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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 29, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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a tax expert who will do your full service visit today, brainpower, helping you buy better. i'm natasha >> bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn the >> painstaking cleanup of the francis scott key bridge is just beginning huge cranes being moved in to clear the wreckage and just moments from now, we do expect to hear an update from maryland governor wes ward which we'll bring to you as we get the latest plus, using trump's attacks against him, fresh off a major fundraising haul, president biden's campaign is making a direct appeal for nikki haley's voters, how they're making their case using trump's own words and new evidence shows that putin did know about a threat from isis before that deadly concert attack in moscow. we are
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following these major developing stories and many more i'll coming in right here to cnn news central >> at any moment, maryland governor wes moore is expected to give an update on that huge cleanup operation that is happening right now at the site of the francis scott key bridge collapse we do know that major reinforcements are starting to arrive. the largest crane on the east coast is now on site there. the hope is that it will be up and running later today to help clear the 4,000 tons of twisted metal and other debris, we have cnn's brian todd joining us now. brian, what's the latest that you're learning about the cleanup operation? well, riana, >> we've got a very good vantage point >> to offer you of that operation as it really gets ramped up, our photo josh rfp logos is going to go over my right shoulder trainers camera in there. >> you will >> see behind the wreckage of
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the bridge. you will see a crane in place there. now, our colleague, gabe cohen just called me and he has disposed welcome to an official with the office of governor wes moore that official told game that that is not not the chesapeake 1,000. the chesapeake 1,000 is the biggest floating crane on the eastern seaboard. the chesapeake 1,000 is close by, but that crane that you're looking at is not it. the chesapeake 1,000 will get ramped up. it will get consumed struct it and get ready to take part in the salvage operation. but that crane that you're seeing there is a separate crane that they have just moved into place that we'll start to remove pieces of the wreckage of the bridge. and you can see it there in just just behind the remnants of the bridge there. i just also spoke to an engineer mechanical engineer from one oregon state university, dr. oscar barton about just what these crane operators and the other salvaging experts are going to be doing. he says, first, the people who are operating the cranes on the salvaging experts are going to have to survey this area very, very carefully
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to determine which pieces of the bridge and the records that they have to remove first, what are the biggest? yes. pieces? what are the most problematic pieces that they're going to remove first, they've got to do that surveying first. that's what they're going to be doing today tomorrow in the days ahead, then they're going to have to figure out how they're going to break up those pieces because they're going to have to break them up into smaller pieces in order to remove them. i asked them how dangerous this was. he says it's very very dangerous and the crane operate the crane operators and the other specialists are going to be engaged in some dangerous work because i can tell you that the wind, the weather is really not cooperating very much. the wind has really picked up. the water is very choppy. the water is very rough. the water was already very cold and murky as it was. they are still using dive teams to help them survey this area. because remember, they've still got for people who are missing on accounted for and presumed dead. they are still trying to find those people we were told that there could be a vehicle that is encased somewhere in the wreckage beneath the water.
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and that could be something that they're also going to be looking for briana. but as you can see, the salvaging operation it's really ramping up here. the chesapeake 1,000 crane, the biggest one is yet to be in place, but it's close by. >> all right. we'll be looking for that, brian. thank you very much for that report. we have cnn's danny freeman, who is also in baltimore. he's with us now we're also standing by for another news conference, danny, this one, too, honor victims the tragedy. what more can you tell us >> that's right, briana, we got word this morning that the organization casa, which is an organization that provides eight and outreach to immigrant from the families latinos, as well. they're gonna be holding a press conference any moment now specifically to honor the victims that were lost when the bridge collapsed earlier this week. specifically, there will be construction workers from this entire maryland area in attendance to show solidarity with the construction workers who are believed to be dead will bring some of that to you and our viewers later tonight.
