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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  March 29, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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from beyond, say, one of them being the invisible roots of country music. and highlighting those black musicians and legends who did, who weren't always highlighted within this genre. as well as, you she said, this isn't a country music album. this is a bian say, album, but i think she was really saying this isn't just a country music album. her single texas hold em, has charted across multiple jobs rose as she's saying that she's not bound to these constraints that people so badly want to put her in. and she's shown that even within the collaboration's and crossover artist in the album cache, macleay. thank you so much. i appreciate it thank you >> there's a beyond say report or she is just on beyond say there's a lot to say, a lot to say. >> and cnn is continuing coverage or beyond saying >> will >> continue this has been cnn news central thank you so much for, being here
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>> you are >> in the cnn newsroom. i'm alice in the 2024 race, former president's barack obama and bill clinton stumping for president biden at a star studded campaign event in new york that bolstered president biden's already sizable war chest. he raked in more than 26 million for just that event and set a fundraising record. this is the latest sign that former president donald trump is facing a formidable fundraising adversary. trump has raised 20 million for the entire month of february, but biden's big night also highlighted one of his biggest challenges, winning over progressives who are angry with how he's handling the israel-hamas war multiple
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protesters interrupted the event as hundreds outside called for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. cnn's mj lee and kristen holmes are dry me now so mj, let me start with you. house the campaign responding to the president's big night. >> well, alison, it's hard not to be thrilled when you're raising some 26 million from a single fundraiser and keep in mind the biden campaign already had $71 million the end of february, which was double. what the trump campaign had. so they were able to grow that campaign. kfar really, by a serious amount. last night at the scene of the three presidents onstage together was rare. and i think it was a striking because it was so clear that the overwhelming focus for these three presidents was the fourth president who was not in the room and that of course, was donald trump by all accounts, former president's barack obama and bill clinton, spent the evening echoing many of the
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lines that we have heard so often from president biden recently about the threat of a donald trump. second term about his, him being a threat to democracy that he has dangerous policy ideas and clearly, you know, that issue and that topic was serious, but there were moments where the president's tried to inject a little bit of humor and sometimes some mockery. take a listen but a real inflection point in history things are changing. this guy denies there's a global warming. this guy wants to get rid of. not only roe v. wade, but which he's propri, brags about having done. he wants to get rid of the ability of anyone anywhere in america ever choose all the things he's doing are so old speaking oh little old and out of shape. but anyway and both outside and
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inside of that hole was a pretty familiar scene for president biden these days, >> protesters angry about the situation in gaza. one attendee i spoke to afterwards said that all three presidents extensively talked about this issue, which has fascinating because of course, all of them our very familiar with the issue, the conflict in the middle east. and this is an issue that president biden, of course, is really having to grapple with these days >> okay. kristen, also, let's talk about the fundraising. so donald trump is facing this campaign cash deficit. are they worried what's the campaign doing? >> yeah, i also they've been worried. i mean, there is a huge financial edge that biden has right now and donald trump's team is very aware of that. that's why for the last several weeks, donald trump has been on the phone with donors. he has had them for dinner at mar-a-lago. he has had meetings with them at his golf club. he has been working this trying to raise those campaign dollars. you'd look at what we saw at the and in february here, the biden campaign had 71 million in the bank. the trump
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campaign, only 33.5 million. now, we are told there is a big fundraiser on april 6 with some of the biggest gop donors and they are expecting to raise more than 33 million. >> this >> will still not catch job to joe biden's huge war chest, but it will give them some ability to chip away at that number. now, the only caveat here is that we haven't seen what exactly these donations look like. it is still very early obviously, we will have to wait until the end of next month to see how these various fundraisers actually play into their financial situation. but it is it's fair to say that what i'm talking to trump's advisers and his aides, even just a campaign staffers, they do feel like this tactic is working. they say that they feel like they can finally breathe again, the campaign is starting to staff up. so even though he is significantly behind joe biden, they are feeling better about the financial situation than they were several months ago. >> okay. mj lee, kristen holmes. thank you very much for the update. >> let's discuss this with
