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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 31, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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steady rise of totalitarianism. the exploitation of the people, fewer and fewer masterminds with an ever-increasing army of bureaucrats and enforcers, rain over the citizenry decide what is and what is not good for them. any abuses of power are limitless as are the justifications. and slowly but surely, the people getting used to it, even vote for it. in 18 is grip is too tight, and that is too late and that's what were we do not turn things around they'll in november, and will see you tomorrow night, on sunday ♪ ♪ and i'll cherish thee, o, rugged cross --
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♪ til my trophies that's i lay down ♪ pete: it is march 31st, year of our lord, 2024. happy easter, everybody. he is risen, rachel. rachel: he is risen. finish happy easter. pete: we're watching the vatican, st. peter's square as we're awaiting pope if francis' easter sunday message. there he is, prompt and on time. they said he'd be at 11 a.m. vatican time, the 6 a.m. eastern time and there he is. when he begins his remarks, we'll take them to you. but, rachel, it's always beautiful to wake up when you know the stone is rolled away and the tomb is empty. rachel: absolutely. and if what a beautiful image as that is of the eternal city of rome. a little bit excited because i'm going to be there next month with my family.
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it's wonderful. this is the city and the world bless aring that the pope gives annually on easter sunday, and you can see there's a lot of pomp and circumstance around that. and that crowd is filled with people from every corner of the world as there are a billion catholics or that are being represented in that square. joey: yeah. it's a beautiful scene for a beautiful celebrationfor christians all around the world, catholics and others, today's a day of faith, hope and love. i mean, today is a happy day. today is a day of resurrection. and i think for most of us in our lives, that means we're reminded we can get through the things that we want with redemption and resurrection from. rachel: amen to that, joey. pete: no doubt. and we're watching, i would imagine the guard are there, going through their drilling ceremony, as you said is, but it's a beautiful morning especially coming off of good
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friday. the chance to spend it with all of you and hear, we believe, this message. it looks like a nice if day in rome. rachel: yeah, it does. looks like a beautiful day. pete: your right, millions of people descend on that location -- rachel: oh, absolutely. and you'll see them waving flags from every i country that they come from, and the pope, i believe, we'll have to ask jonathan about that, i believe he will say things in different languages? if. pete: let's do it right now. jonathan morris joins us before the pope speaks. oh, let's listen. he's start thing. there he is. rachel: sorry. [cheers and applause] [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: jesus of nazareth, who was crucified, has been risen.
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[inaudible] and the women who went to the tomb at dawn on the fifth day of the wake. the tomb of jesus had been sealed with a great stone. today, too, great stones, heavy stones block the hopes of humanity, the stone-war, or the stone of human tear crisis, the stone of human rights violations, the stone of human trafficking and other stones as a well. like the women disciples of jesus, we ask who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb? this is the amazing discovery of that easter morning. the stone, the um menace stone, was rolled -- immense stone was rolled away. the astonishment of the women is
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our aa sonnishment finish astonishment of us as well with. from this, everything begins anew. a new path leads through the empty tomb. the path that none of us but -- [inaudible] could open. the path of life in the midst of death. the path of a peace in the midst of war. the path of reconciliation in the midst of -- [inaudible] the path of fraternity in the midst of -- [inaudible] brothers and sisters, jesus christ is risen. he alone has the power to roll away the stone that blocked the path of life. he is he is the living one. he himself is the path. he is the way, the way that leads to life are, to world
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peace, reconciliation and -- [inaudible] he opened the path human impossible because only him takes away the sin of the world and forgives our sins. for without god's forgiverness, that stone -- forgiveness, that stone cannot be removed. without the forgiveness of sins, there is no overcoming recrimination, the presumption that we are always right and others wrong. only the risen christ, by granting us or forgiveness of our sin, opens the way for a are renewed world. jesus alone opens us before the doors of life, those doors that we continuously shut with wars spreading throughout the world. today we want first and foremost to turn our eyes to the holy
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city of jerusalem that witness the -- [inaudible] the death and resurrection of jesus and to all the christian communities of the holy land. my thoughts go especially to the victims of the many conflicts throughout the world beginning with those in israel and palestine and in ukraine. may the risen chris open the path -- christ open the path for peace for the war-torn people of those regions. in calling for respect for the principles of international law, i express my hope for a general exchange of all prisoners end between russia and ukraine -- between russia and ukraine, all for the sake of all. i appear once again -- appeal once again that access --
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[speaking in native tongue] >> translator: i appeal once again that access to humanitarian aid be assured to gaza and call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on 7, october, last and for an immediate ceasefire in the strip. [applause] if. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: let us not allow the current os tilts to have repercussions on the civilian populations by now at the limit of its endurance and, above all, our children. how much suffering we see in their eyes with of these children. with those, they have forgotten how to smile.
