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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2023 9:00am-9:31am CET

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ah ah ah ah, this is the w news live from berlin, a mob storms, brazil, democratic institutions. ha, supporters of former president diable sonata invade the congress, building supreme court and presidential palace. they refused to accept both
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scenarios defeat in last october selection. also coming up ukraine faces relentless russian attacks against the key strongholds in its eastern front line. president lensky says the troops are quote, holding on despite every fact and helping pakistan rebuild the country, seat billions and international funding for its recovery from record flooding last year. and to help better resist climate change plus doing sports while pregnant, we meet in german runner who is pushing boundaries all that more in our sports news at the end of the program. ah, i'm sorry, kelly. welcome to the program. thousands of supporters of former brazilian president, i advised to nato, have stormed the national congress,
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supreme court and presidential palace in the capital brazilian. they ransacked the buildings for hours before police restored order. brazil's newly installed president, luis ignacio miller, the silver blamed bull. so nato, for the violence and criticize the slow response by security forces. also, nato left brazil in late december for the us state of florida. he has condemned the violence on twitter, saying that the forced entry into and looting of public buildings had nothing to do with peaceful protest. he also rejected the allegations he encouraged the crowd. ah, often months protesting both scenarios, defeat outside the heart of brazil's government. on sunday, his supporters smashed their way in forcing past barricades and overwhelming police defending the area.
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oh, making their way into the home of brazil's congress, protested many draped in brazilian. flags took out their anger on anything they could find near by others vented their fury at the supreme court. an institution loathed by both scenario and his supporters, brazil's president, who was out of the capital at the time, condemned the chaos which he blamed on his predecessor. 2 0, he's a real vandals destroying everything in their path. we believe that there is a lack of security. and i want to tell you that all those who said this will be proud and punish. she said open after hours, if havoc police were able to regain control using tear gas and rubber bullets to force protest is from the government complex. hundreds of both scenarios.
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supporters have been arrested at the scene with the former president condemning their actions from abroad while security forces backing control. many are now questioning just how they were caught so severely off god. and let's get more now from d. w. a corresponding johan ramirez who is joining us here in the studio. how could this happen? this can only happen with the complicity of the local authorities. let's remember that brazil is a federal state like the u. s. for example, it means that every state can take its own decisions and otherwise, how can we explain that? i mean, local authorities have the order to clean. there we are. we're also in our supporters have been gathering for weeks and why didn't they do it? how can these hundreds of people go across brasilia, the capital of the country to, to get to the headquarters of the congress, the supreme court,
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and do what we have seen. and the proof that there are suspicions that there is in there are internal complicity from the local authority. this is that the justice system has already suspended the governor of brazilian from his past of his job because they suspect that he did nothing to prevent the invasion. 11 is looking at these images, you know, these shots that we have just been seeing. they're quite dramatic. they're reminiscent, actually what we saw in the united states on january 6th with the storming of the u . s. capital. what does this now say in brazil about the state of democracy there? it says that even brazilian democracy is weak and when i say even bursting on democracy, i want to on the 9 that brazil is the largest democracy in the continent. brazil is the biggest economy of the region in terms of democracy. brazil has been an example many times for for latin america. so seen these happen in brazil shows that even
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brazil is weak and that the force of its institutions can not be taken for granted. leuva has accused former president bull sonata, um, encouraging the uprising that he, i mean, he already denied being implied with any fin in this invasion. 7 hours after these attacks began to take place, both retreated that he has nothing to do with that. that the truth is that for months he was implying that the system's electro system in brazil wasn't prosper. i mean, it, we can make a comparison with what happened in united states when that on travelocity, of actions. i mean, as donald trump was narrow, it was pretty size and, and attacking the institutions for months. he didn't you, once he did ask me, he said he couldn't log those only if there were irregularities in the electra
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process and why he lost donald trump. he didn't concede. so for many months people were wearing the something like this could have been not. it has happened and the only difference with what happened in that is faith is that both now is not in office anymore. tron was enough, is when did the capital, the fact on the under capital happened, but both are very similar situations actually. what happens next. now let the syllabus is going to have a tough time. i mean, when he got that to, to, to power with noon he was going to have a tough time in office because he won the election for a very narrow v for is only 2000000 votes. in a country where more than 120000000 voted, i mean it means that there is a very divided country, but this division, this polarization, is now visible through violence and violence is not good for any government in the world. he w a corresponding ramirez. thank you. so while
