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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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and dad said, they are shelling our dacha, and indeed there was a rocket attack, and this big expensive rocket flew to this place, where the guests of our city rest, and we all, and we always called this dacha the territory of love, my neighbors from .. they took the wreckage of this rocket, brought it to me, and this is how the first sculpture was born, we called this project the study of evil, because we are researching, he as an artist, researches the forms, how is it possible for such evil to appear in the other world , we have to show it to european opinion leaders german, for example, to politicians, journalists,
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to convey it through art, to convey it in other ways, so that we can get more and more air defense installations there to protect our skies or any weapon that the world can give us. when we started the unesco project, we did not yet know whether odessa would be led and whether odessa would not be captured, and whether odessa would be destroyed or not. destroyed, no one knew yet, so we were clinging to every opportunity to save, if they are going to destroy what is on the unesco world heritage list, then this there will be a war crime, high-level counterculture, now we are standing next to a house that was, well, not destroyed 100%, but very badly damaged, and now after it became the object of a neighbor. you and i know
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100% that it will be reconstructed. ukraine was so interesting that any international institution wanted to somehow contribute to the topic of ukraine. and when we realized that right now we can use this tool, but it will be a chance for odessa to change when the war is over. i am very proud because i i know that... we made the vector development of odessa in the right direction, odessa will little by little, little by little, become as beautiful as it should be, and this is very important to me, what happened on february 24, it is in general, it is the destruction of everything , what happened cannot be forgiven, well i... for example,
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i am not going to forgive my relatives who stayed there, we will forever remember who is the main enemy for the existence of our nation, our country, the state, we will forever we will remember all the tragedies experienced by each of it didn't matter to us, it was an evacuation, it was a bomb there that fell near the house and killed someone nearby. or is it there for boys, they will never forget everything that happened to them at the front, tired of the war, well, okay, go die, well, like, go bury yourself, die, well, you are tired of the war, and what exactly are you you do, well, like, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon, that is , you have to allocate your resources, as in any situation in your life, in you, you have to treat it systematically, well... i'm also tired, but nothing, drank
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take a tranquilizer pill and continue working, i even thought to myself, i would like some kind of rest, to really rest, what will it be, i don’t know who but us, no one will do it, only we can do it with him, the task is to knock it out now teeth and break the bones of the empire so much that it either bends. or channel for a long time and could not, could not get to us, this is a task for the armed forces, for all of us, if we do not win, we will disappear with you, you and i will simply be killed even for this interview, they will find him and they will kill us so if you do you want this interview, and we will continue our conversation even over a cup of coffee.
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we have to win there next summer.
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russia continues to destroy ukrainian infrastructure and prepare for a new offensive, which may begin in may-june of this year, volodymyr zelenskyi suggests. in ukraine, meanwhile, a bill on mobilization is being prepared, but critics of the document say that it will not affect anything. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. we begin. the ukrainian military command adjusted its plans regarding the replenishment of the army. if earlier it was believed that the armed forces needed 500,000 recruits, now, after an audit in the army , this number is lower. at least. this is what the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi claims in his first major interview for the ukrinform agency. silskyi did not specify the exact number of military personnel needed by the armed forces. however, we expect, he says, that we will have enough people capable of defending the country. after reviewing
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our internal resources and clarifying the combat composition of the armed forces, this figure was significantly reduced. we expect to have enough people. able to defend the homeland, it is not only about the mobilized, but also about volunteers. it must be taken into account that people are not robots, they are exhausted physically and psychologically, especially in the conditions of hostilities. for example, those people who came to the tcc in february 2022 need rest and treatment. we are currently reviewing the numbers of certain non-combat units based on an audit of their activities. this allowed us to release. thousands of military personnel and direct them to combat units. last week, i will remind, the prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal made a similar statement in an interview with bloomberg. he said that currently there is no need to mobilize 500,000 people into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine.
