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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 8, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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the brave rifle's patch he woree placed too it into my hand, a sd he said,, sarah, we are in thisd emotion and speechless, i just y eyes and a grateful heart for o. that young man and everyone whol of those who serve alongside hiw who will be called upon to servw they have a country and a commut in the fight for freedom. america is great because we arem is under attack and the america.
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president biden and the democras time for a change. a new generas are stepping up, not to be caret to be change makers for the amet what the future holds but we knn his hands. and with god as our e with god as our witness, we will show the world that america is still the place where freedom reigns and liberty will never die. thank you. god bless you and god bless america. >> governor sarah huckabee sanders, the youngest governor in the country making a patriotic plea for new leadership, younger leadership in the country from the governor's mansion in arkansas. she did a good job, not an easy
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task, but a strong speech from the unwhiest governor in the country. >> it is always a challenge. there is not a crowd there. you can choose to have a crowd. marco rubio, a couple were really tough. these are big audiences tonight for the state of the union address and this response. the president will be taking his message on the road. the network covering the super bowl gets an interview with the president, we have not received an answer if they will officially or not. we're running out of days, harold ford, what about this? >> he should accept the invitation. if i was president biden in the white house, i would say yes. >> there you heard it from harold ford, wait and see if we
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hear from the white house. >> the teams are decided, the interview is not, the most important part of the night. >> thank you for watching our coverage of the state of the union address and republican response. >> good to be with you and in washington. >> good night from washington, sean hannity is next. >> president biden: it is our duty to protect all people's rights and freedoms. congress must -- 25% of the entire national debt that took over 200 years to accumulate was added by one administration alone, the last one. they are facts, check it o fentanyl is killing americans every year. fortune 500 made $40 billion in of proit and paid zero in
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federal taxes, zero. >> todd: boos, yelling during unprecedented state of the union address. you're watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. the "new york post" is calling the president joe lie-den we have all-star lineup on deck to give reaction to the speech. we will get a first-hand account of the night. >> todd: and kellyanne conway will all be here live. >> ashley: robert charles is standing by and lucas has the latest on sarah huckabee sanders scathing response.
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good morning. >> brooke: president biden pushing unity while taking digs at republicans, blaming him for the country's top issues. resounding boos from lawmakers, including the moment he claimed republicans want to end social security and medicare. watch. >> president biden: some republican friends want to take the economy hostage, i get it, unless i agree to their economic plans, all you at home should know what the plans are instead of making wealthy pay their fair share. some republicans want medicare and social security sunset, not saying it is majority. [booing] >> president biden: let me give you, anybody who doubts it contact my office, i'll give you a copy of the proposal. that means congress doesn't vote. >> the president touting what he
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calls economic achievement since he took office. listen. >> president biden: we created 100,000 jobs and putin's unfair and brutal war in ukraine disrupted energy supply and food supplies. we're better position than any country on earth right now, inflation has fallen for the last six months and take-home pay has gone up. gas prices are down. cashier at a burger place can't walk across town and take the same job another burger place and make a few bucks more. they just changed it because we exposed, that was part of the deal, guys, look it up. >> ashley: we did look it up, several chains had noncompete agreements, attorney general reveal by 2019, 155 corporate chains had already dropped the account prais.
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biden's claim about manufacturing jobs, the president said he created 800,000 new jobs, most of those were lost during the pandemic and brought back. the president only created 214,000 new jobs. biden optimism on the economy hampered by the fact two thirds ofern ms are living paycheck to paycheck, according to a study and inflation is impacting every part of american lives. consumer price index is six times higher than when biden first took office. biden focus on the economy and addressed major issues like china, border and crime. arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders in her gop response put those issues front and center, delivering powerful message while blasting the biden agenda. listen. >> whether joe biden believes this madness or is too weak to
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admit it, his administration has been hijacked by the radical left. the first man to surrender to a woke mob that can't tell you what a woman is. dividing line is no longer between right and left, the choice is between normal or crazy. it's time for a new generation of republican leadership. make no mistake, republicans will not surrender this fight. >> ashley: biden plans to continue pushing his economic agenda this morning when he travels to
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-- those are things that happened under joe biden.