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but i just want to talk about what we have learned in the past as 24 hours because we're learning new information about some of the victims who were lost. we now know the identity of five of the six people, both presumed to be dead. and those who have been found already as well. the first of course is maynor yassir suazo sandoval. use khan honduran. we spoke to his brother earlier on in the week who described as the breadwinner of his family, miguel luna from el salvador, but he lived in maryland for 19 years, loved his construction job. and then there are the two people who were pulled from the wreckage earlier this week as well. dorlian castillo cabrera alejandro hernandez fuentes. and in the past 12 to 24 hours, so we got word of another one. victims, jose mynor lopez, a husband and father as well. now, brianna, one of the troubling factors about this whole story, i brought this information to you actually last night, but i think it's worth repeating again today for our viewers is that we learn from the mexican government that three people who were on
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that bridge that night when it collapsed were actually flee related. three of the eight people who were there were all from the same family. two of those people died one, ultimately did survive. but you can imagine just the amount of stress that that particular family has been feeling. the impact. now that to members of their family have died, even though one was able to survive. again, between that and the press conference that's about to begin a lot of pain in this community today, brianna >> yeah. so much, danny, thank you for that report. live for us from baltimore. kristen >> well, now, to the intensifying 2024 campaign last night, president biden brought in more than 26 million in campaign donations with the help of former president obama and clinton. it was a significant show of democratic unity. but today, biden is hoping to win over some frustrated republicans in a new ad. his campaign makes a direct appeal to nikki haley. voters. >> let's >> bring unseen and senior white house correspondent kayla
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tausche. kayla, i mean, the biden team clearly sees an opening here and kristen, perhaps they see that opening specifically in battleground states with suburban voters, which is where this 30 ad is going to be running that ad that they just took the wraps off of today in it, they show clips of donald trump in his own words insulting not only nikki haley, but also the sect of the republican party who supported her and does not support him with the message underscored that there is a place of the donald trump does not want the votes of haley voters and perhaps the biden campaign is right to send an opening there and cnn's own data and exit polling from north carolina on primary night, just 7% of voters first, who cast their ballots for nikki haley said that they would be supporting whoever the gop nominee would be. that on one hand, you have the biden campaign going after some of those centrist republicans that had supported haley. but on the other hand, you have that star-studded fundraiser last
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night in new york city where a deep blue democratic audio fans 5,000 people deep at radio city music hall was energized and raise that record hall for the president. so certainly they're trying to establish as broad a spectrum and widen the tent if you will. going into the general election, kristen yeah, i'm looking at that record hall from last night's fundraiser, the biden campaign has to be pretty pretty happy about that, too. i'd imagine >> they are pretty happy about it, but it also underscores kristen, the fact that the biden campaign even going into last night had a significant cash advantage over their republican rivals the cash that fundraising the president biden had brought in in january and february was roughly doubled of president trump. and the cash on hand at the end of february was about double that of trump as well. and the message from the campaign co-chair jeffrey katzenberg for the biden campaign, was that not only are they bringing in more money? but it's better used money
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two, because it doesn't have to go toward legal fees as donald trump's funder, fundraising has been used to defray his own legal costs. kristen >> hela. thank you so much. and so with this now, we have kristen holmes and you, kristen even listening to kayla talk about this record hall that the biden campaign brought in how does the trump campaign try to make up that ground? no we'll yesterday when the biden campaign, cambodian came up with this number for the first time saying they were going to bring in more than $25 shortly afterwards, we started hearing from on background campaign sources. this fundraiser, they're holding next weekend, they plan on bringing in more than that more than $33 now, we of course, would be watching because all of this is public information. they will have to actually file this in these financial disclosures, but we won't know that until the end of next month. but one thing is clear, what we're starting to see with republicans is that they are coming together around donald trump. we'd already reported on this april 6th fundraiser. it is some of the biggest names in gop don't donors as people that had supported other candidate it is people that had just sat on the
