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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from bell in israel, gives the green lights to new talks on it because of the spot pressure on israel is drawing to it all in more, desperately needed supplies in line with the ruling by the top united nations quotes agencies say add drops, cannot deliver enough. also, coming off baffled ground is stumble with us turkey pre past to have so the polls void bias from showing your last is general election president ridge at the top add on is hoping to take back nations economic power. and why your pet might be more than just a pretty face research as say,
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adults can learn multiple words. and your 4 legged friend can, you can visualize something you want is just that the gab office. welcome to the program, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu as approve new talks on a sci fi and gaza negotiations, also covering the release of the remaining hostages. help at home us all set to take place in cats are in egypt. israel is coming under growing international pressure to allow more agent to gaza following a routing by the international court of justice, german and french cruise, among others, trying to relieve food shortages with the ad drops. but has dw is tonya cram or reports. the process is difficult and the amount supplied in sufficient a 6 cargo planes wait on the thomas at this base near
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a mountain jordan. inside this hercules, the french german crew runs through a final briefing before take off. they have recently joined an international emission and dropping food and supplies into gaza, where people are on the brink of starvation. edison child, the key thing about the flight is that the 1st attempt to delivering the load must be successful. the scheduling is very tight between all of the participating nations that you'll to only get one go with this as well. keep everything is double and triple checked. this slide is caring 5 tons of 8. so what do we have here is mainly, so of course everybody involved know is this is not enough and it's certainly not the most efficient way of getting the delivery by line. so much process
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saying it's better than nothing. this 88 groups, want israel to open additional lens roads until they do these air drops, a providing lifeline for a few come into effect the it's knowing that we're doing something that's business . the next thing we can do at the moment stuff. i think that's helping, even if i'm getting a bit of cool, i don't know the political solutions can be found, but there is a ceasefire. all this to the board has already been to the age and can come in between that and long term solutions which fit as can be found off the market. that inspection, histories of them in the sun capacity had such air drops, have been criticized because they don't organize distribution of the aid on the ground. in the k is the strongest health themselves 1st and many are left empty handed and there is a safety issue to come for the platoon. we have here the pallets with the packages
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in bags or sec. and on top there are a power shirts here. somebody, bosher, to know each of them has a several power shoots according to the weight of the package, the excessive box they will open once they leave the airplane to slow down the impact fees. but occasionally, the power suits pays to open for the age lands in the sea, people have been killed, injured and some drowned trying to get packets from the volta. recent drops were made along causes coastline. it's time to take off the fly time from amman to news . and goza is only about 13 minutes. seeing that the stock says it's of course started because actually city with allies
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you out for you that out as horton jed this into god's us in october 70 some to dera, docs by of us saying it's actually shopping to see the structure then it's time to do a kind of the, in the absence of the opening of moorland crossings and a ceasefire, which could bring a respite for the people of gauze to disrupt should help at least some people. israel now has a month to report back to the international court of justice on progress and getting supplies into garza. he bought tvs, the regional director for the agency cat, and she told us what she expects to change. we hope that this is going to allow
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us to facilitate an 8 and t in a more consistent and with good quantities to the south and to the north. and in the coming weeks of a will do this, the school is not to possibly to be enforced on the ground, but we also helped a mistake that to this time it might be different. where we have seen from that history and government announcements that they would do their best to. and now for that it's 6 months already. and once we have seen, as of that situation became worse and worse than now, we don't even have words to describe what is happening and then, or as your correspondence explained when she has seen that images from this guy. let's take a look at some of the stories making and user on the well today the syrian upside, the tree for human rights says is really s price have killed at least 42 people in
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a level the most serious strife by israel, that in years as well, as says, 3 of its militants were killed. these really military as north commented security for central jacob stone. i have detained 9 people, suspected of having links to the most car concept, whole attack. they were arrested in the city of thoughts all then a 140 people were killed when gunman stalled the venue last week. the so called as lennox state says, it carried out the attack. after we've been in the bundle, sneak up by a live a cool ism coach sabi alonzo says he will be staying with a club ending speculation over his near future before mid field, and not been late with a possible move to live a pool or by munich the alonzo difficulties not currently on the adult coast when the 1st of a bonus, the title i play is that they are showing great as turkey goes to the poles on sunday. it nationwide local elections that are being seen as
