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tv   Impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas  CSPAN  February 6, 2024 9:32pm-10:15pm EST

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i will answer that after we do the second vote. ok, guys, i've got to get out of here. >> [indiscernible] >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. funded by these television companies and more, including cox. >> koolen-de vries syndrome syndrome is extremely rare. but friends don't have to be. >> this is joe. >> when you are connected, you are not alone. >> cox supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television provide, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> the yeas are 214, the
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resolution is not adopted. >> tonight on c-span, your reaction to house republicans's failed attempt to impeach ella handwrote mayorkas. after nearly three hours of debate, republicans fell one vote short in their pursuit of impeaching the secretary. on two articles of impeachment, for refusing to comply with federal immigration laws, and a breach of the public trust. in a final vot 214-216, the impeachment resolution failed, but gop leaders have said they will try again in the coming days. four republicans voted against impeachment. ken buck of colorado, mike gallagher wisconsin, tom mcclintock of california,
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believing their party had not met the criteria of proving the secretary had committed impeachable offenses. the fourth vote flipped from yes to no, a procedural move that will let republicans ring of the articles of impeachment again. mike johnson confirmed they will bring up the articles of impeachment when they have the votes. tonight we want to get your thoughts on the vote as well as the drama on the house floor. republicans can dial in and democrats condyle and on the numbers on your screen. -- can dial in on their numbers on your screen.
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earlier tonight we spoke with a congressional reporter with the hill newspaper about today's debate and vote. michael schnell is a congressional reporter with the hill newspaper. why did republicans fail to get the vote tonight to impeach the homeland security secretary? >> there were two reasons why the vote failed. the first was gop operations. three republicans voted against the effort to impeach alejandra mayorkas. technically there was the vice chair of the conference, he switched as a procedural maneuver giving republicans the ability to bring it up again at a later date. what sealed the deal, there was one republican absent from the
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vote, majority leader steve scalise, he's going through treatment for cancer. he's been in the capital a while and he wasn't there tonight. at the end of the day, the vote was 215-215 in the house. at that moment blake moore switched from yes to no, and saving mayorkas from being impeached at least for a few more days. >> what happens next? >> republicans will rally to bring this back to the floor. we heard from the speakers spokesperson, house republicans fully intend to bring the articles of impeachment against mayorkas back to the floor when they have enough votes for passage. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene from georgia, one of the top proponents of impeaching mayorkas echoed that sentiment, saying they waiting for steve scalise to come back and healthy
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condition to vote in favor and they think that will seal mayorkas's fate in terms of impeachment but no indication of when that will happen. republicans are vowing to bring it back to the floor. host: ken buck told cnn it could happen as early as tomorrow. what have you heard in your reporting tonight? >> ken buck said tomorrow, marjorie taylor greene said as soon as next week. it will depend on when steve scalise can come back to washington. host: one about the role democrats played here and congressman al green? >> democrats were fully united against the effort to impeach come up the expectation leading up to the vote was that congressman al green, from texas, would have to miss the vote, that was the speculation. that meant -- he was wheeled in in a wheelchair in scrubs and
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nothing on his feet but socks, saying he had just come from the emergency room, decided he needed to come back for this vote, calling mayorkas a good man. this was a surprise for several people, not expecting al green to come back to the chamber. but when you are talking about something so highly debated in such a close vote, the adage goes and it is true, every vote counts. host: what was it like while the vote was being held open? there was a vote held open on a previous vote for 40 minutes. what was happening in the chamber before they moved to the impeachment vote? >> i was watching the proceedings from the house chamber, i was in the press gallery that overlooks the floor. it was a stunning display. the first vote was supposed to last 15 minutes and it remained open for 40 minutes even though votes were cast. it was clear the votes would
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easily pass, but you saw speaker johnson huddling with some of his lawmaker allies and aides. it seemed a tense conversation, at one point johnson putting his hands on his head and looking stressed. it was up in the air whether the impeachment would pass. after those 40 minutes, the vote was gaveled out and next came the mayorkas impeachment vote. mike gallagher cast no vote, he was unknown. we saw ken buck and tom mcclintock also apps their votes against impeachment, which was expected. then it was a waiting game. we saw the vote was tied, al green came in and like more switched his vote at the last minute and they gaveled out 214-216. host: we heard from marjorie
