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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 27, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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1800851177. call now closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis for ten years. >> you cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also >> make proactive urinary tract health product inquiry is a life's to try today at your >> you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm alice and camerota in new york, divers are back in the water at the site of the collapsed francis scott key bridge it's now a recovery operation. >> the >> six missing construction
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workers who were on the bridge when a container ships slammed into one of its support columns are presumed dead the search for answers is also underway. investigators from the ntsb returned to the ship this morning, the chair of the ntsb says, she thinks they'll have more information very soon. >> right now. we do have the data recorder, which is essentially the black box. we've sent that back to our lab to evaluate and begin to develop a timeline of events that led up to the strike on the bridge and we hope to have that information to share with the public later today. >> okay. let's go to the scene right now. that's where we find cnn's gabe cohen. so gabe, what is going to happen today? >> well alison it's a very important day for investigators. we know that two dozen ntsb investigators are here. they have been on the dali that massive container ship and they've been speaking king, would the crew as well as
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collecting all of those electronics that they can find, including that data recorder you mentioned essentially a black box of the ship they are analyzing it right now. what a federal facility and they're hoping by later today they're going to be able to to release a little bit better timeline on how this played out and what caused this catastrophe, this total blackout in the moments before the collision when the pilot of that ship lost power, lost the ability to steer the vessel, eventually leading to the crash into the column of the bridge and causing the collapse. we also know that coast guard investigators are looking at the potential of more than 1 million gallons of hazardous material, a diesel material that has potentially poured out into the tap go river from the ship. not to mention, we're starting to hear about efforts to eventually move the ship, move those massive piece he says of steel, but that is going to take a lot of time, alice, and that is not a today issue right
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now. they are focused on that search and recovery as well as the investigation i just laid out. >> gabe, let's talk a little bit >> more about the distress that this boat was in right before it hit the bridge because we know there was a mayday call. can you just help us understand who does that call? go-to? why why were the construction workers who were now presumed dead still on the bridge? >> so that made me a call went out from the folks on the vessel, from the crew of the vessel we don't i don't know exactly how it played out, but a managed to meet meet for reach first responders pretty quickly, police were notified and that's why within minutes, if not seconds, they were able to stop traffic to the bridge, keep any cars from getting onto the bridge. i have listened to radio traffic from the around that time early yesterday morning and you can hear police officers saying they have stopped traffic, but then there were alerted that there could be this construction crew on the bridge. you can hear an officer say they're waiting for
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just a moment and they're gonna go up and notify that construction crew. but it was an issue seconds, not minutes here within 30 seconds of the bridge collapse. and of course, those eight people went into the water, six of whom are still missing and presumed dead. >> so, get what have you learned about those victims >> what we're starting to learn more about their identities, we are learning about a man named miguel luna. he was a father from el salvador. we've just gotten a photo into cnn he had lived in maryland for more than nine teen years. we've also learned about 38 year-old mayner sandoval, an immigrant from honduras. he had lived here nearly 20 years as well. he was a father of two, an 18 year-old boy and a five-year-old girl. and alice and hearing from families, friends, members of the baltimore community, people are devastated and they really want
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that closure. and right now, those search and rescue crews are out there still carrying out this recovery operation, but conditions are starting to get worse. the rain is picking up a conditions on the water. the waves are choppy. this its ability is low and they're covering a wider and wider area because of the current potentially moving things around. a lot of debris in the water. so their job is very difficult. we understand maryland's governor is out right now where those search and rescue crews it is a time that they are trying to complete this recovery, but it could take time >> yeah. >> gabe cohen. thank you very much for being there for the reporting. let's begin seeing as tom foreman. so tom take us through what we know at this point. >> what we know in the searching process is that this is extremely dangerous work. look, this is a big catastrophe seen underwater every bit and more complex than it is above the water the divers who are in there as noted yesterday, they said there was a tremendous
