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tv   Inside Politics With Manu Raju  CNN  April 28, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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airlines posted the video on facebook commenters posted romantic gifts. >> love is in the air although the plane was actually on the ground the entire proposal. but these two are walking on clouds with or without the airplane let's she 10mers cnn, new york. some exotic okay. i did get a little teary either. i didn't expect i was like, this is so not romantic in my opinion. are you doing in front of to do it in front of a bunch of people. i mean, would you want that? >> i guess it depends on the person, but it was moved by, weren't you'd richter was i moved i mean, it's very sweet for them. >> i would rather send by just leaned over me like you know, winning good, no younger. so we might as well do it out of time might as well. that's so romantic thanks for being with
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us everyone inside politics is up next and your lawsuit breaking news new cnn poll reveal significant challenges for president biden i did how he stacks up against trump. he does numbers moments away, plus under oath, we sit here day after day after day trump's delete tactics appear to pay off his hush money allegations. >> oil the race right. >> always prefer somebody that didn't have an extramarital affair. new reporting and how that gop plans to target red-state democrats plus boiling as college campuses, real polygons, pounds go back to class and stop the nonsense. >> he will biden, handle the fall. >> this is not about politics, it's about doing what's right. >> and presidential punchline
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now once that's your trump days lately, you might call it stormy weather. >> celebrities and journalists gather in washington to roast and be roast like many of you here tonight, i pretend to do news on tv inside politics that's reporting from inside the corridors of power starts now good morning. >> welcome inside politics sunday, i'm raju, and we begin with breaking news, a new cnn national poll released for the first time here on inside politics sunday reveals the challenges president biden faces as he asks voters for a second term. even as former president trump has been stuck in a new york courtroom fending off criminal charges and with three other criminal cases looming, are new poll which was conducted by ssrs, finds trump is leading biden was ample work to do with his base and with independent voters were breaking to his gop rival in a head-to-head race, 49% of
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voters say they'd pick trump for president compared to 43% for biden. that's a nine-point trump advantage with independent voters. and add in third-party candidates and trump's lead jumps even more. he has 42% to biden's 33%. and robert f. kennedy jr. gets 16% of the vote. our poll also underscores the challenges of incumbency and that voters, for you years later, have a better view of trump's presidency compared to biden's 55%. say trump's time in office was success with only 39% saying the same about biden's presidency and look, for a party breakdown. more people are calling trump's presidency is success. the now, then in january of 2021, that was in the wake of the capitol attack by a mob of trump's supporters, the number of independence they're going up by 7%. now, biden's team believes the numbers will change when voters begin to zero in more on the two candidates or contrast, he was more than eager to highlight that last night's white house correspondents dinner down once
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that's your trough days lately you might call it stormy weather what the hell trump's so desperate, he started reading those bibles please, selling then he got to the first commandment you shall have no other gods before me that's where they put it down and said this book is not for me all right, there's a lot to impact. >> we've got a great panel to break this all down this morning. cnn's kaitlan collins. instead, herndon with the new york times and sabrina sidiki with the wall street journal. good morning. there was a late night for a lot of us guys are all here, all here. we're all was pretty down at some the numbers because as we reporting through this one thing really stood out to me is really just the problems that biden has with his base and believe the problems are being an incumbent and facing the fact that voters are judging humans record mavi trump's presidency a little different
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after the last four years, but this is what we dive a little deeper in here about the problems with biden in his base, democrats, 56% of democratic voters are dissatisfied with the presidential candidates. there's, you look at party breakdown that is different than republicans, 63% of republicans are satisfied, just 37% does satisfies that's the base issue. then you talk about the number of democrats versus republicans, how they view the item versus trump presidency, 73% of democrats view that biden's presidency has been a success sure. i guess that sounds good. but then you compare that to trump's presidency. >> more republicans view trump's presidency is success. >> it really highlights the dual challenges biden faces as he hasn't november, i'm so glad you pulled this out because that was i was looking through this poll that's also so what stood out to me is that essentially it's which party is more united behind their candidate. and when you look at these numbers, are democrats view biden worse than republicans view trump, which i don't think there's a surprising when you listen to what republicans who have been saying they stand mind donald
