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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 4, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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>> sandra: fox news alert, a live look on capitol hill as our coverage of the election for speaker continues and john, it has not been without drama. and that drama continues as we now move into a fifth ballot on capitol hill. >> john: the master of understatement there, sandra. it has been fascinating to watch. republicans are supporting kevin mccarthy might use a different worse than fascinating, but for those of us at home to see it go on and on and on is something we have not seen in 100 years and we may have to go back more than 150 years to find a comparable moment in time, depending on just how long it does go on. >> sandra: interesting to hear
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byron tell us a moment ago, congressman donalds say he believes therehe ballot, byron donalds and voted for himself. we'll see what happens and will cover it. >> john: nothing will happen today, i don't think, so whatever negotiations occur after the house adjourns for the day. meantime, new at 2:00 and breaking right now, the man accused in the murders of four idaho students on the way to idaho where he faces four counts of first-degree murder. >> sandra: the 28-year-old man tells his defense lawyer he is eager to be exonerated. >> john: dan springer is outside the idaho facility. when can we expect kohberger to arrive, dan? >> it's a good question, john, and we are tracking a plane we
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think he is on that stopped in champagne, illinois to refuel, and then it will be coming up here and it could be 3, 4 hours. we don't know exactly when he'll get here, but we do know he'll be coming to the county jail. i talked to the county prosecutor. he says if he gets here before court ends, a possibility he would be in court, but more likely that will be tomorrow. kohberger waived extradition where he was arrested five days ago, his parents were in the brief hearing but left without speaking to the media. four counts of first-degree murder and a burglary charge. three probable cause affidavits are sealed and will not be unsealed until his initial court appearance in idaho probably tomorrow. the warrants to search his
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parents' home, and hyundai elantra, and his dna, and the police broke down windows and into the house presumably when he and his parents slept. >> having read those documents and the sealed affidavits of probable cause, i definitely believe that one of the main reasons the defendant chose to waive extradition and hurry his return back to idaho was the need to know what was in those documents. >> while kohberger was in court in pennsylvania yesterday, his defense team was let into the house in moscow, idaho, where the murders happened to start building a defense. there was a crime scene reconstruction expert there for several hours. in addition to kohberger's court appointed public defender, anne taylor. she's about an hour and a half
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from here, and she has some experience in this area. she was actually, got her law degree from the university of idaho and she was picked for this case because she has experience on death penalty cases and she's the only one in this area that has that experience to handle this case, john. >> john: dan springer for us in moscow, idaho. thanks. bill daly, former fbi investigator. bill, as dan was saying, the first order of business when kohberger arrives in idaho will be to unseal the probable cause affidavit against him at a police press conference yesterday what the district attorney in pennsylvania said about that. >> i definitely believe that one of the main reasons the defendant chose to waive extradition and hurry his return to idaho was the need to know what was in the documents.
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>> john: kohberger was a student of criminology, he's anxious to find out what's in the document but he may not like what he hears when it's opened. >> john, first of all, for people that know, this need to be put forward this affidavit under the fourth amendment, you need to show probable cause for arrest or warrant for arrest. so, it isn't that treasure trove we are expecting to come out during the course of a potential trial where the details infinite detail are presented. at this point it's really information that led the authorities to select him as a suspect. what places him, perhaps at the crime scene. it also provides some details around what led to that, whether it's forensic information, whether circumstantial information. but unfortunately, i don't think, and it may come about but does not have to present itself with regard to motive or how he knew the suspects, he's going to talk about the burglary, some other situational aspects of
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this matter. but some of the things we were hoping to hear may not come out in the affidavit. >> incredible to think about the father in the car with his son driving cross country from washington state to pennsylvania with this alleged murderer and in this white hyundai elantra that was being described as the killer's car potentially as it was found. nancy grace had this to say earlier on fox news channel. listen to this. >> i believe we will learn that guy kohberger was around the victims, based on cell phone tracking. he was there looking in their windows, watching them maybe at the food truck and learning their patterns. i believe he stalked them for weeks before he went in methodically and murdered them. >> sandra: i should be clear, there was an investigator on the screen, that was not the alleged
