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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  January 13, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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9:00 p.m. monday sponsored by fox, the "wall street journal" and the south carolina republic party. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. we need more announcers like that. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced, and unafraid. captions by closed captioning services >> shepard: now, "the fox report." tonight, john edwards' life threatening heart condition and his trial is on delay. plus, the prime suspect in the disappearance of natalee holloway learns his fate in another case. >> joran van der sloot is finally going to prison. but for how long? and will there ever be justice for natalee holloway? our first major winter storm on the move. >> the cold weather is now moving into this region. >> wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour.
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>> shepard: plus the race to break through to ice bound alaska. and tim tebow starring in a new underwear ad. yep. this tim tebow. >> just because he is religious doesn't mean he can't go out and make advertisements like that. >> everybody wants to see that. >> oh, yeah, and he has a big game tomorrow, too. >> but first from fox this friday night, natalee holloway's family is still fighting to bring joran van der sloot to justice here in the united states. but first he has to do some time in peru because today a judge sentenced joran for 28 years for killing another woman. he could go free in that time if he behaves himself. joran van der sloot admits he strangled then 21-year-old stephany flores after she figured out his connection to the holloway case. it happened in may of 2010. five years to the day that natalee holloway vanished in
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aruba. joran van der sloot's lawyers claim he was suffering from post-traumatic stress because of that milestone. tell that to the holloway family because just yesterday a judge declared natalee holloway dead even though nobody has ever found her remains. joran van der sloot is still the prime suspect in the 18-year-old's disappearance. he is also facing extortion charges here in the united states. prosecutors here say he promised to tell holloway's mother where natalie's remains are in exchange for $25,000. instead, he took the money and ran off to peru where he met stephany flores. today, her father's lawyer says he respects the court's decision but he was hoping for a much longer sentence. steve harrigan is live in our south florida newsroom tonight. it was a brutal day in court, steve, for the flores family. >> shepard, hard to imagine what that was like for more than two hours, the 21-year-old's father and two brothers just had to watch and endure a step-by-step forensic recreation of what even the
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justices are calling a murder of ferocious violence. >> he hit her face using his elbow, causing her to have a bloody nose and causing her to faint. then he held her by the neck with both hands and strangled her. >> besides the brutal violence, this murderer also used calculation. van der sloot used sheets from the hotel room to try to mop up the scene. after killing flores, he went out and got two cups of coffee perhaps to allay suspension and brought them back into the room. a room at that time which contained only a corpse, shepard. >> shepard: where do things stand now with the holloway case against joran van der sloot? that's on hold. >> six years after her appearance in alabama a judge declared natalee holloway legally dead. there is still an extortion case pending. natalee holloway's father said he hopes to see joran van der sloot in trial in alabama some day but that won't be for at least 14 years. that's the earliest joran van
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der sloot could get paroled. as for natalee holloway's mother, she said to an attorney she hopes van der sloot suffers as much as possible for all the pain he has caused. shepard? >> shepard: steve harrigan live in south florida tonight. steve, thank you. and now word of a fox urgent and word of several elementary school students suspected of overdosing on medicine. our affiliate fox 10 for phoenix is reporting this happened just west of that city in tempe, arizona. they are reporting that an eighth grade girl brought some sort of medicine to school and passed the pills out to classmates. we don't know yet what the pills were. they say two students got sick and up to four needed treatment. we're told they were released to their parents and did not need to go to hospitals. and a fox news extreme weather alert. folks from the midwest to new england are finally feeling winter. the season's first big snow storm stretching from michigan to main. some could see more than a
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foot of snow before it's all over. that may not seem like much to most people here in winters, it's a very big change from one of the warmest seasons in recent memory. officials blame the icy roads for three deaths and blinding snow has led to hundreds of car crashes. just as many headaches for fliers for that matter. airlines cancelled more than 500 flights out of chicago's two big airports today or i should say yesterday. and today the high winds created delays in the northeast. still, some are welcoming this winter weather. >> it's raining dollars. we are trying to make some money and get everybody shoveled out and plowed out. >> not watching jerry springer anymore. the guys are happy. we are plowlg, sanding, salting. >> shepard: away they go. ski industry getting after weeks of empty slopes. martin luther king hollywood weekend is one of the biggest money maker of the year for those resorts. mike tobin is live in chicago. nobody there can be too surprised about snow storm in january, mike. >> no, they can't.
