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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Debate on Measure to Censure Rep. Adam Schiff  CSPAN  June 22, 2023 1:28am-2:38am EDT

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there will also be a vote on the house passed measure concerning the classification of firearms with stabilizing races. then, federal jerome powell testifies before the senate banking committee starting at 10:00 a.m.. then, admitting on u.s. policy on nato amid the ongoing war in ukraine. you can watch everhing live on the c-span app or online at
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>> c-span --c-span is your fiered view of government. we are funded by these television companies a me. including cox. >> this syndrome is extremely rare. friends do not have to be. when you're connected, you are not alone. >> cox, supports c-span as a blic service, along with these other television providers, gingou a front row seat to democracy. >> on a partyline vote, the house adopted a resolution to censure the democratic representative for his claims of ties between former president trump and russia while he was serving as chair of the house intelligence committee. the resolution calls for investigation by the committee into the representative's
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action. six representatives voted including all five of the ethics committee. next, debate on the house floor shortly before the vote. s of congress, and certainly not accessible to the american people, schiff abused his privileges claiming to know the truth. while leaving americans in the dark about his web -- about this web of lies. lies so severe they altered the course of the country forever. the -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady will suspend. the house is not in order. members, please take your conversations off the floor. mrs. luna: the lie that president donald trump colluded with russia to steal the 2016 presidential election revealed to be completely false including the durham report. the lie that the steel dossier, a folder of fausified and debunked collusions, had any
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shred of credibility. yet, schiff read it into the congressional record as fact. lies concocted and compiled in a false memo that was used to lie to the fisa court to precipitate domestic spying on u.s. citizen carter paige, violating american civil liberties. not only with this egregious abuse of power, this had 17 major mistakes and omissions. the groundless memo violated paige's civil liberties, subjected him to multiple abusive, unlawful investigations. mr. schiff exploited his position as chair of intel committee and every opportunity possible threatening national security, undermining our dually elected president and -- duly elected president and bringing dishonor to the institution. schiff ripped apart americans across the country with repeated false narratives. his own political good was served by permanently destroying family relationships and sewing
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lasting de -- sewing lasting division across our land, which we live with every day. this perpetrator of deceit, woke up every morning with one goal, to lie, lie, lie to the american people that there was a direct evidence of russia collusion. despite transcripts from schiff's investigation showing that the director of national intelligence, former obama attorney general, former attorney general and f.b.i. director, to name a few, went on record telling schiff's committee there was no direct evidence for his criminal conspiracy. yet, to this day schiff actively fundraises off of his exploitation of americans as if robbing them from the truth and $32 million in taxpayer dollars was not enough. can anyone in this chamber comprehend the list of -- this list of crimes and yet somehow believe that there should not be an answer for it? this is not a partisan act. this is not a conservative versus liberal vote. this is a clear vote between right and wrong and i urge you to do the right thing. i will end with repeating with what i started with.
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the american people do not trust congress. the cyclical pattern of lies has worn down the credibility of every institution at every official in the united states government. you see it. i see it. . if we ruj away from this teurnt to hold this man accountable there is only one fault. ourselves. we'll betray the people who trusted us to dot right thing. we'll be responsible for any shred of justice in this body and reject the duty that we swore an oath to protect upon taking office. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland is recognized. mr. raskin: thank you, mr. speaker. today we meet not to lower the costs of prescription drugs, nor to expand president biden's infrastructure plan, nor to protect the voting rights of the people, nor to protect the health care choices of women across america because we know they are definitely not interested in that. we meet, rather, for another
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stop on the g.o.p.'s endless revenge tour against democrats who dared to tell the truth about donald trump and his repeated sellouts and betrayals of the american people over the last six years. it's all about donald trump tightening his stranglehold over republicans for the 2024 campaign and driving out anyone who dares to think for himself or herself. but don't take my word for t. read friday's statement by the twice impeached insighter of insurrection sexual abuse e. defamer of women, and indicted pilferer of national security secrets paragraph plans and top secret classified documents himself. on friday trump posted this order to his followers and unveiled threat to anyone who would dare to defy his control over the g.o.p. quote, any republican voting against adam schiff's censure or worse should immediately be primaried, he wrote. the luna resolution is a weapon
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of mass distraction from trump's indictment by a florida grand jury on 37 federal charges relating to obstruction and unlawful retention of defense information for storing dozens of classified see kreant top secret documents at his florida resort. in his bathroom, bedroom, and beyond and then refusing repeatedly for more than a year to return any of these official documents to the archives and the f.b.i. it's amazing to me that they have to change the subject from one of donald trump's current offenses against america to one of his older offenses, welcoming russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. russia repeatedly intervened in the 2016 campaign to help donald trump. that's not a matter of opinion. that's a question of direct positive facts. special counsel robert mueller, the former f.b.i. director, whose report is cited authoritatively by mrs. luna, found right at the beginning of his report, quote, the russian
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government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping he and systematic fashion. here's what the c.i.a., the f.b.i., the n.s.a., and office of the director of national expwens found in 2017. russian president putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the u.s. presidential election. the mueller investigation and moscow project documented more than 250 episodes of collaboration and meetings between russia and the trump campaign, including paul manafort's repeated passing of campaign secrets such as polling data to consequence tan known, the -- constantine the russian agent. led by donald trump jr., jared keusher in, and a russian lawyer. senator marco rubio, the florida republican, stated that the u.s. senate bipartisan select