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>> cnn political commentator and democratic strategist maria cardona and cnn political commentator and republican strategist alice stewart. ladies great to see you. >> okay. >> so maria, let me start with you. so president biden obama, clinton, they all all did address the protesters during the event last night at president obama said, quote, you can't just talk and not listen. that's what the other side does. >> is >> that going to quell these protests? i mean, it should they be taking a different tact? >> well, i think you're going to continue to see these protests, but what the biden administration and what president obama was saying is that you actually look at this and the way that you approach it is by talking and what he was trying to underscore is that it has been all three presidents on that stage, including obviously president biden i didn't currently they are pushing for a two-state solution. and those protesters know that that's exactly what is needed and that's what they want. and so that's the kind of conversation that president
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obama was talking about that as needed in order to get to a solution. but look the bottom line is allison, that this president and the president that were on that stage, we're focusing on where this country is going, where it has been frankly with the progress that has been made with all of those three democratic presidents, who by the way, during their tenure, they saw huge economic expansions after they took over literally the republican predecessor in each of these administration's handed them an economy that was in the tank and it took democratic presidents to pull it out and to expand it. that's exactly what's going on now. and so the message that they were sending too, america is not just that donald trump would be an existential threat to our democracy and to our rights and freedoms, which is an absolutely the case. but to continue an economic expansion, it's democratic presidents and democratic administrations that have proven time and again that that's what happens under their leadership before we get to the campaign cash, which i
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do want to talk about, alice, does precedent trump have a more defined solution for the middle east >> look, i think what we've seen consistently with republicans is number one, first and foremost, our support for israel. israel has been our greatest ally in the region for years. and we're continuing to show support for israel. and that's, that's been steadfast and look, there have been commerce stations on how best to handle this moving forward. but most importantly, we need to free these the hostages. we have still have a handful of americans being held hostage there. we need to make sure that aid gets to those that are in the region and we need to try and find a solution to try and bring this to a peaceful resolution. and we don't need to do so, maj. just automatic adequately saying a two-state solution without addressing the other issues. and look, i think it's important biden, as well as the star-studded gala last night, they didn't just have a problem out there on the sidewalk with the progressive wing of the party. and they
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have other issues with the party in terms of hispanics and african americans that are pulling away from the democratic party party they'd like to say things are united, but you have progressives, you have hispanics, you have african americans that are really pulling back from biden administration. they've got a lot of shoring up to do just to get the base of their party, let alone the independent voters that are going to decide the election in november. and yet, there was this record setting fundraise saying it's just interesting that against whatever division there is, there's this. they've had this massive windfall in terms of fundraising, but it's interesting, we're here because donald trump gets so much free press. he gets so much media, >> maybe that doesn't >> matter to their campaign as much well, i think what you're saying in the massive fundraising for the democrats, and i do think it matters for the trump campaign. then you just saw kristen talk about how the fact that they are absolutely worried and they should be. but what you're saying on the democratic side is regardless of all of the
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polls, you see this massive grassroots support for president biden and for vice president kamala harris, the vast majority of the people who are giving that massive amount of donations are grassroots supporters. 97% of whom are giving less than $200. you're also seeing over performance from democrats on, in all of these special elections. there's an underlying understanding among the grassroots that there is incredible support for this ticket. and the fact that this administration is the one that is going to protect our rights and freedoms. let's remember, reproductive freedom was an issue that no one thought was going to be an issue in 2022 when everyone thought the red wave was going to hit there was no red wave. this is going to be another incredibly potent issue that republicans frankly, this is political and electoral kryptonite for them, and they have not found a solution to that. that is going to be front and center in addition to rights and freedoms, the strengthening of our democracy.
