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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 7:30am-8:00am IRST

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as you said, every year in the beginning of april, the first harvests of wheat begin in the warm areas of the south of the country, and in provinces such as sistan baluchistan, south kerman province, and hormozgan province, the first harvests will take place in these areas this afternoon. in a symbolic and official way, the first wheat harvest of iran will be held in the presence of the minister of agriculture, jahad kavrazvi, the deputy minister of agriculture, the head of the organization and the provincial officials , god willing . it will continue until september it does because wheat is grown in different climates, such as the hot and dry provinces in the south of the country.
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in the temperate regions of the country and the cold climates of our country, in relation to the wheat issue this year, with the efforts of dear farmers, the participation of those dear ones and the planning that was done at the level of the ministry of agriculture and the provinces, if there is an opportunity, i would like to mention these how can we be self-sufficient in wheat in a sustainable way? the most important measures are the preparation and explanation of the reformed force, that we have new varieties of wheat from the breeding research institutes and from the religion research institute as well as the company. the knowledge bases of the country produce this kind of force
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. they should consume phosphate and potassium as well as micronutrients , which is a special program that has been specially addressed in the last two or three years . this project is being implemented by order of the imam for the fourth year 25 provinces of the country have a plan to jump production in the drylands , which is part of this plan.
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they are increasing their production by 25 to 30%. among other measures that are being carried out by this government, and this work has started in the last 3-4 years, there is a contract agriculture plan this year at the level of 3 million 250 thousand. hectares of contract agriculture have been implemented in the products of wheat, barley and oil seeds, which can be of great help to our beloved farmers, the development of mechanized cultivations, moving to new methods of cultivation, such as cultivation on stacks, cultivation in the atmosphere, direct cultivation or cultivation. the term "notilge" is a scientific term, it is being developed, the development of new irrigation systems is one of the other special programs of the ministry of agriculture, and the next most important issue that is being pursued in a special way is the proper and optimal management of pests, diseases and
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weeds, which are from there are other measures . this year, with the planning that we have done in the previous weeks and months, the instructions for the purchase of ancient wheat have been announced. more than 100 guaranteed shopping centers are ready to deliver surplus wheat for farmers' consumption. 21,000 harvesters have been harvested. qalat are ready for their technical examination the initial measures and their initial adjustments have been made in order to provide services to dear farmers. the next issue is the guaranteed purchase price of wheat.
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bread has been announced at 17 hundred tomans and the guaranteed price of wheat has been announced at 18 thousand tomans and it is said that, god willing , a clean table has been announced which is the basis for buying land and the basis for calculating the price. god willing, we hope that this year will be a good and blessed year for our dear farmers we can repeat wheat self-sufficiency we were self-sufficient in wheat and bread last year. our goal is to be able to achieve complete wheat self-sufficiency in the country in a short-term program, god willing. thank you very much for your explanation . you have mentioned some points about the conditional purchase . you are predicting the amount of purchase and the way of buying and paying the price of wheat . are khalid centers considered or not? and
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to have half a million tons of wheat production in the country, both in irrigated lands and in ten fields of the country, and we estimate that to have about half a million tons of guaranteed purchase of wheat. guaranteed shopping centers of the country are equipped and prepared. the necessary instructions have been sent to all the provinces of the country by the state trading company of iran. the shopping malls of tzminani scales should be shown to show that the necessary standards have been met. the related system of conditional purchase is ready and immediately after the delivery of wheat by the farmers to the guaranteed shopping centers, the payment route will be made to the wheat farmers, god willing. a table has been prepared under the title of cleanness table, according to which dear farmers should deliver their wheat to guaranteed shopping centers
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body. the more careful they are that the wheat they deliver is useful and non-useful and has a lower moisture content, the price of the wheat they receive will increase . we request that dear students pay due attention to these recipes that have been announced to them in the past and consult with our colleagues. at the time of harvest, the harvesting operations and the drivers of the combine should be given the necessary notices so that , god willing, better wheat can be delivered to the shopping centers. wheat in iran is a basic product and a strategic product for more than 40 years 44% of the energy and 44 percent of the protein required by the people of iran is obtained from wheat . wheat is a commodity that is intertwined with judicial security and
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we are trying to be able to achieve sustainable self-sufficiency in this product . the leadership announced that with the participation of our dear hardworking and diligent farmers , we can achieve sustainable self-sufficiency in the product of gendon , god willing, thank you very much, mr. sohrawi , thank you for your companionship. i flourished in this grass of the server you are my land, the earth and the sky , you are my soul and my soul, the stars of the sky , you are my light, you are a bright candle in the darkness, you are my moon , you are my spring bud in the palm garden
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, i am always proud of you, o sarzlin, i am in my land, my whole life, what did he say? was in the grass of my land, you are my land, the earth and the sky, you are my stream , the stars of the sky, you guide my way, you are the light of darkness, you are the wish of the spring bud, which is always a home for me.