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amount of debris down there. there are various things that you can even see here. the threat of metal down below, wires down below, things like divers can get hung up on that can catch them. i can sever their airlines can be all sorts of problems for divers down below here the front of the ship in both cases, you can see how much is up here and again below the water, even worse, here's an important thing to bear in mind too. we've talked about the water depth out here 40 to 60 feet. it's cold dark when you get down very far at all full of silt and other debris. the other thing is this is not to scale in some places, even in the channel. and this is off the channel a little bit. there's only three feet of clearance, which would mean way way, way down here. so we don't know what the actual situation is when they tried to get under the ship. the danger of things falling off the ship, the ship moving so the dangers here really are quite immense. allison, as they tried to do this search, that really puts
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it in perspective, tom, how just how treacherous it is. >> yeah. >> so i mean, because it's so dark and filled with silt, how can they the searchers be sure that they're not missing something? >> you know, our friend gave just alluded to it there. this is really the key problem here. if you take a look at this from above, this is an environment that is full of movement. it's very kinetic. the tides are coming and going. the weather here has been all of the map for recent weeks and it is right now. so that's causing things. there's the flow of the river coming down here so think about this, this ship is the size of three football fields in length. the bridge is a mile and a half, even if you could restrict the search to just that far out. and i don't think you can after this much time. even if you could restrict it to that, just imagine yourself walking up to the end of a football field that didn't stretches a mile and a half. and it's dark and you have a flashlight how long does it take you to find one specific thing out in that field? it's
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very, very difficult. and with all of those threats, that's why this is such a problem right now. and you widen it out and you look at the entire area there. >> this >> is a huge and very dangerous job. hi, i'm >> allison, there was diverse are so important and courageous. tom, former. thank you very much. you're welcome >> okay. let's bring in marissa geldner at murphy. she's the president of the american society of civil engineers. versa. thank you so much for being here so many of us who are not civil engineers, were stunned at how fast that bridge collapse, i mean, just, you know, it was like a house of cards wants that that structure was hit, just how how wide the damage was, were you surprised? >> well, unfortunately, we saw similar collapse on the sunshine sky way bridge in 1980 when a ships struck that bridge as well so to say, i'm surprised, of course we want our systems and our bridges to
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withstand all the conditions that they're subjected to. but we have to look at what extreme conditions there'll be subjected to. and let's face it, these container ships are much larger load than we had ever anticipated back when this bridge was originally designed. so we have to rely now on ntsb and others who are going to look at this failure and determine whether we need to change our approach or design approach in the future on bridges which is this. it's not surprising, but we will learn from it. certainly will mircea, what would that, how can we change the approach? what would, what would this change? >> it's going to have to be, it's going to have to be a collaboration of things we're going to have to look at. do we need to look at design changes? do we need to look at navigation changes along the navigable waterways in addition to design changes let's face
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it. what would cost for a bridge to take a head on collision from a load such as this would be not be practical for us to be able to design structures like this. so it has to be a combination of design factors and navigation changed which is which is too early for us to really determine what now we're in the middle of doing the investigation through ntsb and others and we will make sure as civil engineers that we take to heart what we learned from this, so that it never happens again civil engineers take as paramount the health, safety, and welfare of the public. it breaks our hearts. it's devastating to see something like this and to know that we have lost six people do to this accident yeah >> one of the things that i had read mircea is that maybe the
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support columns could have had more buffer around the more cushion around them somehow. do you think that that would help well, there's certainly systems such as vendors that are designed to protect the bridges. and we have to know how are those surviving in these conditions. they're subject to corrosion, certainly and i can't speculate on that. we'll have to find out as the investigation progressive. but there are systems that can be used. but once again, i cannot stress enough that we have to understand that these new ships well, i think yeah, i think that we're having technical issues >> with martial are we really appreciate her expertise? okay. still ahead this hour, the massive economic impact this disaster could have. we're
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going to speak with the baltimore city council president with less than five months away until the democratic convention, the biden campaign is bringing out the star power. we have some new reporting on how involved the obama hamas will be also shares of donald trump's social media company. we're selling. so fast yesterday, they had to pause trading on tuesday will this be in other blockbuster de and what's making themselves so fast? you're live in the cnn newsroom >> my fellow citizens need to be better >> renewal, no law, and me want you to be dad. >> so >> be better at being normal >> goods streaming exclusively on macs >> have mornings ingestion, i'm feeling better all in one and done with new mucinex kickstarter >> better now >> used. the next kickstart gives only one and done relief without jolted, been cooling
