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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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aid and 40 billion dollars that the european union promised to ukraine. for me, victory means that ukraine will push all russian troops out of its territory and fully restore its territorial integrity. but it's easy for me to talk about it sitting in the comfort of my home in istanbul. the leadership and the people of ukraine have to weigh much more complex compromises, life and destruction against the territory, and only the people of ukraine and those elected by them. leaders can decide what that compromise should look like. you mentioned istanbul, and actually, i would like to now you have also analyzed the situation with president erdogan and his potential opportunities, so we understand that president erdogan has now managed to negotiate an unprecedented, de facto agreement of certain possible american sanctions mechanisms against turkey with the agreement of the turkish authorities, that is , we understand that president erdogan is a powerful player, but for... how powerful will he be,
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and if we talk and go back to the so-called geneva format or the istanbul format in combination with geneva could give these or other fruits, do you have the feeling that putin is ready, despite all diplomatic attempts , to go for further escalation with further entry into the so-called even bigger war. i think that president erdoğan has proven that he is a very effective negotiator, he managed to conclude the so-called. agreement with ukraine with the participation of moscow and kyiv. he wants to continue playing this role. he seeks to mediate and sees turkey's foreign policy as aimed at stabilizing the region and bringing peace, prosperity and justice. this is his self-esteem and goal turkey. a lot of people don't agree with that, but i think that's his first priority. therefore, i believe that he will come to geneva, wanting to help conclude an agreement, if ... it will be
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possible. on the war in the middle east, erdogan and his foreign ministers are also active behind the scenes trying to broker some kind of deal. although erdogan is highly critical of netanyahu, behind the scenes turkey is trying to facilitate a deal to free more hostages and then be ready to step in if it is stopped fire, acting as a state guarantor. this is the desire of turkey. so how strong is erdogan? "i don't know how strong turkey is in this situation, it's not so much a question of brute force, because erdogan is not going to threaten anyone with military force or economic sanctions, no, he just proved that he is an effective mediator, both in the past, and putin and zelensky said they welcome erdogan's mediation. putin says that russia is ready to escalate the conflict in order to force ukraine to de-escalate. this is a national, security and russia's "military" doctrine, but
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i don't think it can go very far as part of the escalation. the only big concern is the production of weapons. the russian economy is now on a war footing, it is being completely reoriented to the production of weapons. russia produces about 200, 1555mm artillery shells per month. and when the eu increases its capacity, it will only produce 50 thousand per month. so. russia can produce a lot of weapons, but in the long run such costs will simply bury its economy. yes, the russian economy hasn't collapsed, but that's only because so much of russia's national wealth is now invested in military production, which means that the goods being destroyed are not contributing to economic growth. so putin's long-term costs of this war will be enormous, and if he escalates, the costs will be even greater. he wants to stay... in power for another 12 years, and
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i don't see how he's going to survive if he escalates this war. well, in any case, we see the readiness of the kremlin elites to continue the escalation. we see that in the next couple of years, the russian economy did not collapse, it was rebuilt, they are now, i think, at the end of the late middle ages, yes, but they are ready to smear their country with war, that is, there is no such ... question of preserving one or the other things, no, and here is the key story taking into account this moment, what would be the right thing for us to do, here is your vision and your advice, so to the leadership of our state in order to activate certain additional mechanisms, should we now deepen, no i know, military and economic cooperation with great britain, or with the european union, in particular with france, germany and poland within the weimar triangle, or on... on the contrary, we should
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now intensify our cooperation with the possible next president of the united states, donald trump, as we understand that now we have to already... develop additional new relationship strategy and specific tactics, propose and work, of course, the ideal formula is to cooperate with everyone. i think that ukraine needs the deepest possible cooperation with all its friends, unprecedented deep cooperation. i was at a conference where a german government official was speaking, and he mentioned that if, say, in the fall of 2021 someone said that the european union would invest its own funds. to help ukraine buy weapons, people would think he's out of his mind, but that's what's happening now. therefore, i believe that senator graham actually gave ukraine two pieces of advice: to produce as many weapons as possible, as quickly as possible, and to recruit more
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ukrainian citizens into the army. he insisted on lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 years. i know that this is very difficult to do in ukraine from a political point of view, but it seems that this is a very un... possible step. in addition, i believe that it would be useful if ukraine emphasized more to its friends around the world that it has significantly increased its ability to produce weapons at home. as far as i understand from an article i read in the atlanta consil a few days ago, ukraine is now capable of producing $18 billion worth of artillery shells and other weapons per month. however, the state budget of ukraine has only nine or 8 billion. dollars for the purchase of equipment and weapons that ukraine can produce independently. therefore, i believe that ukraine should ask for help not only in the form of weapons, but also in the form of financial support, which will allow you to produce more and prepare for the long-term