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o my land, you are my land, the flower of my life. it blossomed in this grass, my land, in my land, the earth and the sky, your soul, and my soul, my little paradise oh you. the message of chel's angel, the clear writing of the order to your soil, the writing of mount veler, the evening and the moon and the sabbath , the song of love and the only one, always come to us . la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, you are my land. my land, my
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land, you are in my land, my travels abroad, stay with us. in the continuation of the program , let's talk about international news with the presence of mr. shahzouni. hello , good morning. hello, i am at your service, mr. hosseini . we are at your service with international news. one of the news in the international desk of the sed and sima news agency today we will follow the continuation of the cease-fire negotiations in gaza, although two days have passed since the un security council's resolution on the cease-fire in gaza and this resolution has been passed, but the crimes of the zionists in gaza are still continuing , i will discuss this issue with mr. taqwinia, an expert on west asian issues, please tell me that despite the approval of the un security council resolution
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, we are still witnessing the continuation of zionist crimes, is this resolution not binding, in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful? entire dear viewers, i hope that your prayers and prayers are accepted by ahadit. you see, this resolution is not contrary to the seventh chapter of the united nations charter, but anyway , it is a security council resolution, it is binding, but the zionist regime's binding mechanism is not seen in it, and the zionist regime continues its crimes. of course , it was predictable that the zionist regime would this resolution is not binding because
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this resolution was a turning point in the process of the gaza crisis. after 6 months, the security council finally approved a resolution that was fair to a large extent, that is, it is not completely fair. mr. taqvinia, i apologize, despite the fact that the approval of this resolution is a great achievement for the groups of the political bureau
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of the hamas movement, in the opinion of many analysts, they say that this resolution has flaws that must be fixed. tell us more about these flaws and the lateness of this resolution. both the approval of this resolution and pointing out that yes, you see, this resolution is vague, the executive mechanism has not defined how. the ceasefire, how to exchange prisoners and what will be the fate of the gaza strip after the end of the war , but the fact that he talked about a permanent ceasefire, and that he did not identify hamas as a terrorist, as in the draft in the past, the united states emphasized that hamas should be officially included as a terrorist group in the resolution, but it is not in this resolution, as the prerequisite for the release of zionist prisoners as an important condition
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of the ceasefire was not included in this resolution, so it is a very big achievement for the palestinian resistance and you see, the zionist side feels defeated , everyone is protesting, mr. netanyahu postponed the trip of his representative, the representative of his government and himself to washington and canceled this trip on behalf of the leader. hamas movement enters iran like a conquering leader and a conquering president, and at the level of a president from him it is welcomed and the world is welcoming it, just last night i saw the president of colombia announced. if israel does not adhere to this resolution, we will cut off our own diplomatic narrative. therefore , i want to say that this resolution was a turning point , it was an achievement, but it is not complete and should be corrected in the next resolutions. for example, let me give a small example, when saddam attacked kuwait , security council resolution 77 was immediately approved. well
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, saddam did not commit to this resolution, immediately after that other resolutions came. next and the end of the war in gaza, i am very optimistic i am one last point, i would like to add, this resolution and the lack of us veto indicate mr. biden's new view of the war. mr. biden has realized that the zionist regime will not win . what happened in the field
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forced the americans and the zionists to turn to such a path to a ceasefire. you see , the zionists were not forced, but the united states was forced for many reasons. there are several reasons. mr. biden's position in the american public opinion, especially the democratic voters, has been greatly weakened. in november, that is, in about 7 months , elections will be held in the united states. well, mr. biden cares if he wins the presidential election . the crimes of the zionist regime are so heinous that mr. biden is fighting in gaza. the war in gaza is pointless, especially the attack that mr. netanyahu wanted. do it to rafah . another thing i have to say is that mr. biden has realized that america is unable to continue supporting the two serious fronts of the war in gaza and ukraine, and
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considering that the gaza front is no longer profitable for america. and it is impossible to realize that the zionist regime will not win in 6 months it was not that the united states is trying to freeze the gaza front to mr. netanyahu so that he can focus more on the ukraine front, and the forecasts say that mr. putin may launch a heavy attack in two months, so the american forces want to focus on the ukraine front. ok, one last thing i would like to say is that the united states and europe have weapons in terms of their stockpile, you can see that the zionist regime has officially, according to the news of the reliable haars newspaper , brought this regime to the bullets of the 1950s, that is, they used so many bullets in gaza. using weapons is so stupid america has no more power to support and plans to support ukraine
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. very well, thank you very much, mr. taqvinia . i will say goodbye to you . we will follow the visit of the italian prime minister to lebanon . italian prime minister george meloni is going to visit lebanon and during this trip he will meet with the lebanese authorities. this was the international news . mr. hosseini, i am at your service. thank you very much, mr. shasbani. dear viewers, stay with us with the continuation of the open program sir. win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, al-malayin shab al-arabi, the anger of the arab, the anger
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of the arab , the shame of the arab, the sharaf al -arabi, the fire of al-thurat, we are the ones who are victorious .
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in sadri, the reservoir , the shower, and the transfer of khadi, the villa , afi tayab, al-wahd al-arabiyyah , the flood of mohan , al-wahfiyyah, and the elderly. yaz al-mazlumin, weil, weil, waljin, keif al
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-sayed, ada, la talmiz, viji, keif, sir, adla, talmir, helha, get rid of me. and the solutions are the religious fakakin, where are the al-malayan branches of the arabs, where is the anger of the arabs, where is the anger of the arabs, where are the sharaf al-arabi, where are the al- malayan, where are we, the al-haq, and the al-thawrah. and many companions of jil-ul-haq and jil-ul-thawrah, the birds of the abadir, must
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go with the stone of the stone, i am the prisoner. iman al-thura , the title of torah, shab bideh, hajarah, tahad al-asatir , woe, ikat, or time of al-thura, iman
7:54 am
, good morning, dear viewers of moments finally, hello reporter, today we have arrived in today's program in addition to the international news that we reviewed in the final section. we were about to start the wheat harvest in bandar arab with the presence of the minister of agricultural jihad, which will be held today after good luck, until tomorrow and the next program, god will protect us together with one flag , we will not be close to our homeland in the world
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when we are us.
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8:00 am
hello, welcome to the 8 o'clock news. dozens of martyrs and wounded in the early morning attacks on gaza , seven people were martyred in the zionist regime's air attack on southern lebanon. the islamic resistance of iraq announced drone attacks on two bases of the zionist regime. localization of the new generation of brain processor cards, advanced diagnostics in parsing and.


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