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those children in that area of war have forgotten how to smile. with those eyes they ask us, why? why all this death? why all this destruction? war always an absurdityif a defeat. absurdity and a defeat. let us not allow the strengthening winds of war to blow on europe and the med if train january. mediterranean. let us not yield to the -- weapons and arming. peace is never met with arms. but but with outstretched hands and open hearts. [applause] brothers and sisters, leapt us not forget -- let us not forget syria which for 14 years has suffer ised from the fates of a
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long and devastating war with. so many deaths and disappearances, so much poverty and destruction call for a response on the part of everyone. and of the international community. my thoughts turn today in a potential way the lebanon -- special way to lebanon which has for some time the experienced an institutional impasse and a deepening economic and social crisis, now aggravated by hostilities on the border with israel. may the risen lord comfort or the beloved lebanese people and sustain the entire country in its vocation to be a land of -- coexistence and pluralism. i also think in particular of the region of the western pal cannes -- balkans where significant steps are being taken towards integration in th-
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[inaudible] project. may ethnic, cultural and confessional differences be not a cause of division but, rather, a source of enrichment for all of europe and for the whole world. i likewise encourage the discussion taking place between armenia and as or buy january sh support of the international community they can pursue -- [inaudible] if respect the -- [inaudible] if of the various -- and arrive as soon as possible at a definite peace agreement. may the risen christ open a path of hope to all those in other parts of the world that are suffering from violence and conflict, food insecurity and the effects of climate change.
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may he grant consolation to the victims of terrorism in all a its form. let us pray for those who have lost their lives and implore their repentance and con version for the perpetrators of these crimes. may the risen lord assist the haitian people so that the they can soon -- there can soon be an end to the acts of violence, division and bloodshed in that country and that they can advance on the path of democracy and opportunity. my christ grant consolation and strength -- [inaudible] beset by great humanitarian crisis e and open the path of reconciliation to myanmar torn by years now by internal conflicts so that every -- may be definitely abandoned. may he open paths of peace on
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the african continent, especially on the suffering people in sudan and in the entire with region of the sahel, in the horn of africa, in the region of democratic republic of congo and in the purpose of mozambique and bring an end to the prolonged situation of drought which affects vast areas and from voces famine and hunger. -- provokes famine min and hunger. may the risen one make the light on his face shine upon all those who are passing through a period of economic difficulties and offer a them consolation and hope in the moments of their needs. may christ guide all a persons of goodwill the unite themselves in solidarity in order the address together the many challenges which loom over the
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poorest families in search for a better life and happiness. on this day we celebrate the life given us in the resurrection of the son. let us remember the infinite love of god for each one of us. allow that -- a love that overcomes every limit and every witness and yet how much the precious gift of life is despised. how many children cannot even be born. how many die of hunger and and are deprived of essential care or are vix of abuse with -- victims of abuse with and violence. how many lives are made to objects of asking -- of trafficking for the end e creasing comments of human
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beings in brothers and sisters, on the day when christ has sets us free from slavery of death, i appeal to all who have political responsibilities to spare no effort in combating the scourge of human trafficking by, working tireless arely to dismantle the networks of exploited, exploitation and to bring freedom to those or who are their victims. may the lord confront if their families above all who are anxiously awaiting -- of their loved ones and assure them comfort and hope. may the light of the resurrection illumine our minds and convert our hearts and make us aware of the value of every