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>> number of times the president mentioned afghanistan, zero. highlighted by americans. >> i believe the withdrawal from afghanistan was a disaster. i think we need answers there, for us to be able to move forward as a country and make sure that doesn't happen again. >> the president's approval rating has not been over 50% since. >> todd: let us bring in robert charles, former naval intel officer. robert, so much speech to break down. joe biden said the u.s. is in strongest position in decades to compete with china economically and militarily, what world is joe biden talking about, robert? >> yeah, todd, i think you are pointing out something that is obvious to most americans,
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reality does not match the high theater he offered. he anti-capitalist demagogue, that is his approach and deflect with curing cancer. reality is he has been devastatingly awol with national security and support for law enforcement and the economy. the average american sitting, if they bothered to uch wa the speech, the average american in washington says you are not paying attention to inflation i have to deal with. you are not paying attention to the crime i have to deal with or the fact you had more than 108,000 young americans die from drug overdoses because you have open border, you are not paying attention to the reality i live with. you live in your special world, you call normal, it is not normal. what is abnormal is the world most americans live in under biden. >> ashley: he says we can
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competes with anyone, china, russia, north korea, when you consider how much we have sent to ukraine, more than 155 millimeter shells, 8500 javelin missile launchers, and 1600 stinger missiles that will take us 18 years to replenish. considering how much we've given them, are we ready for anything if it comes to extreme of some sort of war with china? >> so the big picture that our military is stronger than china's. we have 11 carriers, they have two, etcetera. what you're describing is draw-down on core resources and under biden, recruiting and retention has fallen through the floor. rearmorment of tanks and naval assets, we're definitely behind the eight ball and supposed to
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be ready to fight a two-front war and we are hemorrhaging our seed corn to a country that is not even a nato ally. i would love to see ukraine prevail, of course, and what putin is doing is brutal. end of the day, we have to defend the united states of america and this president is living in a high theater land, it doesn't make sense you draw down or exhaust core resources that protect our national security, never mind letting china come in our front door and surveill from 12 miles up. it is really, i hate to use the word awol issue the reality is, this president is not protecting the economic, the national security or public safety requirement of the average citizen and i don't think anybody in their right mind can look at this and say that he is leading. he's not.
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he is really awol. >> todd: unlike joe biden, chinese officials are demanding we return the surveillance aircraft balloon which hovered over the country for a week. put your secretary hat on, china knowsy woo are not returning this, why make a request like this? >> china is in a public relation battle, they tested joe biden and joe biden failed. the test was bring it over the united states and make it obvious so people will see it and then what will the president of the united states do? the answer is, he hesitated. he who hesitates lost. they want to see we would hesitate relative to taiwan and other areas and joe biden indicated we will hesitate. the problem is that balloon came in and probably was transmitting back signals, measurement intelligence, probably looking
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at geo spatial, above the ground and below the ground and this president on national security issue of major significance, in my opinion, was awol. there are questions that relate to this. why didn't he know ahead of time, why didn't we know ahead of time there were other things, including prior balloons. this is problematic event and people need to understand how important is it. >> todd: for those who say joe biden compromised onnin choo, nee did not do himself favors last night. robert charles, thank you. four justices, clarence thomas, samuel alito, sonia sotomayor and gorsuch were absent last night. brown jackson -- george santos
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after the speech. the frernman congressman is under investigation for lies. you can see the two talking on the screen. according to reports, romney told santos, you don't belong here, santos is a sick puppy and shouldn't have been there, he should be sitting in the back row and being quiet instead of parading in front of the president. santos said, reminoritieder you will never be president. >> ashley: did you see this, first lady jill biden getting caught kissing vice president kamala harris husband. the interesting moment going viral ahead of president biden's address. all eyes on the first lady as she entered the house chamber to a standing ovation and she planted a big one on doug emhoff. and another viral moment from last night, people on social media are loving this reaction
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from utah senator mike lee when biden addressed the debt ceiling. >> the idea that we're not going to be moved into being threatened to default on the debt if we don't respond. folks -- >> ashley: it turns out a lot of users on twitter say they can relate, we are all mike lee tonight and my spirit animal and a third leader says this is me in the entire state of the union speech, trying to understand what joe biden was saying. i was hoping we would pick all those issue the kiss and mike lees, i wanted to know what romney and santos were saying. >> who had the better look, ben affleck at the grammys or mike lee. >> ashley: someone has to pay for it. >> todd: what is the president's
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plan and how does it impact you? we're talking about it next, don't go anywhere. >> president biden: biggest corporations begin to pay their fair share. i'm a capitalist, but pay your fair share. a lot of you at home agree and many people that you know, the tax system is not fair. chevy silverado factory-lifted trucks. where will they take you? ♪ ♪ (dog barks) ♪ silverado zr2, trail boss, and custom trail boss. because adventure is everywhere.
