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tv   Code of Fear  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2024 1:15pm-2:00pm CET

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use to do what we want. maybe they do understand, but simply choose not to act. and that's it from me and then is team for now that will be an update at the top of the hour. i'm grabbed office in berlin for me in the news group. thanks for watching the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my parents because of my family. what killed. how was this age? and i'm on a journey to find out about the result of 19 or to for genocide produce between city rhonda, my name is some way to ship me there. i'm afraid it makes sleep shaming history out documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw, the
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. 6 the terrific dimensions for the community is a full set to get a month later to the civic of
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the the it should easily say that they've been federal for the sunday. the that'd be most for me to put me if i could get those rest. i seem to be successful in black, empty, or let's see longer. that this is just
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like totally. i pulled it off here to be done session. but of course just usually keep them getting busy. without telling me the next bill you i do sometimes said he quickly, the 5th one case as easy as on valley before we do make sounds and come look at the d. z is only get good for fish. that would be fun with pictures in this, i mean usually sky, i'm just going to protect something. you balances on the side. you please remind me that on my feet and what you get tons of of the that the flu that i'm
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logged into. repeat that it is, you know, i mean, you can do this. why? sure. if it's a and they to the little apple as you send is just the domain is on the mall. yeah, i just don't take the
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history up when i see we have here and you said to tell me when they did, you'd be up there. i mean that's not the point you shipped to me. see it on the, on demand movie about e and my phone. why would you be honest with, you know, measure the length is out the premium for the my v contact. i think the model almost like shit, tennis feedback de ms on to go is you don't on mine to connect with this to me. that's a problem or did it live in the sealant data net degrees? so let me be less good to prove yes. at 10 control is almost fiction. let's
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see, the mattie ash almost like shell al county get on that in mind. you look, put me out dog or do me just hit plug it, let's be improve a somebody, a slip bundle with me on coming down like as he did the peas, africa, the most excited dan, gauze, and d b. now, let me show how passcode is over the pallet dump the cartridge and this i'm gonna probably do more. 6 yearly derek mit panel. we will discuss a level 2, something like that that go may is you will have to knock on the ballot dump. we're going back to mom, victim said look, as you don't do lives empty, it was just your let go, was the do i handle the most extra a week? would it be? well, they asked me to supplement because of the lives of getting the most excited incoming income kush also comes with the 5th time. dom only duty. i just going to come out there soon. we left fever. my little girl is the most successful
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b is i'm going to buy. oh, most extremely did he lived in mont? since you're nearly any, do me a fair? good. what could be the test page? don't? hello. the move it says, charlie, there more. i kept going up there to lead dollars in lieu more for the song performed. i'm a friend, the just absolutely mom
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of only for look i'm you pull several out suitcase with preston, fremont. i'm gonna be doing what the junk computing dwanda team the . 2 miss under t. j. copeland? them? yeah, bmw. so so little bit the issue we don't the mold on tea. cynthia has a menu don't. there's only one song, the only 6 of them all. awesome is there some kid is sick killed costs vehicle. she guy saw, so that's the secretive i see. michael says fish and model can defy symbolic. don't a 5 a month i to on well the model. i know people use it to to some for the to them on
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the in bonded logic, the pisca new shift. awesome. is there an approval can? i mean you see it, did you shalanda is oh. and i really thought it's stressful event to the donald to try to put the don't that don't place the diversity. and you can disagree with the subpoena. you know, that meant the shooting from the visible mountains with the, from about the session from july sufficient. the only most bowman thought was to come supplement policy dentist who am i speaking to i tavis and this will this as you don't know, the doctors are on sales. septic tank was a different vehicle for this is a sufficient gigabyte of she's 6 is dollars. you're down for a month on this extra. it's on the honda accord. just she's out for like it'll bog 16 month old. i mean,
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i guess after me just sick of it. my pause at the scene was showing me the most expensive jewelry is good enough by actually giving back to me on the c t. and i think this might be a thing calling alamo and you meet some couple of thank god, please just tell
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a friend and upgrade me, i get them on me. so if you need a policy liberally $10.00, any spots out to be in do any empty bundle in the at least. and i really don't do that. why the alumni it's sissy almost a kid that he that you didn't do. i did sept in monte assessing in hundreds as well, or 70 so on the on i will do this on call could do to show up like if you need to buttons any data, is there any other decomposition i see of on see to don't get no i love what google is. it causes
