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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 28, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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y response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. >> it is the you 9:00 a.m. hour on "fox & friends weekend" starting with this. a fox weather alert. a deadly tornado outbreak sweeps across the midwest.
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the damage to the american heartland. >> plus, biden's got a popularity problem, heading into november. the new likability poll that ranks is below nixon and carter. >> the nfl's new protective caps sparking strong reaction. >> here's some bubble wrap while we're at it. >> i don't match your passion for concussions. >> a few self highlights there. former nfl running back is here with what he thinks of the new mushroom hats, safety measure. the final hour of "fox & friends weekend" starts right now. ♪ >> i'm good. >> wow. >> we're guessing landscapes and marinas and will doesn't know skylines, but knows this.
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was have you got? >> lake havasu. >> what state? >> nevada. >> what have we got? >> no. navoh dam, new mexico. >> i didn't know they had such water there. >> why are you -- >> houseboats, lake havasu. >> i thought it was florida. i wasn't looking at the topography. i was looking at houseboat -- i faux us cuss on one thing. -- focus on one thing of. it looks like a party thing. >> does that look like florida? >> upon reflection, not even close. i was faux focus on the houseb. >> is it the rio grande that's dammed up to make this. >> you get one piece of knowledge into will cain's head,
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it opens a f flood gate of questions. >> i was going to transfer to pepperdine after my freshman year but a houseboat trip convinced me to come back. >> did they know you needed convincing? >> i don't know. maybe. but it worked. >> i learned sot some things n that trip. >> i'm sure you did. >> explored new horizons. >> not for morning tv? that's what commercial breaks are for. >> yeah, it's a special moment on a houseboat. what could go wrong? fourth hour of "fox & friends weekend," we're glad you're here with us, thanks for being here. let's start with this. we've been covering the white house correspondents dinner and the reporters and joe biden. clearly, they love him in washington dc. the uni party, the establishment, they love joe and the democrats. what do the american people thjoe,approval, disapproval, ats point in his presidency.
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the numbers are staggeringly low. if you look at where he was a few months into the presidency, he was at 56%. he's at an all time low now of 38.38.7% approving of the way hs handled his job. put that in context. historically, he's thehis will you put that historical context in front of you. you can see how he compares to presidents going back to eisenhower, who led at this point the of the presidency at 73% approval rating. as it goes down over time we've more divided or partisan. it ranks historically, when you -- that's not a chronological timeline. that's best to worst. so what you see is carter came in at 47%, clinton, 53%, george w. bush, 51%, trump, almost 47%. but biden went down to 38%, lower than george h w. bush in '92, lower than obama.
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>> it's interesting you mention the white house core spont s co, biden spent time talking about how poorly the trump presidency went in his opinion. trump is several points above the current president. one of the areas whereby den is struggling is the independent vote which is going to be one of the most crucial votes to win the presidency in november. he has 39% support of the independent vote which is very low. >> it's almost like the guys are in in a bubble world, obsed with their own press. if we can go back to the time line. if you look at -- these are all the 13th quarter of a presidency. right? that means three years in. eisenhower, reelected, reagan, reelected, nixon, elected, 1972. clinton reelected. the other side, carter loss.
