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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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zelenskyi, he said that the military wants 500,000 ukrainians to be mobilized, but i am against it, given the history that is currently taking place around the mobilization law, why do you think zelenskyi does not take on a decisive role, so that his words, his position, his speech before the verkhovna rada would probably be enough for the verkhovna rada... to make the right and timely decisions and not drag on this bill for four months like the congress of the united states of america? well, in general the story is very strange, because the behavior itself is, well, i would say fronderish from the servant of the people party, fronderish to the banking party, then, such an asset.
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zelenskyi's non-self-removal from contact with the verkhovna rada creates a strange situation when neither the servant of the people party nor zelenskyi count on each other in the event of the end of the war and a new election campaign. the impression is that zelensky does not see support for himself in this party, if he is going to be elected second. term, then it is unlikely that he will build on the basis of this party apparatus headquarters, the party itself does not count on zelensky now, because it perfectly understands that zelensky's popularity is not as high as even uh, well, in an indirect way, they are trying to impose an opinion, uh, about through the level of trust, avoiding a direct electoral rating, so what... it is basically impossible
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to establish it now, but the game is being played so that, well, at the finish line, who will be more important, because now there is a question with this leprosy from may 20, then the council itself, which due to the fact that it cannot be carried out again re-elections, the council suddenly dissolved. and it looks very strange, because in fact, the stay, well, it's already five and a half years of the supreme ninth convocation, er, it projects the same low functional capacity of the bank, the bank is also sewn up, and the impression such that we have a management circle, a collapse , especially since in a situation where we really need western help, after all, western
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partners would like to see a host with whom you can negotiate, with whom you can talk, here, when the ukrainian authorities in eyes swear that she will fulfill what, everything, that was agreed upon, then turns around and acts at her discretion, and there is no extreme under these circumstances, this is very, very bad, that is, in essence, we have such a total managerial dysfunction in... and in the cabinet of ministers , and the cabinet of ministers simply gives less voice, he, he is in the shadow of the bank, but this is also evidence that the constitutional model of state management has been destroyed in the country, and unfortunately, to restore the constitutional order, under the current composition of the verkhovna rada, under the current president, unlikely to succeed. against this background, mr. volodya'. there was a rotation in
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to the power block, another rotation, since this rotation started on february 8 or february 7 , well, it actually continued, danilov, the secretary of the nsdc , went to another job, that is, he was fired, oleksandr lytvynenko came in his place, but zelenskyi now says that the work of the renewed council is starting of national security and defense, and he named five tasks of the nsdc, the first of which is to strengthen ukraine's ability to predict and influence the processes of peacekeeping. depends on the national security of the state, the second is the continuation of all current tasks and particularly attentive to the sanctions policy, the third - doctoral work, the clarity of national guidelines and systematic implementation, then cyber security and information , more needs to be done to protect against hostile destabilization operations and the coordination of all state institutions in this area, and the work of the rate, project decisions, control according to the implementation of decisions, the priority is state defense and protection. society, and
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let's listen to what volodymyr zelensky himself said about this. the national security service has every opportunity to unite. potential ukrainian development and other bodies that function in the field of national security, we need to strengthen ukraine's ability to predict and influence the processes on which the national security of our state depends. well, actually, mr. volodymyr, the nsdc, as a control center , was probably the largest control center under kuchma, the president, that is, when... when volodymyr horbuli led the nsdc, and probably the nsdc during turchynov's time under poroshenko. that is, whether these are all the tasks that zelensky is now articulating, or this is the same thing that
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the national security and defense council should be doing, moreover, the secretary of the nsdc is the secretary of the chairman of the nsdc, and the chairman of the nsdc is president zelenskyi, so... it is worth reminding that the head of the nsdc is the president, secondly , the secretary deals with the technical function, he is the organizer. and he, by the way, is somewhat higher in the state hierarchy than the head of the office. but it seems to me that this replacement, it was made so that the head of the office remained the vice president. secondly, what about lytvynenko himself. let me remind you that lytvynenko, he nsdo'. has been working since its creation, when academician gorbulin brought him along as his assistant. let me remind you that lytvynenko is the co-author of many of horbulin's books, and there was also general bilov, in my opinion, the three of them