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taylor greene after the vote, you were there asking her questions. remind our viewers what role she has played in this impeachment effort of the homeland security secretary. >> she's been one of the foremost opponents -- proponents of impeaching mayorkas. she moved to force the vote, which garnered the attention of leadership, and she has taken credit for this being expedited. when there was the markup on the articles of impeachment, she said this is because of the public move i made to put pressure on leadership to bring the mayorkas impeachment to the house floor. obviously the effort failed tonight. marjorie taylor greene saying we are going to bring this back to the floor, we look forward to steve scalise coming back to washington. it seems like house republican strategy is wait for steve
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scalise to return, and see mayorkas be impeached but there will be in open questions of absences and there is also an important special election next week in new york to replace former congressman george santos. a democrat win could change the math and that means even with a steve scalise back, republicans can only lose two votes. essentially the message for marley -- from marjorie taylor greene is we will bring it back up and it will be successful. host: let's remind our viewers how razor thin this is for republicans right now. how money votes can they afford to lose? >> it can't be understated how close the majority is, they could lose two and they lost three because steve scalise is undergoing treatment for cancer. if he returns, the republicans
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would have enough votes, but again there are eyes on long island to see who wins. a former congressman is making a bid for his former seat against a political newcomer. it will be a fierce fight that has national implications. on a number of issues but especially this conversation about impeaching mayorkas. host: appreciate your time. again, republicans failed to impeach homeland security secretary mayorkas today after nearly three hours of debate. they are vowing to take it up again when they have the votes. george santos, the former congressman, he tweeted out a caption of the vote from the house floor, an interesting angle.
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just of these words -- miss me yet? as you heard michael talking about, the new york third race that is taking place tuesday, february 13, this is an important race because if a democrat wins, steve scalise comes back from his cancer treatment, if a democrat wins in new york it cancels that ou was tweeted, if the fo congressman wins, it would cancel out the steve ise vote. david mark from thehington examiner and amy walter from the cook political report tweeting,
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it could not only give democrats another no but -- but it means a message of compromise wi and sends a major message to swing seat republicans. steve scalise has reportedly told fox news he wilnobe back to vote for impeachment for mayorkas soon, but he will be back soon. also bloberg tweeting out that steve scalise's spokesman saying he will not be back tomorrow. the house is adjourning tomorrow for the rest of the week. they will be in in the morning but then there will be no more votes for the remainder of the week. the next time they can presumably bring up these impeachment articles for a vote would be next week.
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your reaction to all of this, robert, a republican. go ahead. caller: it is not only joe biden that needs his head examined, it's the rest of the democrats and the republicans that voted to keep him in. it's obvious as an american this guy has not done his job and he should be kicked out of the country. thank you. host: do you think he has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, the criteria for impeaching? caller: absolutely. these people are coming in here illegally and getting all of the benefits of the people who live here, yes, they are all illegal people. host: howard from north carolina, democratic color, what do you think? caller: it was exciting. it was like watching unc against
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clemson. it shows you right here that the maga republicans in the house can't really perform and do their duty for the people. not one time have you heard anything from marjorie taylor greene about the proposal that the senate is bringing over for immigration. i don't want to do that, they don't want to talk about that. they want to try to impeach a cabinet person of a president. what precedent would that set for america if that ever happens? that means any president who comes into office, when he picks his cabinet, if congress or the maga people don't like it, they will try to impeach good what have they done for america right now? they are wasting taxpayer dollars on a fluke and americans see it.
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host: all right, howard, a little history for you. not since 1876 has a cabinet secretary been impeached. a little bit about the homeland security secretary, he was conformed -- confirmed and sworn in 2021. e fit immigrant to lead the depa. 2014 through 2016, he served as the deputy secretary of homeland security, and that, the director of u.s. citizenship and immigration services. patty from sterling, virginia, hi. caller: do you hear me? host: we do. what did you think about this? caller: first of all, i do not go by party affiliation because it is wrong and i always think
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that people take a -- when they hear a person is a democrat or republican. i think republicans from the very beginning should not have gone to the impeachment the way they did. they are a little green behind the ears with all of the rooted politicians in democrats. they should have gone through the crimes by the secretary. the secretary should have stepped down himself to create peace. the democrats are too good to be as true as they sound.
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they should not have gone, all of them, hundreds of families, everything that we have been having the past few months, all of them the same. that i itself is false. they always accuse republicans of chaos, not being together, not being in one body, but it is them who are too much wanting to be against everything all the time. host: ok, patty. oliver from washington, democratic color. caller: i just want to make three-points. i've noticed that since trump came on the scene he's been acting like a high school kid with the name-calling and all that.
