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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 29, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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meet ron. ron eats, sleeps and breathes hoops. and there's not a no look pass, double double, or buzzer beater he won't wax poetic on. ad nauseam. but oh how he can nail a software solution like the best high screen pick and roll you've ever seen. you need ron. ron needs a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you help ron with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours. oooo>> abortion may be an emotional issue for people both on the right and on the left, but very few people are going to
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be personally as affected nay as they will by what they have to pay to put gas in their car. >> if we have a palestinian safety, it'll be a state sponsor of terrorism, ally of iran, committed to the destruction of israel. that doesn't make the world any better. >> it's very clear that those responsible for the disaster should pay for the cleanup. it's absolutely amazing. why is it that the biden administration never wants people to actually pay for the damages they caused? oh, no, it's always the taxpayer that's going to pick up the tab. >> they're not going to be using the money to talk about policy. they're going to be using that money to continue to demonize donald trump, his supporters, and american voters.
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ashley: st. patrick's cathedral while listening to randy travis on this friday. good afternoon, it's march 29 and 11:00 a.m. on the east coast. i'm ashley webster in for stuart varney. look at markets in the first quarter and s&p up 10%, nasdaq up 9% and dow jones up 5.5%. it's been a strong first quarter. wonder what was second quarter holds. we'll find out. take a look at cryptos. bitcoin down $724 at $69,899 and just under 70,000. while we're about t take a look at trump media stock. better known as djt, donald j. trump. after its first week on the market, there you have it, it's 6196 down at the last trade, not bad at a. 6196 after the first week as a public company. now a new fox news poll showing
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voters are split on banning tiktok. 47% in favor. 46 oppose. perfect time to bring in steve hilton. steve, where do you stand? i know where your thoughts are on social media, but banning tiktok or even forcing a sale, what's your stand on this? should we ban it? >> there's a difference between the two, banning and forcing a sale. we've got to focus on the real problem we're trying to solve here. what is the problem? the problem is that when you think about tiktok, it's not actually like any other social media company in the sense that people up load content and share it with their friends and that's what determines what you see. no, from the beginning, tiktok had alga retired and will in that sense, it's much that telling you from an editorial direction, it's an editor. it's implemented through an algorithm and someone is deciding what you see. the question is who's deciding? in that sense, it's just like a newspaper and fox news and any
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other media outlet. not social media, media outlet controlled. in tiktok, it's controlled in beijing by the number one global rival or enemy some say. there's no question that tiktok is pushing content to americans that is poisoning our society, our politics and culture. it is dangerous and we've got to stop it. that doesn't mean shut it down but take it out of the hands of beijing. ashley: right. very good. talking about beijing, american business leaders were there this week to meet with montana xi of china. he's calling for -- president xi of china and calling for closer ties between the u.s. and china. what do you make of that? >> i've been calling for less close ties for many, many years now and going back to two decades ago, back when i was working in the government back in the day in the uk. why? because it's a brutal authoritarian regime in china
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and gotten more and more brutal and more and more authoritarian under xi jinping and apart from the cultural poison we've discussed in the form of tiktok, he's literally poisoning our country through fentanyl. anyone that doesn't think that's a deliberate act by the chinese regime, needs tou to read peter wise's new book and for our business leaders to be collaborating with this appalling regime that's literally killing hundreds and thousands of americans every year. it's just disgraceful. i all right, now this, this is interesting. two mayoral candidates in san francisco want to declare a state of emergency over the city's fentanyl crisis. one even vowing to call in the national guard. these are both democrats, but it seems to me that san francisco may have met its tipping point.
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>> yes, i think that's exactly right. more people in san francisco dried from fentanyl than covid. people in san francisco realizing this far left extremism from the democrats have gone way too far and causing absolute chaos and dysfunction opportunistic the streets, and they want to put an end to it. what makes me laugh is what do democrats have against the police. you see in new york, now in san francisco. they're calling in the national guard to deal with things they wouldn't have to do if they wouldn't have defunded and de-moralized the local liz. ashley: i checked my weather app and hell has not frozen over. could san francisco come more to the center than the extreme left? surely voters understand it's not working.