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if you look around you see the scenes of a city functioning in the winter time the way the city leaders had planned for it to function when the first big snow came. in the worst of it came on the roadways. that's because all of this snow came in warm and wet and then it got cold. you had a lot of patches of ice out on the road. particularly around st. louis where the snow or the worst of the weather hit right around rain shower. that's where you -- rush hour. had you three cars piling up because of the storms in st. louis. one person killed here in chicago. we had all the flights shut down in the two big airports. flights back on schedule now. all the kids hoping to get a snow day didn't get one because the plows were working all night long. bad weather headed east in your direction and cold weather moved in behind it. >> shepard: folk also remember the one big snow storm last year where the plows seemed mia, not the problem in chicago. >> no, it's not. in fact, here in chicago, you can enjoy a nice warm cup of cocoa, log on to computer and
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see when the street is going to be cleared. one of the brain child's of rahm emanuel's web gurus something called plow tracker on the web site. log in and watch the plows plow the street. type in the address and figure out when your street is going to be cleared. city leaders out here were eager to take that program for a test spin. first time out seemed to work, shep. >> shepard: mike tobin, good to know. word that help is finally on the way. officials say a russian fuel tanker is close to the small port town of nome, alaska. icy waters have blocked shipments of critical supplies, including fuel. now the u.s. coast guard helped that tank tore break through hundreds of miles of thick ice unloading is expected to start tomorrow through a hose that's more than a mile long. meantime storms have dumped more than twice as much snow as is usual in anchorage. that city is on track to have its snowest winter ever in recorded history. president obama says this is
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something on which both parties should be able to agree. it's time to shrink the federal government. now the president is asking congress to give him the power that no president has had since ronald reagan had it. the president is pushing a plan to combine the commerce department with five other agencies. the white house says that would save $3 billion over 10 years. by getting rid of all the overlap. officials say it would also eliminate as many as 2,000 jobs. but they say they will do that through attrition by not replacing workers when they retire. ed henry is our main man at the white house. how much of all of this stuff can the president really do on his own, ed? >> well, shep, the key piece of this he has to work with congress on because he needs the authority to reorganize his agencies. congress has the power of the purse. they handle the budgets for these agencies. he can't do it on his own. that's a departure from recent weeks where he has been doing we can't wait campaign. all these executive actions without congress. going around bypassing republicans on recess
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appointments. republicans are not in a mood to work with him on this. is he trying to say, look, republicans are for shrinking government so get behind it take a listen, with or without congress i'm going to keep at it. but it would be a lot easier if congress helped. >> bottom line officials here say this would be the first piece. it would save $3 billion. but that then he he would start reforming other pieces of the government once he got this authority, shep. >> shepard: the president brought this idea up, ed, in last year's state of the union address. there wasn't a lot of movement. are republicans willing to go along with this now? >> you have gotten some pretty positive comments from republic leaders so far because, you know, the president has kind of put him in a box. just like on that payroll tax cut fight where republicans have long been in favor of tax cuts. so when it looked like they were opposing the payroll tax cut extension they got into hot water. here again he is pushing republicans into a corner. i spoke to senator david vitter of louisiana and he said, look, he thinks this can
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move forward although he would like to see it be even bolder. take a listen. >> why is he only doing this three years into his term when is he running for re-election? why is he doing it on such a trivial scale? i think republicans will support anything moving in the right direction but we need to do a whole lot more. >> it's going to be very hard though for republicans to stop something when it's about shrinking government and dealing with bureaucratic nonsense such as when the president last year in the state of the union pointed out that sammon when they are in fresh water are regulated by the interior department. when they are in salt water they are regulated by the commerce department. the president said when they're smoked sammon gets really complicated. >> shepard: you mentioned the commerce department. presidential candidate and former governor of texas rick perry says the commerce department is one of three agencies he would shut down as president. what are the other two agencies? it's happened again. but his oops moment has a new twist and governor perry just found out whether he and a few
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other candidates will even be on the ballot in virginia. a live update on that coming. plus, the u.s. military tells fox news they have identified the four marines who apparently urinated on dead taliban fighters in afghanistan. there is word those marines could soon be facing charges. from the journalists of fox news, this is a friday fox report. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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>> shepard: bad news today for four of the six republicans running for president. four of them failed to get their name on the ballot in the state of west virginia in the primary there. the judge refused to intervene. rick perry, rick santorum, gingrich and huntsman. they sued claiming the rules are unconstitutional. the judge points out the candidates knew about those rules earlier instead of threatening to disrupt the election process. doug mckelway is in washington tonight. doug, explain the problem.
