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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 29, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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as genre. and reclaimed country music's black roots. your music continues to inspire us. >> all >> the album features guests including post malone, miley cyrus, dolly parton, willie nelson even her six-year-old daughter, rumi >> and >> there's a story behind the vinyl cover addition with bianchi, his name intentionally, as you could see, their misspelled her mom once talked about it in a podcast. >> we asked my mother when i was grown, i was like, why is my brother's name spelled by and ce and must, you know, it's all these different spellings. and my mom's replied to me, it was like that's what they put on your birth certificate, right. so i said, well, why didn't you argue when make them correct it? and she said i did one time the first time and i was told be happy that you're getting numbers certificate because at one time black people didn't get first digit well, how about that for remembering exactly
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where you came from thanks s much for j joining the news continues on cnn happening. >> now, american journalist evan gershkovich is marking one full year of imprisonment in russia the us condemning is wrongful detention while offering hope for his release. that is our two of gershkovich's closest friends join us to share a new details on how he is enduring their own rahm motions right now. also tonight, breaking news donald trump just appeal the judge's ruling, allowing district attorney fani willis to remain on the georgia election, subversion case. his lawyers are now arguing that willis's entire office should be disqualified, plus an in-depth look at the unfolding crisis at the busiest migrant crossing at the southern border where families, including children are living in makeshift camps and facing off in dire and dangerous conditions welcome to
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our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer a year in the situation room our top story, the sour the year long detention of wall street journal evan gershkovich jailed by russia while doing his job as a journalist. the wall street journal, leaving most of its front page blank today, two, honore gershkovich and mark, a year of what it calls his stolen stories, stolen joy and stolen memories. tonight, president biden is vowing to continue working every day to secure gershkovich's release. and the release of all barricades held hostage or wrongfully detained abroad adding and i'm floating now. we are with you and we will never stop working to bring you home cnn spread pleitgen there's more now on gershkovich's imprisonment and his fight for freedom >> no media allowed at evan
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gershkovich, most recent court hearing in moscow, just this short clip by the court's press service. despite a year in russian jail, a defiance smile from the wall street journal reporter. no surprise his detention was extended yet. again through june 30th the us ambassador to russia ripping into the verdict, the accusations against evan are categorically untrue. they are not a difference interpretation of circumstances they are fiction. >> evan gershkovich was arrested and charged with espionage a year ago while on assignment in yekaterinburg, central russia things i was wondering time you see if i do not know if there are any other cases, but the allegations made by our intelligence services today, we're not related to his journalism. >> this is a near los angeles greediness the wall street journal and gershkovich families, stronger we deny the allegations, work out the ballina ivanovo of the financial times, he is one of evans best friends and still keeps in regular contact with him writing letters
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>> he's doing i'm well. he's absolutely staying strong. he's not allowing himself to waller to get too upset by everything. in fact, he spends most of his time in letters to us trying to make us feel better >> just coverage faces a jail sentence of up to 20 years if convicted. but cnn has reported that gershkovich and former us marine paul whelan were part of a proposed prisoner swap with a now dead opposition leader, alexey navalny >> the russian president, taunted on his reelection day that he approved a swap on the condition he'd get back a high-profile russian intelligence officer in prison for murder in germany, the diem cross, a cough. >> the person who spoke to me had not finished his sentence yet. i said i agree, but unfortunately, what happened happened for those close to it? evan, >> that means the >> waiting continues outcome uncertain when you see putin spoke about it and very clear terms that this is what they want to see happen, that
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they're looking for a deal, just gives you hope that at some point this will, but he will be home. he needs to be home, needs to be back with his family, with his friends and, you know, wolff, the kremlin has once again confirmed that there are contact between the united states and russia on a possible >> prisoner swap, but they also say these kinds of talks need to happen in absolute silence. or it could prevent results from happening. wolf, fred pleitgen reporting for a >> secchi very much fred joining us now, polina, i've the nova and piot, their sour, they are very close friends with evan gershkovich and fellow journalists who also reported alongside evan in russia before his detention paulina and pyotr, thank you so much for being here. our hearts go out to your good friend, evan. let's hope we're altogether with him sooner rather than later pulling a us said that evans detention by the russians was a watershed moment in russia's increasingly brutal crackdown. what does evans detention
