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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  March 25, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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actually going to prevent attorney general james from being able to actually enforce this judgment until i think what the appeals court ruled september at the very latest or even beyond, is that timeline squaring up for you? >> yeah, i think that's about accurate. although, you know, the one thing that's missing is whoever loses may try to appeal it to the next level or even over to the supreme court, so it could go even longer than that.
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but, yeah, i think that that's that's about right now they're going to argue it in september, but that doesn't mean that they're going to issue a decision in september. i mean, i've i've appeared before that court and they can take, you know, six, 12 months sometimes before they issue a decision. >> well, they might take that. i mean, the judgment is still there. it's probably why you have the bond. right? so you don't have to run out your resources. and the person you owe money to can get the money. even if you say, well, i've now lost the money. and also if you have to pay the money over, if you are a successful on appeal, you can get that back not from a creditor and collector, but from the court with interest, hopefully. but the idea here is to push his trials. that's always been his goal, tiffany to push his trials after the election. he is now saying that there's a, you know, a pretrial publicity issue and that he couldn't possibly have this case before the election. never mind that he has really talked a lot about this case and given that publicity. but this is on track as of right now for april 15th. does the prosecution in this
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case have an uphill battle to, you say, gets a trial? >> it doesn't seem like it. it seems like the da's office was ready to go forward on march 25th, and it's president trump or former president trump who waited until now to ask for access to information. he waited until january and knowing that he had a trial in march. and so it's not been the da's office that's delaying this. it's been president trump who's pushing delays. and i think part of the frustration on behalf of the judge, this morning might have been that, which is that he's not confronting legal arguments, he's confronting delay tactics, which, as a judge who's here to do law and do justice, that has to be very frustrating. and so i don't think it's the da's office. they're ready. they said they were ready, and i think they will be ready to go forward on april 15th. >> well, you know, they have to prove their case obviously beyond a reasonable doubt. in this case. it's a criminal trial , a criminal matter. trump also has to be there. he can't just sort of put his toe in the water and test out the temperature. but they'll be testimony from people like michael cohen, stormy daniels, michael cohen, obviously convicted person on
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and has served his time. stormy daniels, she is being raked over the coals, as she has said in her own documentary about her career and beyond as a defense attorney, how would you approach these two witnesses? >> well, michael cohen is not just a convicted person. he's a convicted perjurer. he is somebody who has lied so many different times. and, you know, you really have to attack not only his credibility, which is going to be pretty easy given his record. i mean, he just recently submitted a brief where he used chatgpt and it had invented cases. so you know, attacking his credibility is easier, easy. but you have to go one. pick a jury
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in this case, that's really the next step. tiffany. right. tim. parlatore, both of you. thank you so much. so what impact may this all have on trump's chances come november? we are 225 days away from the election. i mean, i'm counting i don't know if you are. cnn senior data reporter harry enten pulled up some numbers for us. harry, what can you tell me? >> so, laura, as we look at the effect of the trump court cases, obviously the manhattan hush money cases going forward, and if there's one case that trump would perhaps be okay with going forward, given the politics of it, it is in fact, the new york hush money case, because take a look here. view charges is very serious. only 32% of the public view. the charges in the new york hush money case is very serious, significantly less than
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the classified docs case at 51. the georgia election case at 54, or the federal january 6th trial at 56. so new york hush money far below those other cases. but of course, let's broaden this out, and let's just talk about the effect that the indictments have had on the general election between joe biden and donald trump. so this is the biden versus trump matchup, and this is among registered voters. let's look at march 20th, 2023 pre indictments. biden was up by two points. look where we are today in the general election matchup. trump is actually up two points. and keep in mind this isn't just among republicans. this is among the electorate at large. there is one thing though that i would worry potentially about if i were donald trump. go back to 2016, why trump is the best candidate to help you on your finances. among those who said that trump had the best policies on this, what was the plurality reason for it? he's a successful he's a successful businessman at 32. so if all of a sudden trump can't pay these fines from the trump civil trials fraud trial,
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this may in fact impact his support because the voters don't think he's rich anymore. that may, in fact drive his support down. laura back to you. >> oh, thank you so much, harry, on this. now i want to bring in cnn political commentator shermichael singleton and alice stewart. i'm so glad that you're both here with me today. look. t o
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recommended form of coq10. kunal. the brand i trust. >> seven astronauts setting off
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on a scientific mission. >> they were doing great. >> columbia. houston. comm check. >> all we hear. nothing >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that could ever happen. >> the space shuttle accident is usually not. >> one thing is that the wing coming apart? i miss you, bob. >> my dad died doing what he loved, the space shuttle columbia. >> the final flight premieres sunday, april seventh at nine on cnn andrew
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mccabe. carlos, let me start with you here. because the raids went down, not just at one property, but two different properties on two different coasts. what can you tell us? >> that's exactly right, laura. these two raids took place. one here in miami beach, the other took place in los angeles. now, just a few minutes ago, homeland security investigators wrapped up their work out here, and they cleared the scene. they spent a good part of the day out here collecting all of this evidence from one of the two homes that were raided earlier tonight. we saw them carrying a cardboard box as well as several bags from the second story of this 11,000 square foot property here in miami beach. now, a homeland
