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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 6, 2023 6:00am-6:59am PST

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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. kumasi: embattled oakland police chief wants his job back. he says a report on his misconduct is inaccurate. reggie: santa clara trying to protect residents from gun violence. step leaders are taking to expand a first in the nation program. kumasi: parts of the chinese bloomberg cover up the coast of the carolinas. the latest push and how the white house is responding to criticism. reggie: good morning, it is monday, february 6. we are starting with a check of the forecast. frances: it was a wild, wet weekend. today, jackets in the morning and sunglasses in the afternoon. here is a live look from the
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roof camera, you can see the bay bridge. it is quiet. for the next couple hours, temperatures in the 30's and 40's, especially the north bay, where there is a frost advisory dropping to the mid 30's. bright skies this afternoon, 50's by lunchtime. this afternoon, temperatures warming up compared to yesterday. low 60's for in the neighborhoods and around the bay. at the beaches, the sea breeze keep the coast in the mid-50's. chilly overnight with mostly clear skies, so temperatures dropping into the 30's and 40's once again. we have a big warm up -- a slight warm-up in the accuweather 7-day forecast. kumasi: happening today in the east bay, a rally to denounce increasing threats of violence toward women in politics. it is coming with the elections of women threats in recent months.
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women a more than men and women of color are four times more likely to be a target than white counterparts. this is according to another report from the center for democracy and technology. >> enough is enough. as much as we respect people's freedom of speech, this has nothing to do with freedom of speech. it has to do with the safety of an individual and where the line is crossed. kumasi: a coalition of oakland community and labor groups is circulating a petition, demanding civic and business groups publicly condemn these types of attacks. today's rally starts at 9:00 a.m. at oakland city hall. reggie: oakland police armstrong and supporters are demanding the mayor reinstate him immediately. he has been suspended since last month after a report by the federal monitor overseeing the department area lena howland is in the newsroom and armstrong says the complaints are
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inaccurate. lena: he spoke out, calling upon the mayor of oakland to bring him back. he claims the reports about him are inaccurate. the newly elected mayor placed him on leave after a report investigating misconduct in the police department said he failed to take action over incidents with a police sergeant. that sergeant allegedly left the scene of a collision in -- and failed to report it, the same sergeant been discharged a gun and police headquarters. the chief says the report was flawed and unfair, and told his protocol was followed in both cases. >> frankly, the confidential report, the information provided by the monitor is embarrassing. it is inaccurate, it contradicts itself about the role that i played in this case. the report focuses and targets me. lena: the naacp of oakland backing the chief, demanding the mayor listen by reinstating the chief.
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the chief says he does not blame the mayor for what is happening, because she did not write the report. we reached out for comment but have not heard back. lena howland, abc 7 news. reggie: there is extra security on a san francisco school campus today and tomorrow after a threat was received at roosevelt will school in the richmond district. it is unclear what the threat was. staff will be stationed at the main doors before classes begin to make sure students get into the building safely. they are also going to be at all exits when school gets out. kumasi: today, the santa clara county board of supervisors is announcing an expansion of the gun violence directing. tomorrow, the board will vote on a pose level advocate -- allocate $1 million to hiring more people. the goal is to take illegal guns off the streets and keep dangerous people from accessing a firearm. santa clara county is the first of the bay area to have a
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dedicated gun violence team. reggie: developing in the drug overdose crisis, san francisco supervisors think safe consumption sites could be part of the solution and they are turning to nonprofits to help them navigate the legal issues. the supervisor says the city would pay for the majority of services, but it would not pay to staff the room where a worker would supervise people using drugs. that is because it is still illegal to do so under federal law. the city is turning to nonprofits to take on the legal risk. one group says it would cost nearly one point $5 million a year to operate a single safe consumption site. >> staff, the equipment we need and also making sure we have emts on site. >> what is standing in between the city opening the centers and not is the city attorney. reggie: a nonprofit in new york
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city has been operating to privately funded sites for more than a year. the san francisco city attorney has signaled support for the new york model, but the supervisor says it is taking too much time. kumasi: developing in the suspected chinese spy balloon, the navy recovered pieces of the balloon after it was shot down over the ocean. jobina is tracking the latest. jobina: it was shot down over the ocean on saturday, the navy is taking the debris to virginia to look at it further. china accused the u.s. of quote excessive reaction to the balloon, claiming it was a civilian airship, not a spy balloon. republican lawmakers are criticizing the biden administration for waiting to shoot it down. >> i can assure you if we fly a balloon over china, they are going to shoot it down a lot sooner than we did. jobina: the white house is reporting president biden ordered the balloon to be shot down as soon as opposed to no risk to people on the ground.