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trump when it comes to almost anything. but the question is, how does that hurt biden's momentum going into november but what does that look like out in the campaign trail? i do think part of it is biden office right now and it's easier to judge someone who is president at this time. i think people always have a fonder look at a past president and how his presidency went. >> because whether biden's or whether trump's presidency was a success and how people are viewing that now is quite high. >> when you look at what the poll was right after january 6, truly days before trump left office, it was much worse, much worse if an evaluation. it also makes me think of what's being trotted out, what's in the public domain, what are we talking about trump's trial related to trying to overturn the election is likely not going to go to trial before the election. how does that affect what voters are thinking of? >> and how does it affect the biden's campaign strategy to talk to remind voters about what of all we think they would happen in the trump years. remind people about january 6, remind people about those independent voters course is gonna be so critical here, but when you talk to ask voters in
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those poll, but the issues that are important to them, they say that the economy, which tends to die how many every single national exit 65% protecting democracy high up there as a big theme of the biden campaign. in particular, immigration and crime right up there as well as other issues to his gun policy, health can abortion with 42% of voters view that is the most important issue for them. but this is the challenge for biden because then when you ask about how is he handling these? big issues, he's underwater. we're on all these main issues and that is obviously one thing that's driving his challenges here in one of the things to, of course, is the economy as we drill down even further, inflation is still short. it's getting better, but people are still concerned about it. just nine, 29% of voters approve of his handling of inflation that has not changed really since last year. >> yeah. and i think that encapsulates some of these base enthusiasm problems. i just got back from wisconsin where we were on a reporting trip that we are out of the walmart actually, which is shutting down and we were talking to
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people about their sense of the economy and who they blame for this economic malaise as we were kind of hearing around a lot of it was a sense that prices are higher and that that kind of tangible impact on folks pocketbooks mattered a lot more than the job increases that we have seen, that even trickled down in places like wisconsin. and so when you're in these kind of battleground states where in places like milwaukee, there is what 7810 out of ten folks are democrats. the questions about motivation really, but that is it's really a tampering that down because people don't feel as if they've seen a real tangible benefit on the issue that matters most when we come to this, i think that attention gap is a really important thank here because oftentimes when we look at these old by them will do better among people who are most enthusiastic, most likely to vote. but when you expand the electorate out, that's where trump actually does the best two and so biden's hope is that as that information gets out there, as they are able to target those messages, some of these people come back around the issue is, i think some of that attention got might persist further and further through this year as people are
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tuning this out, republicans had an active primary they've re-elected, they re-nominated trump more active simply than democrats did. and i think for a lot of democrats, there is a sense that this was kind a coordinated thing that they has been forced upon them and they tune some of that out, at least that's what we hear. we're on the road you also think about what has dominated the headlines over the last six months. >> and that is the israel-hamas war, which may not rank high as a priority before voters, when you look at the issues that you were just pointing to, that has been one of the key challenges for president biden when you're talking about frustration coming from the democratic base, it's not just coming from muslim and arab-american voters. it's coming from black voters. it's coming from young voters. it's coming from the exact constituencies that he needs to turn out to help propel him to a second term. and, you know, you're talking about the coalition that he assembled. it was strong in 2020, was strong turnout from the base, and it was those independence, those suburban voters who swung from trump to biden. and so it is striking is also those numbers that you see with independence now trending