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human life which must be welcomed, protected and loved. a happy easter to all. [cheers and applause] very powerful easter message there there coming from holy father, pope francis, on this easter day. and now we -- pete: all right. that was pope francis delivering his easter message. we're here with jonathan morris which you heard right before we with went to the pope. jonathan, you point out while we were watching not homily. it started with the stone being rolled away and then a lot of other current events. >> that's right. pete: welcome. happy easter. >> thank you, happy easter. pete: your thoughts. >> this was a message to the city and to the world. in latin it'sst -- [speaking in native tongue] to the city and to the world. it's traditionally a time for the holy father to not only give an easter blessing, but also as you said, pete, to talk about
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what's going on in the world. and from, we go back as far as the popes that i remember, john paul ii, pope benedict, they did the same thing. now, certainly, that's going to come from your own political and social perspective. pope francis certainly a more left-leaning, socially, politically pope. but certainly, he's talking about very basic things as a well which we all need to hear on this easter sunday which is that god is bigger than death itself. the stone has been rolled away from the tomb. and even in places like ukraine, as he mentionedded, or in israel and the battle between israel and hamas, that god is bigger even than that. even if we can't possibly understand what that solution might be. rachel: yeah, it's true. he did talk about peace, which i think people on both sides of all of those conflicts can get behind. the message would be -- tell us a little bit about the history of that because it goes back to,
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what, the 15 isth century, i think, right? >> yeah. so the city is the city of rome, right? because he is the bishop of rome. but he's also the leader of the catholic church which is global. and really the only figure that stands out global arely not just with the catholic church, but if you just think of all faith, name one other leader of another faith that has that type of global leadership. and so it's a great responsibility. rachel: yeah, it sure is. suis yeah you know, i, this morning -- joey: i always look for a quote or something to put things in words because i like the hear other people's perspectives. c.s. lewis says to be a christian means to forgive the inexcusable because god has forgiven the inexcusable bl in you. and remove the politics of the words just now, if that's the way you're reacting right now, i think's very much a part of that message. and this is not to be disparaging, but is any faith other than kiss chanty have a
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leader like the pope that would stand there and pray and and ask for, you know, salvation for people in places like what's happening in israel, that is a bit of a holy war of its own? >> yeah, that's a great point. i think, to be frank, a lot of people are also saying, wait, hold on, he's not the leader of christianity, right in catholics would say he's not even the leader of the catholic churches, it is christ himself that is the a head of the church. but like you said, we need human beings to remind us of pretty basic things like forgiveup. pope francis saying -- forgiveness. the solution is found through the human heart. pete might say, and he would be right, people aren't perfect. [laughter] sometimes war is necessary -- rachel: i heard him grumbling. pete: and the president whole climate change bit. rachel: the pope lost me there too. >> i set you up there -- pete: sounded a little bit idealistic. the pope used the lead armies,
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as i recall. now he says all war is bad with. war sometimes does lead to peace and justice, but i get what he's saying. >> i'm glad you get that. [laughter] pete: jonathan morris, it's awesome -- [laughter] >> happy easter, pete. [laughter] rachel: great having you. pete: the pope started it, i didn't. [laughter] rachel: he started it. pete: the pope started it. rachel: we're going to have some other leaders with us today, faith leader. franklin graham with, we love him, he's coming. mike huckabee and, obvious, our own shannon bream, tim tebow, pastor robert jeff reese, and of course, our faith and friends concert, the grand finale with matthew west. you've got to stick around for all of that. joey: jonathan morris, thank you so much for getting up this morning and joining us, sharing some wisdom.rb some wisdom.rb rachel: thanotk you, jonathan. pete: more "fox & friends" on this easter sunday.