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created one of the books, horbulin, lytvynenko, bilov, so we can say that lytvynenko, first of all, is not a new person , he was even turchynov's deputy for some time. it has been there for a long time, but during this time from academician gurbulin to the current state, the nsdc lost several specialized security institutes, which dealt with problems, for example, external, external security, well, that is, these institutes were shortened, in the end, all this security work was reduced to only a residual principle, what remained. the national institute of strategic studies , which was also headed by lytvynenko, who for some time, and in fact, he always prepares notes and an annual message for the president, well, that is, we can say that in terms of such, well, analytical
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bureaucracy, litvinenko really, well, will do the nsdc is a silent advisory body according to the model. well , really, maybe, maybe an academic horbulin, only litvyanenko is not the same format, that is, he, he himself is not, not a visionary like horbulin, and secondly, it seems to me that danilov is still tied up with sanctions equipment, because some sanctioned players of the rnbu, they were faster raiding, not protection of national interests. when western partners were surprised to discover that a set of sanctions against certain characters, which were adopted in the united states, in europe, were suddenly ignored in ukraine, that is, ukraine does not reach the level of western partners in sanctions pressure
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on russia in the first place. well, we recall that danilov was one of the actual implementers. in the pressure on medvedchuk of sanctions, but at the same time, for example , with the participation of the nsdc , markets were redistributed, in particular the game industry became, in fact, reformatted thanks to the nsdc, and i want to remind you that the game industry did not pay uah 23 billion to the budget po... but the nsdc didn't get their hands on this game industry, it turns out that a large part of the stolen money, including mine defense money, was laundered through it. mr. volodymyr, how do you assess the prospects of the diplomatic future, mr. danilov,
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today there was information that he may be the ambassador of ukraine to moldova, i do not know how true this is, because a few days ago they said that he would fly to norway, well... in general, the practice of announcing a courier when agriman has not even been received is essentially, well, so to speak, disrespectful to the country that is supposed to receive it. ambassador recommended by ukraine. well, moldova can eat this insult, so to speak. in general, kyiv from the first days of the election zelenskyi behaved very rudely with moldova several times, although, let me remind you that after being elected, may sandu visited the first capital, which she visited, was kyiv. therefore , moldova is very important for us now, because it is a transit country for us, and... we are participants in the essence of such a security scenario for
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moldova, because blocking the border with transnistria, plus now successful actions at sea, we actually created the circumstances, under which moldova will eventually be able to bring its stormy regions to national legal status. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for you conversation, it was volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, you can take part in the survey, today we ask you about whether you are satisfied with danilov's work on the post of secretary of the national security council, yes, no, if you have a personal, special opinion, you can leave it. in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, take to hold a smartphone or phone and vote if
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you are satisfied with danilov's work 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we are in touch with roman tsimbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, former vaskor unian in moscow. mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. hello, serhiy, congratulations. let me remind you that roman tsymbalyuk has a powerful youtube channel, anyone who is not yet subscribed to this youtube channel, join roman already has 1,190,000 viewers, i think there will be more. roman, let's start with the orthodox jihad, which was announced by patriarch kirill gundyaev at the so-called worldwide russian people's council. and there, at this council, an order was passed, and this order
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reads that the entire territory of modern ukraine should enter the zone of exclusive influence of russia, and the large-scale invasion of russia into ukraine is called a holy war. i will quote this document. from a spiritual and moral point of view, a special military operation is sacred a war in which russia and its people, defending the single spiritual space of holy russia. perform the mission of a deterrent, protecting the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the west, which has fallen into satanism. well, gundyaev himself said that this order is aimed at strengthening and developing the so-called russian peace, at the same time denying its open and frank nazi character. let's hear what he said. the main task of these orders, as well as the long-term activity of the entire world russian. his spiritual and vital forces
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always led to weakening and crisis of the russian state, therefore the restoration of the unity of the russian people, as well as its spiritual and vital potential, are key conditions for the development of russia and the russian world in the 21st century, and let no one scare us with russian... the translator must be careful that the ukrainian language... russian peace must be translated russian peace, because these are two big
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differences between the word russian and русский, and because the russian nazis are speculating on this very thing, then i looked very carefully at gundyaev, at this main moscow pope, and especially here on the shoulders of him looked, from here, and it seemed to me that there , after all, here they finally appeared, these fsb epaulettes, it is clear that this is far from being a colonel. and obviously the colonel generals, but in general we must say to these moscow popes that they are well done, they burned down this office, this is confirmed once again. that there cannot be any moscow popes and their representatives in ukraine, and here attention, what they have done, in fact, surprisingly, will benefit us, the fact that they use their comrades in vryas in the interests of russian intelligence and russian military states, we have here, well, the majority is already