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the united nations is holding a major conference in geneva to raise funding for reconstruction in pakistan after devastating floods last year. at one point a 3rd of pakistan was under water. experts say climate change played a role in the disaster which killed more than 1700 people and displaced millions. it'd be in that one family that lost all they had and are completely dependent on aid flooding. rot, unprecedented havoc and pakistan last year, and its effects are still keenly felt. one of those who lost everything when the rains came as a bus, a father of 4 from the southeastern province of sin, the land on which he used to grow crops was submerged. and the floods washed away his house and his livestock to somebody would hear them. but what about all the houses in our village animal? none of them are completely destroyed or even a visitor, no bed employee,
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but no kitchen utensils or anything. nothing is left behind her up, but something, but i, i, yeah, we have such at least 10 so that our children can live. we are helpless and i'm mom . i don't have any resources to reconstruct her home. yeah. or to rent a place at up a darker guy where we can live peacefully, nothing that up in his won't say it will hardly after months of waiting, abass and his family finally received help from the pakistan. red crescent. hello said honestly, i have come here because i am unable to manage our living. i don't have russians. i have nothing to eat or drink for 5 months. we haven't received any assistance at all. but no one has given us anything at all, ma'am. helpful if it is god, or you help me or the u. n. cold for $860000000.00 in emergency aid last october, but says it has received only
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a 3rd of that. the red crescent says limited resources in 8 organizations can only do so much. you can log book that a large number of people are affected. whereas our assistance is limited. community said i request the international community to step forward and assist pakistan in its humanitarian crisis. and help us as escalades me, how much mother with the united nations at its site in geneva, pakistan is echoing that call. it is seeking billions of dollars in aid from the international community to help fund its huge rebuilding job in what is expected to become a major test case. and determining who pays for disasters caused by climate change . and mohammed air van con is an environmental scientist at the islamic university, islamabad. i asked him earlier how the situation developed after the floods. thank you and much infected in i c o 2 recovery,
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but i think is lanita still. the other places were still under the water. what has been done on since these floods to improve pakistan's resilience to the effects of climate change? i think realistically speaking, so her promises we have been in the losses yamashita conference. and then on to linda delila conference. the desert will be seen lighting up next and we've seen that playing out. as you've mentioned, pakistan's government, it says that it needs billions in fact to recover from last year's floods. but a previous un appeal has only resulted in a tiny fraction of that. i'd like to ask you, you know, there's, of course, the domestic situation, but when we look internationally, do you feel left alone by the international community? you see it post disaster the discipline has been getting go by the government of
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bucks in global issues with the european union issue, the roman bank bank and you and the b and the assess it loss of to the 1000000 use dollar because 9000000 people have been instructed in practically, they've gone blue the extreme ball, the level and this last contract is the 10 percent of the g d, b. and for this reason, the also assist the new $16300000000.00 in the 1st year. that would be good for rehabilitation and investment off of $15000000.00 in the next 10 years to the governor on this. and that has to be, i think, group corporate and way these are really good. the glamour changes or local regional issues to globally, and it has to be addressed at the glue. so then what specifically are you asking for? because pakistan, you know, has contributed essentially next to nothing to,
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to global greenhouse emissions. but the country is one of the most vulnerable, as we have seen when it comes to devastating effects of climate change. what do you think should be done to eliminate this injustice? you see this is you're absolutely right because of the contribution is next to nothing. but we have been affecting too much, we have seen the 9000000 people as a can like for resilient the future. don't have that in the who. so even we have lots to projects in the program within the company. litigation, litigation, we can do is we're not going to do that. well, it was a start and then a stablish. and the master system has been established in measure of incentives, but know what we need from the resilience that the development of infrastructure is . i think the incentive glenwood compatible development. let me give you
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a really reliance that has damage and we need strong all that you have to do control this one and more specifically the water in the production professor behind it and then all the photos the thank you so much for joining us to, to share that professor mohammed air from kon, from the islamic university, is about we appreciate it. and here are some other stories making headlines, indonesian president joke, a widow says that his country would cooperate with neighboring malaysia to fight what he called the discrimination of palm oil. he was speaking after meeting malaysian prime minister on work abraham, environmentalists blame palm oil plantations in both countries for the destruction of rain forests and rare animal species. he was president joe biden has