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jowski it's not working and on the crime and homelessness issues, people realizing we need to make a change and the change needs to go much deeper and as well as those problems, there's the highest taxes in the country in california, worst poverty, lowest literacy in the schools, worst business climate on and on. every single issue needs a complete turn around, and i think people are waking up and one day and perhaps sooner than people think, we're going to have republicans in charge here in california. ashley: which is why i understand you're staying put in california rather than fleeing like so many others. >> many of us committed to fight for the change we need. ashley: you go, steve hilton. we're right behind you. thank you so much, steve, and thanks for joining us on this good friday. thank you. staying on california, bar and nightclubs across the state are going to soon be required to offer drug testing kits. they're meant to stop people
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from having drinks spiked with roofies. they'll be free or come at a very low cost. the new rules go into effect on july 1. doesn't that tell you the state of affairs. as we mentioned, the markets close today for good friday, but you know who's always on the -- always doing business and ready to jump in at a moment's notice about investing is jonathan hoenig and calling big tech last season's fashion and the question is what's the next big thing. >> it's out, ashley. apple, tesla, adobe. they're all down year-to-date despite the fact the market is up. big tech, great companies but they're simply out of fashion and the market is asking what's next. the best performing sector in the first quarter wasn't technology. it was energy and so many commodities doing really well.
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that's where i'm sniffing around and covered cocoa at all time high but not just cocoa, orange juice, gold, so that's where i'm looking for the new places people make money for the balance of 2024. ashley: interesting. next one for you, jonathan, disgraced ftx founder sam bankman-fried got 25 years in prison for his financial fraud. do the crypto markets care? have we beyond sbf? >> indeed, ashley. almost reminds me back in 2004 when it was -- excuse me, in 2014 when it was mount gox was the crypto blowup of the ere arrowhead and it survive that had and it'll survive sbf. it was new technology but very old time fraud. very traditional old fraud and justice was served. whether you want to buy crypto or not, ashley, it's a different story. only 2% of the people that own crypto use it as a currency but sbf, justice is served and new technology and old fraud to the
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whose house he goes. ashley: very quickly. it's been a pretty darn good first quarter and s&p gaining 10% and nasdaq 9 and dow 5.5 and new quarter begins monday. can we keep this no mentum? >> i think it's in new areas of the market, ashley. i'm looking at areas like natural gas for example, scg isen etf i like that's off the radar screen play. the big tech names that have led the market for the last five years and look, international paper at a new 52 week high. jp morgan, banks are doing very well. stocks can continue well but it's value, small cap and international commodities names leading the charge. ashley: so you think we're going to see more broad based gains as opposed to relying on big tech names? >> exactly, ashley. they've been great names for quite some time but it wasn't technology that led the charge
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in the first quarter. it was energy names so i like gold and so many of the names that are might not be so familiar to investors just yet but keep in mind, crypto seemed exotic three and four years ago and no one is laughing about and same with gold even two or three years from now. ashley: fantastic stuff as always, jonathan. thanks for joining us on this good friday and enjoy the holiday. >> best to you, ashley. be well. ashley: all right, jonathan, thank you. the u.s. is reportedly working on a list of chinese chip factories banned from receiving important tech tools. back in 2022 the they limited these and according to roaders, several companies requested a list of chinese chip factories to make it easier to basically follow the rules and the list could be released by in the next couple of months. all right, coming up in the show, sports broadcaster steven
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a. smith is ashamed of democrats and even went so far as to say yeah, he could end up voting for a bunch of republicans. my oh my. going to find out what tomi lahren thinks of that . probably like it is. there are currently nine states that plan to ban the sale of gas powered cars by 2035. that's just around the corner and gaspard i dids going to take that on. and chicago has spent $300 million on handling the migrant crisis so far and dozens of migrants in the city facing evictions now and what happens next? there's a live report from the windy city, next. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient,
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you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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achier starting tomorrow u chicago will begin moving hundreds of migrants out of temporary shelters in the city's park buildings. alexis mcadams joining us now from chicago. alexis, the big question is where are all these people going to go? reporter: hey, we're still waiting to find out exactly what shelters they'll be moved to across the city of chicago, but they want them out of those park district facilities because, hey, summer is coming and those are for kids and families to use. so now they're trying to figure out what to do here as every city has this ongoing migrant crisis but the question everyone has living in the windy city, are they going to end up living on the streets. watch. are you going to be expecting migrants to be camping out all over the street in the summer? >> yeah, if you grow that exponentially, there's a few
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more thousand people on the street and that's a larger problem. reporter: a larger problem and a growing problem. this weekend the city will start moving hundreds of migrants out of the five park district field houses and then we'll transition them into other city shelters across chicago. part of the more than 10,000 migrants living in 23 city shelters so far. this comes as the city is now enforcing a 60 day shelter limit. that means dozens of myo grans will be evicted from city shelters and don't know where they're going next. the city's public cost dash board showed us it's spent nearly $300 million since august of 2022 on the crisis but the mayor of chicago, brandon johnson, will not reveal where the funds are going. a new report here in the city shows that chicago is spending a million dollars on hotels for migrants every single week. when mayor johnson was asked about showing more transparency, this was his response or lack there of. >> thank you for that question.
