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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 14, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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taxes are due. united way bay area is sponsoring this opportunity. you can get your questions answered by tax professionals. go to abc7 click seven on your side and you'll find the question form right there. then watch us tomorrow right here on abc seven to help you get your taxes done. that's right. >> and we thank you so much for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel reveal. >> all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel. a woman named oprah winfrey. maybe you've heard of her. >> have a great n. test. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- oprah winfrey, and music from chromeo. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: very nice, thank you. you're very kind. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. what a -- [ cheers and applause ] well, i tell you something. i'm glad you're fired up. you've picked a very, very good night to be here. the great and powerful oprah winfrey is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] just as the prophecy foretold. [ laughter ] it's exciting when oprah is here. everybody is dressed up. everyone is abuzz. the mood is certainly very different than it was four years ago. four years ago today, we shut down because of covid, which we were calling the coronavirus. as you remember, a lot of businesseses closed. i had to close my brand-new shared-nozzle indoor hookah lounge i took a beating on. [ laughter ]
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remember we were bumping elbows? >> guillermo: yes, i remember, yes. >> jimmy: we were carefully disassembling our doordash deliveries like a bomb squad in "the hurt locker." [ laughter ] one of our producers was ordering sushi and then microwaving it before he ate it. [ laughter ] it was madness. it was harder getting a bottle of purell than it was getting taylor swift tickets four years ago. [ laughter ] it's tough to pinpoint the exact moment when we all realized how serious this was going to turn out to be. for me, this was the moment. when tom hanks and rita wilson got it. i was like, oh my god, if forrest gump can get this, nobody is safe. [ laughter ] now here we are, never washing our hands in the bathroom again, isn't that great? [ cheers and applause ] we still have plenty to worry about. i got a live report on the weather this morning. there were 80-mile-an-hour here in southern california last night. and our chief meteorologist, guillermo --
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[ laughter ] sent me a warning of just how perilous it was. >> guillermo: good morning. this is so windy here. look, it's so windy, that look, this chair is in the pool. that's terrible. terribly windy here. >> jimmy: oh my god, is the chair okay? it's all right? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: did you call 911 or you were able to get it out yourself? >> guillermo: i got it myself. >> jimmy: you dried it off, it's all good? >> guillermo: yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: it's a very nice pool for someone who doesn't know how to swim. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: my son use it. >> jimmy: okay. sunday i hosted the oscars. [ cheers and applause ] i don't have an anecdote irjust wanted the applause. [ laughter ] of all the reactions i received to that, this might be my favorite. this is a little girl named dusty. she lives in brooklyn. and she imitates what i was
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doing with my hands. >> jimmy: now that -- there's your best live action short right there. [ laughter ] thank you, dusty. i also wear a diaper, by the way, it's nice. [ laughter ] speaking of children who watched the oscars, donald trump was in court today -- [ laughter ] for a hearing on one of the four criminal cases he's facing. the fun thing about these hearings is that you don't know if trump is going to show up. he doesn't have to come, but he sometimes -- like when you go on a boat, sometimes you see a whale, sometimes you don't. [ laughter ] this is a historic case, not only is it the first time a former president of the united states has been charged with illegally removing and withholding classified documents, it's also the first time a former president used
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classified documents to decorate his bathroom. [ laughter ] trump claims the documents were his to do with as he pleased. but his claim is complicated by the fact that they were not. they were not his to do with. [ laughter ] what's still a mystery is why a bunch of top secret documents were taken by a president who, by all accounts, doesn't read. [ laughter ] [ applause ] much of the focus has been on the judge in this case, judge i'll lien aileen cann whose rulings so far have a whiff of favoritism towards trump who appointed her to the job. this is like if eddie murphy got hauled in front of judge reinhold. that's a joke for the 50 plus only crowd. [ laughter ] but even judge cannon pushed back on trump's argument that the trial should be dismissed. she said, "it's difficult to see how this gets you to the dismissal of an indictment." can you imagine if she rules against him? i mean, we are going to see nicknames like we have never seen before. [ laughter ] maybe trump will just claim it
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was ai that took the documents. [ laughter ] that's his new thing. trump said when the house democrats showed clips of him appearing to be even more out of it than biden, it was the work of ai. i was wondering when he would start using that excuse. [ laughter ] it took longer than i thought. "that wasn't me on top of stormy daniels, that was ai!" [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i think it's going to stick. every mistake now he'll claim was ai. eric, don jr. [ laughter ] he said "artificial intelligence was used by them against me in their videos of me. can't do that, joe." which the idea that joe biden did that? [ laughter ] joe biden can't unlock his phone without accidentally taking three pictures, i mean, let's be honest. [ applause ] don't worry about joe biden using ai. worry about us using ai. because we will not use it subtly. we will use it to make you look like a chubby german boy eating pudding by himself.
