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tv   White House Correspondents Dinner Pre- Show  CNN  April 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> but there are fat rice the facts have shown that the election was stolen you're willing to look at that and accept that and really show what's going on. >> that's your issue, not ours we want the god-given freedom that our constitution and our bill of rights is based on god, given constitutional rights. >> yes. there are two different things right now. so they're not real paid. our ead, the constitution read it out loud to yourself, so that you hear what the words of the constitution say god is mentioned in the constitution sar all new episode of the whole store with anderson cooper airs tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern. >> thank you so much for joining me this evening. >> i'm jessica dean. are special coverage of the white
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house correspondents. dinner starts next. have a great night >> while just hours ago, president biden won the south carolina democratic primary barely edging out his closest rival, time good evening from the nation's capital on john berman with sarah sinnner. >> you might know us as most of the stars have cnn news central tonight's special live coverage of the white house correspondents dinner or celebrities, politicians, nd, invited media gather to celebrate the first amendment. now i say invited media because once again, i was not invited. >> oh, my goodness. i'm so sorry. i was invited but you know what, john because you're here i'm sacrificing fun and frivolous small talk to be with
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you president biden is expected to arrive very soon as he gets ready to tell jokes and roast the media and washington along with saturday night live star colin jokes. so when we can promise you tonight celebrities dogs, goats and may him, not to mention scarlet johanson. now we want to kick off things live on the red carpet. that's very fine cnn's harry enten and lower coates is standing by with a special guest. good evening to you. books we're so happy you guys are here and i am so happy we are divine joint random. oh, my goodness, how are you doing something wonderful i am so happy to be here and begin with you guys traveling. >> we are so proud of this oscar winner who was not crying when she won. so proud of you. i mean, you were incredible and here you are, you know, red carpet so well yes thing you want to have some fun tonight. i do. i mentioned that before. i was saying because i did time
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100 a couple of days ago. this is actually a new kind of fun for me because it's not so in our industry, and i love that it's global, it around so many other people. and i get to learn about other people in the amazing things that they've done. i'm so honored to be here tonight. >> it's gonna be a beeline made for her, you know that right? like everyone's going to be around you getting selfies, you're a legend. >> thank you so much. i really feel honore does such a blessing then how all this turned out and it just continues to be a blessing and i'm just so excited for what's next. there really wasn't a beginning. so it's an honor to be here you're saying you're such a pleasure because you came out here, you saw laura. >> he gave her a hug. it's one lonely off on the side and you're came and he gave me a hug me or for right at home all around. what let me just ask you one question. you know, you were mentioning sort of being the intersection, everything going on. what do you making up this red carpet if he has a little short to me little short. >> i'm used to longer but let's good day. if that photo
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app if that's the moment. so you just stand plant yourself well in dc, the red carpets are stored, but the bureaucracy has long and everything else about it, right? >> and i can do it. let's said we're so proud to have you here. i can't wait to lab i look forward to hearing colin joe's rose. every term when he still towns, i can not wait and i know he has made and stuff, press and store. >> three now, if he's here, who's done, we can update brass and, you know, maybe i can try my hand going at next time you're he would you that your next project? i'm currently filming for rows new musical are years, so yes, about his life and inspire by his live so virginia, we're right over enrich then okay, well, the friend and i had now lives even closer. >> i'm glad you're here. thank you for stopping by to you guys. no, hold on america