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the scenario, but it will be in to the phone and why the commune. a got them on july on comp. i one d like that be done on my meal called back that it good enough. i need the he can amended memo that to, for the fall. so these that they had to laugh at me level. i left him. yeah, we want to go there. he cut a month ago and some things and some will hold you and i'm going to is so loud moons a to your hosting z about as fits the new cognitive appraisal tablo. alas, i me cuz so hey, look, we're sure care stuff. i'm the mims man that the people the fees of
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course with this the news i won't see you the deval duncan as you on the one they feel been interested or not get over fifty's a on this all the done to should this will tell just to see what we'll do. it and they come now it just is it printing now? so i'll say model was mall the 1st one when the visuals to sump se hills. good on of it. the only another budget to all the little difficulty data declared liability the
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this, i think the best about finding it, just use that prescott buffer of the what is not the rule. so unless you're welcome. yeah. yeah. she okay. definitely is yours. is there any, suppose the product of much of what i looked at the logo was that it would actually be google and download. she does yapping in the most excited category. what was that to what i'm a come on. i probably know to convey access to this week compare actually do the
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last he i do need is handled through the i'm on ok because i'm, i'm actually normal. good bundle. let me, let me see you then the anita. if that seem to define see, could not push on she left for a a. d e v maybe when it comes. yeah. no, no, let me put the come in now 4 more done. got bone. do any more pussy show, see a little more section of the electricity, or it will be in on the help of, on the, on the, on that for the sure
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to do the bed and you said to show the breakfast on soup kitchen. you said press on car, sick i phone just due to natural come you chew around to say on the minus sign of why cause you need me of what value the phone she knew lives at. present me cause it the 16 the occasion b, d t to your feet is or she and you need us to to is full,
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gave me a put down role and you said the because she the job that your those of you to love it over, you know fix to i left the place you go. so under the head go up to 8. you may say that the new underwear us on. do me see can you that he will do me see? you miss you don't know which one will 5 years. i've been definitely negotiate decision and months ago and then went to new york city the isn't use every, let them on display things daily in order to do for me to please on to this and miss you add 0. i'm talk today to congress, a football. so said, i send you the receipt receipt gets added to the default elliptical then? yes. was a family for them. was 6 in d as a little more now. now what's left?
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uh huh. and that tells you a text in a left will say connected. it does it, it takes you to the school where you are and they submit. so i think through text, those are dead. the nuclear risk would include the natural pool next to door for 6 federal to do for said jim 6 equal to put that little today, take one then that you're going to need to said i look up could be lactic mendecy on, develop the key. logically it printed and i'm please on the same one single best son get, you know who i show 6 years either can pass on demand 6, don't lose your job. i'll do it based on a very few this on demand 6. visually, this also depends on the only item is on the, on demand like literally what we just have said is constructed to match the
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somebody to them. i, as you know, i understand, in fact the bc d. and that's because it test on i need a quote from down to the place and you got it. let me see. and i do not see a now for the end of the month, see if the best issues that i'm on the phone. if we have to do that, yeah, what is a good physical telecom phone gosh, illegible. so if there's someone that can use it, but that's additional just to get to a different phone from online because they told me only about the issues that they say that most of of losing disease. i didn't in any info. so what that means is i'm moving
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simmons is either the nissan can fornia pacific. without them, i'm showing you as soon as you guys get for the city, show it to be something like an issue. i think something too, for knowing can you give me do this example? we definitely need to do that. we need a new time. can you do the doctor and they do to do that as well. things are forcing local exams on the email. so yeah, so i wouldn't even decide not to say, give me another 46 a m y a full a say what? i need you, my magic put this doesn't cause a delay. he left his certificate. he said he wasn't as what was on you want me to
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use a just like a switch. just got them. do you know, i mean, the middle to risk stick on is able to send me to my home page. this column is for lakers and they said they give me a phone good or is it just say for that i need to do it because the only those are some of what's on some of some of the the, the 2000 or somebody civic book. but the, that's the only thing to 16 next, inconveniencing easy virus,
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says this benjamin wondered assuming up along the path, there was a symbol of a sausage from the ship showing the stick to delete the mix. because you will see, i said almost 40 so seattle. because you look on come through, she'll let me stop didn't. why the lum alyssa? come my degree c, who lives of why don't you know what to visual under that shows you? did it badly evict look prophecy on the associated lucy through? that'd be the by what i'm going to use. i've gone to the somebody who i see will be something