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volodymyr zelenskyy voiced such a need, referring to the requests of the military. this was at the end of last year, shortly before valery zaluzhny's resignation. meanwhile, the verkhovna rada committee on national security. of defense and intelligence considered all 4269 amendments to the bill on mobilization, then work on the final version of the document and voting in the parliament, ideally this bill should have solved not only the issue of strengthening mobilization, but also many other issues, such as responsibility for evaders or motivation for the military or transparency of the service, reservation rules and much, much more, but, according to the deputy head of the committee maryana bezugla, the draft law... allegedly does not respond to all these challenges in any way, she generally compares the draft bill to a bucket of water. let's be frank, again, does frankenstein decide what forms in the committee's main tasks: to strengthen mobilization? no, eliminate
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procrastinator abuse? no, match dodgers, no. increase the transparency of mobilization and service - no. and what is it now? the draft law after such processing: a bucket of water with clarifications on clarifications, who cannot be mobilized, a little honey, recruiting and military training, and a couple of statements regarding the involvement of other departments and records, that's all. well, against this background , volodymyr zelenskyi made a rather resonant statement the day before in an interview with the cbs publication, he said that russian forces may be preparing for a new offensive, which is expected sometime at the end. in may or june, we start preparing the brigades for the relevant actions that are important to us, we have stabilized the situation, it is better than two or three months ago, but it is important that we share all the information with our
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partners and say that russia will prepare counter-offensives actions, and it could be the end of may, it could be june. roman kostenko, people's deputy, voice fraction and secretary of the committee has already joined our broadcast issues of national security, defense and intelligence, roman, good evening, good evening, let's start right away with... volodymyr zelenskyi's statement, are there grounds to believe that a new offensive of russian troops can really begin in may-june, as the president said, well, there is still time until may-june, during this time it is really two or three months, yes two or three months, the enemy can carry out some actions there, including mobilization, can in principle create a group at that time in order to, as the president says to carry out an offensive, the question is whether... there strategic or operational, for strategic, of course, preparation should be greater, but we understand that russia can
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throw unprepared troops, because what the russian federation has now, the forces and means that we see, they are enough to to replenish and fight on the existing front lines. if we talk about offensives, i think that there, looking at the map, there, posing as the enemy, the only way they can win for themselves, which would be for them, well, as they think. more effective is the opening of a new front on some new area, i think it is somewhere on the northern front, so that we can continue to fight here or tie up our forces and resources, and then there, i don’t know, from two directions , sumy or kharkiv and, for example, from zaporizhzhia somewhere in the dnipropetrovsk region to do this, this is the offensive that can be, but at the moment the russians do not have the strength of means for this, i think that it is possible that the president has information that they will form exactly for this... according to the new part and until now they will be formed. once again, there is no state at the moment maybe, maybe, if putin sets such
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a goal, the more we see statements that they are already going to mobilize and call in the occupied territories and executioners in the occupied territories, and the more he has consolidated his power by holding elections, to he was so careful about this, realizing that these were quite unpopular decisions, now, when he was drawing a lot of support from the population, we see how he uses everything to discredit ukraine, well, before that there was also history, but now the terrorist attacks that are taking place and in general all the events that are taking place, he attributes them to ukraine, thus trying to raise the level in society against ukraine, i think this will be used, including for further mobilization. and can we go back for a moment to what you already said, did i understand you correctly, that in... you, well, in the case of the mobilization of the russian army or russian society there, you allow that
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an offensive can take place, just as in those directions , where hostilities are already ongoing, and on those where they are are not ongoing yet, did you mention sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast, kharkiv, or what? yes, that's right, well, i'm talking from a military point of view, looking at the map, as a person who has a military world, when we talk about what, if we talk about tactical offensives, the way that russia ... is doing a little bit at the moment to gnaw some cities there, capture them by destroying them, or some landings there, it can, let's say, go on for quite a long time, and it does not carry any strategic prospects. strategic prospects, this is having large reserves, this is to make large maneuvers, coverage, and the fact that we see on the map that frontal attacks , they are russian, well, if they bring small tactical successes, but with great casualties, if we talk about something more serious. it is necessary to open a new front somewhere in the north and then