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committee on intelligence, quote, found irrefutable evidence of russian meddling in the american campaign. so the mueller report if you read it makes no pronouncement on collusion. the punitive crux of the distinguished gentlelady's complaint because as mueller writes, collusion is not a legal event or legal concept. so the whole question of trump's collusion with russia is in the realm of opinion. most americans would see a lot of could he louisive activity all the way up to the present day when donald trump refuses to take the side of the ukrainian people against putin's filthy, bloody invasion of their country, which has been filled with lies, atrocities, and war crimes. in any event, we don't censure members over a difference of opinion. mr. speaker, we are seeing the complete ethical collapse of a once great political party. republican party began as a pro-freedom, anti-racist,
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pro-immigrant, anti-no-nothing party. it has become an authoritarian cult of personality taking orders from an inciter of insurrection of bully and brag art whose rage towards mike pence and spectacular disrespect for the rule of law endangered not only our entire constitutional order but everyone in this room. the party of lincoln and his lincolnites has become the party of luna and her luna followers. today's mad cap antics are in obvious deflection from trump's legal troubles, his criminal conduct in fill pilfering, hoarding, and returning national security documents has caused his own attorney general, william barr, to say that, quote, trump's conduct is indefensible. he's not a victim here. he was totally wrong. and there is no excuse for what he did here. yesterday representative boebert offered a resolution of impeachment against president biden. the g.o.p. simply has no ideas for our economy. no ideas for our country.
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and no idea for our people. but is on an embarrassing revenge tour on behalf of donald trump who treats them like a ventriloquist's dummy. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from florida is recognized. mrs. luna: i yield two minutes of my time to the gentleman from tennessee, representative ogles. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. ogles: thank you, mr. speaker. thank you to my colleague and dear friend, congressman luna. for leading the charge to hold our democrat counterparts responsible for their gross misuse of power. adam schiff abused his power of chairman of the house intelligence committee to create false narratives that were sold to the american people about president trump. the mueller report and durham report both proved that the basis for the so-called russian collusion investigation was nonexistent. the representative from california misled the american people and compromised the interest of the united states of america. in service of defeating,
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persecuting, attacking, and defaming president donald trump. mr. speaker, he was hasty. he was prejudiced. and he was wrong. it's clear he was concerned for no one but himself in the advancement of the democratic party. their political agenda. $32 million later the american people are left with lies and the obligation to pick up the tab for this boondoggle of a political witch-hunt. prioritized personal political gain over the interests of our nation. and he more than deserves to be censured by the people's house. the democratic party has allowed an invasion on our southern border. where every small town in america is now a border town. every one of us knows someone that is poisoned or overdosed because of fentanyl. illegals are raping and killing people across our country. what do they do? they claim to have a solution and they have none.
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mr. speaker, i thank you for your time. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: manager reserves. the gentleman from maryland is recognized. mr. raskin: i yield to the distinguished gentleman from california, the former chairman of the house intelligence committee, mr. schiff, for as much time he may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. schiff: to my republican colleagues who introduced this resolution, i thank you. you honor me with your emnity. you flatter me with this falsehood. you who are the authors of the big lie about the last election bus condemn the truth tellers and i stand proudly before you. your words tell me i have been effective in the defense of our democracy and i am grateful. and yet this false and defamatory resolution comes at a considerable cost to the country and to the congress. at moment of millions of people in our home state of california are unable to find a place to live or afford a place to live, speaker mccarthy chooses to occupy the resources of congress for two straight weeks on this
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hollow sop to the maga crowd. he offers nothing to those who are homeless or addicted to opioids or to millions of college students mired in debt, but this paltry distraction. donald trump is under indictment for actions that jeopardized our national security and mccarthy would spend the nation's time on petty political payback thinking he are censure or fine trump's opposition into submission. but i will not yield. not one inch. the cost to the speaker is delinquency is high. but the cost to congress of this frivolous and yet dangerous resolution may be even higher as it represents another serious abuse of power. donald trump has threatened that any of you that defy him and vote against this partisan resolution will be met by a primary challenge. and he calls for my imprisonment. if a majority can punish and
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attempt to silence members who hold a corrupt president to account, there is no telling what further corruption of office will follow. and i say this to speaker mccarthy and others who wish to gratify donald trump with this act of subselfens or bend to his demands, try as you might to expel me from congress or silence me with a $16 million fine, you will not succeed. you might as well make it $160 million. you will never deter me from doing my duty. no matter how many false justifications or slanders you level against me, you but indict yourselves. as liz cheney said, there will come a day when donald trump is gone. but your dishonor will remain. this resolution attacks me for initiating an investigation into trump campaign solicitation and acceptance of russian help in the 2016 election. even though the investigation
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was first led not by me but by a republican chairman. it would hold when you given internal campaign polling data and -- polling data to a russian intelligence operative while russian intelligence is helping your campaign as trump's campaign chairman did, that you must not call that collusion. though that is its proper name. as the country well knows. it would fine me for the costs of the critically important mueller investigation into trump's misconduct even though the special counsel was appointed by trump's own attorney general. it would reprimand me over a flawed fisa application as if i was the author or the director of the f.b.i. and over flaws only discovered years later and by the inspector general, not mr. durham. in short, it would accuse me of overwhelm nip tense, the leader of some vast deep state conspiracy and of course it is
