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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Debate on Medical Care After Abortion...  CSPAN  January 12, 2023 4:33am-5:55am EST

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of maryland and the united statestion will be postponed.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? mr. jordan: madam speaker, pursuant to house resolution 5, i call up the bill h.r. 26, the born alive abortion survivors protection act and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker: the clerk will report the tight -- the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 26, a bill to amend united states code, to -- the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 5, the bill is considered read. the bill shall be debatable for one hour, equally divided and controlled by the majority leader and minority leader or their respective designees. the gentleman from ohio, mr. jordan, and the gentleman from new york, mr. nadler, each will control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: madam speaker, i ask
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unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks anden to insert extraneous material on h.r. 26. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. swror dan: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. jordan: i rise in support of h.r. 26, the born alive abortion survivors protection act in. simple term, life is sacred. all life, we think, including unborn children, but that's not what this legislation is about. this legislation is about those kids born alive, making sure they get protected. for over 40 years, the decision in roe v. wade as justice alito has stated inflamed debit and deepened division over the issue of abortion in this country.% we've seen that play out over the last year. what should be undisputed is the care of a child born alive after, after an attempted abortion. unfortunately, as evidenced by congressmens from prominent democrats, not everyone believes a child born alive should be
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protect wesmed all know in 2019, then-governor north rum of the state of virginia stated this. the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and family desired, and then a discussion would ensure between the physicians and the mother. think about that. it's not just anybody saying that, it's the governor of one of our largest state. the cavalier attitude he displayed toward human life is just wrong. h.r. 26 would require health care practitioners to give the same care to a child born alive after an abortion or attempted abortion as a child at the same gestational age. work to save the kid's life. work to help that newborn. it would require the immediate transfer of the surviving infant to a hospital. it requires health care employees to violate any pro-- report any violations of this provision for criminal prosecution.
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h.r. 26 provides the mother of an abortion survivor with a civil right of action against a health care practitioner who fails to provide the required level of care. infants born alive after an attempted abortion are kids. they're children. all newborns deserve the same level of care. in our founding documents they said it was the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that are endowed on us by our creator. this should be an easy vote for all members. i want to thank my colleagues, representatives ann womack and cat cammack. for they work on this legislation. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. nadler: i rise in strong opposition to h.r. 26, the so-called born alive abortion survivors protection act. despite what supporters would have us believe this legislation
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would do nothing to enhance prothoarks quality of health care if an infant is born after an attempt aid abortion. what it would do, however, is directly interfere with the doctor's medical judgment and dictate a medical standard of care that may not be appropriate in all circumstances. which could in fact put infant's lives at greater risk. this bill to restrict women's access, republicans will not stop until they reach their goal, nationwide ban on abortion. it has been the law that medical providers cannot harm newborn infants. the bill's implication that providers who perform abortions act in a criminal manner that would result in an infant's death or that a provider cannot be trusted to take adequate measures to save a living baby's
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life is insulting and untrue. i do not oppose proper medical treatment for newborn infants whatever the circumstances of their birth. but determining the proper treatment is for medical providers to decide not politicians. my reasoning and pro-choice colleagues killing an infafnt who is born alive biomission or co-mission is infant is eyed. and we see no harm in reaffirming that fact. that law passed congress with bipartisan support because it was harmless. even if it was used because it did not change the preexisting law in any way, because after all, murder is murder in every state. the bill just reiterated
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existing law and did nothing to interfere with doctors' medical judgment. the bill before us today puts children's lives at risk. it would require as doctors to require transportation of the infant to a hospital in all cases with no regard whether it is in the best interest of the child's health or well-being. this overrides the case by case study and replaces with a blanket rule. it may be in a given case but more beneficial to the infant's health to be treated on the spot and not rushed to a hospital immediately. such a hand-fisted fact does not consider to care for the infant where it was born rather than transporting it to a hospital. this bill assumes congress knows
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better and imposes a new obligation on providers, rather than saving lives puts infants at risk. perhaps if this bill could have gone through regular order, we could have avoided. there hasn't been a hearing or a markup. i would have welcomed the opportunity to hear from witnesses on best practices and standards of care for infants. members could have offered amendments and perfected the bill to ensure it achieves our goal of providing the best appropriate medical care to infants and mothers. i am disappointed but not surprised that my colleagues rushed this bill to the floor when there is no evidence at all that doctors are failing to provide an appropriate level of care and there are a lot of groups that oppose this bill. my republican colleagues are putting them at risk in the service of politics.