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ey also say after former president trump took office, at least three spy balloon's were used by china in the united states. trump has denied those claims. regg cruiser on the ground this morning in turkey after a catastrophic 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the central part of the country. at least 1200 people are dead across turkey and in neighboring syria, that total is expected to rise. we have been through earthquakes year, but imagine being in an earthquake that lasts a minute and a half. they also felt strong aftershocks from the earthquake. the biggest being a magnitude 7.5, shaking was felt as far away as egypt, jordan and italy. kumasi: coming up, new on the mountain lion that attacked a local five-year-old. wildlife officials now stopping the search. reggie: evacuation orders in effect after a train the railed
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in ohio. i officials are so concerned. frances: here is a live shot from the east bay hills, it is gorgeous right now. temperatures are chilly, dropping into the mid-30's, especially for parts of the north bay. here is a look at temperatures. i this afternoon, we will see warmer temperatures compared to yesterday. i will let you know what to expect after the break. ♪ it's time to bring balance to business travel. and discover the equilibrium that works for you. at national, you're in control. skip the counter, choose any car in the aisle... and manage your rental right from the app. so you can mix work... with leisure. or leisure... with work. giving you the control to find the perfect balance. go national. go like a pro. business can happen anytime, anywhere. so help yours thrive and stay connected with the
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frances: it is a cold morning, especially in parts of the inland areas where temperatures are in the mid 30's. santa rosa 34, napa 35, fairfield 34, livermore 35. also seeing 30's and 40's around the bay, it is cooler compared
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to yesterday. 16 degrees cooler compared to 24 hours ago in napa and 15 degrees cooler in santa rosa. even though this morning is starting off colder, this afternoon is warmer with plenty of sunshine. upper 50's to low 60's, santa rosa is one of the warmer spot that 62, san jose 58, san francisco 57, oakland 59. tomorrow is another chilly morning, a few more clouds to keep things more moderate. mid-30's for interior areas low 40's around the bay. how is traffic? jobina: we just in the last minute got a new report of a crash in san francisco on southbound 101 before oyster point. if that is part of your commute, heads up. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights came on at 5:30 five, traffic is beginning to fill in. heads up if you rely on bart, they are asking to play an extra 10 minutes to the trips.
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they are running trains at slower speeds, telling us it is due to the weather. as you heard, it is clear, just cold. is hapnisan mateodge, everything moving at the limit but busy. for super commuters, the right keeps increasing. tracy to dublin an hour and nine minutes. reggie: still ahead, the popular tourist destination blanketed by a rare snowstorm. and, the dramatic and wild rescue off the pacific coast that has to do with goonies. stick with me for that one. as we head to break, a live look outside. outside. be right back. moderate-to-severe eczema. it doesn't care if you have a date, a day off, or a double shift. make your move and get out in front of eczema with steroid-free cibinqo. not an injection, cibinqo is a once-daily pill for adults who didn't respond to previous treatments. and it's proven to help provide clearer skin and relieve itch fast. cibinqo continuously treats eczema
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reggie: ohio's governor says there is a potential for a major explosion at the site of a freight train derailment.
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he urges anyone living within a mile to evacuate. 50 train cars derailed of pittsburgh, pennsylvania last night. some were carrying a hazardous material. >> we still have a hot zone is actively being monitored, and when they say it is safe to go in, crews will be allowed in clean up the site. reggie: epa crews are testing the water and air regularly. as of right now, the mayor says both are safe. the ntsb says videos to show pulmonary indications of mechanical issues on one of the railcars axles as the cause. the majority of americans say they support a widespread ban of tobacco products, according to the cdc. they found about 57% of adults supported a policy blocking the sale of all tobacco products.
