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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  March 28, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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goes back to what you said. this is an elected official who's paid by the taxpayers, who's just lying. >> yeah. the madix, they sound like a great coupled to have around for dinner parties, your door. >> but look, i mean, i think obviously there was >> a time where elected officials might've been held boats to a higher standard when it comes to post like this, obviously trump and others of that ilk have gone up, ended that system. but i think also what you're seeing as when we saw this a bit which all the conspiracy theories immediately about the baltimore bridges, bridge collapse as well, is that every single issue, every single story, every single day online is used as political battering rams in the culture wars all tied up in misinformation. everything is blamed on whatever the issue people want to choose it to be bland. >> yeah. and is pete buttigieg said earlier, this has a real life impact. it's not just for us to laugh about it. our dinner parties donie o'sullivan happy belated birthday. thanks for joining us. thank you
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>> and thank you all so much for joining us for a very busy our laura coates lives starts right now >> while the big apple tonight is now one big stage, that's tonight on a special to our lara codes live >> well, good evening, everyone. i'm laura coates here in washington, dc, and you say politics. where do you normally think about? well, where i am right now in washington. but today, all new york was a stage for the 2024 presidential contests because both men who are currently on that ballot they're trying to turn new york, new york, the big city of dreams, into a dream come true for them in the form of a reelection call, it who wants to be a fundraising bajillion air while joe biden's campaign, tonight's as they are breaking records and may are doing it in style holding a star-studded
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fundraiser at where radio city music hall and event that just ended a few moments ago, people like president barack obama and bill clinton, stephen colbert, and plenty more were there, including big names like lizzo, who turns out took a dna test and found out she's 100% in the audience. there's even the fanciest photo both in the history of photo booth with annie liebowitz manning the camera. i'm serious. >> this whole >> thing is supposed to bring in 25 million bucks. the trump campaign. they now want to show a thing joe can do they can do gautier, maybe glitzy or even better. they've got a planned palm beach fundraiser for the former president, and that's supposed to rake in 33 million from the donor collection plate part of today's who blocked three amigos, sit down with the smartless podcast hosted by actor is jason bateman. will arnett, and sean hayes the, biden campaign wants to make voters feel like everything's everything, the vibes are good.
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again. but even at this fundraiser, there is a dramatic split-screen that signals that all is really not well with the democratic base. because outside that glitz and glamour radio city music hall, a protest pro-palestinian voice is rallying against the president's handling of the war in gaza. and inside too, by the way, reporters in the room where it's happening, say at least four of those demonstrators have interrupted the big biden cash bonanza just hours before donald trump delivering his own version of a contrast, his campaign says they actually want nodding together politics and solemnity he spoke at the wake four in new york city police officer jonathan diller jonathan diller was murdered on monday during a traffic stop. guy rivera, the accused killer. he now faces first-degree murder charges. this officer leaves behind a one-year-old child now, trump apparently steered entirely clear if his campaign rival
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ticking to a script of stuart's and focusing his outrage on the alleged assailant shed event, such a horrible thing and it's happening all too often and we're just not going to let it happen. we just can't 21 times arrest it is doug. we have to get back to law and order. we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working. this is happening too often >> cnn's mj lee joins us right outside the radio city music hall with the president's apparently i've just left the stage, mj. what can you tell us? >> yeah, laura, it seems like the fundraiser has just wrapped up is the word that we've gotten from some of the reporters that are in the room and we seem to have since some movement in the motorcade that is behind us. obviously, this has been a high security area. a couple of blocks here around radio city music hall, just some of the details that we have gotten from inside the room so far. obviously, this was in some ways a lighthearted