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trump -- obama was reelected famously and then h w. bush didn't win a second term. with a number like that it's hard to conceive of the dynamics changing. it's how do you guard the ballot box and make sure it's straightforward and everyone can have confidence in the results. that's what you want. you ought to be able to agree on whether or not somebody won or loss. the numbers, look at that side of the time line, don't look good for joe biden. >> keel keel was on fox and -- kellyanne conway was on the show earlier. >> debates are very important. it gives we, the people in our democracy an equal chance to watch the candidates shoulder to shoulder, point to counter point. if were president trump, if i were advising him, i would say ignore what we see. we see joe biden's lack of
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ability, agility and acuity. the art of politics is help voters what they can't see, not what they can. ask joe biden about the afghanistan pullout, against the advice of generals ask why he's emboldening new clear capability iran and trump has taken out soleimani and on and on. >> that's the response on whether or not there would be a debate. joe biden attempting to reverse the numbers, said in an offhand comment that he's up for a debate. >> this is with a nonstop 24/7 political assassination press. they didn't stop. on trump, every aspect of the media was trained on trying to crush him. >> also, covid started. >> this would have been at the beginning of covid. and with biden, kid gloves. the kindest possible coverage you can imagine. he's still -- that's 8
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and-a-half, 9 points below-8 points he below donald trump. >> that was good advice from kellyanne conway because president biden's approval rating started to go down during the withdrawal from afghanistan and he hasn't been able to recover. if they do debate and former president trump reminds people of that, how quickly we forget of these massive news events that take place, that will definitely be a point in the trump column. >> one of the other reasons why president biden's approval rating could be so low is because of this, some colleges are shutting down camp encampment as anti-israel protests continue. >> more than 100 were detained in boston yesterday. police donning riot gear to remove 23 people from indiana university. >> on friday, 69 people were taken into custody for trespassing at arizona state university as the president of u-penn is calling on protesters to disband. in new york, the protests the at columbia university is entering
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the 12th day today. >> as anti-israel protests spread, the university of illinois says students who participate will face consequences. so one of the big questions when it comes to these anti-israel protests is how does it end? you have to wonder if we're now seeing the beginning of the end with this because you can tell that some college campuses are starting to take it more seriously. >> you're entering the end of the semester for a lot of these schools. so that will end it as -- >> it's a natural end. >> as everyone returns home. >> do you think it ends when it's like i have to go home to my parents now? >> i do, i do. >> i don't think it's good. i think we all estimate this will show up at the democratic national convention. >> i think you're right. famously chaotic in 1968, chicago, we could see a repeat. a lot of protest leaders are saying just that. explicitly that's what it will be. also training their metaphorical
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or rhetorical guns on democrats more than republicans because joeys in the white house and they feel like the democrats are supposed to be the party of the squad, the radical left, as they demonstrated. they know republicans, donald trump and others support israel, support our allies. so they're going at their own and really you see that young lady with the bull horn, we can't hear what she's saying, but a lot of instances he this is straight up anti-semetic rhetoric, anti-israel. >> in all the protests, all of them, covid masks. but it's also -- it's not because of covid. they're wearing it as a disguise ultimately. that's what some people have told me. >> i don't doubt it. >> maybe it's both. >> i think it's both. there was a lineup of columbia professors that joined the protest, like 90% were wearing covid masks. >> it could be. we had two students on earlier in 2u6 a.m. hour -- 6:00 a.m. hour, richard lee, a senior at george washington university and sabrina, a junior, richard
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escaped communism as a christian in china at 12, and sabrina is a you jewish student. >> hatred a lot of times in history started with assent semitism. that's what -- anti-semitism. that's what we're seeing right now on our doorstep. it's sad. >> we have a lot of support in america. 10, 20 years from now, what if these students are the ones in our halls of congress and our policy makers, leaders of businesses, this is really my concern for the future because i don't know if this country -- i mean, i'm jewish. i'm israeli. will this country be safe for my children? and it's not only a jewish problem. it's an american problem. because these people are not only chanting against the jews, they're chanting against american values and it really stems from the faculty. that's the root of the problem. they're indoctrine ating kids with anti-israel lies and hate. >> that's what we spoke about
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earlier. i made the point to both of you earlier in the show, what you're seeing is manifestation of half a century of indoctrination. you're seeing the critical theory, students seeing the world through oppressor and he oppressed, combined with ignorance about what's happening in the present sense, a historical war in terms of reduction of civilian death compared to any other war in its lull, teaching students not to think but to be active theists and the part of this that is not organic, and that is like students -- we did this last week, students for justice for palestine, student justice for palestine is an inorganic organization funded on all of these campuses in the inorganic part of it will ensure it's funded for the democratic convention. >> billions of dollars have been spent on middle eastern
