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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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the worst crimes are being punished. this is the need for the global society to at least preserve its lost reputation in this area . naming the year of hazrat agha as the year of the leap in production with the participation of the people. it is the most popular part of the country's economy, but at the same time, it is the most oppressed part of the country's economy. and every government that comes to work , unfortunately, with the slogans of supporting domestic production and the agricultural sector, but in practice , the agricultural sector is supported as much as it should be and maybe not. we can look optimistically in the seventh plan if we want the program that the government presented to the so-called parliament is perhaps the weakest part. the 7th plan
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was the agricultural sector, if we expected the strongest part of the 7th plan to be the agricultural sector, because we have the capacity in the agricultural sector, but this did not happen , there was a general clause, 90% self-sufficiency in basic goods , how come there was no so-called plan for it at all. no case was mentioned , but we tried. what do you think was the reason, mr. abbasi, and one of the reasons is that from the beginning of the minister's government, when he came to work, whispering about his departure began, so to speak, and a series of deputies who being like this , there was a weakness and perhaps a hesitation in them, and it was written as it should be, and maybe it should have been written in the seventh plan, and it was presented to the parliament, but we did not have the budget. our 7th program
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was probably the weakest of the programs. we tried to solve this problem in some way . we took the help of our friends. that we will get to the oil. now when we say 90 is oil, we mean 94 areas of agriculture that can be achieved, we believe i want to say that we have 90% of basic goods, especially that we can achieve self-sufficiency in the field of agriculture. muhajir said that we will achieve this self-sufficiency in wheat this year . do you think this is sustainable? so see, we must achieve this will and achieve this goal. that we can achieve this self-sufficiency in our country and then please submit a plan
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. see what we mentioned, mr. engineer mohajer , for example, in relation to rice. in relation to our rice , one of the clauses that we brought in the seventh plan is to rehabilitate 1 million hectares of land in the north of the country. well, if we say that the northern provinces are susceptible. cultivation of rice and we can do this. 1 million hectares of land there is suitable for cultivation, but it needs to be improved, it needs to be cleared , but nowhere in the 7th plan or annual budgets or other parts is there any trace of this issue. there is no such thing. we brought this up in the 7th plan that this should happen on 1 million hectares. now it's been three years since mr. mohajer said that this will happen in 5 years of the plan. well, look, the government comes here and tells us that you you have added a burden to us. when we import
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we will do it, the financial burden will not be imposed on the government, but when we come to the field of infrastructure, we want to work for one time, make an investment and reap the benefits from it for tens of years. here, the financial burden is imposed. let's achieve that judicial security and sustainable self-sufficiency , if we don't have rain this year, with the help of rain and grace. god, the wheat is good. in another year, the rainfall may be low, and let's justify it. there was no rain, the wheat decreased, no, we should go. the article you mentioned is related to the productivity of one of the the main points that we saw in the 7th program are the discussion of our productivity in the field of productivity as it should be and maybe we don't have a good track record .