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and as we're seeing in the economic numbers, those are getting better as well. >> i'll so you can respond to that, but i do want you to respond to do you think that the deficit in terms of fundraising and how much biden has pulled in is going to be a problem for president trump. >> it could be potentially long-term, but as you said, allison, he gets trump gets a lot of free earned media just by being trump. and whether that is on social media or every time it goes into the courtroom, he makes a statement. but look, i would much rather be in the camp of biden raising $26 million in one night, but the reality is those kind of numbers, cash on hand, $71 for the biden campaign and 33.5 million for trump that's not ideal for the trump campaign, but look, the biden campaign needs every bit of that money to try and sell, but they're trying to sell to the american people. they're trying to say that the economy is good, the border is six the cure and people are safe, but people don't feel that way. and as much as my dear friend maria likes to say that things are going good and the economy.
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people don't feel that and the polls show time after time that people feel as though they are not better off now than they were when president biden took office and the reality is much more important than what any kind of spin that the administration puts on and biden can go out there and say what things are good, but people don't feel that, whereas trump can go out there and say, under my administration people did feel better about the economy. people did feel better about the border and people did feel safer. and those numbers are, are ideal for him taking it on the campaign trail that i mean, i do have to go, but it is interesting seeing how we define reality because is it how people feel, or is it what the data actually says? and all of that is changing as we know, by a consumer confidence is up today. >> and >> we're going to talk about that as well, ladies. great to see you. thank you. very much. thanks, alison. >> thank are coming up the largest crane on the east coast is now in baltimore for as the complex job of clearing the collapsed key bridge is only just beginning. the key priorities next if you work in
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sco river. and we understand that too more cranes are also on their way according to the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg. but look, this is going to be a massive project that takes many days and that is because the scale of what we're talking about, the dali, the ship is the size of the eiffel tower, just turned on its side and then of course first, there are those huge pieces of steel the sections of the bridge. you can see part of them above the surface of the water, but most are down below. and so engineers right now we're trying to figure out how they're going to cut that into pieces and start clearing away the debris. but bear in mind it is going to have to be done in a very deadly hello kid and sensitive way because officials fear that the four missing construction workers are likely buried under that wreckage. and so once they have cleared all the debris, there's still hoping that divers can go in and recover those four remaining men, alus and they're very focused on that bringing closure to the families but they do want to move forward
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with the salvage operation today. again, the news being that that huge crane should be getting to work in the hours ahead in terms of the ntsb investigation, we still don't know what caused that power outage, that total blackout on the ship where the pilot lost steering, lost the ability to control the vessel just before colliding with the bridge. we may not know that alison for quite some time. >> gabe cohen, thanks for explaining all the complexities here all right, joining me now, is an ashkenazi. he's the ceo of the association for supply chain management mr. ashkenazi, tell us what all of this is doing to the country's supply chain >> no, i think we've got to really take a look at overall the supply chain and in terms of the supply and inventory levels that we've had compared to the pandemic and some of the other disruptions that we have. this one is not as significant. this is a logistical issue. >> i don't >> want to downplay to impact that it has the baltimore and
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the pork, obviously you've got 15,000 workers with the poor, 200 plus thousand individuals and support systems that are connected to the ford >> however >> the other disruptions that we've experienced. unfortunately, have prepared us. we have higher inventories today. we have a greater capabilities to respond to the challenges. and this is a logistical challenge. this isn't similar to what we experienced in the pandemic with the demand shifts and the demand surges and irrational buying the, logistical issues should be able to be handled by the other ports. >> that's very good to hear how this differs from whatever it experienced during the pandemic. is there a way to tell which products or goods will be most affected? >> when you take a look at what's the inventory at that port, obviously you've got finished goods, obviously the inventory of autumn automobiles coming in as well as whole host of other products and services. but when we take a look at the types of products that we have