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>> he told the lawyers representing the candidates the rule is constitutional. it is plainly constitutional and keeps marginal candidates and crack pots off the ballot. you had candidates who made zero effort and didn't collect a single signature and now they are trying to get on the ballot. they are trying to ride the backs of those who actually did some work and tried to get on the ballot. and it's just not going to work. >> late today, texas governor rick perry who filed the suit originally reacted to the judge's decision. >> we thought we had a good case and the virginia battle is obviously incredibly tough to get on when two out of the seven are all that got on there. the court's ruled and we will make a decision on whether we are going to appeal it or not. >> in an earlier statement perry's lead attorney says the
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decision disenfranchises virginia's voters. >> shepard: time was a factor here, too doug? >> huge factor. primary day is super tuesday march 6th. law requires that absentee ballots be mailed out 45 days before that deadline on january 21st. the state attorney general contended it would be just impossible to get all those absentee ballots reprinted with the names of all six candidates and mailed out in time. the judge in this decision basically concurred with that. shep? >> shepard: doug mckelway on capitol hill. thanks a the lo. the g.o.p. is building up a war chest for whoever its future nominee turns out to be. the republic national committee reports it raised $27 million in the last three months of 2011. the democratic national committee raised slightly less during that same period according to its reporting. of course, neither of those totals includes individual campaign fundraising. jed the obama administration announced it took in 42 million bucks compared to the republic frontrunner mitt romney who raised 24 million
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in fourth quarter of 2011. four u.s. marines who apparently urinated on the dead taliban firefighters in afghanistan could face charges. that's what a senior military official is now telling fox news. officials say they have identified those marines but they are not releasing their names. they tell us the name are based at camp lejeune in north carolina. and they say they still have not identified the person who shot the video which we are choosing not to show for reasons which you probably will realize. funerals are usually times of solemn reflection but today in iran it's all about revenge behind the new calls for retaliation against the united states and its key middle eastern ally. plus, one time white house hopeful who cheated on his cancer-stricken wife and had a baby with his mistress, today that man john edwards is battling his own health problem, we're told. and for the first time we're learning how he very serious it really is. that's coming up.
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an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, if your car is totaled, we give you the mone for a car one model year newer. liberty mutual auto insurance. and during the four course feast, there's so much to choose from. [ male announcer ] the four course seafood feast is backt red lobster. still just $15. get soup, salad, unlimited cheddar bay biscuits, dessert, and your choice of 7 entrées, like new honey bbq shrimp skewers or shrimp and scaops alfredo. all four courses, just $15. [ jody ] it's really good value. all my guests love it. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster general manager. and i sea food differently.
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>> shepard: the criminal trial of the former presidential hopeful john edwards is now on hold because he has we're being told a life threatening heart condition. in fact, that came out in a courtroom in north carolina today when a federal judge agreed to push his trial back to late march. a judge announcing that a cardiologist reports edwards needs surgery next month. prosecutors say the former senator used close to a million dollars in campaign cash to cover up his affair with his pregnant mistress rielle hunter during his 2008 white house run. he later admitted to fathering a love child with her while his wife elizabeth battled the cancer which eventually killed her. the chief fox report correspondent jonathan hunt is with us. sounds like the judge in this case really didn't have much choice of what to do here. >> she said pretty much that, shep. she said that the public needs and deserves a quick trial in
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this case but in her words, john edwards has real and serious health issues. she says she received two letters from his cardiologist which said he has a heart condition that will need surgery. that's due to happen at the beginning of february. so for now, shep, she has put the trial off until at least march 26th. >> whenever it begins, every legal expert i have spoken with seems to believe this is going to be a tough one to prosecute. >> for a start, you are looking at campaign finance laws. not exactly the most clear area of law. and the problem here for prosecutors, according to the experts, is that they will have to prove definitively that that $1 million or close to it came specifically from campaign cash. listen. >> was it intended as a loan to his buddy to say here, use it for your personal needs or clearly donated for campaign funds and he miss appropriated. it does get hard to prove and the law is hard continue to ter pretty. the two things together is
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makes it difficult. >> if john edwards went to a friend to said give me money to keep my lover quiet and happy. in the eyes of many it's distasteful and disloyal but not illegal. >> some of the g.o.p. candidates have obviously been piling on mitt romney during his time at a big buyout firm. now one of his rivals is pulling back it would appear on his attacks. we will give you the details on that. plus, chaos outside an apple store. next, why folks were throwing eggs and how apple responded. and on a budget. em. like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. what is thishorty? uh, tissues si i'm sick. you don't cough, you d't show defeat.