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event. the three presidents were onstage with stephen colbert air and one of the details that we've gotten so far is that the two to former presidents barack obama and bill clinton did a little bit where they pretended to be joe biden by putting on aviators. obviously, that is a tribute to that plastic joe biden love but look, there's some signs as you mentioned, of some of the political troubles for the president, the event was interrupted multiple times. we are told by pro-palestinian and pro ceasefire protesters, and that very much reflecting the scenes that we saw earlier in the evening, probably some couple of hundreds of protestors outside of this event trying to make clear that they are very unhappy with the president handling of the israel-hamas war. now, this evening was highly produced, as you mentioned, we expected there to be a number of celebrities and musical artists inside that room. a. people,
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some members of the audience paid up to half 1 million to get their tickets and had the perks that you were talking about getting their photos taken with the three presidents? getting an invitation to an afterparty that is hosted by the first lady. and all told they did say that they have raised some $25 i definitely wouldn't be surprised is that number ended up by inching up, given that the donations were continuing to come in and certainly just a big moment of symbolism for the democratic party these three president's current and the two former coming together to try to send a message that they are not okay with former president donald trump returning to the white house. laura a really important show of unity, at least from the former presence of the united states. but i'm glad you're pointing out what's happening outside and inside in terms of the political issues that are still very much happening, mj lee, please stand by and come back to as i know, there'll be more headlines coming from inside. tell us what you have listened with both the biden and trump campaign is hoping
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for big fundraising halls as we're wet 222 days away from a general election. here to explain what the numbers look like in context is cnn's senior data reporter, harry enten. harry how are you doing? what are the numbers showing you for too much traffic in new york tonight? that's how i'm doing >> what >> you wouldn't say that that's your concern? i don't know. about you. i'm looking out for number one and looking out from my fellow in new york has allowed the smart ones have taken the subway. >> all >> right, this is some context for you and where we are in the cache race, right? joe biden, well ahead of donald trump in terms of cash on hand at the end of last month, but in terms of money raised, right? joe biden's fundraiser night 25 million trump for the entire month of february, only raised $20 million. that's how big that 25 million in dollars is. it's a large chunk of change and historic chunk as the biden campaign was sending. and again, a little bit more context, how much would trump need to sell to reach $25 million? you know, he's selling those bibles though it's god bless the usa bibles, he would need to sell more than 400 of
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those to reach $25 million and he knows remember those, trump never surrender sneakers. he would have to sell approximately 62,657 of them. so that's why he's looking forward to that big fundraiser next month. because simply put this type of stuff, this gimmicky stuff ain't going to get him there. law i can tell you that kind of mounds or the old school tootsie pop and the owl. how many looks good that it takes the plot thing that we're both older, okay, fine. anyway, harry, can you put into context how much the top tickets are going for at this fundraiser because it sounds like a lot of money yeah. >> it's going it is going for a lot. so the top tickets at the fundraiser, the highest tickets for the farm-raised are $500,000. put this into some context, right? the top taylor swift errors ticket that often when for about $20,000, how about a super bowl top suite seat $125,000. far less than that fit, $500,000 for the hottest seat at the bottom fundraiser. in fact, the only thing i could really find that
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would match it or exceed it is a trip to space on virgin $600,000 that would be the only thing that to exceed it. but of course, laura, what we were talking about, trump wants to get in on the action. so in trump has his own big fundraiser heading in august where he may in fact outraised biden's big bet. he's hoping to raise 33 million my goodness, gracious. and how much for the top ticket at this point it's looking like 800 so the fact is biden is doing a lot tonight, but trump may do a lot come april. laura wow, that puts into context this is a lot of money beings enten, oh, my goodness >> we'll come back to you. thank you so much to talk about all this with little djiwandono, a former white house official under the obama, and a council member and montgomery county, maryland also, lee carter, a pollster and president and partner at ms landscape and partners and matt mauer is a former trump administration official and president of val court global public strategy good to have all of you here. that's a lot
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of money. we're talking about. first of all, in terms of from the white house should the great white way in broadway. and of course, radio city music hall. i want to start with you here will, on this because it is significant to have biden obama and clinton in this room it is, it is, it is party unity and look, the protesters outside. that's also democratic party unity. that's our big tent. that's what happens you know, if you saw president biden in north carolina the other day when he got interrupted, he said, they have a point. there's too much destruction going on there. he's moved the adminstration is moved. the protests of work that's what happens in the democracy read party. but i think it's such a big deal when you have a contrast when the president trump's vice president refuses to endorse him in here. and let's let's go for even further. mitt romney, the last standard bearer for the republican party refuses to endorse him. mitch mcconnell had to have his arm twisted so you here you have two presidents saying, look, not only do we support the president, we support his agenda, look at our economy. we're going to raise him some