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studies to peddle one particular you view of the middle east based on the critical theory you're talking about, anti-semetic and anti-israel, it's really all lumped together. i say defund it all. let them go. the universities, because of what you said, they so aadopted these anti-american, anti-israel views, that's what they represent and they trained kids to be activistings and a they're complaining they're activating on campus be. don't give another dime to the places. they're not elite institutions, they're not the best of the best. >> i he hope the students are enjoying free speech rights in a country they severely hate. if they were doing this in the gaza strip or iran, do you think they would be catered to? that's whats happening right now. >> we have more news, starting with a fox weather you alert. oklahoma officials confirming one person is dead following the
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massive tornadoes in the midwest over the weekend. >> meanwhile, residents in nebraska are picking up pieces this morning after tornadoes flattened entire neighborhoods. >> fox weather correspondent nicole valdez is live in elk horn, nebraska with the latest. nicole. >> reporter: good morning. absolute horror across the heart heartland. in elk horn, nebraska, outside of home haw, this is the reality for hundreds of families with nothing left of their homes. as you look at these massive piles of debris, things that once made up their home, their walls, their roofs, all their furniture, everything they held dear as you take a look at what's barely a shell of a home that once housed a family, you see the message back there, thank you, everybody. a heart felt reminder of the army of volunteers we've seen spend their weekend trying to
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help these families, these americans pick up the pieces of their lives that are now scattered across miles and miles of land here in nebraska. but of course we recognize that it's not just those communities in elk horn that are really still suffering and have so much heart break, tornadoes in oklahoma leaving at least one person dead, sulfur, oklahoma seeing incredibly devastating damage this morning on top of a continuing flood threat today. department of emergency management says multiple people were injured there, several buildings damaged and 40,000 you 40,000 soso people remain in th. in other states, including iowa, we're seeing significant damage there from an ef-2 tornado that impacted that state on friday night. at least a dozen homes damaged there. but similarly to nebraska and iowa, no one lost their life. something that officials called a miracle. listen to this. >> i came up stairs to the
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second floor and looked that way and saw the big tornado coming and destroying houses over there. i ran downstairs and gathered up everybody and jumpeed in the truck as fast as i could, and drove away from it. >> reporter: a split second decision that may have saved the family's life. they're all okay. of course, picking up the pieces, trying to figure out where do they go from here, not having much left. thankfully, there are resources here including the american red cross, salvation army to name a few that have been on site for the past few days, trying to make sure those people have a place to sleep at night. >> somebody spray painting thank you, everybody, on the wall behind you, grateful for the community effort to clean up despite everything they're going through. nicole, thank you so much. >> we think we're going through a tough time right now, remember that. >> a few additional headlines. the mother of one of the three chiefs fans found dead after an
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nfl watch party in january says some charges are necessary in her son's death. despite police saying they don't suspect foul play. kansas city police found lethal levels of drugs in their systems after they were autopsied. she toll fox news digital, my wishes are had what the person or persons responsible for providing the substance that caused the deaths are brought to justice. one of the climate activists accused of smearing paint on a famous sculpture last year has been sentenced. the suspect will spend 60 days in prison after pleading gil i at this. part of the community service includes spending 10 hours cleaning graffiti. the incident caused $4,000 worth of damage. >> a new poll reveals one in five adults think about their next trip while on vacation. we asked for your thoughts
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melissa said she's heading to italy soon and is trying to figure out how to extend it. >> good. >> jack says the best time to book another vacation is when you're on vacation. >> why not. >> that's not a bad idea. you know in some way it will continue. >> the heck with money. spend it. >> and a steven says he needs a vacation from his vacation taking a few days after after his trips. >> i do that. i've had my vacation, a couple days. i would rather come home early, to have a few days at home. >> transition back. >> unpack leisurely, get in the mental space to come back to work. >> it depends on the vacation. if it's a sit around, relax. >> some vacations you need a little time. >> for sure. especially if you're vacationing with kids. then the real vacation is when they -- >> i haven't done that yet. [laughter] >> you're vacationing with them, activity, activity, activity, activity. you can't just chill. so i get that, i get what you're saying. >> you know who deserves vacations more than anybody else, the moms out there. and they deserve gifts. you can get a mother's day gift.
