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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 6, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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of time. that's at 1:00 p.m., and followed by the white house press briefing with press secretary karine jean-pierre at 1:30. it is a busy afternoon. really quickly, we have a former press secretary, tell me what her day is going to be like. >> ari: well, she's going to get drawn into politics, she can't answer, asked to bash donald trump, she'll try to answer, while not violating the hatch act. i think that's the kind of dance she'll be in for today and preview the state of the union. >> harris: all right, there you go, the man has done the job so well. put the others to shame. thank you for watching, everybody. and when you can't join us, watching us live, don't forget to set your dvr to watch the show. here is "america reports". >> sandra: thank you, harris, indeed a lot to watch for. first up, waiting to hear from the white house as the stage appears to be set for a trump-biden rematch in november after trump's lone challenger,
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nikki haley, suspends her presidential campaign. house speaker mike johnson is reportedly already looking to the former president to help with pivotal primary races, and to unite the gop now that trump is the party's presumptive nominee. >> john: will the strategy work and what are the speakers expectations in the upcoming elections. we will hear from mike johnson later in the show. stay with us. >> he told me, you know, they met at hotels, he would go to her place, and i remember him saying you need to find her bestie who they had a falling out, that's the person whose condo they would meet at. they traveled to texas, traveled to florida, just, you know, a lot of different travel. belize, specifically said belize, a cruise, the bahamas. >> sandra: begin with bombshell testimony in the georgia state
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senate committee hearing from embattled d.a. fani willis, exposed affair with nathan wade reveals more what she learned from wade's former attorney. boy, does that keep getting interesting. i'm sandra smith in new york. john, hello to you. >> john: so many interesting things this week and more to come tomorrow. i'm john roberts in washington, and this is "america reports". ashleigh merchant represents one of the 19 co-defendants and initially filed the motion to have willis dismissed. a central argument to have her removed from the case rests on claims that the fulton county d.a. benefitted financially from the decision to hire her lover. >> sandra: today merchant honed in on when the two started that relationship, telling lawmakers there is proof to contradict the timeline from willis and wade. all right, so, jonathan is live outside the georgia senate committee room where all things just went down.
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today's proceedings, jonathan, what is this committee trying to determine, exactly? >> sandra, the republican leaders of this bipartisan committee say they want to get to the bottom of whether any public funds were misused and whether fani willis's affair with nathan wade represented a conflict of interest. at issue is when did the affair begin. were they romantically involved after or before she hired him as a special prosecutor in the georgia trump case. ashleigh merchant who represented mike roman testified cell phone data placed the couple together in a condo in hapeville near the airport. >> pinging from his house down to the condo at midnight, 1:00 a.m. and he calls her when he gets there, and then it goes silent for 4 or 5 hours, and then you know, early in the morning hours he starts pinging again driving back and texts her
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when he gets home. >> and this is before he gets hired in november of '21. >> yes. >> in court last month, willis and wade testified the affair did not begin until after he was hired and they shared expenses for their vacations together. a judge is expected to decide by mid month whether either will be disqualified from prosecuting former president trump and the remaining co-defendants in the georgia election interference case. those, sandra, are the legal implications. as you can see from today's hearing, there may be political consequences as well. back to you. >> sandra: jonathan serrie live in atlanta, it was interesting this morning, it continues. a lot more on that, john. >> john: we have turley coming up ahead and what's interesting about all of this as well, kerri urbahn, they have this new witness, yeager is her name, a
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county district attorney and says she can corroborate what another woman said the relationship started in 2019 and overheard fani willis tell terrence bradley in a phone call don't talk about this. so, we'll see if that ever gets to court. it could change the whole thing. >> sandra: it's a big deal. >> john: in all likelihood, donald trump will be the republican nominee what our party convention meets in july. i congratulate him and wish him well. i wish anyone well who would be america's president. >> john: nikki haley dropping out of the presidential race and clearing the way for former president trump to lock in the gop nomination. announced her exit after winning one state on super tuesday. we have team coverage with martha and the likely biden-trump rematch in november, but bill melugin is live in charleston, south carolina, he was there in the room with her this morning, she made history
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but time for her to drop out. >> john, i can tell you it was pretty somber in the room, both with nikki haley's staff and her supporters. she said even though she's dropping out of this race, she's going to continue to champion conservative values and she said she's looking forward to going back to being a private citizen. take a listen. >> we must turn away from the darkness of hatred and division. i will continue to promote all those values as is the right of every american. i sought the honor of being your president. but in our great country, being a private citizen is privilege enough in itself and that's a privilege i very much look forward to enjoying. am -- >> bill: during super tuesday the campaign went dark, did not hear about them for the better part of four hours as the first returns were coming in.