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start working with great forces from it, well, we also know about it, and if russia does it, we will see it, of course, of course we will have to react to it, will those be enough forces and means that are available for this, i am sure that no, for this it will be necessary to carry out possible including at the expense of the strength of our partners' means, well, to make mobilization calculations, which... we will need if russia is still amassing troops for such serious actions. allow me , then, to dwell on kharkiv in a little more detail, because the city is suffering from attacks, cabs are flying there, there are more and more questions, including to the military and to the local authorities, about how fortified kharkiv is, how ready it is for evacuation in case of which, we just asked about the quality of fortifications to the head of kharkiv oblast. i i suggest you listen to what he says, this is very short, and we will continue, this will be a conventionally
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solid line along the entire border, the second line of defense in fact, they intersect with each other, these platoon strongholds, yes, they are accordingly located on strategic heights, all these very areas were determined by our military here on the spot. we dig the trenches connecting the trenches, reinforce them with a mesh, and also put columns, iron python structures are designed for conducting water, equipment and people work constantly. the weather so far allows, as long as there is no rain, everything is fine, and the military comes to check you, whether they come constantly, constantly come, or every day, or every other day. tell me, is it loud here, is it dangerous for work, or does something happen? it flies, sometimes it flies, we stop the work, people go down either into the trenches or into iron python structures, the territory is quite
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large, the volume of work has already been carried out is quite large, at first we built a circular defense of the city there ha when the enemy was actually located on the outskirts of the city, well, and further on the movement of our armed forces as appropriate release, as the kharkiv oblast is de-occupied, we are now actually working on strengthening, on the constant expansion of such structures, they were developed again, that is, projects by the ministry of defense with the corresponding general staff, it was our military who determined what would be best for them on the battlefield, taking into account the experience they currently have. it was kharkiv region, roman kostenko is in touch with us, roman, look, we had igor terekhov on the air a few days ago, i asked him the mayor of kharkiv, i asked him about where the the red line for him, when he already has to announce there, for example, the evacuation, at least of children, it was against the background of the arrival of cabs in the city, how do you assess
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the fortifications, first of all, of the kharkiv region, and secondly , the prospect that the russian troops, maybe they won't have it. resource to seize or surround the city, but maybe they will try to do it, and this can also bring a lot of trouble, and there is such information that they, what for russia in the future, we are not saying tomorrow or this year, but for putin, the directions are important - this after all, donetsk, luhansk region and administrative borders, kharkiv and southern ukraine are important to them and we must understand this. for this , we need to strengthen our positions, including in kharkiv, the only question is why we started doing this now, i believe that we should have done it from the very beginning, because last year all how you laughed at these dragon teeth on the screen, now we put them ourselves, realizing
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that no matter what, the technologies did not work, but fortifications must be fortifications, must provide the impenetrability of military equipment and tanks, and everything depends on how, whether putin will leave, whether he will advance, whether he will prepare a new army, whether he will be successful or not, on how ready we will be for this, they are also studying us and they look at it, if we have weapons, we will have fortifications, we will have, we will have an army, we will be protected, we will have security, of course, decisions on a second offensive will not be made in the same way as they were made in 2019, and you know, i... literally now i can't remember the publication that wrote it, perhaps the bridge or the whole german, and they interpreted exactly why ukraine began to build fortifications only now, because fortification already means fixing a certain line, in fact a border, and perhaps earlier the ukrainian political and military leadership hoped that there would be a powerful
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ukrainian counteroffensive, and now calculations are being made to at least protect their own territories. and not to give a wide opportunity for the russian offensive to spread, and that is why they only now began to build these fortifications, well, i do not agree with this, it can be done from his conclusions, but i look at all this from a military point of view, maybe it can be evaluated from a political point of view, the fact that the immediate stardom was there last year, that everyone thought that a counteroffensive, if you announced a counteroffensive, it would definitely be successful, if you were given 30 leopards or 50, everyone will disperse and you will not need to defend yourself. from my point of view, what we should have done globally from the very beginning, when we stopped the enemy, expelled him there from kherson and kharkiv, is to dig, dig, dig and understand, that is, to record territory, not in order to fix the border, but in order to understand, that's all, we are not going any further, and now the question is only for further liberations, so this is all part of the task of defense, if we move to