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money and the stakes are high. democracy is on the line. and i think you have democratic unity and we're going to need that going into november. >> do you see this has democratic unity when you have the protesters outside? >> no >> look, i think you're going to see this type of division continued to happen well into the chicago democratic national convention. i mean, this is going to look make a lot of democratic conventions look like kids play compared to what we're seeing. this is a consistent problem for joe biden. you see it in poll after poll poll it's the reason why he had to have barack obama and bill clinton with them on stage tonight. you look at some of the polling and states like michigan, where it has numbers with not just air voters are down right now, but also voters of color, particularly the detroit metro area in wayne county. you'll look at number of other areas in key swing states that we saw, even in some of the primary turnout elections, whether it's had been county in minnesota, or whether some of the county's in texas in the results of super tuesday elections, joe biden is underperforming the key elements of his base right now, you saw that by the star power he had to bring out tonight inside the room, just as much as you saw from the
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protest that you saw outside of that room? >> two different positions here laying thinking about what this represents. either it's a good thing or it's a scarlet letter to have them there what are the poll suggests in terms of how voters might view the presence of people like clinton and obama. >> well, i think it's really interesting because on the one hand, it does show party unity. they're all standing behind each other on the other hand, i don't don't think it's going to help joe biden have these visuals because the star of the show wasn't gonna be joe biden. you know what everybody's gonna be looking at. they look at bill clinton, they look at barack obama and joe biden doesn't have the same kind of thing. so i think in some ways that is going to hurt him now, the other thing i do want to say about i don't agree with you that that it's part of unity to have the protesters outside. and this is a big issue. i think it's why when you start looking at polling, when robert f. kennedy jr. comes into the mix, it actually heart hurts joe biden, that's because he is robert f. kennedy jr. has now gone all in his anti-war. he's picked an anti-war candidate to run with, and that's now going to be his big platform. i think that's gonna be enough to really spoil the election should robert f.
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kennedy jr. get your point about the unity is that there is a political safe space where the person in charge could be persuaded as well. >> absolutely. you can actually >> the process can work. it's not a we don't have dictators, right? like the president trump was to be dictated just for one day. he says, no, we have a democratic process. and oh, by the way, the economy is great. crime is down. inflation is going down the two former president's more jobs created than any other president so this is that is what the democratic party is. it's not pretty democracy is not pretty, but it's listening to folks. it's changing your position it's compromise. that's what joe biden has done his whole career and you remember he was vice president biden first i was in that white house in president obama needed him in 2012 when he was running against mitt romney to come and help him and he needed them in 2008 to help validate them because he was the young freshman senator. so this is what you do. and we needed president clinton to be the
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explainer-in-chief. i mean, when so all of these things for president biden, so that's what you do and you're seeing unity meanwhile, most of trump's cabinet once want nothing to do with them as former vice president. so i just think it's really start he's playing golf and go into court meanwhile, president biden's going around the country and touting his agenda. that's those are two really stark contrast. >> welcome back to you. i want to go back to mj lee he as well, he's got some more headlines out of what is happening at this radio city music hall fundraiser. what's going on >> yeah. laura, were unfortunately still waiting for more pool reports that come out of this event. that's the only way we're gonna get some editorial from inside the room. but we did just flag down somebody who was inside the room and ask them about what the three presidents talked about. and one thing he said was that the president talked about how israel has a right to defend itself what's happening inside gaza is horrific. he also pushed for a two-state solution. obviously these are lines about the israel-hamas war that are not surprising at all. we hear these lines from the president consistently.