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deterrence of russia in the future. how should we work with donald trump's potential new team? so there were rumors that, for example, donald trump met with elon musk and so on and so on. that there is a question of teams that can neglect, well at least in the non-public sphere, what is called the ethics of international cooperation, yes, we are beginning to live in a new time, yes, well, and accordingly, it is not known what may happen additionally in the united states, but donald trump is making extremely contradictory signals, but we see that he does not lose, yes, i want to wish joseph biden's team, i don't know, victory, successful development. and so on and so forth, but we see that, well, the trump team is recruiting, and accordingly, what should we prepare for under those conditions, if in six months in the united states may have its own political revolution, and we understand that when we
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talk about isolationism, we are not talking about political or politological categories, we are talking about very specific things, in particular about military and financial aid, which may not arrive. or maybe on the contrary, well, when donald trump talks about the fact that he has a script, he has a vision, yes, what could it be, if he was ready to act sharply or not sharply, for example, communicating with the aggressor state, russia . no one knows this, y there is no trump as such a plan. trump, as he is in all his glory, is a completely narcissistic and self-righteous man. right now , he looks like a -- to me, a stronger political candidate, but biden is gaining momentum and trying to counter the concern among democratic voters , and among all voters, that he's out of date, and he's doing a pretty good job of that. trump is facing various challenges
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related to various criminal cases against him. some things can actually to help him win voters' votes, or to get them to come to the polls instead of staying home because they believe that... donald trump is being prosecuted by the us judicial system, but certain other cases, such as the one that claims that he is essentially provoked a mutiny on january 6 in congress, will cost him votes. so it's too early to tell, but even if i knew that donald trump would be elected president, i still wouldn't be able to predict anything concrete. i have no idea what his approach to ukraine will be. with on the one hand, he said he would end the war in one day if he became president. it's obvious that... this would mean that he would somehow insist on a ceasefire, which might not be good for ukraine. that's probably what he meant, though he didn't specify, so that's a bad thing. but the good thing is that he is the first us president to provide lethal aid to ukraine in the form of
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javelin anti-tank missiles. this is something that president barack obama could never or would not give ukraine. and now president trump does not say that he does not want to to help ukraine. he says. says that he does not want to help ukraine for free, it means that if ukraine gets something from the united states and from donald trump, then the united states and donald trump should get something from ukraine. so let's go. talk not about a gift, but about a loan, which ukraine may or may not have to repay. that's trump's approach so far. what this all boils down to is that i am not too concerned about donald trump's approach to ukraine if he is re-elected president, but i am deeply concerned about his approach to nato. after all, he previously spoke about the alliance as a relic of the past. and a few weeks ago, we all heard another delusion from his mouth, which is that any country... a nato member that does not invest 2% of its gdp in defense, which is nato's goal,
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is effectively allowing putin to do whatever he wants with it whatever he wants, because the usa is not going to protect such countries. in my opinion, this is a heresy, it is a heresy of the geopolitical base. no leader of any nato member country should ever say such a thing, least of all nato's most important leader. so trump is very unpredictable, absolutely conjunctural, not strategic. and selfish, and yet he has not yet said that all aid to ukraine should be stopped, and thank god. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this brilliant analysis on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that matthew bryze, former adviser to the secretary of state of the united states, ex-director of european and eurasian affairs at the us national security council, was currently working for them. god bless america, glory to ukraine. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zimaye, we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now, yuriy fizar and yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail about what has happened in the world, please give me the floor. two hours to be aware of savings. news time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day i will come. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big ether. vasyl zina's project for smart and caring people in the evening at espresso.
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the following footage may shock you, live news from the scene, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai frankly and impartially, you. you make the snow yourself.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course. the tape informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky on espresso. andriy will now work on the air of the tv channel. a prominent washington-based political pundit. glory to ukraine, andriy andriyovych. i congratulate you. glory. well, the situation we are in is extremely difficult. that is, on the one hand, we hear that the european union seems to be taking a second breath when we talk about the supply of ammunition and so on. on the other hand, we understand that the united states is once again taking a break.
