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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 29, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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so important it makes me even love these songs more so, is it true that she said that beyond say, says that she was inspired to do >> this because she felt unwelcome at the country music awards. >> yeah, 2016 when she performed daddy lessons from the lemonade album with the dixie chicks, then known as the chicks many people believe that is what she's talking about. she never explicitly says it but that experience she says that she then use this album, started working more than five years ago on this project and used what she saw are other saw as limitations as an inspiration for this album. it really is a masterful work. the more you listen to it. and of course, it's only a few hours old. i'm sure we'll learn more about the significance of some of the collaboration's, the track selection and the lyrics as we get more time to listen to it. >> you have sold it. i am downloading it on my ride home. >> victor great to see you.
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>> likewise, good to see you housing. >> you can watch four with the always well-dressed viktor blackwell tomorrow morning, and every saturday morning on first of all, starting at 08:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn. and stay with us in the next hour of cnn newsroom starts right now and you are in the cnn newsroom? i'm alison camerota in new york this morning, donald trump is falling further into a fundraising deficit. that's after president biden raked in a record, 26 million. last night. the new york fundraiser was a display of democratic party unity with former presidents barack obama and bill clinton stumping hand-in-hand with if the incumbent. but president biden's big night also highlighted one of his biggest challenges, winning over progressives who are angry, how he's handling the israel-hamas war. multiple protesters interrupted. as you can see, the event, as hundreds outside
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called for an immediate ceasefire in gaza cnn's mj lee and kristen holmes join me now, mj, let me start with you. what's the white house saying about the whole night >> well, for one, there are busy touting the $26 million that was raised from the single fundraiser last night. of course, this comes from the star power of having all three presidents, a number of celebrities, a musical artists this all in one room, not to mention very expensive tickets. some that went up to half $1 a pop and the biden campaign already had an impressive war chest. remember, some 71 million at the end of the month of february, almost double what the trump campaign hats. so they've been able to add significantly to that dollar figure and allison, it's rare enough to see three presidents one sitting and two former in this case onstage at the same time together. but it was particularly notable because they were so focused on the
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other former president that wasn't in the room and that of course is donald from we heard barack obama and bill clinton both echoing some of these warnings that we have heard so much from president biden recently in terms of what a second donald trump presidency would look like in terms of the threat to democracy the dangerous policies that president biden so on often talks about, i should note, network cameras were not allowed into this fundraiser and the campaign has been releasing some clips this morning from the event. this is a little sound of president biden talking about what is at stake as he heads into the november election, take a listen. >> but a real inflection point in history things are changing. this guy denies there's a global warming. this guy wants to get rid of. not only roe v. wade, but which he's you prepare, brags about having done he wants to get rid of the ability of anyone anywhere in america never choose all the
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things he's doing are so old speaking. oh oh, little old and out of shape. but anyway, now, as, you, mentioned, both inside and outside of this fundraiser, we saw angry protester really >> just upset about the situation in gaza and the president's handling of the israel hamas war. and one attendee, i spoke with who came out of this event last night, said that she was struck by how all three presidents tried to respond in real time to interruptions to this fundraiser by showing empathy and leading into how important it is to try to understand why some of these protesters have been so impassioned. just fascinating of course, because both former president's are very familiar with the situation in the middle east they had to deal well with all of that when they were president as well. and this is now such a big issue for the current president, joe biden. >> okay, so kristen, as we
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mentioned, donald trump is facing this major campaign cash crunch. so what is his campaign going to do about that? >> we'll also yesterday, they essentially came out and said, you raised $26 well, we'll do better than that. we have a fundraiser coming up and we expect to raise $33 million. now, whether or not they actually have done that, what that actually looks like we're gonna have to wait and see what the financial disclosures look like at the end of next month, but it is true that donald trump and his campaign have really been pounding in the pavement trying to build up their own war chest as mj said biden just has a very significant lead. what we saw at the end of february was biden with $71 million in the bank, trump only with $33.5 million. and what we've also seen as donald trump behind closed doors courting these big high-dollar donors. he's been having dinners at mar-a-lago, going to these various fundraisers, having people, uh, for lunch at his golf club >> and i'm talking to >> staff who say they believe it's starting to pay off. there was a big several months