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clear, and the fact that they made a document and said that the war is very cool, now... we can such figures as tucker carlson, who is very there, very fond of thinking about the oppression here we have by signs of faith and so on, to say: look, tucker and his friends, whose brains were brainwashed by the russians, here they are terrorists, they are war criminals, and this story, it has nothing to do with trust in god, well, on the other hand, what did he say... uh, the muscovite talked about the crisis in russia, it's very good, they are up to the word you have to get used to it, i heard a phrase here today that if you want to find the answer to what awaits us, look to the future, oh, look to the past, well, in the russian federation, in the russian federation they have everything one to one, ah-ah , that's why russian nationalism does exist,
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only it is too... it is just too involved in all these fascist ideas, that's why there will be no big new difference for us to do what we do with the moscow priests, the only thing is that we have raised this topic now, i remembered the film that was released on the russia-1 tv channel, don't ask why i like it looked, but there they talked about papady, whose husband, that is, the moscow priest, was destroyed. was killed in ukraine, and among other things, the following phrase sounded there: he was from the landing brigade, from one of the landing brigades, and among other things, the following phrase sounded there: he has been going to donbass since 2014, well, actually, we collected all this and now have it
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general general and no one will be able to play the game anymore, and the moscow popes, they are there, but they are not there, they are for god at all, no, they serve hell, and we have seen this once again, well, damn, what can be said here in principle, and on the other here it is simply difficult to name these people in these clothes, but here are those who were recently connected with them, and now say that they are independent, this is the ukrainian orthodox church, the moscow patriarchate, they say that this statement about the holy war contradicts the basic principles of christian morality and distanced itself from the ideology of this russian world, that what is said in the statement of the uocp, the ukrainian orthodox church does not support and
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distance itself from the ideology of the russian world, moreover, the attitude of our church towards this... idea has long been public expressed most blessed patriarch, metropolitan, give the entire kyiv movement an honor, we are not building a russian world, we are building god ’s world, ocu spokesman metropolitan evstratiy wrote on facebook that the structure of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, headed by metropolitan monufry, is quite reminiscent of a person suffering from of domestic violence, but is unable to break up with the rapist, or is it now one of... could be one of the good reasons for the uoc, after all, they will decide where they consider canonical according to their statement the roc church, are they still from the ocu and there is some dialogue going on regarding unification, regarding the fact that
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the church should still be ukrainian, not moscow, and not russian. and not to have, as metropolitan eustratiy says, the signs of a person who suffers from domestic violence, but is not able to go after the rapist, well , to understand who is the rapist and who plays in which team, you need to go to the website of the russian orthodox church and to look at these moscow priests, and among the list of these moscow priests we will see ania. for all rocru, so you know here the fact that there will be no russian church or a branch of the russian church here, no... there will be no lavra, neither in kyiv, nor in pachaiv, nor in any other, that's all clear. the question remains, how to act? well, there are two basic
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, two basic approaches, that is, a non-revolutionary approach, when over time, the people will think, come to the conclusion, why moscow popes, if we are ukraine, in fact, the majority of people who go there and really love to believe in god, this does not mean that they want here... putin, the russian army and so on, well, historically it happened, that is, this story is, well, objectively more complicated. the second approach is to ban the russian orthodox church, its branches in minmin are much closer, because there were too many examples of moscow priests, they fight, spy, and so on, and so on. and you see, at the moment these issues are in the council. eh hung up, i’m not sure that they themselves are so urgent, although during the war everything has to be decided quickly, but globally, that’s what stopped the russian orthodox church from being banned in
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ukraine, one thing is that they believed that some people in the west there would think that this will be this is the reason why we oppress the church here, the russian-speaking, the pope, pasha mercedes, that they suffer, they beat very hard... on the floor and prayed to god, but we do not interfere with them, now you look, everything is a cross, they are for war full stop, so you see, let's just talk about this out loud again for all of us, i personally don't care what church my neighbors go to or if they go there at all, i want safety for myself, my children , for their country, if here... there are people who wear robes and say, and for theirs their bellies have attached crosses, and