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it's just significant given that we know that this was an event that was interrupted multiple times and there were hundreds of proteins tesla's outside. this person we spoke to also saying that president trump, former president trump was mentioned, but it sounds like not by name and that president biden said my predecessor wants a rip up the constitution and has talked about wanting to be a trader on day one. so again, i think all of these themes that we are hearing about not at all surprising. these are themes that we have heard a lot from president biden. and of course, the former president's weighing in gives all of that more wade. and as we were talking about before, it is this idea of all three of the president's coming together, being onstage together. and really talking about the stakes of the election. you know, the idea behind this was really to signal that there isn't really anybody else other than the former president's who would know better, would be able to
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explain better. the states that the biden campaign's these for the november election. and particularly when it comes to the threat that they see for former president donald trump's. so just really interesting, we'll see if we can flag down anyone else to get better for our sense of what else was said in the room too. >> if anyone do it, you can mj lee will come right back to you. thank you so much. i want to bring back in my panel here. matt, because look, the reality is they're going to have to grapple with foreign policy elements of this, whether it's ukraine or gaza humanitarian crisis, the looming famine, the looming ground operation, all of it's going to come into play you mentioned trump by naibe, but obviously he is the giant elephant in this room >> will look at and i think the challenge for joe biden on this is that this is a change election. and whether it's on national security issues, whether it's on the economy, you look at pole, any polling right now, voters are looking for a change, almost two-to-one. they're looking for a different direction on leadership and the contrary, they're looking for a difference print direction on the economy and the problem is when you surround yourself a two and cut former president's, it's a embodiments of the establishment. see of what
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voters are looking to go against right now. and that just plays right into what donald trump has successfully played since he came down that elevator in 2015, he is embrace the fact that he's not surrounded by a bunch of political go political luminaries, or does joe biden is that's gonna be the challenge for joe biden. he has a challenge with this base right now. he has enthusiasm issue. gop, right now with his base. how can it get them enthusiastic without also looking like just a typical politician, the same old, same old that voters are clearly frustrated with right now. when they clearly want to change, i had to chuckle a little bear to my here about trump being a political outsider. i mean, definition of the insider is the president of the united states. i mean, outsiders are on air force there's one, yet beds his history that is his history and it's what he became known as and as he ran as a political outsider coming in to fix things, used, his business prowess, if whatever you want to call it to, let's make a deal. and he's gonna go and fire everybody in washington, dc. so that's part of his story, that's part of his legacy. and it's what people think of him as when people talk about what they
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want. they do want change. and a lot of people, when you go through issue by issue, they say they felt better about the economy. they felt better about a whole number of issues under donald trump and they do on joe biden and certainly when you look at the pulling head-to-head on economy, 55% favor donald trump over joe biden, only 33 percent. you go on foreign affairs and it's a surprising a lot of people, how popular donald trump is in hindsight now, my big question is, we kind of forgot what it was like to be barraged by donald trump all the time. we have heard about him, but not from him, forgot >> okay. here you go i welcome your at music ahead. >> but i mean if you forgot about all the tweets and what it was like to have the newest constantly change and to hear from him all the time. we're starting to hear from him all the time and people are going to remember and the question is, is that gonna be seeing that people want again? right now, it looks like it is, by the way, it's not just the voters, right? is the members of congress who are trying to come out of the halls and answer questions about legislation and they go, well, there was a 05:00 a.m. tweet. >> yeah. there you go. everyone, please stand by and don't forget, we are expecting
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headlines for what they said any moment i want to know more about this bit that was dad about the aviator glasses your whole dark brandon theme, what they say it was going on. also tonight, donald trump speaking outside the wake of a fallen officer in new york, i'll talk to the group paying off his widows mortgage plus trump is now attacking the judges daughter by name in his hush money case despite a limited gag order, is it really a violation or not? the answer may surprise as you, his former lawyer will also join me live and rfk juniors, new running mate is a fierce critic of ivf >> here. why >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission. olympia used in check. >> i didn't know anything concerning it happen there were people that did though >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing, it's a series of events >> you follow the debris what's it telling you
