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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 26, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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to it. i don't think joe biden is going to be debating donald trump anytime soon. i don't think he can. >> sandra: presidential debates, we are better for them, it is good for the american public to see this. we will see if it happens. biden said he would be happy to do it, you just wonder under what conditions. >> i wouldn't bet on it, sandra. >> sandra: okay, all right, thanks to both of you, good to ssee you. >> thank you. good to see you. >> sandra: thank you for joining us today, great to be with you all. you can catch me and john roberts every weekday at 1:00 p.m. eastern time on "america reports" and don't forget to watch "caboodle live" tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern. again, things for joining us now. keep it right here for "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. shannon bream along with
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judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, charlie hurt, and the greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ big day here in the big apple for joe biden and donald trump, both in new york city at the same time today. president biden chatting with howard stern, telling him he would be happy to stand on a debate stage with trump. speaking of which, the former president was in court for a dae money trial. former national acquired chief david pecker wrapping up his testimony and we got to hear from the prosecution's next two witnesses. trump former assistant monograph, a 34-year-old veteran of the trump organi organization, and a former banker at first republic when michael cohen was apparently seeking to arrange the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels. trump signing off on another date in court. >> this is all a biden
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indictment. in order to try to win an election. nothing like this has ever happened. biden to debate come he can do it anytime he wants. can do it tonight. i'm here. i'm ready, willing, and able. and if he wants, i'll do it on monday night, tuesday night, or wednesday night. we'll be in michigan, a state that he has destroyed. >> shannon: the former president was certainly on the mind of the current president. joe biden repeatedly brought up donald trump while being interviewed by howard stern. >> i don't know if you are going to debate your opponent. >> i am somewhere, i don't know when. i'm happy to debate him. i don't think he likes his overhead on that score. >> what do you think is going to happen? i can't imagine you are going to lose, but. >> well, look come he has promised if he doesn't win there is meant to be a bloodbath. trump makes fun of me. he is the kind of guy could have gotten head-to-head. >> shannon: the sit down with stern coming as biden takes some
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friendly fire from "the new york times." the great lady accusing the president of sending know mike setting a dangerous precedent for avoiding interviews with most of the media. and despite biden's best efforts to shuffle away from the press, axios has an alarmingly report out on his gait. "instead of walking to and from marine one by himself in the last week, biden started walking surrounded by aids who are concerned that videos of biden walking alone, especially on grass, have highlighted his age." charlie, you cannot stop with the giggles over here today. >> whether >> charlie: whether it is trump wanting to debate br the real concern of the white house is the tall grass is going to wipe out joe biden, and if you wonder why the economy is in the tank, we have an open border and we have all of these wars popping up all over the place, it's because joe -- of the house is more concerned about shielding joe biden walking to the helicopter then they are about solving crimes.
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>> shannon: go back to the grass, i know you know something about. >> greg: i don't understand that. are you alluding to something? >> shannon: i need you to google it. >> greg: first of all, i love how these trials are fuel for trump. if he is popeye, lawfare is his spinach. he is not leading in the polls despite the trials. he is leading in the polls because of the trials, and it is hilarious to watch, it really is. who would have thought the howard stern show would become the safe space for an elderly, clueless fossil, and also joe biden. i kid. howard stern, i loved him, but man, he has changed. risk has now been exchanged with a reward. you listen to the interview come he is completely defanged and rendered a harmless stern, the opposite of what the brand that stern used to be but that is what happens when you get
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co-opted by power and famous friends and it is weird to see this, to see stern swish sides. biden supported biden, gave him his best shows and i can but you at that time biden would have bl hazard in need of censorship. now you have stern basically trashing trump who reflects the frankness of the stern phenomenon. instead, stern embraces the precise kind of phony that early stern would have mercilessly mocked. onto your cheap gaffe about the grass. okay, they are talking about a stiff gate. this is part of a bigger scandal that should be called feeble gate. it's a scandal to cover up biden's ever diminishing function. let's be honest. the only way that biden can look younger is to surround himself with corpses. and it's not the walk that should be alarming, it's the dementia, which makes him even