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more toward former president trump and the biden campaign does say, look, it's early, yeah, more people they say tend to tune in after the conventions unfold when you get closer to the election. but one counterpoint to that is that we're not talking about an unknown presidential contests. here. it's four years ago, so some views of these two former president and incumbent president very much baked example already know what they need to know. so it's really just now on president biden and his campaign to focus on legislative accomplishments of the last four years and what he would do in a second term. and you're talking about the contrast and that's clearly the blood joe biden wants to paint wants voters to focus. i'm not necessarily everything that happened last for years, but perhaps what happened in the last eight years and took some jabs and his gop rival in last night's white house correspondents dinner maybe dawn like that. >> i may use that again age is an issue i'm a grown man run
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it. against the six-year-old age, is the only thing we have in common my vice president actually endorses me here are a donald just said about the major civil war battle gettysburg wow trump's speech was so embarrassing. the statue of robert e lee surrendered again but last night was a jokes, but that's actually kind of a strategy here. they want to get under donald trump skipped oh biden always uses these dinners to do that. you know, he knows anytime and it's a roomful of reporters. he does the same with these other washington dinners, and obviously he is joking. it's not surprising he would take shots at trump, but he is certainly going after him in a way that he thinks is effective, especially when the age issue where he was tackling that saying age is going to be an issue. i'm a grown man and i'm running it against a six-year-old that is kinda how they're trying to frame it. and i should note trump's. some people from trump's
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campaign were in the room as these comments are being. i didn't see them laughing at but i do think it speaks to what this dynamic is going to look like and how biden is choosing to go after trump. the story, daniel's comment was interesting to me. yes, it's a joke, but biden campaign has taken a basically a vow of silence on the trump trial that is underway right now in manhattan. and so it is interesting to see him a link to it in a certain way. because obviously trump has been trying to claim that biden is leading these investigations. obviously, it's district attorney's office. yes. it would have been surprising if he did not say something about stormy daniels, even though he's been silent, this seemed like be a perfect opportunity to take a jab at i'm here, but let's just zoom out about the presidential campaign because as trump is in the courtroom right now, what binds campaign is doing, they're spending a ton of money on air trying to take advantage of this moment. we're donald trump does not have as much money in his campaign account as democrats do. 29 million compared to 11 million. that's just are presidential campaign spending in the last month and a half or
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so. and then when you get down to biden's, versus trump's challenges, this is not you guys. biden has problems with these polls, but trump has problems with impulse to, in some of these key areas, you look at the breakdown between college grad and non college grad in this poll biden. so this has been consistent all along about how biden has an advantage with college graduates. but then you get zoo zoom in even further about the results. how voters are voting in these primaries dates, particularly in they'll suburban areas with some of the more educated voters. haley's primary, nikki haley, his rival, she dropped out of this it's race 16% in the last week's pennsylvania primary, including in many suburban areas, still voted for nikki haley don't drop as a problem to oh, absolutely. i mean, it is interesting because these two candidates have problems that aren't really fixed by each other, right? donald trump's the impact of donald trump in these trials should not be minimized. i think for some reason there's a sense that they haven't actually heard him, but they've actually been baked into his unpopularity. four years now,
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he struggles with these independency struggles with these moderates. and that's cost him the last election. and it very well could cost them the next election. it is only such that because biden has these kind of base problems, there's allowing him to steal further appallingly, but also trump's problems have been in mind let me an organization, the impacts of these trials have stopped the rnc from really building out a campaign or organization. and we look at biden's possibilities. there are issues down-ballot that they think they can still propel them. we think about the abortion referendum in the brassica are in arizona or new possibilities and wisconsin, there could be a reason that the bottom of that get fuels biden at the top, even though that lack of enthusiasm is certainly a maintaining storm is interesting in that ties is actually another assignment later in the show when we talking about down-ticket issues and we're going to be talking about next, the inside the courtroom one week down of testimony. in trump's criminal hush money case, a possible here's yet proven that trump acted illegally legal panel is here next every piece of