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strategic defense there, although last year, although we said that we were on the offensive, we were actually in active defense. and the main tasks of the defense are the first to repel the enemy's attack, the main thing is to inflict maximum losses on him, which can be done from good fortifications, with good e-e weapons, to hold positions, they can also be keep only in good trenches with good weapons, good support, and the fourth task is to create the conditions for a further offensive, but if we do not have all three of these, we will not be able to create the conditions, so here is the defense construction complex with... mature preparation personnel is the whole question of the task of defense, i said at the end of last year, the next year, our next year, this 24th will be the year of mobilization of training, so it is, and even looking at the law on mobilization, as it there is slowly moving, looking at what we are gradually
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we are still increasing the pace of mobilization, but these people still need to be trained, reserves must be prepared, so i think that on the 24th we will go to mobilization preparation, and on the 20th, if we plan something active, global, it will be already on the 25th, and we we have, plus we see that our partners are reluctant to help us, so now we are strategic. with the elements of the offensive of activity, i think everything will be like this until the end of the year, well, maybe something will change, but now it looks like this, that is, the 24th year is a year of increasing resources and mobilization , i already talked about mobilization at the beginning, presented maryana bezuglai's arguments, you have completed consideration of amendments to the draft law, when now the document can be put to a vote in its final form, because it still needs to be brought to its final form, look, we are not finished. amendments, we are in favor, let's put it this way, we have completed consideration of the amendments, those that were people's deputies, yes, well, yes, they are right, then maryana bezugla, she can comment on anything, but at
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some stage she removed herself from the draft law there and just there watching these questions, of course, there are mainly deputies, we are now rolling out that draft law, it is about deputies, which was submitted by the government, and now the deputies are trying to make it conform to the constitution, so that it conforms. the expectation that he would still increase mobilization, and everything from what the government submitted, a group from the government, in which maryana bezugla was one of the deputies, now we are trying to turn it into something similar to a law, and not just , let's say a set of some articles, now it's just there, when you wrote it, gave it and you can do it easily to criticize is, when she is, a novel, but when we are in the committee, it is real, when she writes something there after each sitting for a little while... then goes to write articles, we do not pay attention to it. our task is to do something with the draft law, which, as you remember, the government initially withdrew it, and then, after practically
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adding a little, submitted it to us again, and how it was criticized, including with questions about whether there are anti-constitutional norms and norms , and now we deputies need to submit all this to the hall so that it complies with the laws and of the constitution, and at the same time there was mobilization, and at the same time... people with disabilities did not suffer there, and all this needs to be worked out, we are working on it, of course it is cool to just go and criticize it and write yourself on the page and get likes on it , and that's all, that's why we came, we made amendments, who protected, who did not, and now the stage is underway, we will work out those norms that are contradictory for us, or norms with which we do not agree, we take, for example, half-corrections are good for someone. on one topic half-edited in some are good, they are partially taken into account, we are now making a committee amendment, we will compile all this and we will vote for the committee amendments by the whole committee, and therefore the decision on
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the bill itself has not yet been made, we will now consider it, well, orient yourself, you are just like that here, not everyone well, people understand the specifics of the committee's work, orient yourself when you expect it to be taken to the session hall for voting, to the session hall, i think... somewhere , well, again, approximately, we understand that tomorrow something has flown into the verkhovna rada and the committee is not going to, i think, mid- april, how long it will be adopted, it is not clear, then it comes into force in a month, so this year will be a year of mobilization, while it swings, until they make a subordinate legal framework for it and all that, so this is what i predicted at the very beginning, but i say once again, this does not mean that we have stopped mobilization, well, i can do it one more time anyway. in general, i think that this law , what my colleague wrote, should not exist, or it should not be in this form, it should be, no i know five or six laws that would have already started