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killer, that interview took place earlier this morning when they had the picture up. that being said, there is some we know. we know his cell phone was ping i think in the area, we have heard from parts of this investigation for weeks leading up to this, and that he was potentially stalking them for quite some time before he allegedly killed those four people. >> it is quite telling if this information is true is he was out there in and around the area for some period of time beforehand and perhaps looking for the opportunity plus also kind of scoping out the layout of the home, how he might be able to gain entry. you know, it is going to be quite compelling once all this information comes about regarding not just that presence but also the physical presence in the residence during the crime itself. you mentioned about him travelling across country and the authorities, even though they had him in their sights, let's say, but were not in the position to create the warrant as of yet, were very much concerned as he was travelling across the country, i can assume, that there may be a
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flight risk and that's why even once they got close and they knew preparing the document they did have special surveillance, fbi surveillance on him to make sure he did not make a left turn and leave the country which would have made getting him into custody that much more challenging. >> john: i was wondering on the cross country trip with his father, was the fbi tailing him all the way or surveil him afterwards, and did the fbi watch as he was pulled over in indiana for minor traffic infractions, including following too closely. the>> great question, and possible they were. right now they are telling us around four days preceding the arrest he was under surveillance. but there have been cases i'm aware of where the fbi has daisy-chained across the country, physical surveillance and other methods to track people as they travel long distances. so it's possible they were doing that. if he was stopped over and pulled over by the police, no
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reason to intercede at that point, we don't believe they had the warrant for his arrest, so just let that happen. but kind of go about its natural course, whatever the police were stopping him for. it is very possible we may find out later on that police did have him in their sights and truly in their sights, physical sights for a longer period than just a couple days before the arrest. >> sandra: think how brutal the process has been for the families who lost their children, their loved ones. they talk about how brutal for the many weeks that passed where they knew nothing, had no suspect. they have the suspect now and we watch him going to and from the court hearings and you see him in the orange jump suit shackled, staring down cameras and reporters as pictures are taken of him. his behavior is publicly being observed, bill. what does it tell you? >> and i can tell you too, sandra, unfortunately the pain will not go away any time soon. they will be in the courtroom,
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hear all the details regarding the crime and people have had to look across the table and confronted the person alleged to have committed the crimes so it will bring up the feelings again. where we were a few weeks ago, we have moved this along, we have a suspect, there is a lot of information that needs to be developed around the court case and when the court case when will come about, it needs to be scheduled. i think we will learn more and more about the horrific event and may shed light on how people can better protect themselves from individuals like this in the future, we hope, whether he was targeting through some personal contact or through social media or combination thereof, we don't know. i think a lot of those things we can learn from this may hopefully thwart or protect people in the future. >> sandra: bill daly, thank you very much.
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>> john: the parents of kaylee goncalves were on with "hannity," and they said they are thankful they were in idaho, a death penalty state. and we were going to have others on to talk about this and got bumped because of the news from capitol hill. but in their minds does this rise to a capital crime, i think it probably would. because if it's true he was stalking, allegedly stalking them and then this was a premeditated murder, that would fit a capital crime. >> sandra: that would give away a lot. >> john: sure would. hearing from the man who attacked three new york city police officers with a machete and when he says he did in his own words. plus. >> sandra: china turning entire islands into the pacific into highly developed military bases, we are told, despite president xi telling the west that beijing
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>> john: a live look at the floor of the house of representatives where for a fifth time kevin mccarthy will fail to gain the 218 votes necessary to become speaker of the house. he has already passed the threshold of failure, which meant that five people voted for somebody other than him. we'll keep watching this, though, and figure out where it goes from here. we don't know, sandra, if they will keep on voting or decide to adjourn and recapitulate and try again later or wait until tomorrow or voting and voting
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and voting, we'll see. >> sandra: we'll continue to cover it and watch it. an islamic extremist charged to trying to murder three police officers new york city, he remained in his hospital bed as the judge determined a significant flight risk. bicford told investigators he wanted to "kill an officer in uniform. i saw the officer until he was alone, i walked up to him and hit him over the head. i charged another officer but dragged the knife and tried to get the police officer's gun but could not." his case is adjourned until friday. all three officers who were attacked have since been released, thank goodness, from the hospital. john.