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nikki haley did not endorse donald trump during the speech, instead urged him to earn the support of republicans and independents not supporting him. donald trump reacted on truth social, he wrote in part, nikki haley got trounsed last night in record setting fashion. then went on to say he would like to "invite all the haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation." the rnc also reacting, putting out a statement on donald trump now the presumptive nominee for the party, they write president trump wants delivered a booming economy, secure border, energy independence and america's strength on the world stage. exact opposite of the chaos created by joe biden. republican voters have spoken loud and clear with historically large margins and we are more united than ever to beat biden and democrats up and down the ballot in november. back out here live, the haley campaign says based off the vote
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totals nikki haley was getting, it shows no, the republican party is not more united than ever, so the big question becomes now can donald trump and nikki haley mend bridges in the coming months. this got very personal in recent weeks and months. donald trump was calling nikki haley bird brain, he made comments about her husband serving overseas, even made a comment about a dress nikki haley was wearing. we'll have to see how it plays out. back to you. >> john: he called a lot of opponents a lot of things but later made up with them. if he doesn't win this year, trump, she would be well positioned in 2028 to run again. she could say look, the only person up against trump who won primaries or caucuses, she won two, d.c. or vermont and the first woman to win a gop presidential primary. a couple of things going for her if she comes back. bill melugin in one of my favorite places in the world, charleston, south carolina. >> sandra: a beautiful scene. martha maccallum, executive
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editor and from "the story," we heard from haley this morning but did not endorse donald trump. here she was in her own words, martha. >> it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. and i hope he does that. at its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. and our conservative cause badly needs more people. >> sandra: i look forward to talking to speaker johnson coming up, john and i will have him later in the show, a crucial question. how can donald trump unite the party and bringing over those supporting nikki haley to donald trump. >> martha: who can you bring into the fold, in terms of the background from the trump team, they have always expanded the base.
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in 2016, brought in people from rural areas from wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, many had not voted before. they have rarely reached towards the middle, the moderate vote, which we saw nikki haley garner quite a bit of, despite the fact she said she's always been a conservative republican governor in south carolina. but the areas where they are seeing growth and tremendous growth is among black voters, hispanic voters, young voters. it may be those are the areas he looks to to put together a winning coalition. >> sandra: really interesting. pull up the power rankings on the former president making gains with biden's coalition, 28% black voters support trum versus biden, seven times the support in 2020. significant support of voters under the age of 30, 51%. but without a doubt, this is a
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depressed electorate. they are not looking forward to this match-up, what we are seeing. 72% say they are dissatisfied with how things are going. six in ten view biden and trump unfavorably. 18% support a named third candidate. what does that say, martha? >> that 18% number is interesting, heard about no labels, rfk, jr. is in the race as independent but they are not getting any traction. and who is this no labels person who is going to generate an enormous amount of excitement in the race. it remains to be seen. one of the things they need to focus on is not being a contest of grumpier old men, last night we heard backward-looking, and now that biden wants to go for the jugular. no one wants to see these two men in their late 70s and 58 go for the jugular. not is much looking back, a fair amount in trump's speech in his
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record and all of that, but needs to articulate what the future looks like under a future president biden or future president trump in this case and emphasize a safer country, and a country where you can succeed on your own merits, a place where, you know, capitalism works and that companies are not under certain regulations, inspiring people to grow. a message that inspires people to just kind of like get by and take care of you. >> sandra: when you sat down, i said oh, geez, the months between now and november, a lot can happen. a lot can change. and it is going to be very interesting to watch. martha, great to see you. see you at 3:00. >> john: love life of district attorney fani willis back in the spotlight as georgia lawmakers delve deeper into the misconduct claims against her. jonathan turley will join us with a breakdown of today's hearing and what else might lie ahead. >> sandra: disturbing development in the ongoing