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[ laughter ] or a human chicken mcnugget. [ laughter ] or the god of diarrhea. those are all available for sale on our website. [ laughter ] and why not? donald trump merchandise is very hot. >> national collectors mint has taken crisp, uncirculated u.s. legal tender, $2 bills, then enhanced them. this $2 bill features president trump's mugshot. in the photo, president trump displays a furrowed brow and a determined gaze, showing he's ready to fight. his inmate number is inscribed below the photo. avoid disappointment and future regret. call now. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: call now. call now! and pay only $20 for a two dollar bill he drew on. [ laughter ] something tells me that even if you call later, they'll still have a few of those available. [ laughter ] donald trump isn't the only dangerous lunatic running for president. i mentioned last night that
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robert f. kennedy jr. has reportedly whittled his list of running mates down to a handful of finalists, including professional quarterback slash conspiracy theorist aaron rodgers. [ laughter ] pamela brown of cnn reported that rodgers confronted her personally after the school shooting at sandy hook and he was complaining that the mainstream media was covering up a false flag operation. which is a disgusting thought to share. and a thought that at least one other person heard him share, too. >> cnn has also spoken with another person, one who would like to remain anonymous in order to avoid harassment, who had a very similar encounter with aaron rodgers, saying that rodgers claimed that, quote, sandy hook never happened. quote, all those children never existed, they were all actors, unquote. when asked about the grieving parents, many of whom i've met, and they and their grief is real, the source recalled that aaron rodgers said, quote, they're all making it up, they're all actors, unquote.
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>> jimmy: don't you miss the old days when conspiracy theorists were just guys who wanted to have second with big root and leave it at that? [ laughter ] he knows all the secrets. he's got all the answers. who knew that the smartest man in the world would have a man bun? it's miraculous. [ laughter ] q-aron took to twitter today to post this non-denial denial. he wrote, "as i'm on the record saying in the past, what happened in sandy hook was an absolute tragedy. i am not and have never been of the opinion that the events did not take place." notice he never says he didn't say it to somebody. i hate to do this because i'm not a conspiracy type but i've had my own issues with aaron and i've spent the last couple of months looking into some of this. i think it's time to share something with the world. this is going to shock you. buckle in. [ laughter ] the truth is what the deep state, which is based in green bay, wisconsin, by the way. deep state headquarters is a factory in hobart that makes all the cheese for the pedophile pizza places. [ laughter ]
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that's another story for another night. what the deep state won't tell you is that aaron rodgers never played football. he's not a football player. he faked his entire career. in fact, first time he ever played in an nfl game was last year, the week before his first game with the jets. aaron's body double, the guy who'd played every single game for him before this, died of covid, and they had nobody dumb-looking enough to fill in. [ laughter ] so they had to bring in the real aaron rodgers. and he had to go in and fake an injury on the third play of opening day. that's why he only threw one pass. and you don't have to believe me on this, do your own research. [ laughter ] when you do, maybe you'll notice that the bible says the number 8 represents a new beginning, a new order. [ laughter ] and man's true born-again event when he's resurrected from the dead into eternal life. guess what number aaron rodgers chose to wear when he "played" for the jets? [ laughter ] anyone? anyone?
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you know? >> guillermo: 8? >> jimmy: 8, that's right. [ laughter and applause ] number 8. whoa, wow. that story, by the way, is more believable than what aaron rodgers told people happened at sandy hook. [ cheers and applause ] good going, rfk, excellent choice choice. [ laughter ] the house of representatives yesterday passed a bill that, if approved by the senate, would ban tiktok here in the u.s. or force the chinese company that owns tiktok to sell it to an american company. i think that's probably a good -- i'm inclined to believe that allowing the chinese government into our pockets isn't a great idea. but then tiktok gives us a video like this and makes me wonder if we maybe shouldn't try to keep them around. >> okay, say anna's pregnant. >> anna's pregnant! >> say it again. >> what did you guys say? >> anna's pregnant!