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illinois-chicago campus. this happened will less than a month after nursing student laken riley was allegeddedly killed after a venezuelan migrant on the university of georgia's campus. retired acting i.c.e. director tom homan joins us now. so great to have you. happy easter to you. >> happy easter. rachel: such a troubling -- it's not just this individual, tom, incident. i think this is a troubling time in general for vulnerable women. we're seeing it across the board, that women are not feeling safe, and now we're adding illegal immigrants with these unvetted backgrounds who tend to be violent. what do you say about this? what are we going to do? if. >> well, first of all, let's remember president trump wasn't wrong eight years ago when he says a lot of bad people come across that border. rachel: yes. >> rook look, we mow who most of these people are -- we know who most of these people are. 4.9 million people have been released in this country, there's 1.9 known gotaways, plus
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350,000 that are flown into the country, that's over 7 million illegal aliens reaming the streets of -- roaming the streets of this country, and we don't know who they are. when we say we're vetted, we run hem in criminal databases, but unless they've been arrested in the united states, we don't have criminal day da. -- data on them. unless they were encountered on a battlefield, part of an ongoing terrorist information, we don't know who most terrorists in this country are. so with 7 million people released into the united states, a big part of has going to be criminals, gang members, people carrying fentanyl. this is a huge public safety crisis that this administration created. rachel: yeah. and system of the vet, i mean -- vet ising, i mean, the home countries are either, you know, unstable, they're enemy countries, we department really have -- we don't really have access to their data, so how are we vetting them anyway? some of them are failed states that these people are coming from. so also you mentioned in the
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pre-interview that we still haven't gotten to the bottom of the 100,000 children or that are missing, and so i think about these women who are vulnerable, i think about these children that are missing and this party, the democrat party, who claims to be the party of compassion expect party that educate are protects those who are vulnerable. >> you know, you mentioned the attacks on females. do you know that doctors without borders said 31% of women who made that journey who used the cartel got sexually assaulted. 311% admitted to it. -- 31% admitted to it. of it's not just womenning being attacked in this country, it's women being attacked making this journey. every time i testify where democrats want to throw out the trump policy of zero tolerance, 2500 people were separated, that's because the parents were prosecuted and were trying to, maybe if we prosecute them, maybe less women will be raped, maybe less children will die crossing the border. at the same time, they want to ignore that this administration
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released nearly 100,000 children that they can't find because not only can we not do proper vetting of those who entered the country illegally, they're not doing proper or vetting of the people they're releasing these children to. 100,000 children missing, and no one's doing an investigation, no one's raising hell about it, but we should be raising hell about it. these are children. they're in forced labor. they're in forced sex slavery. they're in death bondage. i know that because i did this for 34 years, but nobody wants to talk about the it. today want to keep talking about the terrible trump policies. rachel: yeah. and, by the way, that illegal migrants who assaulted and robbed this woman in chicago and dragged her into this university, he had free housing. he was sheltered inside of chicago club. i mean, this is the kind of stuff they're doing, putting women and if children and the citizens of these cities in really grave danger. such a sad story. it really makes mothers across the country -- i know this wasn't a student, but she was dragged into a university are. so anyway, thank you so much,
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tom. really appreciate it. >> thank for having me. rachel: you got it. this election season bringing up ronald reagan's age old questio- >> are you better off than you were four years ago? is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? rachel: deja vu have. a new poll revealing most voters reason are. we're going to talk to a personal finance expert next.
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joey: a recent smart asset analysis revealing just how expensive some u.s. cities are. here's how much income is needed to live comfortably e for a family of four. in arlington, virginia is, it costs you over $318,000. in boston it'll cost you nearly $320,000. in second place, in san jose, california, it's over $334,000. coming in as the most expensive
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city, san francisco rank ares number one at a over $339,000. that's a household financial of a family of four just to live what they call comfortably are. here to react is personal finance expert and university of san diego finance professor danly cotto. dan ricotto, $275,000 a little bit better with or, but coming in at 50 grand a year, how do we balance this? [laughter] >> well, we're not. hi, joey. good morning, happy east. that's the problem. that that's why 64 of americans right now say we're on the wrong with track. there's this angst about the economy, you know, for a variety of reasons but principally because of what i call a breakfast recession. when your box of mini wheats is costing $6, the average a american family is saying, man, this is tough stuff, right? we've had now almost three years
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of inflation at 3 or better each month, and -- 3% or better. that was supposed to be the temporary. and so easy to understand why americans are feeling a bit roughed-up this morning. joey: you know, i don't have a lot of historical knowledge where that number was, say, six years ago or eight years ago. i'd is have to imagine it was nowhere near what it is now, but you say the cost of living has increased 20% since 2020? >> yeah. the cost of living overall is about 20% -- [no audio] joey: all right, i think, i think we've lost dan there. have some communication problems. we'll see if we can get him back. and, you know, just to end this topic, our polls show that over half of americans say that they are worse off. so hopefully we can get dan back on and talk about that. as ronald reagan said, are you better off than you were a few years ago. all right? we'll be back, we'll be back in just a second. oh, here we go.
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officials to make a change while eulogizing her husband. >> it's been two years and two months since detective rivera and detective m if ora made the ultimate sacrifice just like my husband, jonathan diller. dominique stood in front of all the elected officials pleading for change. that change never came, and now my son will grow up without his father, i will grow old9 without my husband, and his parents have to say good bye to their child. how many more police officers and families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? pete: how many more? joining us now are two nypd widows, diane who lost her husband, officer joseph, in an ambush in 1971, and lisa who lost her husband, sergeant paul, in a a shootout in 2016. diane, least a saw, thank you both -- lisa, thank you both for joining us this morning.