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where she she's going to show all of why she should be financially checking. i said to raise a glass on that. i can no longer do that in fort mid to set to move. it should be, even though for me, for him when leaving she on duncan's for funeral, for the monday to uh, i can take a little long to sunset these options onto it sooner. holder is working. ripple or charlotte. so she can, these will do nothing. what is it? no more than vital g, ballistic. should you know me? so shifting come when a solution think like you have i'm pretty good and you had to come see me deal 6. you just switch the. got them on my put in the you'll see sushi victor during the stupid this don't com. select a couple. see based on the compass that uncle tell you those in pat a month. and the thing is that contain a little more security the suit back to you directly to see can come and say back
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to you directly to get the lucky to it will be in a compound or 2, something among the conflict limits. it was real g, l i shoot the men's singles real g, and this is the path blinking now exist on a fleet exist. don't go to georgia. yeah, the logistics of the p a u monk day 40 d mystic. said a good um. yeah. the good news honestly causing it to be in a day the call ot, to every sort of company that sort of blown the economy. why the old would you clicked on putting the
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next on the sink. usually no office of key and this, this thing come to back so that you'd be able to be forwarded to spoke difficult. i'm only going to use them to so there's almost actually somebody made sundays, almost excuse me, at least the know it will do 10 minutes. you can come, i will, the mall, it will fit you individual. no. so i should take them to put, you know, as long. yeah. you that you got good. there's all fundable. improve the bye. its the deluxe your that at least the dentist angel knew that it is what's on fossil moca degree. you had these on funk hillman. i said just to open it up to zip of any hilton are the zip up in the bottom. was it that doesn't want me to remove the prism like a big us was disapproval. say that to 50 still not as soon as you
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were 90. so what do the best did inform in number for 4 digits that didn't that didn't for me, but aside local most, so that'd be p as good as the p z at least middle. and then you look at also do man don't represent load to reasonable discipline is the most, it just is let's take a look a, he's one day these sundays including the list the result. i don't presume stuff then the some piece you mean almost 6 years only let's not. so please you me. one more. 6 is only going done or lose your don't please don't. is huge. you know, you'll be among those. you don't so come back bullied to i guess the most like soon enough to global level goes. it does what is on fall was it should well, it is, i mean almost like should should well accepted communities that i did. what does
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your tell me presume she put bonfire funding the dom on the bus that was your deluxe or to a ser, guess on, and if you, a lot of us will fonts, this will come my phone to do me. let me come the yet type to the look at can defend the liaison with security passcode, so many a to miss of you. it's highly of the castle, things here at the us, and then the, the by who, what i just drew for the fund them about the to i to renew to her, to move activity, to come me who know that i found him on that double shows it take to a i switched it back to me. cliff class. even the best we can. yeah. yeah. and the most it to to credit credit is a simple month bhaskar credential. if i offered to do this,
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usually my buffer security, i don't consider the technician, obviously that's usually that think you could do that. this one, it did. yeah. me i'm, i'm under the declare currently that and i live, i see the unless it could be deeper, skipped is able to see them in ask you to tech lab to is explicit in with them and does it, are they play de la to be no. the only. busy people is it plant is human kayla and then ask you to. busy as keep them on to the fun, should it was it planned to want to see plant police, john donnelly, back a while i a i one day and there's a 1000000 i wanted to see it. a look on the, on the bus. i see a create is up to you, please don't presume some open model executives to demo the i suppose the lizzie de mckenzie fuel the fuel. it was you meant these are
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more success excessive amounts because you mostly see the critique in car. yep. it ended up ethics. it was you to see them in this cause . in the massage estimates, telephone dm in the us new volt, blinked internet g d. ok? of course i do disagree. domonique leaves at least 2 to 4 days coming you bundle through and check it and get a g p a senior 2 months cuz you're supposed to invest soon. goodman nate, deducting the deposit or the lumber of the move or the swear. you made $50.00 in bad
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d. c. g 1000 gas t brown. she did do it on friday to come in. that's on the suspect to don't to bad. i'm damn, i don't need a quote. i do, you've seen it on my desktop. the start until when was that your system? is this the, can you guys exist? you know, it's a community simple book. i'm going to, let's see it either see, february, it is a z. oh no. i don't know if it's in a good bundle. ended up just talking about pathetic says, i mean the,
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the food is bad. the man who he lives in the bathroom 6, you know, i wouldn't be we could even was 6 for the product. so make sure it's gonna not come with a nonsense. a good last thing is on, on the phone so that you can continue to function with the dogs that come in. the dungeon told me that you did practically too much income change. of course you need on a sec, it from showing pass you way is on the 8th. if you have why don't see if it was a 2 under the the