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predominantly finished goods coming into that port, we have hi or inventories today. unfortunately, we have to work in adjusted case environment that indicated higher inventory is greater visibility into our supply chains. so we're probably better off today to handle this type of disruption. >> i'm not >> minimizing the impact that it is but collectively as a supply chain, we should find alternative ports whether a new york, virginia charleston, there are other opportunities for us to enable the logistical part of this to get back into the supply chains. >> so are you willing to say that this consumers won't feel this really? >> it's hard to see how this will impact the other disruptions that we have while we may see some spots shortages, i don't think we're going to see the extent of the impact on inflation or prices that we've seen in the past with other disruptions ashkenazi, great to hear. thank you very much >> thank you, alison
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>> one entire year has passed an american journalist, evan gershkovich still in prison in russia. >> he is, he closer today to getting his freedom? you have an update >> we know that he is innocent. what he's being accused of my son isn't i? ms my son >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on steeper worry, we wouldn't get you enjoy this >> seriously. >> i'm on the green and all i can think about as all the green, i'm spending on three kids and within power, i get oh, my financial questions answered. so i don't have to wear >> empower >> what's next >> it's a new day. >> one were our shared values propel us towards a more secure future through august of partnership built upon cutting-edge american australian and british technologies we'll develop state next generation that
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the us government all forcefully deny that charge. here's how the wall street journal marked today's anniversary, a blank front page with the headline quote his story should be here. it reads, quote, a year in russian prison, a year of stolen stories stolen joys, stolen memories the crime journalism on tuesday, a moscow court extended gershkovich has pretrial detention by three months sienna, national security correspondent kylie atwood joins me now, kylie, what does the white house say this more with president biden called today a painful anniversary and as he doubled down on us commitments to get evan gershkovich home to the united states. he also reflected on the last year and interactions that he has had with evans family want to read to you a portion of the statement that he put out this morning saying shortly after his of course, evans wholly unjust in illegal detention he drafted a letter to his family from prison writing, i am not
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losing hope. i have i've told evans parents i will never give up hope either. we will continue working every day to secure his release. we also have a statement out this morning from the top four congressional leaders that's on both sides of the aisle. republicans and democrats, all of them doubling down saying that russia must immediately release evan and also paul whelan, another american who has been wrongfully detained in russia now for more than five years and al-zeitoun, when you talk to us government officials, it's hard to know just how far along these efforts are to get these two americans who are wrongfully detained back home. but one noteworthy note from earlier this week was this special osce hostage envoy roger carson's said in an interview with christiana amanpour that he views the next 90 days as a potential hopeful period of time. and the reason for that is because russia actually extended this pretrial
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detention period for evan, as you mentioned in the introduction, there, and he believes that that might be an opening for the united states and russia to come to some sort of agreement. because when the trial i'll start, typically russia wants to actually move through the trial, which would make it much harder to come to any agreement. so we'll be watching to see what the next 90 days look like. nelson >> probably do we know how evan has been spending this past year? what's been happening in prison? >> yeah. what we know is that he's been writing a lot of letters to his friends, to his family members. we heard from his parents and interview with the wall street journal saying that he's been doing a lot of working out. he's been doing a lot of reading books, studying russian culture, which is something that he is always loved and also meditating and one of the interesting things that his parents said is that they weighed up to see every court appearance that evan has to look at those pictures and his father said that he looks for the jovial laughter from evan because that is his nature of and his mother said that
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she's really looking at his attributes physically. she wants to see if you look skinnier than he looked last time. if you look stronger and she did note that it does look like he's working out because he looks like he's doing well right now, but they are holding onto every image that they see if their son in russian prison. >> and it's very hard to know what's really happening through that window and door in those pictures, collie, i would thank you very much. so the wall street journal is sharing that new interview, as kylie said, we'd evans parents in particular about what this past year has been like for them when you look at that photo, how does it make you feel >> it >> was hard to look at it when it just happened it was so hard to admit. if he admitted if you make it real and they don't want to to be real. so that's still painful joining me now is evans boss at the wall street journal world coverage chief