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>> john: at least 25 convicts escaped from a mexican prison in a bloody jail break 16 miles from the u.s. border. following the report one of the most dangerous fugitives was spotted at the u.s.-mexico border. among those on the loose, a gang leader with ties to el chapo's sinaloa drug cartel. chad wolf, this happened across the border from el paso. a bloody, bloody prison break and one of the guys who is considered to be very bad person spotted by surveillance cameras at the mexican side of the u.s. border. do we know anything about this guy, know if he crossed over the border, what are you hearing? >> odds are we don't know if he crossed over the border, particularly if he chose to cross between ports of entry, likely did, if he's trying to get into the u.s. illegally. we have a crisis of historic proportions and the amount of got-away, individuals that crossed the border that never
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interact with the law enforcement in the 50 thousands every month. if you are playing the odds, odds are he did not run into a border patrol agent. most of the folks coming across the border that come into contact with the border patrol agent do so by choice. they seek them out. this will be an individual and some of his colleagues that are not seeking out law enforcement, so odds are we don't have the resources to intercept everyone. >> john: a point of reference, 19 people were killed in this prison break, most prison guards after members of a gang drove up in armored vehicles and opened fire springing a lot of these individuals. this gang is associated with a cartel, used to be associated with the sinaloa cartel. definitely bad people. >> these are bad. any cartel member, cartels are dangerous and not have the
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interest of any migrants they are helping traffic or smuggle across the border. again, if you want to get into the u.s., now is the time to do that in the midst of the worst crisis, hundreds of thousands of folks across the border every month, so the southern part of that, on the mexican northern part of the border is all controlled by cartels, and so this idea they go over and across the border at will, particularly now when you don't have border patrol men and women on the line doing the national security job, it's more of an increase and risk now than ever before and the last point, a lot of people want to talk about the children that come across, but this is a great example. there are public safety and national security threats that occur on the border every day and a lot of people don't want to talk about it but the agents down there, they realize that and that's why you hear such the outcry from them. they want the crisis to be solved they know the threats coming into the country. >> john: we talk about the southwestern border but another
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border as well, down in florida, and another surge of cuban migrants coming in. the park service had to close a national park which is about 70 miles west of key west because of migrants, but cubans are coming up and down the coastline of the keys. what's driving this and what happens to the folks since the wet foot-dry foot policy was rescinded. >> cubans have always been coming. but over the last two years, they see there's a different type of posture from the u.s., particularly not enforcement posture. so this idea of can they make it to the u.s., obviously you have coast guard down there that interdicts them on the sea and returns them to cuba and elsewhere, but they say here, claim asylum and go through the process. but we are in a period of time where we see dhs detailing air marshals down to the southern border. i'm not sure they are doing it with coast guard personnel but my concern, if you start
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removing individuals and surging them to one part of the border and other parts of the border, coastline in this case is an area of concern and do you have enough resources and personnel to make that secure as well. >> john: the policy to allow them a path to citizenship is rescinded, they go to the southern border and claim refugee status and they are in. >> when the coast guard intercepts them at sea they return them. when they make it here to the u.s. mainland, other things kick in there. if you are a cuban, you may not make the journey, instead you may go to mexico and through the southern border, you have a much better chance of making it across and staying in the u.s. >> john: appreciate it. >> sandra: fox news alert, the drama in folding in congress, kevin mccarthy appears to have
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failed five votes, and not a change in the sixth. we will talk with mike waller about his vote for mccarthy and where he sees things going from here. we'll be right back. our founders 116 daysyou kk to debate and draft the u.s. constitution? turns out they didn't trust the printing of paper money, but they did trust gold and silver. article 1, section 10. gold and silver. good for the founders, good for me, good for you. rosland capital - is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochure. with rosland, there are no gimmicks, no hassles... and they have fast, reliable shipping. ask yourself. are you safe? make gold your new standard.
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i'm frank siller from the tunnel to towers foundation. i'm here at the patriot awards to honor some very special people. gold star families and families of fallen first responders. after their loved ones died serving our country, there's a hole in their family. a missing spouse missing father or mother. but many are also left with the struggle of keeping their family home. we can't bring these heroes back, but we can help ease their burdens. here at the patriot awards, we are going to surprise them with a very special gift. we take care of our gold star families and our fallen first responder families. those who die for us and leave young families behind. i'm with 21 of these families tonight. they came as our guests.