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dreams come, dreams do come true, laura, i'm glad we held over there. very nice amount are drafts it's okay no you're going to be it's gonna be a nice little man. >> the places that are not going to throw you out. you have many chances to make amends for your foci right there. >> well, i'll i'll try. i'll try to do that. i failed already i can say sarah, john, what should we do next? >> laura you know, wardrobe malfunctions please. we went through that at the super bowl. it's not okay recipe really nice to be there. >> it looks really fun to be there you guys so much there we are. >> the only thing that's missing is you to about ball get to hear. >> thank you very much john. i'm sorry. >> there have been far worse
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things that i've far worse things have gotten on my shirt before chicken wings sauce, pasta sauce, cream soda. so a little blushed from you, ain't nothing too bad. >> chicken. we saw delicious. i mean, i know what i know how much condiments matter to harry. so that comes with high praise. listen, we're going to come back to you in a little bit enjoy yourselves. there at the party. will hold it down here in this trie joining us now is a comedic genius. the co-creator of everybody loves raymond of the current star of somebody feed, fill on netflix. bill rosenthal it's so great to have you here with us tonight. you do have a history which we'll get to with the white house correspondents dinner and a second. but let me just ask, you know, what are you most looking forward to watching tonight? >> what a night? i love that. >> colin jost is doing this. his jokes are always fantastic on snl and i think president biden is going to be fantastic. i love a president who has a sense of humor don't we all isn't that so helpful? i do
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have a question for you. do you have any tips for his speech writers and for the president as to, you know, what he should he should say, like what the joke should be like the jokes i know are going to be good as you know, i've worked on a couple of these and i find that if you're a little bit self-deprecating and you can make fun of yourself. that always makes all the other jokes go down easier. >> look in that true in life. i mean, there's no better humerus self-deprecating humor some of us have more of an opportunity for that. you worked on. if i remember correctly, the one i remember is bill clinton's last video, right? >> what's it like to work with a president on? >> comedy? or they totally psyched to be told what to do yes, in that case that this was i wrote jokes for him for all eight years of the white house correspondents dinner my friend
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mark katz was their go-to human person at the white house, and he brought me in as i was running raymond and i always wanted to do a funny snl type of video with the president and they said that he doesn't have time to make one of these videos. >> he's the president until his last year. >> and then he had time and so the video was all about president clinton having too much free time in his last year and if you want to see this, it's on youtube, it's called president clinton the final days. and he is fantastic. >> he was really funny all right. >> let's listen to there it is. it's on the screen right there. we have sound of this can be listening. now it's just video. all right back in the day, you will remember that if you were as old as john and i brought me in, they brought me into direct the president that was really cool. >> i i you know, if you tell
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the most powerful man in the world what to do and he does it doesn't that make you the most powerful man in the world? >> good when i watch that, she said, pick up yourself the man who directs the leader of the free world. >> listen just very quickly filled anything you have to be careful of if you're the comedian doing the roast, anything you shouldn't joke about any third rail you know, good taste is always good, but, but i think politics are fair game, right? and of course there's going to be the requisite jokes that we all expect the bravest act of comedy. i think i ever saw in my life of any kind was steven com-b layer, stephen colbert where at the george w correspondents dinner. >> well, that was he was he was tough on him then and that was remembered for being top. and
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again, it can go it can go all those different directions. listen to fill. it's great to see you in person at love your war. a big fan of everything you do. and it's even better than i know how power you are now. thanks so much. have a great night. they'll be calling you up every some lines by the way, we need to one-liners. >> we didn't even think of it, but now that we know that we can get in touch with you, we're going to call you back. >> appreciate you let's get back to the red carpet right now. >> harry and laura, their start standing with two of the most fabulous, wonderful people people that we know, other than yourself do you know do you guys know these? i mean, dana bash have your pieces and they don't know were saying all these lovely things about you. was that funny joke about it having a great time that you hear to be on the other side of the microphone i can hear the control room here. >> you're far better off just go on to feel calm all of a
