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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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i just want to remind everyone when this tragedy happened, we have the right not to sympathize, but a tragedy is a tragedy, many civilians were shot, children were there and so on, the house burned down, well, let it burn better, but what did the russian invaders start writing on their fabah, they wrote for crocus, and here the question arises, if then they threw bombs for crocus... then why are they throwing them today and for the last two years, two two and a half years, so everything is clear here, and let's note that no matter how much they are there, no matter how hard you try in order for everyone to feel sorry for them, masha zakharova is there, not shmara midovska, but the official speaker of the russian federation, she stood there with a stopwatch and recorded who, when, what words... expressed condolences to
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the russian federation and - the glue shames the anglo-saxons, that is, the issue has not changed, they just use this situation exclusively to manage the hatred of the russian invaders, russian men. and it is no accident that we had the first assumption that this would be the basis for announcing. full-scale mobilization, by the way, they can use these, including, but a little later, i have to finish the broadcast, thank you, roman tsymbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, friends, during the broadcast we conduct a survey, we will now see the interim results of the survey, are they satisfied 22%, 78 are dissatisfied with danilov's work as secretary of the national security council. there are discounts on lisobact
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10% in pharmacies plantain bam and save there are discounts on lizak 10% in pharmacies plantain you and save try fladia 600 pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids 600, treat hemorrhoids without any side effects, there are discounts on anticataral 15% in pharmacies plantain for you and oshchadnik. vasyl zima's big ether, this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we're starting. two hours of air time, 2 hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets with us and what the world is about. and now, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world.
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please, you have the word. two hours to be in courses of economic news. time to talk about money in guilt. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. extraordinary.
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good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones , a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond it, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. greetings friends,
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the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, it is being broadcast today. playing the terrorist as a victim. kremlin is trying to convince the world that ukraine is the aggressor in the war with russia. who will believe the liar putin? the parliamentary crisis is gaining momentum. the council did not make any decisions at its last meeting in march. why do deputies sabotage parliamentary work? uncontrolled telegram. the president's office denies involvement in anonymous telegram channels. will they ban a social network with russian roots? friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether you are satisfied with danilov's work
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as secretary of the national security council. yes, no, everything is quite simple in youtube, if you have any opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv , it's smart. or phone and vote if you are satisfied with danilov's work as secretary of the nsdc 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382. vote, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we let's sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is kateryna nekreche, journalist of radio svoboda, host of morning with freedom. kateryna, i congratulate you. congratulations, congratulations. yanina sokolova, journalist, tv presenter. social activist, blogger and author and host of the youtube channel of the millionaire, yanina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, congratulations, kateryna is also the host of the youtube channel, so if you are friends, you are watching us on youtube, you can subscribe to
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kateryna nekrecha and yanina sokolova at the same time, come on let's make the blogosphere and youtube channel of both sokolova and nekrecha popular and... not only in the ukrainian segment, but in general in the entire segment of youtube on the whole planet. so, since yanina ekaterina, we are asking our viewers about danilov's activities, i will ask the same question that we articulate to viewers and tv viewers, are you satisfied with danilov's work as the secretary of the national security council, yanina? well, i should probably not speak too critically, because next week, mr. danilov, i hope... there is already an agreement that will be in me in a rendezvous, then i have to filter now what i will say so that he comes. in fact, jokes aside, mr. danilov , a man with a train, is not directly connected with the law enforcement system at all, he is not
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a personnel officer, nor intelligence before that, nor any position that would be commensurate with the one he holds. .. served all these four years, that's how long he was in the position of secretary of the national security council. however, regarding the results of the work, i think there is no unequivocal answer here, it is necessary to structurally analyze everything and tell the audience what was bad and what was not, however, how to me, this is a rather positive train, with which the secretary of the national security council, mr. danilov, is a very well-known person in donbas, and you know that he... was the head, headed luhansk, and at one time some of the people who moved here said that if you can imagine a pro-ukrainian donbas there, then this is just about danilov, a person who had a train connected