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>> todd: president biden claimed the tax system is unfair to everyday americans during last night's state of the union. he pushed his plan to tax the rich. listen to this. >> president biden: i'm a capitalist, but pay your fair share. a lot of you at home agree with me and many people that you know, the tax system is not fair. it is not fair. as long as i'm president, nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay an additional penny in taxes, nobody, not one penny. >> ashley: senior fellow at the independent women's fellow, joins me now. based on what he's saying and what we've seen him do, what do you take away from what we just heard? >> i thought president biden's
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speech was full of falsehood and fables. this fair tax argument fires up his base, but it is untrue. according to the budget office, top 20% of earners pay 90's % of income tax and 70% of federal taxes. this idea the wealthiest earners are not paying their fair share is a falsehood and fable and gets his base riled up. >> todd: he said billionaires pay 8% of taxes, that is wrong, they pay 24%. if the $400,000 figure was misleading, it was misleading when he said it last night. we haven't mentioned the social security medicare lie, will he stop lying saying republicans want to eliminate social security medicare or is that lie landing in anticipation of going on the campaign trail?
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>> probably tested and seems to be resonating with an audience he is trying to reach, even if it is not true. falsehood and fables and republicans have come out aggressively saying cuts to medicare, medicaid are off the table when talking about the debt ceiling. excuse me, guys. he is continuing to say these things over and over again. fact checkers from the "washington post" are calling him out on it, but again, if working in ads and certain news outlets, we will say it, even if not true. jerome powell is warning this. >> this process is likely to take quite a bit of time. it will not be, we don't think, smooth, it will be bumpy. >> ashley: tell you what, what
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we just heard is not reassuring. >> it is not, jerome powell is licking his wounds because he was slow to recognize when inflation was rising and trying to say it will take time for inflation to go back down. he's not wrong. grocery prices continue to be 13% right now, that is ridiculously high and the high, they are still much higher than they were before president biden took office. i don't know if you caught it, he continued to put out falsehood that inflation is coming down driven by putin. no inflation spiked because of american rescue plan in 2021. call a spade a spade, his policies drove and spiked because of geopolitical issues and are starting to come back down. he is responsible and he doesn't want to take that responsibility. >> todd: that jerome powell line about inflation, us not being
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out of the woods does not jibe with what president biden said when he said the economy is strong. we appreciate it. congressman zach nunn inviting knowa ally to hear president biden's state of the union address. >> ashley: what did they think about what they heard and didn't hear? we're going to ask them next. ohhh, she's so powerful, she carried on the family legacy. we were blown away. (chuckles) i not only was a student and an undergrad, but i've been a professor there for twenty years, so it's really a special moment to know that eric noonan /* /* o over a hundred years prior have walk these grounds. it's deeply uplifting. yes, it is. we're walking in their footsteps.
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>> todd: president biden met a tough crowd last night when he tried to pass the buck on the border crisis to republicans. >> ashley: marianne tell tell us more. >> marianne: president biden heckeled by republicans for asking congress to fix his border crisis, including the flow of fentanyl. >> president biden: american border problems won't be fixed if we don't pass my comprehensive immigration plan to provide officers to secure
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the border. in the people's house, it is our duty to protect people's rights and freedoms. congress must restore the right. fentanyl is killing 70,000 americans per year. >> marianne: poll showingern ms are not happy with biden's border policy. border agents have encountered 2.3 million migrants and 1.2 million gotaways. saw biden election as open invitation. >> my experience in the tucson sector, as the surge started and we interviewed people in our custody, we found vast majority were saying they believed in administration changed, law and policy changed. talking about asylum.