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>> oh my gosh. oh my gosh. yay! >> oh my gosh. >> jimmy: well, congratulations to anna. [ cheers and applause ] but grandma decided she's going to wait to get excited till the baby was born. [ laughter ] here in california, our state legislature is considering a bill that would ban the sale of flaming hot cheetos in public schools. lawmakers say the dye in snacks like flamin' hot cheetos, takis and doritos could be harmful to developing brains. back in october, our governor, gavin newsom, outlawed the use of red dye 3 in candies like skittles, so he's concerned too. this is the time of year, post-primaries, when we start seeing ads for propositions and our governor, who is a very youthful guy, is especially keen on prop 14. >> a message from the 40th governor of california.
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>> yo, yo! it's your number one bro, gav giving you the 411 about a proposition that's not only important but is also helll rad, proposition 14 for education. hey, go long! educating our tiny dudes, little ladies, and all the other ones. that's why prop 14 prepares students for california's ever-changing job market by mandating future forward courses like -- "graffiti appreciati "feline scientology." "skate park physics." "music fest port-a-potty installation." "scorpion and tree rat extermination." "prison gang mediation." "homeless encampment supply." "uber as a third job." "sex cult leadership." i dabbled in that one myself and it was fun but exhausting. finally funding to put litter boxes in all california public
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schools for all the little weirdos who identify as housecats. right on, little weirdo, go long! 14 guarantees that no child will ever be offended. under california law, any student dressed like dora the explorer for halloween will have to prove that both of their dads are of hispanic descent. [ speaking spanish ] now, i don't practice san tear rhea, but with prop 14, our kids will. and believe me when i tell you that i got something for your punk ass. so vote [ bleep ] prop 14. swish! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, well thank you, governor. hey, we've got a great show for you tonight. we have music from we'll be back with oprah winfrey so stick around!
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hi, there. welcome back to the show. tonight, they are a french-canadian electro funk duo -- kind of like us, guillermo. their new album is called "adult
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contemporary," music from chromeo. [ cheers and applause ] that's later. next week, we're working again next week. we just keep going and going. we have new shows with christina applegate, jerrod carmichael, regina king, william shatner, janelle james. my dear friend huey lewis will be here. and we'll have music from the cast of the new broadway musical "the heart of rock and roll," dasha and chicano batman will be with us. and on tuesday, we have a special show paying tribute to the greatest physician this country has ever known, dr. dre will be here. [ cheers and applause ] with snoop dogg, 50 cent and maybe even a surprise guest while we're at it. so please join us all next week. our first guest tonight is a legendary broadcaster, actress, author, producer and beacon of humankind. she returns to abc monday night with "an oprah special: shame, blame and the weight loss revolution." >> obesity is jeanettic, and there is nothing you can do about it. that's what some people will have you believe. but that is a bald-faced lie. >> this video is for all of you
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fat shamers. >> this video is for all you people that don't know at all, do not have a concept what was it's like to be in a bigger body your entire life. >> ozempic what do you think? >> when i look around this room, i can't help but wonder, is ozempic right for me? >> is being overweight a lack of willpower? or is obesity a medically treatable disease? are these new drugs a miracle cure? are they safe? >> jimmy: oprah's special airs here at abc at 8:00 and the next day on hulu. please welcome oprah winfrey. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you for coming.
