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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the light from blame, they seized the news that the international court of justice orders is rarely to take all necessary measures to get a him to gaza. germany and france are among the nations delivering aids from the sky. but it's falling when shoals of what is needed on the ground. also coming up, gripped across and taking some bank from free. it is sentenced to 25 years in prison. for sprinkling customers also have premiums. the god saves it is clear, he only regrets getting cost. and you french,
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foreign minister in india to force his government's peace plan for ending the war with russia. the idea to expand that you welcome the international court of justice has ordered israel to take all necessary measures to ensure humanitarian assistance gets into gaza. the quote says, palestinians that are already suffering from in an age must be delivered without delay until a lot happens. german and french echoes are among those trying to relieve the full jolted with air drops. but as the douglas tanya kramer reports their efforts both difficult and disputed of the 6 cargo planes, wait on the thomas at this base near
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a mountain jordan. inside this hercules, the french german crew runs through a final briefing before take off. they have recently joined an international emission air dropping food and supplies into gaza, where people are on the brink of starvation edison child and the key thing about the flight is that the 1st attempt to delivering the load must be successful. the scheduling is very tight between all of the participating nations and that fuel, so we only get one go with this. and so it will keep everything is double and triple checked. this slide is caring 5 tons of 8. so what do we have here is mainly, so of course everybody involved know is this is not enough and it's certainly not the fault. and the most efficient way of getting the delivery by line. so much cost of saying it's better than nothing to live at this age. age groups,
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one is road to open additional vent roads until they do these air drops of providing lifeline for a few come into effect. it's knowing that we're doing something that's business. the next thing we can do with the movements of i think that's helping us, even in the pony a bit of cold. i don't know the political solutions can be found to this, but there is a ceasefire. all this to the board has already been to the age can come in, which may not have that long term solutions which fit as can be found off the most of that inspection. here's the problem and that's on peoplesoft. then such air drops have been criticized because they don't organize distribution of the 8 on the ground. in the k is the strongest health themselves 1st and many are left empty handed. and there is a safety issue to come for the platform. we have it here, the pallets with the packages in bags or sec. and on top there are power shirts
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onto somebody, bosher, to know each of them has a several power shoots. according to the weight of the package. is it boxed, they will open once they leave the airplane to slow down the impact that okay, and indeed the power suits pays to open for the age lands in the sea. people have been killed, injured, and some drowned trying to get pockets from the volta. recent drops were made along causes coastline. it's time to take off the fly time from amman to news and gaza. it's only about 30 minutes. seeing that the stock says it's of course started because actually city with allies you out for you that out. as horton jed this into god's us in october 70 some to
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tara taxed by of us saying it's actually shopping to see the structure, the then it's time to do a kind of the in the absence of the opening of moorland crossings and the ceasefire, which could bring a respite for the people of gauze to disrupt should help at least some people or your brains. a foreign minister, dimitra cool nearby is wrapping up his visit to india. he's taking to promote keeps b 's formula to end the war with russia. collab. i will be meeting with him during government officials later after spending most of his 1st day being shown the sights of delhi,
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the also for you to visit to the memorial for my montgomery. i'm on john buddy. that goes to autocratic care in that a good morning. charl in an interview with a newspaper with naples in india dies with russia based on an evaporating soviet legacy. is there any medic to that claim with? is that something interesting that you might have done so far from his visit to the highest today? he gave up more than a couple of interviews to going to be organization. and every some very interesting comments that he made in those interviews. and this is one of them. so essentially the he said that we do appreciate that there is a legacy to the rest of the relationship. but then he said that i see from my perspective, i see no future in that relationship and invest future will be better. it to the, in the ukraine relationship. it was, and he said a lot of things about how, how he has woke from india and how he sees that the situation is changing
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a little pressing. uh, another way to do that to get to when used to be by he said that uh, in, in, in the audio fees of the rest, are you paying more into hasn't had more engagement with the rest. uh, but now things are cheap and he said that his visit isn't, is testaments to that. so is clear about their to try and who india away from russia, is that the goal of his visit and that does appear to be so, even though in his own words, he's here to see more engagement. he says that a ukraine would be happy to see in the i use its influence to lead other nations. and this because it has a relation, deep relationship with russia to also influence the russ at the end, the war existing the he did not seem very convinced about the possibility of russia a, moving anything to any of the company on conditions. but could be useful as a new to the exit doors of woodside. but then he said that he has