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sudden you're like, i'm going to try my night. no boy. what's i am, looking forward to collin joseph i am looking forward to honestly, kelly o'donnell, who is our r-code, friend. my very good friend, very long time friend colleague, and competitor, but really colleague and dear friend from nbc news, new. i've covered campaigns with since since before you were born. thank you for that thank you so much. she might before i was like, yeah, definitely putting me down. what am i am i different than his not going to look it up, look at pdf people's look it up on wikipedia. >> i'm just going to say that transport to pd, i go bad guys. >> my robert for born and she's the president of the white house correspondents association and she she did all this and she's done such a good job and i'm really proud of her. >> i'm excited roasting. >> yeah. and you know what? i think that and snl comedian is black, the absolute perfect
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choice for this dinner because they know how to tell especially someone who's done weekend update it's like slightly political but funny yeah, it's just the right mix of things that i think i don't want to i don't want to drink sam honestly, don't flexibly support for this is the hardest i've talked to the comedians who have done this before. it is one of the hardest rooms, period in all the promise it why is that? it's our fault it's because very ugly as journalists do you do you never were just a room full of harry's there would be a different story like we begin with a room full of hand nine, i would honestly be one of the scariest things i was getting return of my own voice earlier and i want to rip my ear off. >> so the idea of a room full of paris this is probably the greatest nightmare that could ever be inflicted upon the american public okay. >> but you're a whole television full of harry right now, we have that one last thing you are buying my matzo before. oh yeah, i want the
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other ones. >> you want some? >> like oscars where it's not open at swagger afraid that is i kept the close gift people here on the red carpet amazing. >> i really thought you would never give me a gift like this very well. >> let me tell you. i've been admiring you have for years and you want her to carry this in the white house correspondent much there's okay. oh, good luck the new thing, right? >> go similarly to our excitement to see hello, i'm also excited to see after this dinner the ascension of eugene, daniel's as the next president of the white house correspondents dinner, which makes a huge amount of history. he's the first black and lgbtq president ever period, there have only been a handful of black members on the board in general, so it's a big mouth but it's a big night for
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everyone. we're excited are really important point. great. >> and you know what you made it through the entire head with this straight for you pretty time buro weighing god back here in this studio, here are weighing and matzo for those wanting to know what makes this correspondence dinner different than all others tonight, we reclined at the white house correspondents dinner. there's a joke for a very specific slice in the audience, right there. >> all right. we're gonna go back to the red carpet. in just a bit there was a report or the president biden's campaign ended its january fundraising with $56 million in the bank. >> now if he can only remember his atm code every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happened with jesse l. martin tomorrow at nine on cnn.
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people getting their pictures taken. they maybe having the time of their lives. this is the annual event. i would say it is the event of the year in washington, dc where media and celebrities and politicians and very important people, all get together. they dress up and they tell jokes. >> yeah, i was sitting next to when i went one time. you got to yeah. >> i was sitting next to queen searcy from game of thrones, which i have never seen so that was a little awkward and governor sununu so the combination of people that are at the table, you can find them. did you make like game of thrones jokes i did an inappropriate game of thrones justice. >> i don't know what i'm talking about. so she was absolutely lovely. lina, lina head. he was wonderful. >> again, when you're looking at pictures of people with the red carpet right there, we're gonna be with you for the entire night. colin joe's from saturday night live is going to be delivering the fame comedian speech promises to be very funny. president biden will be speaking, reporters will be doing things they'll regret at some point as they pose for pictures on the red carpet.