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or changes taking ozempic with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk side effects like nausea omitting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type two diabetes. >> us about the power of three with ozempic. >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. and this is cnn this, past week might have been one of the most momentous when it comes to donald trump's legal problems. he spent four days in new york courtroom and the first ever criminal case for an ex-president supreme court heard arguments in trump's push to claim broad immunity and effectively derail two of his federal criminal cases also, a federal judge upheld the verdict we're getting case ordering trump to pay $83.3 million to e jean carroll after defaming her over sexual assault allegations. now, on top of all that, a grand jury in arizona indicted 11 of trump's allies over their alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. were trump was named is an unindicted coconspirator. and he was also named is an unindicted coconspirator in a
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similar fake electors scheme alleged in michigan so to help us unpack all this in this very important week, i'm joined by gan, by cnn's kaitlan collins, and cnn's legal analyst, elliot williams, eliot, thanks for joining us for this discussion. so there's so much that happened this past week. you're on air al-awda but there were several takeaways, just a viewers have a sense on some of the issues that people that happened over the past week david pecker, of course, he was testifying about the national enquirer's scheme to help donald trump in 2016, talked about that called catch-and-kill arrangement. there's dark trump's assistance talking about seeing stormy daniels at trump tower before trump ran for president, there's discussions about the bank arrangements for trump's so-called fixer, the time michael cohen. so but the question your alley have du is have prosecutors made the case that a crime was actually committed? they haven't made a case that a crime has actually committed, but they did what they needed to do in this first week of the trial, what they had to do was at least bring
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the jury in and start establishing the parameters of the of the crime that they're alleging. and the bigger thing and the bear point for prosecutors is that there were no forced errors. there was no witness that came up and said something that people didn't anticipate there was no witness that got eviscerated on cross-examination. so i think prosecutors are happy with how the week went, but trials are long and it's not over yet but there's also a difference. but what's happening? the courtroom and what's having the court of public opinion are new cnn poll talks about how 68% of p of voters nationally viewed trump's treatment as more lenient, more harsh than other defendants basically saying that it is not the same as other defendants. that's how public opinion that are viewing this is a little bit different then typically would double in cases. how did trump lawyers you talked to trump's lawyers, katelyn, how did they view what is happening course so far, will they completely disagree with how the judge has been handling this? and they are in a position of defending trump when he's pretty clearly violating the gag order that has really been one of the
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biggest takeaways of how this is affecting trump outside of the core because he's can denude to attack the witnesses in this case. he's commented on the jury itself, which is not allowed. obviously, we saw weeks ago when he was going after the judge's daughter herself, and that is kind of been the big question of how the judge is going to handle that. we may get an answer this week, he held a hearing last week and some judges, former judges, retired judges, had speculated that he was writing last week in the evenings, we never saw the decision there. they have another hearing on other violations and trump was talking on michael cohen in an interview that he recorded on his way to his gag order hearing about whether or not he had violated it by talking about michael coe. i mean, his disregard for it is pretty obvious and we saw how trump's attorney struggled to defend it, but i think big picture the campaign and how they're looking at this. i mean, look at what bill barr told me the other night. >> he is one of the biggest donald trump critics. >> he watched him as he was trying to overturn the election results and left the white house in the middle of that yet
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he is still voting for donald trump come november, and i think it just kind of speaks to the climate that we're in. the question is how pervasive that is? >> yeah. >> and you mentioned how trump is making things difficult for his attorneys on the gag order the new york times that had report this weekend about whether it's affecting this legal strategy is what? this it says dozens report others might concede personal failings, so their lawyers can focus solely on holes in the prosecution prosecution's evidence on televisions often that version of my client might not be a nice guy, but he's no criminal. but that time honored tactic is not available to a defendant who is also the presumptive republican how many a man who despises weakness and is allergic to anything but praise from people around them. so it's trump's demeanor hamstringing his attorneys anyway, his mirror hamstrings is attorneys when he speaks publicly, and i wonder the extent to which they've gotten in his head each night. saying you have to stop the problem that's conferences, it's one thing to be a candidate who was