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mother's day is just around the corner. you can get one at we have you covered if you need a last minute mother's day item. >> proud american mom t-shirt. >> slippers. >> a bathrobe. >> all mom does is relax is what we're seeing. we've got a robe, slippers. what is this? what kind of purse is this? >> you can put makeup brushes in there, anything you want. >> cell phone. >> it's this is comfy. these waffle robes are very in right now. >> is that right? are they considered for more comfortable. >> what are you doing? >> you're a mom. you got it. >> you've got to work when you get home now too. used to not be like that. but when you have kids -- but it's fun work. it's fun work. >> it is fun work. true. >> a live look at capitol hill as law make aers issue a dire warning that china is rapidly expanding its influence in our own backyard. senator bill cassidy is one of them, he says the u.s. must act
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in a new fox news op-ed republican lawmakers are warning that china is expanding its influence in the u.s. and attempting to fuel political instability in the region.
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here to discuss this growing concern is senator bill cassidy. senator, good morning to you. hugely important topic here. you say that china is expanding its economic reach into latin america and the caribbean. really our backyard. these are areas that we have historically turned a blind eye to. you want to change this. tell us more. >> absolutely. since china joined the world trade oranization there's been a $7 trillion, $7 trillion transfer of wealth from the american middle dollars china. and some of they invested back into the hemisphere, they've corrupted public officials, established monitoring bases in this hemisphere, they're threatening us economically and militarily. this has to change. >> tell us about the americans act. >> it incentives countries to move back to the united states and labor costs and environmental regulations are too much here, then they can
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move to latin america. the good thing is, when we have a supply chain through latin america, almost all of that money comes back to the u.s. when we have a supply chain in china, almost all of that money stays in china or goes elsewhere to fund their military and so this is good for us. it's good for our hemisphere and kind of stops, reverses the tra--transfer of we wealth. >> we have pharmaceuticals, weapons, bullets made in china. it sounds like this act aims to change that. >> absolutely. absolutely. and by the way, when we change that, when we keep jobs leaving the western hemisphere to go over to asia, there's more jobs in the western hemisphere and people are less likely to migrate fro from got m guatemale united states.
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you create prosperity and people are less likely to move here and more likely to stay home. it helps us economically, militarily and the border and that's the cherry on top. >> we were talking about china, the economy, supporting the western hemisphere as a whole and you're right, if companies that are in china right now go to a country in latin america, you're talking about root causes, something that the vice president often tries to tackle. >> yes. so if you look at mexico, for example, since a lot of firms have built in mexico, the kind of migration from mexico has evened out. way back when it was huge. now it's evened out because there's jobs mexico. we don't want good jobs to leave the united states to go anywhere else but the united states. but there's some jobs in which labor costs or which the environmental regulation is such that it just cannot be here. okay? and keep it in our hemisphere, share the wealth with americans
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and put a stop on immigration but lastly, let's kind of give china less money to build up their military, to undermine our interests, to do other things which otherwise are harmless. >> fascinating. this was a b bipartisan effort. several problems you aim to tackle in this bill, the americans act, you call it all a encompassing. thank you for joining us this morning. have a great morning. great day to you. >> thank you. you too. >> new from the nfl, the league allowing players to wear protective guardian caps to reduce concussion. pete calls them mushroom caps. merrell hodge talks about the new safety measure, next. ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts.
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you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up
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hi, i'm tali, and i lost 85 pounds on golo. all my life i struggled with my weight. i tried every diet, and i even had weight loss surgery.