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more than six to 2% support banning the sale of all menthol cigarettes. the survey was conducted in 2021 before the fda proposed a ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars and 2022. though cigarette smoking has declined in recent decades, it remains the leading cause of preventable disease, disability and death in the u.s. kumasi: just over three weeks away from california ending the coronavirus state of emergency. students will not be required to get the covid vaccine for school and the federal government announced it is cutting off free covid vaccines in the fall. testing and treatment will depend on your and surge coverage -- in surge coverage -- insurance coverage. they say it will likely not have a big impact on the population because of people have immunity. >> i guess the word endemic implies predictability, we do not have that yet. if i had to bet $100, i say we will likely see a quiet time
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until next winter. kumasi: he says if we can get through the fall and winter without a big surge, covid will become another winter virus. reggie: democrats are restructuring the presidential primary calendar and an effort to amplify the voices of minority voters. the democratic national committee approved a proposal to change the order of their parties 2024 presidential primary. the changes bump south carolina to first place and stripped new hampshire of its first in the nation primary. some democrats in new hampshire say the move will alienate swing voters. >> we are frustrated, because as many times as we say it, no one seems to listen when we say this will only hurt president biden in our purple battleground state. reggie: it is also a matter of new hampshire state law that requires the state to hold its primary first. new hampshire democrats have
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until june 3 to come to an agreement with the dnc, or risk having their delicates revoked -- delicates revoked. kumasi: it is greece. the cold weather is prompting schools and courthouses in greater athens to shut down. officials urged residents to stay indoors. in the u.s., some places on the east coast are really feeling the bitter cold of winter. -108 degrees was mount washington in new hampshire, that is a new record for the coldest wind chill ever recorded. video shows blankets of snow and the wind whipping the camera. a meteorologist at mount washington observatory says with ice lying around -- flying around, it felt like a bee sting. not from a. reggie: i am not complaining about the rain. rain on me. [laughter] frances: we are such wimps in
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the bay area when it comes to the weather. when it gets in the 30's, it is cold. that is -108? cannot even imagine. for us, we have a cold morning, partly because of clear skies overhead. you can see all the clouds off to the coast. there is a frosted advisory in parts of the north bay until 9:00 this morning, temperatures are dropping to as low as 34 degrees. that is chilly for us. here is a live look from sutro as we check out downtown san francisco. lots of temperatures around the san francisco 45, oakland 43,o'' palo alto 37, san jose 41. santa clara 36, half moon bay at 45. looking from the east bay hills as we assure you the camera looking west, temperatures are dropping in the mid 30's for part of the north bay, that is a
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lot of radiation cooling. napa, 35. fairfield 34. concord at 37, livermore 35. we do not have the cloud cover and the clutch jacket when we lose heat overnight. the kids need a jacket this morning, but they are taking them off this afternoon because temperatures warm into the upper 50's to near 60, low 60's in santa rosa at 62, richmond 58, oakland 59 and san francisco 57. mild at the beach with the sea breeze, half moon bay 56 degrees. lowe's dropped to the mid and interior valleys like antioch and livermore. around the bay, low 40's with the exception of fremont, 39. san jose 39. temperatures warm up to above average, here is an example in san jose. about 10 degrees warmer compared to today by thursday.
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kumasi: checking in with ginger zee. ginger: with everybody. coming up , we start with the
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breaking news, the devastating earthquake that has killed hundreds in turkey and syria. then, the follow-up after the chinese spy balloon was shot down over the weekend and what it could mean for relations with china. also, counting down to the super bowl. the brothers are going head-to-head. we get a first look at the new episode of their podcast with a special interview. reese witherspoon and ashton kutcher are live, teaming up for the first time on imran khan. i had to go back in my file, they did not do it yet. all of the energy went to hallmark, we need to bring ashton kutcher back. it is made up, maybe it is real. he was upset, only one point something million live in manhattan and every story comes from their-- there? so he wants a twin cities rom,. -- from -- r reggie: nothing wrong with that. [laughter] true. we will see you and think about
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max when we watch gma at 7:00 this morning. this morning. be r life is uncertain. it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried or frustrated. calhope can help access, calhope free and secure mental health resources today. call our warm line at 833-317-4673 or livechat at i'm on the phone. when your team needs more space to work and eat... carl, is that mackerel? no, it's uh, trout. [gags] matters where you stay. fish tacos? team: carl. hilton. for the stay.
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- life is uncertain. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today.
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kumasi: welcome back. you have to see this video, it is a dramatic rescue with a twist. it is on the oregon coast, a man is wanted and had to be rescued after the stolen yacht he was on cap sized. the boat takes on water and capsized in the mouth of the columbia river. the man on this boat was wanted by police for a bizarre incident at a house that was featured in the movie the goonies. he is accused of leaving a dead fish on the porch of the home, then stealing the boat. in the video, you see him being thrown into the water. a rescue swimmer reached him and they were lifted into a helicopter. he was taken to the hospital, then arrested. on the peninsula, the search is over for a mountain lion that attacked a five-year-old boy in san mateo county.
