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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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there is, what would be the point, well, we will destroy this dnipro with a nuclear strike, we will create a precedent of a nuclear strike and there will not be some other hessa, that there is no kakhov hessa, and what, what kind of luck is it that this so seriously changed the point from the point of view of war, uh, well imagine, the use of nuclear weapons also has to be, you know, justified from a political point of view and from a consequence point of view, if we just think that we're using it as a conventional weapon, just to destroy some hydroelectric plant , somehow very strange, even for putin, uh, primitively, i'd say , nuclear weapons should be used as a last resort: the use of nuclear weapons should lead to the state against which we used nuclear weapons surrendering the next day, and if we destroyed dniproges with a nuclear strike, then we simply created another ecological disaster, another front-page text in western publications, including the use of nuclear weapons. with totally
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unforeseeable consequences, we don't know what we're getting, it's one thing, unforeseeable consequences when we we hope that this will be the last flower of the country, and the other thing is not the foreseen consequences, when we just want to destroy some power plant, which we did not mention for two years in a row, in fact, well, somehow, i say, you always have to measure the decision and the consequences, okay, in the light of information that the russian federation may be preparing in the near future, because a few years is actually the closest time to a confrontation with... the countries of the north atlantic alliance and so on and so forth. with the countries of the north atlantic alliance, russia again, the federation must confront in such a way, from the point of view of its own security, that this confrontation does not lead to the need to use nuclear weapons on one side. time. another thing is that i do not really believe in the military capability of the russian federation regarding such a confrontation. because once again i remind you that for these two years the russian federation has been waging a war with a country that does not have a modern , modern army. equipment that fights with western
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weapons, and, as a rule, not very new, because we hear the same thing all the time, we were given such and such planes, tanks, missiles and so on, and poland bought everything new , and slovakia has already renewed its army, and this one, you know, it looks like in some supermarket, where you just put on everything new, and here you take it to the counter and say: come here, please, you want to take it, it ’s also good, i wore it three times, this, and then it turns out that... the russian federation can’t really respond even against this weapon, and the whole problem is that these weapons are not enough, if she has enough, then she stops attacking altogether, and now imagine that she is at war with the armies of a country in which the new weapons are much more modern than the russian ones, and they have already updated all this, thanks to her war with ukraine, and she dismissed all this because of the huge reserves that they took from the soviet union, and now in fact. lives on what it produces, well
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, it started some kind of real conflict, it understands that nuclear weapons cannot be used , because there may be retaliatory strikes, there is a war with conventional weapons, how much will the russian federation be enough, if any more a nato country, there france or great britain as a result of the attack destroyed some russian weapons on the airfields and so on and so on, struck the military facilities of the russian federation, what to do next, well, that is, again we come to a wonderful story that we either have to... capitulate, or use nuclear weapons, or, but either they can, or negotiate with them, well, i don’t understand what the point is, and that is, of course, to scare with a conflict with nato is a good topic, soviet the union has always been engaged in this, and until things, you remember that the strength of the soviet union, which, by the way , the soviet people did not realize, was that the west was afraid of its attack, but we lived in a beautiful world where the soviet people were sure that they were going to be attacked nato as it is now.
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russians believe that everyone wants to attack them, everyone at that time, without intending to attack anyone, lived in a situation where they were sure that the soviet union would attack, that is, and now putin is creating exactly the same atmosphere , this is a return to the time when everyone in the west says, well, of course, there are 3-5 years left, they said this all the time of the cold war, all the time there were 3-5 years left before the attack of the soviet union, they thought where it would attack, drew maps, if you look at the presuts...years here or there, and so are the soviet people, oh, we will be attacked yes, we have to defend ourselves, go to military training classes , we have to defend ourselves, they want, they want to destroy our beautiful, our beautiful future, you can imagine the level of this schizophrenia, you know, i remember this beautiful story, how i just laughed when they started converting these autonomous regions in the republic already in gorbachev's time and the leadership of the jewish autonomous region. of the russian federation decided that
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it would also rename the region a republic, and there was a rally in the city of smidovichi, valtsovshchik, comrade sharapov there spoke at this rally: "comrades, if we turn our jewish region into..." a jewish republic, jews from all from new york and from tel aviv and from london from this rotting , terrible west will come will come to us from birabijan and smidovych and will take our beautiful apartments and work in our collective farms, and here you will no longer be able to work in the cowshed, comrade petrova, because all, all our opportunities will actually be occupied by these same terrible jews, who will flee to new york at the first possible opportunity. but he still spoke sincerely, and by the way , for proof of what i am telling you, you can look at the constitution of the russian federation, there the jewish republic never appeared, the people of the jewish autonomous region successfully defended themselves from the jews in new york, imagine the level in which all these people lived, they were simply schizophrenics, they were 40-45