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represent at this very solemn one year mark? >> i mean, the most important thing is that it represents 365 days that evan has spent cut off from his family, from his friends, from doing the job that he loves to do. he's been in isolation for all of that time with so little contact with the outside world. so that really is the main thing. that it represents for me, but it also for us, it's 365 days without are best friend without our colleague someone that we've always relied on and love very daily than we haven't heard him around and he needs to be home. >> you certainly does need to be home immediately. pure tear a year ago, you were actually texting with having but arsenal, the english soccer team, you both love. when he stopped responding to you, you knew something was wrong. now you're right to him, updating him and arsenal's games from prison. can you tell us more about your conversations with evan yes so having a nice,
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handy >> child letters >> every week, through the russian prison service evan is very curious how we're doing. and of course, we want to know how easily doing in there we talked a lot about arsenal, the team we both love. and this is an arson is actually doing really well. so it's a bittersweet moment for him because he's happy for the team at the same time is upset. of course, you can't see it for himself. but those letters, they give me strength and i think they give him strength as well. >> let's hope it does give him strength polina, you also have exchanged letters with evan over this past year and i know he actually managed to send you some flowers for your birthday. you just heard from him last week. can you share paulina a little bit more about what he said and how he is coping well, one thing we didn't talk about his arsenal. i'm afraid i don't know anything about that, but, um, he's he's doing really well remarkable considering the circumstances he is so strong. he is very
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resilient and he writes about how he's doing the books he's reading the schedule that he keeps his routine and just how he keeps himself together. and despite the isolation and how far removed two years from all of us, we try and entertain him, trying distracting with some gossip hair or describing what we're doing with our lives. one of the things that he really enjoys is when we'll all go to an event together, all of his friends and then we all describe the same event from different perspectives. and then he gets this whole 360 vision of something that he's missed out. on. but makes him feel like maybe he was there >> sounds as if he is like he's such a wonderful, wonderful 32 year-old man. i know you guys, ms him, very, very much pot or talk to us a little bit more about evan spirit while he's in this notoriously harsh russian prison yes. are you keeping up remarkably well, given the
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incredibly difficult circumstances he's inside his jail for 23 hours a day. he's got one hour day dedicated walk around in the tiny quartile inside the jail as well. but. he keeps his spirits up. i tried to make a routine for himself keeps both reading, mentally strong, but it also tries to keep physically strong by doing push-ups and sit-ups i. think you understood early on its important to have a routine to biden wants to be tired and feel like he has done enough to feel like his days aren't wasted. and i'm incredibly proud of or how he's keeping in that for sure. >> good point. they are polina, the kremlin says talks for a possible prisoner exchange are ongoing. give us your analysis. i know you've done a lot of reporting on this. how does putin, for example, view evans detention? and does he have any incentive to release him? >> i think he does. i mean, this is something that gives us hope that putin and other
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russian officials speak about it very openly as something that this is a case where they hope to see, intend to work out a deal and do an exchange. we've seen this kind of hostage there's diplomacy in the past. we've seen the detention of brittney griner, the exchange that happened after that. >> so >> we're just hopeful that things follow a similar path >> let's hope it indeed pure terror at the top us hostage affairs official told cnn these next 90 days of evidence detention are critical for trying to work out a deal before his actual trial. you have hope you tear that evan could be freed in these next few months >> yes. we saw those comments and they do give us hope just this week, the kremlin also said that talks ongoing us president joe biden today in a statement said that he will do everything to get evan out. so we believe these 90 days are crucial. and i really do hope and we really hope that a deal will be made to get our friend
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back to where he belongs and also back to work evan is not just incredibly incredible person. he's an incredible journalist the world is missing out on is crucial reporting. >> yeah, certainly an insight into what time russia as something that's so important >> good. go ahead and properly. go ahead. >> now, just yeah, just that it's the what he was doing was important for all of us, for our understanding of russia at a time of war and really, we owe him that and we, we, we owe him all the time that we can give to bring him i'm home we were really uplifted by joe biden statement today, but just once again shows that the president feels very personally connected, i think to evan story. he spoke spoken a statement about evans parents and his meeting with them. so that also gives us hope for, as you say, there's really crucial period of 90 days >> yeah, i want to ask each of you what's your message to evan right now and paulina, let me start with you.