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the mountain lion has not been found. the department of fish and wildlife's staff were not given permission to search private properties where the attack happened. inclement weather and the nature of mountain lions decreased chances of finding the animal. the five-year-old got ahead of his mother during a walk in the mountain lion attacked. he is home from the hospital recovering. coming up this m morning america is looking at the topic of reparations in california. in the late 50's, and east bay neighborhood was grouped to be within the city limits of hayward. russell city was turned into an industrial park. about 1400 black and latino families called at home and according to the new york times, the newly created reparations task force released a preliminary report last year identifying five areas that may be eligible for reparations with russell city being one of them. abc news spoke with a woman
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whose family used to call russell city home. >> not just going to sit quietly, not going to forget. >> this generation has absolutely no fear. we what what is ours. kumasi: you can see the report this morning on good morning america at 7:00 after abc seven mornings. next at 6:30, the discussion about how to protect the local aapi population after mass shootings last month. why not everyone is on board with the new proposal public meetings in san francisco. as we head to break, a live look outside.
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. reggie: two large earthquakes rattled turkey and syria overnight. hundreds are dead in the search for survivors continues. kumasi: the man accused
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opening fire in a synagogue is in custody. what we learned about the suspects passed. reggie: a history making night for the queen. beyond see -- beyoncé rewrites the grammy record books with her big night. it was exciting. kumasi: it is monday, february 6. reggie: a check of the weather. frances: we start off with a live shot, outside we go from mount tam. it is so gorgeous, look how the water looks like glass. orange in the background, it is so clear right now. that means a cool morning for us, temperatures in the 30's right now inland areas, mid-30's around the bay and low 40's. lots of sunshine this afternoon, we develop an offshore flow in temperatures climb to the low 60's for inland areas and around the bay. at the beaches, mid 50's with a sea breeze.
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chilly overnight, then temperatures warm up above average in the accuweather 7-day forecast. i will show that in my next full report. reggie: the suspended oakland police chief is again demanding he be reinstated. weekend, he was joined by supporters echoing those demands. lena howland is in the newsroom with the claims he is making about the report that led to the suspension. lena: that is right. act by the naacp, the oakland police chief who is still unpaid leave is calling on the mayor of oakland to let him go back to work, claiming the recent report is inaccurate. the newly elected mayor placed him on leave last month after a report investigating misconduct in the police department said he failed to take action over incidents with a police sergeant. over the weekend, armstrong told us protocol was followed in both cases and says the report was flawed and unfair.
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he added his decade-long track record speaks for itself. >> i deserve to be in the position of chief of police. as someone born and raised in oakland, someone who has struggled income from poverty to make it to the chief of police position, it is a huge accomplishment. to have someone tarnish my reputation, tarnish the beliefs my family and friends is acceptable. lena: we reached out about the mayor's decision to put the chief on leave. in a text message, she responded saying i'm interested in reviewing the information the police commission recently received, but as this is a personnel issue and the council does not have authority in this matter, we do not have access at this time. the chief says he does not blame the mayor for what is happening, because she did not write the report. we reached out for comment but have not heard back. kumasi:
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accused of firing a gun inside a synagogue last week is in jail this morning without fail. the 51-year-old faces criminal charges of brandishing an imitation firearm and distributing -- disturbing a religious meeting after entering the synagogue. video shows a man entering the jewish center, pulling out a gun and firing several rounds. officers believe they were blank. police believe he is the same man who walked into a theater the day before and waved a gun employees. investigators say they link him to nazi imagery posted on social media sites. across the country, a 26 rolled man was arrested in connection with a molotov cocktail attack on a new jersey synagogue. the attack prompted synagogues across the state to increase security in recent days. reggie: southbay leaders are focusing on mental health of aapi community following mass shootings last month.