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gordon fair cloth mr. fairclough. thank you so much for being here. we know how hard anniversaries like this can be, how painful. so what's the latest information you have about evan and how he's coping it really is just a terribly sobering milestone that we've hit and such a brazen assault on press >> freedom and really chilling example of the kind of hostage diplomacy taking place these days, you know, where you see countries like russia adjust taking captives for geopolitical game. >> and are you in touch with them and have you been so we don't have a lot of direct communication with evan obviously, he's being held in the form of a prison in moscow he does meet with his lawyers regularly and also gets gets consular visits from american diplomats and russia which is comforting. he does, he does
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receive and send a lot of letters >> i can >> tell you from the letters his his sense of humor is intact and i hope that's an indication of how well he's holding that's remarkable. >> your editor in chief, emma tucker told our oliver darcy, the she believes that evan could be free by next year she said that she believes, quote, there are enough pieces in place for this to happen do you share that opinion? >> we're certainly hopeful there's some indications that a deal did come close to happening ambassador carson's has has indicated his optimism and certainly there have been no shortage of hints from russian officials from president putin on down that they are open to some kind of swap that would allow him to come home >> we are seeing these tributes pouring in today from social media to times square what do
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these mean to his family and to your colleagues in the newsroom? >> i mean, it's just i think for all of us, i just want to say thank you to everyone who is supporting evan supporting us it's just been incredibly heartening to see from bipartisan, bipartisan support in congress to really just an outpouring of solidarity from other media organizations it just it definitely helps keep us going >> gordon fairclough, we stand with you were thinking of all your colleagues. thank you very much for being here. >> thank you >> next, the cdc is warning that a rare excuse me, bacterial infection is on the rise in the we're going to tell you the signs and the symptoms space shuttle columbia, the final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine >> if you were moderate to
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are firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial call us now new economic news, the personal consumption expenditures index. that's the one the fed likes moos to measure inflation. >> ticked >> higher last month joining me now is cnn business reporter matt egan. so that what does that mean that inflation is not cooling? >> well, i'll send it means that the battle against inflation is not over, but there has been real progress here. i think both things are true. >> let's take a >> look at this report and zero in on the big number here, which is 2.5%. that's how much prices were up year over year by the fed's preferred metric here. >> and that is a little bit hotter than it was the month before, but that was really expected and driven by higher gas prices. i think it's really important to put all this in context back in june of 2020 to this metric was above 7%.
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that's when gas prices were going through the roof above $5 a gallon. we're miles away from their thankfully the problem though, is that two-and-a-half percent is not 2% and 2% is what the fed is targeting. that's what the fed sees as the sweet spot for inflation. and we're not there, not yet. and i think when we look at the chart here, we can see again that inflation really did start taking off in 2021 that's when that line goes, starts going straight up >> the fed >> stepped in and they tried to put out the fire right by hiking interest rates. >> and the good news is that it really did work, right? we're no longer seeing prices skyrocket for things like eggs and cars in furniture. so some of the pressure has been taken off of our wallets. >> thankfully, i think the bad news is that chart also shows that some of the progress has started to level out here. it's not quite back at 2% and it's sort of going in a straight line here. so we need to pay very close attention to
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this because the implications are really massive, right? for the economy. the fed is still trying to pull off this soft landing, right? avoid the recession many people thought was inevitable and the fed is not quite ready to lower interest rates yet. and then politically, allison, in a close election, which is what this one looks like. >> it could all come >> down, could all come down to how people are feeling about the economy, right? whether or not the cost of living is heating up or cooling down, whether or not borrowing costs are going up or down and so the stakes here are massive and a lot of it really could come down to inflation >> okay. matt egan, thanks for explaining all of that. thanks. awesome >> the centers for disease control are issuing a warning to doctors about an increase in a rare bacterial infection with unusual symptoms health officials say that invasive meningococcal disease is on the rise, and the doctors should be on the lookout. cnn's meg tirrell joins me now. so meg, my producers were joking that the second i started talking about this, i started getting a scratchy throat.