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sidelines and now they're coming together. so it is people who could likely afford to bring in more than $33 as you heard kayla talking about, there has been a huge financial edge, four president biden and he talking about cash on hand at the end of february 70 1 million for president biden, 30 big3, 0.5 million for donald trump. that's more than double what they have. so they've been working really pounding the pavement on trying to bring the money in. donald trump himself believes he's his best fundraiser, so he has been making calls, talking to various donors, having them at mar-a-lago for dinner, and it will tell you on the ground level talking to staff for several months, they were telling me that they felt like they couldn't breathe that constantly. there are watching every single dime they spent. they now feel at least a little bit better about it. they feel more comfortable. they are staffing up, they're bringing in more outside people for this general election. >> they say they think his work >> trying to get these donors to bring in the cache is working all right well, we'll see if they're able >> to bring in that record
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money excuse me, beat the biden campaign. >> thanks so much. kristen holmes so still ahead. >> warning >> signs ignored in the deadly concert hall attack near moscow. new documents suggests that the kremlin was aware of threats just days before 143 people were killed stay with cnn news central >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever help my dad died doing what he loved >> space shuttle columbia. he final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. were caught barnea, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now, we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car, whether it's a year-old or a few years? there's old. we want to buy your car. >> so >> go to car fauna, enter your license plate answer a few questions, and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer and seconds when you're ready, we'll come to you. hey, you on the spot and pick up
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that russia's security services were aware of a threat from isis days before a deadly attack on a concert hall near moscow that killed least 143 people. the london-based dossier center says that it is based, that says that this is based on kremlin intelligence documents showing that ethnic tajiks radicalized by isis-k could have been involved. isis has claimed responsibility for the attack with statements, photos, and a problem began the video film by the attackers today filmed by the attackers today, russia charged a ninth person in connection with the attack. we have cnn's chief national security correspondent, alex marquardt joining us now, what more can you tell us about this report and is the kremlin responding? >> well, this is just more evidence that russia did have a sense that something like this could happen on top of the us warning that we know was given to the russians by the us intelligence community here we have this well-known investigative group called the
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dossier center, saying that they have obtained documents that showed that russian intelligence had a sense that ethnic tajiks, people from tajikistan could have been radicalized by isis-k a, to carry out an attack like this one. and this really does echo what we have now learned from the biden administration who says that they warned the russians under this protocol, the intelligence community called the duty to warn when the us learns about an attack that could take place even in adversarial countries, they do warn those countries that happened in iran in january. now what happened in russia earlier this month. so in early march, the us warned russia both privately and publicly. that something like this could happen. there was a warning on the us embassy website, two american citizens there saying that there are imminent plans by extremist to target large gatherings in moscow including concerts. and that is exactly what ended up happening. now in the days that followed there were these four tajik nationals who are alleged to have carried out this attack, they were
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detained. more tajik nationals have been arrested in russia and in into jica stan, what we've now seen this response from the kremlin starting to try to pin this on ukraine and then the head of the fsb, even put this on the us and the united kingdom. now, the us is saying that this was specific, detailed intelligence that pointed to the fact that isis kay, had planned tends to carry out this attack. and of course they are dismissing those accusations as propaganda which is extraordinary and unfortunate. we're also today this is the one-year anniversary of evan gershkovich being detained wrongfully in russia. it has been so long now it's, it's remarkable and it's obviously incredibly sad. he was doing great work in ukraine and russia at a very important time after russia had invaded ukraine, when he was a detained a year ago, detained on very serious charges, espionage charges. of course, there is no evidence that he
