicted or subpoenaed or cooperating in some respect. and now a lot on the line, andrew mccabe let's look a heck of a summer ahead of us. >> so much. next we want what went on when hunter biden testified behind closed doors in the impeachment investigation inquiry of his own father, the president. >> well, republicans may have gotten a little so bit more than they bargained for. i'll talk to the congresswoman who was in the room where it happened how do i look >> perfect, good boy. >> we already young republicans. >> so let me do my work and some pride sorry >> streaming exclusively on max. >> well, my dr. gave me breaths tree for my copd things changed for race treaty, better breathing, symptom improvement
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>> all right. so here we go. this new tonight, we're getting our very first look at the transcript of hunter biden's six plus our closed door deposition before the republican led house oversight and judiciary committees at times measured a times defiant, the president and sam was pushing back gaetz allegation that his father profited from his business dealings overseas, saying, all i know is this my father was never involved in any of my business ever never received a cent from anybody or never benefited in any way. never took any actions on behalf in any way. and i can absolutely 100% state that is not just in my case, but then every family members case joining me now, congresswoman jasmine crockett of texas, she's a member of the house oversight committee, congresswoman. thank you so much for being here this evening. i was really eager to talk to you because you were in
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the room and we've read the exchanges. i gather that the tone was at times quite heated, but was there a piece of evidence that actually incriminated president biden in any of this >> no, absolutely not. for his great to see you this evening and actually, what's very interesting is that hunter he, didn't really, really well, like i was sitting there thinking like, you know, i'm ready to get up and rumble of the people had but he actually was very even till and when it came to his attorney, his attorney, you could give a master class on what it is to be an actual trial attorney at some someone who has 18 years under her belt, i felt like i was in my first year of law school because he was excellent and i think what happened is the republicans kept thinking well, hunters, just this dough paid and he's just stupid and he's no body. so we're just
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going to talk to him crazy instead of recognizing this is a trained attorney, this is someone who has an amazingly trained attorney and someone who understands the stakes and a never, ever gave in to their antics. he actually was very levelheaded the entire time. >> and that's interesting, particularly because there was clearly an attempt to provoke kim to act very differently, right? and there was even a moment where republicans question hunter biden about, i think it was a whatsapp message that he sent to a chinese associate demanding payment in which he said he was sitting next to his father but he testified the committee that he was drunk and probably high at the time saying, quote, i was out of my mind. my father was not sitting next to me. my father had no awareness. obviously in some respects, congresswoman, his struggles since 2019 with addiction to alcohol and drugs has been very much a part of the conversation. and he has said that he is carrying so much
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weight about trying to remain sober as a fight for democracy. did any of that play out in the hearing >> absolutely he he made it very clear and, you know, it was interesting is that this wasn't my first hearing like this. this wasn't my first behind closed doors, but this actually was the one where everyone really wanted the fireworks. >> and it was the >> lease sparky one that we had to be perfectly honest. he obviously talked about tony bobulinski, who came before us, who was a complete clown i wish the chairman will go ahead and release that video. so you have to see how he acts and then compare that. so what you were able to read about hunter and, you know, what really came across to me was his humanity and their demagoguery came across like when we took the first break, one of the things that hasn't been talked about that a lot of people probably
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didn't see. but i was sitting next to robert garcia and next to him was nancy mace and hunter decided to walk directly up to nancy mace. no one else and he said to her, i hope that you learn that i'm not the person that you think that i am and she was just is and she was froude but like literally like this guy is trying to explain to them that tacking me and gala trying to break me. but the reality is that yes, i've had my struggles. but at the same time, i have been a child who's been engaged in politics since i was to the only father that i've known has been a politician and i think that there was just a lot of really moving points of his testimony to me that came off very, very, very much human. >> that's really incredible to hear what was nancy mace's reaction when he said that, did
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she mean there were no cameras present? so i often wonder about just how much more genuine people's reactions can be in the absence of them. >> what's your reaction? >> she was still nancy. she's still need to see her response was, well, you've just said up here and you've lied a, you've been defiance and he made he didn't engage in a back-and-forth with her but i do think that it was also really good that he continued to try to recenter the republicans and say, you're asking me like they tried to delve into issues as relates to his divorce because divorce has nothing to do with an impeachment whatsoever of his father, right? so he would remind them and try to put them back on track and make sure that he was speaking with specificity on the things that they felt like could be on track. but again, his attorney was masterful and making sure that there was going to be a clear record where he was constantly saying, hey, just so