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stretch in which they felt like they couldn't breathe. they were talking about how the staff was just so lean, how they were doing multiple jobs now, they are building out that campaigns, staffing it out. so they think that there's been some success. but a particular what the campaign is pointing to is this april 6th fundraiser in palm beach and has held at the home of a hedge fund owner and they expect, like they said, to raise over $33 million. this would still not make them even with joe biden, but it would chip away at that big financial edge that we have seen. the other part of this that's significant is that it shows us that republicans and the wealthy donor class of republicans is now really coalescing around donald trump, which they hadn't done before. >> okay. mj lee, kristen holmes. thank you very much turning now to the israel-hamas war and a promise from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> he told >> families of kidnapped soldiers that no hamas hostage will be left behind as his
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military prepares to enter rafah in southern gaza. more than 1 million people are sheltering there. and unicef warns that a military operation in rafah could be quote, the biggest catastrophe of this war the international court of justice is now calling on israel to do more to get critical aid and supplies to the people of gaza, as it warns that famine is settling in meanwhile, sources tell cnn analysts barak ravid that several family members of hostages told netanyahu that the white house treats them better than the israeli government does. a barack revealed joins us. now, brock, that's very interesting. so they confronted netanyahu. it sounds like about this one hi, do they first let me start with this. why did they say that the us government is treating them better than netanyahu >> yes. first, because those families or families of hostages were dual us-israeli nationals and they were in
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contact with the white house since october 7, and they met with president biden, spoke with him on the phone. they met with several other senior us officials, secretary of state blinken, cia director burns national security adviser, sullivan, and what they told bbs today when they met him in tel aviv, is that listen, we get a lot of support from the white house. we get a lot of updates from the white as they're keeping us in the loop. and we're not getting the same treatment from our own government from these rarely government. and you didn't really like to hear that. and he went in response. he went on a rant about how the, us over history told israel pressed israel are many, many issues and it's important for an israeli prime minister to say no. us president, it wasn't clear to those families how is this connected to the hostage deal? but i think it made it very clear that netanyahu
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didn't like to hear you also report that these families say they're being attacked by netanyahu supporters. >> what does that look like? >> yes >> yeah. well, you know, it's it's both online and physically. there were several cases where doing a demonstrations of the families calling for the release other family members and calling on the israeli government to do more to bring them back home several those heavenly members were attacked physically by people who either identified or suspected to be netanyahu supporters. and i think more than that online. and in the pro and you media there are constant attacks against the hostage families. and this is something that's been going on for quite some time >> and still we learned that is really negotiators will soon restart these hostage talks. is this time different? >> well, it's unclear earlier
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today, the israeli prime minister's office put out a statement that a delegation of israeli negotiators are working level one, not the head of mossad as has been the case in previous times, will go to cairo for talks with egyptians on seeing how we can get out of the current deadlock in the talks. >> but many >> people, i speak to think that this is more of a sort of a spin for domestic consumption because netanyahu is under a lot of pressure to move forward in those talks just for as an example, yesterday in security camera most of the ministers from netanyahu's own party, likud, told him that israel needs to be more flexible in the negotiations in order to get the deal something that you didn't really expect to hear. and i think this is what we would saturday his statement about the delegation going is more of a response he wants to domestic pressure than something meaningful in the talks
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>> at that fundraiser that we've been talking about right before your segment last night president biden said that arab nations are prepared to fully recognize israel for the first time. so what's your response to that >> i think we might pretty soon get to the point where, biden administration will come to prime minister netanyahu and tell them, look, there's a deal on the table this deal can get you normalization with saudi arabia and several other arab countries. but in return, you need to agree to move forward on a two-state solution. and netanyahu will be in a decision point. and if he says yes, then this is one root. and if he says no, this is a completely different route. and i think we're getting very close to this decision point. >> brock reviewed. thank you very much for the inside >> thank you >> coming up, the largest crane on the east coast has arrived in baltimore. new details on the complicated cleanup efforts
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at the collapsed key bridge. >> plus an >> incredible new discovery on mars a volcano bigger than mount everest why are so we just now seeing this and hold your horses, it's cowboy carter. >> yes. beyonce is highly anticipated country album. is finally here we'll play use on your, in the cnn newsroom >> check you're nothing a space shuttle accident. it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events. >> is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia. he final flight amir sunday, april 7 at nine on the day you get your clear choice dental implants makes every day let's dig in day a chow down day a take a big bite day. a perfectly delicious day
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ready. eclipse across america, april 8 and one on cnn at this hour in baltimore, a sign of progress, the largest crane on the eastern seaboard is now at the site of the collapsed francis scott key bridge. this crane will help crews remove the wreckage, clear the channel and reopen the port cnn's gabe cohen is on the scene for us. so gay, what's the latest at this hour? gabe, if you can hear us >> yeah. i'm not sure that gabe can hear us right now game okay. we'll get back to him as soon as we can for an update on what's happening at the port. but joining me now is nick sloan. he is a marine recovery expert and salvage master. he led the removal of the italian cruise ship, the costa concordia in 2012. you'll remember that it ran aground and capsized off the coast of