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engaged in any kind of activity like that that has been said by his lawyers, by his newspaper, the wall street journal, by the biden administration. he has been declared wrongfully detained by the state department. and so the us has been trying to figure out a way to get him back, whether it means exchanging people for him and paul whelan, the other american notorious we held by russia we heard from the head of the state department, department that essentially take is responsible for these hostages for the wrongfully detained roger carson's. he says there's now a window of around 90 days that they're going to try to get something done because after because that's when his trial is supposed to start. and once it's trial starts in russia, the sense is that russia will want to see that trial through. and knowing russia as we do, there's a pretty high chance of conviction. so of course, the vitamin iteration of working furiously to try to get gershkovich as well as paul whelan home? >> yeah. just keeps getting pushed off now, all the way to the end of june. alex, thank you so much for that. before we
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do appreciate it >> kristen the report that alex and briana were just talking about comes is russia launches another attack aimed at ukraine's energy infrastructure a commander for ukraine's air force says that ukraine was able to destroy 84 of the 99 air attacks that targeted at least four regions in ukraine last night, but several russian missiles and attack drones got through and struck at ukrainian energy facilities. i'm joined now by best center. she's a former deputy director of national intelligence and a scene and national security analyst. beth, thank you so much for joining us and you know, this comes just a week after you had those similar really deadly attacks against ukrainian energy systems is this the next chapter of russia's war in ukraine >> it is the current chapter and it was the chapter that we saw last winter, a year ago when russia was doing the same
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kind of attacks aimed at energy infrastructure, they seemed as switch little bit two more, two defense industry. another back to the energy infrastructure. >> this could >> in part b, because ukraine has been so successful in attacking russia's energy infrastructure, taking out maybe 12% of their refining capacity in the past month or so so after the new russian attacks against ukraine you saw poland activate its air force and then pull ins prime minister is warning that europe is in a prewar era, predicting that putin could use the moscow attack to really escalate. its war in ukraine do you agree with that, beth? >> i definitely think that we're in a different place. >> i'll note that >> president putin came out just a few days ago. poo pooing the idea that russia would attack poland or the baltic states, nato members and calling it nonsense since then,
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really saying that this kind of threat is being drummed up by western leaders in order to scare them and justify spending money on the war in ukraine. i think our listeners will, their ears perk up when you look at that, that explanation, i think that that is absolutely fluidly president putin trying to divide the west and undercut western support for the war effort by ukraine. i just don't think that we should believe putin he lies and lies and lies and has for years. and so threat is not imminent but it exists in the future. we're in a different state >> i'd like to turn back to that deadly terror attack in moscow that we were just talking about do you think that this was an intelligence failure by the kremlin? >> yeah, i do. is always good
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for me to be able to talk about an intelligence failure that another country has instead of one that may have happened in the, intelligence community. these things do happen to every intelligence agency, including israel's. but this is like so oh strikingly horrible for them and yeah, they absolutely missed it. and the reason is that putin dismissed it, that you're leader tells you what you're supposed to be focused on. and the intel services have been focused on exactly what he wants, which is tracking down grandmother chris, who hold up signs or ink into voting boxes and anyone who raises their hand against the war or against putin and that's what their focus is. but they really did know about this in fact, they wrapped up an isis so on march 7 and say they thwarted at the time they said they thwarted an
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attack against a synagogue in moscow. they may have thought that they got them and they may not have realized that there was a second group planning this, this deadly attack. >> so you say putin missed it, but, but i'm also curious. i mean, do you think this is perhaps a sign that the kremlin are the kremlin's security services are stretched too thin with the war in ukraine i just think that they're focused 100% on the war in ukraine and russia and intel services >> especially their external, until service, they're not terrible. intel services but the domestic one is, as i said, following putin lead. and so if you look at the terrorism attacks that they've thwarted in 2014, they forwarded like 75 attacks that were related to terrorism and now that we're focused on islamize, now they focus almost entirely all the terrorism attacks. and arrests are focused on internal