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nonsense. here is the real gravamen of my offense. i led the first impeachment of donald trump for one of the most egregious presidential abuses of power in our history. i led a trial which resulted in the first bipartisan vote to remove a president in history. and i would do so again. i warned that if trump was not held accountable he would go on to try to cheat in even worse ways in the next election, and he did. inciting a violent attack on this very capitol. and after that i participated in some of the most important hearings in congressional history. hearings that exposed incitement of a dangerous insurrection to pretend -- prevent the peaceful transfer of power. my colleagues, if there is cause for censure in this house, and there is, it should be directed
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at those in this body who sought to overturn a free and fair election. the question, my republican colleagues, is not why am i the subject of this false resolution for doing my constitutional duty, but why are you not? why are you not standing beside me, the subject of a similar rebuke, for speaking truth, why did you not stand up donald trump? why did you not object his immorality. why did you not condemn his dishonesty. or speak out when this hoard attacked this capitol. or now when he treats the secrets with such carelessless, lawlessness, and disdain. why were you silent, afraid, unlilg to do your ethical, constitutional duty? why did you cowher -- cower? and why do you still? will it be said of you that you
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lacked the courage to stand up to the most immoral, unlawful, and unethical president in history but consoled yourselves by attacking those who did? today i wear this partisan vote as a passenger of honor. knowing that i have lived my oath. knowing that i have done my duty. to hold a dangerous and out-of-control president accountable. and knowing that i would do so again in a heartbeat if the circumstances should ever require it. i thank you. and i yield back. . the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to give their remarks to the chair. mrs. luna: i yield to representative miller. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. miller: thank you, congresswoman luna, for leading on this resolution.
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representative schiff used his position as the chairman of the house intelligence committee to mislead the american people by falsely claiming there was classified evidence of russia colluding with president trump which was not true. the mueller report and the durham report make clear that the russian collusion hopes was a political lie designed to hurt president trump and mislead the american people. representative schiff used the intelligence committee to advance a political narrative against his political opponents, which violated the important nonpartisan tradition of the committee. i am proud to join my colleagues today in holding representative schiff accountable for his actions because the american people deserve justice. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the manager reserves. the gentleman from maryland is
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recognized. mr. raskin: i recognize the gentleman from california, the chairman of the democratic caucus and a former member of the january 6 select committee, mr. aguilar, for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. aguilar: i thank the gentleman from maryland. mr. speaker, i rise today in strong opposition to the resolution. it is shameful that the temporary republican majority continue to waste the american people's time with baseless accusations and right-wing conspiracy theories. instead of joining house democrats to address gun violence epidemic, we were forced a debate on gas stoves. this bill is motivated by the same group and individuals who till this day promote the lie that the election was stolen, a lie that adam schiff stood up to time and time again. he's never shied away from taking on the toughest fights and he's not going to be intimidated by anyone, including the former president or his
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allies. i'm proud to stand with the gentleman from california today and urge my colleagues to join me in opposition to this resolution. i yield back. mr. raskin: we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from florida is recognized. mrs. luna: i yield two minutes of my time to the gentleman from new york, representative langworthy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. langworthy: thank you, mr. chairman. in this body we're privileged to serve our districts and do right by the american people. we've been entrusted with a tremendous responsibility that shapes the future of our nation. first and foremost, we must remember that we are not here to serve our own interests or pursue personal agendas. unfortunately, one of the most powerful members of the democratic caucus, adam schiff, abused his role and violated the trust of the american people. as chairman of the house intelligence committee, schiff initiated an unfounded investigation into the leftist lies around russian collusion. this investigation was predicated on nothing more than political propaganda. the durham report clearly shows that the russian hoax was
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manufactured by the left to divide our nation and discredit and derail president trump's agenda. he not only wasted countless hours of committee work, but he also wasted nearly $32 million in taxpayer dollars. schiff repeatedly used the authority he was afforded in his position as chairman to lie to the american people to support his political agenda. even after the durham report discredited the russia hoax, he continued to knowingly lie and peddle this false narrative. this leaves a lasting stain on this institution. we cannot let him continue to serve in this body without consequence of the abuse of his power. i ask my colleagues to support this resolution and send a clear message to the american people that we will hold members of congress accountable. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the manager reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i yield to the gentleman from new york, our minority leader and member of the first house impeachment team, mr. jeffries. the speaker pro tempore: does
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the gentleman yield one minute? mr. raskin: one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. jeffries: i thank the gentleman for yielding and for his leadership. i rise today in strong opposition to this fake, phony, and fraudulent censure resolution brought against adam schiff, the distinguished gentleman, distinguished gentleman from the great state of california. house democrats will continue to put people over politics, to fight for lower costs and better paying jobs and safer communities and defend democracy, fight for freedom, build an economy that invests and grows the middle class. this is a do-nothing republican-controlled congress. that is why this censure resolution is on the floor today. extreme maga republicans have no vision, have no plan, have no agenda to make life better for everyday americans. house democrats will continue to work for the people.