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on trial. it's a political process and of course he's going to go out and bash joe biden and so on. but you can't do that in a courtroom. you can be subject to the rules of the court, but moreover, you can start getting in the jury's head and damaging your own chances of getting off at this trial. and so it's really i would love to be a fly on the wall and those conversations with his attorney because i just think different candidates are difficult in different ways and i just i can imagine he's probability that is 100% true. the question is, how does it affect what happens in the case? because they believe that kind of this case is a foregone conclusion. they they don't even know an acquittal. it seems completely far-fetched to them. they're hoping for a hung jury. they're hoping to appeal appeal to that one juror who can understand that what they'd been arguing, which is the merits of the case, don't even make sense. that is really what they had been honing in on. how that looks and how that shapes out as you mentioned, who's been on the stand? david pecker pecker, who's spoken favorably of donald trump as a
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human rhona graff also spoke very favorably of donald trump. and now as a banker who is kinda going through statements, how does trump react when it's hope hicks, when it's stormy daniels, when it's karen mcdougal, when it's obviously michael cohen. >> right? how does that project in the courtroom? >> good question if there's a gag order boeing will see how that how we react to that as well. i do i'm eager to get your opinion on the immunity case that happened before the supreme court. the arguments happen there there's a question about john roberts. of course, he'll be so central in all of this or colleague jump a school better, had some good reporting about john roberts really didn't speak much in that roughly three hours of ours arguments. i'm curious you observe these arguments. how does he still this how do you do you think that any of these trials beyond the hush money case will come to a verdict before november. i have a hard time seeing how any become a verdict before november, just because just based on where they all are in the process, including this one that's all the way up at the supreme court. you see the challenge for john roberts is donald trump will lose in front of the
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supreme court. there will not be five justices in supportive his position. however, in practice, it's a win because ultimately his trial will be delayed in all likelihood until after november. the supreme court has the less lofty intellectual vision about the institution that what we just ruled on the facts and the law and a party one. well, we live we don't live in fantasy lawyer land in this world. and there are real consequences this is when the supreme court takes its time and it will ultimately giving donald trump what he wants in practice, even if it's illegal, was, is that great and poles do show that voters view those other three cases more seriously than the hush money case really believe that because you disqualify him from the presidency as you see there from the cnn poll as well. that's one reason why he wants to delay those. and maybe he'll be successful. >> all right coming up for us, campus protests are reaching a breaking point for cnn new poll results on the political falle n
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stopped by granger for the ones who get it done. >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn college campuses are once again a hotbed of anti-war sentiment. this time pro-palestinian protests with young americans anger over gaza boiling over, rest, some violence and charges of anti-semitism have marred what have often been peaceful demonstrations of discontent over israel's actions in gaza and the united states approach to the conflict. and new polling this hour from cnn, it shows why disapproval for biden's handling of the war in gaza just 28% of americans approve, and that's down from 34% in january. it's even worse among young voters, just 19% of americans, 18 to 34-year-old, are approved so i was handling now, meanwhile, in new york,
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trump said this we're having protest all over. >> he was talking about charlottesville. charlottesville was a little peanut and it was nothing compared in the hape was the kind of hate that you have here. this is tremendous eight. >> of course, that little peanut. he's referring to is that 2017 white supremacist rally that led to a woman's death. and although there have been some confrontations with police and hundreds of arrests on the dozens of college campuses that have seen this uptake and demonstration so far there have now been reports of similar violence. sabrina, you cover the white house for the wall street journal. you been covering this issue for some time. what are you learning about? what's going inside the white house in how or whether the president plans to address these protests head-on what you heard the white house condemn incidents of antisemitism that occurred at some of the protests at columbia university. but at the same time of course, they're supporting the right to free speech, the right to peaceful protests, and the large