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they don't have a cost to go against mayorkas, but trump told him to do it. today's hearings, the senator of tennessee [indiscernible] how does he know? [indiscernible] that's the number three-point. [indiscernible] we need to wake up and pay attention to where we are going. it's my first time calling c-span, i've watched you since you came on the air and i thank
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god for you taking my comments. host: oliver, glad you got in this evening. we will take more calls. a little bit about those three republicans who voted no, joining the democrats to avoid against the effort to impeach the homeland security secretary. mike gallagher, republican of wisconsin come up put out this statement saying "secretory mayorkas has faithfully implement it president biden's open border polici help create a dangerous crisis at the sout borde but the proponents of iment failed to make theent about how his stunning incompetence meets thachment threshold." in 2019nd 2021, nancy pelosi against president trump.apon it was a hyper-partisan
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process owered the bar for whatitutes impeachable offense. publicans rightly railed against this effort and the dangers of a single party impeachment, impeachment for unpopular decisions and noncriminal act, and impeachment for not complying with congressional subpoenas. republicans checked it the pelosi precedent then and should reject it today." mike gallagher voted no at the end of the five minute vote. tonight from the washington post reporting, when he voted no, the vote arrived at a tie, which is a failed vote in the house. soon he was swarmed on the house floor by colleagues who engage in an apparent last-ditch attempt to change his mind. marjorie taylor greene was spotted shouting at gallagher, and she was soon joined by mark green, one of the staunchest advocates of impeaching mayorkas
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. and jodey arrington tried to persuade gallagher to flip his vote. it is said that gallagher stood listening as he intermittently just to get elated and shook his head. he was unmoved. billy in lexington, north carolina, republican. do you agree or disagree with your party's efforts to impeach the homeland security secretary? >> i disagree with the outcome. host: explain. caller: i've been a veteran for this country for nine years. i drive a truck all of the country, and i spent 29.5 years and law enforcement and i'm still in law enforcement. i see the border and i see
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people coming in jail. i've been to eight men -- 18 third world countries on mission trips. this country has become a third world country because of him and the president of the united states. he needs to be impeached. host: ronald from california, democratic color. c --aller. caller: thank you for answering my call. i've been watching this whole thing, i wish there wasn't so much politics and people got down to business. one thing is for sure, when trump ran for office in 2016, they are the ones that started the border crisis because they told everybody we would have open borders. the people in the other countries think the border is open and they are still doing that. the borders have never been open
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and we are overwhelmed with the problem. we all need to sit down and handle it together. they had a thing going and they should've waited until, the u.s. representatives should've waited until they got the package, but they shut it down before they read it. host: you're talking about the deal on border security and ukraine and israel aid? caller: yeah, and the wars over there are very important and they shouldn't play games with that. people are dying all the time. i support the freedom we have here. we need to stop playing politics with it. the main thing i'm saying is there aren't open borders, we are just overwhelmed. we are trying to play the blame game and we need to find solutions. the thing about representing this country, we have to have good people to help this country
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grow and have a better policy and help the people here. the thing about it is the economy around the world is messed up right now. host: understood. rosemary from san antonio, texas. let's get your thoughts. caller: i'm very disappointed. what i saw today was a circus rehearsed. the democrats had it lined up and everybody saying the same thing over and over. republicans were clueless what was happening. host: in what way? caller: they were off guard. they had no idea that these democrats were constantly bringing up the good side of alejandro when he hasn't even been to the board -- when they hadn't even been to the border.
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this is getting out of control. this is the thing that gets me. nobody on capitol hill is talking about what is going on with these kids, starting with the parents. the parents are sending the kids. when did that happen? host: rosemary, is this an impeachable offense or a policy difference between the two parties? caller: there are a lot of kids coming across without parents, and mayorkas seems to not care about that. these kids are being violated. there are things happening to these innocent kids we can even mention, it is so a glee. host: understood. rosemary in san antonio, texas,
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an independent color. that's go back to today's debate, we will show you a little bit of the arguments made on the floor. here is democratic congressman jim mcgovern and what he had to say about not impeaching the homeland security secretary. >> republican leaders told their donors, they told their donors behind closed doors that they were going to impeach mayorkas before they even began their sham investigation. they raised money off of this. they promised marjorie taylor greene last year they were going to impeach no matter what in order to help donald trump, to distract from his legal troubles and their own incompetence. and i get why they need to change the subject. trump was the worst president in my lifetime and probably in history. he tried to overturn the
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election results when he lost. he said he wants to be a dictator, "on day one," and he evokes adolf hitler, saying immigrants "poison the blood of our country." he told everyone to take bleach and horse medicine during covid. he has been indicted more times and he's been elected. this is after he's been made to pay $83 million after a jury decided he was a rapist. that is the leader of the republican party. that is who this impeachment is about a month donald trump. not secretary mayorkas, and honorable, decent man. donald trump, a corrupt, disgraceful man. this is all about helping republicans rile up maga voters
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and distracting from their inability to govern and address the critical issues facing our country. instead of legislating, they are being led by marjorie taylor greene and extreme maga chock of nuts caucus to pursue their faithless, extreme and harmful charade to distract from actually securing the border. do we have a problem at the border? absolutely. democrats and president biden want real comprehensive solution to fix it but the maga extremist have shown no interest to address the challenges facing the american people. what we need is republicans to stop paying -- playing political games. that's the exact opposite of what's happening here. the exact opposite of the cynical, reckless, impeachment stunts. >> democratic congressman of massachusetts making the argument against impeaching the homeland security secretary.