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clearly, as this resolution demonstrates, extreme maga republicans work for the twice-impeached, disgraced former president of the united states of america, the insurrectionist in chief, the puppet master who clearly point of order, a quorum is not present ordered this fake, phony, and fraudulent resolution be brought to the floor today after it failed last week. in fact, the supreme puppet master even threatened the other side of the aisle with primaries if they didn't bend the knee. and when he says bend the knee, extreme maga republicans say how high. adam schiff has done nothing wrong. adam schiff is a good man. adam schiff has served this country with distinction. adam schiff served this country well as a federal prosecutor fighting to keep communities
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safe. adam schiff served this country well as the chair of the house intelligence committee investigating people without fair or favor, including those at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, because he believes in the constitution and his oath of office. adam schiff served this country well as the lead impeachment manager during the first impeachment trial of the former president of the united states prosecuting his corrupt abuse of power. and yes, adam schiff served this country well in the aftermath of the violent insurrection, pushed back against the big lie told by the puppet master in chief. and participated as a prominent member in the january 6 committee to defend our democracy. adam schiff has done nothing wrong. he's worked hard to do right by the american people.
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but the extreme maga republicans, no vision, no agenda, no plan to make life better for the american people. and so we have this phony, fake, and fraudulent censure resolution. but adam schiff will not be silenced. we will not be silenced. house democrats will not be silenced today. we will not be silenced tomorrow. we will not be silenced next week. we will not be silenced next month. we will not be silenced next year. we will not be silenced this decade. we will not be silenced this century. you will never, ever silence us. we will always do what is right. we will always fight for the constitution, fight to defend democracy, fight for freedom, and expose your extremism and continue america's long, necessary, and majestic march toward a more perfect union. vote know against this phony, fake, and fraudulent censure resolution.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from florida is recognized. mrs. luna: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from south carolina, representative norman. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. norman: thank you, congresswoman luna. i proudly stand with congresswoman luna to back this censure of a man that has been long overdue. and i'm glad the galleries are now open where people can see firsthand that you cannot get up in front of congress or the american people and completely deny the truth and continue to spread falsehoods. there is no tv that could have been turned on over the last couple of years when you didn't see adam schiff being questioned. where's your evidence on the russia collusion? where is it? he couldn't always it. it was always coming. he used his position on the intel committee, and for those of you who are listening, it's
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information we don't get as regular congresspeople. he used his position on the intel committee to spread continuous lies with no facts. now, how did he do that? he had access, not only to the most sensitive information and he did not share the access or facts that backed what he was saying. the trusted and sensitive position as abused by congressman schiff to weave purposely falsehoods around the russian collusion. the mueller report and the durham report make clear that the foundations of his investigations were bogus. it showed that the director of national intelligence, a former obama attorney general, former deputy attorney general, and the f.b.i. director, among others, all told his committee there was no direct evidence of criminal conspiracy. yet, he kept making the same
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statements that his evidence was coming, and it just never did. not only did he spread falsehoods that abused his power, he went after a man, carter page, who was completely innocent, and the inspector general horowitz found 17 major mistakes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlewoman reserves. mrs. luna: i yield two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields two minutes. mr. norman: inspect general horowitz -- inspector general horowitz found 17 major mistakes. the judge stated unequivocally that the f.b.i. misled fisa. this public smearing of carter page as a russian clab are a tore and investigations of him were carried out with representative schiff's congresstory -- contribution. this is a violation of american civil liberties and it's the
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very abuse that should not be warranted in congress. and all this to spend $32 million on an investigation that went nowhere. it's an insult to the american people, the american people deserve better, and congresswoman luna, i just appreciate you bringing this up. words have actions. just because they continue to say it does not make it true. that's the case of what adam schiff has done. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland's recognized. mr. raskin: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from illinois, mr. quigley. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. quigley: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i had the honor of serving with the gentleman from cali on the house -- california on the house permanent select committee for eight years and i had a view of his work. it's obviously not what mr. schiff did was wrong. it's what he did to well. that's what bothers the majority. he defended our country from
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threats foreign and domestic. he defended the rule of law, and he defended our democracy during its most critical and pivotal points and he held the former president accountable. but what really gnaws on the majority, what really bothers them was that mr. schiff was way better than anybody on their team at debate, at leadership, at messaging, at legal knowledge. he kicked their ass. he was better. he was more effective, and that still bothers them. they couldn't beat him on the field so they voted him off. we voted people off committees because they posed threats, not because they can't compete. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. i remind members to refrain from profanities in their remarks. the gentlelady from florida. mrs. luna: i yield two minutes of my time to the gentleman from virginia, representative good. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman is recognized. mr. good: thank you to the gentlelady from florida for your leadership. mr. speaker, i'm sorry to report to my friends on the other side that we are not voting today on whether or not to censure president trump but one adam schiff. and mr. speaker, i rise in support of this censure resolution. adam schiff has denigrated the office which he holds and the standards of this very body. the american people, when they elect their representatives, place trust in them that they will act with honesty and integrity. but adam schiff, he had access to our nation's secrets and then intentionally created a web of lies, falsely alleging his tales of foreign interference and russia collusion. he perpetrated blatant falsehoods, publicly, loudly, and repeatedly to the american people. how many times did we hear him claim that he had seen evidence of russian collusion? he betrayed the trust of the american people. this resolution will censure schiff for his gross abuse of power using his position as chairman of the house permanent