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tuscany and 32 people died in that accident. katherine sloan and his crew of roughly 500 people, managed to re float that massive ship. the concordia was then told to a port and scraps. so katherine sloan, thank you very much for jumping in and joining us. so what needs to happen in baltimore to get that? at huge ship the dali out of port >> yeah. good morning alison. thank you for having me >> yeah. obviously, this is a tragedy when people hoped would not happen, but obviously, these ships are getting bigger and bigger. and when things go wrong, they go wrong spectacularly so there's a large amounts of debris that's on the bow of the ship at the moments on the forward section. and that's where the hazardous cargo is. third as well so the salvo's are going to be working on identifying exactly what sort of hazardous cargo has been damaged or breached well, have marine chemists and taking samples and water
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samples on board and around the vessel then i've got to make sure that they've got the right sort of chemical resistance suits and breathing apparatus to actually respond in that environment. once that safe then i'm going to cut away that damage on the bow section and then get the ship reflow said and get her out of the way the actual parallel operation would be to identify exactly what's what what part of the bridge sections are aligned in the channel? the orientation on the seabed, and of course, with very poor visibility cold water and also you've got leaking. has those cargo in that water that makes it a lot more difficult and challenging for the divers as well. >> yes. and of course, the four bodies of four of the victims are still there, are trying to get to captain if you don't mind sticking with us for one second, we have reestablished our connection to our reporter, gabe cohen, who is on the scene and has the latest for us there. so gabe, what are you saying?
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>> so allen allison, from our vantage point, if you look over my shoulder, you can actually see that crane that they've brought in in the distance there. it is not operational yet. i spoke with an official at the command center a little while ago who told me they're hoping that it's going to begin, it's work later today, pulling debris from the water. we know two more cranes are on their way as we speak, according to the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg. but look, this is going to be a massive project. you may be looking at that crane in the distance thinking, well, it doesn't look that big for being the largest crane vessel on the east coast. and it speaks to the scale of this operation that that vessel what is the size of the eiffel tower just on its side plus the scale of that bridge. all of the steel and the concrete. and so it is going to take a lot of work and right now, engineers are still trying to figure out how they're going to cut the bridge those sections into smaller pieces so they can safely and effectively remove it to the water from the water,
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i should say, and and bear in mind again, they need to do this in a very delicate and sensitive way because they still believe it's very possible that those four missing construction workers are buried down there somewhere under all of that rubble and they still want to send divers down once this operation is complete and recover those four men and offer that closure to their families. so the more this moves forward, it does seem that this could take several days, if not weeks, and it is critical, alice, and that they get it done because the port of baltimore is still shut down today thousands of jobs at risk, millions of dollars in lost salaries and business operations here in baltimore. so major effects happening to the local community as this operation really gets underway. >> okay, gave thank you very much for all that reporting. let's go back now to captain nick sloan. so what about that? captain? just what gave was saying that they believed that there are four bodies of construction workers, the victims still under there. and just how delicate and operation
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it is to try to make it through all of this dangerous, tangled metal and debris >> yeah, exactly. so the visibility is going to be critical. you've got to quest's currents, cold water and. then you've got the threats of those chemical release from the damaged hazardous cargo that was knocked over. i believe there were some 50 containers that were knocked off the bow and most of those will be presumed to be leaking so they've got to do what the color is. a high definition surveys as can survey to get a picture of the underwater orientation of order. still, once i do that, then i'll put in our visas are remote operated vehicles like cameras with the baby, robotic cameras. and then they can try and see if they can then compare confirm what the size can survey and the drawings indicate, and they can then search in more detail. but the
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visibility is going to be pretty poor. so both of, those cameras will really battle to find the bodies. and i might be a parallel operation where you move one piece of steel and then do another survey. remove the next piece, and then do a further survey and as was mentioned, this is going to be a slow operation that's not something that's going to take hours days, but certainly we're looking at a week or two before that channel is open. >> well, what about that? how long do you think from your experience it will take to remove that ship? >> so there'll be several different agencies working in parallel. so you'll have the salvo's focusing on the ship itself. and you'll have other, other agencies working on the debris in the channel but i would imagine that it's going to take 4345 days. so get the ship removed because obviously they've got to see how safe it is to actually start cutting up. that's structure. and then obviously there's only one large cranium that's big enough to actually remove that.