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dissent. and that's just because you only have so many resources that sana thank you so much for sharing your time and analysis and all this. we really appreciate it thanks christian >> so still ahead when americans head to the polls in november, it could ultimately be voters in a few key states that decided the election. and our john king has been visiting those swing states and he joins us next to tell when voters in arizona think about the upcoming election and the border crisis. plus a tennessee law inspired by the deadly police beating attire nichols was passed with the support of the state's republican lawmakers. >> so >> why did the gop gov governor just block it >> sanity needs to save space. >> you have a show we're right and left talk to each other >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight on cnn
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>> upload your logo >> or start your design today, >> i oversaw alvarez at the white house and this is cnn as the biden trump election rematch, crystallizes the key issues in the campaign are really starting to take shape and polls show >> that president biden is facing some pretty serious headwinds on some of them. most notably immigration. that's >> right a few weeks ago, we actually saw biden and trump holding dueling visits to the border. you may remember that the next week the former president hopes to keep the focus on the issue with remarks blaming biden, again for the border crisis. we've seen in chief national correspondent john king joining us now on this, you were recently out in real people land and you were in arizona talking to people who are actually dealing with they are experiencing the border crisis in there every
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day. what did you hear from them? i >> think you're both real people. i really do >> look. it's fascinating. every stop in this series we're doing we're meeting americans where they live, living the campaign through their eyes and their experience, as you mentioned, trump's going to do an immigration event next week in grand rapids, michigan right? grand rapids, michigan is far from the us mexico border. when you go to the board or listen to these people, they live there? yes, it's a crisis they say, but they listened to the politicians on the left and the right, and they say, please come visit, stop shouting. let's figure this out. >> a? wall as far >> as the eye can see this is the tucson sector. by far the busiest corridor for illegal border crossings, smuggling is a big problem. and a big business faith ramon knows all too well. >> i needed money. i needed money quick and because of my alcohol and my addiction i just went to a party, met some friends. they offer me some quick money. i took it and it was so easy, it will thaw easy. i did it again and i did it
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again. sure enough. i was doing it for years because of it being so easy. >> then he got caught and then i got caught. my luck ran out a felony >> conviction set ramon in search of sobriety under 2018 to hone oldham tribal ritual would again put the board are front and center. >> the sweat lodge ceremony >> and i >> walked in and that was very first time i heard that there there was a border wall that was going to be built on the reservation separating and destroying some of our sacred sites >> the mode is now an active is two registers voters and is eligible to have her own voting rights restored her first choice for president would be this november in battleground, arizona. >> i will vote provider donald trump is not an option. >> i don't like the fact that our reservation was destroyed by racist wall to win here again, biden needs big margins
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here in south central arizona, tucson, and south to the mexican border air force veteran melissa cordero voted for trump in 2020. >> i was a small business owner at the time, >> cordillera works for a conservation nonprofit now and will not vote for trump again. >> reproductive rights, you know, as someone who was raped, sexually assaulted, i had the opportunity to make that decision on terminating the pregnancy i can't imagine in future years to come if that happens to me again or to somebody else, them not having that likely biden, but cordillera will study third-party options. >> my biggest my biggest issue with biden is the palestine issue. you fight for queer trans bible park immigrant access to vote veterans, been deported, access for veterans devote while they're overseas then also, you just should care if people are getting killed at that, at that rate, ray flores is no fan of biden nor trump thinks both are too old to be
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president at this juncture, they both had four years and i am just eight years more frustrated than i was before. >> flores runs el charro, a family business for 102 years ago in to san landmark, famous for carney seca and the chimichanga washington's immigration paralysis hurts business. >> i mean, it process for work visas would be amazing, but you're a technology company, you can get an engineer and you can get them immigrated and you can get a work visa. why should i be able to do that with a chef or with a really good waiter. >> the immigration conversation tends to be different in places at or near the border more polite, more nuanced, focused on solutions, not slogans. so how long have a unique situation where you have two countries that create a community and actually it's mutually beneficial for both countries. >> walk through the nogales border crossing in the first business you see is kory's bridal shop on it evan kory is fine with the wall, but didn't like it when trump added the razor wire, he bristles when the former president talks about the border and mexicans.