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more oblivious to the destruction of all of our institutions. it is the woke handlers who are accelerating our nation's demise, and he is just as they are along for the ride. who knows how much longer he'll be there. i think it's also, you know, it's also hard to walk when you have a load in your pants. that's why they call him dark brandon. >> shannon: we don't have any confirmation from the white house so we are going to move on from that but i thought it was interesting, judge, part of this reporting and "politico" about the people walking with him as he wanted more downtime, less formal time with his aides, so the walk between the white house and marine one -- >> judge jeanine: that will absolutely do it. the reason he has his aides there is there going to ask him a question. it's quiet. there is nothing going on there and they are afraid he is going to answer. they are the ones who are going to make sure that he doesn't say anything that is out of line. obviously, we already know how he treats his aides come he
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curses at them, he yells at them. we have heard all of the stories about what is going on in the white house. i agree with greg. i mean, the guy is -- the guy has lost it. and what he is saying now, what he said on the howard stern show, he came up with even more lies. the guy is a plagiarist. he has plagiarized his whole career. i think it was his 88th or 98th presidential campaign they threw him out because he was such a liar and how he comes up with four new ones. he said when he was a lifeguard he saved a half a dozen people from drowning. you want to tell me why he waited until he was 81 to tell people about that? number two, he said, get this, he said, whatever he as a senator received salacious pictures of women, he would give it to the secret service. joe, you didn't have secret service when you were a senator, okay? then he said when he was younger he was on the porch with a black family, he was the only white
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kid on the porch of a black family, he was protesting segregation. and they arrested him. so why would they arrest you? i mean, okay, and he said he was a runner in state scoring football. what the hell is that? first of all he always said he was the first one in his family to go to college. then we heard that his grandfather played college football and he was the best. i mean, you need to have drinks when you go through this. you know what, it's just ridiculous and this man is representing us. he talks to xi jinping. he talks to putin. oh, my gosh. [laughter] >> shannon: i'm going to need to go down to that table and do a wellness check on the judge down there. >> charlie: should be the debate moderator. >> shannon: it is apparent to going down at the courthouse tonight, apparently, at least one site has offered. "the new york times" is upset
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because they say it should be troubling that president biden has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term, voiding interviews and questions from major news organizations does not just undermine an important norm, it also establishes a dangerous precedent that future presidents can use to avoid scrutiny and accountability. richard, they are thinking not only about now, but their self-interest also that other presidents will say it is just not done that way anymore. >> richard: listen, i think that is a fair point by "the new york times" and i do think the president should probably give more interviews to the traditional press or those who sit in the briefing room. i think that is a fair assessment. now, you know, i watched the same interview you said no mike did, judge, i did not have the same assessment of it, but that is all fair in love and war. part of the interview i really did appreciate the president talking about, especially at this inflection point in our country purely talked about the time he lost both his wife and his daughter, and he talked about the ordeal of what he was dealing with, thinking about drinking, also talked about the
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ordeal of his own suicidal ideation's after losing both of his -- both his daughter and his wife. i think this comes at a time in our country when we know black youth, the suicide rate is up 124%, for college athletes, the suicide rate has doubled in this country, so we have a lot of young people struggling with this, so to hear the president of the united states saying when i was a young person i, too, struggled with this, that was a real moment to say i am feeling your pain -- this is what he is very good at doing, whether you disagree with his politics or not, it is important to see our leaders say i struggled with this as well, especially as our nation and young people struggle with it. >> greg: to bet he does nothing about the pain. i am all for feeling pain -- >> richard: talking about it, that is how -- >> greg: talking is cheap. i think someone said that once. talk is cheap. the fact is we have inflation -- >> richard: talking about it is actually how you solve it. >> greg: if you want to buy into that, that's fine. he's done nothing about fenton
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all. he's done nothing about crime. >> richard: that's not -- >> judge jeanine: nothing about hamas. >> greg: i'll give you this. suicidal ideation is bad. there you go. >> shannon: everyone can agree on that. coming up, shocking scenes of california lawlessness. a mayor's bodyguard attacked on camera and adam schiff, well, he got robbed. ♪ ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators,
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including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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♪ ♪ >> charlie: california continues to be a lawless nightmare. three of its left-wing leaders
