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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from berlin, 6 people missing after the bolts for bridge collapse are now presumed dead. divers all resumed the search for bodies when daylight returns the 6 workers, one to francis scott team branch would collapse after was hit by a ship. also coming up in the program, hundreds of supporters of alexis, of all the gather of his brave to mark 40 days since his death. the permanent critic died in
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a severe young labor camp. in february the i'm here until berlin. welcome to the program. 6 people are now presumed dead after a major bridge collapse. in baltimore, the francis got key bridge was hit by a container shifting the early hours of tuesday. the federal government has promised money to rebuild the bridge and for the port of baltimore which remains blocked by the wreckage. a hot breaking end to a search for survivors. after new year's day of searching for 6 missing people who were on the bridge of the time, it collapsed all stores. she said they no longer had hope of finding anyone alive. based on the length of time that we've gone in the search, the extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature that at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive.
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and so this evening, at about 730, we're going to suspend the ad to search and rescue efforts. this for change of the francis scott key bridge being hit by a congress shape, shows just how quickly the bridge collapsed. that's raise questions about it's structural integrity and re ignited fee is about the safety of us infrastructure as a whole. many bridges across the country considered to be in bad condition. but maryland governor westmore emphasized that not many bridges could be expected to weather a hit from a 95000 ton congress ship. this is an unprecedented situation, right where you have a ship and a of a cargo mass that large moving at that speed. it's difficult to understand what infrastructure could have taken that level of that level of it. and that level of directed the federal government has promised to cover the full cost of rebuilding
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the bridge and matter how expensive. but it has warned, it's likely to have a major impact on supply chains threatening to disrupt supplies from cause to stroke up of the pulse of baltimore is cage's shipping on the us east coast. and the collapse bridge will likely create traffic jams for months or even used to come. dr. mohammed shawnee is a structural engineering professor at the university of south hampton. in the u. k . i asked him why so much of the bridge collapsed after the impact and the reason that the bridge, cuz collapse the 1st visit is that there wasn't any the sheep bad. it should be back body or in front of the p is. and the reason that you don't have a probably the breed was a relative deal. i don't know the details of the, of the priest. i'm just the my, my of separation is based on the videos i've seen on the carnival bodies was quite
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heavy and menu i'm going to heavy sheep impacting and having the college and we do with this peer. so obviously with the fade you but the, but the progressive clips was a, did that, that p of was a signal failure to point. and that when been the p of went away. so the part of the big been down on that on balance force distributed across that date and essentially result, it's a company called apps of the whole world page. so he's, you spoke of a single point of failure there. does that mean that the bridge had some type of design flaw or? no, no, it's not the design flow. it's, it is the way that these uh the, the, the brands. but deputies lots. but the problem was the p. s, but not designed for the same price, and then either have any, any shipping picked value so that, that's the problem. so if, if the, if the, the breach was that those ppos, if they wanted to take that he did, must it be
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a lot such a large loading coming from the same card that would survive but the, but the, but they would not design and they didn't have any shape just you can pick that and so that, that was the problem. but if you remove the column on a bridge, so nobody says that before though. now you did mention that the bridge was quite old and we know it opened in 1977. do you think the age of the structure played a role in this collapse? not necessarily. i don't think it has any due to ratio because of the 18 problem. there is a demand problem. as i said, it all comes down to do a big protection of the bridge appear or against is college in the college and then ship him back. and that was the main main main main reason. so now we're seeing some pictures. now the bridge i'm just there and we do know of the collapse records has blocked a major port. do you know, baltimore is the only place where a bridge collapse can block such a major transit way or?
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no, i mean, this is quite common. how many the youtube you have got to me, are you able to change that has more of the bridges on them or the structures? i mean the police are leaving south. have you ever got to they've been, he's been coming to the port. we check to see ready see me, the condo for the cargo ship says he's going in and out of the south hampton port and under a couple of major bridges and the, or they will have this protection. yeah. another example that we have you could clearly see in, in the, in the that actually i was seeing what we did. these are was modeling caitlin card for the one that be. so they are the bridges, but the chemical has big such a lot, lot of towers in teams and the issue on a cook crossing for those tablets but they have a she picked patio and they are, these are on just to avoid it twice. so essentially the, these foundation of the town was away from the sheep and if keeps coming across,
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they will hit the battery as before when they get close to the p. s. all right, i'm afraid we'd have to leave it there. that was dr. mohammed kashodi from the university of south hampton's. any. okay, thank you very much for joining us. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. police have clash with hundreds of demonstrators outside these really and the same jordan. protesters have tried for 3 days to blockade, the building and the capital one in response to the war and garza. they are also calling the drug dealing government and all agreements and cooperation with his real mexico was currently battling 95 active for aspires. some, $4000.00 firefighters are combating the blazes, which are mostly concentrated from the south east of the country. fires have been aided by strong winds and high march temperatures, reaching 40 degrees celsius for sale and friends have launched investment program
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to protect the amazon rain forces in brazil and neighboring the on the 1000000000 euro scheme includes private and public funding for or 4 year period, the 2 countries pledge to work together to stop amazon deforestation by 2030. the columbia navy says it has seized 3 tons of cocaine after a speed boat chase and the caribbean, st. 6, many to vote were arrested when it was stopped near the island of san andreas authorities science, the biggest cocaine seizure this year with the st value of $113000000.00 us dollars . supporters of the late criminal critic alexis of all may have gathered his grave site to mark 40 days since his death. hundreds joined of all these parents to lay flowers and pay their respects if only supporters happened blaming the kremlin for his death. something that it has been adamantly denied.
