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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 25, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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with the cost of ease and everything from energy costs to reduced grazing to all the other regulations that are coming down the pipe against your way of life. despite looks like the biden folks want to bring us back to the 18 hundreds. do you feel that you're kind of on borrowed time as a cattlemen today given what the environmentalists are doing? >> of each room in some instances that we've been here for five generations. and we've endured a lot of things. we're going to continue to work and support the industry and our way of life. and there will be challenges, yes. >> laura: i'll come hang out there, awesome to see you, thank you so much. up next just. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime.
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tonight. >> a sad day for this country but a good day is that the division was fair and it made me a popular because the people know it's a scan. >> jesse: let tries to steal trump's i but they strike out. [ inaudible ] >> we might be committing suicide. >> jesse: democrats worried that the biden fee is too feminine. >> before the dark powers describe -- destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity and plan or accidental self-destruction. >> jesse: jfk series begins. plus. [ shouting ] agency -- hey,, jesse. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: new year's eve 1999,
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the country was counting down until midnight getting ready to pop the champagne but somewhere in the back of our heads we thought the whole world will go haywire. airlines, banks, wall street, the military, all working feverishly to avoid problems with a computer glitch known as y2k. >> the contest and test but not until the exact -- actual event, it's like setting up a space shuttle they had everything down everything down anything everything sent, last minute, boom. >> jesse: nothing happened. now it seems silly. but this morning every reporter tighten their not, steam their pantsuits and started the trump bankruptcy countdown. bank accounts froze property seized by the end of today, this could be reality for donald trump. >> his assets including some of these prize properties on the screen right there could be seized if you cannot make it nearly half billion dollar bond payment by the end of the day. >> one for you, donald trump could be forced to declare
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bankruptcy if he is unable to post his more then 450 million-dollar bond. >> jesse: just like y2k, the countdown ended with nothing, trumps buildings were not seas, he was not bankrupted, he actually made for billing dollars today. more on that later. and appeals court said that trump does not have to put up half a billion dollar cash bond, sorry judge. the quartz slash the number to 175 million. >> the sanding our country in many respects. but a good day is that the division was fair, a lot of money still but the judge is corrupt in my opinion. respect this decision and will abide by that. we'll put up cash or bonds very quickly. >> jesse: this is what it will look like. the court not only cut the judge duty more then half. the panel signalling that trump
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probably win the case easily on appeal. reversing almost the entire judge ruling while the case plays out. allowing trump to still run his company and apply for loans, same with eric and don junior. humiliating trump, pad locking his properties and stealing his cash before the election, that will not happen. today was a good day for america. you cannot bankrupted man just repeating biden in the polls. >> i have a lot of cash. you know i do because you look at my statements. but i'd like to be able to use some of my cash to get elected, they don't want me to use the cash to get elected, they don't want that, they're only taking cash out to use it for the campaign. >> are you gonna put money into the campaign? >> first of all it's not in your business, frankly. but i might. i might do that. i have the option. >> jesse: every indictment helps trump in every court victory helps him even more. we are witnessing a political injustice in every day that he
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survives he looks stronger. and joe biden looks weaker and the system more corrupt. >> it's all about election interference, it's all biden run things. meeting biden and his dog. >> they can't win an election because of the borders because of energy prices because of inflation and afghanistan, worse and most embarrassing day of our country. >> jesse: too much for msnbc and cnn that punch the sensor button while he was warming up. >> i respect the division for substantially reducing that ridiculous amount of money that was put on by corrupt judge. bought a be looked at. >> we'll continue to listen and but as he continues to make what are wrong statements. >> trump laying out a plethora of falsehoods perhaps the most blatant one that all of these criminal cases were orchestrated by president biden as the president is answering questions
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from reporters were falsehoods from former president donald trump, repeating this false claim that president joe biden is behind those slew of legal issues that he is facing. >> jesse: that's not false, the team all visited or coordinated with the white house. white house visitor logs don't line. convicting trump before november is the centrepiece of the biden reelection campaign. which is why that every time cases get calendared or trump wins on appeal, the media turns a suicidal. >> and this is so infuriating, i don't know what to do. i don't know if i care what the process is basically fashioned himself his own private militia to take over the capital. now he's getting his own private system of justice. it's an absolute travesty, it would not happen for anybody house, anybody else would be like sorry, you loss, pay out. for him he gets his own set of rules. >> jesse: trump is getting
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special treatment by the legal system? use provide more due process, trumps facing five cases from four democratic prosecutors with zero victims and democrats are furious that he still owns a home. get ready to get even angrier, because on the same day his bond was slashed in half, trumps socials, parent company their stocks soared 35 percent. giving trump a 4 billion-dollar cash injection. trumps net worth just hit $6.5 billion on paper, making him one of the world 500 richest people. over the weekend joe biden nickname trump broke don, better find a new nickname. let's bring in trump legal spokeswoman. what happened today? >> reporter: we one. we did not win. we will win only get it refers which is what is gonna happen.