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select committee on intelligence to access our nation's most sensitive information to then mislead the american people and his colleagues here in this congress. the other side often speaks of decorum and holding up the integrity of this body. now it's time for them to put their actions to their words. when they -- will they continue to support the lies promoted by the congressman from california or will they vote in favor of maintaining the integrity of this distinguished body? i challenge them to vote today for integrity, to vote for truth, and to vote to censure adam schiff in this house. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the manager reserves. the gentleman from maryland's recognized. mr. raskin: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from new york. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. . >> boy, is adam schiff powerful. he can at once be the chairman of the intelligence committee, the special counsel investigating donald trump, manage and run the f.b.i., and
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be a judge ruling on fisa applications. it is remarkable that he from his perch in congress can do all of that. of course he didn't do any of that. all he did was properly impeach the president of the united states for his gross abuse of power. you want to talk about collusion? let me ask my republican colleagues if a campaign manager for a campaign is giving internal information to a russian intelligence agent, is that collusion? mr. goldman: because that was the once classified information that is now public and now constitutes collusion. and there are so many other issues. there is nothing -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. goldman: nothing in this resolution -- mr. raskin: i yield an additional 20 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman is recognized. mr. goldman: one of my colleagues says we will hold members accountable. you are the party of george santos. who are you holding accountable? the guy is alleged and acknowledged liar and indicted and you protect him every day. don't lech sure us with your -- lecture us with your protection of donald trump. it's pathetic and beneath you and beneath this body. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from florida. mrs. luna: i yield two minutes of my time to the gentleman from california, representative mcclintock. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. mcclintock: mr. speaker, i opposed the original version of this resolution not to defend mr. schiff's lies but to defend the process that exposed those lies. we must never punish speech in this house. only acts. the only way to separate truth from falsehoods or wisdom from followy is free -- folly is free and open debate. we must never impose excessive
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fine that is would effectively replace the constitutional 2/3 vote for expulsion with a simple majority. but this new version removes the fine and it focuses instead on specific acts. most particularly the abuse of his position as intelligence chairman by implying he had access to classified information that did not exist. and his placement into the congressional record of the steel dossier he knew or should have known was false. i hope, however, that we will hereafter return to the principles of due process that the democrats stripped from our prespresidents in the last sess. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i yield one minute to the gentlelady from california. ms. lofgren. ms. lofgren: i could go point by point and prove that the resolution is false, but time is short. i'll say adam tells the truth. he told the truth when we were
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managers on the first impeachment that resulted in a bipartisan vote for conviction. he told the truth when we served on the january 6 committee and found that the ex-president was the leader of a plot to overturn the constitution and the electoral vote. why is this before us today? the truth hurts, doesn't it? i think it's before us today because the ex-president has recently been charged with dozens of felonies. i am a former chair of the ethics committee. this is a -- this resolution is a departure from what has been the norm in the congress in terms of censure. not only does this resolution disgrace the maga republicans who advanced it, but it also disgraces this institution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the the gentlewoman from florida is recognized. mrs. luna: i yield two minutes
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to the gentlewoman from colorado, representative lauren boebert. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. boebert: thank you, mr. speaker. thank you to my colleague for leading on this very important issue. adam schiff is a complete disgrace to our nation and to our constitution. he put the american people through four years of an endless impeachment hoax he knew from the beginning was a lie. he represents the worst of permanent washington, using his position of trust to lie to the american people. he receives intelligence briefings that other members and the public did not have access to. and he used his position of trust to lie and to advance his own partisan agenda. schiff's disgraceful time in congress has destroyed americans' faith in our institution. today i am proud to stand with my colleague and friend from
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florida to try and undo some of the damage that adam schiff has done by finally holding this crook accountable. today we are saying enough is enough. by common sensuring him and referring him to the ethics committee. i told the american people that he had to prove -- that he had proof that trump campaign asking the russians for help in a conspiracy. that was a lie. he claimed that he was not working with anonymous informants during the impeachment hoax. that was a lie. everyone with common sense knew adam schiff was lying all along. including the director of national intelligence, obama's former attorney general. the f.b.i. deputy director, and more. but adam schiff doubled down on his big lie. claiming he had a smoking gun,
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proof of a conspiracy. but the only conspiracy going on was his conspiracy to defraud the american people by taking down their duly elected president. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. mrs. luna: i yield a minute to representative boebert. mrs. boebert: when adam schiff got caught lying he did what liars do, cover the truth even more. he used his taxpayer funded staff to ask twitter to common sensure -- censor journalists fact checking his lies. damn schiff won't get out of this one calling in a favor. today we are holding him accountable and censuring him. to restore the trustworthiness of the house of representatives every member should vote to censure adam schiff so we can speak with one voice to assure the american people that these lies will not be tolerated. i urge every one of my colleagues with good and decent