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fain the respect under the watchful eyes of special security forces. alexa, nevada, in his family, friends and supporters here of the symmetry and most cool. once again, especially for the things you so much for your support because it's only your support that health side 0. thank you to the mother of nearby and this why said that she received a postcard from alexi in which he congratulated her on her birth date. she said the postcard had been sent on the day. he was pronounced that it was sent on february 16. there were more warm and tender words than i have ever received from anybody in my life, something else go what was the nobel prize swimming edits. dimitri murata was
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also among those who came to pay their respects. people of various backgrounds and ages. but oh, very similar in the grief below which he was very charismatic. he could lead people to think it's live people up there on know people of this level. i think nothing will change and brochure until the government changes and it's not going to change. this is a heavy loss for normal people, you want happiness for the country and the children. for people who want to stay here. unfortunately, state has never valued decent good people and does not tolerate opinions other than its own. on union rules
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also to ex christians believe that at the end of the 40 days off to a person dies, the soul finally departs from this world. but it seems that here on earth, nobody is to very present a new report from the german parity welfare association is sounding the alarm, while the countries high rates of poverty, more than 14000000 people are thing below the poverty line, germany, including a record number of children dw visited a food bank here in berlin to meet people who are struggling. people lined up here for fruit, which to bolts and other groceries every monday, the food, just the native and the stuff, mainly volunteers. as i said to myself and educating and stake, that's not normally here. let me skip this, but if it is, i'll take it out. so yeah,
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right now has to make due on the monthly pens and of $400.00 euros without the support of the food. think he couldn't make ends meet. it's also the same for an increasing number of families. more than one and 5 children in germany is affected by poverty. which helps us financially to get our food here. everything is getting more expensive and we can afford less this. that's why we're here to get food compared to grocery stores, the prices here are a bar game or new one year old covers it. but for some, it's still hard to come. mice you, the hardest part was getting myself to go to the food bank. i'm ashamed of it. 57 year old to us and then this lopez was forced into early retirement after suffering
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a hot tech. he's been unemployed dispute the 92 shot it takes up psychological, told him i develop mental health problems and i went to the doctor because i couldn't get over it. no. a poverty effect, several segments of society says ok, schneider, the head of the social welfare group that release the report. so i'm actually to presume it'll be if you want to generalize it, then you'd have to say pension as opposed and 2 thirds of people considered pool are still working through this and about 20 percent of children. and these are groups that you've got to take care of if you actually want to come that topic to become from the group says politicians need to take action. they should increase the minimum wage to 15 euros per hour, introduce and minimum pension and basic tide insurance. whether any of that will help them remains uncertain, making the safety net of to a charities and food things, not just helpful,
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but my top police in south korea have responded to an unusual call on tuesday. authorities were alerted after an ostrich was reported to be on the loose in the middle of morning traffic. under 2, police eventually manage the corner and capture the birds which had escaped from the local zoo staff there and say the ostrich had recently lost his only elder ostrich friend and he was a brief reminder of the top stories were following. for you at this hour, or at least 6 people or the link that in the west city of baltimore, maryland, after a cargo ship crashed into a bridge, causing it to collapse, maritime traffic to the board of baltimore is currently blocked by the wreckage. don't forget, you can always get to the news on the go, just download our app from google play or from the apple app store. that'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as pushed
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applications for any breaking news. right, and you're up to date for just sticking around our dock town program is up next. reporting on a former full view in camera room. and remember, if you need more data view news, you can always check out our website or check us out with social media or handle us at w news. i'm here until thanks for watching. the name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good everyone to kings. healthy award winning called called the whole back


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