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how much is the production of migrant wheat in the country? it is about four and a half tons per hectare, but how much are our expert farmers harvesting now? we have experts of 13-14 tons, but they are harvesting 8-9 tons on average. if we increase these 4 tons to half of that, that is, we increase 4 tons to 5 or 6 tons per hectare, we can do this without any development of the level of intelligence. let's reach self-sufficiency unfortunately , we do not make much use of the so-called research work we do here. according to the weather conditions , is there a plan to maintain this stability? in 1400 , our wheat purchase amount was four and a half million tons
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, and we made a plan, despite the fact that 1401 was a good year, 1402 was also a good year. it was now that we had a good rain. now , we are still lagging behind the long-term . it is about 20% behind the long-term, but we had a province with good rainfall, and we were compensated with the same rainfall. let me tell you, we had this, like us in golestan and ardabil province, almost and in khorasan razavi province , our rainfall decreased by more than 60% compared to the long term, but our production did not decrease because we had a plan. the production that the supreme leader
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himself is following up on is the support of this plan , we are implementing it with the opposition. let's be self-sufficient, the same argument that dr. abbasi rightly said, well, if we now, our average yield is 4.5 million tons per hectare, if we increase this to 7 tons per hectare, then we will be self-sufficient forever . yes, there is a plan. we know that every year our land is smaller than the previous year, so we minimize the productivity. if we want to have fallow, we must have rotation, we must have new irrigation , we must use modified force , we must use proper nutrition, the farmers can use this so-called technology and this to
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they don't have the term achievements, and that's why we should seek to firstly not let our lands shrink, and secondly , to be able to consolidate this shrunken land. so that we can implement our own plans. now that the whole means what is the whole plan for this work, this is the so-called shah bayt . we are almost consulting with the esteemed majlis of the islamic council. those who can help academics , we should help them, for example, if they have a factory. when my father died, this factory it is not divided, but when there is agricultural land , it is divided. this division of land causes the productivity to decrease, and that is why the program that we have has been modified to discuss the use of
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illegal drugs. the second is the issue of nutrition. in order to fight against pests and diseases and the training and promotion that we are doing , you say that this increase in production and now self-sufficiency in wheat is not based on weather conditions and there is a plan, not water conditions, i will explain the plan. we are based on our water balance to be self-sufficient, but if the weather helped, like this year or let's say in the next years , we will have a surplus of production that we can export, god willing, mr. moaydian, i wish you strength. my question to you is that in this increase in production and jump in production that we talked about regarding wheat, barley and rice , what do you think the role of people's participation can be , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and polite service to you and
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the noble people of iran on eid nowruz. i would like to congratulate you so that you will see the acceptance of the results, god willing. well, the goal of 95 % self-sufficiency in the program. it was not fully realized at the end of this program and in our seventh program we set a target of 90%, but now this number is lower for some products. it is perhaps one of the most populous economic sectors in iran , we have four and a half million direct beneficiaries , we have 21 million rural and nomadic populations, which with their numerous micro and plural economic structures, this popular competitive situation can be said to be much more than other economic sectors, so-called they implement and there is a feature that our agriculture sector has, well
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, if we want to make a program , the dear people and farmers of our country are an inseparable part of this program , and experience has shown that ignoring the features iran's agriculture, which has established characteristics , may be considered bad by many, but these characteristics are established and experience has shown them. dealing with these characteristics in order to achieve a series of goals has not been very fruitful, including some hopes and dreams that have existed in this country for 40 or 50 years . in the old days, these were the lands that were used to manage iran's agricultural fabric. we have always wished from then on, especially after the revolution, to consolidate this dimension again.
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we were trying to increase productivity with concepts such as mechanization or such so-called physical and technological solutions, while many times these solutions that we wanted to bring to the farm were not consistent with the essence of iran's agricultural structure, and for this reason, by that agricultural structure, which is the same as the people , has been pushed back from our promotion methods and from the technologies that we have acquired, from the mechanization that we have acquired, and sometimes a plan of cultivation, cultivation patterns or production programs that the governments wanted to implement in order to take advantage of agricultural management. do it, well, a lot of evidence which has not been successful, so the first point that we should