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intentions to vote for this resolution. if adam schiff has a shred of human decency left he would resign from congress in disgrace. his tombstone should read of his failed career in congress -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. miss bobert: should be one word, liar. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from kentucky -- connecticut. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. himes: i thank the speaker. the gentleman from virginia i heard him say this is not a censure of donald trump. he's right about that. boy is he right. there is no behearvor, not discussion of how -- behavior, not discussion how he would handle women, not an attack on this capitol, not the misuse of classified information that will ever result in a peep from the republican majority much less a censure of that behavior. this is a question of standing amongst other things if that is
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what you stand above. as my colleagues pointed out we don't hear anything about a colleague whose entire campaign and entire resume was built on falsehood. instead we hear that russia was a hoax. well, folks, i was there. the investigation began by a republican chairman. it was predicated, and all these investigations were predicated on the fact that a donald trump foreign policy aide told the australian ambassador they were expected dirt from the russians. the most important thing i can say is i sat next to adam schiff for years. he is a man of integrity and dignity. and this vote, quite frankly, my colleagues, is a testament to your dignity or lack thereof. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from florida. mrs. luna: i yield three minutes to my time to the the gentlewoman from georgia, representative greene. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. greene: there are a lot of things that happened here in congress and many of them waste
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the american people's hard-earned tax dollars, but one of the most outrageous waste of hard-earned tax dollars has been the russian collusion hoax led by adam schiff. adam schiff lied to the american people lie buy leading the fake russian witch-hunt against president trump. he weaponized the house intelligence committee to abuse all principles of due process and perpetuate the lies of russia collusion. and did he that on the media over and over again. his committee conducted approximately 53 interviews during its 2017-2018 russia probe. these transcripts from the director of national intelligence, former obama attorney general, former deputy attorney general, and the f.b.i. director among others proved that there was zero direct evidence of criminal conspiracy. he not only refused to release these interview transcripts, but he also continued to peddle lies
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to the american people that russia interfered in the election. he falsely claimed that russians offered help. the campaign accepted help. the russians gave help. and the president made full use of that help. when referring to allegations between president trump and russia during the 2016 election. in november 2020 he specifically asked twitter to take action against spreaders of misinformation by removing content that questioned his baseless claims of russian collusion. the biggest spreader of misinformation was damn schiff. adam schiff. as we know there was no criminal collusion between the trump campaign and russia. thanks to the durham report we know now the entire russian hoax was bought and paid for by hillary clinton and the d.n.c.
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during the probe schiff also abused his position on the intel committee and violated civil liberties by subpoenaing phone records from at&t and a former republican colleague on entirely baseless claim. his lies and abuse of power continued during the sham. hollywood produced january 6 committee witch-hunt where him and his staff doctored a text message between representative jim jordan and former white house chief of staff mark meadows to deliberately manipulate information presented to the american people. what a lie. he displayed a graphic of a text message which cut a sentence in half, in half, and eliminated the final two paragraphs of a detailed legal summary that were contained in the original text message. he did this to peddle more lies to the american people and perpetuate the fake narrative that january 6 was an
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insurrection, and it was not. and now adam schiff is running for senate. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. how much time? mrs. luna: one more minute. ms. greene: thank you. now adam schiff is running for senate in california. california has a lot of things messed up. california is not the model that the united states needs. as a matter of fact their government policies are atrocious. so if california decides to send adam schiff to the senate, they will be sending a proven liar. that's what he's aiming to do. raise money off of being a liar and running for senate. i yield back the remainder of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i recognize and yield for one minute to my colleague from california, mr. swalwell. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. swalwell: this is not a house floor proceeding, this is a partners meeting of insurrection l.l.c. i ask them, tell me where was
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alam wrong? he -- where was adam wrong? he said at the first impeachment can we be confident that donald trump will not try to continue to cheat this 2020 election? the answer is no, you can't. you can't trust this president to do the right thing. not for one minute. not for one election. he will not change. and you know t was he wrong when that president aimed and sent a mob into this chamber and made all of us leave? was he wrong when he said that donald trump has betrayed our national security and he will do so again and donald trump stole and shared classified information? was he wrong when he said that? maybe he was wrong when he said to the country, you are decent, donald trump is not who you are. so i ask my colleagues, are you as decent as donald trump? will you be remembered as footnotes and foot soldiers in history's books that chronicled donald trump's corruption or will you be as decent as adam schiff. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. members are reminded to direct their comments to the chair. the gentlewoman from florida. mrs. luna: i yield two minutes of my time to the gentleman from florida, representative mills. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you, so much. mr. speaker, i rise in favor of h.res. 521 to censure and condemn congressman damn schiff. mr. mills: the bottom line is this. congressman schiff utilized his position and hit behind classifications to mislead -- congressman adam schiff. mr. mills: the bottom line is this. congressman schiff utilized his this was not an unbiased jurisdiction of change but a political witch hunt. when members are appointed to select committees on intelligence, they are trusted with privileged information and other members of the house are taking them for their word. as someone who worked within the intelligence community, i can tell you that our
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classifications that were available to take and read is not to be abused for our own motives. i hope we join congresswoman luna to hold congressman schiff accountable and put an end to the waste, fraud and abuse and neglect of how we take advantage of the american people. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. mr. schiff: dozens of members have come to stand with mr. schiff. no member is standing with the luna resolution. and i yield one minute to the the gentlewoman from texas. ms. garcia: adam schiff is tough is smart and gets the job done. and adam schiff holds the powerful accountable and that's exactly why we are here today. extreme maga republicans are trying to punish our colleague for doing his job.