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to give as little as $11 a month. thank you. >> sandra: all right, so you are looking live again on the house of representatives, the house floor there on capitol hill as we have been monitoring the developments coming from there and mccarthy has failed in a fifth vote for house speaker, john, as the drama continues there. and as we looked at the initial tally on the fourth vote, mccarthy 201, jeffries 212, others 20. there was one present today, john, and i know your question was why did victoria sparts vote present. we have an answer. >> she just sent out an email from her office, said we have a constitutional duty to elect the speaker of the house but have to deliberate further until we have enough votes and stop wasting
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everyone's time. none of the republican candidates have this number yet, that's why i voted and listen here -- just, she was just called on again, assume she probably voted present again. she says none of the republican candidates have the number, 218, that's why i voted present after all the votes were cast. so a bit of a protest saying look, this process is not going anywhere, i'm not going to vote for one or the other, just vote present. >> sandra: indeed. fascinating to listen to the developments on capitol hill and mike waller is voting for congressman kevin mccarthy for house speaker. explain your case and do you believe kevin mccarthy has a path forward here? >> absolutely, he does, and ultimately he will be elected speaker of the house. kevin mccarthy has worked tirelessly to end nancy pelosi's
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reign as speaker, flip the house from democrat to republican and the bottom line is here, people voting against kevin mccarthy in the republican conference are aiding joe biden, hakeem jeffries and chuck schumer, they are the reason we are not getting about the business we set out to do. jim jordan's oversight on judiciary, can't do it because of these folks. when it comes to securing our border, guess what, can't do it because of these folks. when it comes to reining in wasteful spending, can't do it. they have put their selfish agenda over the conference. conference voted in november '85% to support mccarthy for speaker. our rules dictate he is the candidate to support. they have put themselves above everything else and are costing
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conservatives dearly. they need to get serious, wake up and realize that we are not rolling over. there are over 200 of us who support kevin mccarthy, and we will support him on every single vote. so, we can continue to have this, we can continue to move the goal post, set new demands, but kevin mccarthy will be the speaker of the house. >> john: congressman-elect, let me ask you this question. you say you are not rolling over. the 20 who have voted against kevin mccarthy say that they are not rolling over either, and so now we get to a point where who is going to blink first. the 20 in opposition or the 201, 202 who support mccarthy and there is a school of thought emerging that the 20 are not going to blink, that some of the 202 will, what do you say to that? >> here is the bottom line. we live in a democracy, and
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generally speaking, majority rules. so, these folks seem to think that it's a dictatorship and seem to think their opinions are the only ones that should matter. we have debate, we had discussion. kevin mccarthy negotiated in good faith with the freedom caucus to address their concerns. we made over 20 rules changes, and that wasn't good enough. they couldn't take yes for an answer, had to come back with more demands, more requests. the only people who are selfish in this entire process, thwarting the will of the american people who demanded -- demanded a split government, who wanted republicans to be a check and balance on the biden administration and on chuck schumer and the senate, is the house freedom caucus and the members who are refusing to support kevin mccarthy. so, being from my vantage point we will not be held hostage, we are not going to roll over on this, and they can negotiate in
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good faith as kevin mccarthy and we have to address their concerns or we'll keep voting. that's the bottom line here. >> sandra: congressman-elect, we hear you as many are that are casting their votes for mccarthy giving him the credit for flipping power in the house, saying good-bye to nancy pelosi, but there are some who anticipated winning by a much bigger margin in the house and there are some who blame kevin mccarthy and the rnc for that. you see what's happening in the rnc, the chair woman. i asked byron donalds whether this is a referendum on mccarthy's performance and the rnc in the midterm elections and he answered with this. if we had seen the red wave predicted and the gop gain a massive majority in the house would we be here today? >> probably not, because i think that would have changed the very
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dynamics of how you count votes. let's be very clear. republican voters across the country have not been happy with party leadership across the board. you saw the senate, and a challenge in the next head of the rnc and a leadership challenge in the house of representatives. >> sandra: i'll ask you the same question. would we be here in this moment if mccarthy in the fifth ballot if he had won in the house by a much bigger margin. >> guess what. if people like me did not win in districts joe biden carried by ten points we would not even be talking about a majority. so i think it's wrong for some of those folks who have contributed mightily to the harmful image that the republican party has had in some of these swing states and districts to be lecturing anybody else. kevin mccarthy went above and
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beyond trying to flip the house and end nancy pelosi's rein as speaker of the house. campaigned across the country, raised over half a billion dollars to support candidates. by the way, including many of the people opposing him now to make sure they got elected. the bottom line is this. a majority is a majority. we have an obligation to govern whether it's 222, or 240, the bottom line is we are in the majority, we ended nancy pelosi's rein as speaker, that was most important, and now it's time to get about the work of the american people. and the longer this drags on, the harder it is to do that. >> john: congressman, you say kevin mccarthy negotiated in good faith, but lauren boebert from colorado told bret baier last night, two colleagues and myself walked into kevin mccarthy's office, a deal that got him 218 votes. the gavel on the first ballot, and he smuggly rejected that.