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i've got to believe hearing those words brings back stark feelings that you've had. and, diane, i know it was many years ago for you, but it doesn't change the reality of what you face. before we get into the policy, what's your message the stephanie? if how does someone deal with a moment like this? >> this is a very, very hard moment that she'll never get over. you will raise your children, you will raise your little boy, you will go on with life or but you will never forget this incident that happened. she -- [audio difficulty] little ryan will miss his father. he will never get to grow up and to know him. all these years -- [audio difficulty] just a little bit -- pete: no doubt.
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diane, we're losing your audio a little bit. hopefully, it'll come back in a moment. lisa, let me go to you. your husband, paul, was killed seven years ago, i believe it was seven years ago. you heard the message of what stephanie if said. she said, you know, if anyone had listened two years ago a, my husband would be alive. i'm sure you'd say same thing if anyone had listened seven years ago. talk to -- it's got to feel like a helpless situation. wives keep saying there's more we can do, and politicians aren't listening. >> absolutely. my husband was killed seven years ago. it was well before a lot of the new policies and bills that have been put into place more recently. my husband was arrested -- excuse me. my goodness. my husband's perp was arrested 11 times before my husband was killed. as a stephanie if said, her or perp that killed her husband was arrested 21 times, and
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something's got to stop. this is not a one-person problem, this is a unified problem, and we need a unified front to fix this problem from the ground up. pete: how can that happen, lisa? just from your per speghtive, i mean, someone like mayor adams was there, he said all the right things, but if you look at the timeline, he was there two with years ago. he's been there the entire time frame when stephanie was calling for changes that don't release violent criminals back onto the streets. how does this change? >> it doesn't, unfortunately. actions speak louder than words, and we've seen the actions. so we know where we stand. we know that a change needs to be made, and it needs to go well beyond our local officials, and it needs to be taken up federally. and even federally that is a national problem. peopler communities -- people, communities, departments are feeling this across the country. this is not just a new york city problem. pete: no doubt. i mean, when you've got a party
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led by calls for defunding the police, you get this type of response. diane, i would, i'd love try your audio again. hopefully, we're good to go. what would your message be to leadership? >> i would say that the democratic, progressive policies that we now have in this state, the prisoners, criminals being let out of jail that get arrested and are put through a revolving door, mayor adams was a part of the police department, and yet he does not support the police officers. the changes need to come with the prosecutors and with the judges. they need to start enforcing the laws that are on the books. you do the crime, you do the time. that's as it should be. not this reinvolving door, no
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bail -- revolving door, no bail and out. this man was a convicted felon. he was convicted and he was on the streets. this should never, ever have happened. pete: lisa, well said. excuse me, dye yarning well said. lisa, do you think mayor adams sports the police the way -- supports the police the way he shouldsome. >> i think there's a lot more to be done. like i said, actions speak louder than words, and this is not a one-person problem, nor is it a one-person solution. it is not not one person's blame, but this is a historical problem that our city has had. for quite some time through past administrations, if we need to go in a different can direction because the direction we're going in right now is not acceptable, and it's not going to stop. it's not going to change and actually fix our problem. we need to rip the band with-aid off and get down to the root of
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the problem and start there to make change. pete: start with criminals being criminals and actually locking them up and keeping them in jail or deporting them when they commit these crimes, working with federal law enforcement to get rid of lawbreakers would be a place to start. i can't imagine -- by the way, lisa is, real quick, i asked the same to diane, but i want to get your thoughts, what would you say to stephanie today if she was watching? >> for me, i had many nypd widows and not only nypd widows, but widows from around the country, survivors from around the country that put their arms around me when my paul was killed. and that is the same thing that we are going to do for stephanie. and it really is truly not only a lock support -- a local support network that he has just acquired -- she has just acquired, but she does have a national support isn't, you know? concerns of police survivors, which is a national organization
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that puts on police week in washington, d.c. each year with the finishing op -- fop is a national organization that supports not only spouses, but children, siblings, parents, coworkers, and their main purpose is to rebuild shattered lives. and so for me and my message to stephanie is that she's going to be okay. the pain will never go away, the love, the heart ache will never go away, but she does have a tremendous support system that is now going to surround her or and ryan and her extended family for the rest of their lives. pete: well, amen. diane, thank you for joining us, and we remember joseph today. lisa, likewise, we remember paul and their service to the city and the country. certainly we're thinking of stephanie today. god with bless. thank you both for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you. pete: joey, you've got some headlines nurse. joey: yeah, thanks, pete. crews removing the first section of steel from the collapsed francis scott key bridge
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yesterday. officials say they were working on the north side of the bridge. the port of of baltimore if remains blocked as seven cranes work to remove pieces of the bridge. the collapse after a cargo ship lost power and rammed into a beam tuesday. six construction workers were killed and four remain missing. a at&t now confirming 73 million current and former customers' can accounts were leaked on the dark can web earlier this month. system of the information includes customer social security numbers, phone numbers and mailing addresses from 2019 or earlier. at&t is reaching out to customers who were affected. the cause of the leak is still unclear. and the powerball jackpot soaring to $. >> 975 million -- to $9775 million after -- 975 million after no one won with. 12, 13, 33, 50, 52 and a red powerball of 23.