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border crisis. griff jenkins is live from the border. griff. >> sandra, two weeks toll day colombian national on the terror list crossed the river where we are. more on that story, plus just moments ago a lifeless body pulled out of the river. we have the video when we come back. ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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>> john: immigration remains a top concern for voters in 2024, and it is no longer just affecting border cities. illegal immigrants are committing violent crimes against u.s. citizens across the country, including the police. in this video, migrants seen brutally attacking nypd officers in times square last month and
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the suspect in the murder of nursing student laken riley on the university of georgia campus is a venezuela crossed into the country, d.c. north carolina, yucking it up appeared the more insensitive. you wonder, what folks spout off are they taking into
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consideration the facts. >> i saw one saying this is insulting to me and west virginia is an understatement. and how out of touch liberal elites like those two that just presented there are. wow, does that hit with a lot of people as we see in the state primaries how concerned americans are about immigration, john. >> john: in one 15-second segment, insult everybody concerned about immigration, and those concerned of crime with the illegal immigrants and insult west virginia. a terrific place if you have never been. >> sandra: and your lack of knowledge for all to see. illegal immigrant from mexico who entered the u.s. as a got away is charged in the death of a washington state trooper. sources telling fox a colombian national on the terror watch
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list, the terror watch list, was apprehended in eagle pass, texas, where griff jenkins is reporting for us. how did that terror suspect get here? >> sandra, he simply crossed the river right near where we are. let's go up in the air and we'll show you the area where that individual crossed. cbp sources confirm two weeks ago today 40-year-old colombian national crossed in this area, was apprehended by dps, and turned over to border patrol and a positive match to the terror watch list. this fiscal year, 58 have crossed the southern border, and one on the northern border, and in 2020, only three. brandon judd had this to say. >> yeah, in the past everybody would be outraged and now it's like oh, this happens all the
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time and that's really frustrating. that destabilizes everything we are trying to do on the border. >> the family of 27-year-old washington state trooper is in mourning. he leaves behind a wife and 2-year-old child. i.c.e. confirms to fox, a mexican national illegally present in the u.s. is charged in the vehicular homicide of trooper gad, he has a rap sheet, and domestic violence assault, possession of marijuana and traffic offenses dating back ten years. finally, take a look at this video just moments ago we watched as mexican authorities pulled a lifeless body out of the river. a deadly reminder of the dangers that michigans face in this michigan crisis trying to get to the u.s. i'll leave you with this, sandra. just got brand-new numbers. fifth straight day, more than 7,000 migrant encounters at the southern border. that's 35,000 in five days.
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that's larger than the entire population of eagle pass, texas. >> sandra: wow, griff jenkins in eagle pass. thank you. john. >> john: back to the stop story, ashleigh merchant, georgia defense attorney, testifying before the senate committee about misconduct allegations against district attorney fani willis. committee zeroing in on willis's trips, and cell phone records. so, ashleigh merchant at the hearing was talking about the pings that were registered from nathan wade's cell phone at or near the second home of fani willis. listen to what she said. >> so it's pinging from his house all the way down to the condo at midnight, 1:00 a.m. and he calls her when he gets there. and then it goes silent for 4 or 5 hours and then, you know, early in the morning hours he
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starts pinging again, driving back and texts her when he gets home. >> and this is before he gets hired in november of '21. >> yes. >> john: there could be a number of explanations, jonathan, but what do you think? >> jonathan: well, those explanations are certainly dwindling. the fact is this type of locational evidence is always somewhat difficult to use in trial because it puts you in the general facility, and -- of a location. but often in cities you can have restaurants and theaters and other reasons why someone might be there. they may even be driving through. what merchant did a good job of is pinpointing that one series of locational findings to say well, you can't get much stronger than that circumstantially. you have the pings going to her house, a long delay at that location and early next morning pinging all the way back, and with communications to willis on both ends. that is not consistent with the