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>> we've always depended on our mexican neighbors to support our local economy. >> corey, a democrat also bristles though, and liberals oppose more money for the border patrol and other security measures yeah. >> i mean, that's equally frustrating too, because you have to have a balance between all the needs and find a way to somehow work together. >> handmade boots or a specialty at david's western wear for 44 years of favorite of customers on both sides of the border that we david moore course as 99% of his business was from mexico before the covid shutdown. it's about 70% now in the last, moore says the wall helps stop illegal crossings and he wants more agents to cut long wait times that discourage mexicans for making day trips to shop. and he says, the asylum process is broken i don't know how that works, that people from africa are coming in through mexico up through the mexican border. i would want them to regulate that a little more more as a registered republican, but
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likely biden voter because trump offense him. >> he >> said that, you know, the immigrants are poisoning or blood what would you say >> i'd say my my mother was born in mexico and she came across the border legally so no, i was poison. i can deal with i guess, more says the way trump and allies talk about the border is exaggerated and alarmist. and he says he pays the price. customers call and say they're worried about making the trip to nogales pupil from everywhere. >> do that because when they say on the news that the borders are awards on that's those are the images they get. they think it's unsafe, but your home is not a war, so my home is not a war zone we've been here for a long time a long time. >> at what is now a major line of america's political divide just remarkable people when you meet them and again, just
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listen to the common sense, right? think about how long for how many years back to when i was covering the clinton white house, politicians have been screaming about immigration in washington and getting little or nothing done these people are democrats. they're republicans, they're really conservative to really liberal and everything in the middle. and they get along with each other. you ask him, where should i go for lunch? they tell you to go a few steps into mexico because that's favorite restaurant. it's a community to them, but they tolerate the wall. but if you put them in a room, they could figure this out, or at least 60% of it in about 20 minutes or less, townsmen stuck for 30 years. >> they do not feel represented by the discourse that we're here exactly right. they, they just feel, again, we find this at every stop that they listen to politicians of all stripes certain politicians on certain issues may animate them one way or the other, but they just listed like, could they please come here and see what it's actually like? instead of being in washington yelling about it >> fascinating report, john. thank you. let's listen to now to the maryland governor with an update on the bridge collapse all who've offered kind words >> i want
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>> to say this, your kind words have been heard >> and also i want to thank trade point atlantic this horrific human tragedy was also an economic catastrophe. and the early hours it was trade point. >> who said >> let us help the port of baltimore is one of the busiest ports in the world. and the collapse of the key bridge has shut down vessel traffic to port tray pointed linac immediately began mobilizing and accepting some cargo ships from vessels that were bound from the port of baltimore, immediately began preparing for those arrivals. and. they accepted their first shipment of cargo bound for the port just yesterday. we will continue working closely with their team and we are grateful for their support and grateful for their leadership >> now >> today, i will provide updates on the four directives
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i've issued to our team as a reminder the directives are first, we need to continue to focus on recovery because we have to bring a sense of closure to these families second we need to be clear. we need to clear the channel and open the vessel traffic to the port because the health of the maryland economy and the national economy depends on it >> third >> we need to take care of all the people who have been affected by this crisis that means the families that means the workers that means the businesses that means the first responders that means everybody and forth >> we need to and we will rebuild the key bridge so first
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on our recovery efforts >> as i mentioned yesterday, >> we need to do more work clearing the channel to move forward this is a remarkably complex operation and our focus needs to be on unity of command and unity of effort every morning, we have a unified command briefing which includes state police the us coast guard the army corps of engineers our federal delegation, and other leaders horse central to this mission. now, during that briefing colonel butler, the superintendent of maryland state police, discussed that. i've conditions in the water makes it unsafe for divers. but as soon as those conditions change, his divers we'll go back in the water second. on clearing the federal channel and opening vessel traffic to the port as of this morning, i've been briefed by the maryland department of transportation on clearing wreckage and moving forward our