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a town saturday was organized by a congressman who represents the only asian american majority district in the continental u.s.. >> these shootings, even though the perpetrator was asian american, i think they triggered for so many in our community a sense of vulnerability. >> what people are feeling, the fear, anxiety, triggering from the trauma is all very real and the importance of recognizing when somebody needs help, being able to talk about it is so important. reggie: it is important for people to limit exposure to repeated scenes of violence. kumasi: developing on the chinese surveillance balloon that was seen floating over the u.s. last week, divers have recovered debris and are looking for more pieces of it after the balloon was shot down over the weekend. president biden has been criticized by republicans for waiting to shoot it down. the white house is the president
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waited because of concern debris could injure people on the ground. chuck schumer respond to the criticism. >> i would use two words answering these gop criticisms. they are premature and they are political. our friends are playing politics u.s. intelligence. kumasi: he went on to say that shooting down the surveillance balloon over the water maximized the amount of intelligence that could be gathered. the fbi is expected to take the balloon to a lab in virginia to collect more information. reggie: developing out of turkey and syria, a horrible situation where more than 1000 people have died after a major earthquake overnight. a disaster has been declared by officials in both countries and the u.s. is going to send help. jobina: people in turkey say the shaking lasted for more than a minute. the 7.8 magnitude quake ravaged an area near the border between turkey and syria, at least 20
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aftershocks have been reported by turkish authorities, the strongest measuring 7.5. the death toll has been quickly rising this morning, now more than 1200 people killed. the damage in turkey is extensive, officials say dozens of buildings have been destroyed and syria and authorities say people are trapped under the rubble. the white house is reacting, jake sullivan released a statement saying in part vote president biden has directed u.s. and other federal government partners to assess u.s. response options to help those most affected. we will continue to closely monitor the situation in coordination with the government of turkey. turkey's president reports the earthquake was felt in many parts of the country and was felt as far away as italy overnight. kumasi: today in san francisco, a vote to end remote public comment at board of supervisors meetings is expected to be met with opposition.
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the policy was put in place shortly after the start of the pandemics of people could call in and the supervisor things it is time to end it. others disagree, saying it promotes greater participation from people who have historically not been able to take part, seniors and people with disabilities. the rules committee is expected to vote today. reggie: this weekend, caltrain is a spending service in select areas while it works to complete electrification process. the shutdown is the first of four happening incrementally through the end of march. there will be best bridges available, expect delays. if possible, they encourage passengers to avoid travel. more information can be found on the website. once construction is complete, electrification will provide passengers with greener, faster and more frequent service. speaking of trains, let us get to smart rail. kumasi: they secured more than half the funds needed for the rail extension project into northern sonoma county. they have gotten about 34
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million dollars in state grants on top of another $40 million from bridge toll funds. great applications are still pending. if all the money is secured, they can complete the windsor project by 2025 and the extension by 2026. currently, they operate 45 miles of passenger rail. the u.s. celebrating black history month with a new african-american exhibit. the national park service presented a book about the chicago disaster. the explosion killed 320 people at a navy munitions depot north of san francisco. most of those people were african-american sailors. it led to protests and imprisonment of 50 sailors after they were forced to go back to work without leave, unlike white counterparts. east bay parts presented
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social justice. the new exhibit was another highlight. reggie: coming up, local musicians waking up grammy winners. kumasi: a live look at the big board, we are down by about 100 points. reggie: the warriors season hangs in the balance again. how many games steph curry is going to miss after another injury. stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at 7:00 for abc 7 at 7:00, our exclusive streaming show on weekdays from 7:00 to 8:00. download the app wherever you stream. frances: here is a look at live doppler 7, quiet skies around the bay area. just some clouds off the coast. clear conditions, we have a frost advisory and parts of the north bay like santa rosa, san rafael. temperatures could drop as low as 34 degrees, frost could kill sensitive vegetation.
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some temperatures are down to 30 four in santa rosa and fairfield, napa at 35. we see lots of 30's around the bay, including concord, livermore, hayward, palo alto. grab a jacket as you head out the door. you get a nice break from all of the rain, we have lots of dry days ahead. temperatures in the low 60's for some neighborhoods, lots of upper 50's around the bay. san jose 58, oakland 59 degrees. tomorrow morning is chilly, not quite as cold, more cloud cover. we will see mid-30's to parts of the north bay and interior valleys, low 40's around the bay. accuweather 7-day forecast, cold start, sunny day. chilly tomorrow, then check out the sunshine and dry weather seven days with temperatures warming up above average for the end of the workweek. if you are driving, there is a sig alert.