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so what happened today was not lateen had to eat every single tweet she has posted since the day that twisted order from judge came out with the ridiculous number with the disgusting injustice on the american people not just donald trump. and i would love to see what she tweeted today because she was having fun posting the interest on a man who has done nothing wrong in a family who is done nothing wrong, every single day. and the appellate division came in and said, sorry. do process still exists in america. you still get a right to keep your assets until we get to review what all these lawyers are saying was wrong. 11 weeks i have never seen something like i saw it. >> court room. it was a travesty on the justice system and i am so proud of the appellate division for giving us the opportunity, they did not reverse the case but they will when they see what we saw, it was a disgrace in today there was a bit of faith in the american system that i've lost
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over the past few years, i'll be honest with you. >> jesse: do you think that they feel ashamed, embarrassed, have they felt i don't know maybe they overreached a little bit after this decision? [ shouting ] on that would mean that they have a moral compass or a conscience. and i don't feel that that exists. people that go on tv sensor donald trump, shut him off when he's speaking want to act like he's about to go broke, want to act like he's poor and that's why he could not get up bond that no private company has ever been asked to get. with no cash equivalent other than cash market full security can people that get excited for that they don't have a conscience, but you know i hope she took a little piece of humble pie today because that is what was served. just a little. but will be serving a lot more of that in the next couple years should. >> shall be eating humble pie and you have birthday cake, we hear it's your birthday. happy birthday.
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>> thank you. >> jesse: behave yourself. let's bring in real estate investor grant, today you had predicted if they started seizing these things that it was gonna be hell on earth in this country. what is your reaction? >> first of all i want to congratulate the president, former president donald trump for approving himself as the greatest negotiator of any american president that has ever lived, 65 percent discount on the fines, the punishment, sanction that was ridiculous and probably $3.6 billion rebound with this social stock, people that are investing in real estate should be deleted today because this is property seizure at the least in a sanction at the worst. we blew out of new york city five weeks ago after the injunction because i do not feel like i could invest there on behalf of our investors not
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knowing what kind of overreached people could do to me if they can do that to trump, they could do it to me certainly. >> jesse: you left new york. you're gonna no more business here? >> we have $500 million to place their this year. and placed it last week in miami and texas instead. most of it in miami. >> are you hearing other people in the industry doing the same. >> 100 percent, people that won't underwrite deals and you are again by the way it's going to be a contagion spread to illinois, chicago, big cities, blue cities, san francisco, la, people are worried about putting their money into these markets and not being able to control the loss, property taxes are out of control. to build a sanction man for appraisals that we all did how trump did his, it's an industry standard approved method and been used for 40 years that i've
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been buying real estate, ice as the value third parties assess the value enemy bring those values together. money talks and you're speaking very loudly. thank you so much. good luck. >> thank you. >> jesse: fox news alert, homeland security agents rating hip-hop mogul's sean 'diddy' combs la and miami homes in connection to a federal sex trafficking investigation. he's been the subject of numerous rape and sexual assault allegations. alleging years of wrongdoing. national correspondent is here with the latest. >> reporter: our federal sources tell us that these raids that sean 'diddy' combs' properties were in connection to a federal sex trafficking pro. you can see here heavily armed federal agents could be seen rating home right here in la in that hills area of los angeles, several people could be seen being escorted from the property, some appearing to be
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detained or arrested and some in handcuffs. meanwhile in miami some federal agents arrived at his waterfront property by boat conducting a raid there as well. sources tell fox it had to do with a federal sex trafficking investigation but officially they're only saying, earlier today homeland security investigation new york executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation with assistance from hsi los angeles and miami and local enforcement partner. we'll provide further information as it becomes available. last year and three women accused him of abuse in two separate lawsuits. the day after the first lawsuit was filed, he and the woman agreed on a settlement. in this second lawsuit filed last november, two woman claimed that he forcefully drugs them and sexually assaulted them back in the 1990s. then two months ago a male music producer also sued translate
