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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dealing with the news lot from the south african box freedom day, 30 years off to the historic collection that knocked the official end of a pods president run the pose of mocks, the anniversary with a celebration in pretoria. but this illusion is growing and his party look set to lose its problem entry majority in next month. like also coming up for us to step south pizza tax on the crime, getting a psychiatric hospital and the power stations that comes as long delays, military aid from the us and sit to arrive in the country the
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. i'm anthony, how it works at the program. south africa is celebrating its freedom day 30 years on from its transition to democracy from the racial segregation of apart. celebrations in pretoria were attended by the country's leaders and included musical performances and to $21.00 gun salute. but the festivities come at a time of the discontent with the current government. president 0 around the pause is expected to face a stern test in a nation wide election next month. south africa is one of the contents leading economies, but severe economic challenges and rising unemployment of damp and the optimism of 30 years ago. the south african celebrating freedom di told the w what 3 decades of democracy means to them. it is like people being together like everyone like joining together the working together, changing like everyone being able to live, i months inside the these community. not mine's either. one of the not looking at
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the one another like this person in that know like all of us do one thing for one purpose. i set up democracy enough of change, you know, for whatever binded as to what have other people wanted us to become. it's an opportunity to, to become a self. i really have good off with this 1st city is there's been a lot of change, especially deval, his blood sugar, and some things that we could never reach us. our eldest could and we were able to do a movement now during democracy, children not able to get food at schools. there's also a free transport for kids and we have no school fees when it comes to medical match . as a clinics, you can get free treatment before we didn't have those things that have been a lot of positive changes, but we know that we still need to do more. but to be honest with the speed of correspond to diane whole k as in pretoria. so told me about the speed in the country has the celebrations take place?
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well, i think many south africans reflecting today on how things have changed. and the story of south africa's democracy is, is quite complex. when we come from the history of 300 years of a party girl, and thus far we've had the 2 years of democratic rule. so i think that the, the is some positivity and people realizing that they've been a significant changes to our lives in south africa. people being able to access services that they would never have had before. things like housing improvements and also other services that have been delivered. but of course, as we heard from one of the, the speakers, the in that in the, that i interviewed and you're on the, is a sense that these more that needs to be done. and there's a high level of inequality in south africa, and that has lead to quite a lot of frustration amongst citizens here who can see that they are a group of very rich citizens. what do we need streaming?
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well, and then the other people who are really struggling to get by and to make ends meet on a daily basis during president serial rema post a spoke at the event like what reflective on the changes in the country of the 3 decades supposedly as lucy was and i think the setting also allowed for that reflection of the event was held at the union buildings. and that was the, the side, you know, nelson mandela was inaugurated in 1994. it was also the seat of the project government. and so, you know, it, it really does signify a change in the country, a changing in leadership and the change and approach to governance. let's take a listen to what around my posts. i had to say. after
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described as the beginning of a new movie testament. and division relation reconciliation in the constitutional order that is permits on the regal. so we'll run the pose of the diane. it's through the use of democracy. south africa has only been to government by the i n c. i wonder how seriously could that dominance be tested ahead in that coming election as well indications all that the election that's due to take place next month will be one of the toughest taste, if not the toughest taste for the routing
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a and c b r number of factors that have a sort of put the and seeing disposition. there's a lot of frustration around issues like power outages in south africa. and the growing unemployment levels have really list of young south africans frustrated. and of course, you add to that the fact that we've got a number of new political parties that have joined and very active opposition. parties that are campaigning on these very issues like unemployment and the low cheating crisis, the power outage crisis. and what we see in some of the polls that are coming through ahead of the election is that although the a and c would still most likely receive a high number of folks, they not going to get the kind of numbers that we've seen them getting before above 60 percent, it looks like they could go lower and they are, or there's also quite a bit of a speculation that may actually result in not seeing a coalition government at the national government level. of course, we have
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a month to go until that election takes place and a lot more campaigning still to be done. but when you speak to people on the ground, really they are saying that they are open to hear what other political parties have to say. even though they have perhaps, supported the agency for quite some time, and that is a bit of an indication also of how difficult the election is likely to be anthony election coming up die and hold on freedom day in pretoria. thank you so much. i to will power plants and gas and electric facilities in central and west, and you kind of come under attack in reason which russia has been targeting, inc, running energy infrastructure, rushing missiles also struck a psychiatric hospital in the eastern city of hockey. leaving several buildings damaged. the latest attack comes as the plan is running low on a defense missiles and is waiting for a much needed boost of military supplies. from the united states and ukrainian president. blood of mr. lensky has made