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after photos >> i'm evan perez and washington and this is cnn president biden will be throwing a blockbuster fundraising event tomorrow at radio city music hall. >> that will include former president's barack obama and bill clinton this is the latest sign that former president obama is becoming more involved in president biden's reelection. bid sources close to president obama say he has grave concerns about a second trump presidency. cnn's mj lee is live for us at the white house. so what will president obama's role b. well, alison, we know that the former president that has told associates in recent months that he does believe that the joe biden and donald >> trump rematch is going to be extremely close and that he sees a 2024 election as being an all hands on deck moment, a sentiment i think that is shared by moos, white house and campaign officials we, know
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that the former president and the current president, joe biden, are in regular contact and that the former president also is in touch with some senior white house officials as well, including white house chief of staff, geoff zions, who of course, worked in the obama administration. >> and >> now as the general election fully gets underway, we do expect that the former president is going to be a bigger presence are on the campaign trail. last friday, we know that he spent some several hours here at the white house residence taping some materials for the biden reelection campaign. and he is likely to visit, especially as we get more into the fall, college campuses and key cities and battleground states now for the biden campaign, certainly recognizes the former president's sort of political power and star. and so far the campaign says the former president has helped bring in some 15 million just via some some of his grassroots outreach. so something that the biden campaign is certainly eager to use and lead as a political tool. again,
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particularly given his political star power right now >> okay, mj. thank you very much. >> let's >> discuss this end war with cnn senior political analyst and senior editor at the atlantic, ron brownstein. we also have with us democratic strategist and former senior adviser to bernie sanders, president central campaign. chuck russia, and cnn senior political commentator and former special advisor to president george w bush, scott jen script. >> oh man >> okay. pretty beat you >> chuck, what do you believe adding former president's obama and clinton to the mix? how will that move the needle if at all >> well, it moves the needle in people's pockets. you can start hearing all the chimes going up on the slot machines right now because all it means is it's going to be a lot of money. there's one thing that's the power of barack obama is still very popular. the base loves him. people always reminisce about the obama days he is just a fundraising juggernaut and the one big advantage democrats
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have over all the republicans, especially donald trump, is a advantage and no matter if you're a democrat or republican, you've been running campaigns for two days or for 20 years >> money is the mother milk of campaigns. whoever combined the most edge, normally wednesday's time absolute elections and that's what it means is more money >> scott, you agree >> oh, yeah. they'll raise a lot of money and you would expect an incumbent president to have all the money that they need. i'm not surprised to hear barack obama is engaging here. bill clinton surprises me a little given the nature of the democratic party of these days, i'm surprised they keep rolling out bill clinton, he's the unc canceled able bill clinton given his sorted past, but whatever i guess they have to do it, but yeah, i expect them to have all these not just by the way, not just politicians, they'll have celebrities engaged in this and raising all the money. joe biden could ever spend ron, that's an interesting point that's got brings up is bill clinton helpful at this point for president biden
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>> well, i think the tactical way that we're talking about at terms of raising money. sure. i mean money though it is important to note that historically financial advantages matter less than the presidential race that had down-ballot races, even for governor or senator because people have so much other information, i suppose we're going to test that this year with the extreme imbalance we see and biden's ability to really blank at these swing states early while trump is diverting a lot of money to his own legal defense, i think there's another important dimension should do this, which is that you have the two living jimmy carter are still alive, but in hospice, the two kind of out there, democratic, former democratic presidents standing with biden at a time when trump's own vice president won't endorse him and it is a reminder at least to some of those center right? i independent white collar haley type voters who are uneasy about trump, but it is just another conscious. the other thing worth noting, health care by clinton and obama both paid
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a huge cost electorally for their efforts to expand access to health care. the politics of that have now flipped and that may be one of the most important offensive weapons for biden, especially actually after house republicans put out their plan last week to rescind daca voucher eyes medicare block grant medicaid, and medicare negotiate producing drugs. it's an offensive issue for democrats where it was a defensive issue for both clinton and obama >> interesting factor, i'm scott, let's talk about the rnc and what has what's happening there as well as ronna mcdaniel is short-lived stint at nbc. she was hired. there was a mutiny among of so many of the journalists she has now parted ways with nbc, but it was a really public messi squabble between all of them. >> and now >> the rnc, we understand is asking potential employees a sort of as a litmus test, i guess whether they believed that the 2020 election was stolen. this is happening