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other mind to do nothing. me a piece of school through the book on the home. i think that the 292 little i'm a full to come home. this is a 2nd guess on 12. what would be defined to apply to the most executive or no disagreeing cost and to add to that effect can not contain access to a sawmill. moon is also going to produce a home. please don't go much. you know that i've seen these us, you, it was reduced to seduce products. you can use chromebooks. there's a filter particle most they should know. do
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contrasts again. awful. i don't want that bottle. there's accidental. don't got a false site, isn't free to show this accidental salsa. honda, the what safety leashed. obviously, if he's a good strategy, suddenlink yet something on their lives. and why does that mean when we're pointing to showing data back? let us show you some database. why that is big data? sure. i think lute t uh never do. the not the swap. the not the veteran. let's go to the budget for the month. i don't see them genuinely damaged a lot of your last chapters. really doing well. did you purchase it? was wondering also i'm the, i'm going to click on it back to one. this one will they will fix it. the still, the more subject english i'm lucas, seen. and of course you need to thank you to fab. i think we're hoping that he v i
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c libby, i finally the magnet or some done, it's goodman vets. guys. he's not even look you don't apple, i cc month to do that. don't excess extra d mission from would that be the 6, right? the formation of deals x, right? they offered by of the the, the test one of the time they will come along in the demo. surely of us. yeah. cool . most actually to ask you a football and you should say put it discussion person. don't find this in decatur nebraska. com dish on key to bundle with the amount of most extra days of them off of my iphone profanities on the phone. it can over there to no more 6 year and office 3 for data and the whole 6 year
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the because i'm no longer in the seems good news apply to secure the some good. i mean, it is in some glazing, so which 6 year the, you don't know what is a much of that q by and datasets reduce the diesel cost of this. and i'll come down to it by the gaze of a home consisted of us up for full education. i'm 6,
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you vision from us. we can all hip, them, all it and when you push them off for a long while, this one long, it beside the why do i access a lot going to the but i say the loading on blue from twice to have it in for me and for the, as marcia did not find me within a long all. so there's like this all we need, you know, one of about the song of about the song. all i need is a 6. is that what was that? it is extra? newton law said prefer it is all fine because it comes up on his on send on, know to be sick themself and know to the due date. so cannot junior depart notes the
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good reasons for the cheapest one day the it's only been think that so who do seem to do you do not see video clubs. the very long shall be stipulation on the dentist. that's the only member. okay. he is asian lady, so i want it to be part of the way. it's on way. i don't
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mind your sense and you to have a district. i mean if you didn't realize that that was the the teacher. so lots of simplicity and i'm 50, i'm 50 is good for the disclosure. there's always that back to the thing. the
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composite is what you said. somebody did monitor to the community. is it to your highest triple? well, i see that the see christy making exchange for us here. we had the security by commercials . ask us a come by. so doing why and come i live. you come is your secret, it does it need an address here in room concrete to come on us to see the temperature to the to do is just going to have a new may have to in montgomery let me to do the deal is going to throw in on the dos, so there's a which is fun plays also the civic and my vision tony. lovey, is all kids on the left. the on the new lovey if i'm on come by
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ability and i need to do this, have on come by on the li shrunk. i'm living in the committee solely lately, somewhat today. so you do have a one done to it in a demo, or do these on to know to be kid a junky sofa display in join. remember walker in no diesel football. cool. for better sam prove also good. so if you saw a victims v w died, if we met with the
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50000 i printed to match, do some feed one. i mean i'm barely more to new motor. i should see brad measure and if the month be sure to fall sick, this is sonya fat and we'll just have the key as yep. down the often you probably see the remaining just because you know to succeed limit on the latter. let's show and it's not for me, derek must be minimum. there was the total month lease to to know the
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shape. breathing is life. but how do you protect your airways? and what should we do if we have asthma allergies or a cold? and when do our lungs reach their threshold? so breathing, freeze out and tune in to find out in good shape. in 30 minutes, d, w, go india. asians cross street in india weaving is being done by her and again the number of autism is, is growing. and so is the income because customers are prepared to pay more to hand
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with the industries flourishing to take on to the next level. we need to educate and cranes, the eco india in 90 minutes on dw, the, the complex crises was every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the
2:00 pm
base is dw news, live from bell in the international court of justice, orders israel to take all necessary measures to get aiden to gauze, germany, and from so long the nation's delivering age from the sky. all corresponding flies with the reports that sunset drops full well shots of what is really needed down below the delivery by line so much faster saying it's better than nothing. music science are crazy in love with v also is new album base about a new country music offering to the.


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