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arrived in mexico city to attend a meeting with the president of mexico lopez over door and the prime minister of canada. just in trudeau, a legal migration and drug smuggling from mexico into the us are expected to dominate discussions. it is biden's 1st visit to mexico, as us president, residents of the southern peruvian region of pu know, have taken to the streets to demand president deena la taste resignation and new elections. the international airport at lee aka remains closed stranding many travelers. police prevented protesters from taking over the airport last week. ukrainian president vladimir zalinski says that his country's troops are quote, holding on despite everything in a section of the eastern front. ukrainian troops are facing continuous assaults by russian government troops and mercenaries around the town of sola. dock and bach
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moved the sector of the dom boss front. i've seen some of the most vicious and prolonged fighting of the war. russian military blogs recently reported breakthroughs in those areas, but neither moscow nor key of have supported the claims constantine edgar as d. w as russia analyst based and low lithuanian capital vilnius, he told me what he's hearing from the front line. well, there are several reports recently that's a top ukrainian ground forces. commander general alexander sib ski visited the region of bar mood, decorated the soldiers that are fighting therein. a claim that bahamas will not fall to the russian forces. mom, there is not much to full, frankly speaking because according to the ukrainian officials, there is not much left of the city itself are bought up. the struggle continues and british unless from the institute for the study of war, who frequently writes about developments on the front in recent months. a claim
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that in spite of massive attacks, russian forces will not be able to take but moved quite soon. um and it is interesting that this city is important as a quite a few rush media. lots outlets. claybrooke, ukrainian media outlets claim for the unofficial ahead of the russian mercer's of the circle bought the guinea, but he goes on, he's a 1000000000 their business men, and they, these media claims that he wants to capture, but move because nearby, there are important sold mines and they are of business interest to him, which is quite an interesting and probably tragic a trait to this whole or to this whole battle. i mean, while western allies are racing to support you, praying with weapons and humanitarian aid. russian missile and drown attacks have hit ukraine's civilian infrastructure, especially hard w visit at
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a logistics center in germany that supplying much needed equipment for the rebuilding effort. tucked away in southern germany, one of the largest humanitarian logistics operations. and the country's history is underway. from here, equipment, west 70000000 euros has already been dispatched to ukraine. but for security reasons, the exact location of the site has to stay under wraps. this logistics interim here with this logistic center is the hub or for civilian a li, hemlock, at the federal government suppliers women dot, due to its vast facilities and the support of all the volunteers to be lives through the details. didn't want to push often these packages include heaters lights and sleeping bags for later delivery, but with russian attacks and ukraine's energy infrastructure power generators are key. bottom was all down to vista. no. god,
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as this is, it's a claim that is through michael. yeah, this is one of the smaller power generators meter guy. next, one of these can power abouts. 10 households seen laser was for switch. from the click on the technical side auto fight, it works very much like a car or a bicycle van ano, diesel multiple. there's a diesel engine that power the machine that out to and then just as with a dynamic, you know, motion is converted into electric energy to be vehicle moved is it's an electrical energy, t h w, as a german federal agency and specializes in humanitarian support. volunteers make this whole operation possible. over the next days, these volunteers carve out time out of their daily life to deliver machinery to the polish ukrainian border. alexander columba is in charge of this convoy. team already savvy team efforts are very important me. the key is to solve problems together analysis and we have many different skills on board. and we compliment
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each other against was i was a good combo, usually works as a mechanical engineer at an automotive supplier by law. his employer is obliged to give him time off for his t h w duty as is shown through, it's nice to know that we can help people who really need it. i don't see if we can provide support from here in germany. i think we should do it and they so i saw 2 over 200 t h w volunteers participated an aide missions to ukraine last year. this is the 1st mission of the new year about 2000 kilometers. lay ahead of them. ah, a german long distance olympian has been breaking barriers in her sport by competing while several months pregnant d. w caught up with the keys, the crowds are who is also set on. continuing her running career after having her baby gazer kraus a is determined to stay on track despite being 5 months pregnant,