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>> marianne: during that hearing, border agents testified with republicans and democrats clashing over the biden administration handling of the border crisis. >> i believe my democrat friends are confusing oversight with fanning flames, allowing us to gather facts, solve problems, not fan flames. >> it is unfortunate this hearing started with ton of hyperbolesaying president biden created worst border crisis in american history. >> more arrests than apprehension under the biden administration and the situation is getting worse. our side says more arrest and apprehension under the biden administration and i think thises are getting better. >> we want to see the border secured consistently. >> marianne: prior to the address, vice president and
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border czar, kamala harris, who has not visited the border touted the root cause plan, going to countries with most migrants to deter illegal crossings. >> todd: thank you. new york city mayor eric adams, tallest holiday in the world to house migrants and costing the city 93 bucks per day. we continue to meet all our moral obligations, serving those arriving with dignity and care and are in need of additional support from our partners including decompression strategy to slow this influx, this emergency response and relief center will provide asylum seekers with place to stay, access support and get to their final destination. adams has that shelter equipped with laundry and video game
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consoles, but migrants refused and opted to leave the city for canada in the winter with bus tickets provided by taxpayers. >> ashley: president biden ignoring his botched withdrawal from afghanistan during his state of the union address last night. congressman zach nunn brought his translator who served for the u.s. army. they are both joining me now. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having us. >> ashley: congressman, tell us what your takeaways were from biden's speech? >> it is a chilly morning in d.c., and biden's reception and getting a frosty return. we agree on fighting fentanyl, being able to take care of seniors, what we don't agree on and what the president spent 10 minutes on is overregulation
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from airline baggage to hotel fees. sparse 10 seconds on key security issues like china and being able to protect the southern board and no conversation about this family left behind in afghanistan after nine combat tours serving with u.s. forces as interpreter inside afghanistan. >> ashley: zero minutes spent on the afghanistan withdrawal, the disastrous afghanistan withdrawal. were you expecting him to mention it for a couple of seconds? as fellow afghanistan veteran who served there, not only was i disappointed, i was horrified, americans helped save lives of so many. after avi's combat tour, he was hit and was back out volunteering to serve with my home state of iowa to protect
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national guard members. these are things, we have veterans dying 22 everyday and that is situation where we want the president to acknowledge there can be bright future for our veterans who served in afghanistan is not leave one of the darkest chapters in american history, taliban taken over and family left behind. >> ashley: navi, i want to go to you for the next question, were you hoping for biden to say something, just anything about the withdrawal in afghanistan, especially considering what happened to you and your family? >> definitely. i was listening and i even asked someone, did you hear anything about afghanistan? did i miss it? i was disappointed because my family is just an example. there are thousands of families
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who work with the americans and who are left behind and trying to get out and i was hoping that our president would have something for them and just let them know, we will get you out. and unfortunately, we didn't hear anything. i'm hoping that my own family, i'm hoping we get support we need to get my family to safety and also -- >> ashley: if you could speak to president biden, what would you tell him? >> he talked about his son, imagine your own son left behind and how to get out to safety. so that's what i would probably say, like imagine your own family members are trying to
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about to be killed and trying to get out to safety. >> ashley: nabi, you became a u.s. citizen in 2019, congratulations. despite the lack of attention the president gave to the afghanistan with de withdrawal,y the american dream is alive. how did it feel to go to the state of the union address last night? >> yes, it is alive. american dream is alive, you just got to work hard to make it happen. make that reality. i was a proud moment and i'm grateful for the opportunity and i was just surreal to watch our president's speech in the cap capitol. it was a proud moment for me. >> ashley: incredible to hear you say that, even though you
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are frustrated it wasn't mentioned, the american dream is still alive. do you think we will ever get answers on afghanistan? >> i think we will hold the president accountable. nabi is a perfect example of somebody who served, came to the u.s., did it the right way, there is pathway for success. we still have american and afghan soldiers and special forces who served with us, we'll hold the administration accountable and make sure those who gave their life to help serve in afghanistan are recognized and remembered and supported appropriately, veterans and those left behind. >> ashley: hope we do get answers that people like nabi and his family deserve answers, as well as the american people. i am so glad you were able to go last night. i hope you had the best time. thank you so much, have a good rest of the night, morning, not
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sure how long you have been up. >> thank you for the opportunity, appreciate it. >> ashley: absolutely. >> thank you, ashley. >> todd: hopefully they get some sleep. they have been up all night. >> ashley: good for them. one thing the president did mention last night was the economy. >> president biden: 12 million new jobs, more jobs created in two years than any president created in four years. inflation is coming down. >> todd: that contradiktss popular opinion, talking to americans about what the state of the union is really like for them.