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the record is clear, when you say in the chinese, who are you talking about, like you need to be very specific before he answers this question. and i think that it was much to do about nothing as we know this entire time. i think what's really interesting though, is that they did release the transcripts right there's so many other transcripts that they have refused to release and they don't want to release these videos. i think part of it is simply because we've made it clear that hunter didn't say anything that would make them feel as if they have any more evidence. and because now they want to go into the public sphere with a public hearing. i think that is going to be more so like, hey, look away. he said here, now we're going to try to trip him up over here and maybe at least get him in trouble in some way >> congresswoman jasmine crockett, you brought this to life for us behind closed doors. thank you so much for being here. >> absolutely >> it may be the biggest
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looming question right now, amid all of trump's legal problems, how and when will the supreme court of united states rule on this very important? >> good. any question? >> guess what? i've got the court of public opinion here to talk about what they think about it. >> next to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head, add power, and you've got oral-b round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more flak for a superior clean oral-b brush like a pro. >> were you worried the wedding would be too much? >> no. another destination wedding we just got by purposes good. now book its married in that buck, my daughter, who gets made someplace more expensive my daughter jamaica back with empower. >> we get all our financial questions answered. so we didn't have to work can we get out of here? that's how you'd never asked join 18 million americans and taking all of
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separate, separate us. >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn in a matter of weeks, the supreme court will hear arguments on a question that goes to the very heart of our democracy. does a president have immunity from prosecution for crimes that he or maybe one day she may have committed while in office essentially, is the president above the law the court will consider whether donald trump has immunity from prosecution on charges of trying to overturn the election of joe biden back in 2020. tonight, we're taking you inside our own virtual courtroom. where our court of public opinion will hear legal arguments on that very question. you're going to hear from two top lawyers who do some role-playing tonight and lay out the arguments on both sides. we have national security attorney bradley moss, who will argue against immunity and cnn legal analyst norm eisen, a former white house ethics czar, who will argue in favor of immunity. then our
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jurors will weigh in. this is a diverse group of every three day americans meeting tonight for the very first time to share their opinions with each other. and of course you now you know, this is not an actual court of law. are jurors are not rendering a verdict, but they will tell us what they think of these arguments that they have heard tonight. so let's begin with norm eisen. norm make the argument for us. why should a president have absolute immunity for acts that were committed while in office? >> ladies and gentlemen of the jury. a president is all ready. absolutely immune for acts that were committed in office with respect to civil cases, to damages suit that is the law of the united states under the case of nixon v. fitzgerald, which says that a former president united states, is
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entitled to absolute immunity from damages liability predicated on official acts if that's the law for money, how much more important is it when you're liberty is at stake as president that we afford that protection? why why is that so necessary? president has to make the most agonizing decisions when they are in the oval office. i know having had the honor of advising a president how difficult those choices are, they protect all of us with those choices? how can they function if they think their choices will be second guessed don't pay attention to who the president is in this specific example, when the supreme court decides, they decide for all presidents, for
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all time, imagine if president and obama, he ordered a drone strike in order to protect americans and not just a federal da, but wherever he is in the country when he orders that don't drone strike, the da. can create open season all over the land. people can be prosecuting former presidents. you all here from my distinguished opponent, land dish hypotheticals about presidential assassinations of political opponents. that's not an official act, that is not covered here, that is not what we're talking about. president's need. the freedom to protect all of us and only absolute immunity from criminal prosecution can give them that freedom. thank you >> well, we've heard now from one side of the argument as presented in the court filings and beyond, bradley moss. now, tell me, make the case of why a president should not enjoy the absolute immunity. just argued for it's really simple in the
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end here is a president. a king is the office of the presidency created over two centuries ago imbued with the same monarchical privileges, authorities and immunities of the very same monarch. we threw off over back in the 18th century. the answer is no. but to address what my distinguished colleague here had brought up the president is immune, so long as it's within the outer reach, the outer perimeters of his official authority. that is what the case law with respect to the civil litigation has said what is at issue in this indictment? what mr. trump has been charged with, our alleged criminal acts that do not come even within the outer perimeters of his official authority to be clear, the alleged criminal acts involves things such as having coordinating with state officials trying to have them submit false slates of electors, neither the constitution or any part of federal statutory law gives the
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president any authority to intervene there. it gives the president no authority to intervene with respect to having states change how they tabulate votes there is no role for the executive branch of the us government to be involved in that. similarly, when it comes to how vice president pence was going to handle january 6, there is no role for the president for the office of the president to be involved in that day, the 12th of them, it gives power to the vice president. the electoral count how and it gives the rest of the power to congress. the presidency is his excluded. so even if there could be some narrow carve out for immunity for certain official acts for a president when it came to criminal charges, the facts in this case do not apply to that. what mr. trump is alleged to have done in this indictment does not fall with even the outer perimeters of his authority, and therefore, immunity should not apply >> brad norm, thank you for making these very important arguments. there is one person