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during job interviews, but this is confusing, scott because we know that that is the litmus test for donald trump, that you must say you believe that false statement. >> so what's the rnc doing? >> well i don't know. i'm not any interviews, but i but i suspect they're asking people what their experience was in certain states in 2020. i mean, my guess is they're interviewing people who were part of the campaign are part of a party apparatus in 2020. so i have no doubt there is conversation going on. regarding what people at that level of the republican party believed was fraudulent electoral activity, real or imagined. in many cases, imagine so. i don't know if it's a litmus test. i doubt that they are using it as the sole criteria for hiring people. if i know anything about chris lacivita, who's functionally in charge, the rnc is that is looking for the most experienced political operatives he can find to help win this election. and i think
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that's probably his litmus test. so as for ronna, i mean short ride, i guess she'll get her money if i were her, i would offer to sign an nda, takes 600 grand to get out of it and say the whole thing was my idea i don't know if that's going to i don't know if that's going to happen enough for herbals >> chuck, do you have thoughts on this >> louk? i think you can see that there's a mass over happening at the rnc. i think democrats need every advantage and eraser is going to be super-duper close at the presidential level, ron brings up a good point presidential elections are about momentum and they get so much press. most people know a lot about the people that are running for president and guess what, we have to former incumbents and an incumbent running for president this time. so any kind of a tactical advantage you can get in showing that the other person is not qualified. there's disruption in their party is the thing that you use as a strategist when i would do focus groups every single day i ask voters, what are they looking for in the presidential elections? and democrat, republican or independent want to know what are you going to
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do and what is your plan to help me and my family bottom lines. so all of this stuff on the right and on the left when the bonus come right down to voting on election day, it's really going to be self-serving on what the message can be that helped them ron. >> this next headline that i read, it's not from the onion though it could it appears as though it could appear in the onion because it is growing legal bills reportedly, donald trump is now selling bibles for $60 and they are advertised as quote, the only bible endorsed by president trump >> what are >> we to make of this? >> look donald trump has been, you know shameless throughout his whole career about trying to market his name and his leverage and certainly through his presidency, the net worth of his, of his family and the money that was spent by foreign governments at his hotels. i mean, he never stops being a business guy. and this so get
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the truth, social example of the supporters kind of pumping up that stock. can i just make one point about your previous question over the rnc, you know, please. allison, it's important there are about a quarter of republican voters who do not believe the election was stolen. they were the core of the nikki haley voters who resisted donald trump the primary they are the same kind of voters who were talking about before tend to be white suburban economic republicans who are not as much on the kind of culture war trained as trump. they are a critical constituency for biden to cut into to further his gains from 2020 and suburban areas don't forget january 6 and dobbs both happened after the 2020 election, and biden will need them to offset something. chuck could tell you a lot about which is the potential for trump to have inroads among blue collar, black, and hispanic voters so when trump is basically saying at the rnc, only people who believe the election is stolen belong in my republican party. that is
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exactly the wedge. it is exactly the kind of voters that resisted him in the primary that are critical target for biden. and that will, as i said, potentially allow biden to offset what will likely be some erosion in the kind of voters were chuck kinda communities are chuck spends most of his time, are those blue collar hispanic and black communities where there is disappointment on inflation and other issues >> yeah, scott, but i mean, is the rnc looking for people who don't believe or do leave where it is the rnc. what's the rnc trying to do with that question? >> i think the rnc under chris lacivita is probably trying to find the most experienced people they can. i don't know what the nature of the questions are exactly, but my guess is, he's looking for experience political operatives to ron's point about the inflows and outflows and the party's right now, i think he's absolutely right. i think most of these nikki haley voters, by the way, are gone. they're not actually interested in possibly being recovered by donald trump, but at the same time, i think they're biden voters who are