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so members of the holdout group believe kevin mccarthy is not negotiating in good faith with them. one of the sticking points to vacate what the threshold would be. byron donalds who was on earlier said one member could raise a motion to vacate, nancy pelosi changed that, why can't we go back to the way it was for decades before? >> look, let's be clear about this. i asked matt gaetz on a conference call, if it was changed from 5 to 1 would you support kevin mccarthy, he hemmed and hawed and could not give a direct answer. scott perry was asked what else do you want, couldn't get a direct answer. they went in with a new list of demands after kevin gave them everything they had asked for to that point. they wanted specific people appointed to committees, they wanted specific chairmanship, they wanted to remove the church
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style commission from jim jordan and give it to scott perry and they wanted their specific bills passed. that would bypass regular order which they seem to be claiming that they support. so, the bottom line here is this. they continue to move the goal post, refuse to take yes for an answer when it comes to so many of the demands that they have made, and they are not negotiating in good faith. kevin has, and that is why he has the overwhelming support of the conference. and that is why none of us are going to back down in this fight. >> sandra: congressman-elect, how have your first couple days in washington gone? >> makes albany look like bean bag, but it's going well. >> john: they say politics ain't bean bag, welcome to washington. eventually it's going to end. it ended in 1856, so we hope we'll get a conclusion at some point. >> we will, we will. thanks. >> john: joining us us now is martha maccallum, "the story" is
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coming up in 21 and a half minutes. you heard the congressman-elect saying despite all the talk from the holdouts that they were presenting common sense proposals and they were negotiating in good faith, according to congressman-elect mike lawler, a lot of moving of goal posts here. >> martha: sounds like it, and welcome to washington, makes albany look like bean bag. we know albany has tough politics of it own. this is where we are right now in this process, and you know, if you are fighting for something you have to be willing to trade something in order to shift. so you have this dynamic of both sides so dug in that so far we have not seen any give in these numbers, but at some point, john and sandra, as you well know, we will. something will happen, there will be a catalyst and why we are watching it closely, and you have the other number at 20
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right now, and victoria is voting present for an interesting reason, basically saying there is no -- we are not getting anywhere in this moment. she's hoping for an option to give her something to vote for that looks like it could be a potential game changer here and that's what needs to happen at some .1 of these sides has to give in and so far it does not appear to be happening. but you know, lawler makes a number of interesting points about people like matt gaetz and scott perry who continue to move the question, they continue to move what it is they want and it looks more and more like they are sort of just obviously very against personally against kevin mccarthy, they don't trust kevin mccarthy and the other side of this is, when you look at what, you know, some folks are saying out there on social media, they are talking about not minding this process, that politics is messy, that they are fighting for what they believe their
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constituents want back at home, they want to see some real fiscal responsibility and are questioning whether or not they would get it with this kevin mccarthy scenario. they are pushing for a change in terms of the investigation of the doj and the fbi, they want scott perry to run that, not jim jordan. jim jordan has been pretty tenacious in this process, he sort of remains in his mix in the water as well. i thought it was interesting watching jim jordan walk through the rotunda part of the building a short time ago, swarmed by people asking him questions. byron donalds in the same position. aishah hasnie is reporting byron donalds will be the alternative choice in the next round but you can see there is support for jim jordan as well. so, this is really, from our perspective, fascinating to watch that play out, you mentioned earlier this is the way conventions used to look, more interesting to cover when
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it looked like that. from our perspective, it's politics in action, see where it goes. but this is quite interesting as we get into the fifth vote here and probably headed toward a sixth maybe today as well. >> sandra: final tally, 201 mccarthy, 212 jeffries, 20 others, and one present category. mccarthy said he believes the pathway if more members vote present, he got one today after none in the previous votes. and ken buck was speaking, the member from colorado, he did cast his vote for mccarthy but he did tell reporters out in the hallway that mccarthy should step aside if he can't secure the votes. he said members after this fifth vote now are getting worn down. and i had somebody stop me in the hallway coming in, what's the max number of ballots that
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can happen. there's no limit. so, mccarthy has indicated, and as far as we have seen publicly, that he's going to stay with this, and continue to negotiate and hope for change. so that's where we are at almost 3:00 eastern time today, martha. >> martha: mccarthy has been dug in, saying it might take a while, and an answer to how many ballots, it can go on forever. in the civil war period more than 130 ballots as they got to this point, no cable news covering this and we tend to want things to happen in 2023 in sort of a faster, more efficient fashion, but you know, this is -- this is an interesting situation, and byron donalds made some interesting points with you guys a short time ago and there are people out there who would like to see more serious reform there in this very small sliver of this overarching larger republican group that is voting on this.