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>> it's so good to see you. >> jimmy: it's great to -- you look like a teenager. >> well, i'm not a teenager at all, but i will have to say i'm so -- you know how people say i'm so happy to see you? i am. i'm so excited to see you. i wore your jacket running on the beach. >> jimmy: wow. >> yes. just to remind me i was coming. it's so great. you did such a great job at the oscars. >> jimmy: thank you. >> such a great job. were you nervous at all? you seemed to darn calm. >> jimmy: i don't know why i wasn't nervous. i'm honestly more nervous about having you here -- >> you are not, you are not. >> jimmy: i swear, i really am, i really am. >> you don't get -- not any tinge of, here we go? >> jimmy: i don't know what it is or why, but i have the op sit of that, yeah. you don't get nervous, though, do you? >> i had a couple of butterflies coming out here. >> jimmy: you did? wow, i'm surprised at that. >> just a -- you know, not like uhuhuh -- but just a couple of,
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you know what, i'm on "the jimmy kimmel show." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. >> yes. >> jimmy: you are -- do people ever, especially now, you've lost a lot of weight. do people not believe you're you ever? >> well, a couple of times i've had situations where i was -- listen. i was opening my school in south afr africa, and i had brought 200 friends from the united states for that celebration. and my assistant forgot my passport. and i am stuck on the tarmac for 7 1/2 hours, literally waiting on somebody to come and release me. they knew who i was because they were coming to take pictures of me. "oprah, we want the picture with you. we want the picture." then they'd say, "he'll be here, ma'am, he's coming in a
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half-hour." >> jimmy: the passport guy? >> the passport guy. i was on the tarmac in sun city. it's not like joburg, a big airport, it's one guy in the booth for the passports. he is tell manage i whhe can't t me out, but he's bringing all of his friends to take pictures. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: when the plane took off, did you run over your assistant? >> no, i did not. [ laughter ] no i did not. libby, you know -- i didn't even -- shouldn't, "oh, i'm so sorry, i forgot your passport." i wasn't even blaming her, because i should have remembered my passport, too. after the seventh hour, "libby, you should have remembered that passport." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: may i show you something? and this is -- this is not a joke of any kind. i carry this. i have a special file for all my cards and all that kind of stuff, my passport, all that stuff. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but the first photograph in my phone that i carry in case there's a -- i get in a pinch of some kind is this, because i figure that if the people don't know who i am -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> that's funny.
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>> jimmy: "see, i know oprah." >> let me just say, that's not going to work for you in sun city. >> jimmy: now i fear it's not going to work. >> yeah. another time i was walking my dog in chicago. i was walking my dog sadie in chicago. and i had, like -- you know, no hair or makeup on, just walking down the street. this guy says, "hey, you look like oprah winfrey." i didn't say anything. he said, "i say you look like oprah winfrey." i turned around, "i am oprah winfrey." he said, "you wish." [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a nice compliment. >> "you wish." >> jimmy: do you miss a studio audience? do you miss being -- i notice on your special you did it in front of a studio audience. >> i haven't done it for 13 years. it's 13 years since "the oprah show" ended. >> jimmy: wow. >> when i walked into the studios to do that, i had one of those -- it was like -- triggered in a very nice way.
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i mean, i felt like -- first of all, the audience, and having all the cameras and knowing that you were doing this for broadcast television was really -- it was really a good thing. it felt good. >> jimmy: i know you could have done this -- >> like getting a a bicycle, i can still do it. >> jimmy: i like that you did it on abc, because you don't do much on broadcast. >> no, i haven't done a lot on broadcast. >> jimmy: what was it about this particular topic that made you go, i must talk about this in a primetime situation? >> well, i have had the experience of a lifetime. because back in 2021, i had my knees done. anybody here ever had their knees done? whoo? let's testify! [ laughter ] so for four years, i was in pain every time i walked down a hill, i was getting those injections in the knees, steroid injections. but as you know, if you continue to get them, it actually gets worse. you don't improve, you get worse. so i decided to have my knees done. and let me tell you, life changed! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, it worked.