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jobina: good morning. we have a major crash reported in san francisco, specifically south san francisco. southbound 101 before oyster point, the vehicle is overturned, injuries are involved. emergency crews are there, three lanes are blocked. average speed around six miles an hour. moving to the south bay, we have a crash with injuries. speeds around 60 miles per hour. a new crash as blocking a few lane southbound 680. speeds around nine miles an hour, traffic is backed up past 84. a really messy situation. bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights came on at five: 35, traffic is backed up to the 80 over crossing. 80 is beginning to be jammed in emeryville. especially westbound, that is where we see the headlights.
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drive times, the slowing is picking up. any after concord, drive time any after concord, drive time around 29 minutes. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome.
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kumasi: it is tax season, experts are giving tips on how to make the filing process easier. if you expect a refund, filing early means you get your money sooner. the irs is warning the refunds might be smaller this year because of covid-related tax perks that have expired. experts say a large tax bill could be assigned you need to change your number of withholdings. >> keep in mind if your lifestyle changing or has changed, you got married, you got divorced, had a child, these are all things that can affect your withholdings. kumasi: you might be eligible get your taxes done for free online through the irs free file program.
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resources like cash out and turbotax offer free options. reggie: apple might be looking to introduce a more expensive option to its upcoming line of phones. bloomberg reports the company is considering an iphone 15 ultra introduced as early as next year. the of iphones would be faster, more powerful and more expensive than the pro and promax iphone options. dell is the latest tech company to cut jobs. they will get rid of more than 6600 physicians, about 5% of the workforce -- positions, about 5% of the workforce. previous measures were not enough. only a third of dell's workforce is based in the u.s. a live look at the new york stock exchange, down by about 156 points. kumasi: steph curry is missing tonight's game against oklahoma city and taking time away from the court as he deals with a leg injury. how much time will become clearer the next few days.
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the mri revealed he suffered partial ligament tears in the injured left leg. >> the good news is, he is going to be back. we do not know when, but it is not an injury that will keep him out for the season. we have some experience with this and are confident we can keep things going and be where we want to be by the end of the year. kumasi: espn reports he is likely to be out through the all-star break in mid-february, which means he would miss at least the next five games. reggie: a historic night the grammys, beyoncé broke the record for all time grammy wins and now has 32. >> i am trying not to be too emotional. i am trying to just receive this night. i would like to think the queer community for your love and inventing the genre, god bless you, thank you to the grammys. reggie: thank you, beyoncé.
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that w won for best dance electronic album and lizzo one record of the year. >> beyoncé, w in the fifth grade i skipped school to see you perform. [laughter] my sister got me out of school, it was literature, i am good. you changed my life, you sang a gospel medley. the way you made me feel, i want to make people feel this way with my music. thank you, you clearly are the artist of our lives. reggie: i love big stars fanning out over other big stars. it was really fun. viola davis joined the exclusive egot club. emmy, grammy, oscar antoni. she won for the audiobook of her memoir. kumasi: more news, fleetwood mac is calling it quits.
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after the mcafee, the group will not perform again is fleetwood mac. the remaining members will play live dates. they performed songbird, a tribute. rodríguez jnss : a big a lot of talent. it was on display last night. molly tuttle and her band golden highway won the best bluegrass album category for coquetry, the singer, songwriter, guitarist was born in santa clara and raised in palo alto. jill biden presented the saga of the year award, bonnie rate
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out beyoncé, adele and taylor swift for the song she wrote just like that. she splits her time between marin county and los angeles. >> rock 'n' roll and blues and soul and country, all that mixed together. to be honored for americana is a wonderful thing they created. ♪ gloria: shocked at the wind, the first-ever grammy award to a song for social change went to song released in the wake of a death. the video got over 40 million views. you may have heard it at local iranian protests. kumasi: we are just about a month away from hollywood's biggest night. jimmy kimmel is hosting the oscars. the show starts at 5:00 p.m. with live coverage from the red
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carpet beforehand. it is the season. reggie: i enjoy all the award shows. you never know what is going to happen. you need to watch it live so get on the group chat and bother kumasi all night long. kumasi: i picked up this phone, 27 messages? [laughter] one of my missing? reggie: we are in a group chat, but kumasi was the only one not watching. rip her texts in the morning. kumasi: when i tell you i know having that happened. i know the timeline. thank you, friend. reggie: you know all of our opinions. that is surprising, we have strong opinions. [laughter] frances: shocking. slecllonhis shift. up at 20 in the morning to good mornin frances: goomorng.