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>> oh yeah >> it's hard. i mean just that the, way here and we're working as hard as we can. i know he knows that i know that he knows that he's not forgotten by all of us and all of you and everybody who's following his case so i just want to always remind him of that. he's not alone in their >> certainly isn't alone. appear to her what's your message? kevin, right now >> yeah. i haven't just keep going the world knows you're innocent. we all know your journalist we also know what good of a friend you are. and we will do. everything will never stop working until you're out with us again. here we have, of course, all of us stand with ebbadi was doing his job as a journalist in russia, a country actually loved, loved the russian culture, loved everything about russia and all of a sudden the russian
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authorities detained him and it's now been one year since he's been held in prison. peter sauer, polina, ivan, over to both of you thank you very much. when you're in contact through the letters with evan, please pass along our best wishes to him on behalf of all of our viewers here in the united states and around the world. thanks to both of you thank you. >> thank you very much. yeah, thanks >> and coming up, breaking news, a donald trump's attorneys now say prosecutors are trying to expand his gag order in the hush money case. we have details out a new filing that's just ahead also ahead the war in gaza looming large over president biden fundraiser with former president obama and clinton how the three democrats panel the protest, and how they plan to unite they're divided, pardon >> houston check we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accident. it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events.
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news. >> we're following now, attorneys for donald trump claimed prosecutors in manhattan are trying to expand the gag order in his hush money case. let's bring in cnn's kara scannell. she's got details for a so what could you tell us kara? >> donald trump's attorneys have just written to the judge saying that they think that the prosecutors are trying to expand on the gag order that was put in place earlier this week, the judge said that trump couldn't make comments about the potential witnesses in this case. the jury courts, staff members members of the prosecution team, and their family members. but he specifically said that it would not apply to the district attorney, alvin bragg. so the prosecutor's office pointing out to the judge that the date after that gag order was put in place, donald trump made statements about the judge and his daughter, and they asked the court to clarify if this gag order applies to the judge's family members. the family members of the district attorney, or family members of anyone else associated in this case, including some of the
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witnesses, are potential witnesses here trump's attorneys are responding to that, saying that this appears to be an expansion or request to expand the gag order. they're saying that trump has as it the way that a lot of people have in the legal community that it doesn't apply to the judge or his daughter. and if the judge is going to consider that they want to be able to file a legal briefs to argue against it. so it's now before the judge, but the prosecutors immediately reacting to trump's truth, social statements where he was making statements about the judge's family members and they're asking the court for some clarity, but trump's team thinking that that is an overreach in an effort to expand this gag order, wolf or kara scannell reporting first. thank you very much. i want to bring in our legal and political experts for some analysis right now our minds and what could this suggest to you that prosecutor beginners are asking whether this gag order covers the judges family >> well, we've seen trump in a
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way that appears to be very intentional target >> judge >> merchan's daughter including by name, in a series of social media how's things? and we know from his prior isolation of individuals in this fashion that that can create an enhanced risk profile. now, the language of the gag order here talks about the family members of council or court staff. there isn't ambiguity whether that encompasses the judges daughter. i think the da is right to ask for clarification and let's not let the quibbling about the words of the existing order detract from how incredibly in and dangerous it is to single out the a child adult child of a judge in this fashion, >> important point. kristen holmes, you've done a lot of reporting this a federal judge, as you know, gave a very rare
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and extraordinary interview to cnn's kaitlan collins about the threats to judges and that interview was last night, watch this little excerpt >> that's very disconcerting to have someone making comments about a judge and it's particularly problematic when those comments or in the form of a threat especially if they're directed at one's family i mean, we do these jobs because we're committed to the rule of law and we believe in the rule of law and the rule of law can only function effectively when we have judges who are prepared to carry out their duties without the threat of potential physical harm. >> very strong words. is there a recognition katelyn from the trump team about the potential impact of his rhetoric well, the way that the trump team is phrasing it in this response that they've provided to the court, is there defending him >> and they're saying that the