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>> life changed after that. and when you first come home -- i could not lift my leg off the bed. i couldn't move my foot. and i made a vow that if god -- god, if you let me walk again, i promise i will get myself in shape, i promise i will use my body to the highest possible good for myself and my health. >> jimmy: wow. >> and that's how it all started. so i started like, you know, not being able to -- first of all, you start out with a walker. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> which is very limiting. and then i moved from walker to crutches to cane. and then every day i would just try to do a couple more feet, a couple more feet, a couple more feet until i got up to a mile. the first time i did a mile, it took me almost two hours to finish a mile. every day i would try to do a little more, a little more. and i was not eating past 4:00 and watching all the right meals. i felt like i had to do it my
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way and had to prove that i could do it on my own. even though i was hearing all along people talking about the medications. i felt like -- i've gotta do it. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> you know? i did a show or a conversation on where i do my -- a lot of my work and stories. it's "oprah" magazine turned digital. i talked to a lot of doctors who, for the first time i got when they said, obesity is a disease. obesity is a disease. it is not a disease for everybody who's overweight. it is a disease if you carry the gene or the propensity f adipose gene or the fat gene. not everybody who drinks is an alcoholic, but if you have the gene for it, you develop alcoholism. it is the same thing with people who have obesity. not everybody who eats a lot and
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shows up with extra weight has that gene or carries that propensity. but because it's a big spectrum, it's a spectrum just like everything is a spectrum. but if you do carry it, you will always, always put the weight back on. and so when i realized that -- you've seen -- you all have seen. i've been in the struggle. i've been in the storm of losing the weight, gaining it back. losing the weight, gaining it back. and what i realized when i listened to what the doctor said, that you are always going to put it back on, and it's like holding your breath underwater and trying not to rise. you're always going to rise. >> jimmy: when you talk to -- does god ever call you and ask you for stuff? [ laughter ] >> no, god doesn't. god doesn't call and ask me for stuff. i will say this. i have an extra spare bedroom for jesus. >> jimmy: you do. [ applause ] oprah is here.
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she's got a bedroom for jesus, everybody. we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by allstate. save money and protect yourself from mayhem with allstate. because you know that just because it fits in the cupholder doesn't make it 'to-go'. and you know how to brake, without breaking everything. and you're definitely not doing -okay, i don't even know what this is, but you're definitely not doing that. with allstate you're connected to a rate based on you. (♪) [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. the right age for neutrogena® retinol? that's whenever you want it to be.
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it has derm-proven retinol that targets vital cell turnover, evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines. with visible results in just one week. neutrogena® retinol - bedtime!! - bedtime. ♪ i love bedtime. the thin, sweet bite to end the night. oreo thins.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oprah winfrey, thank you, oprah. oprah, i hope you don't mind. i'd like to share a photo that we found. do you remember this photo? >> oh my gosh. >> jimmy: this is you working at a radio station, right? >> oh my gosh. >> jimmy: how old are you here? >> i am -- 16 or 17.
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>> jimmy: 16 or 17. what radio station? >> wvul radio. wvol in nashville. yes, i was out on the street doing -- >> jimmy: this is the guy who invented ozempic. [ laughter ] >> he's doing all right. no -- i used to do that -- since i got that job when i was 16 years old, i would be 16, 17, 18. i kept from it 16 to 19. and then at 19 i got a call from my local television news anchor, chris clark, who said, "are you interested, would you be interested in doing television?" and i said, "i don't know if my dad's going to let me." i was still a sophomore in college. "i don't know if my dad's going to let me." they asked me to do the 10:00. my dad was like, "you have to be home by 11:00." [ laughter ] no exaggeration. "the news is over at 10:30, you better be home by 11:00."
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that's how it star >> jimmy: that's exactly how it started to for me, except for the person who wanted me to be on tv. >> it's precisely, isn't it? >> jimmy: it is. >> in terms of what you learn about other people, how you learn to listen, pay attention, it's great. >> jimmy: you don't even think you're learning at the time. you think you're doing a job when you're learning about a job. >> how much did you make? >> jimmy: nothing, i did it for free. >> i got $100. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that established a theme. >> i did it for $100. i'd been working in my dad's store for nothing, that was my first paying job. >> jimmy: happy birthday, you turned 70 in january. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: was there a huge blowout bash that we don't know about? >> no, there wasn't. >> jimmy: there was not? >> no. i thought about it. i wanted to. i had so much pressure. all my friends, gayle, oh my gosh, ava, maria. "we have to do something, we have to do something."