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>> is that >> one of this is that one of the symptoms? and what are the symptoms we should be looking for? >> that is not one of the main things to watch out for. i mean, this is a very rare disease, although it can be very severe. so the fact that we're seeing an uptake here, the cdc wants health providers to know to be on the lookout for it and also the fact that it is a little bit different than we typically see. now in terms of the main symptoms of meningococcal disease, it typically presents either as meningitis, which is an infection of the lining in the brain or the spinal cord, or as a bloodstream infection, things like fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea, or light sensitivity, or if it's a bloodstream infection which is actually what we're seeing more of here. fever and chills, fatigue, cold hands and feet severe aches and pains, rapid breathing also later in the stages of the infection, a dark rash appearing on the skin. now, what we are seeing, we can show you a graph here from the cdc just to show you how big of a spike we're seeing, but it's really important to put this in context. the green line is what you want to be looking at their the sierra group, why this is one specific type of this
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bacteria. we are seeing that spike go up between 2020, 2.20, 23, but we are talking about just more than 400 cases in 2023. so it is very rare, but that is the highest we've been seeing of these infections since 2014. and the cdc says so far this year, we're off to an even faster start. so they want health care providers to be aware of it. >> who's most at risk? >> we're also seeing differences in the people who are getting infected here, which is different. typically we see this in babies or in teenagers and adolescents and an older people. but here it's actually people between the ages of 30.60 or disproportionately being infected. people who are black or african-american, and people with hiv. now this has spread typically buy saliva, coughing or kissing, or living in close quarters with other people. and the best way to protect yourself according to the cdc, is to get vaccinated. the current recommendations are for kids who are 11 or 12 to get a dose of this and a booster at age 16 also, those who have medical conditions get a primary series and then boost every three to five years
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allison nature all thank you. >> thanks >> coming up, investigators believed that laced marijuana could have triggered a violent stabbing spree in illinois. we're going to explain in a newsroom this is the big dam >> that. do >> the virus that causes shingles sleeping in 99% of people over 50 into could strike at any time. thank you. are not at risk. wake up because shingles could wake up in you if you're over 50 talk to your dr. or pharmacist about shingles prevention skin craving. next level hydration, new neutrogena, hydro boost, water, kreme of vital boost of nine times more hydration to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin, that's full of life. neutrogena hydro
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1808851177. call now i'm rafael roma, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn heartbreak for the tar heels as number one seed north carolina goes down in an upset by alabama in the sweet 16 of the men's ncaa doublet basketball tournament sedans any shows joins me now and, uh, you know this worth lingo rolls off my tongue so easily.
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>> oh yeah. yeah. i know you know that. so tell us what happened. >> well, alison yeah. i know, you know, that one of the most fun parts of march madness every year sure. is you just never know which teams are going to make deep runs and the tournament unforeseen, alabama they really first seemed to knock out a one seed this year and they can thank senior grant nelson for that down one under 40 seconds ago, nelson get the bucket here plus the foul. he'd make the free-throw to put bamba up by two. then nelson big time block on rj davis on the other end. and then with the second left, nelson gets another block to seal the win. nelson finished in 24 points, 12 rebounds, and five blocks is bam upsets north carolina 89 to 87, and they were having a grand old time in the locker room celebrate and the tighter into the elite eight for the first time it's 2004 and just the second time in program history. now the defending champs, meanwhile, just rolling into the regional final, the huskies beating san diego state and rematch of last year's total getting at 2250 to a uconn has now won their
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three games in this tournament by 39 17, they've won nine straight tournament games by double digits >> we suck at winning close games. so yeah, go with the alternative >> dan hurley's there now for more sweet 16 games on the schedule tonight, including a doubleheader and our sister channels, tbs and trutv and it's also streaming on a mac. now a couple of days ago, michigan republican state representative matt maddock, he tweeted happening right now, three buses just loaded up with illegal invaders at detroit metro. anyone have any idea where they're heading with their police escort? well, they weren't illegal invaders. it was actually the gonzaga men's basketball team arriving per tonight's matchup with purdue. now, many people pointed out to maddock that he was wrong, but he has not deleted the original tweet and has even gone back at people calling them names and allison, cnn's reached out to
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maddock for comment, but not heard back about how professional on his andy scholes thank you very much. okay. next, get ready for the country rockin cowboy carter. and of course, by that i mean beyond say how she's skeptics in their place >> jackson band ammonium is brought to you by xfinity stream sports from the best seat in the house with xfinity, because it's only live once not all kaitlan parks are the same >> caitlin clark city planner. >> just like not all internet providers are the same >> settle >> you went fast, get, you want reliable, give reliable you went powerful
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can having utis for ten years. >> you cora. we make uti relief products. we also made proactive urinary tract i'll products you korea is a life's they tried today at your >> julie i'm lawn and you don't come from beyond, >> say fans time to saddle up. queen be just dropped her eagerly awaited country album act to cowboy carter. you just heard a clip of her take on the classic dolly parton song, jolene there are 26 more tracks to keep the beehive buzzing >> my old pal and cowboy >> colleague victor blackwell joins me now, looking so sharp, it should be illegal. viktor, you look great. i mean, i don't remember this ensemble in your closet when we were matching outfits, is this new what's happening? here? >> the head is relatively new, but the spirit has been here for awhile that i believe, yes.
