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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2023 4:00am-4:16am CET

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aliens, outstanding shopping and dining office, enjoy alice services will be our guest at frankfurt. able at cd, managed by frappe, bought lou ah ah, this is debbie news live from berlin, a mob. storms congress in brazil. supporters of brazil former president geral scenario, also invaded supreme court and presidential palace. they refused to examples in our defeat in last october election. also on the program, joe biden makes
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a stop at the u. s. back in border before the new mexico city for a summit of north american leaders, the u. s. president is under pressure to do more to limit migration after record numbers of migrants illegally protest last year. and a disastrous start to the winter sports season in the alps. scientist warren, that climate change is threatening the future of skiing and snowboard. ah and my mil croft welcome to the program. thousands of supporters of farmer prep brazilian present javelle and i will have stormed countries, parliament, supreme court, and presidential palace in the capital brazilian. they ransacked the buildings for hours before police restored order. brazil's newly elected president lewis not sir
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lewis silva blamed bilson r for violence and criticized the slow response by security forces shibel sinners currently out of the country. he condemned the violence on twitter, saying the forced entry into an looting of public buildings had nothing to do with peaceful protest. elsa rejected allegations that he encouraged the demonstrators off to months, protesting both honors to feet outside the heart of brazil's government. on sunday, his supporters smashed their way in forcing paused barricades and overwhelming police defending the area making their way into the home of brazil's parliament protestors. many draped in brazilian flags took out that anger on anything they could find near
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by others vented their fury at the supreme court. an institution loathed by both sanara and his supporters, brazil's president lula who was out of the capital at the time, condemned the calles, which he blamed on his predecessor with. 2 jewelry fees, a real vandals destroying everything in their path. we believe that there was a lack of security, and i want to tell you that all those who had said this will be found and punish fit, open it up. after hours of havoc, police were able to regain control using tear gas and rubber bullets to force protesters from the government complex. hundreds of balsa nar supporters have been arrested at the scene with the former president condemning that actions from abroad. while security forces are backing control, many anal questioning just how they were caught,
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so severely off guard journalist back argales has more on the unrest. andy presenting capital well, things are a lot calmer. now. the protestors numbered in hundreds and had stormed the presidential palace. the congress and the supreme court in brazil, the capital of brazil have been dispersed in a number of arrests. have been made belatedly, but at least 30 people were taken into custody. and police have really spread out and taken back control of the capital. so the scenes of chaos have has subsided. some lulu blame security forces in brazil for what's happened. have you seen any evidence that effect yes, that that is the, the conversation in brazil. certainly in brazil you're right,
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right now the protest for anything but a surprise. in fact the, you did press the media start calling approach has quite a while ago when a lot of vandalism. and really i'm right, chris is calling in terrorism here, broke out caravans of protesters, support intern presidio capital in the last several days. so this was not a, by any means, a surprise. and you could really call it intelligence failure. it was really more a question of why didn't the security act on this, and that's what a lot of the investigation will prob into right now the, the, the actual president lula is going to have trouble governing after this unrest. well, that's a fair point. and his, his government is in mind you it's,
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it's 8 days old. he was forced to step into the breach a month a month before actually taking the oath of office because the outgoing president, then outgoing president, both sonata and basically disappeared from public view even before he took off to the us. so he had to step in, however. ready the government, i don't think it really had an idea of the potential it must have had an idea of the potential these protests, but i think it underestimated their impact. and there were many people. would you look at it? maybe hundreds who streamed. busy all over the, the capital today, but it doesn't take as we saw on january 6th last year. i mean, in 2021 we didn't, doesn't take that many people to cause to revoke quite a bit of turmoil. all right,
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well this unrest might be dying down as you've said, but i'm sure there's many more details left to uncover. journalist mac margolis, they're rio de janeiro with the latest. thanks very much. thank you. and turning now to some other stories making news right now. police in germany have arrested 2 men on suspicion of applauding in islamist attack. prosecutors had identified the suspects as iranian citizens. investigators search to home in the western rural district. following that tip off from u. s. official. sanity balls president has announced 3 days of morning after a bus crash killed at least 40 people in the injured many more 30 say 2 vehicles collided under that when a burst tire tire cause one to swerve into oncoming traffic a little more both carrying more than $150.00 range of muslim refugees has landed