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which ran out and was conch onto. i'm pregnant, not saying laughing. i have a passion for running and softer, and i believe there's a way to combine that same week as damon good that nana come in, yan con. however, pregnant pro athletes are forced to reduce their training load. gaze the wind from 140 kilometers per week to just 60 hazard. i shot that however i received hired at time. gov. i felt north. yes. and i didn't know how to deal with it. only inside on us got there were days when i got up and i just couldn't exercise some, i'd can spot my but gazer, persevere. she always wanted to can buy motherhood with her career as well as be a role model for others. if it's ever harder, it's a shame that many women start playing thought, even though they still have a few good years left in m company, or that it's always such
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a big topic and he might as well. and i wouldn't be me if i didn't run mockingbird on this thing and that's why i want to keep going and encourage others to do the same in motion before taking a break for the baby sake. gay serena a 5 kilometer course with a time of 17 minutes and 31 seconds that he doesn't allow me one minute. i never thought that i'd be able to run so fast at 22 weeks pregnant. i'm really happy about this special path. i'm taking an am excited about my baby and what the future holds. diversity of them is when i take notes for gazer, their future includes olympic ambitions in paris. 2024. with her baby watch. you know? oh ellis, frank and mark meadows from d. w. sports, so how come in is it that women compete at the elite levels while pregnant? it's actually more prevalent than people might think. i mean, serena williams wound the australian open tennis title in 2017 while pregnant. now
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she only found out just before the tournament that she was pregnant, but still it's pretty amazing that she went on to win the whole competition. but of course, it's not just women in the elite level. it's also women who just do sport recreationally . they want to carry on doing sport while pregnant, and experts and doctors that we've spoken to have said, you know, in the early days of the pregnancy, as long as you don't take too many risk is absolutely fine. and they trust women to know their own bodies. and yet a discussion has a march here. so do you think safety concerns are really at the heart of this? well doctor say gives a cr, it is probably at the very limit at 5 months of doing a lead sport. the people we've spoken to doctors say basically for the last 3 months you should rest and you should do sport because it's just too dangerous. there's just too much of a chance of something happening, you know, playing tennis slipping or something like that. so they say just be sensible in the final 3 months rest and not that long to wait until the baby is born and then
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pretty soon afterwards. you can then start up again with your score. tell us a little bit more about the discussion around this time. well, i think one of the most interesting elements is looking at individual sports. oversee chess is a sport you could probably do pregnant, right up until the baby is born because it is not a lot of physical exertion there. bit of stress and jess but, but there's one sport that all doctors have told us you shouldn't do at all while pregnant. and that's gymnastics, because it's just too dangerous. there's too much risk of jumps and volts and whatever that you would injure yourself and cause harm. so basically, gymnastics is a no, no, but otherwise you can do a little bit of sport in the early days of pregnancy is absolutely fine. mark meadows from did any sports. thank you. take a look at some other stories around the world. mikaela schiffron has equal the record for the women's world cup skiing victories after posting the 82nd. when of her career,
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she led from start to finish during the giant slalom event in slovenia to draw a level with her compatriot. lindsey von schiffron can go ahead of bon in tuesdays slalom event in austria by our munich coach eula nozzles. one says that the club hasn't given up on trying to sign goalkeeper yon summer from brazil into his blood bath summer has emerged his byron's top target to replace the injured manuel noah on saturday. glad box said that summer wasn't for sale, but that na guzman called that playing poker and a fell fans wished buffalo bills player damn. or hamlin a speedy recovery as they gathered up the team stadium for the last regular season game. the 24 year old suffered a cardiac arrest during a game on monday. at the bills. number 3 is now making good progress in the hospital. the bills beat the new england patriots to head into the playoffs on
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a high and finally, thousands of fearless bathers in belgium braved winter temperatures of a few degrees above freezing for a quick dip in the north sea. a week after new years, people dress up in costumes to dash into the water, which is also just a few degrees above freezing participants described the traditional bath as an invigorating start to the new year. a quick reminder of the top stories that were following for you here at dw news, police have re taken control of brazil government buildings from supporters of former president, imo, sonata thousands of protesters stormed the countries congress presidential palace and supreme court in brazilian. on sunday, they refused to accept full sonata was election defeat in october ukrainian president volota mirrors. the landscape says that his country's troops are quote, holding on despite everything and
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a section of the eastern front. ukrainian troops are facing continuous assaults by russian government troops and mercenaries. around the towns of sola dar and buff boot. ah, that's all for now. of course life goes to munich, where boxing is helping 2 young people to get their lives back on track. remember, there's much more news on the website, w dot com. you can also follow us on social media. thanks for watching with ah, with
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