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and i was originally -- i was going to do -- i thought -- i was jogging one day. i don't do just one thing, i do multiple things. i run on the beach or i run on land or i hike. >> jimmy: you do a lot of hiking? >> i do a lot of hiking. so i was really in the middle of a five-mile jog. and i was listening to all of this great disco music. i love listening to -- i still listen to the really old stuff. >> jimmy: uh-huh, same here, yeah. >> okay, so i was thinking, this would be fun, to have a dance party with all this old music. and so started planning that. then i decided i really didn't want all the people. [ laughter ] and then i thought -- gayle was, "dance party, that's great." i thought, what would i really like? i really love the woods. what about a nice camping thing in the woods? let's do a -- let's go to the redwoods. but january 29th is kind of cold out there. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> and so i couldn't find anybody who wanted to go camping in the woods. and then i wanted to go hiking
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in new zealand. couldn't find anybody to go hiking. >> jimmy: really? >> yes. and so i ended up at home in my pajamas. >> jimmy: wow. >> yes. >> jimmy: well, that's kind of nice too, in some ways. >> it was nice. it was very nice, yeah. >> jimmy: you know what i was thinking, when you turn 70, oh my god, poor stedman has to come up with 70th birthday gift for oprah, which as nightmare, honestly. >> yeah. >> jimmy: right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what can he get you? >> he actually did really good this year. normally he's not good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's not? >> normally not. but this year, he came up with a trip to rwanda to see the gorillas. >> jimmy: oh, well, that's a good -- >> that's good, right. now i've got to go. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so he had a birthday, i think very recently, right? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: what did you get him? >> a sweet potato pie. [ laughter ] it was nice. i was nice -- >> jimmy: was that like the cake? >> it was a pie. >> jimmy: uh-huh?
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>> sweet potato pie. you know. black people like sweet potato. >> jimmy: uh-huh, sure. >> y'all like pumpkin. [ laughter ] so it was a sweet potato pie. and then i couldn't find a candle for it. so i put extra little sweet potatoes chopped on top and then said "happy birthday to you." >> jimmy: did he take back the gorilla trip? [ laughter ] >> no. but we're really not big on birthdays. i think birthdays depend on how you were raised. if you're raised in -- how were you raised? >> jimmy: big. big thing. well, it wasn't like -- we didn't have a big party, but the family would gather, we'd have a cake, it was a big deal. >> okay. not a big deal for me. >> jimmy: not a big deal in your house? >> no, do the even act like it was. >> jimmy: we even celebrate half birthdays in our house and half and half of a cake. >> no. >> jimmy: yes. >> no, no, i didn't grow up that way. so it's not really that big of a deal to me. i felt so much pressure. i mean, at one point i was thinking, i just need to do something. so everybody else can be happy.
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>> jimmy: right, yeah, you don't want that. >> then i decided one thing about being 70 is you do the hell you want. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: speaking of doing what the hell you want? >> yes. >> jimmy: why did you quit weight watchers? >> i resigned -- quit sounds so -- >> jimmy: yet is that what happened? or -- i mean -- >> it is. i decided. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> that because this special was really important to me and i wanted to be able to talk about whatever i wanted to talk about, and weight watchers is now in the business of being a weight health company that also administers drug medications for weight. i did not want to have the appearance of any conflict of interest. >> jimmy: i see. >> and so i resigned from the board, and i gave -- donated all of my shares to the national museum of african american -- >> jimmy: i've been to that museum. >> isn't it great? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so nobody can say --
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>> nobody can say, she's doing that special, she's making money, promoting -- now cannot say that. >> jimmy: did people at weight watchers cry when you left? >> they almost did. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, i would imagine they wouldn't be that happy about it. >> they almost did. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. oprah winfrey is with us. >> thank you. >> jimmy: she's got a special monday night here on abc. we'll be right back. or ulceratis are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we are back with oprah winfrey who has a special on monday night here on abc and the next day on hulu. and i hate to ask you for a favor, but i am going to ask you if you can help me with something. >> you need a favor? >> jimmy: yes, i do. >> okay. >> jimmy: it's something that has affected my life in a very negative way, really since i was i think born. it's been going on twice a year now. and i've had enough of it. it's called daylight saving time. [ laughter ] have you heard of this? so congress finally voted and they said, okay, we're going to
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stop with this changing the clocks twice a year. it's done. and for whatever reason, they're not finishing it off. can you speak to somebody about this? [ laughter ] >> i kind of like it. >> jimmy: you do? >> i do. >> jimmy: you like changing the clocks? >> i do. >> jimmy: what could you like about that? >> i like about -- what i like about it is, it allows me to know that spring is really here. i was really excited. >> jimmy: i'll call you and tell you it's here. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> i was really excited to know, wow, we're going to get an extra hour, it's going to be lighter, you can stay out longer, you don't like that transition? >> jimmy: oh, no, i shouldn't have brought it up, i've set the whole thing back now. [ laughter ] >> you don't like that? >> jimmy: no, my kids don't get up, they're tired, you can't get them to bed, it throws everything out of whack. >> you want it to just stay one way the whole time? >> jimmy: yes, stay one. it can be the way you like it, but i want it to stay that way. >> okay, i would work with you, jimmy, if we could have it the way i like it.