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give me your war face! raaah! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop. ♪ ♪ ♪ one too many... [ male nouncer ] it time to reclaim your garage. the all-new passat. the 2012 motor trend car of the year. ♪ seek your way and go
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>> apple is suspending sales of iphone 4 s in china near rite at outlet in beijing. angry customers pelted the place with eggs after apple cancelled the launch there reportedly due to safety concerns over the size of the crowds. hundreds of customers, including migrant workers in teams of 20 to 30 waited overnight in freezing temperatures in hopes of getting one of those phones. apple spokesman says the phone quickly sold out at other outlets in china. folks there reportedly pay up to $1,000 for one iphone. a camera rolling during an attack that led to a man losing his leg and that tops our news across america.
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florida. police say a fight that broke out near a convenience store in fort lauderdale quickly turned violent. they say a man threw brings at a car which then pinned a bystander against a pole. here is that driver. >> i didn't know somebody was under there. i thought until you heard screaming. >> doctors had to amputate that man's leg. virginia. a judge sentencing a man who used drywall to barricade his three young kids in a room to three years of probation. the pair west of d.c. pleaded guilty to child abuse charges last march. a neighbor says they got off easy. >> that's blatant abuse and to only get probation is despicable. sentencing for the wife is set for may. >> hawaii, a 73-year-old woman plowed her car into pearl harbor christian academy. some students and teachers say it sounded like a bomb went off. >> we heard a big crash so we were really freaking out. >> the driver and a librarian
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hurt. california. brutal attack on 18-year-old woman in the lobby of her apartment building in los angeles. police say the suspect beat the victim repeatedly then grabbed her cell phone. she went after him but you can see he punched her again. at last word he was still on the loose and part of a fox watch across america. >> shepard: a teacher who went missing in montana is dead. we learned that today according to the web site of the school where she worked. her name was sherry arnold. she vanished saturday in the small town of sydney after she left her house for a run. authorities say a tip led them to one man and they took him into custody and then they questioned another man in south dakota. no other details on where or how this 43-year-old widely loved teacher died cops were investigating as possible abduction after they found one
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of her shoes along the running route. i'm shepard smith. this is a fox report. it's the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. it's getting closer in south carolina. the analysts say the attacks on mitt romney's record at bain capital may be working. another poll has him in a statistical tie with newt gingrich. this one from the group american research. the congressman ron paul is in third place. the texas governor rick perry jumping into fourth ahead of rick santorum. romney also losing ground in the real clear politics average of the latest polls in south carolina. his lead has been cut in half in just the past two days. it's now just five points. today mitt romney's campaign defended his record at bain capital with a new ad. >> mitt romney helped create and ran a company that invested in struggling businesses. grew new ones and rebuilt old ones. creating thousands of jobs. those are the facts. >> shepard: some of his rivals though are not backing down
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with the first in the south primary one week from tomorrow. mike emanuel is live in washington for us tonight. you know, mike, newt gingrich had been leading the fight, i get here against romney. what did he he say today? >> shep, gingrich says he is not attacking capitalism. he is questioning a candidate, in this case mitt romney's record. here is more of gingrich pressuring the issue. >> i just challenge governor romney. release the records. show us the facts. you can't run for president, have half your campaign be about your great achievements and then hide them. >> romney points to staples, sports authority and others as success stories although he notes in the real world sometimes there are failures, shep. >> shepard: then there is rick santorum. i mentioned he he is plunging in the polls. he spoke today too, mike. >> he is he not taking any shots at romney's business record at this point. he has been selling his own qualifications and may be worried about selling like he is anti-free market. so far santorum has given romney a pass.