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so listen, i know that you're a huge music fan. i know you're a huge beyond safe and you're also a great singer, which i feel you do keep secret from the viewers. >> i try. >> i don't think you should. this album reportedly took five years for her to make so was it worth it now that you've heard it? >> certainly worth the wait, i've said that this is an expansion and not really a departure from beyonce's music that we've heard over the last several decades she describes it not as a country album, but as a beyond say, album. and there's a lot here. there's certainly some clear country trial thanks. texas hold them, which has been out for six weeks. you're hearing a bit of black bird right now, which is a remake of the beatles track from the late '60s. just for fun, protector, that's the country portion of this that easily you hear country music, but there's some other tracks that kind of play between queen, some folk music, and pop and r&b. and hip hop as well. i've said all day my early
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favorite is sweet honey buchen. you hear a bit of patsy cline and the lyrics here, but listen to this beat as well. here's a portion >> it got your >> music itself has changed over the years, right? i mean, you hear the traditional patsy cline here, but it's not all patsy cline and hank williams on country radio even before this track comes out. so this gives you those country roots, but also something that's like wow, i mean, that's beautiful. what you just played. their victor is beautiful, haunting, you know, the patsy cline kind
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of mix with modern sound. so she also does some collaborations. >> yeah, she has some collaborations. you play jolene there dolly parton records, an interlude, an intro into that. we hear from willie nelson as well in an interlude jolene is really a remake, not a cover, so changes the lyrics. it's not jolene, please don't take my man, it's more like jolene, there's no way you can take my man from bianna taese perspective there are some collaborations with miley cyrus, also with post malone. i think it's no coincidence that she pairs with these two white artists too, are able to move between genres easily miley cyrus and country and pop and rock as well. hip hop for post malone, while chat allyn jing, ken black artists do the same? and why haven't they been accepted that way, featuring lynda martell, the first black female country artist to have real success there. listen here to a portion of blackbird which
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we played. this is with four other black women singing country. and i'll tell you more about the significance and the full circle context for the small >> of course, those are the lyrics and the chords from the beatles song released in 1968, paul mccartney said that he wrote that song thinking about a black woman, not a black bird. a black woman then in the height of the civil rights era, and bringing that music back around to highlight and uplift black women singers in this genre. beyond say, obviously has that historical and cultural consciousness to use this to incorporate the initial mission of that song oh, my gosh, viktor, that context is
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so important it makes me even love these songs more so, is it true that she said that beyond say, says that she was inspired to do >> this because she felt unwelcome at the country music awards. >> yeah, 2016 when she performed daddy lessons from the lemonade album with the dixie chicks, then known as the chicks many people believe that is what she's talking about. she never explicitly says it but that experience she says that she then use this album, started working more than five years ago on this project and used what she saw are other saw as limitations as an inspiration for this album. it really is a masterful work. the more you listen to it. and of course, it's only a few hours old. i'm sure we'll learn more about the significance of some of the collaboration's, the track selection and the lyrics as we get more time to listen to it. >> you have sold it. i am downloading it on my ride home. >> victor great to see you.


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