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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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of this particular council of theirs, yes, the russian people's council, what it is, we understand, all this took place under the omophore of kirill gundyaev, who has the name, so to speak, of the church hierarchy, as a patriarch, but here the question is how marginal this event was and how seriously should we treat this sacralization of russian aggression against us, i.e. was it , you know, a semi-marginal, semi-marginal event, it was semi-marginal in the early 90s. in fact, this universal russian people's council, this the institution was created by the russian orthodox church back in 1993, and then it really looked marginal, and strangely enough, then
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the future patriarch of the russian church kirill joined in its creation. and it was at this russian people's council that he announced his ideas of the russian world in the early 2000s. and now what we saw, we saw, let's say, the formalized ideology of religious nazism, we can probably call it that, and that's why we have to treat it seriously. because it is an ideological action which aimed at the authorities, that is, the russian church is trying to determine the strategy for the development of russia, because this document is called an order , they order, yes, that is, what is the status of this document, well, that is, i do not understand too well, you know, in the internal russian church documentation, well, that is ala encyclical, that is, this order. patriarch,
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is it something that prompts the authorities to listen to them, yes, because it is what i represent, represents the entire russian-orthodox world, but really, this is an attempt to present the community rusmirovsk, yes, and give an order to the russian state on behalf of this community, that is , this is an ideological document, mr. father. i mentioned whether it is sometimes not comparable to the fact that now from our politicians and from our western partners there are quite serious statements that russia is planning a major offensive for the spring and summer of this year, do you think that the russian church can be a kind of such a recruiting center that will... recruit
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additional strength in the russian army, well, this so-called cathedral takes place regularly, this is already the 25th, last year putin was on it as an icon on the screen when everyone prayed, that is, they directly proclaimed a prayer to him, so this is a regular gathering, so to speak, that it was collected specifically for something, i wouldn't say so, but on it... relevant ideological messages are proclaimed, i think, this message of the holy war, a message about the satanic west, a certain ideology, you know, such a nazi type of migration, demographic politicians, that is, this a very interesting document, and i think that much of what is said at such gatherings then becomes part of the official doctrine, ideology. of the russian state, so this
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is actually the other side of the russian state, that is , it is an integral part of everything that russia is doing now, and it is, well, let's say, the reinforcement of what it wants to say to its own people and to the outside, see who would say so accompanied all of them? glorious processes now, if we are talking about putin's closest entourage, this is kovalchuk, it is not only kovalchuk, that is, how this circle is now framed is this the orthodox russian taliban? i don't know who kovalchuk is, i'm sorry, but for sure, kovachuk is a russian oligarch who is close to putin, and during putin's stay in the kovid bunker, he actively brainwashed him in terms of ideology, specifically in relation to what they outlined.
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the gloom they see in the west without seeing it in themselves. well, look, this institution is headed by patriarch kirill, that is, it is a supposedly public organization headed by... yes, that is, this concept is being introduced, which was in ideologues of german nazism before the second world war, that is , the same rhetoric is used, so i think that part of the ideology is aimed at religious people, and on the other hand, it is religion. not the consecration of russian nazism , which i think is already in a transition stage from what could be called fascism, yes, now it is already nazism, but of the soviet type, where
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this russian world is emerging, yes, which is bigger than russia, more than only russians, it is already the center of eurasia, it is already... such a world a construction that fights world evil , that declares a religious war, if taken in the islamic version, then it would look like jihad, i think that we will see something similar with russian islam and something similar will probably happen with other religious denominations in russia will take place, that is, there will be a certain religious mobilization. in order to consecrate and grant a certain sacred status to the russian peace, the russian system and the russian state, directly to putin and in general to all the actions that russia is currently taking in the world and in particular in
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ukraine. we thank you. father georgy kovalenko, priest of ocu, rector of the open orthodox university of st. sophia of wisdom, was on our air and talked about the congress. of the russian orthodox church and their intentions to turn the so-called svo into , as they say, a sacred, national-liberation, russian struggle, this is the situation, we are now going for a short break, after it we will return to our airwaves, stay with us. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on hbo's new satirical series on mekogo, mode. can her tyranny lead to freedom, watch in ukrainian in mego's subscription. damn, stepladders, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm choking. what, there is no health? but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade. i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin