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falling victim to crime in just one week. congressman adam schiff is the latest. thieves looting the luggage out of his car forcing him to attend a fancy dinner looking like a slob without a suit and a tie. l.a. mayor carrie bass had a house broken into. and the security guard for democrat mayor of san jose was attacked while giving an interview with a tv station. >> are you doing an interview? no, i work right there. okay, cool, cool. i appreciate you. [bleep]. yeah, i'm going to do what the [bleep] i'm going to do right before you walked up. >> charlie: and if that isn't the perfect metaphor for san francisco going down the drain, a neighborhood just through a mini festival to
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celebrate a public toilet the costs $200,000 instead of the original price tag, a whopping $1.7 million. so obviously we want to first go to our toilet correspondent, greg gutfeld, who i have to say, as sharp as you always look, when adam schiff showed up to that party, he looked like he was borrowing your wardrobe. >> greg: yeah, it's true. we do shop at the same places. that toilet originally cost over a million dollars, so when someone in san francisco says you look like a million dollars, they are telling you you look like crap. san francisco use to be celebrated as this glistening jewel of a city with amazing views. now people have to resort to celebrating a toilet. and i get it. it's a rare featn a city, when anybody defecates indoors it is a cause for celebration. what you are going to see with a lot of these left-wing
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politicians is that they will be forced to pretend that their victimization is no big deal because it's their own policies that led to this increase in lawlessness, so they would be seen as hypocritical. they can no longer cite any data that the crime is going down because it has been shown to be bogus. cities no longer submit the crime data because they are overtaxed, i should say overstretched, not to confuse people. there is too much time to report. they don't have time to do it, so the fbi is working on partial figures, they can't figure it out. the victims reporting has skyrocketed, so the gap between actual crimes and reported numbers is huge. then add to the fact that victims are still, despite this, actually under reporting the crime because the down charging of offenses dissuade's people from going to the police, and especially when they hear, when they call the police, they don't show up. >> charlie: i'm not going to mark your sweater. >> greg: this is an amazing
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sweater. you are right, it is short sleeve. >> charlie: even adam schiff would not aware that. and you know, shannon, when you go through and look at all of these crimes going on in san francisco this week, with dem leaders, which crime when you fear the most? >> shannon: when he think about -- i have lost my luggage many times, that can be a crime which also leads to fashion crimes, but i would note, adam schiff had been warned not to leave his luggage in the garage where his car was parked, so even people where they are like, francisco is no longer -- san francisco voters went to the polls and cracked down and reversed some policies and loosened up some of the clampdown on the police because they recognize that what they have done has led to these policies. why they are so that he celebrating the toilet, i found this -- i literally thought this was "babylon bee" when i first read this. there were toilet themed games,
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chocolate cupcakes decorated like -- yes. they took turns trying the shiny new stainless steel bowl. i cannot believe there are not more important things to worry about. >> charlie: you read this far more deeply than even i did. they are like toilet olympics. >> greg: dark brandon strikes again. >> shannon: i don't want to know what be competition is. >> charlie: the roundhouse kicked the sand jose mayor bodyguard -- the guy who roundhouse kiss the san jose mayor bodyguard, he is just looking for bread for his family? >> richard: i have no idea what he is looking for. it's friday but i won't worship the porcelain god. i don't understand -- >> shannon: this one is stainless steel. >> richard: but i do want to draw a direct line from the point shannon made because i think it is the right one. what you have seen happen in san francisco -- don't get me
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wrong, i think san francisco, to greg points, from where it was in its heyday to where it is n now, there is real issues they are and what you have seen the voters of the city do as well as the city's leadership do is really try to put some things in place to bring down the crime rate. in 2022, the city launched the violence reduction initiative. as a result of that, you've seen homicides go down, and also the coroner's office they are also reported this week that you are also seeing a decrease in the number of unintended drug overdoses happening because they are getting folks the resources that they need so they are not overdosing on fentanyl or other types of drugs. not saying it is where it should be, but it is good to see the city is moving in the right direction, one, because the voters wanted, but, two, the city leadership is responding and saying we can make a choice to fix this. this also comes at a time that our nation is on pace to see crime significantly decreased to the point where it was how much of the lowest point it was a most in the obama administration. >> charlie: i would love to see san francisco going the right direction, have my doubts.