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>> i don't criticize and i won't criticize his work at bain capital. i mean, i believe in capitalism. i believe in free enterprise and private equity firms are very important and vital part of the free market system in this country. and, but, that doesn't necessarily mean that you want your boss running for president. >> now that approach may be hurting santorum as you noted at the top who has dropped in recent south carolina polls while gingrich has been surging into second place, shep. >> shepard: and then there is rick perry. former governor of texas, who i mean he seems to know he wants to shut down three agencies of the government but again today he just can't remember what they are. >> well, today governor perry was asked in a radio interview and this time he had a different take leaving education out. >> three off othe bat, congress, interior and energy are three that you think of right off. >> later he followed up saying interior needs to be consolidated or truly reworked
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while also asking south carolina voters to give his campaign a second chance. shep? >> shepard: third chance. mike emanuel good to see you. have a good weekend. one of the factories that mitt romney's firm bought was in south carolina. the company employed about 150 people. they made picture frames and photo albums. it went under. that was 19 years ago. our john roberts went to the town where that factory was located to find out how the shutdown affected the people there. he is live tonight in myrtle beach. hello, john. >> hey, shep. good evening to you. yes, we found that factory in gaffney, south carolina. here is a picture of it. it's now a big pen factory but it closed down under bain in 1992. love -- bic factory took over. we talked to the lunchtime crowd about what they saw the impact of that being. one of the people we found was jim cook the executive director of the economic development board.
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i asked him what the economic impact was. >> i'm sure it was painful for the people that lost their jobs short-term. i'm sure they had to look for work. but looking at the records of what happened 25 years ago, it was not a significant economic impact to the county. >> and how do voters feel about it now? one fellow i talked to is he doesn't blame romney that's part of capitalism. one said it didn't have much impact 20 years ago and after all it was 20 years ago. i ran into a voter stopping by from florida who said he is going to vote at the republic primary there. after hearing about romney's record at bain capital there is no way he could vote for him. >> it's just not worth the time and money to put somebody who might, might help the economy, but surely he hasn't shown it to me in the business relationships he he has had in the past. >> which just goes to show,
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shep, that negative campaigning, negative advertising does have an impact. we will see how much as we watch romney's numbers over the next few days. back to you, shep. >> shepard: thanks, john. john roberts in myrtle beach. romney's rivals will get another chance to go after him in myrtle beach. see it monday night in hannity's normal time slot. 9 eastern 8 central here at fnc. the attorney general here in the state of mississippi will ask a court to overturn most of the pardons and other repreefs that the former governor haley barbour issued during his final days in office. more than 200 people received pardons or clemens, some of them had been convicted of manslaughter or murder. victims' families say they are outraged. but former governor barbour is speaking out now and tells fox news owe stands by his decisions. >> christians or profess to be christians and we believe in forgiveness and we believe in second chances. >> former governoro go reprievey
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out oof prison. one of america's biggest banks reports it would consider closing some u.s. branches if its financials whoas get better. gerri willis will be here to explain what all of that could mean for us. plus a dramatic rescue after a crash left this wrecked car dangling off the side of a bridge with people trapped inside. that's coming up as fox reports live tonight. [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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a mouthwatering combination of ingredients...e for you! i know you're gonna love. [ barks ] yes, it's new beneful healthy fiesta made with wholesome grains, real chicken, even accents of tomato and avocado. yeah! come on! [ barking ] gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] new beneful healthy fiesta. another healthful, flavorful beneful.
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and when a reporter asked israel if president perez knew anything about it, his nation had anything to do with it he responded "not to the best of my knowledge" this was the fifth nuclear scientist attacked in the past two years. iran denies accusations from the west that it's trying to build weapons with its nuclear program. jennifer griffin with the news. live at the pentagon. first off, jen, i guess it's going to escalate all of this? >> that's right. this is video shot by the u.s. navy and coast guard in the strait of hormuz last week. it shows the iranian revolutionary guard speed boats harassing two u.s. military vessels, first swarming the uss new orleans, then seen here chasing a u.s. coast guard cutter. the iranian fast boats were armed with ak 47's we're telling you about eventually appealed away. dennis roth served as the president's advisor on iran until recently. >> the pressure is really being felt by the iranians now. that's why we are seeing all
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this from them. >> the kind of bluster that can lead to misunderstandings and also can lead to the disruption of 16 billion barrels of oil that passed through that strait of who hormuz each day, shepard. >> shepard: staying on the tension theme at the funeral for this scientist who was killed more threats there. that's right, there were threats from mourner who's called for death to america death to israel. they have accused u.s. the is asass sinating their nuclear scientist. a charge the u.s. vehemently denies. now there is news that the iaea the u.n. nuclear inspectors says that iran has invited a high level team of these nuclear inspectors to iran to talk for the first time in three years about accusations that iran is pursuing a secret nuclear weapons program. this is new and it's something that has gotten people's attention in vienna, shepard. >> shepard: clearly.