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at the same time they reduce the security of this state, then they should answer in the same way as the rest, and not hide behind their robes, well, it seems to me that this is an absolutely obvious thing, and here it is not necessary here , somehow it is so harsh formulated , but this, it's just... why should they point russian missiles at us and talk about who's there, we're satanists, there's something else, that is, to explain to a certain part of ukrainian society, who have problems with their heads, that there can be no other options, who is to blame because russian missiles are flying here, whoever launches them is to blame, period, here, this is not a discussion for... political science, this is a matter of the actions of law enforcement and special bodies, and a matter of national security, of course, of ukraine and the security of the citizens of the ukrainian state,
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during the week, we see how putin tries to play the role of a victim, after the terrorist attack in crocus, we see that he is trying to convince everyone that idol is either controlled by ukraine there, or that ukraine is somehow involved. although biden clearly says this week that putin is a butcher, a butcher, and that's it, no more may be another language. for whom has putin prepared this image of a victim and for whom will he be convincing in a situation when he is the number one terrorist in the world, but he is trying to take over the role of the number one victim, i would say so in the world. i do not think that they will be able to do this in the international arena, of course, there will be states that take a neutral position on this matter, and we also
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cooperate with them, first of all, this is an influence on the russian masses, stand up, the country is huge, you see such, they are cunning, these ukrainians hired takzhi guys who shot people there, if they really shot them, if they really shot them, then of course they are terrorists. but usually this requires a court, some sort of clarification of the situation, here what we see, we see cut off ears, beaten people, and there is an opinion that if vladimir putin's ears are cut off, then he will also confess, admit that he is actually that is an agent and a pasipaka, i don't know, of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. well, well, i just thought that kirill budanov was a mess, somehow it is unworthy of kirill budanov, so be it, that is, all these statements are theirs. again,
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if we distance ourselves from this propaganda part, it means that all the evidence that they obtained from these people and that they asked publicly, in fact , russia had not yet come to this, they only asked without cameras, then they cut off the fly and so on , so now they have the latest information that these tajik guys, they were going to... kyiv to receive awards and said that this is proof, because one of these people said it, he testified about it , well, in fact, the question itself, it is not surprising, or somehow what kind of reward did they want, if before that they talked about money, but once again we are in a situation where we do not
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need to make excuses with... at all, because, well, this is a sword, and if anyone makes any accusations on the basis of the words of these detainees, then they are obliged to present them to the public, in particular, so that they show how many they have, whether they have ears or not, whether they have all their fingers, or do they have all their nails, or do they have them on their body, because they are the same cats, they well, they will force you to sign anything. any document, here are these shots that we see, well , it is immediately visible, well, it is immediately visible that they were going to kyryll budanov to receive some kind of award, and those who are there are telling something, and this victim, we must not allow so that you somehow know these movements, here i am, i just want to remind everyone when this...
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tragedy happened, we have the right not to sympathize, but a tragedy is a tragedy, many civilians were shot, children were there and so on, the house burned down, and so on let it burn better, but what did the russian invaders start to write on their fabs, they wrote for crocus, and here the question arises, if they threw bombs for crocus then, why are they throwing them today and for the last two years, please. two and a half years, so everything is clear here , and let's note that no matter how much they are there , you did not make efforts to make them feel sorry for everyone here, there is masha zakharova, nishmara, midovska, and the official speaker of the russian federation, she is there like a stopwatch stood and noted who, when, what words, expressed condolences to the russian federation, and...
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accordingly, the anglo-saxons, that is, questions, nothing nothing has changed, they are simply using this situation solely to manage the hatred of the russian invaders, russian men, and it was no accident that we had the first assumption that this would be the basis for announcing a full-scale mobilization, they can use this, by the way. .. i have to finish the broadcast, thank you, roman tsimbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, friends, during the broadcast we conduct a survey, we will now see the interim results of the survey, are you satisfied with the work of danilov as secretary of the nsdc, 22%, 78 dissatisfied, next we have a journalist club, in 15 minutes yanina sokolova and kateryna nekrecha will be there, stay with us.
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tusk warns europe that it is necessary to prepare for war, zelensky calls for giving ukraine more weapons, whether the west will give the necessary help to ukraine, this is about the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast, live from london, in the jafer umerov studio. therefore, the prime minister of poland, donald tusk, in an interview with the european zmi, warned that europe has entered the pre-war period, if ukraine is defeated by russia, no one will not be able to feel safe in europe and added that war is no longer a concept from the past. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi also spoke about the threat of war expansion the day before.


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