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totally disinterested in joe biden. so i think you're seeing and it's a lot of its on educational attainment lines, but you're saying massive inflows and outflows. so my guess is ultimately what donald trump is thinking is, i don't need these. nikki haley people just need to cut into the working class core of joe biden to replace them. and that's really the ultimate algebra problem for this election. are there enough replacements from biden's coalition to replace the ones that you see out flowing in the suburban areas, right? >> i've only got five seconds. you're just tie this up for us. >> look, i think that both are exactly right donald trump has made a strategic decision that he's not going to get nikki haley. he's going to double down trying to get more latinos and blacks and he's also trying to bring new people in by being extra crazy and get an extra crazy people who never volunteer come in into the party perfect way to button that up their truck ron ron raspbian, it's got january struck russia. thank you all >> all right diverse are back in the water this morning searching for the six people presumed dead. after the bridge
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collapse in baltimore, we're going to speak to this city council president about the recovery investigation and what this means for baltimore do you work in spaceflight? >> this is >> the worst possible thing that can ever happen >> my dad died doing what keith magee the shuttle columbia. he final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> students students of any age from anywhere students in a new kind of classroom using our technology to power different ways of learning harnessing ai to plant new beginning so in minds bro opportunities fallen >> with schwab investing themes. it's easy to invest in ideas you believe spot a trend
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. her uncle's unhappy. join t i'm sensing anpeople takiunderlying issue.vacy it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. visit coventry >> cnn news divers are still in the water at this hour under that collapsed bridge in baltimore. they're looking for the six construction workers who are presumed dead. maryland's governor tell cnn that there must be a full and thorough investigation of what
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caused this disaster the francis scott key bridge was a vital artery for the city of baltimore. and this entire region. baltimore city council president nick most be joined me now, mr. moos, we were so sorry for the loss to your community. just tell us how is baltimore functioning today? >> you know, obviously it's very sober moments on the city of baltimore, particularly as we continue to go after really this noun to day, fight to try to rescue the victims of this very tragic event. >> yeah >> have you been >> in touch with any of their families how are they coping the waiting game that we've heard about so much from people who are in this limbo of not yet being able to mourn in some ways, still holding out some hope until there's a body. i mean, it's just awful for these families yeah, it's, you know, the agony of watching it over and over again because the
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scene is >> such a devastation and it got so much attention and inherent it from, from, from countless of folks. but knowing that you're sending your family member off to do something as basic as roadwork and that they never returned home is really just a really sad reminder of some of ai essential workers and what they do and just really really feeling for this family at this time. that's why i think the focus we've always been placed on is really the sanctity of life folks have been asking well, how much is the city losing you know, eventually what will be the traffic pattern that has not been our focus, not from a federal or state or local perspective. it's really been about trying to be as innovative and creative to warn after, again, provide dignity to the family and trying to identify, find the bodies. i would like to give a huge huge congratulations and shot out to, i guess the first responders who'd been literally working around the
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clock in real frigid conditions and i've been persevering through, through harsh conditions. >> yeah. we've heard about just the treacherous conditions at the divers are having to contend with its dark and there's all sorts of jagged metal down there as they search through it. so it's really challenging on every level. >> can you just >> tell us a little bit about the neighborhoods that were closest to this bridge because i understand that some of them we're communities that sprouted up after world war ii for people who worked at bethlehem steel. so what do they like >> what i mean, this is a very historic site. ultimately, it's right, it's called the francis scott key bridge because it's very close to where francis scott key wrote the national anthem. i was done right here in baltimore. >> and this communities are working >> class communities and they rely on this bridge. they rely on accessibility of this bridge is a symbol of upward mobility, connectivity to jobs as it relates to our port. in the industries that have sprouted up around the port of baltimore
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that's why this is just more than a bridge to baltimore. ian's growing up in the city of baltimore i've crossed this bridge thousands of times. many of us have it to see it taken away from our skyline is kind of eerie reminder of what took place. two days ago are there any estimates in the city of how long it will take to rebuild this >> no. i mean, obviously, you know, the design and construction of a bridge of this magnitude, it's over a mile and a half long is a pretty complicated process. but i will say you know, just the real focus has always been really trying to identify the recovery effort is we're our focus has been. >> a phase two will be more or less on trying to figure out a way of cleaning up, getting the port back to some level of normalcy. because right now the port is completely shut down. and then the next effort how do we rebuild from here, baltimore's are resilient