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cnn >> barack obama and bill clinton weren't the only former president's in new york tonight. donald trump attending the wake of nypd officer jonathan diller on long island. the officer was killed on monday during a traffic stop and queens and i suspect has now been charged with first-degree murder deliberate leaves behind his wife and a one-year-old baby boy. at a got emotional while explaining why diller became a police officer in the first place he >> loved what he did. he was a cop. he was born to be a cop who was born to be a hero okay he was born to be a hero. he died being hero. he died doing what he loved >> joining me now is john you vane? he is a retired nypd detective and vice president of tunnel two towers. that organization was founded after
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911 and in part provides mortgage free homes to fallen first responder families injured veterans, and also goldstar families. and may are doing exactly that for officer dealers family sean, thank you so much for being here this evening. i mean, what a tragedy to leave behind his loved ones, including a one-year-old, use spoken to the family and you will actually be in attendance for the funeral on saturday. >> how >> is the family doing? >> thank you, laura >> the families devastated they just had the world turned upside down. as they approached the easter holiday and the babies actually nine months old. and they won't get to celebrate that one year birthday and they won't get to celebrate that either with the whole family, with mom dad, and little line and this is very
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young couple the only married three years and jonathan's only been on a job for three years, like his brother-in-law said sky was born to be a police officer >> he had 70 >> arrest in dri years that number is insane. he was a very active police officer and was serving his cumulatively well >> just think of crimes he could have prevented and did and of course, the dreams of his wife and their child together. it's just heartbreaking to think about and to think of who is responsible as a suspect here, because both suspects arrested apparently have a very long history of getting arrested for violent crimes. in fact, guy rivera, who was charged with first-degree murder, was arrested. i understand it. 21 times before, including nine felonies and he was actually in
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prison for nearly five years. meanwhile, lindy jones was arrested 14 times before and was out on bond when you hear those statistics, what do you think needs to be done to prevent tragedies like this one, if anything >> well, when i hit statistics about those individuals who are career criminals i as a former detective, wonder why would a boat sitting there with guns, what crime we're about to commit they were two individuals that understood you sit there with a gun you got a good chance of especially being illegally parked. that a good chance of being confronted and what lives did jonathan and his team save that evening? stay willing to shoot a police officer? the civilian that would have been easier but what we do at tunnel the towers is
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when we have our military and our first responders go out there and they don't come home and they leave a young family behind we pay off that mortgage. and frank server in the soul family has made this commitment since 2001 and to give you an idea last year, we paid over 200 mortgages and a year before we pay off 200 mortgages. >> and it's >> our honor and our duty and that's what we're here to do, is to fill that little void. with our family does not have to move and take that financial burden off the shoulders so yes, it's a tragedy. we see the community come together and all different ways to support this family. so that's a beautiful thing. and hopefully
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someday we won't be paying off as many mortgages >> what a beautiful act of service. thank you so much for sharing that john yoo vein. our thoughts are with the family. i know the funeral will be on saturday and we'll be thinking of the loss. yeah. >> thank you >> laura. thank you. you have a great evening and take care yourself. >> bye. bye. thank you >> what a tragedy well tonight he called her by her name donald trump, name checking the daughter of the >> judge overseeing his manhattan hush money trial. and what can only be described as a kind of rambling truth social post trump calling judge one merchant's daughter, quote, a rabid trump. haider. now, she worked for democratic political campaigns and has become a frequent trump target online. and yet trump's words don't violate the gag order issued against him. just a day ago. why is that? >> don't trump's former
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attorney, tim >> parlatore, joins me now. >> it >> might surprise people to know tim, but this was a limited gag order. you hear the phrase gag order, you think muzzle completely that wasn't the case here. what do you think the judge was not? over inclusive, including himself or his family? >> it did jump out at me that he excluded himself >> all the other core >> personnel. but i think that look, i've been in front of judge martian plenty of times and i think that it kind of speaks to his his own personality of v doesn't want to put himself in the middle of it and say, he himself needs to be protected he wants to predict the other people here. so it did jump out at me that he was excluded, that maybe he's doing it because he wants to take away ammunition. does jesse somehow bias or has in this game? >> i think so. i mean, he is he's a good judge. when i tried to case one of them