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gag order it wasn't about the court. that's not how donald trump would have interpreted it. and they're also saying that what he is doing attacking the judges daughter by name, pointing out that she has worked for democratic political campaigns. they're saying essentially that that is campaign speech. and so it should be protected >> this is an argument >> that they have to make here because it's a bit different than in his other cases. in his other cases there is a case where he has a gag order that's been upheld by the federal appellate court in washington, dc. this is another criminal case. and in that case, it's also says court staff and families should not be commented on and he has not tried to go there in that direction. he has not commented since that gag order was put in place about that, judge or her staff. and so when you look at these gag orders and the way they've been structured there in rungs witnesses get the most amount of protection, and then
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people who work on these cases, whether it's line prosecutors, people from the fbi, investigators whose names we wouldn't know in the public or court staff and their families that's the next rung of protection. and then the public officials are treated a bit differently because their names are out there. and so this clarification request, trump's team says this shouldn't have been about the judge. we don't believe it's about the judge, but there is still an open question question of does the court order should have it even applied to the families to begin with it. it seems quite clear that protecting families and people whose names are not in the public spotlight is something that was intentional behind the gag order when judge merchan put it on this case? >> let me get kristin into this. christian, is there a recognition from the trump team about the potential impact of his rhetoric, especially given what we heard from the judge last night. >> no, there isn't we haven't heard any kind of feedback on that. in fact, donald trump has often leaned into this attacking judges, attacking
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prosecutors, attacking lawyers is all part of a larger strategy, which he has taken to really play this out in the court of public opinion, saying that they are all democrats, that they are intentionally putting him through this process because it's political persecution. one thing i want to add to what caitlin was saying about why the lawyers would come forward and pushback on this it's because one of the things that we have learned is that donald trump is not posting to social media when it comes to these legal cases in a vacuum. >> and in >> fact, his lawyers have brief them multiple times in these cases where there is a gag order on what exactly he can say telling him exactly how far he can go up to the line without crossing it likely in this case, he would've been briefed that he is not to go after the same long list here. the attorneys, the court staff, the families of attorneys in courts. but not been briefed anything on the judge though. you're seeing his legal team pushing back and in fact, in some cases is legal team has actually gone through his social media posts before he
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has put them up a budget just to go back to this idea that donald trump is putting this on social media. does anyone essentially defend him or push back against this idea that he should be saying these kind of things online. anyone close to him? the answer is no. i mean, a lot of this is playing into his conservative base. some of this actually what he was accusing the judges daughter of with stuff that came from a far right conservative social media post. so that is where he gets his information. much of the time, and that's also where he is repeating it to sort of echo chamber as he does try to whip up voters and supporters and surround him when these legal cases good point that nor should the trump team the worried about the potential impact if he is found to have violated if he is found to have violated this gag order attorney's office well i think given the ambiguity in the wording of the gag order, it's unlikely that he will be
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>> have found to have violated the >> more >> immediate question is, is the judge going to expand the gag order? some of these statements that trump has made about the judge's daughter, lauren, have been false. it has been disinformation things that she did not actually say about him and the pattern reminds me of his goading of judge and goren. there. he didn't attack the judges daughter. this is the judge in the civil fraud case. he persistently attacked them with the judges female clerk, who was assisting him during the trial. that suggests that donald trump is very intentionally finding ways that he can provoke these judges seeing how far he can go. and
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now the judge will likely push back important to analysis, everyone. thank you very, very much up next president biden mocks donald trump during the democrats $26 stars gutted fundraising we're going to hear what he said and discuss discuss how it might play with voters sanity needs to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other. >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight on cnn >> kinda riva support your brain health. >> mary janet, hey eddie know, appraiser, franck. franck, bread. how are you >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge our pharmacy has been in business for nearly 100 years. a wife and i have run it for the last 30 american technology is making this more efficient and