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accusing him of abuse including unsolicited groping and sexual touching. a lawyer representing sean 'diddy' combs has described that lawsuit as, pure fiction. the big question is, where is sean 'diddy' combs tonight? tmz is reporting that they just tracked his private jet to antigua in the caribbean. it's unclear if sean 'diddy' combs himself is on board that plane. sending it back to you. >> jesse: very interesting. while not tomorrow. johnny talks relationships. >> when you would fight, what would happen. >> i was allowed a person. >> how loud? >> just stop it and listen. so hardheaded. [ ♪♪ ]♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. wanna know how i get this glow?! i get ready with new olay indulgent moisture body wash. it smells amazing
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obama and nancy appearing alongside the president where the three of them got a chance to catch up in ross's take a few hoaxes. >> donald trump is about to pass and this is a guy who does not care about science and reason. remember during the pandemic donald trump told us to inject ourselves with bleach. he said nothing to worry about if you do that. >> jesse: the show of force is disguising a mess behind the scenes. obama's been meeting privately with biden, warning him that his campaign is being bottlenecked and he needs to get it together. not a book plug. or else trample win in landslide. clinton sees a landslide coming too. james cameron carvel says anytime a pool drops its like seeing his grandmother naked. >> i don't think people really appreciate how bad his poll numbers are, when you look at him it's like walking in your
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grandmother naked. you can unseat no matter how hard you try, the deeper you did a the worse it is. i don't think we thought this thing through, i don't think people realize the hunger and appetite for something different in this country, we might be committing suicide. >> jesse: the buy-in campaigns to a meeting. country is begging for change. cowardly democrats would rather just lose with joe. >> we need more then a little bit of a change. to win this. >> is a crapshoot whether biden is our nominee. if you decide that you want to blowup where we are now. and open up the convention and have a brokered convention or whatever. that could also be dangerous. >> it looks like the party has decided that we're just gonna go
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through with this and i've been a democrat all my life. but i'm beginning to think that the defining trait we had was communism. >> jesse: that he twisted the knife in the new york times say that the biden campaigns is too girly. well, a suspicion of mine is that there are too many preaching females and they don't drink beer, don't watch football, don't eat hamburgers, it's not good for you, the messages to feminine. everything you are doing is destroying the planet, we have to eat your peas now the five to been saying this for a while. >> it's a party about abortion and a party for women and men of every colour are seeing how they are being abandoned by being branded as the lowest on the totem poll of identity. this is what happens with identity politics, you create a hierarchy of identities at one gets stacked on the other. and all this energy is placed on
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pigment and not people. >> i never thought that they'd be the ones speaking bravely on behalf of men. men have been neglected for far too long. if you listen to democratic elites, npr is my good place for that. the whole talk is about how women and women of colour are going to decide the selection. i'm like 40 percent of the people who voted her meals. do you mind if they have some consideration? he says that preaching females are ruining politics. the squad, com allow, to view, every woman on msnbc or any woman who identifies as a woman, not my words, he said it. aoc is peeved, she says maybe he should start a podcast about it. i hear men are really underrepresented in that space. where did all the men go in the democrat party? all the male mayors, all they do
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is glean -- blame and complaint care where the men of action on the left happened to newsom. trump is at football games in ufc fight, he's not making us about what kind of car to drive. he just wants to protect the country. not into pronouns. biden's falling off bikes, licking ice cream cones and sipping through straws. and leaving the gates to the countrywide open. he's apologizing to illegal immigrants after they murder our women. democrats spent all day and sexual harassment training sarah seminars and inclusion therapy, jockeying to be the biggest victim. and he continues, no one wants to live like this, he said, whoever thought it was a good idea to tell people that you can't hug them or you have to be careful or you have to think about names to call them other then the name that you know them by. there's nothing wrong with me being white or you being white.
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or them being black or me being male are you being female. it's a giant stupid argument. director of matriarch, and she joins us now. you are a democrat and a woman. and you are a preachy female says james. >> james,, that's his the economy stupid. should know and understand that women enjoy this iconic, it's working women that are driving this economy right now. it is been proven that women, statistics everyone that they are the ones controlling bank accounts in the homes across america. >> jesse: that's why everyone's and credit card debt. if you are in charge. >> you're spending it, see what you are spending it you should see the boxes coming to my house, is not talk about the economy, he's talking about the way politics he says you're obsessed with gender and race and it's driving everyone not in driving men off at the democrat party reservation.