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you have another shot at the jackpot tomorrow night. and those are your headlines. i may have to, may have to buy a lottery ticket, i don't know. let's check in with meteorologist adam cost for our fox weather forecast. adam: hey, good morning, joe with by. you're not alone, i'm also going to be picking up a powerball ticket. otherwise we're kind of winning the lottery out here today. easter sunday, spring is in the air. really gorgeous weather at least on fox square. let's look at the temperatures to begin with where it is relatively mild up and down the east coast. still a couple of wintry spots across the northern tier, 39 in chicago this morning. a couple of rainy spots we're going to be dodging some showers across the midwest, ohio, illinois and michigan, that will only become fuller as the day goes on. you run a little farther west, and there are some snowstorms at some of the high or elevations. there is the some weather to be aware of on in this easter sunday. this is what it hooks like across the country. the most beautiful spot across
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the south and southeast, temperatures into the upper 70s, close to 80 degrees here on this easter sunday. those are your weather headline s. for now, joey, i'm position it back inside to you. joey: thanks, adam. all right. we all know an easter basket isn't complete without that chocolate bunny rabbit, so we're making and decorating our own. check it out. ♪ ♪ file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! ♪
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♪ rachel: all right, well, no if easter basket is complete without a chocolate bunny, so we're going to try making our own today. joey: steve monk is here, he's working harder right now, he's showing us how it's done, literally showing us how it's done. what do you have going on, or steve? >> i'm going to show you how to make a hollow easter bunny. predominantly, we sell hollow easter bunnies for east aer. we take these -- easter. we take these nice molds here, and you pour a little bit of chocolate into the mold. now, we have big machines at the shop where we do this, but i brought some here just for you guys today. rachel: how important is the temperature in. >> the temperature is very important. you have to have tempered
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chocolate, you take the mold, and you want to shake it and get it all around the mold. joey: snapped together with magnets, right? >> it does. we put it in a machine, it tumbles it around and keeps it all nice and even. once we get it all coated, it dries in a cool room. and when we take it out, it looks like this. so we have three bunnies for you guys, but the next crucial step is decorating. rachel: i love it. >> we take our knives, dip it into some chocolate, and i want you guys to choose your favorite decorations and let's see who can make the best bun knit. rachel: i'm going to use your chocolate here, right? if. >> sure. [inaudible conversations] [laughter] and, pete, we brought you a special guy over there, pistol pete, the guy with with the cow cowboy hat and the rabbit guns. pete: nice. rachel: they brought if you flags -- pete: oh, my gosh request. [laughter] pete: easter is an american holiday, and we all know that.
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joey: they dropped one on the way in, they called it legless joey. that one was named after me. [laughter] >> well, the best part of having an easter bunny is you want to eat it, rah right in. joey: of course. >> some people say the ears are the best part. now, we have a big guy over there if somebody wants to grab it when you're done decorating your bunny with the big ears. pete: that huge one? >> yeah, that one right there, and we can break him open. rachel: what's the right way to eat one? >> some say the ears are the best part, so break the ears apart. oh, yeah! take a big bite. [laughter] joey: right here. stick with us, we're going to have a white. ♪ysta ♪ and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals.
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