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so that will be the priority is to get the ship out the way and i think that's going to take four or five days, maybe even a week okay. >> next law, we appreciate your expertise. thanks for being here >> thank you >> paranoid and on drugs, what police are now saying and may have fueled that deadly rampage in rockford, illinois that's your favorite rock to block teams are back for redemption and the burst ever waterfront homeland animation showed. and i can do this. >> it's time to sink or swim. >> the >> block all new monday night at nine on hgtv rsv, kids affect the lungs and lower airway >> but i'm protected with a wreck seen or rexburg is the vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsp people 60 years and older, rsp can be serious for those over 60, including those with
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>> this morning we're learning more details about a vicious stabbing rampage in illinois that killed four people and injured several others rockford police say the suspect claims he was under the influence of marijuana laced with some kind of narcotic 22 year-old christian soto basis, multiple charges, including first-degree murder. scene as veronica miracle joins us now from chicago, veronica, what have we learned? well, alison, >> we've learned that 22-year-old christian soto was covered in blood when investigators arrested him and even admitted to some of the crimes that he is accused of committing, including stabbing two people that he knew very well, jacob and ramona shoe back. they're two of the four people that he is accused of killing. investigators say he stabbed those to people in their homes, then went outside, saw a mailman who was on his route, started attacking him, stabbing him, and then ran over him twice with a pickup truck.
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the brutality does not end. there there are accusing soto of them breaking into a home where three children were home alone. >> he they say he beat them with a baseball bat, including one to death, 15-year-old jenna newcomb in a very emotional press conference yesterday, the mayor of the city of rockford said that jenna died a hero gen eds mom wants a community to know that jenna died saving her sister and her friend and protecting them from further harm >> and investigators say that after soto is accused of killing four people, he then tried to break into two other homes and attempted to kill five other people. right now, he's facing 13 charges, but investigators say that number could grow as get further into
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this investigation federal charges are even possible. he's doing court next on april 2, allison, what an awful story, veronica miracle. thank you. >> and movie fans are mourning the death of oscar and golden globe winning akhtar luis, goseq junior cnn, stephanie elam has more on his trailblazing career louis gossett, junior played some of tv, stage and films moos recognised characters, but behind the scenes, he was an activist with an audacious goal ending racism das debuted on stage as a teenager a basketball injury had knocked him off the court. he signed up for an acting class and found his calling a grew up with this ability to seek anything without the shadows of my mind, that first broadway role wasn't a play aptly named hey, good step. other parts followed like the blacks and raisin in the sun classic continue to
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hone his craft with an eye toward hollywood taking class passes alongside marilyn monroe and martin landau but as a black actor, it wasn't easy >> i really learned the importance of what it takes to, to to survive in this town and i had to act as if it was class. that to ingest the oldest of being an african american person in america. in >> 1961, god had made his silver screen premiere in the film version of a raisin in the sun >> why a lots of homeless during the 70s, he appeared in several blaxploitation films, but struggled to land significant and good paying roles that all changed in 1977 when he played fiddler in the groundbreaking ted mini-series roots >> play me a song. i watched the gossett initially didn't want the he explained in this television academy foundation interview, just started doing the research and i realized
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there's no such thing as a logo time. and those particular people, those stiff and such, it's those particular people if they hadn't that survived, i wouldn't the city he earned an emmy for his breakout performance and roots. but it was his 1982 portrayal of a marine drill instructor. >> you said you wanted to in private in an officer and a gentleman that thrust gosset into bonafide stardom was the only black actor that went up for the officer and gentlemen pot and i got it. >> gossett won an oscar for best supporting actor. >> want to talk to you? >> he went on to play more tough military roles in the iron eagle movies. and the miniseries sadat, i he portrayed the late egyptian leader >> speak up now >> in 1992, he won a golden globe playing civil rights activists, sydney williams and hbo's the josephine baker story but then the actor's
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career fell flat. by the early 2000s, he was hooked on drugs and alcohol addictions, he said were fueled by racism experienced throughout his career by 2006 gosset was sober and eager to deal with racism head-on. he started racism a non-profit foundation dedicated to ending racial prejudice, starting with youngsters. early in 2010, gosset announced he had prostate cancer, then went on to have a distinguished decade mostly in tv shows like madam secretary, that's exactly what he would say. an hbo's watchmen through it all. he continued to fight racism and set an example, as an actor, as an activist, and as a gentlemen what a life there was. gossett junior was at seven years old. and we'll be right back this is the big dam