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let's get to our very own, laura coates and harryette and who our standing by with some special guests, friends we have a very special guest, two and back. >> senator john fetterman, his lovely wife does out how fantastic i'm happy to be here. >> well, i was just telling the senator the i will be jealous of your outfit soon. once i'm tired of wearing masks absolutely. i would be happy to i wasn't sure she wanted to be seen with wouldn't take a photo with him on the red carpet or not. >> now, everyone you're on the right to hold its war is i put, i put this look together for committed to comfort and i guess there's something to say about well, i'm i want to honor it. you've got you've got a rose, a lapel. you've got a bow tie, you've got almost encumber been asked sort of thing going on. >> it's comfortable yes. i'll have to find you after and i'd
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be happy to go naked i would appreciate this guy. >> what what what what your wife can tell you, what women want at the end of the night are flat shoes and my yes. but we also don't want to look like you know what? i love it on its relationship pairing now. >> that is the relationship you guys are relationship golf for me because because, you know, i've been dating a girl now for two years and now how long have you two been married for or we're together? before years wow. i'm tired. i'm tired the arm candy. i'm. tired about well, he has the arm candy. >> he said i told them his better sayyed of course is why yeah. well said we love honesty in washington dc and of course
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your husband often bring bad. so obviously i see a trait that happens at home as well well, you have three great kids delighted to be here tonight. i'm most looking forward to about the jumps are going to be tall because you now in dc, people take themselves too seriously. >> i'm looking for like reality tv like the valley of bandwidth here. >> i can't wait to see my president it's always great to see him again. it's just a having a great time here. >> so well, i tell you joe will be coming. >> brittany and jacks are already here, so you will get a mixture of reality. >> and of course, washington dc thank you so much well, you look i good long time. >> can we get my husband the same way if you can get the senator? >> i don't think we really
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want to see his whole can use wearing short. he's got your back out a little bit. you'll see shortly saying, yeah, you know, i went to men's warehouse, but i should have gotten on a fetterman warehouse because that's my friends is fashion to the nth degree notice his wife has left the actual screen. she's time. >> i was okay with the sweat shirt top, but now i'm back. i love it. you look good i'm women can only take so much but i still showed up thanks, senator love somebody goes by the drunk you know what, as somebody who does that, i respect game. >> yeah. i respect game center of fetterman. can only be hey, i can only be me sarah and john. you can only be you i have to, say so poignant to care for that moment, for that moment in that relationship to witness, i think the love, but
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also the actual real tension over disagreement over what once you've already there was wonderful harry, laura, we will talk to you again. >> very, very shortly. that was fantastic. >> and we have somebody here who can judge outfits really, really, really well. who's on the, who's who lists and i glimmer, editor in chief samantha barrier is joining us now first, i just have to ask you, first of all about fetterman i mean, where would you put that ranking of of things to wear to a gala? that is a couple of let have gone to two very different events. i got dressed for two very different events there and it was very enjoyable. i mean, obviously comfort was top of his list, maybe maybe not making my best rest of the night so far i would say. >> okay. but he leaned into his choice. >> i didn't even know he was right. i should have assumed shorts, but the sweatshirt was one thing then what we saw we saw the shorts, i think i understood maybe where she was coming from. >> yeah. i i totally do. it's almost like, you know, it gave me that sense of jealousy. haley bieber and justin, her
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husband, when they go to invent, they look like they're two very different this one's got a hoodie on? >> yes. and the other seven total lamb dress. >> but he is who he is. >> i've very sad and he's been criticized in congress for this. but you know what? >> he doesn't give a dang me. >> so let's talk about the people who maybe made a different type of efforts that don't want a judge here. what have you seen so far? what are you most looking forward to? >> well, i just think it's such an interesting idea tonight where you have reality stairs, rubbing shoulders with republican lab as you've got the hollywood elite sit next to the headline writers and i think the fashion often does make a statement, right? while people are showing up when i've seen some great, i, it's already molly ring mold isn't a beautiful yellow dress from a vietnamese designer. >> i know that the colin jost and his wife scarlet johansson are going to be arriving in her money armani, his dressing, all of them and then there's people that may be very conscious on the decision that they make, right? >> for example, i know that the press secretary is in bold again, for the second, second year in a row. and that's very