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security official in miami tells me that the agents arrived at this property at around 3:00 this afternoon and quickly got to work around that, around that time across the country, out in los angeles, a team of homeland security investigators there were spotted walking the property of a house that also belongs to p diddy. now neighbors out here in miami beach tell me that when all of this unfolded, anywhere between 30 to 40 law enforcement officers lined up the street where this house, this home is located. and so, again, laura, at this hour, we're being told at least we've witnessed that homeland security investigators appear to have finished their work here in miami beach, having collected, as you noted, some evidence, although they have yet to detail exactly what that evidence is. and we're told that the work out in los angeles is still ongoing. laura, it's been over eight hours at this point in time. >> andrew. this raid is connected by the homeland
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security investigations. now, we know it's part of a sex trafficking investigation, but we don't know if diddy was actually the target. but tell us what it means to even be investigated by this group. did that strike you as odd? >> well, it's not, super common. >> it's not something that people hear about every day. but in fact, homeland security investigations, it's an agency. it's the primary investigative agency for dhs. there are about 6000 agents spread out around the country and actually some internationally. they derive most of their authority, laura, from dhs responsibility to regulate the borders and ports of entry and transportation systems. so they essentially have the authority to investigate the illicit movement of all sorts of things people, drugs, money, contraband, across border line, essentially. and that makes sense. if this is actually a, sex trafficking investigation, which is, of
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course, the investigation of people across borders for immoral purposes and that sort of thing. so it's not maybe the agency that everyone thinks of first. but it is a very active one with strong legal authority, and they're clearly working with prosecutors in new york. >> andrew, why so heavily armed? >> well, there's a couple of reasons there. one, you're talking about very, very large places that have to be searched, and any time you're going to do that, you're going to want to clear those places of threats before you send in the investigative team. so the simple fact that the that these residences are so large mean you need more people. the other factor is when you are writing a search plan, if you have any intelligence whatsoever, even if it's old that the target or any persons who are suspected of being in that location have a history of carrying weapons, then those people are thought of as what we call armed and dangerous. just the possibility
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of having a weapon kind of raises that specter in law enforcement's mind. we know that in this case, mr. combs has been investigated several times in the past for assaults, some of which involving weapons. and so that alone would be enough for law enforcement to take every precaution they think is necessary. and that usually involves people with, you know, people who, like you saw today were armed and wearing body armor and that sort of thing to make sure they don't get hurt. >> carlos suarez, andrew mccabe, thank you both. so much tonight. now i want to bring in raymond dukes. he was a co-founder of revolt television, which diddy also launched. raymond, thank you for joining me tonight. first i want to get your reaction to these raids today. did you ever think you would see something like this? >> ever think that 27 years since we lost arguably the greatest hip hop artist, notorious b.i.g. on a day where
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make us your first mate and order ahead to skip the wait. long john silvers fisher lumify. >> it's kind of amazing. >> wow. >> lumify eye drops, dramatically reduced redness in one minute and look at the difference. >> my eyes look brighter and to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie.
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and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> i'm selling serfaty in washington, and this is cnn. >> might be hearing the name nicole shanahan a lot tomorrow. does ring a bell. well, you're not alone. but rfk jr knows her, and she is widely expected to be the likely person that he names as his running mate tomorrow. she's the california based tech entrepreneur. she rose from poverty to become a tech lawyer, founded a data analytics company, was once married to one of the richest men in the world, google co-founder sergey brin. their divorce was finalized last year after allegations surfaced
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of an affair with elon musk, reported in the wall street journal. now, both shanahan and musk have denied denied those allegations. she reportedly has donated large sums of money to democratic candidates. he also says she paid $4 million to help fund this controversial rfk junior super bowl ad. kennedy, kennedy kennedy. >> kennedy. kennedy. kennedy. >> remember, rfk jr is a third party candidate for president and is trying to get on as many ballots as possible, a process that can be, well, pretty expensive. let's bring in cnn contributor kara swisher and the author of burn book, kara up to.
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there's nobody on this thing. >> this is not a business. this is a meme stock. okay let me be clear. it is not. there are really significant small businesses in social media like snapchat. but this is not this is a this is a pimple on the whatever. you know, the expression. >> no, i want you to continue that. what pimple. what. no, i can't i believe i can't say it. >> i think they have trained it out of me. so, you know, it's not a business, but it can be a meme stock. and so it could go up quite a bit and then it will
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be shorted and then there'll be lawsuits. that's pretty much where this is going. and other lawsuit i'm trying to keep all of them straight in my head already. >> but just just give me until the end of the year. kara swisher always great to hear you. and again, read her book. it's called burn book. it's wonderful. thank you so much. >> thanks. >> well, the former rnc chief ronna mcdaniel, facing an escalating revolt over her hiring at nbc news. >> to me, that is inexplicable. >> there is no media personality . >> any businesswoman, celebrity chef like her. >> the many lives of martha stewart now streaming on max. >> okay, y'all, we got ten orders coming in, starting in business is never easy, but starting at eight months pregnant, that's a different story. >> i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up, left and right. and so did
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blasting nbc's decision to hire the former rnc chair, ronna mcdaniel, as a paid contributor. among their many gripes, her promotion of false claims about the 2020 election. now, it's not every day that network hosts take time to criticize their bosses decision, at least publicly. but the hiring of mcdaniel appeared to be a bridge too far in extraordinary on air remarks. anchors mika brzezinski , joe scarborough, nicole wallace, chuck todd they all questioned nbc's hiring decision. and tonight, msnbc's arguably their biggest star put the exclamation point on the collective complaint. >> ronna mcdaniel will not appear on msnbc. so says our boss since saturday, and it has never been anything
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