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all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts. saving you up to 60% a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> ashley: fox news alert, house oversight committee will hold first hearing on social media bias today after twitter files expose the hunter biden laptop story and biden family business dealings. james comer says three employees will testify. he says americans deserve answers about the attack on the first amendment and why big tech and the swamp colluded to censure this information, this is expected to be the first into
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social media bias. new york city is mourning the loss of a fellow officer on saturday. he died yesterday after three days of fighting for his life. he was allegedly shot by randy jones, he was responding to a facebook ad to buy a core. jones allegedly put him in a head lock and pointed the gun at his head and shot him. jones is a career custody, police prepare to charge him. the officer leaves behind a wife and three children, only 26 years old. >> todd: horrific, prayers to his family. president biden boasting about his economic successes, take a listen. >> president biden: 12 million jobs, more jobs created in two
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years than any president created in four years. inflation is coming down. gas prices down $1.50 from their peak. food prices are coming down. >> todd: according to a "washington post" abc news poll 62% of americans believe the president accomplished not very much or little to nothing during his two-year tenure and 36% believe he accomplished a great deal or good amount. 41% of americans say they are worst off since biden took office. let's talk to our panel of voters. barbara, an el paso resident and jim rice, owner of fields bar and grill and aaron rockwall lost her son to fentanyl. thanks to all three of you for being here. erin, the topic of fentanyl, the president briefly mentioned it last night.
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here is what he said. >> president biden: fentanyl is killing 70,000 americans per year. -- you got it. so let's launch a major surge and stop fentanyl production and sale and trafficking with more drug detection machines, inspection cargo, stop pills and powder at the border. >> todd: erin, did that part of the speech give you confidence joe biden would do anything about the scourge that took your son? >> thank you, todd, no it didn't. one of the first things i thought when he was talking about that, he had a 70-minute time slot there and he mentioned families so much during this whole speech and fentanyl was mentioned within less than two minutes four times. so that to me was disappointing.
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we are grieving, families, if you don't address the root cause of this, all this talk about family doesn't do anything. dead kids can't recover. all the families across america hearing this, who have lost children, are -- were probably thinking, well, mine is already gone, none of this other stuff you're talking about is even relevant to our kids who are gone. very frustrating. >> todd: there is a simple solution, close the border and fentanyl won't come across, people shout that out and the president refuses to do it. jim, talk money, joe biden touting his economy, but 41% say they are worse off financially since joe biden took office. as a small business owner, are you better or worse off right now? >> yeah, i would say when you look at small businesses, small
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businesses have 65% of cost wrapped up in labor and material. take a look at what happened in our business, fry oil up 120%, chicken up 50%, eggs up 125%, basic material cost. labor costs are up 20%. we have minimum wage at $15.75. it ask a struggle, look at inflation and what it is doing to small businesses, it is crazy to look at. you can't pass on all the inflationary impact on the customers. small businesses are struggling. >> todd: barbara, biden said the state of our union is strong, as someone living at the border, do you agree? >> absolutely not. the president came to el paso, did not go to the area between the ports of entries where we
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have drugs coming in and illegal immigrants. we have an area where illegal immigrants jump over the wall and try to cross a three-lane highway causing accidents and deaths, they post a sign that says caution, pedestrians crossing. they are not pedestrians, they are illegal immigrantses. the president has to enforce law, if they did what asylum law says, detain them until asylum is approved and parole is limited scope, follow the law of parole and temporary protective status, if they did that and follow the law, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants would not be in the country right now. i saw the state of the union address fiction. >> todd: we are hearing that phrase repeated, fiction fabrication. thank you for your time,
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appreciate it. lebron james 38 points in loss to okc last night. james beating lakers legend kareem abdul jabbar. check out the bucket. >> lebron has it, 15 and lebron for the record. he got it, he's done it. >> todd: kareem celebrating, 38,3 90 points. both lakers, that is wild. we are covering president biden's state of the union address and rebuttal that has everyone talking this morning. >> the first man to surrender to a woke mob that can't even tell you what a woman is. the choice is between normal or
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crazy. it's time for a new generation of republican leadership. >> ashley: there are all-star lineup is still ahead, tome homan, joe concha, pete hegseth and kellyanne conway all here, do not go anywhere.
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duty to protect all people's rights and freedoms. congress must -- >> border -- >> president biden: 25% of the entire national debt that took 200 years to accumulate added by one administration, the last one. they are facts, check it out. fentanyl is killing 70 americans per


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