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consciously because she wanted to support an independent new york designer who's kind of suozzi american fashion dream, right? emily started in men's the cafta and is now in women's wear. and i think people, what they choose, where on the carpet often can say something about who they are and what they want to show up like truly speaking of which sophia bush is coming, are there or have probably already paid her right? >> yeah. as a couple, sophia bush, whose glamorous cover star this we were talking earlier, and this was a block buster putting her on the cover how many people are looking at this and why what i'm going to read it now, sophia bush, i finally feel like i can breathe and she she wrote the ordinance, her byline, it was like 1 million minutes in the first de which is like a record-breaking cover for us. and i think a couple of things she was coming out as queer. i was in her own words, she is dating ashlyn harris, who's now who is the us soccer star there on the red carpet does a couple of tonight, i think that that personal story came across a
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lot for sophia. and this is one of the big events that they've come together. they're wearing both wearing hobson studio couture again, a young black designer that they've decided to go to in terms of to dress them for tonight. but yeah, couples on the carpet is definitely my favorite thing was on the carpet and it'd be a segment. >> c is looking down. we were glancing down at the monitor here to see that people walking in and out. so when you see your eyes go down, that's what we're doing as we pay attention here. >> it's funny you know, i come from an era of journalism where most of us war ill fitting suits comfortable shoes. so it's always funny when i tune it here and see people that i was like on the campaign trail with her reporters, i wars with again, who mostly worth things that don't fit and certainly don't match, right? address up. there, scrubbing no pretty wild like i think you're seeing a lot and then you've got obviously the people's are so used to the red cart, but we saw rachel bronson had arrived, who a guest to cnn tonight from marvelous mrs. nasal. she arrived in bos, which is the
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big trend on the catwalk this year. carrie rasa lose in the diplomatic also arrived in black. i'm also really interested in what the menchu and the red carpet in quest love came in an effort that was spectacular earlier today. and i think you're seeing more men, including anchors and male broadcasters. maybe taking a bit more of a chance in what they wear you know, i mean, fetterman took a chance that's really statement with that, and i know people are going to be talking about that for awhile to come. certainly we will some people, some people who are white sole shoes on tv and issues they're told they can't do it anymore. >> i'm just saying sometimes there are different rules for different moments. submit the berry, it's really great to see you too. thank you so much for coming joy we're going to have much more from the red carpet you been watching the people coming in and out and really has been a wonderful thing to see all the smiles there. this is cnn special live coverage of the white house correspondents dinner. >> do not tune away qizan life
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all right, welcome back. this is cnn special coverage of the white house correspondents dinner. >> you're looking the red carpet there a little bit of it as people get ready to go inside and here, collin joseph delivered jokes. president biden deliver jokes. and most importantly, and i say this and i mean it is a celebration of the first amendment. we are thrilled. you're watching along with us and john berman making jokes. you've already started n, which is fine, which is good. i appreciate it was not a joke. >> i wasn't invited that's not a joke. it's actually real what does this like the fifth year in a row, weren't invited, rarely invited to the white house cores, but i'm sorry, you know, i'm going to give you my invitation. >> you can go have a good time. but first i think we're going to lower co2 is out on the red carpet with harry enten and two other people that i let sarah oh, my gosh other people harry enten ban away i want it to be your vanna white. you took it away from me. i'll than a black she said it, i didn't
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we're done josie's inside my bad. >> okay. here we go doing great. minor raja so it's not in the hills of capitol hill right now. he can't grabbed that. >> i'm putting in your face. >> well, and there's also members of congress here, so he's still possible we could taste the members down. so there's time, there's still time, casey. >> it's not the crack of dawn and we see you wide-awake should be embed. actually, i usually am but it's fine i'll hold on. >> i'm gonna i'm gonna hang i'm going to get a rupture right hearing at my app, but you get that and i'll take my half. i'm going to oliver darcy, of course, runs reliable sources. oliver, my question to you is a media critic are we actually doing a good job this evening so far thinking during, the stellar job a tremendous job really listening, you want i watched i've been watching you guys right now. >> let's just say that we are
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trust him get a hold news on your behalf. awful. we are. that's exactly right. oliver. >> letting you guys have dreamed three, what do you notice diet and w cream soda that it's worth yeah. yeah that's water reborn. >> we don't tell people what you're on born and i hold on. phil mattingly, who is menchu, keep quiet so much so far, except for maybe a little bit just strategic, but we know that figuring out my career, you're thinking about your career or you don't should be. >> over there. >> might i turn this on you for a second. >> yes. and ask you a question. yes. so you guys did an interview? yes. about tonight i'm laura per usual is like glamorous an amazing and i might not want to be her friend. >> and you said you didn't own a tuxedo i don't own a tuxedo. want to know the story behind how you got the tuxedo.