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>> he beat >> he beat the hell out of me. when the jury wasn't in the world. but as soon as the jury came in the room he put on a great show of letting the lawyers try the case and really let the jury decide the case based on the merits and didn't let them think what is the judge? thank one way or the other? >> that's really important in the trial because you don't want to show the jurors that there is some level of favorite or disdain for either for legal reasons how will that play in a trial with donald trump? that will he want to bring that it's still in front of the jury with for talking objections and beyond >> no, i think that the judge she's going to be extremely careful to keep all of that out of the view of the jury and i think he's going to try and keep on keep people on a tight leash to make sure that they try the case? >> no. >> go ahead and ask all the questions you want. but when it comes to these types of speeches and where are you going to get into the back-and-forth where the judge may say something that could influence the jury as to what he's thinking. it'll be very
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quick to push them out of the room and say you go to the go back to the jury room and then talk about it outside the presence of the jury. >> it isn't just saying there's a parallel in georgia happening in the fulton county courtroom today in front of a different j judge cathy, where he was hearing argument about a motion to dismiss the entire case against trump. anna co-defendant, because trump's lawyers say they've got first amendment grounds here that it's all political speech. and you can't touch that that does stretch credulity >> when you're talking about a case that there's no violence or stealing or things like that where it really is all based on speech. there's a, there's an attractiveness to try and make a first amendment argument and simply making speeches even if it's false, that's not criminal you have to tie that speech to some other goal fraud cases are all based on speech where you're telling a lie for the purpose of getting money that you wouldn't otherwise be entitled to defamation all
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right. hitman, right. if it's just not a crime though, well, remedy, yes. but >> in this case, if it's speech false speech that is done for the purpose of trying to get public officials to violate their oath or do things again. the law to change the outcome of an election >> it's not >> just the speech, it has to be the speech tied with an illegal target objective >> what they're saying, it's a conspiracy to commit crimes that's the correct. the underlying objectives they want to move it to in front of a jury argument to suggest luck you have an issue with whether we can prove you made a false statement that's for the jury to decide if we can prove it. you get convicted. if we can't, your acquitted. >> but what they really need to show in front of jury is more than just a false statement. they have to show the false statement and that illegal target objective and so that's why i think a lot of these arguments are gonna be rightly kicked until after the trial, because whatever the facts that come out at trial are you just going to show a bunch of false statements? are you going to be
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able to show them tied to an illegal scheme? >> you're going to have to, as part of a rico case, right? rather broad conspiracy. that's the robin that's the burden for the prosecutor please. and as you know, tim parlatore. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> next ivf has become a hot button issue in politics, and now we're learning rfk juniors running mate. you see it right there? it's a big critic of it, calling it a big lie. it's you why. plus new developments tonight in a disturbing action that's taking on the streets of new york women being randomly sucker punch i'll speak live with one of the victims >> sanity leads a safe space >> you have a show were right and left talk to cnn presents an encore isn't of hbo's real time with bill maher, saturday at eight on cnn >> can the riva support your brain hail mary janet, hey
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you know ivf has become quite a flashpoint in americans debate over reproductive rights. and tonight, we're learning that rfk juniors new running mate apparently is not a fan a new report and political highlights. nicole shanahan skepticism of in vitro fertilization. last month, she told the australia in financial review, we just don't have enough science for the things that we are telling and selling women. it's one of the biggest lies. it's being told about women's health today. now to be clear, she is not called for the banning of the procedure but those comments you take on a new meaning given her new venture into politics, she made those comments as alabama supreme court ruled that embryos are children, a move that briefly shut down ivf clinics in the state joining me now, politics reporter for politico, brittany gibson. she has the by-line on that new report, brittany. thank you. for being here. >> you compiled all these