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again, we're meeting you right where you are. thank you. reporter: meeting people right where they are with a lot of questions. i talked to this migrant mom sitting out in the street in front of city hall in the cold from ecuador and here for four months and counting and not sure of her exact plans asking for money and trying to sell candy while her young daughter sat with her. back out here live, just the other day mayor brandon johnson in chicago said nobody welcomed more migrants in the windy city and hitting we sixths and could see them on the streets, ashley. ashley: alexis, thank you. the white house putting the u.s. first come together border. it comes after the president of mexico said that the flow of migrants will continue if the u.s. doesn't meet his demands of migration. he's calling the shots. tomi lahren joins us this
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morning. tomi, is this an empty promise to put the white house first because i've not seen any evidence of that. >> i don't know that the white house know what is it means to put americans first because if that's allows 10 million, probably more illegal aliens into your country unvetted, undocumented, putting them into your cities, spending millions and billions of dollars on them. if that is what their definition of putting america first is, boy, i'm not so sure they're grasping that definition. but the fact that mexico is so emboldened and entitled to make demands of the united states as such as stark contrast from the trump administration when he told mexico how the game was going to go and told mexico, president donald trump did, if they weren't willing to cooperate, if they weren't willing to police their own border, he would slap a tariff on their country and low and behold, it worked. mexico had to cooperate, their mexican military had to work to do their part.
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that's why apprehensions went down drastically and if this administration wants to put america first, i would go back and see what donald trump did and emulate that to the t. ashley: yeah, and we have veterans sleeping on the street while we give illegal aliens boarding and food and debit cards to go out and spend. that's not america first. i want to move onto this, tomi, steven a. smith is frustrated with the democrats for not replacing biden. listen to this. i'll get your comment. >> i find myself ashamed of the democratic party for their lack of competitive fervor. you had since 2016 to come up with somebody else and you still can't do it. that is pathetic. i'm the kind of person that might vote for the president being a democrat and every other position republican. every senator, every congressional figure, every
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lawyer. ashley: he's frustrated but he said he's leaning towards voting for biden but what do you make of that, tomi? >> what's wild is prominent voices on the left know what horrific job this president is doing and would vote for him anyway and vote for other republicans but not for donald trump simply because they don't like donald trump or his character or bravado but look at the state of the country, sometimes you have to put personality aside and vote for what works. i'm happy that there's some democrats waking and you happen willing to admit how horrible things are, if they're still saying they're going to hold their nose and vote for biden, that's concerning to me. what should be concerning to the biden campaign is rfk jr. because a lot of those folks would rather vote for nobody or rfk rather than vote for biden or tram and that's going to pull from biden so they better be shaking in their orthopedic
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sneakers. ashley: you know, smith also said he might vote for republicans in other government offices. could we see a lot of split ticket voting this time around? >> i would hope that there would be people willing to look at their state and local races and understand that republicans are going to get things done because republicans do get things done and red states are fairing much better than blue states whether that's going to be a down ballot vote or whether republicans pick up enough to make a difference. that remains to be seen but, buoy, we'll take it where we can get it. ashley: exactly. donald trump paying respects to the family of nypd officer that was killed in the line of duty. trump says president biden didn't even call the family. watch this. >> i think that politically he can't support the police. i think he's also making a mistake but politically his base won't let him support the
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police. i support the police. i would say at the highest level of any president by far, maybe double or triple. they knew that and when i walked into the funeral parlor, it was like love. it was just -- they didn't want to shy away or call the family. they could have called. you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know even a call would be perhaps nice. i'm not sure they'd take his call. ashley: joe biden at the glitzy new york fundraiser at the same time. what a stark contrast. >> tale of two leaders or in biden's case a lack thereof of leadership. one thing i think all americans can say about donald trump is that there's no question if he supports the law enforcement officers. at a time when there's indeed a war on cops and somebody running for president or former president standing shoulder to shoulder with law enforcement officers and not only with the family of the fallen, but just
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shoulder to shoulder of those going out every day and sacrificing their lives and risks their lives. unfortunately for some folks in the country that are un-grateful, that says a lot about donald trump. you know, he's got a lot going on too because the democrats admired him and all this law fare but he was able to show up yesterday and stand with the family and say something from the bottom of his heart. that's more than joe biden could do surrounded by celebrities. it's a big contrast and one that the american people are certainly taking note of today. ashley: it really is. very well put. tomi lahren, great stuff. thank you for joining us on this good friday morning. >> good to see you. ashley: all right. same here. black voters helped president biden win in 2020 but organizers in battleground state are concerned about slipping support for the president. without enthusiasm for biden, voters may be choosing to stay home on election day. black community leaders calling on the president to come to their communities to speak in
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bigger venues. see whether that happens or not. all right, coming up, ford is going to train its work force at the factory where they make their f-150s and sounds like they're giving up on some of the ev ambitions. we'll get into it. new minimum wage law in california set to go into effect on monday. some fast food chains in the state have already begun cutting jobs. we'll have that story after this. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds.