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but judge jeanine, the one thing that is absolutely -- this is not the folder republican policies. >> shannon: uh-oh. >> judge jeanine: the dems are facing the consequences of their own policies. turnabout is fair play, okay? they wanted social justice reform, criminal justice reform. they don't want bail. they want cashless bail. they don't want people in jail. and we are now experiencing it. we do got a guy on the street who literally -- you have the mayor there, trying to give an interview and some half-wit is coming up beating the hell out of the security guards, i mean, at least he has a security guard. what about the rest of us? the truth is the politicians only care when it affects them. and it is about time that it did. karen bass' home was burgl burglarized. and i also think that london breed, she apparently was initially in favor of defunding
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the police. we are in this mess because of the democrats and in san francisco right now, being a victim of a crime is like the rite of passage, okay? it's going to happen and that's the way it is. and in the end, in the end, until this all changes, we are all going to be victims of crimes, and that is all i have to say. >> charlie: the most frustrating part of it is, obviously, these policies, the democrat policies in place are what have allowed this to happen, but when they don't do anything about it, you are also not allowed to protect yourself. >> judge jeanine: looked, just ask what's his name from the subway? penny. daniel penny. you can't defend yourself. then you have idiots like alvin bragg who doesn't know who to prosecute and who to let go. i mean, there is a george soros-funded prosecutor. these democrat socialists of america are putting people in d.a.'s office is who don't know how to fight crime and
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london breed in san francisco, you know where she is? she right now is in china on a taxpayer-funded trip to purchase pandas. and i guarantee you when she comes back with the pandas, someone is going to steal one. >> greg: there is enough bears in san francisco. >> charlie: please stop. okay, we got to go. up next, follow the money. a shocking new report claims george soros is helping fund the israel-hating protest on college campuses. that's next. ♪ ♪ summer is not just a season, it's an adventure. experience the thrill of fly fishing from our expert guides along north america's finest trout stream. explore thousands of acres of wilderness on majestic trails. then replenish at our world class spa. and when the sun goes down, enjoy an intimate country music concert. this summer, discover the west kept secret. book your
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i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: oh, is this me? liberal covid lockdowns have crushed the dreams of an entire generation of students, and now pro-hamas protests are
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threatening to destroy what's left. the university of southern california has announced their main stage graduation ceremony is canceled due to safety concerns after a 100 pro-palestinian protesters were arrested on campus. keep in mind these 2024 college grads are the same ones who graduated high school without a ceremony because of the pandemic. students at the university are not thrilled about it. >> i think it's awful. i think it's not fair. i don't think it's right. >> these are like the students from 2020 who missed our high school graduation, and now they are missing their college graduation, so it -- that's really messed up. >> luckily in 2019 i transferred and so i got a high school graduation, didn't get the transfer graduation but that's okay. but i'm hoping to get the graduation. >> judge jeanine: but enough is enough. it's time to follow the money on who is fueling these anti-israel
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protests. a shocking report from "the new york post" claims that three pro-palestine and campus leaders are fellows at soros-funded groups. i will go to you first, shannon, because you are in the news. what do you know about this? [laughter] >> shannon: a few things. we have been covering this. i think one of the best questions is when you have people getting arrested or getting into trouble, some of them are not getting arrested, they are getting processed no fingerprinting or pictures or arrest records. they are not 22 years old. these people are older so some of them you have to assume are not from campus, they are outside organizers, what they are doing there. i can understand the people being so upset and frustrated that they are missing out on a second big milestone in their life. i think if the biden white house wants to get these youth voters, you've got to decide which side we were going to want to lay her claim to hear. but a lot of young people, yes, they are upset -- how this is
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impacting their college experience, and the white house said yesterday, the spokeswoman, karine jean-pierre, that this is up to governors about sending national guard income of settling things down, it is not for the president. we all know the president is in history has sent the national guard and on campuses where there is trouble into riots. they got to start having a conversation. if you are going to say you are the party of law and order and rule of law, why are you not helping the students who are having something so precious snatched away from them? >> judge jeanine: well, the interesting thing, charlie, about having the conversation is columbia university can have a conversation every 48 hours. they have 48 hours left to leave. we will have another conversation. 48 hours, got to leave. they don't leave. they have another conversation. there is nothing that people can do to stop this, that kids can graduate? >> charlie: the only people dumber than the kids on campus doing this are the adults who
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are negotiating with them. i don't understand any part of it. there is a thing called heckler's veto, where a heckler can walk in to a situation and completely shut down free speech. that's what's going on here on this college campus. the administrators are empowering these nitwits, these morons, and i don't doubt that some of them are there because, you know, they are emotionally upset about what they see on tv. but you look at the tents, you can tell this is an inorganic thing. this is definitely a set up. this is definitely an operation. and, you know, the university proving how irrelevant they are just completely buckles to them and let's these people shut down their lives and free speech and this important milestone for all of these other people. >> judge jeanine: greg, what's your take on george soros?