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you look at a topographic map of mars, yeah, you can see high points you're mars has some really, really high mountains on it. you can look at them and say, oh yeah, there it is, right there, there it is. the problem is that's not where it is, where it is is right over here this is the new volcano that they found. it doesn't look like a volcano at all. so when you see it in this form, again, it just looks like sort of sprawled out area here, just not a good looking thing at all. and yet it really does seem to make a difference because they believe that this is a massive spread out volcano that has you wrote it a tremendous amount over time, so much so that if you dropped it down here, one end of it would be on new york, one end would be on washington dc. so it's covering over 200 miles and it's tremendously high despite that you mentioned being near the mount everest level. sure. >> the thing is, mars has other mountains that are much taller than mount everest. so you can
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see how those would attract attention. people would say some of those, maybe the remnants of volcanoes as well. they wouldn't necessarily spot this one, but this so the one that most recently found in their very excited about it, allison >> why is that time? >> what hell i'm glad you asked >> there has they're excited for a couple of reasons. one, because if it is here that's flat and spread out, they've located a landing area near the caldera, the remains of the caldera where they would be able to put a robotic probe down or people, if we ever get there. and the main thing they're excited about is this. they think that underneath that there may be a vast sheet of glacial ice and that means water and water is a big deal when you travel here, hydrogen, oxygen, rocket fuel survival for human beings all of that matters and it's a bonus to the location of this because if we're talking about this being on the equator of mars, which is where it is during the day
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time at the height of temperature, it can feel like 70, 80 degrees right there. that's a really good working temperature. i will warn you at night, it goes to like 200 below zero fahrenheit. but in the daytime that's a good working environment. so what these people are saying is maybe this is the place we should be looking at. we're humans could do work when an f, we ever get to mars. in the meantime go to iceland, go to hawaii if you want to see a volcano, there's one waiting out there. >> dom that is very, very cool all remember the pack a parka for that >> yeah, exactly. and boots >> exactly. thank you very much for showing us that >> all right. the beehive is buzzing today as beyond say, drops are highly anticipated country album act to cowboy carter julie don't come from
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that, of course is beyond says take on the classic dolly parton song, jolene, there are 26 more tracks for >> queen bee fans to saddle up and listen to the album also includes a beautiful cover of the beatles song blackbird and cameos from willie nelson post malone, and miley cyrus >> even >> elmo is getting into the act posting this picture and saying, quote, this ain't texas, this is sesame street that's awesome >> all right, it was a bitter, sweet 16 for >> some basketball teams last night, the latest on march madness and all the busted brackets that's next year in the cnn newsroom sanity needs to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each cnn, present it's an encore presentation of hbo's real-time
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monday day sign up for free visit ai or download the app >> we're how solomon in new york and ms is cnn this morning and underwater mystery in the florida keys, fish, there are showing some odd behaviors like spinning around and upside down soon as bill we're is on the san allison, there are about a couple of dozen different scientists at different departments at the state and academia here in florida trying to solve the mystery of the spinning fish in the florida keys. this whole thing started back in the fall, the first multiple four reports of odd behaviors, small pin fish, goliath grouper, the big endangered saw fish. all spinning somersaulting, acting in obvious distress. some of the soft fish actually beaching themselves into mangroves and essentially killing themselves usually they lose maybe five fishy in florida. this is an
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endangered species. they've lost a few dozen as a result of this. now they've tested for everything from red tide to pollution to try to figure out if that has anything to do with it. low oxygen levels, perhaps all of that has come out negative right now. and so the number one suspect is a tiny single sealed algae, lives at the bottom of the ocean at each seagrass called gambia or discuss and it creates a neurotoxin that can cause strange behavior in fish. they have anecdotal evidence that some of these fish that are acting crazy if are moved to clean water and it stops so now they have to duplicate those conditions to try to exactly figure out if this stuff is now super charged as a result of warmer oceans the temperatures here and the keys last year hit almost 100 degrees. super stressful to all marine life in florida as well. but this is a new one and so it could take months to figure out about there's so many samples to sort through. >> a >> lot of folks doing volunteer