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by bringing this bill straight to the floor as one of the first measures to be considered by the 118th congress, republicans are the most supreme elements have signaled their determination to enact a nationwide ban on abortion. i cannot support h.r. 26 because it mandates a particular course of treatment, immediate transport to a hospital which may not be appropriate. in doing so, abandons the practice of the best medical practice. republicans have made it clear. make no mistake this is their plan to criminalize abortion nationwide. i urge my colleagues to reject this ill conceived legislation and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: this bill has passed multiple times in previous
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congresses, the exact same language and it has passed with bipartisan support. i yield five minutes to the sponsor of this legislation who has worked tirelessly on this good piece of legislation, the gentlelady from the state of missouri. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for five minutes. mrs. wagner: i thank my good friend and colleague, a champion for life, our chair of the judiciary committee, jim jordan. i rise in support of h.r. 26, the born-alive abortion survivors' protection act. i have championed this issue for decades. and i have been blessed and honored to lead this legislation since 2019. i am so grateful to the co-leads of this bill, representatives cammack and our majority leader, steve scalise. also to the leadership of this
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congress and especially to the thousands of champions of life across the country for their tireless work and support of the most vulnerable americans, unborn and newborn infants. thanks to these efforts, after dozens of unanimous consent requests, two discharge petitions and countless hours of advocacy work, the house will at last take action to ensure that every single baby born in the united states receives life-saving medical care at their most vulnerable moment. all children should be welcomed with joy and wonder. no matter the circumstances of their birth. and yet, too many of these sweet little ones are denied the
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medical care they need to survive and thrive simply because they were unwanted. this commonsense legislation will require health care providers to administer the same level of care to the babies who survive abortions that they would to any other child born at the same gestational age. i hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle will again me in supporting the born that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks alive abortion survivors' protection act as some did, as our chairman mentioned, when it passed the house in both 2015 and 2018 with bipartisan support. to that point, i want to be absolutely clear that this bill has nothing to do with the supreme court decision in dobbs to return abortion to the states and not a word of the born alive
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act obstructs states to implement dobbs as they see fit-t i strongly believe that states should control pro-life policy making just as i support exceptions for rape, incease and the life of a mother. but today, we are considering an entirely separate issue. we are considering the protection of infants that have been delivered alive after an attempted abortion. that's it. plain and simple. i implore my democratic colleagues to put aside politics and stand in support of life-saving care for these innocent newborns. we must remember today that children are not the only victims of born-alive abortions, women, fathers and whole families all suffer deeply from the loss of their child. our communities are weaker
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because these bright young ones did not grow up to share their wisdom, their laughter and ingenuity with all of us. just down the hall a little bit later this afternoon, we will meet with extraordinary women who survived abortions. when they entered the world, they were not greeted with the profound love and all that i felt when i held my children and grandchildren for the first time. instead, they were left to die. they are alive today because of the courage and the grace mostly of nurses who chose to act as they struggled for breath. each of these women has built a happy, healthy life, bringing light and joy to their friends and families and enriching their communities. they inspire us all.
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as a mother and grandmother, they affirm my belief in the culture of life. for children and unborn and their mothers and families. every single newborn, regardless of the circumstances of their birth, deserves to share the miracle of life and have life-saving medical care. we must act with compassion to protect these little ones and give women a strong support system as they navigate the miracles and challenges of motherhood. this bill will save real lives and give survivors a precious chance to build a future. i urge every member to vote yes on h.r. 26 born-alive abortion survivors' protection act. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the distinguished minority
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leader of the house, mr. jeffries. the speaker pro tempore: the minority leader is recognized for one minute. mr. jeffries: i thank the gentleman and my colleagues for their leadership on this incredibly important issue. the 118th congress has begun and the differences between our side of the aisle and other side of the aisle couldn't be any clearer. let me reiterate as democrats we look forward trying to find common ground whenever and wherever possible to solve issues of consequence on behalf of the american people, but we will oppose extremism whenever it rears its ugly head. democrats have made clear. we are going to continue to work on issues like lower costs, better paying jobs, aver communities, defend democracy, protect the public interest and
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shore every single economic opportunity and fight for reproductive freedom. my republican colleagues you promised to come to washington to fight for the american people but have spent a lot of time fighting each other on politics, power and personality, not working on issues related to the public interest. that's what the last few days have indicated, an extreme maga republican agenda. now that you are getting into substance. on morched -- monday you passed a bill designed to let the wealthy, well off and well connected to cheat on their taxes, subsidize the rich and shameless, benefit millionaires and billionaires. not working class or middle class families, not low-income families, not veterans, not every day americans, the
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wealthy, well off and well connected. on tuesday, you come to the floor and pass a select committee on insurrection protection, a committee that is clearly designed, in the words of some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to obstruct justice as part of your evident desire as many of you have said to eventually defund the f.b.i. that was tuesday. and now on wednesday, you come to the floor. nothing on inflation, nothing on quality of of life issues for the american people, nothing even on public safety. but you come to the floor as part of your march to criminalize abortion care, to impose a nation-wide ban. to set into motion government mandated pregnancies. so that's the distinction for
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today. as democrats, we believe in a woman's freedom to make her own reproductive health care decisions, period, full stop. a decision that should be between a woman, her family and her doctors, period, full stop. we believe in roe v. weighed. -- weighed -- wade. that's it. freedom to make your own reproductive health care decisions. that's it. as compared to a clear effort, that's what this bill is about today, a march toward criminalizing abortion care, a nationwide ban, government-mandated pregnancies, part of an extreme maga republican agenda.
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and so, yes, we continue so yesa republican agenda. let's get back to the business of the mesh people. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: the minority leader said their position is roe v. wade. their position is simple. it's real radical. their position is you should be able to take the life of an unborn child right up until their birthday and then as the governor said even after their birthday. that's what this bill seeks to stop. and make sure it doesn't happen. so that's as radical as you can get. taking the life of unborn children right up to their birthday and then as governor northrupp pointed out even after that. we want to make sure the even
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after that part never happens because we believe life is precious and life is sacred. i yield now to one of the authors of this co-sponsor of this legislation, the gentlelady from the state of florida, mrs. cammack. three minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida is recognized for three minutes. mrs. cammack: thank you, madam speaker. i rise today in strong support of h.r. 26, the born alive abortion survivors protection act. this bill does exactly what the title says which in this town is a novel concept. i'd like to thank my colleague, ann wagner, for her tireless efforts. i'd like to thank our majority lead eric steve scalise, for his efforts on this issue and of course chairman jim jordan of the judiciary committee for being such an advocate for the pro-life community. today we are not talking about abortion. we are talking about children. we are talking about children who have been born and are fighting to survive despite and abortion attempt. in some cases, when a woman receives a late term abogs, the
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baby can be born alive following the procedure. federal law currently recognizes these bays by as persons but fails to outline any requirements of care after the infant is born alive. h.r. 26 would rectify this by requiring health care practitioners to treat any child born alive after an abortion as they would any infant. and requires that the infant be immediately treated with life-saving care and transported to a hospital. i honestly do not understand what is so controversial about that. this bill establishes criminal penalties for any health care practitioner or abortion clinic employee who fails to comply with the requirements established by this bill because let's face it, no one can deny that a child who survives an abortion attempt, who is outside the womb, breathing, and struggling, for life, despite all attempts to init, doesn't deserve equal protection under the law and under our law murder
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is illegal. that shouldn't be a controversial position. eight babies. in florida. alone. just last year. eight babies were reported to have been born alive during an abortion attempt. the stories are horrific. one that sticks out in particular, and nbc report in 2006. they told the story of a 23 week old baby boy born alive at an abortion clinic in hialeah, florida. when he began breathing and move, the abortion clinic owner reportedly cut the umbilical cord and zipped him into a biohazard bag where he then died. it's hard to read those words. but as has been stated here, on this floor, in this chamber this isn't about pro life versus pro choice. this is about protecting those most vulnerable.