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republicans efforts were not successful tonight. the vote fell-216. republican leaders say they will bringwo articles of impeachment back up when they have the votes. steve scalise was absent, so they were not able t the votes to get over the tie that was 215-215, one republican leader them switchedir vote from yesterday no, making it to 14-2procedural move that now allows them to bring it back up again in the coming days. mike in north carolina, republican, we are hearing from all of you tonight, getting your reaction to the debate and vote, what do you think? >> mr. mcgovern is as big as a sleaze bag as goldman from new york. he should be impeached. he should be impeached and he should be telling america who is
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giving him the orders not to follow the laws that are on the books, like section eight. there are 3.6 million that are on the deportation list as of today. he refuses to deport any of them. and his accomplices are, kamala harris. you have joe biden, he is not making decisions. it's the left wings and the democratic party that are making decisions for him. he should have been impeached. it's not going to go nowhere in the senate, but it should be impeached where he can be a witness and tell the american people if he has any morals that joe biden and his administration is telling him not to follow the laws that are on the books. and we do have an open border. it is an open border, no question about it. in this senate deal that is coming up, that is the biggest
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load of garbage. anything that chuck schumer wants, you know is cricket. mitch mcconnell wanted it, they wanted to hide what was in that bill from conservative no-show like newsmax, one america, fox, they wanted to hide that from the american people. but now it got exposed. itch mcconnell said today, this bill is dead because they wanted to hide it. he wanted it passed so he could fund ukraine, which we need to fund israel before ukraine, in my opinion. that's all they talk about is putin, putin, putin. one thing about the border thing, i think the mexican president is owned and paid by the mexican cartels. mexico only has a 400 mile border on their southern border. they could stop all of this illegal immigration in a heart aid. host: all right, mike in north
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carolina, you are talking about if these articles of impeachment come back to the house floor and if republicans are successful in getting the vote, it would then go automatically to the senate for just the senate floor. the associated press reports there is very little interest in the potential impeachment trial in the homeland security trial in that chamber. but they could do is send those articles of impeachment to a committee for investigation. tonight on the house floor, when this five minute vote was taking place, rebecca kaplan reports with nbc news, they are poised tout a win on the mayorkas vote with three gop knows, when suddenly, congressman al gr showed up unexpectedly, he had to go to the er today to get surgery, that dropped the gop
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lost mar two votes. rebecca kaplan with nbc news in that sweet about al green's role tonight, showing up to vote unexpectedly. marjorie taylor green telling reporters that democrats hid his absence from them. they were expecting that he would not show up for the vote. al green telling rebecca kaplan, mr. mayorkas is a good man, that was a bad move, i had to be here he said as he was wheeled out of the capital in a wheelchair. in keyport, new jersey, democratic color. caller: -- caller. caller: i'm calling on the democratic line for jim mcgovern. this man said he would like to call it a clown show but it's an insult to working clowns. the gop is funny coming out with their alternative reality and being save time and time again with the democrats with their
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logic, facts and figures. i hear him calling and putting america first, they want to do everything for americans, but the gop could have been spending time making daycare affordable for your kids. he called -- one of the representatives called it a plot . they could be making your health care affordable. they could do any number of a hundred things, but they spent their time doing something they couldn't succeeded doing, for wet. this is what people should be concentrating on, these guys have no real plans and no idea how to even execute the things they are trying to do. the democrats, once in a hundred year, one trillion dollar infrastructure package. we got people in this country that don't even have toilets. this is a real thing. let alone the idea of clean water and this and that that need to be situated for the future.