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>> greg: i will get to that because i think the tents tell you the story. i see all of these new tents and none of these people appear to be outdoorsy, right? they don't look like repeat shoppers at dick's sporting goods. the signs are brand-new. the tents. the catered food. it's all designed to make a protest a comfortable experience for people with a low threshold for hardship, right? it's curated and catered like a backstage at coachella minus the bands. it's a protest for the pathetic and the passive. the soros funding shows you that none of this is accidental. because if it is accidental, bad things happen, people try to fix it when it is accidental. but if you look at all of our problems today, whether it is the squatting, no cash bail, the border chaos, the drug over overdoses, there is no fixing, right? it feels part of a greater, deliberate mission that is on purpose because because no one
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is bothering to fix it. the d.a.s, the soros-funded d.a.'s don't even blink an eye when they are shown the destruction that is wielded by the recidivists that they let out. all of these variables from the campus occupations, the crime, homelessness, together they tell you there is an ideology at play. and it is meant to dismantle a free market -- the structure of a free market, individualistic capitalistic society, and to replace it with something, you could call it marxist, you can call it whatever you want, but there is no attempt to stop it. >> judge jeanine: so let's talk about the fact that there is no attempt to stop it. >> greg: richard! >> richard: all right, let's start here. one, a recent harvard iop poll that talked to voters under 30, including many of these young people on these college campuses, they rated their top issues. of the top issues, it was health care, housing, inflation, gun violence. at the bottom of that was the
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israel-hamas crisis. so that his thing one. thing two. because i think there is a critique of the media here and i think it is important that we make this critique because i think what's happened, even on my own alma mater at g.w. there has been a focus of the carrows on the folks of this encampment. g.w. has about 10,000 undergraduate students barely focus on the 100 or so at this encampment and not the 9,900 who are going to class or in finals every day. and my problem with that is this. every day students are trying to complete school and whatever and i think everybody should be allowed to protest, right, because protesting is what makes this democracy great, right, but at the same time there is a bright line for the media is not talking about. when using anti-semitic things that is not ejected by free speech, however, calling for disinvestment is but i could buy free speech, free expression is protected by free speech, and nonviolence protesting -- nonviolent protesting is protected by free speech. and you have to make that clear. if you want to be on your college campus and you want to say "i want a cease-fire now" and you want to say you disagree
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with how united states federal government is engaging with israel, you have every right to do that. if you say some thing that is anti-semitic, you don't have the right to do that. i think that is what needs to be said and i think the media is conflating these two things and it is very helpful to conflate the two things because they are not the same. >> charlie: but if you are university and you have a code of conduct, code of standards, you can tell people -- >> richard: but many -- >> chthat's not true. in the columb columbia universiy president went -- >> judge jeanine: y -- >> richard: they violated her code of conduct. there a code of conduct that universities are following, you just have to make a bright line of what is and isn't. >> judge jeanine: "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch.