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it's about who we are as a society. who we are as a people. and who we are as americans. i hope that both sides of this chamber can agree that accountability is a good thing. protecting these children is a good thing. it is time to put the party politics aside and the talking points aside and give these children, wanted or unwanted, a fighting chance, a chance they all deserve. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. and the chair wants to remind our members to direct all their remarks to the chair. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from pennsylvania, a member of the judiciary committee, ms. dean. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. ms. dean: thank you. thank you, madam speaker. it is a crime now to kill a child born alive.
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in fact, in may of 2013, a philadelphia minnesota was -- man was convicted of first degree murder in the killing of three infants. he's now serving life without parole. either my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are unaware of this already existing crime with a penalty of life without parole, or this is another extreme political stunt. let me be clear. abortion care is health care. and that has been true far very long time. my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are not interested in medical truths. no, instead, they are interested in scaring people. outlawing all abortions and criminalizing anyone they can. politicians have no business making unsound medical decisions. we are legislator, not doctors. and in the unfortunate case when a child is born with fatal disabilities, this legislation will deny parents a say in how their child spends the final minutes, hours, or days of his
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or her life. whether hooked up to a medical device or in the arms of his parents. expecting paint parents have enough worries. they should not have to worry about extreme politicians in their doctor's office or hospital thinking they somehow know better. i urge my colleagues to vote no on h.r. 26. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield one minute to the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. van orton. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized for one minute. mr. van orton: thank you, mr. chairman, thank you, madam speaker. i was a corpsman, a combat medic, in navy seals for over 0 years. i'd like to give you a different perspective. if i had an enemy combatant on the battlefield, which i was, i have required to provide them
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care up to and including to the detriment of my own troops or i could be punished. i find it unconscionable that this would be a a matter of discussion on the floor of the house that we would not provide medical care to a child born alive after the most traumatic circumstances possible. i implore my democratic colleagues to remind -- remember that this is not about a woman's access to abortion. this is about the sanctity of life and the basic dignity of a human child. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from pennsylvania, a member of the judiciary, ms. scanlon. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. scanlon: i rise today to oppose this grotesque attempt to politicize abortion care and criminalize doctors. politicians should not be in the business of mandating that women
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carry dangerous or unwanted pregnancies to term and they should stay out of the doctor's office when americans are exercising their fundamental right to decide when or if to have children. but right wing extremists have made it their first order of business in this new congress to attack abortion rights and spread disinformation. this bill is deliberately misleading. it's harmful to both people facing pregnancy complications and to the doctors who provide their care. if passed, it would cause more maternal deaths in this country which are already a national shame. congress has a responsibility to legislate honestly and this bill is not honest. the american people deserve better than having congress waste time on political stunts pretending to fix problems that do not exist. americans don't want maga extremists to criminalize women's health care and don't want politicians in their doctor's offices. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chairwoman's time has expired. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is
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recognized. mr. jordan: i yield one minute to the gentleman from tennessee, my friend, mr. murphy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. murphy: i thank the gentleman for yielding to me and i thank representative wagner for introducing this, no one better than a mama and grandmama. babies deserve a chance to live and a chance at life no matter their age or circumstances. the constitution says people have a right to liefl the license says babies are people. the democrats have been pushing trust the science, follow the science, trust the science, follow the science the last two years. yet we are denying the science, madam speaker. when i was a little boy i was asking my mama, we were talking about abortion, talking about babies being born that were maybe disabled or had another aanomaly. mr. burchett: i said what would we do if one of those baby, if i was the fur of one of those babies?