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yes, democrats thank you. joe biden, keep it up for getting the battery plants and future technology and future infrastructure being taken care of. host: let's listen to the wrists -- to the republican side of this. why they believe the homeland secretary should be impeached. it's being led by mark green, the chair of the homeland security committee. there's what he had to say on the house floor today. >> here we are, they say it's about policy, this is about a systemic planned mechanism to undo the immigration laws passed before. just because the current secretary doesn't think that's what they ought to be. that secretary is supposed to execute those laws, but he has chosen not to. he shouted tainted criminal felons and he has directed his dhs employees not to do that. violating the laws passed by this body, telling this separate
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but equal branch of government, i don't care what you say or have passed as law. i don't care that you represent the voice of the american people. i'm the guy who knows the best way to do it, and i am going to do it my way. that is the road to kearny. that is power in one man's hands. and that is not what our constitution says it's supposed to be. and he took an oath to that constitution to defend that constitution that says this branch rights, that branch executes. he has violated his oath of he has subverted the laws that this body has passed and thus basically said, i don't care about the congress. that is unacceptable. whether he was a republican or democrat, standing that way, i would be here today doing
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everything i could to remove him from office. when i was 17 i took an oath to that constitution for the first time and i served for 24 years willing to take a bullet for that constitution and the people of this country. i will not stand idly by while he throws it in the garbage. host: chair of the homeland committee right there. we are getting your reaction to the vote to impeach homeland security secretary and it failed to 14-216. independent, what do you think, michael? caller: i don't even know what to say. i have been following this for quite a while. i have seen mayorkas on c-span at least a couple of times. i have read through title viii as much as i could. i just can't see how people cannot see through this. host: explain, can't see through what? caller: this whole charade. the testimony that mayorkas
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gives when he is before congress. i don't like to see anybody get fired. but, it's just a great deception, in my opinion. host: so, you believe he has breached the public trust, which is one of the articles of impeachment's -- impeachment. you agree with republicans that they claim he has lied to congress that the border is not secure? host: according to them -- when i watch these, objectively, the evidence, the testimonies seem to be against him. the democrats have nothing to offer in rebuttal in his defense other than trump. trump, trump, trump. this is here now. trump is in the past.
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they are so afraid of him. host: in his lengthy letter to the homeland security, the secretary laid out his argument saying, this claim that he has not been responsive to the house investigators are baseless and inaccurate. he claims he has appeared before congress before any other cabinet member, testifying in 27 hearings testifying to the committee. whatever it is, however basis, it will not waver is what he said in the letter. paul, in san diego, california. republican. go-ahead. sorry, raul in san diego. caller: thank you for taking my call. i just have to say, it was so embarrassing today watching this. when you impeach someone, you are supposed to have proof that they went against the policies
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that we have here. they could not produce anything. you know what really turned it around for me, and i'm a republican, and i'm glad you played that clip of jim mcgovern . that right there, when i heard him, that whole speech there that he gave, i was like, oh my god, this is embarrassing for us. why are we behaving like this. there are so many other things that we need to do with this country, and we are trying to hold this guy accountable and this guy is actually a good guy. he is giving everyone the information they need, they showed up when they were questioning him. but the thing that i was speechless watching this, not
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only that, but they could've made a vote on the big bill to help mexico, to help the border, to help ukraine, to help israel. to help everyone. they have been complaining. this is the time to accept that and we could all unite as one like we were before. how do you feel watching this? this is crazy. and then on top of that, you have the district supreme court now, that's going to be watching over, now citizen trump, he's not immune to anything, all this stuff is turning me off. i cannot believe we are actually going through this. host: marcia in carolina,
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marcia, let's hear from you. caller: i'm very proud of the four republicans that voted no. i never thought i would live to see the day where there would be for people that would go against the rest of the republicans. i'm glad -- can you hear me? host: we can. caller: i'm glad because they need to explain to the rest of the republicans what high crimes and misdemeanors are all about. while they are complaining about mayorkas not doing his job, he is meeting with the president of mexico. he's meeting with everyone he is supposed to meet with in order
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to cut down the migration of people crossing the border. to help folks that are leaving their country, whether it's due to famine, or their problems with gang relations, or whatever, they want to still scream about drugs. the drugs are not being -- if you notice people that are crossing the border -- drugs are not coming across with those people, they are coming on ships, they are coming on planes, they are coming through airports. you are talking about fentanyl. look at those people. are those people carrying fentanyl across the border? the republicans are totally ridiculous when they start talking about close the border due to drugs. host:


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