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difficult it is. ashley, you can see how much we're bumping and there's a 15-20 miles an hour wind right now with potential for a gail force wind, and if that gets to the gail force level, they'll have to shut down any operations, but you can see the monumental task the governor here wes moore says the dolly of the ship is about the size of the eiffel tower but the difference is there's a bridge collapsed on it. the rear admiral of the coast guard says there's three steps here. the first is clear the channel. the second will be to move the ship. the third will be to remove the debris from the waterway that's not in the channel and of course recovery of those four presumed workers who are underneath the river. he also told us a little bit about how they're going to have to do it. before the update, let me first just tell you we got a baltimore report update and they say this "there is a lot of speculation as to when the channel will be reopened. the fact of the matter is we do
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not know". not a terribly reassuring vote of confidence when they'll get it done. we know it could be weeks and maybe months. the admiral talking about how difficult it's going to be and how they have to cut it up. listen here. >> before we can actually engage in lifting, we've got to complete the assessment process of the bridge and the pieces of the bridge are in the water so that we can figure out how to cut the bridge into the right size pieces so that we can actually lift them with the crane. reporter: so it's going be very difficult because they've got to assess what's the right size, ashley, to cut these things that the thousand ton crane can actually lift, and then they've got to actually do it but as you can see, we're bumping up and down. this is -- this bay gets this weather all the time.
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the monumental task is at hand and everybody is looking forward to it and finally one last note, those also worrying about when that's going to happen is the 8,000 plus workers not able to go to work today because they depend on this port for their livelihood. ashley. ashley: terrific stuff, griff. i hope you bought your graham dramamine. valiant reporting. starting monday, the minimum wage for fast food workers in california is going to increase to $20 an hour. that's forcing some restaurants to layoff workers just to make ends meet. joining me now is neil her issueman and owner of 16 han handles -- neil hershman and opener of 16 handles ice kveim. you look so young. thank you for being here. have you had to let anyone go at your stores in california yet? >> no, it's a great point, ashley. the minimum wage has been difficult and not just
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california. new york raised their money mum and a lot of states in earlier part of this year in january. we're in a very fortunate circumstance where we have a lot of automation. we're a self-serve frozen yogurt and our customers are doing a lot of work. which is great, they love the individual alty ty -- individuality of picking their own fla flavors and we operate h fewer employees than other competitors and some have 10-12 on shift and we can get by with two or three and we're in the fortunate position where our labor is not that dependent or many people where the small increases make an impact. it's certainly going to get hard out there and not a big cushion for qsr operate torrs to have that available room and a lot will be passed on to the consumer, which is my fear over the next few years, and i think you saw with mcdonalds, they got a lot of stock because a lot of consumers said we don't want more increases and it's like one increase after the next after the next and when is it going to stop. ashley: right. well, that's a good question,
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especially in california. have you had problems finding workers? i know that that is still been an issue. has it been an issue for your company? >> yeah, it's been more difficult in the last few years than it was pre-covid. that being said, you know, it's kind of fun to work at an ice cream or frozen yogurt shop and mission is to create happiness and better experience for employees and our stores have higher revenue because we have that personal touch. it is self-service, but people like when there's a hello when they walk in and good-bye. people come to us to be happy. we definitely do work really hard on keeping our employees retained. you see a lot of qsrs have the tips at register. that has been a big retention tool across the industry and even recently i saw chipotle had tips at register and it's going to continue happening in a lot of brands, i think. ashley: in addition to minimum wage, hang inflation forced you to raise price s? >> we have done some price increases, diesel prices gone up over the years so transport and