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>> okay. so the one who are you wearing right? >> question. so two weeks ago in north northern new jersey, i went out to the men's warehouse and i tried on a tuxedo because i know there was a men's warehouse in washington no, i didn't want to have to travel with the tuxedo i ended up getting to answer manias question, vero wang, this is a bureau wang tuxedo. i think it looks very stylish, but i've been told that vera wang is not known for her menswear. is that correct? >> not the guy really that you should be asking. what do you like the way you look good? >> i guarantee it now as oliver again how oliver you guys are. >> i don't want to get in trouble, so you're doing everything he could do bad or is doing outstanding that's why he's afraid. he's yeah. i don't blame four of us who's the coolest person you've talked to so far da'vine joy randolph 100%, the nicest
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person winner, brand dresser, france, russia because all it's lovely to me. >> i saw wasn't invited for the friend dresser i would ascend the whole nanny thought, i'm sorry, she's she's mine guys so noted by the way that sarah sayyed nor john berman were listed is the coolest people you spoken to so far, the nice, but we appreciate, we appreciate you. >> are there with trying to do we were fired long ago while we were five i'm sure that vera wang is watching and wonders of that might be a knockoff, but that's don't sue me. >> but like we're gonna be right back, we have much, much, much more for you from the red carpet and also we have a wonderful panel of guests from all over this country and all different kinds of backgrounds. this is gonna be out there. they are in all the different shades of the world. i love it
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all right welcome back. >> this is cnn special live coverage for the white house correspondents dinner. >> and this is our first look inside the banquet hall itself. >> this is oh, there it was two seconds. there it was. so described in vivid detail what we were say their names again this actually see it out of describing very far away. >> i'm pretty sure is a ballroom inside the washington hilton hotel up there is the i believe we call it a dyess died with electron upfront there it is from there that we will hear collin joseph from saturday night live speak a little bit and of course, president biden will be speaking as well, and it'll be interesting to hear what president biden has to say, what he has to talk about, maybe who he will be speaking about or is it whom he gave us a preview over the last 24 hours listening i don't know if you're going to debate, your opponent i am somewhere i
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don't know why. >> i'm happy. >> i just want to say that i've invited by using a bag, take a note anytime you want to flooding tonight. ready? >> to the courthouse all right. >> our esteemed panel for the evening, scott jennings van jones s. e. cupp, van lengthen, and carrie champion. all right. we're talking about the debate. scott, i know you have something to say about what else was set on that that little back-and-forth with howard stern, do you think it's going to happen sea near to my left to the left, to the left. that's where i'm going today feeling it. >> yes. >> where do you think this is going to happen? because biden now says he's ready. >> listen, trump has outplayed biden a little bit on this. trump has been saying, i'm ready, i'm ready to go. let's do it biden finally said, yeah, i'll do it. now. trump is say one ready to go tonight. let's do it tonight. let's do it monday. >> biden's probably going to say, i think i'll wait until after the conventions when they are scheduled. >> and trump is going to say, oh, he's not ready, he needs
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time to prepare. i could go to night and i think trump knows it's going to be better for him because he'll look very energetic, kill, look robust. he doesn't have to stick to like facts. he doesn't have to talk about policies. his team doesn't care about that. biden will want to speak in facts, right. and talk about policies so will be interesting? i think it'll happen, but i do, but i think trump's playing a pretty good game right now. >> did you want to see let me go to the other host if cnn's crossfire, who's here with us there you go. >> your way back to president biden will be speaking tonight. how much do you think? >> he can focus on donald trump and in what way there are times when he speaks, he will not say trump's name. i think tonight you'll you'll the funniest topic on planet earth is not on trump. donald trump has given comedians stuff to work with for decades biden will, they'll, they'll do this thing, but luck for me. i am excited i
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did about everything, but the biden ever at all. i'm excited about collin joseph. i think a lot you're not if you're not a saturday night live person, you don't know how funny this guy is. >> this guy. >> and soares, a hell, yeah, so to me, that's i'm looking for him. >> i'm waiting for him scott jennings. >> yeah. >> do you think that there is a way to entice voters when you take this podium, a lot of people do watch this is there something that you could say that they're like, you know what he is really funny. >> i can no we're but but for the president, i don't know. >> i mean, if you snap off a funny joke or two, it'll be replayed and people will see it. >> i'm not expecting him to scold the press. >> i mean, that's what he said he was going to do. he told howard stern that and there has been reporting this week that he's been heard about the new york times in a way they treat. >> but i'm sorry i'm not he