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>> i think james is used to his style of politics back in the day when he was talking to bubba's in alabama. that was his style. nowadays modern democratic party and the country is voting in a multigenerational, multiethnic, majority female voting block. >> jesse: there are bugs everywhere, not just in alabama not every man is a bubba, a lot of men -- a lot of men feel annoyed that no one ever thinks about us, and you know how much we want to be thought of, you have a border that's wide open and no one asks a man to close it. it's wide open, the country can protect itself and there's a legal's killing everybody and you are obsessed with di, why can't we just focus on half of the country and get it together, not a book plug. 's. >> jesse waters -- jesse watters prime time slot on the highest rated networks, i think you have
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a voice on tv. whereas women are the ones winning the election. if we turn out our voters, james knows that you have to focus on the voters that turn out, not the ones that you're not gonna get cut unfortunately they're going to be some voters who are going to vote for the republicans, some men who want to listen to donald trump all day long. but they're also women across the country who are centrist, progressives in suburbs. >> you finger preachy. >> i'm talking. unfortunately some people are used to be an privilege don't like to hear equality and think it's preachy. >> jesse: it's not preachy it's nagy, all you do is tell people what to drive, what not to eat. >> women are controlling the economy and. >> jesse: people get annoyed by that ends driving men out of your party and i think he's right. i would never ever talked a woman like that because i have more manners. >> jesse, it's the economy stupid and women drive the economy and he knows that, he just feels left out. >> driving it into a ditch.
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because inflation is killing everyone. >> 2024 women got his 2020, will get his 2024, that's how it is. >> jesse: as long as we can get together that's all i care about jfk series begins tonight. [ ♪♪ ] moment just to give you thanks. we thank you for this time to come together as a family, as friends, and as a country. help us, lord, especially this lent, to grow closer to you. amen. join us in prayer this lent. on hallow. stay prayed up. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. can neuriva support your brain health?
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: kevin morris has been bailing out hunter in the biden campaign for years. but who is he? all of a sudden a rich democrat donor comes along and pays the families back taxes, alimony, child support, private airfare, legal bills, living expenses, even buys hunter biden stupid paintings for half a million. naturally prosecutors wanted to interview the sugar brother since he's been the puppetmaster of the biden family finances. but they never got a chance. a whistleblower says that the cia stopped prosecutors from talking to biden donor kevin morris.
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the whistleblower says that two lawyers from biden's justice department were summoned to cia headquarters and told hunter sugar brother was off limits. they said that morris could not be a witness in their tax investigation into hunter. this whistleblower reports stack god, cia witness tampering to help president biden win reelection. cia interfering in another election, this time interfering in an active federal investigation into the first family. and they have a long history of protecting the biden's and injuring trump. the agency started the russia hopes, buried the laptop with the letter and covered up the lab leak. remember cia even triggered the trump impeachment. an agent was on that perfect phone call and went straight to adam. and now the cia witness tampering in a hunter biden investigation is kevin morris and acid? or is this another example of langley protecting joe. deep state has a dirty history
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reaching back decades. and i've been reading books about jfk and will be starting a new series on prime time, documenting the kennedy presidency. jfk was on a collision course with the military-industrial complex. which his predecessor, eisenhower warned -- once about. >> we've been compelled to create a permanent industry of vast proportions. so is the very structure of our society. councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought by the military-industrial complex. the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists. and will persist. we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. >> jesse: after truman dropped the atomic bomb on japan he was infatuated with nuclear supremacy. truman was downright giddy with
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the power that he possessed. and as jfk assumed office, he recognized the power but the unspeakable terror of cold war nuclear brinkmanship. as kennedy sat across in vienna at the beginning of his presidency and 61. he handed the soviet leader a gift. model of the uss constitution. and kennedy noted that just a few cannon blasts would then kill a few people. but in 61 with both countries naming their entire nuclear arsenals on each other, 70 million people would die, just in the opening exchange. he looked across the table and you got a blank stare as if to say, so what. kennedy was shot to continue to seek peace in his inaugural address, he aimed for an offramp from the cold war. >> finally to those nations that would make themselves our adversary we put out a pledge
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but a request that both sides begin a new quest for peace. before the dock powers of the starship -- destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity and planned or accidental self-destruction. >> jesse: fiction writers in the early sixties were riding about possible military coups in america. to which jfk remarks, i know a couple of generals who might wish that they could. i'm gonna be continuing to read some of these books about jfk and will keep you updated every night. former cia officer and whistleblower it john joins us. john, now we have this actively witness tampering in the hunter and biden investigation, what does that tell you? >> how crazy is this. i thought about this all weekend, jesse and i'm just not able to come up with any