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a test of national political sentiment. president version of pub ad want is seeking to recapture the economic pause of his stumbled, which is just as a development policy last 5 years ago to the opposition. there is an old saying and talk is politics. when's a stumble, wins talking? the country's largest city and commercial heart is home to nearly 16000000 people about a fiscal photography electorate. 5 years ago, president ridge autonomy of ad one and ruling is nomic conservative ac. last eastern boot of your position. now they want to say good, we will work hard, day and night and god willing on april 1st. this number will be reunited with its owners. our goal is to add one isn't even running into selection,
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but you wouldn't know we'd listening to his support as i am, which high a better one until i die, god willing, we will win the leader of the entire world. he stands up to everyone. ad one has been using his own popularity to support via dhcp candidate, former environment minister more than a symbols. elections are not just about who will be the next man. the outcome is also possible for president ad one. this is the city where he grew up and where he launched his political career as mayor in the 1990. it's also where he sold the was political defeats office to decade rule because of this man a crim e, mom lou from the secular opposition. c h p. what he stumbles incumbent me on the back in 2019
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a managed ssl team possible. he won the city hall and a heavily contested repeat election against ad one's candidate devoted to mano into an instance figure of hope for the opposition today. he's why he seems as the main line of credit and add one political scientist back as an tells me. where were, when is the metal seats in the stumble has access to enormous amounts of public resources, employees, tens of thousands of people and gains, a national platform to conduct politics. so a molar can win this election. most likely he's had that for becoming the main contented for the presidency against as off she mama, lose re election campaign has been focused on easing the cities clinic, traffic problems. it's making it simple safer, given the major earthquake risk in the region. but he's also faced with growing
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poverty among the cities rather than mainly because of the government's failure to bring flooring installation of the control. although the elections are local, the stakes are high for the may no position party. this is really a crucial election because if they were to lose a stumble and quite possibly own cut off, then they are, voters are going to be the motor life and probably lose much hope of obviously you think are gone through the ballot box. and that is really going to almost coordinate add on for the foreseeable future, and that you remain as the president of the country until the basically quits politics. polls suggest the vote in december will be a close run the fast a consequential rates. not just for the city but fatalities future or no, it turns out that the dogs actually smotts it. then we saw its research as it hungry with some young pups to the test to see how the brains reacted. just familiar was
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the study found dogs can identify a lot more words than most owners ever realized, and this suggests we should be giving them a little more credit. many dog owners have the sense that they have pets come speak their language. if you say to adopt, bring me your bowl. the probably fitted the do they have the picture in mind before retrieving it? of techs are external to the docs and docs that has been there, and that's where it's referred. they stand for something that is external to them, and it seems that this is a difficulty and it has been a very long the bait in language evolution. comparative science, whether non humans can do this. this study involved 18 border collies, researches place census on the dogs has to measure their brain activity. then the ducks know with name and toy the duck new. but sometimes, and this is where it gets interesting. they wouldn't show the actual tale. we
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expected that they've dogs to really understand the meaning of the word of the object towards it. we expect to see that object. and if the owner shows a different one, there will be a sub, a so called surprise reaction in the brain. and this is exactly what they found, so the se suggests that ducks have a mental image of the object when they hear the word. so well, i think that these results, the results of the, the study might be a line to what's most of the owners think about the their adults. so i think it's very nice, very super interesting. and i think that is, that is my yes. like make our supporting shows maybe stronger. so docs can connect words with real world objects. why then do some ducks refuse to do what we want? maybe they do understand what simply choose not to act. and
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finally, for your viewing pleasure, a double dose of natural beauty from both the sky and from the best time lapse video from iceland shows something to is find the whole visits around the rob morales or northern lights. that mostly green atmospheric phenomenon comes with golden jets of molten rock, luminous vision. okay. near the town, a friend of it, which has recently seen a number of full kindly interruptions since december. the you're watching dw news is a reminder of our top story is as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has approve neutral. so in a ceasefire in gaza and the release of the remaining hostages still helps by how much is when it's coming out, a growing international of pressure to allow more agents garza in line with the
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routing by the top denies of nations. cool, that's it from me and then the scene for now i will have an update for you at the top of the gomez of the documentary, as of next officer. so you'll see about the video that goes to the other day out of media. may google google, i've got that done, but again, i'll just stop into that and i'll give you the order. would you, are you able to order that? i'm jo, media dog, currently more people than the world wide in search of a job. you ever use a minute, they can t method the audio get find out about on the story inform icons the
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