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so, at some point something will give. there will be a speaker of the house and my guess is after that happens, people will move on and they'll be looking at them to get something done. right now this is where we are, guys. >> john: one of the points, martha, byron donalds made. the world is not going to end tomorrow if no speaker is decided today, which is absolutely true. what happens, you get a delay in the formation of the committees, you get a delay in jim jordan starting investigations into myriad of things, including hunter biden, but those things can wait, according to byron donalds and others who oppose kevin mccarthy under the way things look now. it does not matter if those are delayed for a few days, we'll start those things up. two years is a long time in politics. we are just so used to a coronation happening every january 3rd that this process looks a little frustrating, a little dragged out. but he's saying there is really
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nothing to worry about here. is he right? >> martha: i can look at it both ways. two years can go also very quickly. all of these individuals about to be sworn in when they do pick a leader in this process will begin campaigning for 2024 almost instantly, raising money. and in order to be successful in this venture they have to show people voters and people who are going to donate to those campaigns impacts that they are getting somewhere, and all of this from the republican side of the aisle is about 2024, it's about regaining power ultimately, they didn't regain the senate which rick scott at one point thought was absolutely going to happen. they are going to have new leadership. on the house side they promised a tsunami, which did not happen, so they are going to have to get their act together in a fairly quick fashion if they want to start churning those wheels and turning it for 2024. and ron desantis with a huge inaugural celebration in florida
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basically saying this is where you will find sanity in florida and touting his own leadership qualities and it's a fair question to ask where the leadership is on capitol hill on the gop side of the aisle right now. >> john: all good points to make, martha. we'll see you in 14 minutes, martha. thank you. >> sandra: bring back senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. what's the update from the hill? >> waiting on the official vote tally from this fifth speaker vote here, kevin mccarthy has not gotten the necessary numbers here. we knew that early on, more than five members voted against him, ultimately it was 20 who voted for byron donalds here, that's a pretty consistent number, this protest vote of republicans voting against kevin mccarthy. and as we said last hour, a little bit of attrition going on because we have had another present vote, the republican from indiana, she voted present, we have a present on the board
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again this vote as well. so he's losing a little bit of support there because he's not getting those votes. she was for him earlier. on the other hand, that kind of sort of, emphasize kind of sort of, helps him a little bit, that lowered the threshold. remember the rule in the house of representatives is that the winner -- the speaker wins if you have an outright majority of those casting votes by name, and so what has happened here is sparts has not voted for somebody by name, that lowers the bar to 217. >> sandra: ok, chad. thank you very much. we are going to continue to watch the house floor there as the house speaker vote will now move into a sixth ballot after two taking place today. chad pergram on the hill for us. thank you very much, chad. our coverage will continue of this unfolding drama in congress, we are going to take a quick break. we'll be right back.
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>> so we continue to watch live on the house floor where a lot of conversations are happening now. lawmakers are huddled, conversations being had and now what will happen as this heads into a sixth ballot after mccarthy failed to win a majority there in the house of
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representatives for a fifth vote for speaker. that has failed. we need to see what will happen next in this process. that is a question mark at this moment. we'll update you as we get word from capitol hill. john? >> john: another big story, sandra, in a fox news alert, we just got an update from the nfl over the current condition of damar hamlin. he remains in intensive care unit at the university of cincinnati hospital. garrett tenney has the breaking details. what did the nfl have to say, garrett? >> small and potentially encourage updates on damar hamlin's conditions. he's still sedated and on a ventilator. overnight, doctors saw signs of improvement. we learned that damar is receiving 50% oxygen after initially receiving 100%.