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but, after complication, i had gained everything back extremely fast. i was unhealthy, miserable and depressed. following golo, and taking release, i was able to lose weight gradually and keep it off. i wish i'd started sooner. don't wait, go straight to >> welcome back to "fox & friends." we continue to watch this major
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severe weather outbreak. we've had three days of it. we've got another day today. tomorrow i think for the most part it's gone. we have a threat for flooding though. this is what's happened over the last two days, 1 126 reports of tornadoes. there have been a lot of tornadoes, a lot of damage that's been caused can. you also see couple green boxes. we've got really significant flash flooding going on around the kansas city metro area, as well as dallas. we've had incredibly heavy rain fall over the last eight hours and once you see the line of storms go through, we'll see the atmosphere reload a little bit and we have more rain that comes in this afternoon, one of the reasons we're concerned about this continued flooding threat. notice, this extends way down across parts of louisiana. we've had so much rain this winter, ground is really water logged so any rain that comes you'll see the flood threat continue very quickly. flood threat tomorrow as well, across parts of louisiana as well into mississippi and one last thing, severe threat does
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continue today. we'll see a few more tornadoes say a fear especially across parts of eastern texas and western louisiana. carlie, sending it to you inside. >> we've got headlines starting with this, anna wintorn is facing criticism after cutting a deal with tiktok for the met gala days after president biden signed legislation banning the app. a met gala source claims she cut the deal before the potential ban went into place. the vogue editor in chief will also be joined by tiktok's ceo at the gala, one of the issues with the sponsorship was the attendance of musicians managed by universal music who took songs off of tiktok. tiktok officials say they are negotiating with the universal. and one golden retriever getting a round of apaws for stealing the show at his o owner's weddi. >> who has the rings?
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♪ [laughter] >> good boy. good boy. >> so cute. the pup named pancakes successfully made it to the altar where the bride removed the rings from his tuxedo, completing his very important role at ring bearer. those are your headlines, will. over to you. will: thank you, carlie. the nfl is giving players the option to wear protective, quote, unquote, guardian caps over their helmets during the 2024 football season, the league explaining we now have two years of data showing significant concussion reduction among players who wear guardian caps. here to react, former nfl running back, merril hoge. so merril, this sparked a huge debate between me and pete. the main thing is the aesthetics, they're ridiculous looking. my thing is okay, concussions
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real, is there something we can do to reduce them. i'm not sure guardian cap is the answer a. i'm not sure any players would choose to wear this during a game. >> i look at it as a proactive step. any time you do a proactive step, that's a positive thing, giving players optionses. one thing in history that's important, the pittsburgh steelerers are responsible for where we are today with all of this being proactive stuff, the first team to ever implement a cognitive test, baseline test before a season which in 1991 i was part of that group of players. and from there we are where we are today. you are right from the esthetic perspective, a mass majority of players will not wear it bus of how it looks. more players are f defined by their wardrobe, it's how they want to look, how they want to feel. this will be a problem for them. but it's an option if someone chooses it, in a positive way. >> you suffered from a couple of concussions, your experience
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helped inform the protocol of being proactive going forward. i do want to ask you this. there is something about these helmets and why i was hesitant to agree with pete yesterday, the guardian cap is soft. it is my feeling, merril, i want to see your response to this, that the helmet has become a weapon so the helmet and the way it's shaped and its hard shell have actually made players more emboldened to cla clang helmets where if we didn't have the helmets there would be less incentive to spear in and use the helmet as a tool in making the tackle. >> that goes about introduction. i coach youth football, every level from 8 to 38 and introduction of the helmets is for protection, not a weapon. the league has done a good job of this, every level of football, it is for protection, not a weapon. we talk about fundamentals, the correct way to tackle, the correct way to play and just a
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little emphasis on the helmet because the helmet 10 years ago today is better than it was 10 years ago. the helmet used to be designed to withstand impact so it would last a long time. now, it absorbs impact. so there's significant improvements with the helmet. that actually he everybody has forgotten. most helmets actually with the safety that they do present based on how they're built, i mean, i think the mass majority of players feel comfortable with that. that helmet is for protection the, it's not a weapon. >> the helmet design change, that's the same place we've got with cars. cars used to be designed to withstand impact, now it's to absorb impact to protects what's inside the car. i'm seeing the helmets, more streamlined, more vents in the helmet, those are better helmets you're saying to absorb impact. >> that's a great comparison. that's oftentimes overlooked,
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misunderstood. the helmet design now is absolutely incredible. i think the bottom line is you are never going to p eliminate head trauma. the best thing for head trauma is establishing the right clot protocols and the right care and everybody does the right thing, making sure you evaluate it right, make sure you're in the rehab process and you're recovered before you return to play and that's all sports. the if you follow that protocol right there, that makes the game better and safer. better than the helmet or cap you're wearing, because you can't avoid head trauma at some point, you trip and fall, the leading cause of head trauma is tripping and falling, most dangerous environment is your home. so you though, sports at least has a protocol and equipment to protect yourself so you establish those protocols, makes it a better, safer play and the more options, the better the sports will be. >> appreciate you jumping on this morning. you settled a debate yesterday for "fox & friends," thank you so much, merril.