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relationship that they described in their testimony. >> john: and then there's another person who has come forward to say she knows the relationship began in 2019, assistant district attorney, cindy lee yeager, she was a friend of terrence bradley and says bradley was in her office visiting her not too long ago, a phone call from fani willis and she could overhear the conversation which willis said they are coming after us, you don't need to tell them anything. now, he swore under oath he didn't have any conversations with anybody about the case or about his testimony. so, two questions here. will the judge allow cindy lee yeager to come forward and give more testimony, and what about those claims from terrence bradley that he didn't talk to anybody? >> jonathan: the key may be the timing when the call came in, before witnesses were called,
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even before this motion was filed but does raise serious questions about influencing a witness. keep in mind that wade and willis are accused of lying on the stand, filing false papers with the court. they are prosecuting people for that. 19 of the counts are false filings or perjury. and they are accused of the same conduct. and charged influencing of witnesses. the court may find it difficult to ignore that second issue of was there pressure put on bradley. when he was on the stand most of us were really surprised, he looked like it was a hostage video, looked like he had -- a virtual gun to his head and he was trying to get out of this as fast as he could. but the judge may be faced with a cascading failure. if he believes that wade and willis lied on the stand, can he believe the other aspects of their testimony? you can have this cascading
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failure in the judge's mind. >> john: he was there on the stand, looks like somebody gave him a big shot of versed, a powerful anesthestic. and this is jamie raskin taking what the supreme court suggested and running with it, if you are going to disqualify somebody under the 14th amendment, something is the only one to do that. he is writing up legislation that will go nowhere, you said democrats rush to keep trump off ballot after scotus decision because election can't be left to voters, tongue firmly in cheek there. it appears the last things the democrats wants is outbreak of democracy where the court warned of chaos in relations, raskin and others appear eager to be agents of chaos in congress. so, two things here. so, obviously this plays well politically for raskin, kerri urbahn is suggesting maybe if trump were to win the election
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and democrats were to regain control of congress, there might actually be a post election push to disqualify trump as president under the 14th amendment. >> jonathan: well, anything is possible because you had a course -- the supreme court said the public should not have to deal or tolerate this level of chaos in an election. and essentially representative raskin said oh yes, they do. he came back and said we are going to move this over to congress. keep in mind the prior legislation referenced by raskin sought not just to disqualify trump, but dozens of their colleagues, to cleanse ballots of republican incumbents. so it's a direct assault on what most of us view as democratic values. but you know, they are going to have to thread that needle and i think they could trip more legal problems.
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yes, this rests with congress, the constitution says that, but you have to do it right and they seem to be in the rush just to preserve chaos at all costs. >> john: it seems a lot of people would think if you want to clean house in congress, the best way to do it is to let the voters decide and that's something that cuts both ways. jonathan, great to see you. thank you. >> jonathan: novel idea you've got there. >> john: it will never fly. sandra. >> sandra: all right, breaking moments ago, minnesota congressman dean phillips has dropped his bid for presidential nomination, he writes it is clear that alternative is not me. and it is clear that joe biden is our candidate and our opportunity to demonstrate what type of country america is and intends to be. it comes after president biden sweeping super tuesday wins. that just in. john. >> john: all right. we'll see what happens from here on in. house lawmakers gearing up to
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vote on the laken riley act possibly as soon as tomorrow after a venezuelan migrant was charged with murdering the nursing student less than two weeks ago in georgia. house speaker mike johnson will tell us what's in the bill and why republicans are making that a priority. >> sandra: famous photo nearly banned by the v.a. until common sense prevails. congressman mike waltz with reaction to the woke memo and the far left crusade to erase history. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining.