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that we have not heard from today and it was actually the former president knighted states, making his own argument for a presidential mean, i want to hear that before i turned the jury and asked their opinion as well. let's here with the former president had to say making his own case >> if a president is afraid to act because they're worried about being indicted when they leave office of president of the united states has to have immunity and the supreme court's got to be ruling on that. if they don't have immunity, no president is going to act. you're going to have guys have just sit buffers and are afraid to do anything. >> well, we've heard various arguments. i want to turn to the jury right now and get your take as to what you have heard here today do you think that a president of united states ought to be immune from criminal prosecution for things that they did while they were in office. i show of hands initially as a yes or no? jury number one. yes or no? >> no. for absolute immunity? no, for absolutely yes or no, it absolutely unity know. >> during number three? >> yes
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>> during number four? >> no. >> let's begin with juror number three as to why you have that particular opinion. why do you believe that the president should not have or should have absolute immunity, excuse me? >> i think it's important because as we're talking about this, with what's going on, it's not about president trump. this is setting precedent for all the president's. and i think to answer something that is emotionally charged and not letting the law play out again. this is all alleged. president trump hasn't been charged with anything yet criminally. and i think that in america, we get emotional and we're not able to think clearly and let the law play out. and that's going to be very important for this supreme court as they make this unprecedented decision. moving forward. so i do think that presidents should have that to be clear, he has been charged with criminal acts. he has not been convicted of. i think is the point you're making on
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that point during before you were nodding, but not in agreement. tell me why? >> definitely not in agreement? i do not believe that he should have absolute immunity and i'm concerned because on january 6, when things were happening he basically put up the vice president and if he's willing to do that, and i know one of the examples that they use was what if he orders someone to kill arrival that would be okay. and so i'm wondering who who might he turn on. so i don't think any president should be given absolute immunity. and i'd like to hear from our past presidents who are still living are there things that you think you do in office that really require absolute immunity? >> what an interesting point during number two, you're nodding. >> yes. yes. i definitely agree with you and i also agree with
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you partially because i think it is a very difficult decision to make. it's a very gray area i think when we heard the pro argument, you mentioned that, you know, this isn't a hypothetical, you know, there there hasn't been you, donald trump has not ordered the assassination of an opponent, but like you're saying that january 6, i think that he almost did, whether it was suggested or implicated or anything, but i think just that action alone shows that donald trump specifically is willing to take those risks. and i think that setting that precedent coming in 2024 in that election, i feel like if he is reelected as president, i feel like that will definitely go to his head. and i just think that presidents have to make very different difficult decisions and whether i agree with them personally or not, that's whatever. but the example you use with drone strikes like that could have threatened national security. i don't think thinking about donald trump specifically
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because this is his case. i think that the actions he did, especially in january 6, i don't think that had to do with his duties as president. i think that has the i think that's just a thing with his personality because he didn't want to lose and he couldn't accept that. i don't think that pertains to his job as the president. >> dirt number one year, it seemed to agree with that, yeah. >> because i don't think it was in inciting or being accused of inciting a riot and insurrection. i don't think that in any way protected democracy, and i don't think that was in his presidential duties, even as he's on his way out, right. so i think that that's why i agree with that. and there were three things to that point and two, as juror four has stated it, injured two. and i do agree with juror three in the sense that we are an emotional we are an emotional country. however, i do think in that we have to recognize that one taking a
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step like this to give absolute immunity would be both a dangerous and illogical it would set and a logical and dangerous precedent for future presidents who could possibly hire or send out a call for the murder of their political opponents. and this is not farfetched, right? we've, we've seen this globally. we've seen this happen and i don't think we should think of ourselves as a nation that is above something like that happening. so that is why i would say it's a logical and a dangerous precedent. secondly, i think it is a danger to our domestic and international security. because if we have a president who is or in a supreme court, which is a third point. but if we have a president that is above the law which we are stating, no one is above the law. if we have that, what does that do for everyday citizens who say, well, the president got away with this, so why can i stick around? everyone? jurors, it's your turn next to ask the questions