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town. i know folks get a lot of information about our city nationally. it's not always in the positive light, but i'll city is always persevere through challenges like this. and i know that we will, but it's just important that we take time to provide the opportunity for the families of the victims who have been impacted the most both, again, protecting the sanctity of life and the dignity, dignity of us moving forward it's been our priority. >> i'm absolutely we're thinking of all of you, baltimore city council president nick most me. thank you for your time. >> thank you so much. >> what happened yesterday is drawn comparisons, just some other deadly bridge collapses and seen as jason carroll has more investigators still in the early stages of piecing together the events that led to the collapse of baltimore's francis scott key bridge already comparisons being made to pass deadly disasters involving america's bridges. i 40 breach weber's falls, oklahoma, may 2002, 14 people killed nearly a dozen, hurt
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after freight barge is being transported on the arkansas river truck appear supporting the bridge, a 580 foot section of road collapsed, sending vehicles careening into the water. queen isabella causeway, port isabel, texas september 2000, 18 people lost their lives when a tug boat and barge struck the causeway. 11 people drove into the opening below, only three survived big bayou cannot near mobile, alabama, september 19, 9034 47 people died and more than 100 injured and what was seen at the time is one of the worst disasters of its kind in the united states. it happened after barges being in push by a tow boat and dense fog hit the bridge causing an amtrak train carrying 220 people to derail minutes later rescue crews pulled victims from the partially submerged buckled train cars. >> we are so bad at learning from our mistakes and preparing
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for future instances. we need to assess our infrastructure collisions, not the only cause of tragic bridge collapses. take what happened at the fbi you footbridge miami, florida, march 20, 186 people were killed after a pedestrian bridge near the campus of florida international university suddenly collapsed. the 170 foot long newly installed bridge had been under construction. i. 35w bridge minneapolis, minnesota, august 2007, 13 killed 145 injured. a major interstate at a standstill after the 35 west bridge collapse? during rush hour, federal regulators blame the accident partly on support plates which they said were half as thick as they should have been hyatt regency sky walks, kansas city, missouri, july 1981 114 were killed the walkways on the second and fourth floor of the hyatt regency hotel collapse due to a
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design flaw. it was known as one of the most devastating structural failures in us history. jason carroll cnn, new york >> and we'll be right back >> here is no media personality >> business woman celebrity chef leichhardt the many lives of martha stewart. now streaming on macs >> mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough message so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning >> no, i didn't mix my running shoe looked like new >> it's amazing >> wow he makes it look like i don't want kids at all >> it's so good. mix a look at gov, magical powers with 80% less scrubbing mr. clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy,
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with time, do i need to push your guacamole? a time? >> this is chocolate, right? >> hi. yeah >> no matter who's doing it on what cycle wherein what temperature tight works. so i can focus on all the other questions. >> your fafsa or eyebrows for. >> all. >> of life, laundry questions. >> it's got to be tied kinda riva support your brain health. >> mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. how are you >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge closed captioning brought to you by are firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now donald trump's newly public truth social keeps the green streak going this morning after a >> blockbuster nasdaq debut yesterday, at one point, purchase orders were coming in
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so fast the trading had to be stopped. but some investors are raising concerns about whether the stock price is a true measure of the company's success. cnn's matt egan joins us to explain that. so matt, the company last year, recorded a loss of $49 yesterday. it received any $11,000,000,000 valuation how does that math add up >> allison, there are times when stocks trade just purely on momentum. and hype. this is one of those times, right? chunk media is off to a gangbusters start as a public company, but it has almost nothing to do with the fundamentals. now, look at this up 18% this morning. this is after a certain yesterday. this is nothing new, this is part of a pattern. this company and the publicly shell company at merged with, they'd been on fire more than quadrupling over the past six months, the share price spikes. look at that spike in january, that was around the time that donald trump had a landslide victory in the iowa caucuses and the
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higher the stock goes, the higher donald trump's net worth goes. a bloomberg estimates that his net worth went up by about 4 billion on monday alone. but look, experts are warning retail investors to be very careful with this stock. they say it's dangerous because the market is assigning a ridiculous valuation. remember, truth social, it's tiny we're talking about about a half 1 million monthly active users compare that to the company formerly known as twitter, at 75 million. even threads is ten times bigger than truth, social and truth. social is actually shrinking monthly active users down by 51% year over year. and it's also important to look at how this company stacks up with the last social media company to go public. that's reddit, just last week. now, read it, had about a $6,000,000,000 valuation patient at its ipo that was based on pretty healthy revenue, 800 million. compare that to truth social.