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team went out with the coast guard just a few hours ago including the closer the coast guard comment on to survey the damage to see the wreckage up close to sea of three that is nearly the size of the eiffel tower and see that same freight with the key bridge resting on top of it to see shipping containers that were ripped in half as if they were paper mushy to know that out there, you have to navigate high winds and electric wires to go out there and to see it up close, you realize just how daunting a task this is you realize how difficult the work is ahead of us with a salvage operation, this complex and frankly, with a salvage operation this unprecedented you need to plan for every single moment and every time you take action to move a piece of wreckage you
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understand that that requires you to reassess the situation? >> so >> when i let soldiers in combat i knew the preparation was everything >> you >> do not go into the field of battle without getting the intelligence that you need first so as the mission continues, you need to stay frosty you need to reassess and you need to adapt that's the mindset. >> the army corps is >> applying with their partners in unified command we have the best inspectors, the best surveyors, and the best engineers in the world working and setting up an executing a plan of action right here in maryland and i've been informed by the us navy that they are supplying us with for heavy lift cranes to have already arrived. one arrives tonight and the fourth is arriving on monday one of the cranes is called the chesapeake
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1,000 and it can lift about 1,000 tons but the big part and one of the challenges is that the key bridge which sits on top of the vessel right now? that that weight is somewhere between 3.4 thousand tons so our team needs to cut that trust into sections in a safe and responsible and in an efficient way before can lift those pieces out of the water this crane that we're looking at is massive the thing we also know is this is the challenge ahead of us in the coming weeks, we expect to have a falling the following entities inside of the water seven floating cranes, ten tugs nine barges eight salvage vessels, and five coast guard boats. i've said it before i'll say
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it again >> and i will keep on saying it >> this >> is not just about maryland this mission is not just about maryland and what we're talking about today is not just about maryland's economy this is about the nation's economy >> the port handles more cars and more farm equipment than any other port in this country. at least 8,000 workers on the docks have jobs that have been directly impacted by this collapsed our economy depends on the port of baltimore and the port of baltimore depends on vessel traffic. maryland's economy and maryland's workers rely on us to move quickly but that's not just maryland the nation's economy and the nation's workers are requiring us to move quickly third on
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taking care of our people >> i want to talk a little bit about the work that we're doing >> with the maryland legislature >> i want to >> thank spear adrian jones senate president bill ferguson, and minority leader steve hershey they had been in touch with our team since day one. i also want to thank delegate luque clip injure senator johnny ray saline, and other members of the district six and district 40 teams and i want to thank all of the maryland legislators who have reached out and offer their support legislators frankly, on both sides of the aisle and i want to thank our federal delegation two, to include jamie raskin, who was here earlier. but unfortunately not be here now. but, to, the members of the maryland general assembly, we know this. we are ten days away from the conclusion of this
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legislative session, and there is a lot of work to do the top priority in that work is going to be finalizing our budget my administration proposed a responsible budget that makes important investments and housing and childcare and environmental protection and transportation so now it is vital that the house and the senate find compromise. as soon as possible passed the budget. and provide certainty. at this challenging and uncertain time >> we >> also need to ensure that we pass legislation to support the families and the victims of the bridge collapse and everyone else who's been affected by this emergency >> i'll be proposing >> the creation of a permanent state scholarship for the children of surviving spouses of transportation workers who lost their lives on this job
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will continue to push for legislation that seeks to protect workers like the six victims of the key bridge collapse i've also asked in assembly to ensure that any legislation we work on provides the flexibility are administration needs to support port workers businesses and our transportation network we cannot possibly find every answer to every problem in the next few days before session ends. but we can give the state the ability to respond over the coming months >> fourth >> on rebuilding >> as i said yesterday, we >> cannot rebuild the bridge until we have cleared the wreckage i've always believed that you've never learned anything about anybody when times are easy if you really want to understand someone's metal watch them when it's hard