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holding the twice-impeached, twice-indicted former president accountable. the maga wing can't stop adam. my friend adam schiff will always fight to defend our democracy, he will always do what is right. they can create whole committees to defend him. they can try to waste all of our time trying to propose up a man that has threatened our democracy over and over again. he was in miami courthouse last week and we are here discussing this topic. mr. speaker, we've got to stop enabling this nonsense. when the whoil house entertains conspiracy theories, the whole g.o.p. is responsible. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentlewoman from florida. gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i yield one minute to the gentlelady from pennsylvania, ms. dean, a member of the second house impeachment team. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. dean: i rise today in opposition to h. res. 521, because this is not a serious resolution. this is political theater by the author who was not here to distract from donald trump's history of transgressions and now indictments. and an attempt to punish congressman adam schiff to president president trumpp to account. he protected us at home and abroad. on the perfect call, he withheld a meeting and crucial weapons from president zellensy unless they gave him dirt on president joe biden. mr. schiff stepped up as member
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and lead manager to defend against executive corruption. then when the former president lost the 2020 election and summoned his supporters to storm this very capitol, mr. schiff stood up again and on the january 6 committee to expose the former president's grotesque role. mr. raskin: i yield 10 seconds more. ms. dean: i don't know why my colleagues are so intimidated here. but i think it reveals their weakness and intimidated by a bully and this attempt shows they are intimidated by a patriot. lucky us to serve with adam schiff. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida. mrs. luna: i yield three minutes to the gentlewoman.
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ms. hageman: this is the foundation of my ability to carry it out. this isn't about politics but about seriousness of being honest and forthright as a member of congress and upholding the oath. the gentleman from california wouldn't be the first member to stretch the truth but lying about serious issues our country has faced is entirely different and claiming that a sitting president what amounts to treason is beyond. this member's lies led to wasting of taxpayer dollars to unnecessary investigations and not focused. this member's actions were designed to delegitimize the 2016 election and hamstring the trump administration. for all the talk of not
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accepting the election results in 2020, perhaps democrats and media, perhaps one and the same might look at their actions in 2016. this representative perpetrated these lies while chair of the intelligence committee and stated that he had inside information. in that capacity he lied about how the f.b.i. and d.o.j. obtained a fisa warrant and did not omit material information from the warrant how they used the dossier and the help had an alleged smoking gun showing that president trump colluded with russia and each of these claims have been proven to be false. the lies have continued and continue right through to this very day. the lies are in this body and left unchecked threaten our
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election integrity and the civil rights of his targets. the words and actions of this member were dangerous and untrue, knowingly untrue. there must be a serious consequence for that. being censured is the least of what he should be subjected to. and i support this resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland. >> i rise in strong opposition. this latest stunt does nothing but advance an extremist agenda and attacks a member of us who is the best. there is a legitimate role. but the majority has debased it in a cheap partisan slap. shameful. i yield back. mr. raskin: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida. mrs. luna: i thank my colleagues across the aisle for putting
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themselves on defending the russia hoax after the bayries ma payments and this is useful accountability tool and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentlemanfrom maryland. mr. raskin: they defend the big lie and george santos and attack adam schiff. i yield one minute to the distinguished the gentleman from indiana, mr. carson. mr.carson: what i do know ad a.m. schiff defended the u.s. constitution and led an impartial investigation which followed the facts and led to the first of two impeachments of a former president. as a senior member of the intelligence committee i have had the honor of working with mr. schiff for years. he is a man of integrity and loves this country like we all
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do. i urge my colleagues to vote no on this dangerous and purely vin particulartive attempt to silence someone because of his work to hold donald trump accountable. i urge my colleagues not to be fooled by these distractions. don't ignore the facts. this resolution is a if anything leaf to hide the very clear facts about a twice-impeached president. twice-indicted ex-president who has put our national security at risk. i urge my colleagues to stop these political games and get back to the business of the american people. mr. raskin: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida. mrs. luna: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i yield one minute to the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. mcgovern. the gentleman is recognized.
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mr. mcgovern: republicans care more about sucking up to trump than doing what is right for the downtown try. he exposed trump's lies and got an impeachment vote and passed real laws that solve real problems and help real people and what is the sponsor of this censure done, what has representative luna, she has five out of the six legislative items she introduced was about adam schiff. does she have anything better to do? this is known about lunancy and distraction from trump's felony charges. the people who came up with the big lie want to censure adam schiff to defend a three-time looser and indicted more times. what an insult to the american
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people and i urge a no vote and i stand proudly with adam schiff. mr. raskin: dozens of members of our caucus have come to stand with mr. schiff today while the sponsor of this resolution is isolated over on her side of the aisle. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida. mrs. luna: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i want to remind people this is on behalf of the american people in restoring order to the house and in an effort to bring back trust which is something this institution has lacked for many years. i am very proud and own my vote and saying i will be voting for the censure of adam schiff, and i yield. mr. raskin: i am yielding to the gentleman from illinois.