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>> that care, will. >> all right. maria bartiromo is next. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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(vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. >> senator tim scott sounding off as joe biden plans to a allow trump era tax cuts to expire. >> the biden administration, joe biden specifically, they're willing to tank america's economy for no actual purpose. the fact that he's willing to own that and actually wants to
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tells us that not only does bachs not work, but joe biden does not understand how to creativity in the private sector. >> clearly, he doesn't. shere to react, sunday morning futures anchor, maria bartiromo. is it just anti-trump, we have to let them expire? maria: good morning. pretty much, anything that trump has done is bad according to joe biden. that's why he walked into the oval office and did, what, 90 plus executive orders to overturn president trump's security at the border and all of his policies. look, i think that this message from joe biden just works for the populace and he wants to keep using it, tax cuts are for the rich, tax cuts don't work and also you have to remember that he needs money for his climate change a agenda. i mean, he wants all these new rules in business that they have to account for the emissions that their customers and their customers might be emitting. why? that's going to create all sorts
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of new fees and new regulations and fees tied to those regulations so that he can generate income, generate some revenue so that he can pay for all of his agenda in terms of the climate change agenda. it's partly yes, if trump did it it's bad you according to joe biden and it's partly i need more money because i have to put the regulations out there and rules around my climate change agenda and get everybody to drive electric vehicles. it's a two part process. he needs the income because he needs to pay for his climate change agenda and he doesn't want trump to look like he was right. you know what -- go ahead. >> he's allowed to play the class warfare game in a you way he thinks is advantageous for him. maria: unfortunately, the people are onto it. we're in an economy which is slowing down considerably. on friday we got -- thursday we got the gdp number and it was 1.6% growth. if you look at the last couple of quarters, we are going down
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and going down fast. in the third quarter of 2023, we were seeing an economy growing at 4.9%. then the next quarter, fourth quarter, we're down to 3.2%. now next quarter, this is the first quarter of 2024, we're at 1.6%. and get this, of that 1.6% growth, 1.2% of it came from consumer spending on housing, healthcare and insurance. that's all inflation. so you don't -- it's very hard to see actual consumer activity rising when you've got everything rising in price. just about everything is more expensive because of all of the reckless spending out of the biden administration, $7 trillion in spending in 2023. so i mean, look, he's got to do something about it. so what does he do? he chooses to demagogue like you said, divide and conquer, rich versus poor, you know, heterosexual versus homosexual, right, you know, black versus white. whatever. divide us all so that he can conquer. that's the strategy and that
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comes to the economic situation as well. >> for sure. real quick, what do you have coming up on sunday morning futures. >> we've got a big show, i'm calling it the split screen of 2024. on the one side, donald trump in a courtroom. on the other side, joe biden campaigning. that is going to be the split screen until the election because biden's das and biden's doj is having donald trump holed up in a courtroom. we'll talk with eric trump. president trump's son. about this week in the courtroom for president trump. what went on there. jim jordan is here, he's got a new investigation of judiciary which is looking at how the manhattan da's office basically manufactured lots of these so-called crimes that we're talking about in this courtroom so we'll get into that investigation as well. allen dershowitz is here to talk about the anti-semitism raging. what has president biden said about the anti-semitism raging