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a new appeal for more. a defense systems from its allies. thank you for i needs at least 7 additional patriots to defend that scott's pressure. felicia, who initiated in muscle. and then we saw another massive mrs. drake theater as he's 34 breast from rocket to various types. the main target was the energy sector, the various facilities and the industry, both electricity and gas transit facilities, in particular, those gas facilities that are crucial to ensuring safe delivery to the european union city bas becca, we managed to shoot down some of the missiles just and i'm grateful to each of our soldiers who were really accurate, and of course they responded well in time of the solution. and you've just got a hold off. i think the trajectories of the missiles from the nature of the strike were calculated by russian terraced in a way to make the work of our air defense systems as difficult as possible each down the rock. it is a significant result. the homeless or, and from presidents, a landscaping guys or data blue, corresponding carolina jemma in
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a kid who has some we can definitely say that the attacks from russia has been intensified, especially in the past month. and this is also because uh, as, as you know, the age package from the united states was on hold in that country. so this 6 months have definitely given russia an advantage not only to advance and takes it is like a steve car, but also to keep on planning their next their next target. like the missile attacks we saw yesterday was the, the police currently the gym. we can keep that well, as ross has stepped up, it's a taxi crime sizable suspend conchella services for military. i mean abroad. authorities now want to ensure that main age between 18 and 60 living abroad were to in home many ukraine side though that they have been i'm fairly targeted. confused and anxious. the hundreds line up at the ukrainian post post office in prague, hoping to pick up the documents before you. crane's new mobilization,
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little comes into force. it requires old man. if military age you want to renew official paperwork to return home where they could be drafted. there's no way i'm going to a recruitment center and ukraine because they won't let me come back to the czech republic. have an official and permanent residence here will be i pay taxes for do things to proper way. but now i have a problem with this. similar scenes and will also with people frustrated to the possible toughest is temporarily closed. but it was, they don't ask us why we went abroad. i went abroad legally. the law has not yet come into force. a passport office employees seem to be applying it already. ukraine bonds draft age men from leaving the country off to russia's invasion in 2022 or to say they are only targeting those who are legally evading. the draw
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it's fair, the words ukrainian man who stayed in ukraine and who work in the korean economy. and who fights in the premium army? i think it's fair, the worth. it will be fair towards them. if man, from who man from the broad returned to ukraine and spent by them by each other in defending the country as the country that gave them everything. russia currently occupies around to say, you crazy in territory. tens of thousands of ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded in the 2 years since the full scale invasion began. all right, let's take
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a look now, some of the of the story is making headlines. this l and the story that has announced a $100000000.00 a package for you. right. and that's about 60000000 euros. defense minister richard miles announced the funding during a visit to the training city of levine, where he met with prime minister dennis shim out. the money will go toward short range of defense systems, drones and other military equipment. a crime is pay tribute. meanwhile, for the victims updates and i will nuclear disaster on the 30th anniversary of the event. in 1996, one of the power plants reactors exploded, causing the world's worst nuclear accident president for letting me select. he has one of the risks of a repeat. if russia attacks nuclear thoughts as well, ami has released footage of preparations to connect the guys a coast to a floating p that would allow more dwayne to us troops, a building the offshore appear, which is ralph is, should be at the next month as well as restricted ada entering gaza since the october 7th from us, tara tax authorities. and can you wanting residents to brace the even
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heavier rain full following flooding that killed at least 76 people? these different country has been battered by monsoon, ryans made even worse by warm ocean temperatures in the westgate region in the south. at least i, people were killed after a truck that were riding and swept away by flood waters. really just sizes which the truck that gap sized in the swollen jupiter on friday, the menu strip bessengers on board didn't make it and so of course there were 2 trucks, but i wasn't the one that went ahead and what was on the truck crossed without any issues and once we got to the other side of the river, we heard screams, and that's another one. i ran back to check what it happened during the level. and that's when i realized that the trunk behind just didn't make it. and the people have been washed away when they come out to another wall to really check the we
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think of was for the water to go down. so they could get across, but it would mean a truck offered to take then many jumped in. but the problem was good in spectacle . he color we faced, you, teens and local residents tried to sleep. as many people actually quit. but now they have been searching for the victims. mama, we are just waiting for the water to subside the young man. he can then look for bodies that might be stuck in the sand and hopefully retrieve them. gimme a has been experiencing heavy dreams for weeks. expose the climate change is responsible for the harsh read the. the flooding has cost white spec damage. thousands of people have been displaced and now a community in shock, or what defenseless that's of so many people is. all right, that's all for now. i have mix for puerto is in columbia,
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taking this on of the front lines of the cocoa boss that's coming off after a short break. i'm anthony. how to have more news for you at the top of the out. a reminder, as always, there's more news on a website, a youtube channel, and social media channels as well by handling aids at the deputies, boston. the secret slide discovered new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating boats. heritage sewing dw world heritage 360 now driven by greed in the 2000 start you back engaged in various time risk business practice to reach somebody who's basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide.


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