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safely in indonesia, local authority, say it's the 5th vessel to come ashore since november persecution by mean mars military's force more than 700000 ranger. to flee since 2017 sweden's prime minister of kristen says that stock home cannot accept off turkeys demands in its bid to join nato, both sweden and finland applied to join at the western military alliance. when russia invaded crane turkey, a nato member so far, refused to ratify their applications unless its demands are met. men give me a will piece together in russia's war in ukraine, key of has rejected russian claims at its forces, have killed more than $600.00 ukrainian soldiers in attack in the eastern city of comma taurus crane, called the assertion by russia's defense ministry propaganda, mayor of commodore says,
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an air strike did not cause any casualties. russian forces are also shelling the city about mote. as they try to push further west. moscow has ended, i suppose it cease fire. over the orthodox christmas holiday. w's, russia. analysts, constantine edgar in venice told us earlier, why both sides in this war are known to exaggerate, casualty counts. well, actually the russian officials all saying that this attack was of retaliation. revenge attack ah, to, ah, equal the score against you crime afore ukrainians for the ukrainians. a successful hit on the russian occupied town on mckee, you've got ah, their own new year's eve in which the ukrainians claimed several 100 russian soldiers, mostly mobilized and mercenaries died. and the russians only so far admitted $89.00
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. no, no, it is just definitely a propaganda attempt to ah, is this a blade? why 11? no, with you quite frankly speaking on both sides, there is always in such conflicts and exaggeration of one's law of the other size losses and basically trying to hide the losses on your own side. but frankly, we haven't seen any dramatic footage from gramma dorsey that would prove russia's amazing, i would say, claim fantastic lame that $600.00 ukrainians died. that would have been visible, bab, definitely, i mean, you can't hide such a number of casualties nowadays, especially in your crime. a so i do think it is an attempt to play our brush on success in the week. we're all going to tech by ukraine, which really, really played very badly in rush us. president joe biden has arrived in mexico city to attend
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a meeting of north american leaders on his way. he made his 1st visit as president to the us mexican border wall with the legal migration becoming a bigger political issue. republicans are blaming the president for the rising number of crossings into 9 states. it's one of the hardest journeys for president biden. and one of the biggest problems he's facing, even most of his own supporters say that he's doing too little to stop illegal migration. the governor of texas greg habits met biden at the airport in front of the cameras. he gave bite and a list of tips for a more secure border. republicans like habits accused the president of an action and say he is ignored the problems at the border for too long. the president who caused the chaos or the border, made her to be here. or just so happens, he's 2 years of about a $20000000000.00 to light. first off,
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biden met the board of protection police during his administration. these offices have registered a record number of illegal crossings, almost 2400000 last year. that prompted the precedent to launch a new migration program last week. president biden insisted that the new rules are already having an impact. this new process is orderly. it's safe and humane. and it works, since cru created a new program, a number of venezuelans trying to enter america without going through a legal process has dropped dramatically from about $1100.00 per day to less than 250 per day. but migration experts say there are still problems with the new program. at the same time, it remains very important that we maintain our asylum system at the border. some people won't be able to take advantage of this new program that requires a passport and a plane to get him a sponsor. and many people who are fleeing persecution may not have those things,
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and they may still need to find a way to find protection at the border. criticism coming from all directions. that is biden's board a crisis. and that's why he's delayed this trip to el paso, texas. for so long the winter sports season in europe is off to a disastrous start. record high temperatures mean some ski resorts have not been able to open at all while others are relying on artificial snow. some in the industry and the alpine sports enthusiasts. they cater to our nervous that climate change could lead to more winters without the white. this is what winter looks like in the swiss alps this year. remnants of artificial snow and temperatures well above freezing are not the usual scenes here in january and for visitors. skiing is out of the question. yeah,
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sean is quite special. she on 3 been on skis will be much nicer in january of this hotel. would normally have around $500.00 guests. everything was prepared for the season. but now the place is near empty. thanks to the lack of snow. this length us hurts when it makes your hot cry. when you see this is alisha, you actually work for half a year for the winter season, but i making preparations and the employees are all highly motivated and want to work and be there for, i guess for them. and in the end of nature goes against you in a frustrating bus is supposed to be in research has said that in future skiing will only be possible at high altitudes. if i'm going south to here in the heights in the last 100 years, let's say the snow line has moved up about 400 meters. so that means you can just imagine the entice, key area being lifted before and even in the best case with climate protections, it will rise another 400 meters since ticket lot while work casea still hoping for
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a ski season to return many fear, but it could be gone for good costs are good and we are also gone for now coming up next world stories the we can reports, we joined a team of paramedics working on ukraine's eastern front lines. stay tuned to watch that was more news through the top of the hour and in till then twitter and instagram. so your 5 is actually w news or d, w dot com and we will craft c against it with, oh, the question of the questions about life, the universe and everything. do you the answer? well then give it here.


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