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and late-night host stephen colbert >> how would you describe what's at stake in this election? >> i think our democracy is not a joke. i think democracy is literally at stake. all the things he's doing are so old speaking, oh oh, little old, and out of shape. but anyway let's discuss this in more with our political experts and jeff zeleny. you've been out there covering this campaign closely, this mach-e tone of trump seems to be at least to be a different tone than we sign in 2020. >> we absolutely. and there's no doubt that it is different from 2020, but it's really been picking up from the president himself personally sort of taking some delight in going after donald trump. it seems, but if you think back to when donald trump first came on the scene in 2016, the clinton campaign mocked him in a different way and kind of just it's missed him in 2020 biden
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tried to sort of ignore him now, they are locked in to a fully trying to get in his head. i think by making fun of his weight, his image, how he golfs. but also more than that really day by day by day. there's a crescendo of how the campaign is going after him i'm not sure it matters if the end of the day to voters, but i think it's clear the biden campaign is trying to go directly after trump's psyche and things as well here. to the extent that he's watching and we do know that he watches television. so it was notable, the campaign designed to do release that video clip. of course they did not allow a news media access in its entirety. so we're not still entirely sure what was said there and this wasn't a show of stephen colbert. he was appearing at a fundraiser that raised $26 million. that's probably the biggest takeaway of all they can use that money on ads in swing states, battleground states. that's going to be so important. and karen funny, you're mocking trump is one thing of course. but what are you hearing is biden doing enough right now to
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translate all of that into support. >> right? well, just a couple of things on that. i mean, to jeff's point, the mocking is i think specifically intended to get underneath his skin because there are several issues where he is get a whereas in 2016, as jeff mentioned, it was harder to get under his skin because he was running like he had nothing to lose now he knows what he has to lose. and so there are more areas to both get under his skin, tried to get him to make a mistake stake, particularly with all these four cases that are proceeding. >> but >> in addition to that i mean, the thing that this money advantage gives is an opportunity to open field offices higher filled staff really have a solid ground game to talk to voters. and that early and often and particularly when you're trying to recreate and broadened the coalition sen. that he put together in 2020. so that's part of their strategy and that's money advantage gives them an opportunity to do that early. and have much more frequent conversations with voters point dina scott
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jennings, the biden campaign is clearly making a direct appeal right now to nikki haley's supporters in a new digital ad. let me play it for our viewers. listen to this good brand i call, it break break. >> haley has made an unholy alliance >> with rhinos, never trumpers americans four there are no prosperity. q sydney >> she's gone crazy. she's a very angry person. how do you bring these nikki haley voters back in? >> i'm not sure we need to manage so what do you think is. this something that should worry the trump campaign >> well, i've been opinion that there weren't too many nikki haley voters that were good able for donald trump in the first place >> i will >> say though, i do know some republicans who prefer that trump not be the nominee. who are now really conflicted about what to do. and they're not as interested in what donald trump was saying about nikki haley. they're more interested in their how a gas they are at the
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way joe biden has conducted himself in office. and so they're really torn right now. so just the raw numbers of it. i think a lot of haley's supporters already never trumpers didn't vote for him in 2020, some democrats, they're gone it trump's not going to get those people back. and so i really ultimately think we're dealing with a pretty small number here, frankly, for trump, what's more important for him is to dig into biden's working class coalition of which you see emerging in some of the polling right now. >> it's interesting during the biden team clearly has this nikki haley add we just saw clip but as politicos, jonathan barton is pointing out, they aren't necessarily according much of the anti-trump gop vote, right now, let me put up a quote from the article senators susan collins of maine, mitt romney of utah, todd young of indiana, bill cassidy, louis he's the anna lisa murkowski, alaska all said the same. they've not heard from biden. is that a mistake? >> well, a couple of things i would say on that. >> i suspect they >> will at some point here from
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the campaign. but as these things go, those tend to be conversations that are had and over a period of time before you can't just expect you're going to pick up the phone and get those endorsements right away. and there's still quite a bit of legislative business that they're still trying to get down. the other thing i want to just quickly mention about that haley add it's not just that he's insulting haley voters. he's insulting women. his attacks on her. this is some of donald trump's greatest hits, calling her birdbrain he talked about megyn kelly and divisive ways in 2016, and we've heard him denigrate women time and time and time again starting in 2018 when i was working on a number of senate races, we started to hear from voters, particularly suburban women who trump's still has trouble with. they didn't like that kind of talk even today in a piece that john king aired, you could hear people saying they don't like that meanness, they don't like some of that language. and so i think that's going to be a real advantage for joe biden. important point well, guys, thank you very, very much. just ahead, we'll talk to a surgeon