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bring in a lot of product from china, our paper goods and such, which a lot of brands do and those prices surged during covid and have come back down but not back to pre-pandemic levels in some respects. just, you know, paper cost even have gone up. there's been marginal price increases and we aim to keep it below $10 for the average consumer. we want them to come back and be loyal multiple times per week and that's our focus is on retaining that customer value, and they don't want to spend too much. we're a premium product and have administer advertisal ingredients and we -- artisanal ingreed i can'ts and we strive on that -- ingredients but we want it cost effective for our consumers. ashley: of course. neil, thank you so much. you're a very accomplished young man and wish you every success in the future. thank you for coming by and chatting with us about the impact of minimum wage in california. by the way, no minimum wage hike in virginia. governor glen youngkin vetoed a bill that would have raised the state minimum wage there to $15
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by 2026. he claims the bill imperils market freedom and economic competitiveness. youngkin vetoed a bill that would have allowed recreational marijuana sales beginning in virginia next year. cannabis is legal in the state. just can't buy it for reck national use. that's going on there. easter weekend live from the fox weather center. doesn't look too bad. and gas prices are up 22-cents in just the past month. how much higher could they go is what you're asking. gas buddies patrick de haan will tell us next. ♪
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ashley: well, today is good friday and many people of course will be traveling and spending easter with their family this is weekend. how is it going to be. adam flock joining us from the weather center. how is the weather looking for this weekend across the country. >> a new one rolling in and a lot of folks in the northeast and what it looks like for good friday and whole lot of conditions in the east coast and midwest and center part of the country and action in the west and that's a constant story. this is our jet stream and we're getting atmospheric river across portions of the west, southern california and going to be a spot that's spilling in the country and warm and swath of the south. because of all the rain, there's a decent chance of flooding and likely across southern california, los angeles down to
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san diego here on saturday and clears up a bit on sunday and on the whole, it's a very soggy weekend across california and easter saturday forecast and you see kind of mountain snow. that's where all that action is. a bit of a system across the midwest and largely the forecast is looking pretty good across the country and looking towards your sunday forecast, it's much of the same, it's right alopping the jet stream a up and down the east coast and a little grab bag and going for the easter weekend and. ashley: i thought it never rains in southern california. >> they're almost double their seasonal average. it's been very active recently. ashley: it has indeed. thank you, adam.
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appreciate that forecast. by the way, many people hitting the road this easter weekend and gallon casting you $3.53 across the country and gaspard i dids joining me now. gas buddy patrick de haan joining me. prices are up seven-cents higher than this time last year. is that going to be the trend? jaire i'm hopeful that it won't be but i think we'll have more of an increase you mentioned about 20-cent jump over the last month and we could see another 20-cent increase over the next 6-8 weeks and refineries are undergoing maintenance and talking about demand set to go up and easter travel and spring break and eclipse more americans getting out at the same time that maintenance is happening and the backdrop of that and more expensive blends of summer gas rolling out and more squeeze at the pump getting into spring. ashley: no relief in sight is the bottom line?
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>> so i think we'll have a bit more pain before we see any relief. but by the time memorial day rolls around, we may roll back but by the time we see that roll back in may or june, prices will probably still be a bit higher than where they are today. california now back over $5 a gallon. but they may be close to hitting a peak i think as we get through the summer. we'll see prices gradually falling back. ashley: oh, boy. california, don't get me started. let's move on. next one for you, patrick. nine states are planning to ban the sale of new gas powered cars by 2035. that's just around the corner. should we be forced into what car we buy because certainly up to this point, i don't think as many people as the government would like have bought into it? >> not only that, ash, but the infrastructure just doesn't exist and california last year
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infamously saying not to charge electric vehicles and now the politicians are deciding that you can't have another option so if being forced into something that maybe not ready for prime time in a lot of americans now shying away from evs. maybe moving more towards a plug in hybrid electric vehicle with a little more flexibility. ashley: yeah. ashley: even with all the credits and subsidies and more, they're expensive. >> electric vehicles are cheaper and some ev prices with them collecting at the lots and a lot of precious metals in the evs that a lot of americans don't realize. it's like trading one issue for another. going to evs and suddenly you need the cobalt and lithium and all the other ingredients to make them work and the precious metals not getting any cheaper and a lot more reliance on china for some of those precious metals. ashley: i think what we're coming down to, patrick, is, you know, let the market decide.