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a lot of holes from media that any of the students. so how does india see it's a role in the ukraine mall with it. it's clear that in the there's not one to be taken to a size, but then it does seem that india is conscious of the exploitation from the international community that it has a special place as long as the water is concerned because of its legacy of really the 3 and ship with russia, which is why we've seen this balancing input from the box of basically talks to leaders of both the country. and now, since the foreign minister i sent them says, has invited you bring in the bottom list a here we are expecting some kind of positive development with regards to india's involvement in the water and trying to bring the conflict to an end and leave it
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there for the time being do the spawn and try to contact the indenting. thanks so much for my building. acceptable sam bank but fried has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud. he was convicted after leaving hundreds of thousands of customers lenders and investors. $11000000000.00 out of pocket off of the collapse of his s t x platform in 2022. after years of being rewarded for risky behavior, sam, bank and fried, finally ran out of road, convicted for fraud and conspiracy. the 32 year old was sentenced to more than 2 decades in prison. prosecutors wanted to put him away for decades. more than 25 clearly is have many years. that same bank meant freedom has a to face with the a judge also found to guilty on the account of perjury so that it didn't really help us and bank been a freight on the other side. the judge also sees us,
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but it's pretty unlikely event to you will repeat such a fraud in the future and therefore the jets as a fault, it's necessary to go even a higher. um, i mean, the prosecution at some point was looking at 40 to 50 years while bank and fried, shown here during his trial last year was running the biggest exchange platform in the world. a hedge fund he ran on the side called alameda research was failing. his solution, the young entrepreneur stole from f dx to cover alamedos losses. but that's not all . the prosecutor say, banks and fried, also use the funds to provide chinese officials make millions and political donations and to support his lavish lifestyle of private jets and caribbean properties. bank and fried, testified that he had intended to revolutionize the emerging crypto currency market with his innovative and altruistic ideas, not steal. but that did not convince the court. please make
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a home. during the trial, prosecutors repeatedly referenced, bernie made off the former a ponzi scheme. fraudster from 15 years ago as a compare comparison to sam bates and for you. while his attorney has tried to betray him as an a innocent executive where things went wrong. that story was not bought by the judge, the judge did by the comparison to burn. he made off and other ponzi scheme, fraudsters over the years. once the wonder can of the crypto currency world. sam bank winfrey's fall from grace seems complete. at quickbook now it's some of the stories making news around the world. in brazil, a fire has engulfed a high rise building in the northeastern city of receive for the building was unfortunately under construction authorities evacuated adjacent buildings and shut off electricity in the area. it's unfair if there are any casualties. 45
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people have been killed in south africa, has no hold off the bus, plunged off a bridge and best into flames. official staples transporting p jims from neighboring botswana to an east, a festival. an agent or time has been taken to hospital with severe injuries and is reported to be the only survivor. and a large grain has begun. removing the debris of a collapsed bridge blocking default of baltimore, the operation declared the records as being aged with $60000000.00 of emergency aid, released by the federal government for missing workers, i presumed dead off to them out of control cargo ship knocked down the front of scots, key bridge on tuesday please traps people have been killed, adopted a cycle, and struck madagascar thousands more out of acted with houses, roads and bridges, flooded or destroyed. the full extent of the destruction is don't, you know, and as many villages have been cut off from the rest of the country, a group of bands together to pull
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a woman to safety. thousands and madagascar have been left wading through chest high tyrants of war. so after a cycling unexpectedly hit the island, it was predicted to bypass madagascar. instead, it made land full in the north region, winds of up to 210 kilometers an hour and a non dazing entire villages to hundreds of homes have been destroyed or washed away in the one still standing residents do their best to protect the food supplies from being carried away by the war, so that not everyone has succeeded. now on the because of the planning and we have nothing to eat, a victim of what small. i children
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a sick because of the does, he was a lot of the people we have no drinking water, a coat per past food across these we are asking for help. let's see some of that stuff and i'm seeing as a yes. but it may be a while before help comes that a gas goes disaster control of star t says many roads and bridges have been non dated or destroyed, making it difficult for rescue teams to reach people into then residents here having to rely on each other and finally, a double dose of spectacular natural phenomena. these uh images are often erupting volcano and the northern lights. these images coming from iceland, the time lapse video of what shots near the town of going to big. which you remember has seen a number of bulk kind of corruptions. recently, none of the locals were on hand. however, to see this site,
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they've only been evacuated for safety reasons. to. that's age for the moment, coming up next after the break dw business looked into how sold may be helping china pull ahead in the race to develop electric cause i'm british managing but, and thanks so much for watching and see you in about 45 minutes from now to by the questions got any issues with a lot, see what the amount was being in the username. i mean,
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i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs, thanks trace amount,


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