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she said we'd love that baby just a little more. madam speaker, we need to love those babies a little more and not murder them. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expire. the gentleman from reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the gentlelady from connecticut, many delauro. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. delauro: i rise in strong opposition to the latest attempt by house republicans to control women's reproductive freedom, a ruse to ban safe and legal abortions in this country. this legislation purposes to address nothing, snag does not happen. the hypotheticals some of my colleagues described are not based in fact. their arguments are not true. they do not represent how medicine works. their suggestions are not only false but ka louse. the truth is abortions that occur after three months of pregnancy account for only 1% of all abortions. they occur almost exclusively
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because a woman's life is at rifng. her pregnancy is not viable. we should not be in the business of enacting laws that make these difficult and painful situations worse. what is not hypothetical is the real pain and suffering that politicians across this country are imposing as they continue to chip away at what should be an essential right. a woman must have the right to make health decisions that are in the best interests of themselves, their family, and their circumstances. and i urge my colleagues to oppose this sham piece of legislation and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time is expired. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield one minute to the gentleman from florida, mr. bilirakis. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. bilirakis: thank you, mr. chairman. it sounds really good to call you mr. chairman, you're going to do a great jour for us, for the american people, more importantly. i rise today in support of h.r. 26, the born alive abortion
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survivors protection act. since my first year in office, i have shown a strong commitment to promoting a culture of life. the bill before us requires practitioners who are present for an attempt aid abortion resulting in a live birth to exercise the same degree of care that would be offered to any other child born of that gestational age. after those efforts, the health care workers must submit the -- must admit the child to a hospital. this bill also gives mothers a civil action cause of action and protection from any prosecution recognizing that women are the second victims of abortion and attempted abortions. i urge all my colleagues to support this important piece of legislation because surely we can all agree that a child born alive has a right to live. thank you, mr. speaker.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i now yield two minutes to the distinguished gentlelady from texas, a member of the judiciary committee, ms. jackson lee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized for two minutes. ms. jackson lee: i would say here we go again. but those of us who have served in the united states congress, this is here we go again. this is legislation that is attempting to be wrapped in mercy that is without mercy. first of all, it is without fact. it is extremely important to know that if you are here in the united states congress, you know the history. because we have already passed a bipartisan born alive infant protection act which reiterates the fact that it is illegal to
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interfere with a newborn. they are protected. from both intentional harm by health care performers and harm from medical negligence. plain and simple, period at the end of the sentence. so why are we here today? we're here today for news clips. we're here today for quotes ancon democrat nation of that other side of the aisle that wants to be reckless with the life of a child. i can assure you that those of us who have guinn birth, those of us who are lost in the birth process, are extreme lovers of those wonderful opportunities of life. i refuse and reject condemnation of my personal self because i believe these decisions are with a god, the woman's god, the family's god, her faith, doctors, and of course the persons who are a part of the medical profession. i have article after article
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that talks about the tragedy of partial birth abortion, the name used more than a decade ago. you see they always find creative names to be able to be criminalized. we heard from a member from a rural community we heard a member from a rural community how dare you grab a child and take them hundreds of miles away from the family. on a family that found out the multiple abnormalities of their child would no live. they had waited eight years for this baby. the decisions unfortunately neither life nor death come easily for these children. there is a painful existence when they are born. because my o.b. was unable to get a good image of the brain until the 13th week we understand that these are personal decisions. we understand that these are painful decisions. i stand with those families. i refuse to condemn those families. and i refuse to be merciless.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman'sthegentlelady's time. ms. jackson lee: votens this legislation. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield 2 1/2 minutes to the gentlelady from iowa, mrs. miller-meeks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from iowa is recognized. mrs. miller-meeks: i rise today in support of h.r. 26. i want to thank my colleague the chair of the judiciary from ohio for yielding me time. as a mother, a doctor, a former nurse, and a former director of iowa's department of public health i know firsthand the preciousness of life and the importance of neonatal care and the tragedies that ensue when proper care isn't provided. in fact, the first healthy baby i delivered as a doctor was to a young teen ager who put the baby up for adoption. our nation promises three thinge pursuit of happiness. there is no clause in the constitution to exempt newborns who survive an abortion
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procedure from these rights. it is not only reasonable an unreasonable but inhumane to decide care to babies born alive. regardless of maternal intent, what could be more extreme than denying care to an infant born alive? my cloog on the other side of the aisle from new york is correct, it is infanticide. h.r. 26 is legislation that would receive wide support from both sides of the aisle. it is unconscionable to think that some members will choose to vote against this bill which will ensure infants receive lifesaving care simply because of partisan politics. ththis legislation isn't about banning abortions but saving the lives of living, breathing newborns. many states including iowa have put safe haven laws in place to allow parents to leave their infants at hospitals or care facilities without fear of being prosecuted. we already have laws in place to protect these infants. why should infants who survive
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an abortion be treated any differently? like all other medical professionals, i took the hippocratic oath which promises i will do no harm. this legislation reaffirms the hippocratic oath and ensures that doctors across the united states will providing the same standard of medical care to all infants, regardless of the circumstance of their birth. i urge all of my colleagues to stand and support life by voting for h.r. 26. thank you, madam chair. thank you, colleague, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i now yield one minute to the gentlelady from florida, ms. frankel. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida is recognized for one minute. ms. frankel: my, my, my. here we go again. republicans are racing full steam to criminalize abortion nationwide. madam speaker, the american people want women not politicians to make their own health care decisions, including
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those about abortion. as to this misleading, offensively named bill, let's vote it down and let's say no to putting women's lives in danger. no to denying patients needed lifesaving care. and no to putting health care providers in prison for doing their job. madam speaker, because i love my grandchildren, i reject the extreme republican agenda and i'm standing here today with the democrats for people to have the freedom to make their own personal decisions about their health, their life, and their future. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield one minute to the majority leader of the house, the gentleman from louisiana, mr. scalise. the speaker pro tempore: the majority leader is recognized for one minute. mr. scalise: thank you, madam speaker. i thank the gentleman from ohio
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for yielding. i want to especially thank the gentlelady from missouri, ann wagner, for leading this effort for so many years. i am so proud to rise in support of this bill that is about human dignity. frankly, it's about common sense. the idea, madam speaker, that if a baby is born alive, outside the womb, that that baby in america could be killed and called abortion not murder defies logic. it defies humanity. in fact, when i have talked about this bill to other people over the years that kat cammack has had a discharge pe significance to bring to the floor, and so many others all across the country have asked congress to address, the first thing that people express is shock. they say wait a minute. if a baby is born alive outside the womb, alive, how could you
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kill that baby and that be legal? how is that not already murder? i questioned how it wasn't myself. and yet in a number of states it is legal and happening today. this is america. you see countries like china and north korea, there aren't many countries in the world that allow this practice. the united states should not be one of those countries. this is inhumane. this transcends the abortion debate. before the dobbs decision, this bill still would have been constitutional to pass. because we are not talking about 20 weeks. we are talking about the baby born alive outside the womb. and yet in america there are some states that allow that baby to be killed and called abortion. you can call it whatever you want. it should be murder. it shouldn't be allowed. this bill takes care of that.