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doesn't say. >> pent-up emotions of three years and eight months of war, and the victor, the spoils. pose may not be dignified but the young lady is not the least upset. peace, it's wonderful. the greatest, wildest celebration of all was in times square, 2 million people by far the greatest in the city's history filled the streets all day waiting for the official word. hilarious, happy throng, they cheered every rumor that it was all over. >> sandra: a joyful celebration immortalized, we have all seen it, marking the end of world war ii. but some ordered prints of the photo to be removed from all v.a. buildings for "psychological safety" claiming it depicks a nonconsensual app. the memo has now been rescinded. mike waltz, i would think this -- like i had to -- i could
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not believe it, sounds like the babylon bee. but this was the quote from the original controversial memo, congressman, to foster a more trauma-informed environment that promotes psychological safety of our employees and the veterans we serve, photographs depicting the v.-jay day should be removed from all facilities. "new york post" cover is "kiss off." >> thank god some common sense won the day. but it just goes to show when president trump is talking about the deep state, when we are talking about these unelected bureaucrats that impose their agenda on these critical agencies, it just goes to -- just kind of blows your mind on what they're thinking and oh, by the way, doing some reading on it, the two people that have stepped up to say that was us,
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neither one of them have ever complained, neither -- the woman did not say it was nonconsensual or she was being harassed, so how did this unelected assistant secretary kind of impose her ideology on this photo that was a celebration of one of the greatest victories over naziism in world history. i mean, how did this happen, and would it continue to happen and how much of this is happening around our bureaucracy that we don't even know about. >> sandra: although the ladies of "the view" did pretty much agree that the memo to take down the picture was ridiculous, this was still the discussion about it. listen. >> it shows a nonconsensual act that made some people -- [laughter] did i tell 'em to take it down? >> she worked for the v.a., these are people that literally have trauma in their lives and look at what trauma used to mean. >> think about the stuff that
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you could fix that is real that, will have an impact on the very women you say you are trying to protect. >> sandra: what i'm thinking as i listen to that. did anybody think to ask the family of the woman? they are around, "the daily mail" did, they caught up with the granddaughter of the woman in the picture, she said it was something, they were just very happy. my grandma signed images of the photo up until the day she died. i have a picture in my house that my grandmother signed and george signed it, my grandma stayed in contact with parades and did that with him. she never said it was anything she felt uncomfortable with. you know, there's that. you could just ask the family how she felt about it. >> look, 360,000 of these bureaucrats in the v.a. . most of them well meaning.
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v.a. budget, $90 billion 20 years ago, and suicide rate is flat, or the 1200 hospitals and clinics. you send it to the private sector and see your private doctor just like you do medicare. we need to take a look at this. this is government-run healthcare, the largest outside of europe, and it is not producing the results for the veterans that we need because they are focused on a lot of this kind of nonsense. enough is enough. >> sandra: that should be the focus. to your point, at least common sense prevailed, the v.a. secretary did tweet out this, let me be clear, this image is not banned from v.a. facilities and we will keep it in v.a. facilities. congressman, appreciate your time today. thank you so much. >> all right, thank you. >> john: a far more serious
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topic here, rising hostilities between israel and hezbollah fueling fears the situation could spiral into the first full-fledged war in lebanon in 18 years. a senior adviser arrived and the scenario long feared things will open up full scale along the border. what happened last night? >> trey: yeah, john, good afternoon. exactly overnight the lebanese militant group hezbollah launched new attacks into israel. you can see in this video here dozens of rockets being fired over the northern border, some of them intercepted by israel's missile defense system, the iron dome. others slamming into the ground below. israel did respond, striking the launching position in southern lebanon.
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it comes as the defense mines gallant met yesterday with a u.s. special envoy to discuss a path forward. gallant said hezbollah's aggression is bringing us closer to a critical point in decision-making in lebanon. israel is open to the diplomatic process. the developments with lebanon come as we are learning about a houthi attack from yemen that targeted an american destroyer in the red sea. according to u.s. central command, u.s.s. carney shot down one missile and three drones that were launched at it yesterday. and a carrier vessel was hit and has multiple crew members missing, and update from the british embassy in yemen indicating that two of the sailors that were on board that vessel were killed in the attack earlier today. john. >> john: escalation all over. trey yingst for us, thank you. now this. >> it was unbelievable, i said that must be a mistake, they
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flew 325,000 migrants, flew them in over the borders into our country. >> sandra: biden administration flew hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants directly into the u.s., dropping them off in cities across this country. trump's former acting dhs secretary is coming up what happens once they get here. >> john: dartmouth university strongly pushing back against the men's basketball team and historic vote to unionize. alabama republican senator and former college football coach tommy tuberville joins us next. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction,