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quiet outside, clouds off the coast, that is it. there is a frost advisory and parts of the north bay because of the cool temperatures dropping down to near 34 degrees , that is where the frost could kill sensitive vegetation. take care of your pets. temperatures down to 34 in santa rosa and fairfield, napa 35. it is chilly, hayward, san ramon, fremont, all in the upper 30's. even palo alto at 37 degrees. bundle up before you head out the door. it is cooler compared to yesterday, we had the rain and small hail and lightning, 16 degrees cooler compared to 24 hours ago. 15 degrees cooler in santa rosa. 12 degrees cooler in hayward. look how gorgeous it is outside. even though we are starting with a very chilly temperatures with the frost advisory, we have dry, sunny days ahead. temperatures are warmer midweek,
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even slightly above average. highs today in the upper 50's around the bay, san francisco 57, oakland and san mateo 59. low 60's santa rosa, 62, napa and concord at 60, fairfield hitting 61 degrees. tonight is cool with temperatures dropping to the mid 30's for parts of the inland valleys like santa rosa and livermore. we mainly see low 40's to near 40 around the bay. oakland 40, fremont down to 39. it is chilly the next few nights with the clearer nights, but because of the clearer nights and sunshine ahead, we have very warm temperatures in the accuweather 7-day forecast. monday, a cold start. sunny afternoon. tomorrow, clouds move through and it is chilly in the morning, then more sunshine is high pressure builds. we get a slight offshore flow, winds from the north. the breeze will allow
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temperatures to come above average, mid-60's, possibly a little above thursday and friday. reggie: police in massachusetts hope for a fairytale ending after a statue of shrek disappeared from its swamp. take that in. here is a look at the 200 pound figure. oh. that is not what i imagined it would look like. the police department showed a picture saying someone took the florescent green sculpture from a home. the post says quote return him in the condition you found him, the dragon sculpture he lives with his frustrated and lonely. it is an iconic figure in town. a police spokesperson told local media there are drag marks that show shrek did not go willingly. [laughter] shrek became popular when dreamworks released the film in 2001. it is papier-mâché project.
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the hands. ok. for parents witnessing the child's footsteps -- first steps is emotional, i am told. kumasi: for one boy, he could not believe it when he realized he could walk. >> look! [laughter] reggie: that is cute. kumasi: that is so cute. i am happy. reggie: that is good. kumasi: just happy. reggie: aww. this is journey taking his first steps inside the house. he took a break, looked around, he did it all. his mom says he has been walking everywhere now. [laughter] this video, journey is going to be someone. kumasi: journey is someone
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already. reggie: journey has all the expressions. kumasi: next, seven things you need to know today. reggie: you can watch all of our newscasts through the app for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. you could start streaming our exclusive streaming newscast at 7:00 a.m., after this. kumasi: a 6:55. right back. business can happen anytime, anywhere.
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kumasi: seven things to know this morning. at least 2300 people have died after two powerful earthquakes hit turkey near the border with syria overnight. officials say the destruction is extensive, there have been multiple aftershocks. reggie: the oakland police chief
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is once again demanding the city's mayor immediately reinstate him. he says a federal monitor report that led to his suspension is blatantly inaccurate and produced to tarnish his reputation. kumasi: the santa clara county board of supervisors expected to announce prevention -- expansion of the gun violence strike team. reggie: authorities in east palestine, ohio ordered residents to evacuate after a train derailment. there is a chance of a major explosion. officials say 50 cars derailed, 20 have hazardous material in them. frances: a cold morning with temperatures in the mid 30's in santa rosa, fairfield, livermore. frost advisory in parts of the north bay. this afternoon under sunny skies, temperatures warm to the upper 50's to low 60's. jobina: a major crash underway in san francisco, it has been upgraded to a sig alert southbound 101 before oyster point. the vehicle has flipped over,
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injuries reported. at least three lanes are blocked. kumasi: another big grammy went to celebrate this morning, encanto swept the three awards it was up for. best song for visual media,ey if abc 7. reggie: congratulations. look. hi. look at this shot. [laughter] kumasi: is -- in it? frances: come on in. jobina: have a great day. [laughter] reggie: our studio is big. jobina: it is all in the angles, it is not that large. [laughter] kumasi: lord. put my bag up. reggie: secure the bag. [laughter] see you on abc 7 at 7:00 if you


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