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with the management of the region, in which there was a huge amount of wool and pro-russian support of various under-the-floor processes, and not only under-the-floor processes, and... public ones, then, after becoming the secretary of the national security council, it seems to me, very much i understand well the specifics of the country we live in now, and the decisions were made, voiced more than once, correct in the composition of the members of the national security and defense council, and the secretary, so a huge thank you for something, we remember the stories called the closing of tv channels of medvechuk and... all kinds of devils that inhabited our media space, well , and many other processes related to those who were at the forefront of heroic actions, and who prevented all this, danilov is for
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these people once and for all, well expressed his opinion, so to speak, arguing for it processes, which, believe me, many people do not even know about hydrofoils. i am now hinting, who, who knows, understood , who does not know, did not understand, i said so veiledly, well, there is an island of snakes and a bunch of different, well, it seems to me a whole story called russian ship go far, it is a story, well, for which you can also thank danilov. i think when you see the extended interview, because a lot remains, so to speak, out of the public eye when a person is in office and we have a war going on, so it's hard, it's hard right now to voice everything that, for example, journalists or people close to the military know, the same... journalists, however, i think that when we watch the interview and what he will be able to tell, will tell, it will be cool, but
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now it is known that he became the ambassador of ukraine to moldova, and this is such a rather interesting trend of continuation by the authorities of those whom they did not like to appoint to the posts of ambassadors, moreover, serhiy, remember, we talked about valeriy fedorovych, industrious he is in britain, danilov, by the way, as far as i know, they have a great relationship, they are very nice the coalition cooperated, now in moldova, so in general shleif is positive, thank you for the work, which was very difficult, especially in the first months of the full-scale invasion, and what sin to hide for all 10 years, when you lead a region as complex as luhansk and luhansk region and you come from this region where... you understand absolutely exactly how and what can operate and how to set up a defense,
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not only from the point of view of the media, but from the point of view of the structure of how it can be built there, so big thanks to danilov for work, thank you, i hope, yanina, your thanks will open up danilov to you, and you will ask him, by the way , about who made the decision to close , or rather, throw out the fifth channel from t2 , i will ask you right away i rub sergey's hands and tell him directly that i also invited him to the program and never responded, by the way, although we are friends with him on facebook , well, no, no, i will suddenly take it from him after you, for the sake of justice, i will say that i also did not respond, although this it's an interesting moment when you make friends with people there high officials we are on facebook, they wish you happy holidays, happy birthday, happy birthday, they give you some books,
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thank you, they do not go to interviews, this is the most interesting moment in the work of journalists, so maybe the door opened, and he wrote i think that he has more time, and i don't think so, sergey, you and i will open some kind of pandora's box and find out something, because a person remains in the structure anyway, and there are things that cannot be talked about, but will be. it's interesting to hear about the fifth, for sure, thank you kateryna, you do not have an interview with danilov, what do you say about whether you are satisfied with danilov's work as secretary of the national security service of ukraine? well, i definitely will not undertake to evaluate, because i have never been to the nsdc meetings and i will not suspect so, and therefore it is difficult to understand, with this point, well, i agree with yanina here, because really it is such a rather difficult period, which our country passed, and those people... who are in those offices and there at the nsdc, well, they worked and obviously worked
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as much as they could so that the country stood, here is an interesting question, because we know about mr. danilov in his political path, and this is very important, that is, this is not a new star born in 2019, because she came there with zelenskyi's team, this is a very important factor about , that he will be replaced in principle also in these months and... language and maybe it could be that these replacements started with him, and not with the debt, for example, that, but it happened, as it happened, that he remains in team, we have heard, we have already seen the result, what we perceive, well, it is such an exile, really how exile, when ambassadors are sent to such posts, as we see, there are also such in society, is this situation communicated enough in general, why did it happen, well, i don't have enough communication on this matter. although we heard there mr. podolyak said that there is now a need to strengthen the analytical component
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of the nsdc and that there is a need for rotations there precisely because of this in management positions in order to more effectively respond to the challenges that exist today, well, that is, you know, it is unclear clearly, what exactly do you expect about the interview, i i don't remember whether i had mr. danilov on our live broadcasts in the morning, my colleagues had him, but it was always not easy, in ukrainian... for example, he seems to be there every week, he commented almost every week, well, he is a person , which we all hear, we know, from those statements that used to be heard in the pocket for the word there is no polize, well, that is, it is a straight line. he is not a man enough and there with his certain firm vision of the situation, obviously, he is not a man from the office of the president, and it seems that there are hints that there could be some kind of coincidence, even the conflict with mr. podaluk was quite open in the summer of 22, it seems, when danilo criticized him for