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years old, the vast majority of these people had the consciousness of six-year-old children, and the soviet leadership calmly manipulated all this with these idiots, and the same was the case in the west by and large. they may have been adults, but they believed that such a society is wild, will definitely attack, definitely, and that's why the soviet union actually financed the movement of supporters of peace in the west, because he said: listen, you understand that you should fight for peace, because we will attack, and the west, you have to somehow restrain your bourgeoisie in its aggressive desire, because we will answer, we lived like this for decades, i believe that we have passed into this very historical period, and soon there will be some... the putin peace council in berlin is headed by sarah wagehnecht, and they will be leading round these anti-war demonstrations, well , to be honest, all this does not surprise me, because we have all lived through this era, the situation was wonderful, you know , but again,
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you understand, there are people who are politicians, who are revolutionaries, uh, there are many of them who change the world around them, here, you know, there is some napoleon bonaparte, alexander the great, i don't know, there is, after all, lenin, uh, but there are people who are counter-revolutionaries , who want the situation back, everything back, here are the bourbons who returned after napoleon, putin, here putin is no longer a revolutionary, he is a counter-revolutionary, why, because he only thinks that it should be done the way it was, but we discuss all the time everything he does, he just does, he pulls some kind of stack out of nowhere. reads as if it is, you know, a play in an amateur theater, let's do as yosif veseronovych did, they went to him and we go out, let's make this, let's make such a country, let's make such relations with the west, let's do and we'll live wonderfully like our father and mother went, and it is of course terrible, because
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you and i are hostages of this desire, you know, some kind of vampires who simply drag us into the past, says, why do you want to go forward, it was so good there in the past, let's go there, and we don't, we just want to move forward. no, you have to go backwards. well, here's the whole story, with which we will end our political club with khrystyna j. thank you, khrystyna. many thanks, vitaly portnikov. we will meet next saturday. be with espresso. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. vlebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now. serhii, we will talk more about the war zgurets with us and how the world lives and now about what has happened in the world , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will talk in more detail , please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about... the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. a sharp presentation of the fact. and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's make better roads even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok,
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an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. we, the security service of ukraine, fight to protect. every ukrainian and pay back the enemy for all the crimes and lives taken, every day we hit the traitors in the most painful places, sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, destroy the occupiers and their equipment by the thousands at the front, eliminate war criminals, detain agents and traitors and our strikes. .. will be even stronger until the time of victory comes. sbu, the enemy is doomed,
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retribution is inevitable. congratulations, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel. beraber together. my name is khrystyna yatskiv. i congratulate my co-host ayder muzhdabaev. and glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. salam aleikum. as always, we will start with a reminder that it is extremely important to continue to help the defense forces of ukraine, and in this program we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea and the prospects for its de-occupation, which means that it is important to support the military, who are, first of all, representatives of the indigenous people of the crimean peninsula, and secondly , they are actively involved in the activities of the defense forces of ukraine. more details, ayder, more details, i am... pleased to convey to you the gratitude of the commander of the 48th separate assault crimean
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battalion named after noman chilibedzhikhan of the armed forces of ukraine linur islyamov for what you do, for your support, you see the data and qr codes of the ongoing collection, the collection is, well, all kinds of things for the communication of the battalion, it is very important for the secrecy of the operation, so that our soldiers could unhindered. perform, perform their tasks, they are difficult, they are very, well , i will not reveal the military secret, our fighters , with your help, perform the tasks of protecting the state border, now in the sumy and kharkiv regions, and this is very important, they have a good assessment from the command, and i can not details. to say, but all those who watch us, all these people have a direct or
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indirect relationship with crimea, you should, absolutely justifiably, be justifiably proud of our soldiers, the soldiers of the 48th sb, on which, as ms. khrystyna has already said, they fight side by side crimeans, ukrainians who are related to crimea, or have never been there, but know that crimea is on... the most important thing is that everything started with this and everything will end with this, and right now our fighters are performing their duties where the most difficult, where is the most difficult and where it is necessary, by order of the command, to wish them our real heroes to return and help them to perform their tasks as efficiently as possible. help , don't stop, it's extremely important, i
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can't even imagine how one can watch programs about crimea and not help our soldiers, i think that everyone who watches us now will help more or less less, it doesn't matter, your participation is important, thank you both from the commander and from the soldiers, well, and we will remind you that the topic of crimea has been raised quite actively in the last week, it seems that there certain political... and military, at least in terms of plans, yes, sorry for the taftology, it sounds good to me, uh, the consensus and among our partners that without... without the return of the crimean peninsula, without breaking the logistics in crimea, somehow it will be extremely, extremely difficult to resolve the situation in the south with the occupied, huge occupied territory, and i would like to remind you that this week we followed the visit to