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american congressmen will be on vacation again for two weeks. it was ramstein, or the day before yesterday an unprecedented statement by the us secretary of defense. he, in fact, called the shameful behavior of the american side in relation to ukraine. he said indignantly that aid to ukraine has not yet been approved, that it is a matter of honor and security for the united states. this shows the drama of the struggle taking place in the us on this issue. indeed, the bill has been thrashing around in congress for six months. on providing military aid to ukraine in the amount of 64 billion. in particular, i want to say about two visits to kyiv. on tuesday , there was a so-called friend of ukraine linzi graham, a republican senator. he is already at ten came to kyiv, was always considered a friend of ukraine and said some nonsense, that he spoke with trump, that trump said there is no need
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to pass a law on aid to ukraine. he told the ukrainian audience that trump cares about... money only as a loan , which, i'm sorry, it doesn't matter if we owe him or not, we need weapons, the debt is not scary, because if there were weapons, which are necessary for victory, after the victory, it will be grateful humanity will pay ukraine's debts dozens of times, that's not the point, all these trump maneuvers are for the sake of prolonging the situation. republicans of the year they lied that they were in favor of helping ukraine, but a law on the border was needed. when the border act was passed, trump ordered republicans loyal to him to block it. now there is new chatter, that the harvest will be given, and congress is going on vacation for two weeks again, the issue is being postponed for another two months. probably, the americans have already understood, biden
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understood the disgrace of this situation. yesterday was an unexpected visit. in kyiv salevan, as we know, is not ukraine's greatest friend, he is a person who always advocated ukraine's non-defeat, he never spoke of victory of ukraine. it seems that biden sent him in order to convince ukrainians that the american administration is now full of unity. yesterday, sullivan uttered the words victory of ukraine for the first time. he said that ukraine can win, and america will fully support it. and he also said other important words, because this is not only a question of the security of ukraine, but also a question of the security of the united states. these are all good words, but action is needed. sullivan said at the press conference that he understands that ukraine is outraged by the five-month delay of this draft law. he said, we will do everything and
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help will be provided. and he emphasized once again, this is a matter of our own security. it remains to be seen how this will be resolved, but it seems that for such decisive action, the bid by biden was prompted by the position of europe. macron proposes the so-called macron doctrine. this is not just a throw-in at a press conference. he develops the concept that we have to defeat russia. he uses the word defeat for russia for the first time. he states that... on the eve of the possible victory of trump, who will simply stop helping ukraine, which is an enemy of nato, europe will be defenseless. we lost 30 years of conversation. about the european army , we now have only one european army, it is the army of ukraine, which fights and restrains this whole eastern horde, which is ready to go to europe, and we
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must strengthen this european army by all means, up to the participation of our own armed forces. we perfectly understand, zelenskyy said this a few days ago at a press conference, that neither france nor europe currently have ready infantry divisions that could take a place on the front line, but they have unparalleled military equipment and weapons that they can provide ukraine with the same american-made f-16 or even f-35 long-range missiles. andrii andriyovych , i agree with you, they have something that they can supply, but drawing certain historical parallels, one can recall, for example, marshal pilsutsky, who... apologized to the interned ukrainian military after, so to speak , a large part of ukraine was occupied by bolshevik interventionists. yes, he said, "well, i'm very
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sorry, forgive me." well, that's what he said. then there was the story with the prime minister winston churchill. at one time, churchill agreed to the stalinist plan, which involved the occupation, partition and introduction of an occupying bolshevik administration in poland. cherchel was ashamed, so to speak , but he could not do anything, but there is a feeling, so to speak, that such things do not happen just like that, because it is not just self-preservation, they realized that they are exposed, europe remains completely defenseless against putin, and if trump withdraws not only the protection of ukraine, but withdraws the protection of europe, they realized that... they have there is no protection. i will once again repeat macron's important thesis that the only european army now, the one fighting in ukraine, needs to
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be strengthened with weapons. and its wording is very important, no red lines, i do not rule out anything, including sending french soldiers and soldiers of other countries. and it is very important on macron's part that he emphasized: our servicemen are already participating. in the war in ukraine, he emphasized that british and french specialists maintain stormsadow and scalp systems, which have been transferred ukraine. i believe that this concept of the participation of the western military is directed primarily at the issue related to aircraft, they say, look, there are no political obstacles to the supply of aircraft, the americans have removed them, and there are no economic issues, there are issues of logistics. the fact is that ukraine's victory can be due to... even now, without fleet aviation, ukraine threw the black sea