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only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda, russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to transform ukrainians in malorossiy. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life - frankly and impartially, you draw conclusions
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themselves. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the information day of the tv channel continues, well , on march 25, the verkhovna rada registered a bill proposing to regulate the work of the telegram network, this is not about a ban, this is not about restricting freedom of speech, but to regulate so that this extremely popular messenger can be, as they say, it is comparable to our ukrainian legislation, well, that is, there is a legislative framework that applies to... many, so to speak, mass media communications, these are not even just mass media, but communications, that is
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, things that regulate the work of facebook, youtube and so on and so on, that is, there are open representations where people can turn to in case of something in order to be heard, but the network, which in itself is not controlled from ukraine, but works in ukraine, this matter should be reviewed, and we would like to bring it all to some common civilized denominator, so well... let's hope, well, you know here, it's also important what if we talk about media, yes for example, how do we, yes, espresso, when we say something, we are responsible for what we say, if we talk about social media, then very often there can be quite unverified information on social media, yes, or for example, social media can be used to discredit this or that person, well, it is also important here that all these networks, they could also be somehow regulated, and the people who spread this information, they also bore some responsibility for it, because... we as journalists, we are responsible for what we say, well, actually, when it comes to
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the honor and dignity of a certain person, yes, if we talk about the spread of this or that information in social networks, then it is quite difficult to prove the opposite, if this or that information is already spreading very, very quickly through social networks networks, we will analyze all this together with radislav tkachenko , a lawyer, whom we actually welcome on our airwaves, good day, for the sake of seeing you, glory to ukraine, mr. radislav, well, let's first of all give this, as if naive, but actually fundamental concept , you know as honor, dignity, business reputation, we understand that the destruction of such things can happen not in, i don’t know, in a direct way, yes, i don’t take artificial intelligence generated, lying video images or some composed photos, well, but we understand that certain processes are ongoing and we understand that it is necessary to protect what is called the business reputation of people, that is , when we... talk about telegram channels, well , very often, you know, it is like hitting the water in a lake with a stick, you know, that is,
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there is no feedback, the splashes fly further, but we cannot stop some things, and accordingly, yours, your opinion, your vision, indeed, telegram and other social networks in principle, they are becoming more and more the main source of information consumed by ukrainians, and the biggest problem is the spread of unreliable information . about events in the world , which, by the way , our enemies use very well, unfortunately, and about people, and the reason for such a problem is usually the anonymity of these channels, no one bears any responsibility for the information they publish, you are all right you say therefore, it can create both a risk for our national security, which is definitely important in those realities and in the realities in which we live, but it can also create risks regarding... encroachments on the honor, dignity and business reputation of our fellow citizens.
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so, regarding what in general we should understand by dignity, honor, business reputation, these are actually quite complex concepts, and what clear definition of them actually does not exist, because they are more such moral and ethical categories, each in some way they are determined, but in ukraine the judicial practice nevertheless nevertheless formed a certain vision on... for example, the supreme court of ukraine, which in 2009 formed certain such and such indicative definitions, let's say, and by dignity, usually personal is meant. a person's attitude and a person's personal recognition of his value as a unique individual, if you personally treat yourself in a certain way, this is about your dignity, honor - this is precisely about a different view of a person from the point of view of other people, this is honor it's about a positive assessment by other people around you
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is based on some generally accepted ideas about good. evil, and the business reputation of a physical or legal entity is also an assessment by other people, but of certain business and professional qualities, so we imagine these concepts somewhere in such a framework. look, mr. radoslav, we would like to ask you how to proceed procedurally, well , for example, there was this or that fake picture, or this or that fake news, poured it into the anonymous telegram channels of the mind. what's the point of stumbling for the current one with all that work legislation, and accordingly, in general, if we are talking about the use of such black technologies, what is the situation in ukraine, when we are talking about the deliberate encroachment on the honor and dignity of certain specific people, and are there any mechanisms in general defense, well, because