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who is now just back from a gaza hospital, is very disturbing accounts of injured children in agony >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever help my dad died doing what he loved. >> space shuttle columbia. he final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. >> bob, i call beta chest congestion hello, 12 hours of relief >> mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion in any cough day you're not mucinex dm. it's come back now, tried to use the next instance, susto probe medicated drops >> welcome to the waiver hoods, wayfair vibe, an airplane western my thing, darling. >> shy gardening >> some of us go for the dramatic >> how did i know weaver had vanities and tiled >> this
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coventry direct readout finding insurance >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon >> and this >> is cnn >> the washington post reports that the biden administration has quietly just signed off on the transfer of billions of dollars in additional bombs and fighter jets to israel this despite mounting domestic pressure on president of biden and deep concerns and expected israeli military offensive in southern gaza could endanger the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. this arms package reportedly includes 2000 pound bombs that have been linked to previous mass casualty events in this conflict. scenes on the ground in gaza right now, already very disturbing. a british surgeon has spent years volunteering in gaza's hospitals, has just returned with horror stories. dr. nick maynard last week told the united nations that he was
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not remotely prepared for what he saw on his latest visit to gaza in december and june january. i saw things at al-aqsa hospital, which i still wake up at night thinking about one child alone never forget had burned so bad. you could see her facial bones there was no morphine to give her. so not only was she inevitably going to die but she would die in agony. and what made it even worse that there was no ever had to go and die so she was just left on the floor of the nursing department >> dr. nick maynard has joining us now, dr. mayner. thank you very much for joining us. you said your recent trip to the al-aqsa hospital in gaza was the worst thing you've seen in your 35-year medical career. tell us more about what you witnessed there? >> yes. thank you very much for asking me on it was i saw injuries. i saw patients. >> the
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>> like of which i would never have expected to have seen the sheer volume of trauma that came in. people who had suffered almost all of them from bad explosive injuries. of course, most of them were killed at the scene of the bomb. but those that came in, we sometimes had dozens upon dozens coming in at once. often two or 300 hour period. and the sheer volume virtually broke the system there it was impossible to triage patients. we had such severe injuries that it was almost a lottery at times as to who could get treated because there are so many of them. >> on your last day at the hospital were told a missile attack, blew open the wall of the icu, the intensive care per unit while you were in surgery, just how much have attacks near gaza's hospitals disrupted urgent medical care >> almost completely. so we, that we had two more days to go at are hospital. we had to withdraw that all afternoon
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once the missile had hit, the intensive care unit, and of course, once all the foreign doctors left the msf team left as >> well, many of the local doctors left then the hospital rapidly became disabled, and that has happened to the vast majority of the hospitals within the gaza strip that they've been targeted. they'd been attacked >> many >> healthcare workers have been killed many health care workers have been abducted. >> and there >> are barely any fully functioning hospitals left in the gaza strip. >> i know dr. maynard, you also worked at another hospital, the al-shifa hospital? many times before this current war, it's now been under siege as you know, for 12 straight days. as israel says, it's fighting, hamas militants, there what concerns that this raised for you? >> yeah i mean it seems to be happening exactly as happened in october, november to shifa hospital, which became
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completely disabled. and then some of the doctors started working again >> it has >> now i've spoken to a great friend of mine who's a surgeon there in the last 48 hours and it is, it's unspeakable. what is happening there. the hospital has now stopped functioning, but there are still patient's left there. and i think it's important to say in all the years i've been in gaza and work that she for and other hospitals i have never and i can only speak for my own experience. i have never seen any evidence of any hamas militants in the hospital. and indeed the two weeks i was working at al-aqsa hospital, there were no signs of any hamas militants so it seems to me and what i have witnesses, there is a direct targeting of the whole infrastructure of the healthcare system in gaza. >> dr. nick mayner. thank you very much for joining us >> thank you very much for asking me and coming up. i will
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take a closer look at the epicenter of the border crisis here in the united states and arizona crossing, dealing with an overwhelming surge in migration plus a cnn exclusive a rare interview from a sitting federal judge warning of donald trump's attacks on the judiciary >> get your viewing glasses ready. eclipse across america april 8 and one on cnn, important health care announcement. if people tell you your tv is too loud, or if listening in some environments has become too difficult. we are requesting your participation in a special program called the 30 day risk-free challenge hearing, live hearing centers are seeking people with hearing difficulties to evaluate a new 100% digital mini hearing aid now being released, all people with hearing aids or hearing difficulties are wanted to take part in this 30 risk-free challenge event how are you waiting this new high-tech device that sits discreetly