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ukraine of the british defense minister and, in fact, also representatives of... the military leadership of this country, which , according to some sources, strongly encouraged our military leadership to focus on one of the directions, it is logical to do it in the south, and therefore the question arises: are our partners ready to provide us with all the necessary tools so that we could work directly in the south, cut off the enemy's logistics once again - this is the most important thing, work on the enemy's clusters. strength and equipment and so on, so we are waiting, as they say, for taurus and storm shadow with a longer range, than we already have, and of course, the attacks are in the focus of our attention, about the attacks, by the way, this week the republican senator lynsey graham, who had
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the opportunity to express himself in the same way regarding his visions of the fate of the crimean peninsula, said that you have will be atakamsa. you will be able to destroy that damned kerch bridge, but unfortunately, his words and actions do not match, but he is the only one like that, he is a republican senator, very influential in the party, well, i think that, except for trump, there, well, about it's a pity, like in north korea, who is who after whom? the influencer there is unknown, but he is very famous in general and he keeps saying, finally you will destroy this damn bridge, but yes. votes against the 95 billion aid, the big package in question, which is still in limbo, and our country still does not know if it can even count on the united states for help, nobody knows, not only our country, europe he does not know, did you see the address of mr. sikorsky, this is the minister of foreign affairs of poland, he said frankly that even nuclear weapons will have to
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be developed, because the united states has already you can't count on that... unreliable, unpredictable, it's come to this, and when we saw these mass shootings, this week, what i remembered was a smile, not even a smile, just a smile, i think, of speaker johnson, who slows down at the behest of his boss, more precisely, trump's boss, who, in my opinion, works under the program of putin's boss, in turn, to gloat. to go to the last, well, as much as possible, unfortunately, it looks like this, they are in no hurry, meanwhile the infrastructure is being destroyed, there is not enough, of course, missiles, no what is there for offensive operations, now it really remains a strategic goal, but right now it would be useful for us, for example,
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anti-aircraft missiles, they are also in short supply, as we can see, and our popovs are doing everything, everything that is needed, all that... can do so, and they fight very powerfully, i think no nato country would fight like that in our place, but all the europeans actually know this, but something is preventing them, like those bad tonsurists, we hope that the what hinders the bad tonsurists will finally become a goal, ugh, and finally there will be solutions, will be approved, and just as the relevant decisions will be approved by our verkhovna rada, which also rests a lot, you know, i was surprised when... the united states, they at least go to work, i apologize. we are glad to include dmytro snigirov, a military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative right right, in our conversation. mr. dmytro, congratulations , glory to ukraine. we are trying to outline
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the situation now. with the temporarily occupied crimea and an understanding of how the situation can continue to develop in the conditions where in rhetoric our partners, as if everything is clear. well, listen, even what the russians managed to eavesdrop on, among the highest-ranking military in germany, shows that there is an understanding, without destruction, of logistics in crimea, it is very difficult to solve anything at all regarding the russian-ukrainian war. for the benefit of our country, it pleases us that there is an understanding of the issues, there is an understanding of how to solve these problems, on the other hand, they are in no hurry to provide the appropriate tools yet. mr. dmitry, when we talk about the logistics of the russians in general in the crimea and in the south occupied, what are the main features here and what should you pay attention to now? well
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, let's take turns, first of all, it was not the russians who eavesdropped on the germans, but the germans made a controlled leak of information so that the russians understood the possible consequences of further escalation, including the use of tauris to strike the wall. the infrastructure of the occupying forces in crimea, these are different things, and the russians finally understood that they were actually used as a theme. another question, now about the logistics of the occupying forces. the armed forces of ukraine at the time commander zaluzhnyi, accordingly conducted operations to block the logistical component of the occupying army. according to nato standards, this is called the first stage of a cascading nature. operations to deoccupy it , let me explain what we are talking about: at the same time , attacks were carried out on both the infrastructure facilities themselves, these are not only crimean cities, but
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also hagar bridges, and parallel logistics with the possibility of using large amphibious ships were also destroyed, do you remember those successful attacks of the defense forces of ukraine on large amphibious ships, five of them followed the known courses of the russian ship, which completely eliminated the possibility... of creating the logistics of its parallel component using these large amphibious ships, i explain to the company that one large amphibious ship is capable of carrying out four raids per day, taking into account the fact that a large number of them were concentrated there number, then the russians calculated that in the case of blocking the crimean bridge, logistics would be carried out by these ships, it did not work out, which is why, by the way, the statements of the british government were made. what are they they hope that the ukrainian side, after the inexplicable resignation of zaluzhny, will continue the successful nature of the destruction of the logistical component of the occupying