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unprofessionalism there or something like that in military matters, well, that is, it is an interesting moment, i am waiting for yanin for an interview, because in the interview ... even when a person does not directly say certain things, sometimes these answers are read between the lines, thank you, well, actually , let's leave yanina yaninov, i.e. danilov, and we will wait, you see, we immediately announced your and the upcoming interview with danilov on espresso , still ask why we've been kicked out of t2 because well this is a very serious question, well in the meantime let 's move on to what's been going on this past week as we see putin try to go from terrorist number one to victim number one in the world and thanks to, or rather not thanks to, but because of the terrorist attack in krokusikholi near moscow, now putin is trying to shift everything to ukraine, following the russian federation, to say that it
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was the ukrainian special services who organized that they led these tajiks who were caught there and... the russian special services, and it is clear that this whole story is obviously, obviously, aimed at convincing the world that putin wants to communicate with the world in order to fight international terrorism, but in the understanding of putin, international terrorism and ukraine are somewhere close , yanina, in your opinion, why do they constantly sculpt something that is not sculpting at all, and what is said about in washington, and in... in berlin and in other european capitals and not only about the fact that there are deeds there, there is no trace of a ukrainian on whom this delusion is intended will the world really sympathize not with those who died and their relatives in this crocus, but with putin as a person who manages the state against which the division went. i don't think that the world will
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sympathize with the state against which the case went, i think that... people perfectly structure that there is the death of people, innocent in nothing, and there is their president, so-called, which is also difficult to call a president putin is legitimate given the process of impeachment of the tsar and the lack of opposition, that is, he is the number one terrorist, whose citizens, including suffer sometimes because of the attacks of other terrorists, with whom he should have a lot in common regardless of their life path, about some kind of public opinion there, i organized such a resource of the world's reaction to this, i will tell you honestly that it saddened me that a number of
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american publications, quoting putin , brought it into the headlines, in particular the issue of ukraine, well, friends, how is it... it sounds as follows: yes, it was committed by idol, however , the terrorists were connected to ukraine, moved towards ukraine and were waiting for them there, accordingly, the ukrainian trail in this there is well, with these a number of authoritative american and british publications appeared as headlines. the british are mostly yellow press, but the americans with status released all these materials. yes, they quoted putin, but as we know, given our media activity. people often read the headlines and do not look at the essence, and then the perception of this tragedy is superimposed in a train, without exaggerating the tragedy, with the acceptance of putin and his people as victims, here it is necessary to distinguish where the people are and where putin is, and believe me, in the world is skillful
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they do, and plus don't forget that putin is working for an internal audience, now... a story called mobilization, you and i will see it in the near future, it will take new turns, i don't think he will publicly announce it, so that he didn't have such a springboard after the terrorist attack , which he knew was warned by our western partners in february, then he wanted to use it, i suspect, to announce mobilization, because look, these nazis, fascists do together with us already from... idyll, i.e. equating us to idyll, and let's fight terrorism together, i, putin, am ready to help you, well , in this way, first of all, to make relations between the western world and the citizens of the western world a little lighter, and for the domestic audience to show , you see what is happening, what the ukrainians have come to, then we must destroy them all, as we planned
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, find confirmation of my words, look how many children, how many innocent people died, they were simply shot, like some animals on a hunt, let's we are it we will do, well, and i will tell you that we poured there in the telegram channels, we will also talk about telegram later, as far as i know, but in the telegram channels of the orks. especially the propaganda wagon, they have direct ones there who can be followed by theses, which they write the same, it was poured there that they said, now, if we take prisoners, then we will not leave them alive, but we will do what they did to our people, that is , there is no confirmed data, none, i emphasize, none, that this is ukraine, not even the escape route of these terrorists in a renault, which was passing through... the region, then they drove something to belarus there to the belarusian border, but lukashenko said that they drove it, but then they remembered that they don't need to go there, they need to go to ukraine, well, in a word, trash and nonsense,
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the lies they have been carrying all these years, for whom it played well, it played well for putin, given that his electorate is in even greater fear and hatred of neighboring russia, i.e. they.. ... are even more afraid now, and him, including, and he for them, as well as after terrorist attacks that were committed before the war in chechnya in his time, for them he is a person who, in their opinion, will protect them, this is what i am talking about now about the main layer of the population, and the rest, those who are at war, will be even more aggressive, and maybe his equally obsessed , ideological followers will say that everything happened in... zombified by the tv, the tv
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worked great too, these are the thoughts, thank you, thank you, yanina, on the basis of what putin says, like he says, the words of patriarch gundyaev also sounded, this fesshny, who said that we need a holy war. to tell that in ukraine this is the svo, it is actually a holy war. now we will hear a small fragment of what he said, then katerina, you will comment, please. the main task of these orders, as well as the long-term activity of the entire world russian people's council, is the protection and strengthening of the russian world, the division and weakening of the russian people, the deprivation of their spiritual and vital forces always led to weakness.