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>> jimmy: yes. of course we could have it the way you like it. [ cheers and applause ] you'd cosponsor this bill? >> no, don't you -- y'all don't like the extra hour? >> jimmy: it's not an extra hour, it's just moved around, yeah. >> it's just faking us out, right. >> jimmy: can i ask you about various rumors, stories that have not been confirmed by you personally? >> okay, what is it? >> jimmy: there is a rumor, it has been published that your dogs are set to inherit $30 million when you pass away. is that true? >> that is not true. [ laughter ] first of all, unfortunately, most of my dogs have also passed away. >> jimmy: did they leave you any money? >> didn't leave me a dime. they left me with medical bills is what they left me. no. >> jimmy: no okay, all right. do you plan to be buried under the oak tree at your montecito estate? >> uh -- no. >> jimmy: okay. >> i was. >> jimmy: you were? >> i was going to be buried
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there, but the oak tree fell. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, no. >> not a nice thing. during one of the big rainstorms. >> jimmy: oh. >> when the oak tree fell. it's not the same. >> jimmy: is it true you were in negotiations to buy the l.a. clippers when they were for sale? >> that is true. >> jimmy: and you wanted to buy the clippers? >> well -- yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but not for the amount they sold for? >> not. it wasn't just me. i was in -- i was negotiating with david geffen. david geffen and i were partners. >> jimmy: oh, wow. that would have been something. >> wouldn't that be fun? >> jimmy: they would have won, maybe. [ laughter ] is it true that you thanked stevie wonder for performing "happy birthday" at your 50th by giving him a ros royce? >> i thought it was a may bosh or something. [ laughter ] is that the same thing? >> jimmy: that's a different thing but it's another thing. >> i think it's a may bosh. >> jimmy: you gave him that car? >> he said he wanted it. [ laughter ]
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he said he wanted it. [ applause ] >> jimmy: he was probably kidding, right? >> he said he wanted it. >> jimmy: he wanted the car? >> and i was like, you're going to drive it? [ laughter ] and he sent me a video of him driving it. yes, he did. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> yes, he did. that is true. >> jimmy: does oprah have an underground bunker? >> no. >> jimmy: okay. do you keep a whole octopus in the fridge on a regular basis. >> yes. >> jimmy: you do? >> yes. >> jimmy: why? >> stedman loves octopus. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> okay? >> jimmy: he eats it that much, huh? >> like for breakfast almost every day. that is a strange thing, isn't it? >> jimmy: yeah. >> let me just tell you, when you open that refrigerator and there's that octopus just sitting there -- >> jimmy: every time. >> every time. it's a gross-out thing, yeah. because it's got all the tentacles and the head and the
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little thing -- it's -- yeah, it's -- it's real. >> jimmy: wow, that's pretty -- >> and every morning when he's eating it, "i believe you're the only person who's having this for breakfast right now." >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know what it is, it's not just octopus, it's octopus and okra. >> jimmy: as a come about any? >> as a combo. >> jimmy: he loves things that start with "o." [ laughter and applause ] that's what it is, right? >> that's so good. that's so good. that was quick. >> jimmy: well, you know. [ laughter ] you are going, after this show, you are receiving an honor -- >> at the vanguard. >> jimmy: you're getting the vanguard award from glaad? >> yes. >> jimmy: will you give a speech at this event? >> i'll say some words of thanks, yes. >> jimmy: how is it possible they've not already given you the vanguard award? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] it has taken this long to get the vanguard award. i'm happy to be getting it
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tonight. >> jimmy: may i ask how many times a year do people offer to give you awards? >> it's a lot. >> jimmy: a lot of them. >> it's a lot. it's a lot. >> jimmy: then you have to decide which ones? >> yes, but you know, the thing is what most people don't know about me, i have tendencies but i really am an introvert. i'm latest when it's raining and i have six books to go through, i've got a blanket, i'm happiest cocooning with myself. >> jimmy: is that what you tell them in the email when you say, "i'm not coming to take the award"? >> no, you never say -- this is the thing. you never say no immediately. >> jimmy: oh. >> no, you don't. you don't. >> jimmy: okay. >> unless it's like -- you absolutely know that you cannot do it. you always give it just a little beat and say, let me look at my schedule, let me see. >> jimmy: oh. >> what's coming up. remember that. >> jimmy: that's a good tip, yeah. >> no immediately just means -- >> jimmy: i'm going to remember that the next time we ask you to
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come to the show. [ laughter ] >> yes, do that. >> jimmy: oprah winfrey, everybody. "an oprah special: shame, blame and the weight loss revolution" airs monday at 8:00 p.m. on abc and the next day on hulu. thank you, oprah. we'll be back with chromeo.