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♪ ♪ >> richard: welcome back. it's time for "the fastest." first up, step away from the shower. experts say that you do not need to take a daily scrub because it is proven that there is no health benefits and it could actually harm you. we only do it because we don't want to stink. i don't know who these experts are about fire all of them. i take multiple a day. judge jeanine? >> charlie: maybe that explains everything. >> richard: i don't know about you -- >> judge jeanine: they want you to eat bugs. not take a shower. and live in 500 square feet. i mean, this is all nonsense. that's the end of it. >> richard: i agree. >> greg: they claim there is a social stigma to not showering. yes, it is because you stink. no one wants you to be sitting on your furniture is a literal dirtbag. these so-called experts -- >> charlie: fire them. >> greg: based on the assumption that nobody works out. if you exercise every day, which
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you should, you would shower appeared to not only are these people dirtbags, they are probably fat bags, as well, thee disgusting. >> richard: i want to hear your take on this. >> charlie: is not about a stigma, it's called manners. >> richard: you don't take multiple showers? >> charlie: showers are terrible for you -- >> richard: are you serious? >> charlie: i take showers if i'm going to be around people. you live on a farm, you don't have to -- >> judge jeanine: what? >> shannon: are you slapping the frogs and then not show showering? oh, boy appeared to appeared to be when showers are terrible. >> richard: shower? >> greg: any evidence? >> shannon: our health? e. coli is dangerous for our health. i am with the judge. eating bugs, walking around, not taking showers, and they wonder why population rates are down. >> richard: charlie, we learn something new about you every day. today we learned you don't take
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showers. [laughter] up next, frogs, not only are the ugly, but they are also dangerous. in florida banning the footwear on the escalator because it is getting chewed up in the escalator. judge, i know you love she was, you do not own a pair of crocs, do you? had to think about that one. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: i work for warner bros. once and one christmas i think everybody got crocs. i didn't keep them. that's all i have to say. looking for him if i ever get stuck in an escalator it's because my high heel is too thin, it goes right into the steel come i can't get it out. >> shannon: stilettos -- >> judge jeanine: i'm telling you -- charlie, stop talking. i'm walking off and my shoe is still going up the escalator. >> shannon: exactly. i agree. judge, stilettos are much more dangerous. i thought crocs for gardening come home time, maybe walking the dogs come i don't know. wearing them on an escalator,
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that is way too fancy of an event. >> greg: i don't own just one pair, i own four pairs of crocs. included, check out these companies are exclusive -- >> judge jeanine: oh! >> greg: 4-lined crocs. >> shannon: dog walking? >> greg: always wear them in a public shower. not for charlie, though. >> charlie: how often do you take showers and a public shower? >> greg: you don't want to know that. >> judge jeanine: have you ever been to turkey? [laughter] >> richard: and finally, what is in a name, anyway? emma stone said she preferred to go by her real name, which is actually emily. the oscar-winner reveals in a new interview she goes by emma because emily stone was already nabbed by another actress in their union. so here's my question. judge jeanine, if you could change her name, what would it be? >> judge jeanine: my name was always jeanine ferris. but then you become
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judge jeanine pirro and then you are judge jeanine. it does change. i am still jeanine. >> richard: charlie? >> charlie: i don't understand these people who get upset -- >> richard: is in your real name henry? [laughter] >> judge jeanine: henry! >> shannon: oh, henry. >> richard: changed his name just like emma stone. >> shannon: very long and not interesting story but my nickname growing up with chuck. so i go home and i see people i knew from growing up and i hear someone yell chuck across the room, i'm back home. >> richard: how is that not going to be an interesting story? >> shannon: tune in later, that is meant to be pay-per-view. >> richard: greg, would you change your name? >> greg: my original name was greg, and that i change it to greg. i dropped the second g. it was quite a move for me. i thought about it, i prayed on it. the lord told me, drop the g, greg. >> judge jeanine: i got the big g. >> richard: at home they call me jr because i'm junior to my
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father so if i hear jr i will look around. >> charlie: put your initials are raf. >> richard: that's true. and ""fan mail friday"" is up next. ♪ ♪ nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. we're hitting the road, talking to people about their hearts. putting the mobile in kardiamobile. how's your heart? doing good. is it? i think so. how do you know, right? how do i know... i don't actually know. you don't actually know. with kardiamobile card, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: oh, i like this. >> greg: it's "fan mail friday." let's start with a very helpful, practical question for the viewers, from -- i can't say this. what's your best health tip? and why? i think this is good because there must be something in your life, the number one thing that gives you the best health that you enjoy, does that make sense? >> charlie: not take a shower. >> greg: charlie, come on. >> charlie: and sunshine. >> greg: sunshine, excellent. mr. richard? >> richard: i meditate every night before i go to bed. >> greg: i think that is cheating, you should meditate in the morning. >> richard: you can do that, too. >> greg: just fall asleep at night. >> judge jeanine: meditate to sleep. >> richard: that's my point. >> greg: shannon, what is your best health tip for the people at home? >> shannon: mental health, get off social media. physical health, sleeping. and none of us get enough.