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earth >> it's going to stop those wagons coming >> in march this year ever and had much needed, but yeah exact we. got ourselves a bad man right here >> but american saga, the journey begins to 28 radar we're back now with the jury in our court of public opinion, attorneys bradley moss and norm eisen are still here as well. and i'm going to take off their role-playing hats and answer some questions from the jury about this question. an important one of presidential immunity. so gentlemen, take off your calves. jurors, do you have any questions about this? i noted if that the overarching theme was there was a question of democracy and the question of the specific person who is appealing this case. any questions for attorneys? yes. i have a question and i also to have a comment, the question that i do have four one of the
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lawyers that are actually against immunity, i would like to hear a little bit more about your thought process in terms of why, what are some of the important points that you would be against presidents as a whole being question goes to either actually well, since i'm actually strongly against presidential immunity >> i will explain why having advised the president, president obama our country has endured for almost two-and-a-half centuries without moving this civil immunity where you have so many lawsuits that can fly at a president over to the criminal side we need to i agree with my friend brad, where friends away from the court of public opinion, do i agree with my
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friend brad, the founding idea of america? is that we are all equal, our country was built to get rid of a king who had a special set of rules. so it seems to me that it's important both for accountability, but also the awesome power that a president has. the danger that that power can be abused because what donald trump is accused of doing, he's innocent on until proven guilty. but what he's accused of doing is something that no president has ever done before in our history, tried to overturn our democracy from inside the oval office. >> i want to ask when you guys have asked the question, and most of you mentioned the official acts portion of it, whether or not what he is accused of doing constituted an official add brad, when you hear them converse about that particular point, that might very well be a very important question for the supreme court to that is the question the supreme court is ultimately going to be looking at when you look at the way they framed it,
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the question presented as it's called before the court, it's coming down to if the criminal acts implicate alleged official acts, can the president still be charged? and just speculating here as to how this will play out. and i think most of us ultimately expect them to rule against mr. trump with respect to his immunity the sort of consensus that's forming is that they're going to carve out similar to what norman mentioned from the civil side, sort of an official within the outer perimeter of presidential authority, immunity for presidents, which i think we always have sort of assumed existed while framing what is alleged against donald trump is falling so far out of the scope of that as to not enjoy this immunity because if he would have immunity for these acts that have no basis in his authority, then there is the president is a cake. there is nothing he cannot do. and richard nixon was right when the president does it, it's not a crock images in point. >> the idea of trying to figure out, look is it a part of a
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presidential duty? if it is, they can't be held liable if it's not, he can. and that's the big question you had a question as well? >> yeah. i'm wondering what to the lawyers in the room what this case going before the supreme court? what does that do for the integrity and the domestic view as well as the international view of the integrity of that court and should he should grant him immunity or just it by being presented in the first place. >> a great question we've been talking about this behind the scenes for weeks, right? idea. why would they want this case? what would it do to their credibility and why they went? it's a long to actually decide to do it. >> the impact that this will have on the credibility of the court is yet to be determined. if they take so long to decide this that the american people cannot get a trial of this case and cannot know if donald trump previously abused the powers that he's trying to recover. that'll be on the supreme court. that will be bad for
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their reputation. it will be bad for american democracy. and our our reputation around the world. but if they do what they did in usv nixon, 16 days the watergate tapes case after oral argument, that kind of fast timetable will allow the trial to happen. there'll be heroes so democracy will rise or fall at home and abroad depending on what speed the court moves that are what merrick garland, though, do you assign any blame? >> for the delay there? >> i don't think you can put this all americ arlen coming into office in 2021 as the attorney general, you have to think of it in the sense of what was what was the department of justice facing in the aftermath of january 6 and taking over after the trump administration. there were all the people who had stormed into the capitol that day. there were the sort of sedition you know, the oath keepers, the proud boys, people who had truly been the organizers on the ground that day arguably, they had to be dealt with first
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while you separately still looked into this weighty constitutional issue, were all debating now of do you bring charges against the former president? the idea that all they should have rushed, it would have been totally right for political criticism. and it may have raised all sorts of different pretrial motions from donald trump about them rushing to judgment on it. i don't think you can blame merrick garland. justice does not move very fast. it's always slow in the end, the courts have actually moved very quick on this, given how slowly they generally move i don't think. you can blame him or the courts. supreme court wants to be the final word. they are the supreme court. >> they get that to imagine, quote, elvis only fools rush and would've been a good moment on television right now when we asked you guys by a show, they do see your hand for it. again. >> they're talking about the calendar here. is it important that you get a resolution to this question before the general election? it's a show of hand, yes or no is important. you get it. yes or no? yes. >> yes. >> yes. yes. >> well, we've got a lot more to work on and talk about, but