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fleet out of crimea. but success requires not dozens, but two hundred planes. no, you cannot train ukrainian pilots for two hundred planes. it's not about one pilot. for each pilot there are five more service people , including. airfields, macron's concept is to direct the aviation of nato countries. this can solve the issue of war. they understand that churchill was not worried about stalin's attack on london. and he could give poland away, but the french and the europeans cannot now give ukraine away, because they perfectly understand that they are next. and that no trump will protect them, and no one will protect them, except the ukrainian army. but secured by the supply of modern western weapons, that's what macron's concept is, in my opinion view. andrii andriyevich, if we talk about
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the scenario, the putin scenario, the kremlin scenario after putin's reappointment to the post. he is now taking russia to the military, to military rails, and after that he is preparing to leave. your vision of putin's trajectory after his reappointment. i will return to the macron doctrine. in fact, without providing weapons yet, macron has already won a political victory over putin. he turned the tables by saying that the french troops were already there and that he was not placing any restrictions. putin immediately reacted to this initiative. and this is the best illustration of his plans for his fifth presidency. on the first day, he said, that was his first reaction. macron immediately replied: france also has nuclear weapons, and with this, putin's threats were immediately
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nullified. what discussion has unfolded now on all russian patriotic channels, this z cattle indignantly says, in fact, macron declared war on russia against putin, said that we are for the defeat of russia, and our armed forces, our experts are already participating in hostilities, so why are we still did not attack france , russian patriots ask, well, not immediately with nuclear weapons, well, we already have an excellent conventional weapon, that is why they did not attack, which they perfectly understand if... they attack france, germany, poland and any which other country, the fifth article of nato will be automatically triggered immediately, putin will be hit in response. actually, with a strike on french territory, he will put the entire arsenal of nato into action against him. he will no longer worry about whether the dutch will provide 40 or 60 aircraft, but potentially all 600 f-16 aircraft that are in nato. can be
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used against him, and he understands it. with one of his concepts of no red lines, we do not rule out anything, macron has deprived putin of the possibility of blackmail, he has nothing to answer. and on the other hand, andrii andriyovych, i do not have insiders from the kremlin, but laling deger, the language of war, is an extremely telling fact for any analytical community, and accordingly, i follow... how medvedev's rhetoric changes, i.e. two years ago he was a little calmer, but now he just threw the table, you see, everything has already fallen, plans he it has, yes, but i repeat, regarding nuclear weapons, it was nullified by macron immediately, just as it was nullified by the americans with their warnings back in october 22, as soon as you reach for nuclear weapons, you will simply be killed with a blow... in
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response , and likewise, what are the plans? so they ask, you ask the same as putin 's people, why we haven't struck france yet, and the reason we haven't struck is that france also has nuclear weapons, and as for conventional weapons, the first strike against france will be directed against you all the power of long-range missiles and aircraft nato, which will make your situation very difficult. pay attention to one more very important point. the first thing putin did was activate his fifth column. everyone spoke about the fact that macron is pushing us to a world war, that this is adventurism and so on, but two days ago lepencha appeared on the screen again and suddenly said that macron is right, putin is an aggressor, he broke all the laws, now he threatens europe, and therefore it must be stopped by all means, they worked well with her, they probably showed documents about
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her finances'. and macron provided for himself domestically, putin has one argument left for france, i am sure he will use it. putin has many dormant cells of islamic terrorists in france, which he activates. did you pay attention, the last two years, when all the russian special services were completely bogged down in ukraine, the islamic terrorist acts in france stopped, and every time they happened before. one of the participants was a chechen with a russian passport, that is, these cells were controlled by moscow, well, at one time, a tool of islamic terrorism spain was brought out of the war, remember, in the middle east, yes, this tool works, and it can work in the case of france as well, putin is preparing to use this tool inside the country, you
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noticed the hysteria of the diplomats... they all declared that there will be terrorist acts in russia soon. patrushev did not invent new tricks, how they came to power, blowing up houses in ryazan, and he is going to do the same now. on the eve of the elections, the fsb allegedly exposed an islamic group in kaluga, which was preparing an explosion from a synagogue in moscow. at a meeting of the fsb, putin warned that a terrorist act was being prepared, and they should expose it. i am sure that there will be revelations and putin will take advantage of them. for the introduction of martial law in the country, a new wave of mobilization, a harsh crackdown on any critics, by the way, not only opponents of the war, but also those who will ask him preschool questions: why france, which declared war on us, has not been destroyed yet. finally, to andrii andriyovych, i wanted to ask you about the prospects of the so-called geneva swiss format, so we understand that a big summit is going to be held where...


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