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working, including when we talk about mobilization, when someone writes that the verkhovna rada is not doing or hindering mobilization there, this is wrong, i say again, this is a government bill, which we are trying to put in order, this is the first thing, and secondly, if someone badly needs a mobilization resource, the president has already... almost a year has had a bill on lowering the conscription age, and it could be signed, if someone does not sign it, then he not needed. may 30 will be a year, i think it is so i.e., if i understood correctly, maryana bezula says that this draft law does not solve anything, neither the strengthening of mobilization, nor the elimination of abuse of lines, nor the transparency of the service makes it better, you do not agree with this, you think, you say, that the work is ongoing, look at... firstly, that there is no final version to make such statements, secondly, talking at all does not solve anything, well, you can’t, because, for example, almost all law enforcement agencies, including pensioners , are registered, it is
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possible there, there are tens of thousands of people, maybe and hundreds who were simply not counted before, who retired at the age of 40, now there are, then they will be placed under reservation, the sdf, they will be placed under reservation, but there will be a procedure and mobilization, including, therefore, many questions , which are defined there about the categories, again this norm about 25 years is written in it, it remains, we hope, at least here, if it passes, it will be supported there and will be... signed, so it remains here, but still it is not clear, i say once again, there will be committee ones amendments, perhaps what was rejected at first, it will return here and there will be more, so everything will be determined by the hall, maybe some of someone's amendments will pass the hall, 400 amendments, so now draw conclusions about what this bill is, well, it is exclusively for yes, more one question, well, a long interview was given by oleksandr syrskyi, he says that the army... conducted
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an audit, and he showed that 500,000 military personnel, which volodymyr zelenskyi previously spoke about with reference to the same military personnel as 500,000 military personnel does not need shmyhal says the same, v he said in an interview with bloomberg, and this is in fact very much in contrast with what both zaluzhny said earlier and zelensky during his press conference. tell me, please, is this relatively soft communication rhetoric, a technique to appease society, or? are we really supposed to believe that the army was audited and it really showed that partial rotation, for example, can be done using internal reserves? the audit is really carried out gradually, and its reserves are found by the fact that some units are taken there, in which there really are they are in the rear and there is no need for a large number of people, they are transferred there to combat
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units. there are, there are even already some excesses in the cities, when specialists in serious fields who are single there were trained there abroad, and then transferred to some units of arsenal warehouses there, then they are taken somewhere, well, they are thrown into those cities where they are less there are effective ones, this is also there, but there is an audit, whether they will find a sufficient number, well, he says about thousands, yes, about thousands they found thousands, according to the mobilization of the need, tens of thousands. for a month, i won't say how much, that 's why this audit will not close the issue, yes, it will improve something, but the issue will not be closed, and it's all about us, i generally think it's harmful to say what we need or don't need, the mobilization is going on, and we need people , especially volunteers, are motivated, you need to approach this, say that we don't need something, well, that's a little wrong, we need someone, because someone will think, well, if it's not needed, then i'm just
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not needed, at this time. .. the president says that the offensive, we are ready for the offensive, tsirskyi says that the enemy beats everyone and has the advantage in the air and continues to advance, and this is a fact, but at the same time we do not need people, i think he means the right things, like a header, but i all the same, i will say from my point of view that it is probably necessary to talk about it, that as they say, stand up and fight, because it is serious, it is serious when we say... when the president says that we are preparing for an offensive , but at the same time we do not need soldiers, of course, we can do with a smaller number of mobilized, if we had a sufficient number of technological weapons, or weapons in general, so until we don't have it and they don't give it to us, we have to understand that we have to be ready at all levels. roman, thank you very much for your comment. roman kostenko, mp, voice, secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, we talked about mobilization and prospects.
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tives of a new offensive. thank you very much. the russian army launched 99 drones and missiles over ukraine overnight. at least such figures were announced in the air force. see which one it looks like the city of kamianske in dnipropetrovsk oblast. these are the shots of the consequences of the attack on civilians taken today by radio liberty correspondents. in the private sector, houses were broken and cars burned, five people were injured, including a child. there was a very loud whistling, rockets, hum, my ears stopped, it stopped, we squatted down, what was falling fell on us, we don’t know if it was shrapnel, rockets were found, shrapnel from rockets, the children were very scared, the grandchildren, they were crying, she ran to my house, to my husband and me in the basement, well basement, cellar


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