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get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. less sugar and calories and all the sweetness >> closed captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having utis for ten years. >> you, cora. we make uti relief products. >> we >> also make proactive urinary tract health products. you cora is a life stage right? today at your a federal appeals court weighs a controversial texas immigration law, the border crisis in arizona is growing in a recent surge of migration in the state overwhelming resources, cnn's rosa flores, as a closer look it's mountainous, it's very steep. >> paul nixon and laurel grindy helped migrants in distress in southern arizona are which is now the busiest migrant crossing on the us mexico border. 300,000 migrants let's have been apprehended in the
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tucson border patrol sector from october to february? that's about 64% more than the number of migrants apprehended in the del rio sector, which includes eagle pass, texas the epicenter of the border battle between texas and the biden administration. >> jamaica. well, you're from to make many migrants walk four miles up and down steep hills to this makeshift camp where they wait for border patrol like meta from guatemala >> she >> says that her soul hurt. the mother of seven boys ages four to 16, wants to go by her first name only it says extreme poverty in her home country, leaves mothers with an impossible choice. >> decide, do you feed your >> younger child or your older child on the ranching world, you're always around people from south of the border. >> the camp is on cattle rancher, lori lindsay is property a lifelong democrat who is now an independent because she says democrats are weak and republicans who call the border issue that invasion
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soft invasion along our southern border have it wrong. >> she says, it's a humanitarian crisis. when you say invasion, it's as if you're being attacked or if you're in danger. we're not in danger. >> i would >> just like people to not lose their humanity >> lindsay says she sympathizes with migrants, but worries because the camp has no sanitation facilities and to keep warm migrants build fires. it's not just our >> ranch that could go up in flames. and this is our livelihood. this is that this our home. >> she calls on the federal government to hire more border patrol agents. are inside the arizona air coordination center. >> john modlin leads the border patrol's tucson sector, 200 miles of arizona's border with mexico here, the border wall looks like the spine of a giant beast resting on jagged peaks. by >> far the most dangerous place on the southwest border across modlin says one of his biggest frustrations is that the
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cartels smuggle thousands of migrants in the most remote areas in the east side of arizona bugging down his border patrol agents there, while the cartels smuggle drugs and bad guys on the west side so what we're not doing is actively patrolling for the people that are trying to get away from us. >> he says his team has identified 30,000 gottaways or people entering the tucson sector and evading arrest so far this fiscal year, but he just doesn't have enough four wheel drive vehicles and agents to chase them down is that what keeps you up at night? >> yeah absolutely >> like air and marine operations show was the trails atop mountains used by these smugglers and migrants who don't want to get caught. >> many times they're trafficking narcotics. it could be a criminal or someone that possibly happen as mal intent towards the united states >> all while, many of modlin's border patrol agents respond to what he calls a humanitarian mission, making repeated hours
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as long drives and unforgiving terrain to apprehend parents like me. >> she says that she left her >> seven children in guatemala with her dad. the guatemalan mother, who liked so many migrants, arrived with a crushed heart search for opportunity to feed their family >> and we >> met so many families, mothers, fathers families who simply we skirt the border wall and then turn themselves in to immigration authorities. and you know, according to the head of the tucson border patrol sector at the current pace, even continues as it is right now, he expects that migrant apprehensions good hit up to 800 by the end of this fiscal year. and we'll just to give you sense of that staggering figure, it nears the total of the past three fiscal years >> walked rosa flores reporting us. thank you very much coming up down trump gets a rare public rebuke from a sitting federal judge. stay with us for
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an exclusive cnn interview. we'll be right back >> let me check we hear nothing >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part is a wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia. he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. >> i love your dress >> i splurged a little because liberty mutual customize my car insurance i saved hundreds. that's >> great. i know. right. i've been telling everyone >> did you hear that >> i just said her >> first word >> couldn't you say mama? >> never >> can you say on >> how many people did you tell >> only pay for what you need >> like. >> were you worried the wedding would be too much now another >> destination wedding >> i can use my backyard within
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