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across the country. why isn't he out there denouncing you all of this and michael waltz is with us, congressman from florida to talk about the world on fire unfortunately and also fisa. the passing of fisa extending it for two years has some people worried about surveillance on american citizen, ordinary citizens. we'll get into that debate as well. we have breaking news about 10 minutes' time. we'll cover all that. >> great show as always. thanks, march. maria: thank you. i'll see you later. >> sunday kicks off small business week. we highlight some of america's finest on fox square. don't go anywhere, next. ♪ it took me so long to find out. ♪ in and joints, count me in. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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today kicks off small business week and we're celebrating this morning with entrepreneurs right here on fox square. joining me is shane henderson, president of metal art of wisconsin. shane, great to have you on the program. love what you guys do. i have one of these, absolutely beautiful. walk us through what you've got here. >> everything is hand a made. right in wisconsin, this is mahogany and maple, hand marbled. we've got the old glory over here. this is our concealment products
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here. open them with a key fob, all your goodies. >> it looks like art work but it's functional. >> whatever art work on the >> this is for me, right? >> yes, it is. >> what have you got here? >> okay. so let me open the phone app here. this is called the chill daddy. i've been working with kapd prototyping out of cincinnati, hit them with the phone app. you can see this is a refrigerator. >> that's a refrigerator. >> you operate it with your phone. >> you can have a bar where no one knows you have a bar. >> every garage, man cave, home theater. >> i assume you can put whatever you want on the front. >> whatever you want, flags, pictures, sports teams, whatever. >> super cool. >> you want to help had me with this? this is a shelf, biometric. recognize your finger print. like a -- >> look at that.
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another place to conceal whatever you need to. >> whatever you want to hide in there. >> metal art of wisconsin, free shipping today. check them out. made in wisconsin. >> mike is ceo of bottle breacher out of tucson, arizona. tell the us about bottle breacher. >> we make everything out of once fired ammunition. this .50 cal, it was fired ot of a sniper rifle. >> it's got a bottle opener as part of the spent ammunition. >> we make bottle openers from military applications, this is a .30 mill. it's been retired right now. so these are a big seller many it's not something you carry around in your pocket but it's a trophy piece. >> you could carry not that particular product but you can carry some of your products on your arm. >> this is actually something
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new for us. it's a bartender so for bartenders or those bars out there. >> you've got grenades that are bottle openers, cigar holders as well. if you want to check out more, visit for vintage products and 25% off with the code vintage. >> for our vintage products today. >> cool. we also have kris jenner, the owner and ceo of dug out mug. >> we took the barrel of a baseball bat and turned it into one of the coolest drinking mugs, super durable. we went further, started making shot glasses. >> this is the shot glass. >> exactly. we've got fully customizeable, do full wraps like this. >> this is -- this is a bottle opener. >> a half baseball, mlb licensed. >> metal once as well. >> the metal line, there's a lot of kids out there and the
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biggest problem is being spill proof. >> there's water in that. >> 100%, there's water in it. absolutely spill proof. got a cool line, over 50,000 five star reviews online which is incredible. >> you support veterans as well. >> absolutely. outside of working internally, we have a cheers to charity initiative and work with folds of honor, gold star mothers, every quarter we pick a new charity. >> tell us about the mother's day mug. i love this. it's so cute. >> my favorite player calls me mom. this is fully customizeable, mother's day, father's day. >> you made this one did you say this is for ron desantis. >> no, so ron gets our mugs as gifts every year for events when we launch spring training in florida. had that's the one we made for ron. >> very cool. visit you get 25% off with code fox 25. >> you can hide it all in a
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freedom cabinet. >> there you go. shane, mike, chris, thank you so much for joining us. >> absolutely. >> more "fox & friends" moments away. ♪
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7:00 am
♪ ♪ pete: well, that's going to do it on "fox & friends". will: i want to send a quick happy birthday to my 13-year-old son as of today, west. pete: yes! west is a teenager? if. will: oh, man. pete: we got 13 and 9 here, jackson and luke are hanging out with me, went to a mets game. they do what they do best, lost. [laughter] are a great sunday. go to or church everyone everybody. carley: have a great day. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much forng


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