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i think people really don't like being told you can't drive the vehicle you like. you have to jump on board with this. that's very un-american, isn't it? >> i think that's exactly the word. i think americans enjoy their freedom and to be forced into a box, ash, is why we're seeing some plans backfire just a bit. ashley: indeed it has. patrick de haan joining us on this good friday. >> thank you. ashley: thank you. ford cutting 1400 workers from a factory that makes those f-150 lightning trucks in michigan. that's the electric truck. came out with much fanfare. workers will either be moved to new jobs or they'll take retirement packages and the cuts announced in january, but they take effect on monday. it comes as ford is seeing slumping sales of the electric pickup. picking up on what patrick and i were talking about. despite those sales, toyota
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could soon unveil new electric trucks and trying to fill the void. they're reportedly exploring whether to make electric or hybrid version of their popular tacoma and tundra models and first want to evaluate customer demand and federal emissions regulations before getting into that. i don't know, maybe they can do what ford hasn't been able to do. we shall see. anyway, that all said, don't go anywhere. you mo what's coming up next, friday feedback. it's always fun. ♪ meet ron. ron eats, sleeps and breathes hoops, but oh how he can nail a software solution. you need ron. ron needs a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you
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come in here, lauren. thank you for that. let's get to it. hopefully the comments are kind and if not, we'll get into it. this first one from sarah. sarah says hi, team, love you all. thank you. the best easter candy? reese's eggs hands down. enjoy holiday with your families. thank you for that, sarah. lauren, you and i are both self-professed chocoholics. what's your favorite? lauren: asked easter candy and i'm diverting, jelly beans but only the pear. have you had the pear jelly bean? ashley: i think every one ever made. lauren: only like the pear. ashley: pick through the bag just for the pear. lauren: i pick through the bag and take out the pears and bribe people to give me their pears. now owe now. ashley: some call that high maintenance and i'm with you.
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roroberta, the employees dancing in their chairs and seem to enjoy their jobs as much as we enjoy watching you. that's a kind comment, roberta. lauren: there's a way to communicate as they dance. if you realize one day this week, the producer of the 10:00 a.m., stuart was asking her something in the break and while she was dancing, she was going like this like it's me. see, christine, wave. ashley: there you go. someone is doing walk like an egyptian. next from stacey. stacey says, i know when ashley is in for stuart to host the show. david bowie gets played before or after the commercial break. you are absolutely right, stacey. i want to know what is ashley's favorite david bowie song and you're welcome back to montana any time, just don't come now and still winter in string time, montana. lauren: oh, no. ashley: god bless you, stacey. we had a fourth of july party
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and lived in helena, montana, and it was canceled because of a blizzard and going to be a buzzard in the mountains. beautiful place. lauren: i was told april is the best time of the year-over-year to go to montana. is that not true? ashley: well, it can still be a little tricky snow wise in the mountains, but any time you go, it's absolutely gorgeous. my two daughters were born there and i love it, love it, love it. networks one from greg, what are you doing for easter, asked greg. what dishes do ewe like to make on easter or other weekends? lauren: going to my mother-in-law's and like my mother to make pizza rustica. it's like an egg pie or egg quiche with cheese and sausage. lamb chops, and stuffed mushrooms. ashley: nice. all right. well, i'll be there tomorrow about 1:00 p.m..
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make sure you set aside a chair for me. lauren, thank you. and thanks to everyone by the way that sent in friday feedback. keep it coming and time for the friday trivia question. in 1953 when peeps were first introduced, how long did it take to cook a single peep? 12, 19, 27, or 33 hours? think about it. the answer when we return. ♪ .. if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources...
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well invested, well protected. ashley: before the break we asked in 1953 when peeps were introduced how long did it take to cook a single people? lauren: weirdest question ever. they are cooked, 19 hours. ashley: i was going to go with 12 but who cooks them? the answer is 27 hours. can you believe it? they were made individually by hand and took so long because they had to let the marshmallows cool. nowadays they can be made in six minutes. that's progress. happy easter to you. coast-to-coast comes up next and it begins right now. neil: thank you. you are looking at jerome
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