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legitimate reason why the cia wood tamper in this case, tampering this investigation other then the fact that perhaps mr morris is a source or as you said in the intro the cia wants joe biden to be reelected. >> jesse: do you believe that they look like joe biden because he's just the establishment guy, he does what the pentagon wants? and he always has. he always has. >> the cia loves it when either presidents don't make waves that they are establishment presidents or there's an inexperienced president they sometimes can get their hooks in early, barack obama had no real experience in intelligence for foreign affairs, to the day after the election in 2008, he began getting a daily cia briefing and they hooked him. once they show you a blue border reporter, blackboard a report that classified above top-secret and they say mr president-elect,
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we want to tell you about the cool things that were doing around the world, they have their sinew and then you work for them. >> jesse: trump is inexperienced as well as barack obama was, even more so by he wasn't able to be controlled, he sniffed out some of the rooms as they were playing with him. and they've done nothing since then but try to destroy them. >> that's exactly right in that is what happens when there's a president that they cannot control. i think that may be there are some parallels that we can draw, even with the presidency of john f. kennedy. >> kennedy was going around the military officials speaking directly. they had private letters exchanged. because he wanted peace. >> yes, he did. >> jesse: we'll continue to cover that because it's one of those things that thinks your heart. thank you. >> think you for having me. >> jesse: the media and march madness, be right back. spanning over 280,000 acres. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: old sports adage that defence wins championships and sometimes the best defence is a good offence. lsu women's basketball coach went on offence and a big way
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during a press conference over the weekend. before she got into breaking down the axes and owes, she called out the washington post. for working on what she thinks is a hit piece on her. she's getting a master class on how to deal with bad faith journalist and threatening to sue the washington post after she found out the reporter was just trying to dig up dirt on her from former players and disgruntled coaches. >> reporters that get a megaphone to a one-sided embellished version of things aren't trying to tell the truth. they're trying to sell newspapers in feet the clip machine. this is exactly why people do not trust journalists and the media anymore. it's these kinds of sleazy tactics and how much jobs that people are just tired of.
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i'm fed up. and i'm not gonna let the washington post attack this university, is awesome team of young women i have or me without a fight. >> jesse: talking about this reporter who confirmed he's working on a profile, she says that he reached out to the university with more then a dozen questions on tuesday saying that his deadline was thursday. grey before tipoff. he said the timeline was ridiculous and impossible to meet and as a showtime the story has not been printed. sound like the defence is working. fox news contributor joins me now. this is how they roll, joe. >> kent barb has been working on this story for two years, jesse. and suddenly has a two day deadline to get a dozen questions answered. >> before the first game of the tournament. >> cam is probably the best coach in the country right now i'm talking about all sports. four national championships,
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defending national champ after winning last year, she won twice as a player 40 years ago, she's been coaching for probably longer then most of the staff of your show has been alive. so it's incredible. so why she being targeted? because she's a conservative, for starters. and she actually had the audacity to accept an invitation from president trump in 2019 when baylor won in that cost backlash because you can go to the white house with your team and celebrate a national championship. but also in terms of covid-19 testing she sent before final four, last year there before saying they should not do testing for the final four because if you dreamed your whole life to get there, in a test comes back positive for a 20-year-old girl, it's not gonna matter anyway because in pretty sure everybody's gonna be okay. but this will be a hit close because this reporter for whatever reason the washington post had a bit interested in at their athletic status durand brian kelly 2022, football coach. and shamed him for making the money that he does as a football coach because baton rouge is a
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port town. >> washington post reporter hate lsu and that makes asked like them even more. >> want to hear one snap before i go. >> jesse: i can, my brain is full. >> it's 10 seconds. >> jesse: now you've wasted it. >> i'm teasing. >> jesse: what you want. >> washington post is never endorsed republican president chill candidate in the history that means they endorse carter twice, mondale who won one state, biden, could track record >> jesse: under the wire, thank you. primetime had a hunch for some time that there was an ulterior motive at the southern border, and last night's 60 minute interview with mexican president confirmed what we had thought. joe biden is being blackmailed by mexico. >> your the white house president lopez proposed his text of the united states committed $20 billion a year to
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poor countries in latin america and the caribbean. lift sanctions on venezuela and the cuban embargo and legalize millions of law-abiding mexicans living in the us. they do not do the things that you said need to be done. then what? [ speaking alternate language ] the flow of migrants will continue. >> jesse: that sound like a threat to me. and if it was not enough that our commander-in-chief is being blackmailed by her neighbour, they're finally addressing something hour own leaders refused to acknowledge. we have a crisis. i psychological epidemic that we have ignored. >> fentanyl is produced in the united states, canada and mexico. and that chemical precursors come from asia. you know why we don't have the drug consumption that you have in the united states? because we have customs, traditions and we do not have the problem of the disintegration of the family.