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jennifer griffin at the pentagon tonight. thanks. we got word tonight that police in tie land have arrested a terrorist suspect after officials learned of possible plots against western tourist there. the u.s. state department today warned american citizens in thailand to stay alert and keep a low profile in tourist hot spots. the tip came from the israelis the suspect is part of a terrorist group hezbollah. a second suspect escaped the country. police in thailand arrested the mastermind of the 2002 bali terror bombings which killed 200 people including several americans. we are learning executives recently told the feds they are willing to shut down some branches of bank of america if the bank runs into more money trouble that's according to the reporting of the "wall street journal" which is owned by the parent company of this network. apparently one of several possible emergency scenarios for bank of america gerri willis is with us now to
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explain what some of this is. too big to fail. may have to change to bank of america to bank of some of america. 5700 branches out there. what could happen is that some of the branches in smaller towns and cities could be closed down because they are more expensive to operate than the ones in the big cities. already they have sort of indicated that they are going to close some and as maybe as 750 branches down, shep. >> shepard: this didn't help any of the markets at home and france got another credit rating downgrading. >> a lot of countries got credit rating cut france, italy and spain three of the nine cut today by standard and poor's. big news there. the good news the bright shining moment, germany was not cut. that's, of course, the biggest economy in the region france now double a plus just like us. [speaking french] >> that was good. >> let the good times roll as new orleans say. catch the willis report 5
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pacific specific. tops our news around the world in 80 seconds. china, police say the suspect hit 13 vehicles during his get away attempt. you can see him crash into one car, then back up right into a motorcyclist. cops were all over the scene. but they couldn't stop the guy. he managed to get through that mess but ran into more trouble down the road. chinese state television reports police finally grabbed him later that day. >> nigeria, union leaders say they will temporarily suspend a national strike so families can leave their hops to shop. at least nine people have died in five days of protests over rising fuel costs. it began when gas prices doubled overnight after government ended decades old subsidy program. belgium, investigators looking into a fire at a youth hospital in downtown brussels.
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crews evacuated the place but three american visitors say they didn't hear any order to get out. >> one of my roommates walked outside and our floor was flooding and we're like woe, what is going on? >> no word of anyone hurt. >> shepard: russia, an exhibition in st. petersburg for an artist who says he paints under water. the guy reportedly spent years in his bathroom developing special pigments that stick to canvas in water. he says sometimes he gets so involved in his work he forgets how much oxygen is left in his tank. that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. quite a rescue to show you now. truck hit a bmw west of santa barbara on a freeway. plunged 100 feet into a creek and burst into flames. the truck driver died. check out these photos from the scene. that car ended up crushed and teetering over the side of a highway overpass. a mother and her two daughters 10 years and 10 months old were trapped inside.
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reportedly took a rescue team about an hour to free them. the police say a group of navy sea bees drove by to help. emergency workers took that family to the hospital. the feds issuing a warning over radioactive tissue dispensers. what you should know before you blow your nose coming up. plus, tim tebow, maybe he is not the best quarterback in the national football league but he is now number one in a new poll on american athletes. now an underwear company is wanting a piece of that action. that he will go to the super bowl. ♪ tell me what you really mean ♪ do you know wh you want? ♪ while beating up on yesterday ♪ ♪ rolling on, moving on [ female announcer ] the space of a small suv. and more ways to connect to your world.
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>> shepard: america, you have decided. tim tebow is the most popular active professional athlete in this nation.
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at least according to a new poll from espn. tebow finished ahead of kobe bryant, packers quarterback aaron rodgers and peyton manning and tom brady. tebow's bronchos are set to go up against the pats tomorrow in the nfl playoffs. when a reporter asked tim tebow about the poll he responded quote it tells me they have a lot of crazy polls out there. i hope people see that i'm real and i make a ton of mistakes but that i always get back up and try again. trace gallagher with the news if you will this tebow mania you wonder if it will continue if they stumble at foxborough. >> the tebow machine will continue on. the poll you talked about it took colby bryant 11 years to become the most mop larr athlete. tim tebow did it in 15 years. passing numbers average. style unorthodox. he comes a way to come back and win. 18 fourth quarter drives.