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we can sue, the court will say, so to speak, that it's a lie, but this lie will already go around... this village 10 times before that, and we understand that the first shot is always more important , than then 10 requests. of course you have full right about this, and the huge problem is precisely that it is impossible to adequately react to such a violation of your rights, because really people believe what they hear, it is much easier for them to not check the information, to believe the source that they consider for themselves... authoritative, although it may not be so, and that's all, they are convinced that the information they heard is the truth, and effective means of protection, for example, with anonymous channels, they basically do not exist , that's probably why now and the question arises of how to somehow regulate the activity of social networks in ukraine, so that
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you can at least turn to someone to protect your rights in the event that inaccurate information is published about you. the only question is whether it will be effective, however, i have to note that the problem with this violation of honor and dignity, it is not only based on the fact that there are some anonymous telegram channels or there on viber or wherever, in my opinion, the problem in ukraine with encroachment on honor and dignity as well is based on the fact that the state also allows itself to encroach on the honor and dignity of our citizens, in which it is expressed, it is for... it is expressed in the activities of, for example, law enforcement agencies, which unjustifiably accuse people of having committed some crime, they without appeal, they write on their press releases, in which they indicate that such and such a person committed such and such an act, which is punishable, and describe all the factual circumstances that they consider allegedly proven, but in fact the guilt of this person has not been established, yet
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the court , it is not yet known whether it is true at all wrote the body of the pre-trial. for example, whether it is the state bureau of investigation or the bureau of economic security or so on, but these people are already considered guilty in society, and they are already treated as guilty, and i want to convey the opinion that even though we are trying now to regulate the activities of supposedly anonymous telegram channels of our citizens who publish information on social networks, but we also have to set these high, rather high demands on... the state that publishes this information, for example, i recently came across information that the state bureau of investigation considers mr. zhivago to be guilty of a number of crimes there, it clearly indicates in its press releases that he is a sanctioned oligarch who is guilty of the crimes they indicate, however
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, it is clear to me, as a lawyer, as a defense attorney, that in fact these cases are brought only for the purpose of... on the relevant person, that they do not have any evidence, because if there was evidence, we would have already seen a real trial and so on , that's why state agents will use such press releases to call them that, they discredit the very understanding of honor and dignity on the part of the state, and therefore on and then they try to tell in the same social networks, in the public space, that other persons are trying to... discredit their activities, then they themselves are not bad are discredited, so this thing i'm talking about, the fact that the state can accuse certain people of committing crimes, is negative. is expressed in the honor and dignity of these people, both within the framework of the entire country, and may have consequences globally for the status and image of ukraine in
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international environment, why, because our economy is, in fact, export-oriented, and when our foreign partners read all these media, it is not so difficult to read ukrainian media, read press releases, press releases. they can also believe in this, well, because the state cannot write some unverified information, but it turns out that it can, and they believe in it, they refuse to cooperate with our entrepreneurs, as a result, the ukrainian economy loses, loses funds that they could get, and unfortunately, law enforcement agencies as well the state bureau of investigation, the bureau of economic security, the security service of ukraine, even sometimes allows this. they do not understand that with such actions, such reckless , reckless theses, they are simply ruining our economy, because our entrepreneur cannot
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generate income, cannot pay these taxes, and they may, in my opinion, may not understand this, because these bodies, they do not create positive, they do not fill the budget on their own, they do not bring any profit to our state, they are actually consumers of our taxes, for which they are living. and therefore they, they do not have this awareness, and we are not opposed, in principle, to the fact that pre-trial investigations were conducted, but it is impossible to assert categorically about the guilt of a certain person, if the trial has not yet taken place, such people should be treated as innocent, because it is not known, maybe such a fact did not exist, it was simply invented. thank you, mr. radoslav, radoslav tkachenko, the lawyer was in touch with us, and speaking, for example, about the business reputation and dignity, for example, we take the same rivnesky, for example, the military commissar , that is, he didn’t steal anything there, for example, but someone wrote him, that is, we understand that
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the military commissar will get a kick out of it at home, and maybe not only at home, but that means there is no composition of the crime there, you understand, that is , but someone wrote to an official at a military facility, so there is the question of who wrote, who leaked and so on and so on and so on, iryna friz, people's deputy. of ukraine and members of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security, defense and intelligence are already with us at connection, mrs. irina, we are glad to see you, and we will immediately go to the point, so today it became known that your committee has already completed consideration of the amendments, we would like to ask you about the amendments to the draft law on the settlement of mobilization, if the audience does not know what the situation is with the draft law and what actually means the completion of consideration of the amendments in the committee, and about restrictions right away, yes indeed. today , consideration of all 4 2 42 269 amendments registered to the draft law was completed, then the committee