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comments from shanahan >> what is she >> skeptical about when it comes to ivf >> she's mostly skeptical about the motivations in what she would call the fertility industry behind promoting ivf and egg freezing for women. she's called it a commercial endeavor more so than a scientific pick one. >> and did she think that it's exploiting women in some respects by trying to capitalize on it because the cost we know is very high. >> absolutely. i haven't heard her or i haven't read any interviews where she said as exploiting women, which she more so describes it as a false promise for women and as you just said, it's a lie been sold to women in one inch reviews. she said that she felt like she was told and women her age. we're told that ivf would be an option. you could have children later in life. and this is going to be something that will help you if you haven't fertility and of course we know now in the about 2% of all children are born through ivf. so it is a viable option for a lot of people but it didn't work for her and she's become more and more skeptical of it, including
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comments up until february of this year. >> that's fast because she's been talking about in the phrases championing reproductive longevity. what is that? >> yes. so that is the buzz phrase for essentially research that she's been funding through through her private foundation and a two a research institute to help women to help understanding what they would call women's reproductive decline and ultimately with the goal of helping women having children later and later in life, preventing menopause. and i believe the goal of stopping it all together. so a woman can have children at any point their lives. >> so it sounds like i'm going to put words in your mouth, but it sounds as if she's saying that ivf is an option, should not replace scientific research into extending the reproductive fertility of women. >> yes, i am i making it to clear. i'm not going to i don't put words in your mouth. i just want understand what she's saying. >> no, i think that's fair. i think she she is criticized the amount of funding into research of ivf, as well as marketing of ivf and wishes that that
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research would go into what she calls fundamentals being the research that she funds into the longevity side of things i she describes this and i think this is where it gets even more serious is the next frontier in the women's rights movement. and that's how she sees this issue >> you spoke to experts. what did they say about her statements? >> they're not within the typical conversations. i think every politician has been asked their views right now and women's reproductive health, whether it was during 2022 after the overturn of row, roe v. wade, or with the alabama supreme court decision. so people do have to weigh in on it and it politicians in particular i they're not having this conversation about reproductive longevity really fascinating. thank you so much brittany, for this reporting >> there's >> also anger on the streets of new york tonight. why women are apparently being randomly sucker punched i'll speak live with one of the victims next
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>> yeah. well, i think that the message was one of unity. i mean, i'm surprised honestly that that that wasn't part of the discussion and it may be that the for the other presidents didn't want to engaged in that at this point. maybe that was the instruction >> was my >> named by name privacy, implication by occasion, by implication. yeah, i haven't seen that. i didn't see the events, so i don't i don't know but i'm sure that's what the other presidents were comfortable with and i suspect that the rhetoric may become a little sharper, comes from summer and fall. but look, the event was meant to raise a lot of money. it did raise a lot of money. that money is gonna be very useful to joe so biden, it also signaled that the leadership of the party was very unified behind biden, which strikes a contrast with president trump. look, he's
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going to need that money and he's going to need the support of those presidents because this is going to be a very close race. and some of the problems that he has worked evidenced with the presence of protesters outside around the war in gaza so on the whole that the money that they raise tonight is going to prove to be important and it gives him a bit of an edge against trump, who has had difficulty raising money. and as a of course, siphoning a bunch of it off to pay lawyers >> david, why don't we see more side-by-side of biden and obama >> you know, laura, if you look at it, isn't that customary for former president's to be out there actively campaigning and obama has done that because these are extraordinary times. but if you watch what he's done, he tends to get engaged in the fall when voters are engaged and he tends to pick
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his spots because i don't think he wants to be he doesn't want it to be a tag team match. it doesn't. i don't think it's his view that that is appropriate or even that useful you and i are paying rapt attention to this race now most americans are not. and they're going to start paying attention after the conventions in the fall that's when the final argument arguments are going to be made that are going to turn this race maybe some in a courtroom and some on the campaign has things but i think that's when you'll see president obama out there just as he was in 2020, just as he was in 2022 >> while we will see at least after march madness as well, david abs rod. thank you so much. >> always good to see you. thanks for me to see you i don't know if you've seen this sorely, you've seen on
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social media some number of young women who are taking to social media and they are sharing horrific, perfect and horrifying stories about being assaulted while they're just walking down the street in new york >> obviously, i have a black eye. my patients really bruise, but it could have been lowers a little bit over a month ago, i was assaulted. the man not me while i was holding my kindle, hit my kindle spat at me and was yelling at me >> earlier this week, tiktok or halley kate first detailed even her own experience and that video has more than now 47 million views. police are now looking into as many as six attacks dating back to just march 17. sarah harvard is one of those victims. are these attacks and she joins me now, she was assaulted while heading to perform at a comedy show around 07:00 p.m. sarah, thank you for coming. i cannot