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plan according to their agricultural characteristics, well, like us, japan has small-scale agriculture, the fields are small , sometimes in the mountains, it is terraced and banked agriculture. it makes its mechanization smaller. according to the land, it produces its mechanism and takes it to the land, and the plans of popular participation and collective participation that we see examples of in india, brazil, china, and japan. let's come again let's use it. there is definitely no exact solution, mr. abbasi. the point is that now mr. moaydian also mentioned it in the program. sixth, those goals were not achieved. now the seventh plan
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has set new goals. the role of the parliament in monitoring the implementation of the seventh plan and what is the goal of achieving it , what should the parliament do? if the goal that we set is not a real goal, then it is certainly to reach it. it won't be very real, you see, when we are 20 years old, we say that we consume 10-90% oil. domestically, we import 10% of our production, then we come to the program and say 95% self-sufficiency, no program we don't offer these to him either . let's at least level them. we did this in the 7th program. we said that we have a series of products that we must reach above 90% 95% self-sufficiency, such as wheat, millet , rice, beans, red meat, white meat, and sugar. let's reach above 90% and with effort
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he comes to work and says that we don't have water because we don't have water, so we shouldn't do agriculture, let's go import, well, we have to see the water and we have to see the soil. yes, we brought these except for one of them, mr. mohajeri, the point that exists is now for both of us from the planning stage of implementation. the issue of statistics is a very important issue, and now the supreme leader mentioned about wheat in the year 141 regarding the issue of statistics. now, the numbers and figures we give regarding production and what we want
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to achieve, even regarding the market needs, are accurate. . the so-called factors are not in the hand of the farmer or the government or the people, like rain, like cold weather, or suppose because it is not in a so-called closed air or a closed space, it is a play space, but at the same time, we have to take our statistics closer to the certainty that, well, the ministry jad khazuri, after the discussion
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, it is good to have the supreme leader's position in statistics, especially in the matter of wheat we established the observatory in the ministry, in this ministry, they finally have these statistics, so to speak , they are moving forward, and i will tell you about technology such as water, air space, like your service, places that can help us through satellites and give us information, and the information that comes through we get land , we combine these together, now, for example , satellite statistics are taken regarding wheat.
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900, we have nearly 4 million hectares of dry wheat , so we know this almost , we are going to check these so-called statistics in different ways, we are going forward at the farm level as well with farmers also collect statistics in a so-called random manner, and we have a statistic that is close to certain that they have a point. mr. bagha , let me not accept the 95% that mr. mohajer mentioned is accurate, because we really cannot. let's swear by the statistics that exist in the field of agriculture. because we came here, we say that we have 2 million hectares of wheat-rich lands. on average , we also have this amount of rainfed land. for example, 13 million tons , 14 million tons of production is not very close to reality, but this year we have ten and a half.
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we bought million tons of wheat, that's right, tazmani purchase, yes after all, government business becomes a show, this is a show that we started an observatory, but how active is this observatory now, how many statistics does it have for us ? let me give you an example. we have been saying for 10 years that our red meat production in the country
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is one million tons, we need one million tons , we have 100,000 tons of imports, we have 900,000 tons of production, but the statistics center says that in these 56 years, per capita consumption has decreased by approximately 70-80%, but we still have 100,000 tons to import. has our production decreased? we don't claim that our production has decreased, so let's make this number real, that is , let's plan our budget and program based on a statistic that is not a real statistic at all . this is not very true. correct the discussion of statistics. we could not do it now in the field of agriculture, but in general, it turned out that we can do something in the field of statistics, so here we have to play the role of different factors. look at the production . we passed a law in the parliament called the so-called pricing council reform law agricultural products. after all
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, mr. engineer is also present here. can you testify how much the effect was on our wheat production ? how do you see this law or the same law on other products? now the price of wheat that was set for it is now affordable for the farmer. agriculture is economic, yes, and let 's make our wheat self-sufficient with our irrigated lands, then we have other products that we are importing now, but they need
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weaker soils than wheat, they need weaker water than wheat, let's take them there for development. let's give them an acceptable self-sufficiency dear mr. mohajer, before we go to the oil expert , what will the role of people's participation actually be in this increase in production that you mentioned , let me tell you as i mentioned. well, the most popular sector of the country's economy, the agricultural sector , in order to increase this capacity , fortunately, in the seventh plan, the honorable islamic council, especially the commission , helped us a lot . let's be able to provide those sectors that, for example, provide fertilizers, for example, the entire government sector, for example, poisons. does not enter or it doesn't produce or it doesn't explain. almost 90 % of the work that was in the hands of the government, except for the three fertilizers , potassium, phosphate and nitrogen