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says he does not he does not believe the media is sufficiently supportive of him. and the democrats if you can believe it, he doesn't believe that. so i don't know if he's going to be funny or if he's going to stand up there and scold all these reporters for not doing their job, which is helping him win a second term. >> he might do it in a truth ingest situation, really funny. alaska. >> there's no jokes every joke there's there's truth in every, there is always true in january, scott, who are you wearing more important he's got beer one. i've got orangutan lesser known designer and louisville it's huge you bring in joe does they're also been late than van morrison waiting in the wings almost all the vans, we can book a time just tell us what your lives, your head by. no, i'm kidding stetson baby yeah. it used to
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be that this was kinda like the all-star weekend of politics. you know, everybody was, but now it's, it's fairly high leverage, right? joe biden doesn't have to get up there and prove his platform or his vision. he has that show proof of life. and that's like time talks every time he talks, people want to know if he has the energy and the stamina, if he's width and enough. so this is actually an opportunity for him to light, in my opinion, it's not. he has to prove subdued voters anytime he's in front of a mic. so i think it's a big deal for him. i do. 17 is point i love asking about are we ready for this debate? will it finally happened? i referenced another sports reference to manny pacquiao and floyd mayweather. >> remember row fire, one is that fight. >> it was prolonged for so long and then when it finally happened, it really was much ado about nothing. >> but there was a lot of dancing and i didn't see a real winner if i'm minus my take, you could say floyd is the best ever people will say that they can argue me back-and-forth, but were talking about was there a pure knockout? no, there wasn't. that's what i would think would happen if that were to
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ever had a debate. >> yeah. yeah to your point, he is he does need to prove that he is smart and quick and that pause was just an accident by the way, i've read the poem after and also said pause two. >> i've read the words. i've read every one. >> we've all been there. and i'm not taking that we were like, wait, stop. good good morning. is that for me? it happens often. i'm not i'm not excusing said behavior, but i agree try we're going to see what he has. are we paying attention? can he be funny? will we be entertained? that's what i think most people will be looking. >> i think that was a very good comment. >> and as my as my sports sister over there, yes. >> you brought sports into this now i understand it. >> thank you for pointing give you all the things you carry. >> all right. stick around. our panel is going to be here with us all night long out more for the red carpet, right after this, you're watching cnn's special coverage of the white house correspondents dinner
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hey, we're doing is coming your way lay off basketball please, cupboards begins tomorrow. >> would six 30 in the playoffs as anybody google pixel with round one coverage presented by nerd wallet on ten lows knows new project objects come with questions. >> so we have answers like how to keep your yard looking lush, which pant color matches your bold style with the myeloma rewards credit card. >> you can say 5% every day. you got this and we got you rsv is out there for those 60 years and older, protect against rsv with a wreck sv a record fee is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. and people 60 years and older, wreck speed is not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to it its ingredients those with weakened immune systems may have a low response to the vaccine the most common side effects or injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. >> i chose are xv rsv make it a
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wreck. sv have you heard sling tv offers the news you love for less weight. >> you look and sound just like me. actually i am you because i'm the same news programs on sling for less. you mean you're me but for less money, a lot less? i'm all your favorite news programs and more on sling starting at just $40 a month. everything great about me, but for less money, which makes me greater than you think it's the same news for les starting at $40 a month smile. you found it the feeling of findings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe prac psoriasis and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding your so ready for your close-up or finding, you don't have to hide your skin. >> just your background once daily. so check two was proven better getting more people
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clear skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too serious reactions can occur. so ticked, you can lower your ability to fight infections including tb, serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain in labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to sell tiktok is a tick to inhibitor, tick two as part of the jack donnelly, it's not known as a tiktok has the same risks as jak inhibitors fine what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one, so tick two. so ask for it by name. so clearly you so tick two let's get the rest of these plants. organic soil from miracle grow has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil and you get good results this soil will blow free text. hello?