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four overtime victories. but as cbs sports found out getting tim tebow to brag is kind of a task, listen. i think number one is what my mom and dad preached to me when i was a little kid just because you may have athletic ability and may be able to play a sport doesn't make you any more special than anybody else. >> did you know tim tebow was out following the footsteps of jim palmer. now an underwear model for jockey underwear. in fact, jockey is so confident that tim tebow and the broncos will go to the super bowl, they are putting $1 million worth of jockey gear on the line. that's a boat load of skivvies, shep. >> shepard: vegas is betting the other way. so many people talk about this as some sort of divine intervention, you know. >> yeah. there is a lot of people out there that really do believe that god is a bronco's fan. they conducted a poll is tim tebow getting divine
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intervention? look at the numbers here, 43% say yes he is getting divine intervention. 42% say no it's all tim tebow and 14% are waiting for the new england patriots game on saturday. take a look at this by the way. you can imagine this duo? tiger woods and tim tebow. tim tebow has been invited to play in the at&t pebble beach open and if he plays, reportedly he wants to play with tiger woods. and, by the way, tim tebow has a pretty good swing. is he known to duff it a time or two. you mentioned the odds, 13.5 underdogs are the bronchos against the packers. >> shepard: indeed they are. trace gallagher out in l.a. bed bath and beyond stores are recalling metal tissue box holders that are radioactive. the nuclear regulatory commission duel ridge boutique tissue holders contain a type of colbalt that recently set off radiation farms at weigh
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stations. even though the danger appears minimal. new york state herlt officials says holding one against your body for an hour equals a chest x-ray. bed bath and beyond say customers can return them for a free refund and glow stick. scientists warning that one of the heaviest hunks of space junk ever could crash into earth this weekend and it's toxic. there it is. it's also purple. according to russian space officials the manned unmanned probe broke down right under -- right after its launch back in november. it weighs more than 14 tons. the size of a van. scientists tracking this sprays craft say it will likely land somewhere off the coast of argentina. sunday or monday. and the bulk of its weight is a highly toxic suspect. but the experts say most of it should burn up in the earth's atmosphere and there is actually very little risk to the public. well, this certainly won't help anybody overcome a fear of flying. there is turbulence and then there is this.
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the airplane trying to land in some crazy cross winds and it's apparently so common that pilots have come up with a special technique to deal with it. we'll have that on route to mr. bill o'reilly as fox report wraps up your week. [ ma announcer ] you won't find the toughness of a ram 1500 combined with the legendary power of a hemi v8 in any other truck. it's a beautiful thing. guts. glory. ram. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement
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if lipitor's been working for you, stay with it. lipitor may be available for as little as $4 a month with the lipitor co-pay card. terms and conditions apply. learn more at in some fierce cross winds. look at this. we are told this happened during a wind storm in an airport in western germany. no word on how strong the winds were here but as you can see the planes look as if they are coming in catty workers' wo. side ways. acts like a weather vain. pilots have learned until the last moment to line the wheels with the center of the ground in the runway. veteran actor gene hackman airlifted to a hospital after a car hit him while he was on a bicycle. happened way down south in the florida keyes.
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medics took the 81-year-old to a hospital in miami. spokesman for the actor tells tmz hackman has left the hospital and is actually doing just fine. if you are a superstitious person this may freak you out a little bit there are three friday the 13s this year. the good thing is one of them is almost over. bad thing is two more on the way. in april -- there is one in april and one in july. get, this the dates are all exactly 13 weeks apart. rare event. last time it happened nearly 30 years ago and won't happen again until 2040. before we go our team's top five things of the day. number five, international space station dodging space junk. changeddor bit. processed meats like sausage and bacon can raise your chance of getting cancer in a big way. giving orange juice the all
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clear. they have been testing all o.j. imports for banned fungicide. a judge refusing to ad four president contenders after they failed to meet requirements. joran van der sloot getting 20 years in prison for murdering woman in peru he is the prime suspect of the american teenager natalee holloway. that's "the fox report's" top five. and on this day in 1982, an air florida jet crashed into the potomac river just a couple miles from the white house. the boeing 727 took off from washington's airport in arlington. crashed into the 14th street bridge over the potomac. hit seven cars and plunged into the freezing river. witnesses said they didn't know how to reach the few survivors. a police helicopter came along to help. the crash killed 78 people in all. the feds blamed it on improper de-icing and poor communication between the pilots. the jet to


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