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majority of these protests have been peaceful. but what they can't ignore is the anger that is at the center of these protests over their continued approach to the israel-hamas war specifically, what i still been unconditional support by this administration for israel these students calling for a ceasefire, wanting this administration to stop sending military and final initial aid to israel. and that policy isn't changing. so now they have to grapple with how do they address that frustration? how do they address that anger? what's also been striking is they haven't spoken out more forcefully about the way in which law enforcement has been weaponized by these university presidents and administrations to crack down on these protests. videos of police officers violently throwing students and even faculty to the ground. now college campuses are going to break for the summer. so i think a big question will be, does this kind of tamper down, but it does showcase again, just how much this is an issue for the president when it comes to support from young voters going into his re-elections, a great point about the summer, but that may be so comeback in the
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fall when they're back in such it and back in school. but as we talked about the polling, one thing that was interesting was from this harvard youth poll this past week about the issues that concern 18 to 29 year-old's the most just 2% said that it was the israel palestinian, palestine conflict here in credit 27% on the economy. clearly that's a driving issue and then the cnn poll gets a little further into this as well, talking about how just 30 of 18 to 34 year-olds are satisfied with a personal financial situation. instead, you recently spoke with young voters for an episode of your, your podcasts, the run-up. do you think the biden campaign truly understands the depth of their issue with young voters yeah, i think it's an important question because the issue is deeply rooted here when we were focusing on what next-gen america is polling was saying about 18 and 34 year-old's. it show joe biden, but just a nine-point lead over donald trump in a hypothetical matchup and show are kennedy pulling
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ten to 15% of people and to your point, that wasn't all just about israel and gaza. >> a lot of these other issues are still top issues for people who think about the abortion democracy, but there are still some deep-rooted problems on people are not identifying what the democratic party in the same numbers they, and specifically are rejecting the lesser of two evils argument that we hear the white house continuously to go back to. and you'll hear the white house and democrats table. this is just activist. you're really just thinking about a small group of young people when we look at these college protests, i think that's important to point out, not all young people at the same concern, but i would also say that activists matter. i mean, when we think back to 2020, it was those young activists who are creating a kind of permission structure for other young people to vote for joe biden. i mean, we think at 18 and 34 year-olds, they did not like joe biden in the last presidential brian and they were kind of brought around to it in the end. and that was partially because there was a concerted effort. my kind of people leave it on social media voices that matter in politics to say, okay, there's a threat to like eventually back this guy over donald, try if those same voices are making the opposite
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argument going into 2024, i think that that can really be a shift in the environment around young voters. so i don't think they should dismiss activist even though their concerns should not be extrapolated to the young electorate versus before you jump in, kaitlan about just the democratic can gray hand-wringing about how the president should handle us. >> listen sorry about all the games that we're seeing in college campuses and what this may mean for the president in november especially has we're seeing uncommitted vote interest day after statement this is not about politics, it's about doing what's right. i hope they will give the president time to show that his leadership in the middle east ultimately will prove out to be aligned with american values. >> i think we've gotta have an israeli government that understands that the risk of escalation that is really severe i do think the president has to be more direct publicly, not just privately with netanyahu saying, i think the president should be more drug publicly, not just privately
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with netanyahu, biden told me he has changed a bit over time. >> so take a listen to how he's shifted a bit i'm sure she's had been killed and it's oppressive, book waging a war. >> but i have no confidence in the number that palestinian the conduct of the response in gaza strip has been over, the top they have a point we need to get a lot more care and there's gaza i condemn somebody protests. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians make that comment was very confusing to me because it wasn't clear what he was saying. >> it wasn't a very strong condemnation of what has been happening on these campuses. and a lot of it has been incredibly anti-semitic. i mean, you can say that what's happened, you can differentiate what's happening. there is nuance here of the people who are protesting the war in gaza. and it has been incredibly