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everybody should vote for this bill. when you talk to people that identify as pro-choice, they are shocked this is a legal process. so many of them. some obviously still want it to continue. but we shouldn't. we should be better than that as a country. there is an amazing group called the abortion survivors network. i have met so many of us, ann wagner has surely met with some of these incredible people. you want to talk about a walking miracle, these are people alive today in their 20's, 30's, 40's living incredible lives who were the result of an abortion that wasn't successful. they lived through it. think of the special plan god has for them that they survived an abortion. they are alive today. and they are incredible people. everybody in this country should reach out and go meet them. it's a group you can look them up. their stories are incredible.
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why should they be denied life? we are a country of laws. we are a country of great rights. our inalien able rights, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. the first among those is life. if you are born alive in this country, again, very few countries in the world allow this to happen to someone born alive. while there is shock when people find out that it's legal we are the united states congress. we can actually do something about it. thank god we have people that are willing to stand up for those babies. not even talking about inside the womb. outside the womb. born alive. if someone takes their life after they are born alive outside the womb, that should be murder. we should be protecting those young babies. that's what this bill does. it's a bill we should be proud to support.
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it's a list that the united states should want to take itself off of. we shouldn't want to be associated with the very few countries who allow this barbaric practice to happen. pass this bill and become an inmore perfect union. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the majority leader yields back. the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: madam speaker, mr. scalise and every other republican who has spoken on this bill is simply wrong on the facts. it is illegal and always has been illegal in every state and then federal law to kill an infant born alive. it is illegal and always has been illegal not to provide that infant with appropriate medical care. just to make sure that no one had any doubts of that, we passed the born alive infant protection act with bipartisan support in 2002.
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the problem with this bill is not that it makes anything -- it's not that it provides any new protections for infants. the problem with this bill is that it endangers some infants by stating that that infant must immediately be brought to the hospital. where, depending on the circumstances, that may be the right thing to do for the health and survival of that infant, or it may not. that is the problem with this bill. it directs and mandates a certain medical care which may not be appropriate, which may endanger the life of an infant in certain circumstances. that's why we oppose this bill. not because we don't think that babies born alive must be saved but because we do think that babies born alive must be saved. i now yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from
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oregon, ms. bonamici. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from oregon is recognized for one minute. mitts bonamici: this bill is extremist, dangerous, and unnecessary. extremist because it would criminalize doctors with up to five years in prison and put them in fear of providing lifesaving medically necessary procedures to those who are pregnant. dangerous because the bill has no exceptions to protect the health of the patient and no exception for cases where there is a serious fetal anomaly. and unnecessary because as mr. nadler said, it's already a crime to kill a baby born alive. many of my republican colleagues talk about keeping big government out of people's lives, but when it comes to one of the hardest, most intimate decision, decision that is should be made between patients and their health care providers, these same colleagues think the government knows better. republicans in congress and conservative extremists on the supreme court are wage ago war on reproductive health care, a war on bodily autonomy, and a war on the medical community and the doctor-patient relationship. i will continue to stand up
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against these assaults on reproductive freedom and against extremists, dangerous, unnecessary, and misguided policies like this bill. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. mr. nad already: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from texas, mrs. fletcher. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. mrs. fletcher: thank you, madam speaker. i rise in opposition to h.r. 26 and to its very name. because it is not about what house republicans claim it's about. because what they claim it is about isn't a thing. what this bill is about is an assault on the health, rights, equality, and dignity of american women and the people who provide their reproductive health care. it's an assault we have seen in my home state of texas where women having miscarriages are being turned away from the hospitals and told to come back when they are closer to dying.
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where doctors fear and are told that they cannot meet these standard of care for their patients. providers and patients are afraid of misleading bills like this one criminalizing health care. but of course that's the point isn't it? i stand here today and i will stand here every day to oppose this bill and others like it, to talk about the real health care crisis facing women today and to urge my colleagues to vote no. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas yields back. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i now yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from california, ms. chu. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california is recognized for one minute. ms. chu: h.r. 26 would rob families of the ability to make difficult, complicated medical decisions in some of the most heartbreaking circumstances
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imaginable. it is a mean-spirited solution in search of a problem. if the majority is interested in caring for newborns, i invite them to support democrats' efforts to provide paid family leave to every new parent. republicans are welcomed to join our efforts to expand the child tax credit to families struggling with paying the bills. and we would be thrilled to have bipartisan support in this chamber to make childcare affordable everywhere. alternatively house republicans have brought up a bill designed to intimidate doctors and perpetuate disinformation about how abortion care actually works. i urge my colleagues to oppose this bill, instead vote yes on the motion to recommit which would bring up my bill, the woman's health protection act, legislation that would create a federal right to abortion carefree from medically unnecessary restrictions in all 50 states. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized.
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mr. jordan: thank you, yield one minute to the gentleman from alabama, mr. aderholt. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from alabama is recognized for one min. mr. aderholt: thank you, madam chair. mr. aderholt: thank you, madam chair and thank you to playmy colleague for this time i am pro life. i am pro family and pro child. i'm proud to see that one of the very first pieces of legislation that comes before this congress and the new majority is protecting the vulnerable. that's something i've always stood up for since my first time here in congress. but it seems like there's some confusion on the -- especially on the other side of the aisle, madam speaker, about what this legislation is about. this legislation is very simple. it simply states and ensures that babies who survive an abortion receive the care and protection that they -- because they are not discarded because someone else intended to end their lives.