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forces in crimea, and moreover, they expressed a warning about the fact that kirsky could be, i quote the original language, fixated on the land component carrying out the operation, while great britain, which is currently positioning itself as a world leader. demands from the ukrainian side a different nature of actions, namely the de-occupation of crimea, the reduction of the presence of the russian empire in black sea basin, they mirror the events that took place in the 19th century, when after the triumphant victory of great britain, which led a coalition of forces, it all ended for the russian empire with the paris agreements, according to which the russian... the empire did not have the opportunity to keep a naval fleet and naval bases, this is what our western partners currently demand from us. great britain is not making statements, certain steps are being taken, and this is
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the handing over of the stormsedals and, by extension, skaldia. it is no coincidence that britain is currently pressing on germany at the time of the so-called revolver exchange of means of defeat, i.e., britain will hand over the stormchelde to germany and will receive the tauros, which. transfers to the armed forces, therefore the further infrastructure of crimea, i emphasize once again, with such activity on the part of the british, is in great doubt. britain is clearly currently implementing its strategy of building a new military-political axis london, kyiv, ankara, the main task of which, i emphasize once again, is the de-occupation of crimea and the ousting of russia from this black sea basin, and not only. economic zone of ukraine. mr. dmitry, i agree in all senses,
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but please tell me how this correlates with the fact that, in your opinion, mr. erdogan speaks very tolerantly about russia, offers his mediation in some negotiations, about which even, well, what negotiations they can should be at the moment and there are no, well, there are definitely no conditions for this, and no one can even formulate them, and in what way, then , in your opinion, turkey, if it is really interested in freeing the black sea from such insolent russian influence, which how can it support ukraine if it has chosen such a middle role there, mr. ayder, let's recall the world experience again. the montreux doctrine, which prohibits the passage of naval vessels of belligerent countries into the waters of the black sea, you remember, is the signed doctrine, according to which turkey
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gained control. over the bosphorus and the dardanelles, despite all the seemingly diplomatic statements of erdogan, the first thing he did was to close the bosphorus of the dardonelles for the passage of naval vessels of the russian federation in the black sea, and he did it at the beginning of the large-scale invasion of the russian army into ukraine, that is , what the russian federation currently has are the remains of the black sea fleet, this is the main contribution to turkey in the issue of deoccupation and... crimea and, accordingly, the liberation of the black sea basin from the russian naval presence federation. the russians understand very well that they are being led into a trap. they cannot increase the presence of naval forces in the black sea basin, because the role of turkey is key in this matter, they block these initiatives and capabilities of the russian side. therefore, many thanks to turkey for this, by the way, it is a significant contribution to the deoccupation of crimea. and accordingly
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, the end of russia's naval dominance in the black sea? dmitry, i don't really understand this very old legislation, but let's assume that the russians want to withdraw their fleet, which is just melting before our eyes, to withdraw, it is allowed, to withdraw like this, and they can withdraw , for example, to chamchira bay, where is currently ending, this is occupied abkhazia. or new russian, if they want to bring it to syria, there are no questions, which most likely will happen, i.e. the reverse is possible, the establishment of new naval vessels is impossible, this is exactly what prevents the possibility of escalation of tension in this basin, and plus ayder, let's talk about the fact that turkey's role is not the last , namely its technologies play a role in improving
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the tactical and technical characteristics of both naval drones and, accordingly, attack drones, we are talking about uavs that attack the military infrastructure of the russians in the occupied crimea, so belittle the importance of erdogan in matters of the deoccupation of crimea, i would not. well, the turkish president now looks like a very modern person, because in today's world, in today's realities, it is all about saying one thing, but doing a little instead. some specific weapons, and you understand that somewhere a turkish analogue of hymars slipped through osintanalysts there on video, although there were no public statements about the transfer of such weapons, when you understand what kind of vehicles are used by ukrainian marines very often, that they are also
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of turkish production . hysteria in russians with on the occasion of the construction of a plant for the production of byraktars in ukrainyka, that friend erdoğan drove the scimitar, as usual, i do not want it, this is a striking characteristic of how the russians themselves accept it, mr. dmytro, you have already noted that the russians in... are aware of the similar fate of their logistics in crimea, but we also cannot say that they are not doing anything about it, this is an alternative railway line along the coast of the sea of ​​azov, how far is this project, at what stage is it in general now, the main directorate of intelligence and iok south emphasize that it will one of the priorities goals, but as we understand, well, to damage the railway track, to what extent, how long
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it interrupts it, to repair it. if we are talking about damage to the railway track, then as you rightly noted, it is three to a maximum of 5 days depending on the degree of destruction, but if an attack is made on the stations of the formation of so-called depots, respectively, or communication nodes, i.e. dispatch centers, then then it is due... in literally half an hour, that is, they hit the control room, which carries out the logistics of railway supplies tracks and everything, and there is no possibility to control those flows, or, for example, at the place of formation of railway rolling stock, that is, the so-called depots, 40-60 wagons accumulated there, and heimer flew in, hello, and there may be more than one such case and not two.
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and about statements, well, for sure.


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