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motivating issue understandably for young voters. the comment there about i condemn the antisemitism. i think that's what and then in turn spurred donald trump to weigh in, which also confounded his advisers who weren't sure why he was bringing up charlottesville? yeah. one of the weakest moment in his presidency. but overall on this issue and how the white house handles that, there were pretty significant protest outside the white house correspondents dinner last night, i've never seen protesters outside and it was specifically on this issue. i don't think democrats have have properly decided how biden should best handle this what is the best route for him to take? and i do think there are six months before the election. it could be an incredibly significant issue only in the margins. maybe it's only 10,000 voters that could have a real impact on the election at very quickly, but that's just a really important point because when i talked to democratic pollster is what they say is if this is even the top or most motive being an issue for two or 3% of voters in a state like georgia, were young voters were along with black voters key to biden's victory. that state was separated by about 11,000
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votes. so it could actually make a difference if you're looking at a close race and some of these key battlegrounds and yes, the majority of young voters, you see a little bit more nuance and the polling. but with young voters who are democrats that's where you see the biggest drop-off in the president's handling of this war. and that's a real problem. of course, we'll see if anything changes with the war as we get closer to november also, big impact as well. >> all right, next new reporting on whether trump is an asset or liability in some key senate races how the parties are playing, is that going to be how it really happened tonight at nine on cnn? rsv is out there for those 60 years and older, protect against rsv with a wreck ps50, a rx is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. and people 60 years and older, wreck speed is not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients those with weakened immune systems may have a low response to the vaccine. the most common side effects or injection site
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and minerals, nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein and alternative two pills, walter iran is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source, volterra and the joy of movement ai is redefining work artificial intelligence is super charging our own human intelligence. and that's what we'll move business forward. >> machine learning, robotics and generative ai are increasing productivity. >> it's celebrating decision-making and the impacting our lives at work and beyond hey is, real value is and how companies use it to empower their workforce and earn trust with customers to maximize your ai and hi investment turned to assure the race for control of the united states senate goes straight through red states where democratic incumbents in two
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main battlegrounds ohio and montana, which donald trump carried twice. >> and we're democratic senator sherrod brown and jon tester will need a significant amount of split ticket voters. the hang onto their seats do this morning senate gop officials tell me they planned to nationalize the race is in those red states by going after tested on brown's past criticism of the former president, all in ever to denied the democrats pushed to win over trump voters in other words, expect to heavy ad campaign, promoting comments like these i don't have much use for donald trump. no surprise to this crowd. i think he's been a terrible president who's betrayed workers. some column are racist, which i agree with, you gotta call it for what it is. it's racism and quite frankly, it's dividing the country. that's how he hopes to win, i guess. and i don't think even in states where donald trump won big, that it does you any good running away from donald trump? i think you need to go back and punch of anaphase. i mean, the truth is, is this guy is bad for this country meanwhile, top
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senate democrats tell me their focus. >> carpetbagging in character issues. they believe voters will judge the democrats on their own unique brands and records, regardless of where they stand on trump as they tried to poke holes in race, credibility questions about the gop candidates in swing states across the country. i panel is back, so i put these questions directly to brown in tester and this past week and asked them about their past criticism of trump over there are concerned that could hurt them. here's sherrod brown just quick question while hio just the fact that it's a trump state and you've are so critical. trump. >> trump one. >> it is that gonna be isn't going to be hurtful. >> your position? i'm trump can be hurtful. come november. >> i do my job and i'm not focused on the presidential and we're ready i think it's clear i've won by good margins by san up for awhile, workers and i got up with jon tester also similar question, dan given critical event, we've already convicted twice that hurts you.