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it prohibits health care practitioners from turning a blind eye to abortion survivors. no matter the intent of what you believe about life, failure to care for an unborn child is infanticide and the law must be enforced. i would ask my colleagues to remember that the last time we voted on this bill it was a bipartisan support and i would ask again for support for this commonsense, life-saving legislation. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from illinois, ms. schakowsky. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. schakowsky: born alive has nothing to do with abortion. providers are already required by law to provide appropriate medical care. infanticide is murder.
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and what we heard earlier is just not true. it is a lie that should not be repeated. as our chairman said, not only is it illegal to not care for a born infant, but the law that you have provided on the republican side actually can create more harm. it requires immediately taking a struggling baby to a hospital. that hospital could be hours away and could be detrimental to the life of that baby. this is nothing more than the part of the effort to make abortion illegal. nationally in this country. i object and i urge a no vote and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time is expire. the gentleman from new york reserves.
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the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: i yield two minutes to the gentlelady from indiana for her first speech on the house floor. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. >> thank you, madam speaker. thank you, chairman jordan for yielding your time. i rise today in support of the born alive abortion survivors protect act. from new albany to salem to madison, hoosiers across southern indiana feel as i do, that every life is precious and all lives deserve the dignity and respect of life-saving care. that's why i'm proud to stand alongside my colleagues in support of this pro-life bill. ms. houchin: this legislation would ensure that children born alive despite and attempt aid abortion are given the same medical care and help as any other newborn infant. we know the majority of americans agree on this issue that saving the lives of babies who survive a botched abortion is not just humane, it's
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necessary and foundational to our constitutional right to life. it's why i'm an original co-sponsor on this important bill to support mothers and their children. i stand with hoosiers on behalf of these vulnerable infants. unfortunately, madam speaker, democrats support the radical position of abortion on demand up until birth funded by the taxpayers. and they would even deny an innocent child care thatmy rack lousily survives a botched abortion. this is a commonsense support for life. i urge the rest of my colleagues to stand with us in defending life. on this issue we should all agree. i yield back my time. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, mr. goldman. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. goldman: thank you, madam speaker. i rise today to talk about
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freedom. a core american value. specifically individual freedom. a value that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have for years co-opted, weaponized and distorted. i simply do not understand how my republican colleagues can demand the individuals tree freedom to spread a deadly disease to other people by not getting veterans administration naitd oar wearing masks, yet have the gall to deny the individual freedom to make individual freedoms about one's own body that has no impact on anyone else. how can it be that autonomy to wear a mask or not is of greater importance than the autonomy over whether to have a baby or not? let me say it plainly. we can in the talk about preserving our individual freedoms while simultaneously ripping away a fundamental freedom for women in this country. control over one's reproductive celt a human right.
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we are in the first week of congress and what are we focused on? is it to fight inflation? no. create job for americans? no. to propect children from gun violence? no. it's to continue the assault on our autonomy. on women's autonomy. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expire. the gentleman from new york verves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield two minutes to the gentleman from new jersey, a longtime champion for the pro-life cause, mr. smith. mr. smith: i thank my friend for yielding. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for two minutes. mr. smith: thank you. madam speaker in a florida abortion clinic, a woman delivered a live baby girl at 23 weeks. the clinic owner took the baby who was gasping for air, cut her umbilical cord and threw her into a biohazard bag and put the bag in the trash. heart broken, ms. williams later had a funeral for her baby girl who she named shanice.
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cnn reported that ms. williams suffering ptsd from that ordeal. why are these live births from abortion little known? dr. will art cates, former head of the centers for disease control abortion surveillance unit said several years ago, live before its are little known because organized medicine from fear of public clamor and legal action treats them more as an embarrassment to be hushed up than a problem to be solved. it's like turning yourself into the i.r.s. for an audit, he went on. what is there to gain? the tendency is to not report because there are only negative incentives. madam speaker, philadelphia abortionist, kermit gosnell, one of the few who got caught, and it was a under a state law, not federal, and many states don't have laws, he was convicted of murder for killing children born alive after attempt aid abortions. the grand jury report described it in this way and i quote.
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gosnell had a simple solution for the unwanted babies he delivered, he killed them. he didn't call it that. he called it ensuring fetal demise. the way he ensured fetal demise was sticking scissors in the back of the baby's neck and cut the spinal cord, a practice he called snipping. the born alive abortion survivors protection act seeks to end or at least mitigate the greiges child abuse by requiring that a health care provider must exercise the same degree of professional care, diligence to presterve the life of the child as they would a child of similar age. the bill empowers the woman upon whom the abortion is performed to obtain appropriate civil relief and i'm sure had it been available then, ms. williams would have done that as well. this is humane. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is
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recognized. mr. nadler: i now yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from new york, mr. espaillat. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. mr. espaillat: thank you, madam speaker. i rise in opposition to h.r. 26. h.r. 26 is presented within the context of what happened last year, when the supreme court stripped millions of women in our country of their status and free right for equal access to reproductive freedom. as members of congress we have a responsibility to correct this wrong and bring back reproductive freedom for women. this bill is not about the safety of children. this is more of the same. this is about policing the bodies of women. a punch of middle-aged guys in brooks brothers suits stand here today and try to tell women what to do with their bodies. that's what this is.