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there i want to thank all of you for engaging in this really important discussion. thank you, bradley moss. thank you. norm eisen. and a special thanks, of course, to our jury, if you would like to be a juror on the next court of public opinion gates with us by filling out the forum, you can access by scanning the qr code on your screen. next that lovely lady there or email lauren codes, jury at >> we'll be right back. >> frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these night calls were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make guys. >> he was too big is the story of sensing. sunday at ten on cnn for nearly a decade, i served in the navy supporting ceiling today, i run sabo outdoors with fellow special operations veterans. our mobile app connects customers with hunting, fishing, and other outdoor experiences. american technology has been essential to our but some in washington want to stifle the technology. small businesses like ours depend on this misguided agenda
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eight on cnn while she's had a front row seat to the rise of tech industry and nobody knows it better than kara >> swisher for more than 30 years, she has asked the toughest questions, putting tech leaders like mark zuckerberg, elon musk, jeff bezos, bill gates, all in the hottest of seats, braking major stories, all along the way and making some friends. and frenemies. now, she's got a searing new memoir detailing the way she's built and what she is learned. it's called lovingly burn book, a tech love story. kara swisher joins me now, first of all, you've got your own swag that's right. it says swishy superfan. >> i had some family that's tonight at the end that was kind of like it has some fans, a big fan here. >> they rushed the stage. you know why? because you're wonderful, but they also want all the gossip. your book came out and i cannot tell you how excited i was to go. >> right. who is in here? it was going on. i was comey like this. yeah. >> you tell all and not
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everything stuff that was off the record good. i can but i think probably people really liked the scene from google's, from the google founders baby shower, or were they had an ice sculpture with white kahlut white russians coming out of the ice sculptures, breast for the baby, sharan, everyone was dressed in one season diapers and stuff like that is in there, but i'll say not dress up. did you not? it was just me and gavin newsom without having a baby and he said, how did you get out of it? and i said dignity, that's all it has to do. and he said he got out of it because he told them i take a picture of men maroon is political career so it's stuff like that. it's like that's the fun stuff and then it's a very serious stuff which is things they did that led us to where we are today >> i notice i was focusing on the wednesday and not the fact that there was white russians coming out of yes. brass as if there's a lactation already. i know auditing there was no focus group or one thing they were like and there are wacky and it's all fun and games until someone loses a
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democracy, right? that's kinda how i look at it. >> and then it led >> to like monopoly power decisions by people inept at it and things like that. >> what i love about it is the idea that everyone can pretend it's not about capitalism's about the greater good and how the service can be used and a.i.-generated is one of those things where people are even looking now and saying, you're putting too much emphasis on the potential bad. >> it's all the good. >> the first line of your book addresses this idea that it it's about capitalism after all. >> yes, that's the first line because i think one of the things that techies wanted to do as opposed to say wall street people are lawyers are done doctors is no, we're here to help you. this idea of we're here to help you when in fact they're there to help themselves, just like everybody else, which i don't mind. it's fine. they built the most astonishingly valuable companies in the history of the planet. but the question is, should they be in charge of vast swaths of our society and making decisions for the rest of us without any accountability and that's my big issue. and are they able to make these decisions? >> well,
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>> ai has an interest in your talk with your book, right? there's some ai tried to take parts of your book? yes. right? >> yes. know what's happening. it's actually not just me like severe having to savannah guthrie a whole bunch of authors that are doing well, they gip, generative ai is making books with my face on it and other things saying the kara swisher. finally, kara writes the biography and amazon is selling it. and so it's crazy, but this is going to happen over and over again. they're going to have your show and the ai is going to make a laura coates show that isn't laura coates and stuff like that. and so things are going to change really quickly with this heavy duty computing, we're going into, that's a technical term, heavy-duty computing. >> but there's >> things happening that are even, you think you've seen damage and wondrous things are about to see astonishing things that are going to be scary and also really great for humanity. so let's focus on the great stuff. and mitigate against the bad stuff. >> what you ain't seen nothing yet. i'd be astonished if you can try to capture the essence of kara swisher to capture
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laura coates a little bit of attitude. >> ai laura, little bit. i put three yeah. as you're well know, you'd be taller in ai >> why? i'm perfect now. >> okay. right. sorry. >> okay >> minister, you perfection. i'm swishy superfan. thank you. a great book. thank you so much for being or be sure to check out burn book, you know, you want to. thank you for watching our coverage continues >> i love your dress >> thanks. >> i splurged a little because liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds it's great. >> i know. right. i've been telling everyone >> did you touch a set her first word? >> can you say mama >> never? >> can you say on >> how many people did you tell >> only pay for what you need >> like d stuffed up again so
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