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believe that this is happening. what an attack on women and violence. can you just walk us through what happened to you >> yeah, of course thanks again for having me, laura so it was around i came from penn station after hanging out some friends to disneyland, sue sx station. i live in i'm laura, you side. >> and i got to the >> station and i walked down a sidewalk around us on tuesday, march 19, i want to see us around 7:30 between 730.8 o'clock >> i walked up >> on a sidewalk and i don't know where someone from behind just hit me on the back of the head, just punched me in the back of my head and i just remember at first i was panicking. i was like, oh, my god, oh, my god am i gotta i was frightened that it might have been stabbed or someone injected me with some things. he always hear all these crazy stories about people getting shot at, people getting stabbed in new york city and they don't realize they were until moments later. so it's freaking out, but i turned around. i didn't see anyone and i turn back around to where i was facing and i saw the assailant running away and for me, i'm
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just kind of just feel really violated because i wasn't looking down at my phone. i wasn't wearing my headphones. i was walking home and i don't want nowhere someone keeper behind and just struck me in the back of my skull and that's some that i'm kind of dealing with post-traumatic stress things, ids of it it's just been a little bit on variable lately >> oh, my god, what you describe and i think everyone needs to hear why you pointed out no headphones, not looking at your phone. we as women are so often trained to conduct our lives to avoid being harmed. and that is it's a sad reality for far too many people and the immediate reaction from so many who might have heard might be thinking things like, well, let me figure out a way to make your fault. having you've done wrong and you did nothing wrong. and this has happened as you said, a little more than a week ago what is it been like as you have obviously had to still go out into public, had to be on the streets of new york. have you made any changes to how you are moving?
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>> yeah. for sure. i have >> i'm >> it's kind of been really difficult. i've tried not to go it out as much as possible if i do, i usually have a friend the walks me somewhere. i'll had taken take an uber of canceled some shows. i canceled some appearances place to hang out with friends just because it just didn't feel safe walking around in your my neighborhood? for are also i don't take the subway anymore. i'm just kind of shocked and scared to hear now only the women are being punched and attacked. but like hearing stories of people getting pushed onto the train tracks, like being a six-year-old girl was recently killed. so for me, i just don't feel an early safe by also do want to make the note that i don't want to see parliament. i want to get my life back to normal. i'm not trying to let these people when i'm trying to i'm giving myself time to heal and kind of like process what's going on. but some portion right now, i have to lose on opportunities and not really hang out people that support me are really see my my support group physically because i'm a little bit scared of freaked out. what's happening right now on the city
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>> it's completely understandable that how you must be feeling and we've been hearing a lot about this, particularly in new york. and obviously mayor adams was also a former officer. >> has >> he reached out to you about your assault? have you heard from the higher-ups in law enforcement and of course, the leadership >> nope. no no statement, no. reaching out from anyone, the city known from the new york state. the only people that reached out where the police department and the press like you did. new york police department only reached out because last night i submitted a file, a police support. >> it >> out to giving the tradition of my ad. i can talk today description of my actor, my attacker, and so yeah no, no no one reached out. so i'm kinda been doing this on my own and it's really hard to navigate alone and i just can't imagine for all the women out there who don't have resources don't have a platform. probably don't have who don't speak english, you don't have a support groups, so i can only
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imagine what it's like for them >> what are the important point and normally the >> following words i would say that you are not alone is some source of comfort, but that's really the scariest and saddest part that you in fact are not alone in what has been happening. and these random attacks, sarah harvard thank you so much for sharing your story and i wish you the best. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me let me back in a moment >> florida to blocks first-ever want or fraud homeland showdown favorite all-star teams are back and we're out for redemption can see, you challenges uniform. >> sure. >> identical properties >> and we're taking on every room in the house >> it's time to sink or swim, rock the block. all new monday night at nine >> on hgtv my favorite
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