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about. this is not about the safety of children. that's already illegal. so i stand here to oppose h.r. 26. there are 64 million women across america that have reproductive age. they live here, many of them in states that are beating up on their rights to reproductive freedom. i stand here in opposition to h.r. 26 and ask my colleagues to vote against it. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam chair. i yield one minute to my friend from virginia, mr. good. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. good: thank you, mr. jordan, thank you, madam chair. once again we have to say how did we get to where we are today. how did we get to where we have to have a debate to defend life that survives the heinous practice of abortion? in the words of the -- the infamous words of the governor
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of my very state, the commonwealth of virginia, just a few years ago, the governor said if a baby survives an abortion attempt the mother and doctor would have a conversation while they kept the baby comfortable while they decide what to do with it. i realize the other may not recognize the science of conception. i recognize the other side may not share what the premium or value of innocent life in the womb that most americans have. the party of death that believes in abortion up until the moment of birth at any time for any reason, today we find ourselves even having to defend and protect life, a baby that survives an abortion attempt. fit were not so, if it were not true, then this bill should pass unanimously. unanimously. but i fear that will not be the case. for this same party will not even vote today, later today, against and condemn the violence at pregnancy centers across the country. i encourage everyone to support this bill and protect all life.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from california, ms. kamala good low. >> it's 2023 and we all know what this is about. it is not about the frocks of newborn children. it's about control. it's about republicans continued desire to control women, take away their freedoms, limit their bodily autonomy, plunge poor women deep entire poverty and further marginalize those already not seen. it's about intimidate, violencing and criminalizing doctors. it's about the nationwide abortion ban that republicans have been itch tong act since the overturning of roe v. wade. ban that the american people have said loud and clear they do not want.
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ms. kamlager-dove: we cannot continue to allow the extreme republican party to i a tack and erode the rights of women across the country. we have a responsibility to put an end to politicians inserting themselves into the doctors' offices and uteruses of women across this country. i urge my colleagues to vote against this measure. thank you, madam speaker, i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield two minutes to the gentleman from louisiana, mr. johnson. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. johnson: thank you, madam speaker. mr. jordan, i rise in support of the born alive abortion survivors protection act. once again, house republicans are eager to stand for the most vulnerable among us. the unborn. we are the party of life. and we're proud of it. there's no difference between an infant born alive after a failed abortion and an infant born into the arms of loving parents. those two babies deserve to be treated with the same level of
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excellent medical care. yet abortionists have demonstrated a lack of interest in preserving the lives of babies who enter the world alive and supposedly under their care wemple know what happens in these clinics. reports an abortion provider in minnesota was asked by a woman 22 weeks pregnant and considering abortion what that provider would do if her baby were taken out while his heart was still beating. the abortion provider responded quote, we don't tell women that but if we were to proceed with the abortion and the baby would come out still alive most likely we would break its neck, unquote. that is chilling. that is barbaric. but our democratic colleagues will not admit that and will not vote against it today. watch the board. it will be shocking. and it will be true. the born alive abortion sur savors protection act would make it a federal crime for abortionists to kill or fail to provide care to babies who survive abortions. i encourage our colleagues to support this critical
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legislation as it's said. it should pass unanimously but it won't. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from michigan. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. miss scoaltton: i rise today in support of maternal rights and opposition to h.r. 26. i'm the first mother in history to represent west michigan in congress. this matter is deeply personal to me. i recently shared publicly about my own experience navigating a complex miscarriage in the loss of my daughter. as a pro-choice christian who chose life, this issue is so personal to me. my faith informs my actions, but it doesn't dictate the policy of an entire nation.
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further, when i read the scripture, i turn to passages and i'm guided by passages like jjeremiah 1 versus 5. i knew you before i formed you and i placed you in your mother's womb. doesn't say the government's womb. or the speakers' womb. it says the mother's womb. i believe life is precious, but i reject the idea that if i embrace the standing at this time of -- sanctity of life, i must be forced to let the federal government in to regulate it. we must prevent families from unnecessary government inconstitution into the most sacred and personal decision of our lives. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentlelady is recognized. ms. scholten: thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield two minutes to the gentlelady from west virginia, mrs. miller. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. mrs. miller: thank you, madam speaker. i rise in support of the born
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alive abortion survivors protection act. all life is sacred. defending innocent lives should not be a policy issue. this legislation protects babies who are not only born but who are then left without care from an attempted abortion. a baby who survives an abortion should receive the same medical attention that any other premature baby would. these precious souls are given another chance at life. it is unacceptable that there are no criminal charges for those who want to take their life away. the people who allow babies to be killed after birth must be fully prosecuted. let's be clear. killing a baby who is born alive regardless of an attempted abortion is murder. the previous democrat-controlled house has refused to vote on this bill.
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today a republican-led majority keeps our commitment to america by voting on legislation that upholds the sanctity of life. i urge the passage of this bill on the house floor and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: one minute to the gentlelady from north carolina, ms. foxx. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. foxx: i thank the gentleman from ohio for yielding. just a couple minutes ago we heard a speaker on the other side of the aisle criticize republicans saying, we don't support wearing masks and wearing masks affect others. however, having an abortion affects only a woman. so what is an abortion? what is an abortion? it's the intentional taking of
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the life of an unborn child. how in the world can you say that an abortion does not affect anyone except the woman? that's the core of the difference between those of us who support unborn children and born children. those who support abortions ignore the fact that another life is involved. and that is the core of the issue. there are two lives involved here. the mother and the unborn baby. we must recognize that. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. we have one additional speaker. who is momentarily going to be stemming out of the cloorm --
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cloakroom. i yield mr. cline from virginia -- take that back, madam speaker. i think we are ready to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio -- mr. nadler: we have one more speaker and prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield three minutes to the distinguished gentlelady from colorado, ms. degette. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. degette: thank you very much, madam speaker. i rise today in strong opposition to h.r. 26 and urge my colleagues to instead support my motion to recommit, to take up and pass representative judy chew's women's health protection act that will restore the protections that we had under roe vs. wade. if there is one thing this last election showed us, it's that the american people believe strongly that every woman in this country should have the ability to make her own health care decisions, including abortion. sadly, however, if there is one thing this past week showed us,
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it's that the house republicans just don't care at all about that. they don't care. the 61% of the american people strongly support a woman's access to abortion care. they don't care that just two months ago a record number of americans showed up at polling locations across the country to overwhelmingly reject the g.o.p.'s plan to criminalize abortion care. they don't care that in every state, every state where abortion restrictions were on the ballot, they were rejected overwhelmingly. in places like kansas. they don't care that americans think that people, not politicians, make -- should be making these did he significances -- decisions. apparently my colleagues on the other side of the aisle think they know how abortion decisions should be made. not a woman and her doctor. so instead of taking heed of the will of the american people, my republican colleagues are intending to do just the opposite.