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proceeds to consideration of committee exercises, which must now be prepared and next week, after their consideration, in fact , it may be adopted, which allows consideration of this draft law immediately after inclusion in the order. issued by the parliament of ukraine. how long can this process last, when in the near future this draft law may end up in the walls of the parliament for consideration at the session? everything depends on it being included in the agenda. i am sure that the committee will make a decision before the next meetings of the verkhovna rada, so it depends on the speaker to include this bill in the agenda. is under consideration and we have started. the hearing is already in the hall, dear ms. irina, well, accordingly, we would like to ask you about the specifics, so to speak, of the committee's amendments, what you missed, what you did not
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miss, and in general, if we take a procedural moment, for example, the committee recommends one thing, can someone out loud, for example, cut down the editing of the committee, what is the mood in the verkhovna rada in the session hall? well, we will see that when the bill reaches the session hall, but you are absolutely right. that any amendment which the committee will consider, approve, it will be possible to shoot down , including in the hall during the consideration of copyright amendments, as for what exactly the committee will consider, the committee must consider and approve the algorithms for dismissal from military service, these are changes to the 26th article, we insist on so that it is clearly established that it is not only 36 months of continuous military service, but that there should be a safeguard... 18 months under combat orders, and then this serviceman can be released from military service by presidential decree,
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because it is the president, as the supreme... commander-in-chief, who sets the terms of military service, so this construction is quite logical and acceptable, unlike what exists now, 36 months of continuous service at the decision of the rate, which has no such authority , nor functional duties, and therefore this construction is false and requires real changes in order for this mechanism to be effective, but not... that manipulative fiction that was laid down in the first reading today. mrs. irina, and about the postponement, if possible, then at least in such broad strokes, to whom it will be available according to the decision of the committee, to whom, unfortunately, the postponement does not shine? well, 100% will be available to persons with disabilities of the first, second, third group, 100% will be available to caregivers, but
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it will be done. the exchange of registers between the ministry of social policy and the ministry of defense, which will allow to remove the issue, that is, to remove the possibility of evading care for a person who needs this care, because as of now there are many cases when for one person who in need of care, is fixed as retainers, as caretakers of... five or six people, and these examples were given to us in the ministry of defense due to the exchange of data between registers for one person who will need care according to medical reports, only one will care a person, and not, as is now the starting norm, try to use this particular edition in order to evade military service. 100% will be all post-graduate students of all forms of education, both
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budgetary and non-budgetary, on postponement, accordingly this issue is already settled, therefore the postponement, it will be more clearly prescribed, on the one hand, so that they do not use the legislation to evade military service under good intentions, on the other hand , so that it does not affect in any way... the interests of people who fall into categories that require care or are persons with a certain group of disabilities. restrictions, ms. irina, restrictions, sanctions, fines, administrative and so on, as they will increase, yes, well, because there are people who just ignored any messages from the military commanders, and also, well, it needs to be adjusted, a minute of time, yes, you are
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absolutely right, administrator. tive and criminal liability exists in the current legislation, but the mechanisms of their application, unfortunately, are ineffective, so these so-called influence measures, which the ministry of defense proposes to apply, they will be written out in the configuration that, i hope, will give the opportunity to the representatives of the tsksp to more clearly prove the position about the necessity of attendance to all, because this draft law will to oblige all citizens of ukraine from 18 to... to update their personal data, in this way the military record will become much better and the ministry of defense and the general staff will be able to understand the availability of a mobilization resource from which a mobilization reserve must be formed in order to to supplement our teams and carry out regular rotations on a permanent basis. thank you, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the specialized committee, was in touch with us, they talked
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about the draft law on strengthening mobilization. antin and i are saying goodbye to you for today, we will pass the baton to our colleagues and we will see you in this studio on monday. keep yourselves. greetings to everyone who is with us, the news team is ready to talk about the main events of this hour. three civilians were injured in an enemy attack in odesa. russian aviation hit the city with two kh-59 guided missiles. they were launched from the waters of the black sea - informed the head of the region oleg.


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