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watch them when it's difficult watch them when the stakes are high well, that time is now. >> and we're going >> to rise to meet this moment. because we are maryland tough and because we are baltimore strong >> in this moment. >> i'm going to hand it off to the us coast guard over to admiral gilruth. >> and then after that we'll be >> briefed by colonel pick, a chin from the pick pin chasten from the army corps of engineers the maryland state police the maryland department of transportation epa administrator or tce, congress congressmen kweisi, mfume and county executive, johnny olszewski allegory >> thank you. kevin >> thank you, sir. >> good afternoon. i'm were admiral shannon gilreath speaking on behalf of the unified command? as i mentioned
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last night, are never worn priority of the unified command is to reopen the port of baltimore and to do that, we've broken that into three phases. number one, phase is reopened. the shipping channel. >> number >> two is removed, the ship, and number three is to remove the debris from the bridge, from the rest of the waterway we are beginning to make progress on those phases in the phase one, we talked about that we need to do the assessments of the bridge both above the waterline and beneath the water. those assessments continue as the governor said, we were out there today and we can see he the engineers and the divers in the survey votes out there on the water in these difficult when conditions doing their job, doing their work to assess that bridge, to figure out how we can cut it up into the pieces we need to be able to lift and back at the unified
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command. the governor, the comet, all the elected officials they could see those engineers working on those very plans. engineers from the army corps of engineers navy's supervisor of salvage. we had state 30 there there were some private engineers helping us an update on the bridge collapse outside the port of baltimore. we heard we're hearing here from the coast guard. we heard just a moment ago. governor wes moore saying we're going to rise to this moment because we are maryland tough and baltimore strong. he said this is a human travesty, but also an economic travesty. and that is where so much of the focus is right now as he detailed that there will be seven cranes, ten tugs, nine barges, eight salvage vehicles, and five coast guard boats. that are involved in what is it going to be an incredibly arduous process of getting this port backup and running, getting that bridge collapse cleared. we're going to get an a quick break and monitor this press conference we'll be right back with more there is no
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march madness is it's just never know in which teams in which players are going to step up for bamba hero immerse senior grant nelson, a 611 transfer from north dakota state under 40 seconds as you go, he gets the bucket and the faut put the tied up two, and then wash the dishes block rejecting rj davis as the heels looked to come back. >> and >> then we'll just a second ago, nelson with another block to seal the win. nelson finishing with 24 points points, 12 rebounds, 5 blocks, bamba, upsetting north carolina at 87, and they're headed to the elite eight for the first time in 20 years, coach nate oats had some words for charles barkley charles barkley call this frail. i don't think he was frail than it just showed up tonight let stuffed up, begging the second half >> all right. bam will play clemson, whose elite eight bound for the first time in 44 years. this is just the second time ever the tigers will make the elite eight a 70 he 770 to win over two seed arizona, the
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seams back at clemson also elite meanwhile, >> uconn just continues to dominate the huskies blown-out san diego state in a rematch of last year's title game, winning by 30 there the first defending champs to receive lead eight. and since florida did it 07 in no small part, thanks to coach dan hurley's superstition wearing the same lucky underwear every game >> my wife andrea, who never gets enough tv time. by the way, it's it's, it's always others she's gotta get the the handwash are going to get these drag and underwear clean for a quick turnaround >> all right. >> finally, we have this show you, illinois. it goes brad under was celebrating his teams went over iowa state sun's out, water guns out, burst him in the locker room, shirtless with a super soaker the ally and i are making their first trip to
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the sweet 16 since 200054 more games tonight to see who will join them, including a doubleheader on our sister channels, tbs and trutv also streaming on macs at 7:30 is purdue gonzaga followed by creighton and tennessee kristin back to you. >> a quick turnaround for the lucky underwear you got it. got to get them cleaned before the big game. >> coy wire. thanks so much. >> we >> don't have much more ahead on cnn news central will be or that van de ammonium is brought to you by xfinity green sports from the best seat in the house with xfinity, because it's only live once >> not all caitlin clark's are the same >> caitlin clark, city planner just like not all internet providers are the same. >> build settle you went >> fast, yet you want reliable get reliable. you want powerful
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