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century, and let no one frighten us russian nationalism, russian nationalism does not exist in nature, everyone knows that, but there is russian fascism, and actually the whole hall was similar. to the congress of the central committee of the cpsu, and the 28th seems to be the last one, and lo and behold , he is talking about the fact that the holy war, that is, the anti-ukrainian hysteria that started with putin and these hints about the ukrainian trail, is already continuing the so-called church, the russian orthodox church, they are really achieving their goal in the country, that they are trying to turn everyone... against the ukrainians, that this is a holy war, that you have to go and kill, and even the church convinces you that you have to go and kill the people
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who live nearby, well, it’s all such madness, it’s just that it doesn’t fit into our heads, but how much is it, well, surely such a high-quality work that there in the kremlin , they have been doing it for decades so that it turns out that the citizens of russia hate ukrainians so much, but no... it is clear why, why, it is clear when ukrainians, hearing rockets above you, when your relatives and neighbors are dying there, you have nowhere to live, and you didn't die last year, but you don't know what tomorrow will be like, when ukrainians hate russians, well, in this sense, it is understandable, but what are the actual grounds for russians to hate ukrainians, it is absolutely unclear, so all this is put into an unhealthy head, probably because a healthy head with at least some minimal. thinking, it cannot simply digest all this, understand it and somehow fix it, the internal audience, well, warms up, this whole mood turns out
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like this, and the enemy. yelling at someone who actually did nothing wrong to you, yes, a terrorist attack, a tragedy, you are also western the special services warned that it was being prepared, it happened, the whole world is saying that it is not ukraine, you say that it is ukraine, but why, it will be shown on tv, telegram channels, something and more, something here the church also said, well, probably for the citizens of russia, who listen and immediately perceive what they heard, what... they put in their heads, in their ears, they will still exist in this algorithm, and that, of course , that fear, and this is, of course, that motivation, and why is it necessary to wage this war at all, probably, if you ask people, well, from time to time we see such polls, now we understand that, in principle , the media cannot work on the territory of russia, even if they bring some polls from the street with the opinions that people live with, then there are some consequential and well, there are some connections, then people can't
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repeat them either, why is that all? it has begun, and what do you hate, and why do you have to fight there with the ukrainians? well, now these fresh, so to speak, hot facts will be in their heads: the church said, this is a holy war, we are in danger, well, putin himself admitted that it is in danger, in principle, ukraine threatens the existence of russia, which means to whom, which means to all russians there, well, absolutely , it seems to me that this is a work to a greater extent for its audience, well, but a foreign audience, judging by what the president said... emmanuel macron, while in brazil, he said that after, well, despite everything that is happening, obviously in russia, he made it clear that the invitation of the dictator putin to the brazilian summit of the great twenties this year, it takes for it to be, the consent of all members of this association will be required, well, he clearly made it clear that no matter what putin says, no matter how he interprets recent events, he was and remains a person whom no one wants,
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well... no one wants to sit next to them, but except for india, there is probably china. let's hear what macron said. the point of this club is that there should be a consensus with 19 other members. this will be the job for the diplomats of brazil, which will preside over this summit. if this meeting can be useful, we should do it, but if it creates split, surely this should not happen. no wonder, why doesn’t the world say that in fact there is a terrorist state next to yedil, that is , the number one terrorist, because yedil was even offended that they are not considered the main terrorists in the world, when they started blaming ukrainians there, that ukrainians are involved there before this terrorist attack, and they officially began to say, yes, no, no, it is us, although the whole
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world sees that... russia is simply engaged in terror of ukrainian, ukrainian territories, ukrainian people, ukrainian cities, what has been happening for the past two weeks, that is, they and zakharova ticked boxes against countries that expressed sympathy, but for two weeks they have been actively shelling our energy infrastructure and committing a war crime, terror, and no one is talking about it. because it's scary, sergey, that's the only reason we haven't gotten the taurus right now, that's the only reason we haven't gotten the patriot missiles in the volume we need, and that's fear, fear of what we need will be, if suddenly, what to enter into this whole story, again, republicans who say that the united states cannot recognize
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russia as ukraine. a terrorist there within the framework of the american system, within the framework of the senate, congress and all possible institutions, why are they not doing this, because they will have to fight directly, as the number one country in the defense of democracy and the fight against terrorism, and no one wants to fight directly , and put two together and understand that we are for you, we are the only army of the world. the only army in the world, which is now against such a machina, such a beast, you should not only help this, this ukraine to do its work not at the expense of the deaths and lives of your soldiers, but at the expense of ours, if it didn't sound cynical to them, and to us as well, why don't they do it, they are afraid, i read yesterday's...
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we are strangers.


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