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could change college sports as we know it. players will be able to negotiate on compensation, benefits and working conditions. so would this spark other universities to follow suit? alabama republican senator tommy tuberville, he spent 40 years coaching at four universities, including auburn. ncaa has long had rules prohibiting the paying of amateur athletes other than scholarships. recently relaxed the rules a bit on endorsements. would this vote essentially turn the dartmouth men's basketball team into professionals, and how big a deal could that be? >> you are exactly right, john, and they are gonna kill the goose that laid the golden egg, the athletes are. it pays everything, scholarships are paid, a lot of men and women don't bring in money to universities, you are going to see groups of people that's gonna try to unionize and spread
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across the country. we have been fighting it here. joe manchin and i did a bill, bipartisan, we have not got it to the floor. this will absolutely kill college sports. the last time i looked, they are not employees. they are student athletes and if you want the federal government involved and ruin something, you try to make 'em student athletes employees, federal government will get involved, unions involved, a total disaster. >> john: so this was spearheaded by a couple of juniors. what they said about the effort. they said today is a big day for our team. we stuck together all season and won this election. it is self-evident we as students can also be both campus workers and union members. dartmouth seems to be stuck in the past. it's time for the age of amateurism to end. they say this idea of athletes, student athletes being unpaid is
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a thing of the past. >> well, they are getting paid and i'm not against student athletes making some money because it's a full-time job being an athlete and full-time job being in academics. but there's a way forward where they can do both without unionizing. you can't get government and unions involved. unions have ruined our education system across the country. i was in a union when i first got into coaching in high school, man, has it gone downhill, john. we cannot allow this to happen. coaches are going to get out of the business. coaches are right now have a little bit of control of the football team or the basketball team or gymnastics. the problem is, unions get involved, they will go on strike before a championship game, they will hold hostage the people that are paying the bills. >> john: here is one of the things i'm wondering. when you look at dartmouth, its basketball program is fairly small, it's in the ivy league, division 1. it brings in $1.3 million a year in revenue so they are going to
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get paid, it's from a small pot. but some other major dynasties, duke, revenue in 2020 was $33 million. kentucky, 22 million. indiana, nearly 26 million. could student athletes look at this and say holy cow, it's a huge pot of money. let's do what everybody in dartmouth did and get our piece of it. >> the problem you have there, too, most of the money goes to scholarship programs, facilities for men and women. this is profit, obviously, but profit goes back into the business. again, i'm all for student athletes making some money, but i'm for all of them making money. it should be revenue sharing. everybody, men and women in every sport that's on scholarship should have the opportunity to get the same amount of money and then the nil kicks in and if you are good enough you can sell yourself. that's what it was supposed to be all about. >> john: all right. we'll see where the legislation goes and where this goes.
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senator, great to catch up with you, appreciate your time. sandra. >> sandra: this just into the newsroom, supreme court announcing oral arguments in the trump immunity case will be held on thursday, april 25th, '10 a.m. the justices will be reviewing whether the former president has immunity from prosecution in the federal election interference case. the ruling on the merits is expected by late june. crime's criminal trial has been put on hold pending resolution of the matter. john. >> john: the house takes on harvard. why the house says the elite university failed to comply with a congressional subpoena about campus antisemitism. plus this. >> it's irresponsible for this house to pass this minibus. it's irresponsible to spend the dollars they are spending. >> sandra: congress working to avert a government shutdown but
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government spending is a major sticking point. house speaker mike johnson why he is backing a deal the conservative caucus is blasting. feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive.
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-- related to campus antisemitism. molly line is live outside harvard there in cambridge, massachusetts. molly, how did harvard not comply with this order? >> yeah, this is essentially about the review that's being done by the committee. review of the latest documents turned in by this ivy league institution, turned in following these unprecedented subpoenas from the house education and the workforce committee. the chair woman, the representative, republican representative virginia fox released a scathing statement calling harvard's actions shameful, telling us this. >> we are very disappointed in how harvard has reacted to our legitimate request and the role that our committee plays in oversight. these students at harvard are feeling very unsafe because of all the acts of antisemitism there. >> fox is promising further action from the committee,
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answers requesting documents she continues complaining in a statement many of the 2500 pages were duplicates, and heavy redaction made them useless, and noting the university will continue to take actions to combat antisemitism, but also insisting that harvard did not double count previously submitted documents, claiming 4,900 pages have been submitted since january. meanwhile, the committee is seeking further information from a number of elite institutions, among them mit and columbia. >> sandra: molly, thank you. >> john: a live look at capitol hill as we await mitch mcconnell and his first remarks since endorsing former president trump for the republican nomination. plus, house speaker mike johnson ahead with a look at the trump-biden rematch.
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