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>> raise your criticism of trump vote against them. how are you going to win on part, we're going to do everything we need to when we're going to talk about everything that i've done for conservation and veterans and making sure this country is secure. and we've got a long, long list what are the trump tests or voter? >> i mean, someone who votes for you have one for trump. >> yeah. but you, as you've been critical of trump, how crow, how do you be bridge that it's perfect oversight of the time. >> he made his that his aid is perfect. 100% of type were walking with and just to give viewers a reminder of what happened in those states in ohio, the 2018 senate election results 53 that's how the closer was brown. >> do you want to get a different candidate? in a different legend cycle was not a presidential elections john tests are much closer there, but trump won those states pretty handedly in the question here is about split ticket voters. do they exist to a significant degree amid this
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very, very polarized light? >> i mean, they exist in fewer and fewer numbers and we know that a lot of candidates say, oh, i'm going to take this out of the national race. i'm going to make this locally as we should have some skepticism about that. but with these two candidates specifically, i do think they have a good claim to that. sarah brown is someone who has proven consistently to have a different type of electoral salts and ohio and allowed them other democrats jon tester is certainly had that true in montana. and as we go around, i think there are space for trump voters to be open to some criticisms of them. and there is an understanding, even among republicans, that this is not a fully perfect candidate. and i think that's particularly true when there's issues of agreement that they can find with other democrats elsewhere. i certainly brown has made economic worker empowerment, part of is, i think you're going to see democrats trying to make abortion part of that overlap two. and so i don't think that it's out of the question that they can pull some of this stuff off. but the reason republicans are trying to nationalize this race is to just say that these areas are to read in general to overcome those personality differences. but i was just wisconsin,
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another place where have a difficult time and the number one thing that comes up, but that's in a candidate error cove d, there was about to his from out of state because the fact that he was seems like a missed bagging carpetbagger, 100%. and so i'm saying there is a republican candidate problem that they have on their own, even as they're trying to flip it on. >> and that's exactly the strategy democrats want to go race by raise candidate. i can't they would terrible map daily knowledge. it's a very the uphill climb just because of those states where democratic incumbents are trying to hang on and red-state that trump won. just to get a sense on the candidate by candidate issue, by issue, hughes's sense of the ad campaigns that we're hearing in these key test your join with president biden and romel with the liberals again, to help president biden's stock building the wall and other millionaire out of stator, tim sheehy thought no montana root and no idea what we're all about. shared stood up too the drug companies and cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month he cares so much for the people of ohio last year, our daughter blessed are family with this
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cute little nugget i'll fight for him and for your children to have a better future. >> this strategy is pretty clear. >> yeah. and look, you have actually seen democrats, especially in red states pivot to the right on issues like immigration because of some of the pressure that they're feeling from republicans on border security. but i do want to say to his dead zero point on ticket splitting. i mean, not only our tester and brown particularly popular in their home states, but we're we're talking about former president trump's problems with nikki haley voters. the fact that in some of these republican primaries, you know, he has struggled to appeal to moderate or republican leaning independence. so that does show that there is still room for democrats in red states to potentially prevail against these efforts to tie them into their criticism of former president from all right, we'll see how it plays out. thank you guys. coming up. stay tuned for the best jokes from last night's white house correspondents there's some
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during me at, i'm caitlin polantz at the federal
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himself awake during a porn star hush money trial the race is tie i was excited to be up here on stage with president biden tonight, mostly to see if i could figure out where obama was pulling the strings from. it's also wonderful to be back in washington. i love being in water the last time i was in dc, i left my cocaine at the white house luckily, the president was able to put it to good use for it the state of the union i'm not saying both candidates are old, but you know, jimmy carter is out there thinking, i could maybe when this thing he's only 99 but there were some serious moments from last night, including what the president called on vladimir putin to release americans gained in russia, including wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich produce should release evan and also immediately we're doing everything we can to doing
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everything we can to play home journalist that's it for inside politics sunday, you can follow me on x at mk raju and follow the show it inside politics, if you ever miss an episode, you can catch up wherever you get your podcasts, just search for inside politics up next state of the union with jake tapper and dana bash. dan has guests include senators lindsey graham and bernie sanders, vermont, virginia, governor or glenn youngkin, and los angeles mayor karen thanks for sharing your sunday morning with us. let's see you next time next, trump's historic trial, plus the protests sweeping across america's college campuses. >> dana talks with senators lindsey graham and bernie sanders plus virginia governor glenn youngkin and la mayor karen bass, state of the union, live next look, we know it's gonna be a big change, but it's the right thing to do. for all of us. >> it's just your mother and i
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