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>> to three-to-one, three-to-one today. >> manu raju on capitol hill. and this is cnn all right, welcome back to scene and special live coverage of the white house correspondents
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dinner. >> we just got word that a short time ago, president biden did arrive at the washington hilton, so all the big guests are there. let's get right back to the red carpet. harry enten is there with this kind of his special crush, who also happens to be a nanny i don't know if you remember me from last year, i commented on your accent and i loved her accentuated the only one that hasn't thicker accident than i do remember. >> you how can i forget? i can't guy all my prim find loves me. now, i have to say i was going to the supermarket earlier. i knew that you might come so i brought some truth gluten-free matzo and they wanted i have regular matson hi, lightly salted the free doesn't taste real and so nice like crackers much have the judicial maps of them however
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they follow any row okay. >> yeah. you're i use highlands as an excuse to get together with loved ones and van gratitude for blessings. oh my god. thank fran franchise sure. not only a hilarious won't, but also one who is profound. >> wow, i don't know about that, but i liked everything. i like to turn everything get into a holiday. weekend, just be together in love and gratitude well, you know what fran russia. >> we're together here and every single time i'm with you so it's my own special holiday wherein this is the greatest thing. my cousin jarrah, i hope you're watching this. this would be amazing. >> any event. >> thank you so much for showing up. is there anything you want to add happy to be here? >> and well see how they evening goes. wow i hope i hope
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it goes well too. >> it's already going well because i once again, got to speak with france, russia. thank you so much. >> that was harry enten living has absolute best life. he notes that have to do anything else he has just met his favorite store and cousin darrell will be so abby on the other side of the red carpet, laura coates standing by with some music royalty, jermaine dupri, laura oh, my goodness i have with me everyone. >> can you believe i've got jermaine dupri and of course, dallas, austin, a town came represent how you guys doing excited to be in. >> he is your first time come in the last corresponds dinner. yes, i'm very first one. >> well, i hope it's a lot of firing a lot. there's lots going on. but what are you looking forward to? i just want to just observe the whole moment. i mean, walking in was pretty excited, so i can i can imagine what's going to happen. >> we don't know what's gonna happen inside today. the comedians die o'clock and but you know, you're going to have the present united states, somebody he bought here. what do you most looking forward to hearing almost almost looking forward to the roles that we
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always i have to cloud and you cnn for this moment, i am literally talking to jermaine dupri and downsizing and the microphone drops no, they make the mics dropped. this hasn't actually happened. i come closer to me fellas. oh my goodness okay. >> saying that, look professional. if cnn. >> all right? >> looking forward to the rules, i've always seen it on cd, but i've never been able to the part of its i'm looking forward to the attainment of it. all. >> i am. so i'm looking at boards. i dropped the more hit cause i got a number, one record in the country right now, money long may for me. and you know, me and dallas, you working on a documentaries and not just dropped the treatment exactly. >> managers do al-kahlut say
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it's going to say documented. we know where the ajcc i happen to have both you guys here have a lot of fine. >> i can let's keep going here? have a great night all right. >> this is z. it has special live coverage with audio of the white house correspondents dinner in moments, the president enters the room and the jokes begins. de woods how would really happened to all would nine. >> on cnn? >> how do i get my raised beds looking so good? i do have a secret, a very special secret. it's organic soil from miracle grow, your great to ryan not as great as the soil though. >> okay. you said it after advil but night in quite about your back for advil? advil dual
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