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>> greg: you are absolutely right. judge? >> judge jeanine: the best health tip i can give people is eliminate sugar from your diet, which is something i am always fighting with but when i eliminate sugar and i feel 100% better. >> greg: that does have sugar. it is going against my brand but quitting drinking. it's the healthiest thing you can do. i just destroyed -- >> richard: it also lets you sleep. >> greg: the sleeping thing is a big deal. i finally sleep like a normal person. anyway. susie asked, what is the most memorable moment you shared with a stranger who you never saw again? know one-night stands, people. memorable moment you shared with a stranger, shannon? >> shannon: why am i going to talk about now? >> greg: oh! [laughs] nasty. >> shannon: i did one time sit next to a guy on an airplane who we exchanged information, he was doing some work in d.c. i got an email from him weeks later that his nephew was diane,
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and all he wanted was a message from somebody from the avengers. i put this in my first book. i put out a tweet and prayed people would make this happen in several of them got to this guy and got messages to the boy. they called the hospital and everything before he passed away at it was so awesome, but i never saw the uncle again. >> greg: wow. judge? >> judge jeanine: you know, that's a tough one to answer. i just remember, and shannon may be remembers this, i remember meeting someone on a plane, and he was fascinating. we had a great conversation. didn't exchange cards or anything. and about, i don't know, two weeks later, i got flowers with his name, and i never followed up. that was a mistake. >> shannon: oh. >> greg: what about you? >> charlie: probably come i can think of so many but the one i was thinking of, we were getting on a plane in san francisco and a woman had several children, a baby on her hip, and i just said, hey, would you let me hold her baby while you put your stuff in the overhead bin. and she had me the baby. and i flew the entire way across
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the country with a little baby in my arms, it was hilarious. and then handed the baby back and let my own way. >> greg: whoa! that's nice. and creepy at the same time. >> judge jeanine: i would have thought -- >> charlie: only -- nobody else would. >> greg: richard? >> richard: i had to think about that. there was a lady i met leaving a building, she was in hysterical tears and i remember just embracing her like it's going to be okay. i never knew what happened to the lady but i remember that moment. >> judge jeanine: that's nice. >> greg: that's so weird, i ran into this lady and she said come help me, a black man just told me on the street. [laughter] >> richard: i'm going to let you have that one because it's friday. >> greg: [laughs] "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this.
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it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. [music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now.
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a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting. weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back! with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it. >> shannon: ttime now for "one
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more thing." >> greg: pete hegseth. vince august. kat timpf, tyrus. tonight at 10:00 p.m. let's do this greg's itchy tortoise news. who knew that tortoises itched but, get. this they have nerve cells on their shells. look at that little guy. shaking his booty. look at that get it right there. that's at the nashville zoo. a little lower buddy. oh, yeah. >> judge jeanine: that's amazing. >> greg: less sensitive than their skin they do have nerve endings there. remember that the next time you see a turtle. go ahead, scratch his shell. >> shannon: so understated. >> greg: should see it when you do it to mitch mcconnell. >> shannon: oh, boy. judge, this is a good time to get to you. >> judge jeanine: two barbers in connecticut are being hailed as heroes a after they ran out their establishment to rescue a child running into traffic. they were in the middle of a hair cut when they noticed a toddler and their first reaction was to sprint into action. they later -- look at this little girl.
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she is running in the direction of traffic. look at these guys. and they later located the girl's mother in a nearby bus stop. i guess she had too many other kids or lost sight or something. they are being hailed as heroes in connecticut. phenomenal, huh? >> shannon: i love they have the video on both ends recognizing the trouble and going to save her. >> greg: thought kidnappers. >> judge jeanine: tonight i'm on hannity. >> shannon: 9:00 eastern. richard? >> richard: hello, hello. big shout outto my friend first black man correspondents association. i helped honor him last monday first inaugural hosted by the baird baldwin institute mission is to empower black queer men in all industries. speaking of the white house correspondence dinner. you can catch special conch of the dinner right here on fox news at 9:00 p.m. with our friend jimmy failla.
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>> i'm going to join him. >> always great when nature steps. in pga golfers. teeing off totally unbothered. 17th hole. tee box. this didn't come as a total shock. known for reptile spectator, greg? the delay only lasted about seven minutes. didn't seem to be bad luck for the golfers who ended up parring and birdieing the whole perspective. >> dana: deign. >> shannon: relatively calm. you know you have important fans that watch you. you found out someone else this week told me they watch "the five." retired justice stephen breyer. i interviewed him this week. and "the five" came up and he said that he watches it in his exercise routine. >> greg: there you go. >> shannon: judge, justice, hello. those are the rest of my folks that will see you on "fox news sunday." more of my interview with the justice. have a great night. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> mike: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm mike emanuel in for bret


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