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science to try to figure out that at this level, there are no warnings against eating seafood coming out of florida as a result of this. >> although you're normally >> warn against eating barracuda and other sort of group or that might have neurotoxins in them. they don't think that's associated in this it's case. >> but it's troubling >> and it's worth paying attention to and we'll say on it, and figure out more. allison, back to you know, we are fascinating. thank you. >> okay. the ncw, a tournament brought the madness again, alabama and clemson punched their tickets to the elite eight with big upsets last night over two of the title favorites cnn's andy scholes joins me now andy, please explain everything i just said. >> wow, say is your bracket in good shape? are you still got your final fours skipped it this year? oh, what a surprise >> but i will >> say allison, i'm not sure many people did have in their bracket a force seat, alabama taken onto 60 clemson with the shot not to go to the final four, but this is why we love march madness. you never know what's going to happen now
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alabama, they can thank senior grant nelson for advancing down one under 40 seconds ago, nelson up it. they're plus the valley make the free-throw to put bamba up two then nelson, big time block on rj davis on the other end they were the second left nelson and other block to seal the win. he finished with 24 points, 12 rebounds, 5 blocks is bamba pulled off the big upset, beating north carolina 89 to 87 they're having a grand old time. the locker room to tie it into the elite eight for the first time since 2000 for just a second time in program history, they're going to face 60 clemson in the elite eight tigers taken down two seed 77, 72 last night, clemson didn't even make the tournament the past two years, but now they're interview to lead eight for the first time since 1918, tiger's head coach, brad brown, all he said super proud of this group >> i've got an older team >> these >> guys have seen a lot done a lot and experienced success and so just really happy that they were able to withstand it. and
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we executed some things really well down the stretch >> all right. now the defending champs, meanwhile, they just continued to dominate the huskies been san diego state and a rematch of lazarus title game at 2252 last night, you kind is only trailed in this tournament for 28 seconds and they've now won nine straight tournament games by double digits we socket winning close games. so yeah, go with the alternative >> yeah, dan hurley's there, then they certainly are doing the alternative now, but you got four more sweet 16 games on the schedule tonight, including a doubleheader and our sister channels, tbs and trutv it's all as well streaming on macs and finally, a four, we go, let's show you how illinois head coach brad underwood's celebrated his team's win over iowa state, coming in with the water gun skirt the allied i making their first trip to the sweet 16 since 2005, and allison, what better way to celebrate within a good old water gun fights in the locker room i can't think of one. >> andy scholes. thank you very
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jesus walked on his way to his crucifixion >> at the vatican. the >> passion celebration is getting underway at st. peter's basilica. the vatican says, pope francis wrote his own meditation's for the way of the cross, of the colosseum later today, cnn bad akin correspondent chris lamb joins us now, chris, we know the pope has had some health challenges lately. how does the same? well as, and this is a very intense and demanding time of year for any pope, let alone pope francis has 87 years old. and as you say, has had various health challenges. he caused a bit of a scare last sunday during the palm sunday mass when you decided to not give his homily, which some speculative is down to health concerns. but since then, each show needs to terman to be as involved as possible in all of the liturgies of holy week. and he is about to get underway. presiding at the passion of the lord service in st. peter's basilica along and intense
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liturgy that commemorates jesus christ's suffering and death. and later. today tonight, rome time, he will be at the colosseum for the stations of across service, which again marx, jesus's suffering and death and the pope has in an unusual move written, each of the meditation's for this service. and he's covered a range of topics in them from online hatred to injustices against women so he is showing his determination to be as involved as possible in easter, and he will be on easter sunday celebrating mass and giving his message to the world from the balcony of st. peter's basilica >> all right, thank you very much. it's good to see him there. chris lamb. thank you >> all right. before we go, if you're looking for something to read over the holiday weekend, my memoir is now officially out. it's called
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combat love it's about my turbulent teenage years and the very bumpy path i took to achieve my dream of becoming a news anchor. it's a deeply personal and raw story. i would love for you to buy it and read it. it's now available at bookstores nationwide thank you for joining me in the cnn newsroom. i'm alison camerota. cnn inside politics with dana bash, starts right now >> today on inside politics, old and out of shape. that's how joe biden described donald trump's ideas at a star-studded fundraiser with barack obama and bill clinton, we have new reporting on the
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presidential trife


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