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♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. i'm amber, i've lost 128 pounds with golo, taking release. hellooo clean and comfortable. i have literally tried everything. i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial,
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and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked. you know he'd come to my home for summers? when it came to helping people... ...the gecko was born ready. and his parents argued with me; they wanted him to become a doctor. i said, “no, he wants to do insurance and he's good at it.” -oh sure, he's the geico gecko. but, i mean, he's my best friend. like even back in grade school, while others played house? he protected it. -hey, slow down! geico helps find the right coverage for your car and home. you're not my dad! from cars to home to pets, it's easy to geico. ( ♪ ) the union of fruity, sweet gummy and tangy, crunchy nerds. nerds gummy clusters. unleash your senses.
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i finally found what i've been looking for. mmhmm. (electronic sounds) oh my gosh. i know. how is this stuff so good? hidden valley ranch. ♪only serious about flavor.♪ shizuru? kazuki? wait...could this be...a date? [sfx: game pop up sound effects] i love... wcdonald's sauce? and you, kazuki! oh.. i-love-you-too!!! try new savory chili wcdonald's sauce. only at wcdonald's. [sfx: fireworks]
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>> jimmy: their album is called "adult contemporary." here with the song "lost and found," chromeo! ♪ ♪ ♪ remember steve he's such a thief ♪ ♪ he stole your heart
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and promised he would never leave ♪ ♪ and stephanie oh what a tease ♪ ♪ we fell in love and then we turned to frenemies ♪ ♪ remember rob was on his job ♪ ♪ until you caught him talking with your best friend ♪ ♪ and then there was simone i shoulda known she stuck around a minute then the next she's gone ♪ ♪ but you're the one that got away ran away ♪ ♪ when they thought that you would stay down ♪ ♪ i guess we both needed a change and it saved the day found a way out ♪ ♪ girl we've seen it all between you and i exes so lame they got no shame ♪ ♪ if they ever run into you and i they should apologize ♪ ♪ i was lost now i found you
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i was lost i was lost now i found you ♪ ♪ remember paul he's dark and tall ♪ ♪ and handsome but he ends up playing you for a fool ♪ ♪ and i won't even mention ella i could write a whole novella ♪ ♪ about the way she caught an attitude ♪ ♪ but you're the one that got away ran away ♪ ♪ when they thought that you would stay down ♪ ♪ i guess we both needed a change and it saved the day found a way out ♪ ♪ girl we've seen it all between you and i exes so lame they got no shame ♪ ♪ and if they ever run into you and i they should apologize ♪ ♪ i was lost now i found you i was lost now i found you ♪
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♪ i was lost now i found you you you you ♪ ♪ i was lost now i found you you you you ♪ ♪ ♪ girl we've seen it all between you and i ♪ ♪ and if they ever run into you and i they should apologize ♪ ♪ i was lost now i found you and i don't know what i would manage to do ♪ ♪ i was lost now i found you ♪ ♪ and i don't know what i would manage to do
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without you ♪ ♪ i was lost now i found you ♪ ♪ god only knows the type of things we've been through ♪ ♪ i was lost now i found you ♪ ♪ and i don't know what i would manage to do without you ♪ ♪ without you without you without you ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i want to thank oprah winfrey and chromeo. i want to apologize to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. thanks for watching, good night! ♪ this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight, the controversial liv golf. >> we are about to party! let's do this! >> byron: the rowdy tour rocking the world of sports. >> we're not from the country club. we love the game of golf. we're trying to have fun with it. >> byron: luring aw


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