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>> i am reminded of will rogers, i don't make jokes, i just report the facts. despite the pressing needs of the american people, we have spent an week and a half about gas stoves. today we are voting on a measure to censure adam schiff. i urge a strong no against this resolution targeting a true american hero. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentlewoman from florida. the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i yield one minute to the gentleman from colorado, mr. crow. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. crow: fact number one, donald trump remains the greatest danger to our democracy and he is a demagog. number two, they don't like people who call them out and speak the truth and pose a
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threat to their grand designs that destroy our democracy. fact number three, i spent my life serving this country in uniform, out of uniform and i would be hard-pressed to find someone who is more committed to democracy and more integrity and to the rule of law than adam schiff. i call on my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to reject this absurd proposal to set yourself free from your servitude of donald trump and move forward as a country. set yourself free. you know the truth and the truth shall set you free. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the jar reserves. the gentlewoman from florida is recognized. mrs. luna: as a nunes air force veteran and proud mexican-american woman who is almost eight months presentingp nant in regards to -- pregnant, what happened in this country
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and the vibe that occurred after the fact that the russian collusion hoax was pushed down the throats of the american people is not integrity and talk about fun games we are not here about donald trump or january 6 but the former chairman of the intelligence committee that used a lie that broke apart our country. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: we are here because of donald trump because he wants retribution for standing up against his lies and assaults. i congratulate the gentlelady on her forth coming baby and i'm wondering if she would share some of her time because i have started to run out of time. and consider that. i would like to recognize for one minute the gentlelady from colorado, ms. degette. then i would recognize one
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minute to mr. neguse from colorado. mr. thompson the chairman of the january 6 select committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. thompson: thank you very much, mr. speaker. and i thank the gentleman for giving me the time. mr. speaker, with all the challenges that we are facing today why are we relegitimating the president's first impeachment. after a similar resolution failed last week and extreme republicans are devoting precious floor time to attack my friend and colleague adam schiff. maybe it has to do something with the fact that the leader of their party is facing trial on 37 felony counts of conspiracy and mishandling of classified documents. he stored some of the most sensitive secrets in the bathroom of his florida club.
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these attempts to no one is fooled.extreme maga re targeting adam because he's everything they wish they could be. he's tough, he's principled and he's effective. i've stood shoulder to shoulder with adam in the fight -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. raskin: i yield the gentleman an additional 10 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. thompson: thank you very much. i'm proud to work -- of the work we did on january 6. it speaks for itself. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from florida. the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland. rals ras i yield the gentlelady from -- mr. raskin: i yield the gentlelady from pennsylvania 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. scanlon: thank you. i rise to horn the steadfast -- honor the steadfast patriotism of adam schiff. this resolution is so dishonest and defarmtory that it would justify a lawsuit if it were made anywhere other than the halls of congress. this is pure political revenge and exposes both the depths to
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which the house republican majority has sunk and their threat to our constitutional order. i'd encourage our colleagues to seriously consider house stunts like this bring dishonor upon this house and to condemn it unequivocally. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from florida. ms. luna: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentleman from california, mr. garcia. the speaker pro tempore: jatd is recognized -- the gentleman is recognized. mr. garcia: thank you, mr. speaker. this resolution is a joke. they are trying to smear congressman schiff for his work to defend our constitutions -- institutions. meanwhile, the same people who attack adam schiff are seeking truth, refuse to take action against a serial and admitted fraudster in their own conference. adam schiff did not win his election on false pretenses, he has not been accused of crimes in the u.s., nor admitted to crimes in brazil. unfortunately not all my house colleagues on the republican side can say the same. now, 35 days ago every house
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republican voted to defend george san else to -- san else to -- santos. instead they want to censure someone for truth and justice, adam schiff. mr. chairman, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida. ms. luna: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i recognize the gentleman from california, mr. shernl for 30 -- mr. sherman, for 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. sherman: today is a proud day for california. but particularly for the san fernando valley. hundreds of members of this house did their best to protect america from donald trump, but only one did it so well that else the focus of this ridiculous resolution. he was effective, he was direct and donald trump has demanded that he be attacked. adam, thank you, for doing your
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job so well. california is proud and america is grateful. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from florida. ms. luna: i reserve my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i yield 30 seconds to mr. castro. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. castro: adam schiff did his job. that's why they're trying to censure him today. because he held a mirror up to today's republican party and they can't stand the ugliness. instead, they want to protect the most corrupt, indicted and perhaps soon to be convicted president of the united states. we should vote no on this censure resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from florida. ms. luna: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. raskin: i yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentlelady from california, ms. pelosi. the former speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. pelosi: thank you very much, mr. speaker.
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i thank the gentleman for yielding and for his great presentation today. today we are on the floor of the house where the other side has turned this chamber, where slavery was abolished, where medicare and social security and everything were instituted, they've turned it into a puppet show. a puppet show. and you know what, the puppeteer, donald trump, is shining a light on the strings. you look miserable. you look miserable. the only advantage to all of this is that instead of reversion what we did on the -- reversing what we did on the i.r.a. to save the planet or reversing what we did to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, you're wasting time. adam schiff is wonderful. mr. raskin: i yield the gentlelady an additional 10 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from maryland's time has expired. the gentlewoman from florida is recognized. ms. luna: i yield myself as much time as i may consume. again, i would like to say that
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this is not about donald trump. this is about holding accountability for someone who exploited their official position, had access to information that most members of congress do not have access to, and bringing accountability back to the american people. so regardless of whatever the gentlewoman from california says or anyone else, you guys are not being honest about the focus of this resolution and this censure. and that is exactly why we're here today, to debate it out. but i thank you. with


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