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>> it had about a $9 >> valuation and that's based on just a tiny fraction of the revenue. but listen, allison, history shows that stocks that are really just trading purely on momentum. they can keep going higher and higher and higher. and it's really hard to pinpoint exactly when they'll come back down to earth. >> really interesting speaking of history, just remind us what happened in the last time a trump business went public? >> okay. well, let's go back to 1995 and our home state of new jersey. we're talking about trump's casino and hotel resorts company went public 1995 to a lot of fanfare and it ended up never making any money despite the fact that again, this was a casino company if filed for bankruptcy in 2004, renamed as trump entertainment resorts, and then went on to lose more than $2 over five years and then filed for bankruptcy again in 2009. trump media actually mentioned this in the sec filings saying that
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donald trump has a history of filing for bankruptcies, at least his business this is due and that there could be no assurances that there won't be another bankruptcy here. this is just another reminder though, of how much risk is tied in with just one person for this company, right? donald trump is not just the chairman. he's the top shareholder. he's the most popular user and he's obviously facing a considerable amount of law enforcement and legal trouble right now, allison >> fascinating. matt egan, thanks for explaining all of that. >> thanks. elson. >> all right. the utah women's basketball coach says her team had to switch hotels because of racist incident we have more on this ahead >> erin burnett, outfront tonight at seven on cnn okay. >> yeah, we got orders coming in, starting a business is never easy. a star and eight months pregnant, that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a
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>> mucinex, dm. >> its comeback season now, trying to use the next instance, soucie or probe indicated drops >> when you're the leader is ask the cleanup and restoration, how do you make like an every given happened happened >> brandy >> whatever comes your way? >> there's a pro serve broke, like never even happened kinda riva support your brain health. >> mary janet, >> hey >> eddie. now, frazer, franck. franck, bread. how are you?
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1808851177. call now check >> we hear nothing. >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events is >> that part of the war? being coming apart
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>> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> the university of utah women's basketball team switched hotels ahead of its first ncw a tournament game because of what the head coach is calling racial hate crimes cnn's coy wire joins us now. so quite what happened. hi alice and the utah women's team was staying in quarter lane resort in idaho about 30 miles away from where they were playing their ncw tournament games in spokane, according to a local official, the team was walking to dinner last thursday when a truck displaying a confederate flag put alongside them started using racial slurs, then after-dinner. the official said this same perpetrator joined by others repeated the behavior again as they walked back to the hotel and it traumatized alice and the teams so much that they decided to switch hotels. here's utah coach lynne roberts you have people say man, i can't believe that happened but you know, racism
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is real and it happens and it's it's awful. and so for our players, whether they are you know, white, black, green, whatever no one knew how to handle it. you know and it was really upsetting. and for our players and staff to not feel safe in an ncaa tournament environment it's messed up >> now, utah, won their first ncw tournament game before losing tikkun zag and the second round monday night on tuesday, the ncw released a statement saying in part, we are devastated about the utah team's experience while traveling to compete on what should have been a weekend competing on the brightest stage? aging, creating some of the fondest memories of their lives. the ncw condemns racism and hatred in any form. allison police say they are investigating along with the fbi. but at last check, there have been no arrests. just
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awful coy. >> thank you for the reporting. >> all right. before we go, i want to share some exciting personal news. my memoir is now officially out. it is called combat love. it's about my turbulent teenage years and the very bumpy path. i took to achieving my dream of becoming a news anchor. >> it's >> a deeply personal and wrong a story i would love it if you would buy it and read it, it is now available at bookstores nationwide. >> thanks so >> much for joining me in san a newsroom today. i'm alison camerota. i'll be here for the rest of the week and inside politics with dan the batch starts after a short break >> this is the big dam >> names2 that do >> right now, pet dander >> skin cells in dirt are
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