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>> jesse: primetime does not cii with them since he's been letting illegals flow into the country. and he cozies up to the cartels, but he's right about that one point. what mexico calls you out for having a drug problem, you know you are struggling. we consume more opioids than any other country. and it turns out mexico doesn't nearly have the population as addicted to drugs as we do. it's time we start asking ourselves how did we get here. why are we so addicted, what happened to our standards and tradition and why do our leaders point fingers instead of recognizing that they have a responsibility. jonny, talks relationships, right back. >> would you fight about. >> when he did not answer his phone fast enough, it's just suspicious. what are you doing that you can't answer my message. [ ♪♪ ] - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief
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[ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: was easy for where you're not in love it. things. you bigger, there are fights. what is i look like? not sure. johnny, wanted to know so we sent them out to the streets. [ ♪♪ ] >> how would you describe a good relationship? >> trust, loyalty, a lot of cuddling. >> great sex. >> money. >> $200 in your pocket, so he can act up you can go where you want to go. >> how long have you been in a relationship? >> 13 years. >> what did you find about. >> he drank a lot and i hated it. >> say he doesn't snore what he does. >> i would say let's just stay home and watch tv and she's like know i want to go to the club. >> i guarantee that there is no problem, i guarantee. >> when he did not answer his phone fast enough, it's 'sus'. >> don't be suspicious. >> a man should also be able to
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[ inaudible ] >> drink out of a straw, eat some food. >> stuff like that know how to be a little soft. >> licking ice cream cone. >> like a fricking ice cream cone, why don't you. >> what kind of chores that you have to do. >> chores i don't do chores. >> i'm a little bit of a princess, i don't do any laundry. >> i've not done it yet, i may do it, if this does not work out [ ♪♪ ] >> what annoyed you but you're spouse. >> always want to be in front of the tv. watching the game. reading the gain, listening to the game. >> his delivery. >> he does not deliver? >> he delivers. >> talks a lot and i don't. >> sticking his finger in my nose, in my years, disgusting. >> when you fight, what happens? >> i give him the silent treatment he asks me thanks are fine and i say yes. >> if a woman says something is fine. >> it's not fine. >> it's just not.
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>> you might not hear from you. >> you don't get sex. >> she try to hit me with a car. >> a little bit of name-calling. >> what kind of names? >> dam. >> i was allowed a person. >> allow did you get. >> just stop it and listen. so hardheaded. >> having said all this, why are not 50 points ahead. >> how do you resolve a conflict. >> you [ bleep ] and make up. >> my favourite coffee, food, flowers, a chocolate milkshake. >> unity get that feeling like you want to cuddle again. >> you cuddled how many times. >> what is your best advice were good beautiful healthy relationship. >> be a good lover, get it going on between the sheets. >> happy wife happy life. >> make sure that she is willing to go through hell and back because she's not willing to go through hell and back she's not
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for you. >> to ship a basket on her bicycle, she's too young for you. [ ♪♪ ] >> what he think of the relationship of joe and jill. >> they need god and jesus. >> i don't know what they'd be doing. >> does he remember who the spouses. >> this is my sister valerie. >> donald trump in milan you make a good couple. >> they are a million-dollar couple. >> i'm really rich. >> what you want to tell jesse watters on fox. >> hey,, jesse. >> i'm a dancer. >> bust a move. [ ♪♪ ] >> [ inaudible ] [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: we had such a great weekend in new jersey can little point pleasant i believe, i forget but it was great. a lot of great people. a lot of people want me to run
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for president and jessica came up a lot, obviously i love her and defended her. and i even let people touch my hair, it's true. i'm a man of my work, thank you for showing support, get it together still available surprise of many people showed up because i barely promoted. op in fort myers in april back to new jersey beach haven. we're not gonna copy. you keep buying the books and show up, let's do some texts. carroll from new jersey, jesse, we gave you the book signing yesterday. >> we secured them and i scarfed them down on the right home. thank you. rick from virginia. trump should have gone for randy moss and say straight cash only. the show, always remember i'm jesse watters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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