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, the rest are in the hands of the private sector. i just explained that the three fertilizers are still in the hands of the private sector, but in general, we are looking for this. we are, as far as possible, if there is anything from people's participation, the same discussion that was discussed in the shrinking of land. well, one of the people who can help are the farmers themselves who, so to speak, under the guidance of government supervision, can unify the land and create conditions that increase productivity. in this regard, they can also find entrance. yes, there is an education for them. yes, yes, we are talking about organizations, there is a question about agricultural unions , there is a question about production cooperatives, and yes, these are closed now, and they are doing many things this year. for example, on the night of eid, the same organizations came to buy and explain the peaceful conditions in the country
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, and this is the continuation of mr. mohajer. maize should be produced domestically during the seventh plan now i would like to tell you how much is the amount and how much is the planning. we used to tell you that many years ago, when i was in the program of this special conversation with mr. heydari, my hair was completely black, now it is completely white. we believe that your hair was black until now that your hair has turned white , and
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it is still going on. we didn't get anywhere for several reasons, but let me say from the beginning that for us , the first so-called importance of oilseeds, especially rapeseed, is the sustainability of wheat production. wheat production, if we don't have a cycle for it, like rapeseed , we definitely cannot make our production sustainable and our self-sufficiency is sustainable, so our first need is to have rapeseed in the sustainability of wheat production. domestically , we are producing 95% of the so-called food ration. it means that corn and soybeans are both imported products they are the country, our ecology is not for these products at all, and these products are my apologies, this
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is the result of us , so what should we do? we have rapeseed, what's the problem now , what is the problem with oilseeds? we give them the government width, we say you go and import them, we say to these factories, you come and buy from the farmer with free width, as a result, this possibility we don't provide them, as a result, the farmers work for a year, well, we go up, then this so-called purchase is not done, or my money is not paid, because they don't do it again, and we fall down again, so our plan is that yes, now in this discussion that
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people's participation and this year, the so-called government came to the conclusion that the entire purchase of oilseeds should be handed over to the private sector, on the condition that anyone who has a factory who wants to import seeds, oil, or flour must first be obliged to buy domestic seeds. god willing, if all this can be done by the private sector and public participation, it will happen our fall can we achieve the 40% that you said in the seventh program ? yes, mr. moayedian , we will also hear your opinion on this matter . we have one minute to discuss about oil seeds, mr. maiyi . let me say that when we talk about self-sufficiency, we should not forget that we do not only mean self-sufficiency in the last link of the production chain, but the previous links. the production chain is also
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important for us, for example, if we are 90% self-sufficient in red meat or 100% self-sufficient in white meat , pay attention to poultry farming and livestock farming. let's say that in red meat, maybe 80% in the chain means its feed is dependent, yes , we have 20% dependence on the so-called animal feed institutions, and we are 80 % self-sufficient, and in the so-called poultry feed , especially turkey. well, sometimes up to 100 of us are dependent on the systems that biological institutions are also important, which is very serious in chicken , and there is self-sufficiency along the chain, which should be important for us. thank you, mr. abbasi. take a minute to see all the parts of this sustainable self-sufficiency that was mentioned in the 7th program we brought
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it, that is, we have taken hybrid seeds, even poultry vaccines have been taken in different parts. in all of this , we have to reach a level of self-sufficiency so that this self-sufficiency is stable, but in relation to oilseeds, if we are going to reach a self-sufficiency in oilseeds. now, 40-50% , how much should all parts of the government express their efforts to clear the country's budget plan, so that they can provide enough for imports, but do not do this for buying from farmers, this is the biggest loss to our country. sustainability there is wheat, the production of wheat is also self-sufficient in oil all parts of the country's budget should work here . thank you, abbasi. i would like to say that now we will actually pursue this self-sufficiency in basic goods in other programs , god willing. i would like to thank you, dear viewers, for accompanying us. have a good night.
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in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, we send greetings and blessings upon hazrat muhammad and his family. the united nations security council approved the resolution for an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. 14 countries voted in favor of this resolution
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, including the united states


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