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small step there's of progression. a long way to go, but it appears that his condition isn't getting worse. the family is continuing to ask folks to pray on his behalf and thanking everyone for the outpouring of love and support that they received. the charity foundation that hamlin set ups that raised over $6 million since monday night alone. his jersey, a second string player at the beginning of this season, is now the top selling jersey on the fanatics website. they said they will donate the proceeds from his jersey sales to his foundation. the nfl said they're still looking at what to do about the rematch or finishing the game between the buffalo bills and the bengals. a lot of discussions taking place. they hope to have a decision made by hopefully next week, early after this weekend after these games are played. john? >> we'll see what they decide. we're all praying for hamlin. hope he recovers. garrett tenney. thank you.
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sandra? >> sandra: we have breaking news from the white house at this hour on intentions by the president to visit the border what with are we hear something. >> brand new after the president went to his infrastructure event. he talked to reporters under the wing of air force one. somebody asked him about a "wall street journal" item, if he's planning to go to the southern border next week. he said that's his intention but details aring being ironed out. it's been less than a month since i asked the president why he goes to border states and not visit the border. he said at the time because there are more important things going on. at the time he considered more important thing talk about a big investment that the government was making in a chips factory. this goes back to the beginning of the administration. i remember talking to jen psaki asking her why it is the president doesn't want to go to the border. she would come back as the president spokesperson saying
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things like what would you like him to do? what impact would that have on the policy? she said at the time that they thought it was more constructive to policy making at the border for the president not to go. obviously the calculation has changed that something is not working. it's worth pointing out that there is no record of president biden ever visiting the southern border. white house officials point to a 2008 trip where he landed in el paso, texas and passed some border wall on his way to a fund raiser in los cruces, mexico. that's it. he has never done the kind of tour that you see many lawmakers doing. something else that is notable, after republicans took control of the house or it became known after the mid-terms that republicans would be in control, kevin mccarthy came here for a meeting with the president. the big headline, kevin mccarthy invited the president to the
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border. the president is planning to go next week. according to him, it's very interesting to see if he's joined by kevin mccarthy or someone else. but this is a first. a border visit by president biden coming next week around a trip to mexico. sandra? >> sandra: it's hard to believe that is happening after so many lawmakers have been calling on him to do exactly that. i don't just mean republican lawmakers. there's been growing bipartisan calls for this president to go see the border for himself. peter, i'll remember when you made a lot of news with that question to him why he's not going to the border. paraphrasing, i believe the president said there were more important things to do. >> yeah, there are a lot of important things. the white house came out to say that basically show it's one poll where people are more concerned about the border than they are about the economy. we're just going to keep focusing on the economy. something has shifted. there was also some reporting
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within the last week or ten days that behind the scenes president biden has been so worked up about the bad situation, really, at the border that he's been using a lot of profanity and apologizing to female staffers in his presence when he's expressing himself with four letter words about the border. this has built up. this does represent a big change from a biden administration that said we can manage things from here to an administration that says we have to send the whole presidential package down to take a look. >> john: it will be interesting to see the reception he gets down there. we talked to brandon judd. he didn't think it would be very warm. about 90 seconds, peter. you asked the president about the speaker's vote going on in the house of representatives. what did he have to say? >> well, it was a surprise because we had been told the president wasn't going to insert
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himself. but we have the bite here. [inaudible] >> it's not a good look. it's the united states of america. i hope they get their act together. >> i was asking him about that. we've seen democratic lawmakers on the hill going to the house floor with popcorn. they're delighted by this across the aisle chaos. the president though at least publicly is not, although before he said he was going to go to the border next week, he did make a joke to reporters that he had just been elected speaker, which based on the coverage, we don't believe to be true. >> john: i don't think it can happen constitutionally either. peter, thank you. >> sandra: peter doocy, thanks on the breaking news. all right. we'll look forward to next week when the president says he's going to visit the border. you know who else doesn't mind this drama?
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wall street. the stock market continues to be relentless in the face of this gridlock happening in washington. the dow is up today. >> the reason for that, the longer this goes on, there's likely to be gridlock in congress the next two weeks and wall street likes gridlock because nothing changes. >> sandra: see you tomorrow, john. thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: we'll see you tomorrow. i'm john roberts. "the story" with martha starts right now. >> martha: all right. breaking news. continuing coverage this afternoon of a cliff-hanger in the house of representatives. republicans battle over who will be the speaker in the majority that they will hold for the next two years. house republican leader kevin mccarthy failing -- falling short on the fifth ballot to become speaker. blocked by another challenger from his own party. byron donalds of florida. he joined john sandra last hour after he also blocked mccarthy
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