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the legislation before us today is part of a concerted effort to fast track this extreme agenda of anti-choice legislation. it creates new criminal penalties for health care providers that fail to provide specific standards of care that the politicians on the other side of the aisle will enact after an attempted abortion. and -- it doesn't really protect newborn children in any way. why? because if a child is born, it is already illegal to kill it, as it should be. and unlike what the majority leader said, it's already illegal in every ski single stan this country. it's illegal to kill people in this country. just in case anybody was confused about this, as chairman nadler said, in 2002 congress
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passed the born alive act, and all of us, including me, the co-chair of the pro-choice caucus, voted for it because clearly, clearly if the baby's born, we shouldn't kill it, duh. what does this bill do? what it does as i said, it creates criminal penalties for health care providers that don't do what the republicans think they should do, and it creates new complicated standards that will make it harder for health care professionals to do their jobs. i ask for another minute, mr. chair. mr. nadler: i yield the gentlelady another minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. degette: what it does is it hopes to deter doctors from providing abortion care in the first place, which is exactly what we saw after the dobbs decision. this is not what the american people signed up for, folks. i strongly urge my colleagues to reject these extreme measures and instead to support my motion to recommit to take up and pass
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the women's health protection act to ensure that everybody in this country, no matter where they live, has the access to the reproductive care they ask. i ask unanimous consent, madam speaker, to add the text of my amendment to the record immediately prior -- to the text of the motion to recommit to the record immediately prior to the vote on the motion to recommit. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. degette: thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: yield two minutes to the gentleman from the great state of virginia, mr. cline. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. cline: thank you, madam chair. i thank the gentlelady for her remarks. i'm a little bit confused, though, because it wasn't before 2002 when our previous governor of the commonwealth of virginia, governor ralph northam, said on a radio show that if a baby was
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born alive, that the baby would be made comfortable, that then a conversation would ensue between the doctor and the mother about whether or not and how to treat that baby. essentially saying, if you want to go ahead and kill your baby after it's born, go right ahead. that type of attitude persists, continues. if there are laws that exist to prevent it, the governor was not aware of them. i am not aware of them. that would apply in that situation. that's why this legislation is so important because contrary to house democrats and the biden administration, the american people overwhelmingly believe that babies who are born alive should be protected. that a baby born alive even after an attempted abortion should be afforded the same constitutional protections as every other american. and i'm proud to support the born alive abortion survivors protection sacramento which would require appropriate medical care for children who
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survive abortion procedures, and it imposes strong criminal penalties for the failure to provide such care. if a doctor like our former governor, dr. northam was, back then, if he was engaging in the activities that he spoke about on that radio, he would be subject to those same criminal penalties. protecting living and breathing babies outside the womb should not be a partisan issue. it should be one around which we all should unite. i urge my colleagues to support this important legislation. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i'm prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized. reserves. mr. nadler: i end this debate by reiterating the point at the beginning. this legislation would do nothing to enhance protections or the quality of health care if an infant is born after an attempted abortion. it has always been against the
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law to intentionally kill or harm a newborn infant, whatever the circumstances of its birth. it has always been against the law not to afford such an infant appropriate medical care. the bill does nothing new to protect infants. the bill, however, is not harmless. if enacted it could place the lives and health of newborn infants at risk of the the bill directly interferes with a doctor's medical judgment and dictates a medical standard of care, namely immediate transport to a hospital that may not be appropriate in the particular circumstances. that's why a broad coalition of health care provider groups joined by a wide range much additional health, civil rights, women's civil rights groups strongly oppose this bill. we should listen to these health care professionals. we should support keeping babies alive which is what the republicans say they want to do, but yet they have this legislation that would endanger babies' lives by dictating a standard of care that may not be appropriate in certain
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situations. we should listen to these health care professionals. this legislation is just another step in republicans' plan to criminalize abortion nationwide. the house must reject this seriously flawed bill. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: i would just say that the document that launched this experiment in freedom we call america, the declaration of independence talks about all are created equal, endowed by our creator with life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. i think it's interesting, i think we all -- the order the founders placed the rights they chose to mention. life, liberty -- you can't pursue happiness, you can't chase down your goals and dreams if you first don't have freedom. you don't have freedom, true liberty, unless government protects your most fundamental right. your right to live. your right to breath. your right to life. that's what this legislation is about. protecting the most innocent, the most vulnerable right to
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life. i urge a yes vote. hope this thing passes unanimously. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house resolution 5 the previous question is ordered on the bill. the question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: title 18 united states code to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from colorado seek recognition? ms. degette: madam speaker, i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the motion. the clerk: ms. degette of colorado moves to recommit the bill h.r. 26 to the committee on the judiciary. the speaker pro tempore: the speaker pro tempore: the previous question is ordered on
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the motion to recommit. the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the noes have it. and the motion is not agreed to. ms. degette: i request a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman request the yeas and nays? ms. degette: i do. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen,
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